"tTiuksDAY.; MAJICH 9, J 883. - ; NKy TERMS. From and after the 1st day, of Jan uary, the subscription price of tlie natch- will.be as follows : ' One Year, paia. in jwvaur t payment delayed 12 months 2.50 See ad. sale of land in Burke J. B. Watson advertises Mattress malt- MINING ; IIJ TELLIGEN CE. ' -- - ;i -1 t - r , f ,. ' T. K. BKUXEK MANAGER. ! DdniTs Mountain Shipped Monday, Gtluinst. sixteen hundred and eighty pennyweights of balli6n-5 days ran. The assays from new rein in office shaft, as follows : ayerage specimen, one han- i dred and sixty-nine dollars per ton. Best selected, specimen, four, hundred and ninety-six dollars per ton. The Sap t, Ponntr M,a determined to posh on I below vein, A Castltf of the Knights of the Golden BdTe is to be organized in this city in a few days, -c :-' ' ' . . :' -. --r- - :.:--.r--.. TheCeahty Commissioners have order- the County records. I ran levels and stope oat. It! will probably be a month before they will I begin milling the new pre. Ai new. section of tram road has been built and the cars are now damping ore on the! mill feed. DELINQUENT NOTICE. i North State Mining; Company. r I- The following 'described stock . is delin quent on account of assessment number One levied on theJicventecntli Day of Jan uary, 1882, and in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Company, will be forfeited absolutely to the use of the Company on Thursday the ninth day of March, 1883. . ... . No. of No. of Certificate. ' -Shares. ! . a.22 to a.81 incl. W Brandreth, tr'st. 100 a.623 ; Geo Dver. 25 J J Quinlan, f Nathan Allen, Win Brandreth, tr'st. -Geo Dyer, ! Wm Brandreth, tr'st; is . n -1 Tins IS A FACT : Hf 1 a.623 a.629 -a.630 a.632 a.646 i a.653 Borden GAVUbor, a.664-a.702 incl. Calvlnvf Cbwles, , Thomasville Mining1 Notes. Col. Wm. F. Beasley has just completed a survey irom inomasviiie to tne anveri a.705 a.711 a.713 a.727 L F Hubbard; i jj jjavis, . j -G WLongstaff. O E Fitzgerald, - 8: 20 20 10! , 25 10 20 14134 a 40 80 10 150 M. S. BROWN .af. fr tim nrPrvtion of Valley Mine the, object being to build fU. IWU IOI j,v - J I . . j. The tenant house burnt last week on the fimnof Mr. W. M. Barker, was, as wo learn, done by the torch of an incendiary, ; j: . ! O -r " 1 k nrntrra shouldered a plow from the .xmAifi iw front of Smithdeal's hard- wartfuhodse last -week,- in limboJ He now repents j Mr. Jotin HAilig lias purchased Mr. T. ErBrowti's iiiterest in the Li verly Stable. tTa 'and Mr.; Verble will conduct the business in future. . y a road to be run in connection wiiu tuo mine. "Ther say" it will bo built by July of this year.;. The mine lain opera tion, and is in a flourishing condition, j Tbe Eureka mine, and the Lalor mine are both in operation witn . gooa pros pects, -v . -'v. ,'.'..".: f . Several capitalists are making Thom as ville7 headoaartersandf thinrs look lively for the Spring. ! , ; I i Several other mines will be put in active operation very fioon altogether, - the prospects for Thomasville! district seem to be bright, and fhe miners are wearing more pleasing countenances. - a.983 -tFredE HunteV ; I t r 50 a.988liR AEUiot, ': iUl i 20 a.988- 1A PBultzs. ilrli U j. 120 Has Gone OSTORTH to BUY HIS a.994 a.995 a.996 00 500 tt T rr 1 . U.m HMRaney, t L Crowell Gold Mininz Company i . 36301 a.997. ! Copper Knob Mining ' . :Company?,t 85366 a.999 Nathan Allen, . 41 Wm Brandreth tr'str 42 43 81 to 73 01 . 31' I Amdng the week, worthy of stransre happenincrs of the of note, was the appearance Miain; by Assessment 4 1 a raait m Oar oihce looking lor a mis- timbrella. ' He was perfectly serious. 3 4 Mr. Sniithdeal is .fitting up an office at "No, no hoisting works--not if I know it You can fool away a good deal of good, hard coin on hoisting works." How in the deuce do you run tout mineT "On the assessment plan, sir. That's the latest and tie Operas House-under which he has I moJ' improTeu mciuou. u- I .1 r 1 - A 1 Mn A iii. j .: ii 1 1 u coou man 01 mo ionei. wuihiukb wo . 00 , 0 I J ft J . 1 X i- t n Tt is rninored that be will uou 6 neeu auJ worK1'? ei'Cd,k Wi' stored " pie men t si onen a branch hardware house in Moores- Tille, N. C. ' I O ; iTbe iiicific Guano advertised in anoth- rxolunlh, by Mr. J. Allen Brown, is the ii 1 . 1 1 same urauu nmt uo uas uecu uauunug for the last 16 vears. Those who have harfftofom honn-ht atill bnv. : o . - ' Df. M. Whitehead has returned from a trip north. .1 lie went on to nave nis case looked into by the experts of ftew York, Ileas been suflenng for some time, as I our! citizens know.. lie comes home in good spirits though not to any y-:V I o - t a-. . . ' j . !! Jl nil iim: ri 11 liiiii.. 1 uu win nra lub ( time your subscription expires by exam ining' the wrapper, or margin of this week's paper. Allcwhotro in arrears'are invited ; to pay up and begin with the odfance rates. " It is economy to pay in ' advance.' " Robbery. -Oni last Friday night the .3rd iust., goods to the amount of about $1(K- were stolen from tlie store of T. M. Phiterj neai Mount Vernon I?owan Coun ty consisting of pant goods, prints, sheeting, hats, shoes, cotton plaids, &c. A suitable reward will be given for the goods or the. apprehension of the thief a man in Virginia at $60 a month to superintend the location and write week ly letters, and I stay in Sah Francisco in my officeon Pine street, and levy the as sessments every sixty daysj that's as often as the law allows. I am the presi dent, board of trustees, secretary, treaa urer and everything more especially the treasurer. Of course I draw salary for all the offices, and when I get through draw ing salaries I turn tlie teat over to the a"cnt in Virginia to par off the hands. By not, employing any hands, he saves enough to pay himself. This is what I call " scientific mining, ,' sir. You get the silver out of . the pockets of j the stock holders and leave the vast argentiferyus and auriferous deposits in your claim for your children, who can go right ahead and develop the mine just as I soon as the public quit putting up, which isn't at all likely to happen. As long as the people are being born in Nevada and California my mine will ran on like a chronometer clock.77 "But.11 6aid the Utah man, ymy style of mining keeps lots of men at work." "So does mine," quoth the Gold en btate chap. ;"lhousands of men are working night and day to pay the assess raents. It keeps the country as busy as a bee hive," and the speaker sauntered Jo the telegraph office to order assessment No. 36. Den vet News- ; , i 1 . ; There is great complaint of tlie mail passing.throngh the Salisbury Post Office. Wo hardly know to whom to complain, unless we go to Washington. The Koute Ageill Jand Postmaster, are ' so closely alliedjHn the same nest f so to speak that it must be fruitless to appeal to him for a retification of the carelessness. -o- 1 Mr J. Rhodes Browne, President oftfie formerly; a resident of Salisbury while the Cotton I Factory was in operation. lie has bten a successful business man, and . the position now 1 held by him as President of the Georgia Home is only eaa mft the ni!inv nnaitinna nf lmnm nnA , j - - - w - w w ,tra8t held by him. Mr. J. Allen Brown is.agexit of the Company here. v ;Mr.J. Ml Clement of Davie County, purchased last Monday, the house and Ion.. 1 TT 1.1 T ton Criliire. with the view, a. w lparn nf occupying u. we hope- this is true. .Vhileat will rob Davie of her most in ' huenttnl man, it will bean addition, of iihporance to the professional and social f circles of Salisbury. vOur people will f gladlyl welcome this honorable and dis ij tinguBhedTtizenln'oar midst. Hazel Kikke. Thii perfect play, perfectly presented, delighted the j au dience which completely filled Tucker Hall last evening, and by maay, if not most, was adjudgeil the event of the season. The play is aoove criticism, and in its rendition by the Madison Square J431tol5J7 1 , 4i. - -n k r I l53ytol5oU It is a sermon irom tne stage, ana yet 8lo"fl 95toll0 j 112 'lie to 131 134 to 146 , . 148 toi40ij;r;f 1 154 to65 167 tO 182 205-tb 219 : 221 to 233 239 to 241 249 to 258 265 to 279 281 to 283 294 to 297 299 to 323 349 to 353 355 to 370 511 to 570 581 to 610 612 to 640 643 to 650 652' 657 to 660 751 to 794 796 to 845 847 850 to 852 854 859 to 853 860 862 864 to 866 868 to 872 874 to 878 881 to 886 883 to 895 909 to 915 926 to 933 949 to 956 964 to 965 971 to 983 989 to 991 994 to 995 J001tol027 1031 1033tol070 1076toll00 H06toll33 1136toll58 1146tol200 1206tol215 1219 1226tol230 1241tol250 12Gltol302 1304tol390 1401tol420 1428 to 4:33 1436tol438 1441tol460 1462tol471 1477tol485 1491 1493tol494 1496tol508 15Utol520 .0 4f do .do do .d- dbH do , do dp id? do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I do do do do da do doi do do do do do do da do da do do da dq do -do do do do do do do do do do do dO do do do f . do ' deep feeling and rollicking mirth go hand in hand, and wci laugh whilo yet we weep at the shifting panorama of the playj One feels better after seeing; such a play as Hazel Kirke, aBd is ready to add testi mony to the fact that Jt has worthily won its position in public favor. The orches tral music was admirable, and the gen eral taste shown by ; the management in the presentation of boquets and souvenirs is worthy of mention. New$ ft Observer. Form the above notice of Hazel Kirke, I as rendered in Raleiffb, we may promise our people," a refined, and elegant ; play and one which possesses a moral lesson worthy of imitation. The Madison Square Company will have a good attendance here, Tuesday the 14th Inst. s . '; Ti Third Creek Riot. This big riot turned out, to be a small affair affair after 111. j It seems that some negroes Circulated: a slanderous story on Joe Hdo.! , ne resented it, and all the negroes - in the-. neighborhood seemed inclinM to back up the slanderer. In this.wiay several of the young men of the place jsvere drawn into the "fuss." There was ( ery little fighting done, and Mr. Hyde I seems to have done that. He finall shot load of bird shot?, at one of ' the darkies-ono No 8-taking effect in his shoulder. A negro standing by returned iue saiute Dy three shots troni a re volver. ! I .The whole part vexceptiue Hvdfr Whereas certain slanderous reports have been circulated, and a charge made that Rev. A'. M. Brown, brutal; v whipped one of his jUidents, viz: John A. Hoffman, and the re- ports nave oeen 01 sucn & nature mat s meet ing of the Church Council of Bethel Chuch do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Oscir tlaumelslag, C J Cowles, Jes D Ellis, A A Fisk, H Faushave, 2321 to2322 i ,H E Fausliave, 2325to2332 G B Flint, ' ' F J Eppstein, F T Eppstein, H E Fausliave, M A'Hoppock, tr'st Ti.BruBer,s . Wm Hrandreth, I607tol609 lGlltolGIG 1619tol620 1631tol637 1641 to 644 1646tol647 1650tol675 1679tol706 1712tol7l7 1719tol740 1781tol787. 1801to207O 2096to2120 2122to2123 2125to2141 2143to2225 2227 2230to2231 2239to2293 2309to2313 2317 2318 2335to2339 2341to2344 2346to2352 2355 .2159 2361to2362 do do do do do do ! do do i do. j do j do, ' do r do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do fdp do do do do do 200 .,200 100 100 100 2900 100 :--f-900 i.f I have now in hand and ready for sale Mm V f - . s:l. 1o 1500 Will Sell you the entire Fall and Winter Stock AT ACTUAL JEW YORK COST! i 1 WILL NOW SELL ALL MY Hand Made Shoes at Cost ! Finb Zeiqler Shoes at 100 1600 1800 200 100 1200 1600 1500 1300 800 1000 1500 300 400 25Q 1400 1600 6000 8000 2900 800 100 400 4400 5000 100 300 100 200 100 100 300 500 500 600 800 700 800 800 200 1300 300 200 2700 100 3300 2500 2800 500 5500 1000 100 1500 800 4200 85 North 600 3001 The annual meeting of the stockholders 2000 1 f the North State Mining Company will be 1000 1 neiu ai me urace 01 me company in oaiis- 800 1 Dury Worth Carolina, on Wednesday, Marcn KM) 15th, at 2 o'clock P. M. EDWIN H. MULFORD, 18:4t Secretary. Cost! tSjT DONT FAIL TO Come and see low Clieaj they are Solfl. MEN'S HAND MADE SHOES, $5.00 This isJ business; to $5.50. M. S. BROWN, Mining Advertisments. ANNUAL MEETING State Milling Go. ! was called to investigate said charge, and af- 236602385. , Wm Brandreth, Couscit ter hearing all that could be produced Resolved, That we, the Church Council, agree, that nnder the circumstances, and the boy's resistance, Sthat he jdid not whip him more than any one else would have done un der such circumstances and that said' boy has not sustained any damaged Resolved Further. That these proceed ings be published in the Salisbury papers. I W. A, LiKXTZ, Cu, m. A. Al. Crcex, i D. A.Swink, M " J. A. L. MitLEuj j Akdrew Sbufino, XV. G. Miixer, Sec I A flr statement of the! Law by the Supt. and a rehearsal df the testimony, the Commit tee took Ihe mailer under consideration and found a verdict ef "Not Guilty.", i Resolved. That we the Committee have were before Justice Murnhv-ilast Saturi full and unabating confidence in Mr. ! Brown a teacher, thorouffhly competent to ondacl a scnooit iuu r-j a viincLiaia, enwrmin wnoni A 1 : 1 . x term pf Rowan Court. TO Rbls. Early Seed Iotatoes just re ceiredrat Kluttz Kendleman'a. we can conscientiously recommend to any com munity ! W. A. LcENTZ, Sec 8: Com; V2386 'N L Eawsorf. 2389 Wm Brandreth, 239Q -Wm Brandreth, 239lto2400 Peter Notman, 2401to2460 Wm Brandreth, 2462to2481 Wm Brandreth, 2582to2588 G B Flint, 2590to2593 do do 2600to2603 do do 2605to2611 do do 2612to2621 Wm Brandreth, 2623to2627 Lonis Seasongood, 2628to2647 J D Sprull, 2653to2657 W R Denslow, 2658to2667 M P Bestow, 2668to2698 Wm Brandreth, tr'st a704to7ib j do do 2918to2931 do 1 do 2036to2960 do do Etmtin II. Mdltord, I Secretary, Office 52 Broadway New York. 19:3t 200 1300 1000 700 2200 300 300 600 200 700 400 200 2G00 2800 600 2200 700 2500 200 1700 8300 100 200 6000 500 100 100 . ; 200 ' ' 800 500 400 700 100 ,100 200 2000 100 100 100 1000 6000 2000" 700 900 400 .700 1000 500 2000 '500 1000 3100 1400 1400 1000 VAHTEDAn experienced, capable man, not less than 25 years old, to take charge of a mine store Must be strictly temperate and have the best of references. Salary $000 a year without board. A mar ried man without children preferred. Ad dress by mail, Jas. E. Clayton, McKee Post Office, Davidson Co., N. C. 18:2t A. jr. KIGBT, C. B. . J. 0. XVHTHT, X. X. BIGB Y & MURPHY, i foil aii Construct! Engineer, . 78 avd 80 Broadway. Boom 49, JBEWYOBK. Examine and report apod Mines. Make Work in Plana aad Bnecifieatiens for the censtrawtioa of Bold and tilrer Mills, or will enter into Contractrfcr the erection of ame. r if- Mining Machinery and .snppliea purchased at lowest prices and prompt attention given to shipment. Or address JOHN RIG BY, 49:9m:pd High Point, N. C HARRIED. By the' Rev. R. L. Bown, at his resi dence on the 23d of February. 1882, Mr. William P. Arev, to Miss' Mary B. But- ner. Both of this countyi' On the 16th of February, at the resi dence of I the bride's father; by the Bey. Paul Barringcr, Mr. John P. Beaver and and Miss Catharine A. Correll. All of this county. At thelresidenoe of Mr. Wm. G. Wat son, Febl 16tht by Rev. R. W, Boyd, as sisted by lib v. G. B. Wetmore, D.D., Mr. Abner M. Rice and Miss Julia F. Lawrence. BUSINESS LOCALS Aspinwall Bannas at Northern Apples at !Valencid Oranges at A. Parker's. A. Parker's. A. Parker's. THEO. BUERBAUM SCXXjXj'JS ' IVTTNrTTT, $5.00. Edition 1882, for general information Penmanship. Social, and Business forms Book-Keeping and valuable tables for reference. l:tf History of Xto;?ra.ri County, BY KZV 9. VCMTUt Copies of this interesting booh may be had of T. r . KluTtz, Theo. Uuerbaum or at the Watchman Office. 1 f SO? HKT rift- With Cotton Seed, f t -J' 4ni- tut 1. STABLE &other,MNUfii; This Acid Phosphate is up to full standard. SOLD ON TIME FOR COTTON, OR CASH DOWN. Respectfully, J. D. 6ASKILL. si&iTus'AOTuaap.n o? . GOLD & SILYER GRKDING & AMALGAMATING MACHINERY HOLLAND'S PULVEEI2ES takes the plac3 of the cnmtersomeStamTi USU I And can be put up in one day ready for work . IT HAS BEEN FULLY PRO V JED & TESTED weR? comPlt pounds. It costs $1.50flLpeadr for the belt. WiU crush one ton per how of hard quaru mat win pass through a 4d-me8h screen. The wear Is few than to tho UunPmU Its wearing parta are plain castings and can be dropped into position In a few moments, as shown by letters a! B and C, no bolts pr keys are required fit can be set upon the floor of a mill with no exoenae for fntinrtntinna ! r.nhli,. to crush and work In charges or continuous. It Stamp Mills, Rock Breakers, MONEY SAYEDjsMONEY MADE rJT"Does not every body know that where a man has no house rent, nor store rent, nor clerks to hire, he can sell low? Go to J. L. WRIGHT for cheap FftTtllly GROOIHlII3IBf such as Bacon, Lard, Sugar and Coffee, Molasses and Syrups, Fish, Cheese, Crackers. Candles, Fruits. 60., 0. Sast Corner of Lee and Flshe streets. Lewis Brown's lite residence. J.L. W RIGHT. Khtf T SSI OWE EYEXntQ. TUESDAY, MARCH 14TH. MADISON SQUARE THEATRE IN TILE GREAT COMEDY-DRAMA, HAZEL EuRKE. SALISBURY MARKET. Josbna R. SerfasUa lawjerdndpromi- l bui; politician, was arrested -lat Easton, . PepnsylTaniaj on the chargo bf having .j, corrupt) j prodtired tho-'. vote bf a Colored J man kt the last presidential election. rWlKE OFCARDU1V makwirmv cheeks and Jplear romplexion8.f : J ' y ' A Thco, F. Kluttz's, Thantsgfving services trere held inj I Apples I een, per bus . led. per lb Bacon country, hog round, Butter Beeswax. . . Blackberries,. Wholesale. .9 79 ($1.00 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gkstlemak who-suflered for rears from I Beef. mnof nf f ti aIi rt p1iaa in n rrl t n 1 Sanilavl m VaraAlli HcHTI fTT To4-r kmmi-m rtrfv I COTTOK tor tne yaeen's escape irom an assassin's I , " . ; . Miaunw.. u it t e -i 1 ' & j ior me sake oisaneringnnmanny, send Tree to bullet. Special prayers were offered in au who need it, the recipe and direction for the Jewish synagogues, and atthe Catho- J making the simple remedy bj which he was U. M.odral in ? TTonoinfrfnii ftr fh i cored, butlerers wishuijr.to profit by the ad renisers experience can uo so oj aaaressing jn perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEK. 20:ly M Cedar SU New York. 4 MX 4 Retail. $1.09 a $1.25 a 7 Queen1 preservation, j . A trial nackaee of " BLACK-DRAUGHT w (rce of charge ! ,i . i e S 41 4 eo. J? ivmius, Subscribe for Carolina Watchman onljr $1.50 jjr ear iu advance. i'i luuur ....... Low Midline.... StAlned, Cora new Meal, 4 ColTCf Chickens,;..... .. EggS..i..i...;.-,. Flour,....f......... Hayv...i.i. Lard........... Porte 4.; rota toes J-lrtsli,. . do sweet..... Wheat, .1.. . 11 10 10 8 90 10c 14 IS 3.6C 60 13 8 80 SO 1.C0 S5 SI 10 - s 10 95 14 15 15 14 16 15 3.75 & 65 14 & 10 (4 90 Ml.OO 175 1.0C lAs 14 15 15 S.75 15 II 1.10 a a a a a a a a a "a 1.10 l.so is so to 4.00 is is 1.20 1.10 Ne&rlv 1.500 Conseeniiwe Repreoen- tations Throughout the United StateS Tie LONGEST RUN n RECORD TUB GREATEST PLAT, TUB ORKATEST BUCUJfiSS, BRILLIANT OVATIONS, DAZZLING TRIUMPHS. THE WHOLE WORLD ELECTRIFIED. THEATRES PACKKJJ TO Tills uuviw. SUPERB METROPOLITAN CAST. HAZEL GOES HOME TO EVERY HEART. Seats can be secured at T. P. KLUTTZ'S. Bessrved Beats $L00t Admission 75cts. MATTRESS &BP0M FACTORY! NATIONAL HOTEL BUILDIhu, SALISBURY, N. C. I am now manof acta ring Mattresses cheaper than ever known beforej TPrtces, $3.50, 54. oo, $4.50 $s.00, $s.00 and $7.00, according to size, quality of tinbincr a nr fllllnir. pillows. Bolsters, Ticking for same, and Feather Ticks made to order. Feathers furnished, or chang ed Irom old ticks to new. Old Mattresses Repaired. Measure or bedstead must be sent with order, also size ot pillows defclred. Confidential prices tor Mattresses to wholesale dealers. Corrceponacnce soucuea. BROOMS ! Broom corn will be made up on shares, or for mFoMnformatlon call at Dinning Room, National Hotel, or address J, B. W ATHON. f Refer to any of the business men of Salisbury. :lm pamaUn? Pans and Separators for Go; vrea, i;nioruuzinff cheap and .effectlTe mill ; It requires ishorse power rs, crushing Rolls, AmaU -in for Gold and Rlivp Furnaces. Retnrbi. Rnnir rtriiia Air Compressors. Steel Shoes and Dies for Stamps, and erery descrip tion of Frames for Stamps ; also Improved Double " or ; 8INCLE CYLINDER HOISTING ENGINES, With on Without Boimrs, Wiu oa Manilla RorX'DacMS. X3T Specially adapted to Mining In- We construct Mills with Stamps weighing from 860 to too lbs. lot gold and sllrer ores. Wtt er Dry Send for Ctreuitir, Crushing Moitars. 48:ly Warerooms 92 and 94 Idtcrty Street, Nework, From to-day wo will commence reducing our LARGE FALL STOCK OF GOODS A T PRICES-TO SUIT EVERYBODY? :.. . ' CLOTHING AND SHOES Will bo sold regardless of cost. Just received a lot of i Foster's patent lace kid gloves;'! In Black and Colors. If yoa want 4 Now is tlie time to got it. We havo a largo line of Fresh Saniiles Snpcr Ectr and Tli roe-Ply to select from. ' 'j JONES, McCUBBINS & UU. and Prices. - 16:1 v 0 Sf OTIS PAJK S"? SEED STORE To every man's doorv If our SEEDS are not sold In your ?own. drop usa Postal Card for Handsome Illustrated Catalogue Address D. LANDRETH & SONS, Philadelphia, : r 4 it. 1 1 '1! - r . H - 1 : - J" 1. urn 44- : , i: ri.:i!; !. - 1 i

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