j- p 7- f ! - - . 1 - : - - , ' ! : - - - . ;-- :J . - - ; - i. " I ' 1 02 1: -Sail-Si ' - . f ; t " 0 . THURSDAY. MARCH 16. 1883. KKW TERMS. ml nftftr the 1st day of Jan nary, 182. the-sabacription price of tha Watclt- wiltiVkA'iia follows: ' a yynient delayed 3 months, 2.00 We hare been shown a enrions medal lion, found by Mr. RIbelib under ground, a few miles from this place. It is made of Copper, the size of k silver dollar, and bears on the obverse L a profile like- ness. head and shoulders' of the celebra- ha8 Sone North ted William Pitt, with die name. GrLi- wiUl tbe Company, ... - ' . i . r MINING jiNTEfclilGENCE; ' - j T.K. BBUNER 'MANAGEK. Dr. C M. Eames, of tlpe N. S. M. Co. on: business connected elmts Pitt, engraved inj lioman letters. On the reverse, ard ! engraved in1 raised Roman letters the Wordd: j - j a ' Sment delayed 12 months 2.50 ,f Mman.wno, nming saved the parent, Effort! are being made to secate a new postmaster.; -o Sfessiri Meroney arid Bro. are laying atone lavements ih front ; of tneir stores. I j i. o success for her children Doutless referriugfio services, rendered j his E. S. Caldwell and wife of New York are here. Mr Caldwell is looking at the auriferous lands of this and .adjoining counties. ' : i Pitt's craminent i country, while Mr, Mich. Ilblshoaser showed us a map otherwia impfoving Iuuiss Street, i ? -o Prime Minister of Georgd 'III, daring the of his gold mine 64 acres, on which are wars witli France andto!hisv sneeches in en veins. The tract lies south of fcai favor of the independence of ' the Aroeri- isbury 9 miles. The ore shown with can Colonies during! their contest With map was exceeding iich,v resembling the f!iir mnther ennnri-v. T - ' - ' I rich stringer in the Crowell Hill mine. - x . t; i . " ' XIIA BKUISaU llllll 141.1 LI1U IjUl.r.ni r ; " -t . Mf.. Jo3jn Ai Boydenfis repainting and t .bnte of: patriotic impulse to the memo- .They had a kraall break at the Reimer r ..... ....jw . , - . . cheriHlied bv everv Uv at libertv. Lord ajs n l concencraung uoase as . - r- -- - j -. sr, I -: : i 5 . -. Macauley pronounced him the, greatest 800tt aaue aainage can pe repairea. ie parliamentary leader, that ever :Hved, uiu w wo uiu..wi,w.j w.,u- oni roi'i.;. nn,r.ruf t mA-1 r.H Wcter. abd this mine will soon be added to gieater than that jf;anf v CroWncd liead the self-sustaining minea of the country, in Mi rone. -1-T' ' r'.M" : --- t ' 1 . I " ;r It U '.time to hea nominations for Thig cariosity is in the I possession ef Abetter from Supt: John F. McKee of i Charlie, alittle granflson of iroadfie)d, who died in- Hickory, w ierreu litre iast luuisuay. llsyor Vnd Commissioners for r.R. II. as in- . fiing year. The cotton iaciory k the en- M Jobn wManneyither'preient. tbo Conrad H Mine There are, doubtless lots of I We dp not rememlbler; pf bajiqgseenuch Mille in Montgomery, Co., is reported as sus- . Dndiug operations. We -presume it is only a temporary stoppage. o- On yesterday, :14th inst., as our . mana- teppjng the 103 clirlinrv Riot Between Whites and Blacks, uown tue underlay, shaft a distance of , i ; J f 1 170 feet on an incline of about 40 degrees. if-- THIS IS: A FACT : - J J V. v- is ::-M:;:S.: BROWN 1 Has Gone-ISroil,TII to !BXJ"5?T ECIS a relic before lMiTi: ! we wouia ro' . and if. anv of our readers i Vij W trioAAn nr (V. . 1 irora a DUCKennsnan ai ; . J - - - ; ' I fnnt lavel tta ttliinl Mrirl toll !" ': ,t3l ,ati j a .-.if CP f. 1 J Jj Sy ten 1- 1 1 : f4 f 1 ft. 't- I have now in hand and rjpady for sale f - fj. i Mr. Hall Caldwell, wlp returned from The bottom of the shaft being full of wa- W 111, b6 1 1 V Oil tllO QD tirO T all and Wllltef SlOCK Amosl Penniuger, near Ieili's Mills, a trip on the Western! N. C. Railroad; er, broke his j fall and fortunately Mr. any one last Saturday mgnt, reports a serious v,aJluu ,cttl cu 00,IUi ,bju,,w "uu i I . w if. . f : I r.L- :tt 1 it : cat his fbot with an axi, acciden ,lar last Sveek. With careful treatment the foot. m.iy be saved. Most an v time that you step into the Mt. Veriou Hotel, you will find the halls rrnvrded with drummers. It seems to be a favorite resort for them. A colored road hand Jiad his hand mashed asi Monday, while coupling cars at this dept."" His- hand was caught be tmen the bmriDers. and mashed into a c-i - j . . - j pulp.!' ! ;: ! be all right again. m a ie rare instances of a man's falling such distance without se rious results.'! " The Sable' : gang so busily engaged I riot' at Third Creek station, between pn Jew uays.wm whites and blacks, in ' "Which a hundred -This is one of tl people were engaged and a lively engage ment - with pistol8:.and shot guns was kept np. The row was started Jy an at tack made upon .a yching white raan, recently returned j from Texas,; by a negro, lie ueienaeu i nimseii wnen several neirroes came to: the rescue of I ' i ! " ! their friend, and tfie whites seeing this, also took ahand and the row soon grew to uc nui. xuo iwuu yiuuw I f.i, -vK oif t;; , ;n grupueu jur ami uioj ounsuui j i.u- heId at the otfice of the Company in Salis- mediately for the scene. Twenty-four of bury, North Carolina, on Wednesday, March AT ACTUAL flEVV YORK CdST ! i . . I .' : , . ' ' ' '"..-. ' ' . . - V . .- ' j : -, 1 .' '. . : .-'!..: f- .' ' ' J ' '.. ' . . " ":. r- '.';!::.. !; J ' - ' , j ' r- - . 1 rn;-l ' STABLE Mining! Advertisments. lANNUA MEETING North State Mining Co. ! i The annual meeting of :the stockholders throwing mud on the streets arolworkiug ti,e rioters wer&, arretted, carried to out their poll tax. Some hard talk about Salisbury and put in Jail, f Several negroes the expense ot throwing muti at mis iimoj wel8 badly, but not fatally shot.-TCon- of the year is explained in the fact above J COtd Sun. Stated, t j; . ' lt is guirirested that the next board of Alderroau ; revive the chain gang. In stead off sending a man to jail land feed ing him lor failure to pay fine, put him f in tiie chain gang and letfhim work it out. That wpuld be a bit of eeonomy in the town government. Quarrel Kesults Deaths. - i in Three -o- On Wedhesdav! last nvo men were raising a barn, in. 'Rowan; county, when a succession of tragedies occurred from a quarrel between ?two of ; the workmen. John Held and Peter Josephs quarreled j when Helds threw jan ai j at Josephs, the keeiv blade litterally jBplitting his head in twoj scattering his brains and killing him instantly. AsJIeld threw the axe he lost bis foothold and fell . from the The Country around Bilesville is being laid outf in lots or squares. Our friend Chas.lVeile has purchased a lot ; ftnd the Stanly (j leaner very thoughtlessly asksj 'What is np." It is queer that the Gleaner does ' koiltnderstand iwhat is up. Most buildingj breakiugjhis jiejck. Three men were uu Uio giuunu iti! iu umc Diiuics -o i Cenhas. Kichard iVHey and JSed sJilan- a ? ford engaged in ralfeing a heavy log. Thev became so I much j excited at the tragedies thev had init j witnessed that Cephas lost hisbold on' tlie log and caus ed it to fall. As it came down it caught any oue tonld guess. .. Post master Ii tingle told nte that he would give up tjie post omce lnaniriy days. Why t we asked, liecauso there is mucH j complaint. We care very little about who is postmaster, so the office is centrally located and; kept in a Wiley and crushed his manner becoming to the place and peo ple who live here. ' ! 15th, at 2 o'clock P. M. EDWIN H. MULFORD, 1 Secret a sy. SALISBURY MARCH 15th 1882. The above meeting was adjourned to the 19th of April 1882, at the same hour and place. 11. .Lames, Jr., Assis t Sec 22:3t. ! , X. JT. KIGBY. C. B. J.- Q. MURPHY, E. M. RIGBY & MURPHY, Mininrr and Constrnctii iiineers, 78 and 80 Broadway. Room 49, , NEW YORK. Examine arid report upon Mines. Make Working Plana and Specification I for the construction of gold and pilver Mills, or will enter into Contracts for the erection of same. Mining Machinery and supplies purchased at lowest prices and prompt attention given to shipment, r Or address JOlhX IUUIiY, 49:9m:pd 'High Point, N. C. Hand WILL NOW SELL ALL MY " ' '.; . Made Shoes at Cost ! Zeiqler Shoes at Cost I ! 15?" DONT FAIL TO Coie anfi see low Cieaj they are Soli. MEN'S HAND MADE SHOES, 4-'"BBBT QUALITY . Fine $9 This is busioeas. .00 to 5.50. - j ; M.S.BROWN. abdomen, inflict- For the Watchman. Querrr, ing injnijies froni flticlij he lied. Qf the five men atwmkjoin tiej building, only two remained alivei 0reensbora Patriot. Asheyillo Cilhcn : Thot is a sugges- ; tive fact jpresented by the locket of the Superior 'Court of Mecklenburg, where What ia the cause of Salisbury not hav- nprrmn, foml Sixiii.nteil f..r ti.A tv- ing any factories I ., , ' .t e . ! When e look around and see our sis- nble crl?e of raarder' ter towns advance in enterprise, prosper- The CUeDit of TEXAs.-The people of ity and wealth, advance ahead of old t, t.L,c. Cft. ' u r i .i ii the Lione btar otate has reason -to eon solid Salisbury, tho above question na- . turally comes to one's mind. graiuiawj iiiisiuhcivcs uu mo prvsiwio Charlotte has several manufactories condition of their Mate1 and its Ingti readers to show j howi things roir by doi well Concord has a large cotUm ia a cagh bahncein theTreasurv amount travel. No toundaHoq at all for the lat- ,nil ttsfatesville a tobacco wehouserl 8 a . Cel" 1 an,0"t' former the Hickory two tobacco warehouses, a large ,nS 10 neany uvo minion uouars. i ne tobacco factory-, and wagon manufactory, otate is anxious to redeem its indeDtet -Newton has just now made on a capital ness bv i the purchase of '."Its outstanding stock of $30,000 for a cotton mill ; Ix- bonds, but the lioldera'of these bouds The'above are two specimens' of news. paper, or informants extravagance. We have already published, the facts in both cases and only cive the above to our ter-4-aZi false ; and of! -the facts are exagerated ter fold. Mr. John P. Silliman came in the otlier dajr and' paid up his subscription. As he did so ho remarked that he had been taking pie watchman ever since Hamilton C. J one's day. He and a few others in this county have been subscri- l bers to this paper: ginjee it w'as founded in 1832. p .i. . - v-. r- lr f n o : Tli Afiidiann Rnnnrft' ('nninnnr fnllv. satished Jheir halisbury audience in the 1 'lhe proposed amendment to the con- iDgton is the happy owner of a $20,000 r , e , - ;, 4l .n splendid Irehearsal of Hazel Kirke. They stitution of Iowa, fpjoh luting tlieeale of stock company that buy and manufacture 7 . - - had a fair house. ' Oue ' vounc man in intoxicatiuc liquors, hsis passed the lower tobacco, which compauy not only paid tor uo''V ' nitrtlciil -ni.i t fmm pi.vinftA - nn-1 brmipii nf tu Tfrin tUrft b .1 vfA nf buildings, nmchineiy and stoeK but even Congress, has been, in" session about ,,.. .Y Uv..vu. y.r,llv,u I a - -j : i r !irp ill v- dfiu nf 1U rir iif i . i 1. noyed the audience by laughing in the 164 to 29, and no W goes the people for thA rRt vMrf itRinf:if TinP. WIV three months, and in the, House or Kep iuo uimsi ui uie most aneenntr parts, ranncaiion. , ? i L - i men nave we no lactones nerei iiv tnei . r Hisstylf is not admired by! Salisburv m vv'i' iSi . .' i . way, I ask your pardon : Messrs. Payne, one hundred and fifty-one bills and joiut audiences. Jr. Harry Warner had wo fingers cut anu some ngures ot saints appeared 'nty. been offered in the Senate', inetcntl.s of from hisl ! right baud, one day last week, n.ng glory on the whU:of a poor hovel "551 .ouses the vfind heir these ar4 fur private claims: No better rCkt. TT i I iiili:iltitri. hv a mnn nimipil .Innoa ; TTrtn. I i . 1 i I . . . . -it' .. I- t uu vi ouuiio. no nuBBiiwiuir some l rJ w . l worK rKinuuf rallVB. liUL WIIT ll.ive nnnl rnmnt.ia iimvIm nt r innptcttvnf mini mall bits of wood rat a table circular: a dre(ls flocked to see the wonder, among larger factoriesi Is there no home capital t Lfhor iripH. f iH.nnh.ifr Jf ni-ivftti tnd i tnrnrd nit iasi t.n nvrf. it wi.nn ihk"u nm nuumieu iu: ine anarinieni ur I v.. . . -:i . . . i - Uli an unthouirht-of crack, and that the tirrTft .T' c, "ric aispasays uiattue w ' J I CI U1D aUU ULI1C1 B. UU11 III ULU L1ICV IT II II 111 I. ..,i..i, "ui r. total snnnKage in stocts, at marketTOJue j it, when he ran his hand agaiust the saw ; taking off tlie second and third fingers near the Phenomena were as natural as shadows. . it i hand,!aud cutting thumb and I fore-finger severely!, i,; !. O ) ! Some fnxiety was for a few days felt here by the friends of Mrs L, V. Urbwn" of Denton, Texas, who telegraphed back to her friends somethiug of the swolen ii condition of the Mississippi, and tho dif ficulty-ojf reaching her -proper railroad connections. Later news show that after) considerable loss pf time and out-of-the-wiiy travel, she had reached her home in IV 1 o . ! nnbscribo if thev tiYinld nni'ii tliAir AnvAxvVi Tnr -tvn Rvunv iv money bags. So if w have ivleuty of 81,1 ce the preseut declitfy- Hasten lpnn r it i . . . i iiivuvj iivit. him iucu iuiio vi u ii ini lie i iiiiill. cqiiiiimicu uii ouuu.uw.uw. vuo v..w ....v. VI V... .Ut. V. . . KKU.U 1 J . . . .... . . II - - . , - a i r i ' A -r .1 . . "icwiriTOi oupjiosts uau a couon mm operator: put 100,000 in' Denver alone, fiirnipra nn S:vr.ni'iav rliar. if tiio won f nor I i - .1,... ... cmu I 1 1 . 1 7 . - j . . Jlrlc null tllTD CllllUi;UIC"l W i.y I 1 i 3 .1 ..i. fill 4.:. .i e. i.' - I .i Tofwi " ..TJ i i uuuuuiv uuiiiu w.is wi icu uuv. aiivio IUUUUUCU UlVUlilUlU 1I BUUUUI 81IIJI JICU8 1 1IICOI3 .JV Wll IU UCCU fily I . i ll ' ' e i . in n week or ten dvJ TIi nmU rt, .mw 50 dwelling Louses, at S75 yearly, rent "u cuuiiS t. ue.cu from two" 'to fWo innh. n.l f filling wLi.cb..wuM boT50 lnole tb the selling of stocks, whicaonnts . almost r.niiir oni..if f i t f capitalist. 1 Iiese i:00 persons would need to a craze. To-day -it js., this stock, to- ...L..u.,,, ....v. i --- i.iuv. - i s.iij,;suu per year ior crfceries and sjsuu Com- tor clothes, shoes, etcJ I his will make ers he says, were never better. mercial News. morrow that, and. so .on,,; through the list. Strike of tlie Steel Men. - i New York Herald. The trouble $30,150 disbursed here! where there is not AU ar0 attacked and, aUbeud before the oue cent spent to-day.1 These 200 people I blows. : .r f1! with their necessnrv S.lSflTniiwlifnivs mhwhbbmmbb would contribute to the different churches about 1 per cent, of jthose $30,150. or $301.50. They would furnish 50 pupills to BUSINESS LOCALS A large lot of Mouutain Beef-Hams cheap at A. 1 arker s. Nice country Hams, just received at A. Parker's. Another car load Corn just received at A. "ARKER S. Another airival Northern seed potatoes at -: T A. Parker's. THEO. BUERDAUM 3 MAJTTJATi. S5.00. Edition 188?. for general information Penmanship, Social and Business forms Book-Keeping and Valuable tables fur reference. l:tf & other. MANURE. it ' t v::t: i This Acid Phosphate is up to full standard." 1 SOLD ON TIME 1 r, FOR COTTON, OR CASH DOWNv .; i "iv i-.-i to ! Respect fullyy it. 5M J. D. GASKILL." -i ':..4r H--"" '1. - N--t-) , HAITUPCTTTHSEO .0?. GOLD & MR GRINDING & AMALGAMATING : MACHINERY HOWLAND'S PULVEEIZEB takes the place of the ciimhsrsoaa Stamp. 14111 auu etui ww put up in ona o.ay reaay r work " 11 ; IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVED TESTED , ,ei.J : dVw?ffl Jt costs fijw ready ttt """V1. "t" i.iuou vncwu fjcrnouror nard nnart that rin . IlflSS throitf h 4ft.mpsh unvn " ! yuar HIM Will OUUU) 111 Lit. dropped lht floor of a mill with no expensefor fonn-JP?.2e-?? th 10 crush and wort In charges or conUnuT-irii moT V . . nate either 501a or sliver onfaldDjr Ti Zt cbeao and effecUve mni itLZZtZ???- unpie. ; History of Rownn County, BT RKT I. RCMFLK Copies of this interesting book niaj be bad of T. F. Kluttz, Theo. Bukubaum, or at the Watchman Office. DIED,. A i. . I i ua. u m-m a-u a m ma iruicu nas arisen between DV"J""v CIC Tin.,.;nW.. nir..!. r saiulcinploycsattl.eBMse- " -r;"'-; after an illness of . ; j ---i .nit iito. oiuvMtuiueiH us 1 . j. .. .- ,, 1 l-o TTnmotnnl T I . . . . " . Itronr li'ltli Pun on innfmii " Arrrd Where else in n"T- -""""i' the 9th inst, Andrew about one about 19. In providence Township, very snd- 1 Tiie cornet lias leeirfonnd to inert tlie irant!ofa steady, reliable, pure toned the Protor leader for rlinrnl mnsn. Mr. V. 1 AWn'i I-"" yiuwwUf .uu- macn mtemt ftere as anv ..1 sL. ;xv' ;.i i . . . I svlvauia threatens; to draw into it thou-I the South, ami tli.it ia nhnnt. 20 nr int years. i'uijiiifr9ii me I'resoyierian cnnrcii nasi" . , . - , j . 1 , , . , r , , . , 'Li, . ? . . . I- . . Kfinilil nf nprsmia nlui nrn nnf. in nnr- wntr 1 WU1CU IllUSt b COUSH'ered a L'Oml 111 veRt- nuueu greatly to the music and has done . ' Jft .,7J.:i ment. One cood factor would Tbe th cause denlr, oh the 25th of January last. Mrs. ffiuch ttt induce eongregationaT singing. , ; vu lue V- of other factoriesXeii built here. Two Rachaell Peeler, wifo of Geo. II. Peeler, "Br readmit of the Sumlnv nhn,A thAZ "omesceau ;uie men nave strncK be- hundred additional, consumer mirr1,th Esq., agedG8 years. The deceased has he has taken charge of tho S mnsc,lnd wil lead tho cornet. fiNew books have been ordered fb the Ichool. !t , S ') f ' interested or concerned in " At Homestead ihe men ha n da v school caase propvietors; find that owing to increased indefinitely ind Salisbury thus beeu a consistent member of the Lntlieran K i -ii the improvemoiltsjfn niachiuery they can become a manutaetuiing centre. We church for- many yearsand lias gone tOi chool ;witb di 0 hud y.6 hxhinnsed with the !iv iu, as finea; country as there is reap tl reward ot the faithful. I I . - - .. 'tr..., . , . , in tue outheru states. 1 here are in th services of a portion of their skilled grouud untold treasuijs of minerals. W the e Mixikg Property. Persons u - ii- t Mrs. Wmg. Brown has had green n A n V ! 1 ii '... Lll .1 . jiiiiitwfB jin Biuaii quantities an in they inter. Last fall she noticed th vines were hanging full of green toma- the having to oom toesi.aid hoping to ha,vo them had the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Have you ever noticed how few of the Tines taken up by tlie roots and bung Steel Workers, one of! the most powerful yjng men stay in Salisbury T North Car thera itf a drv cllnrr T!, tin.nn. Ia4r or-anitiiis in thWWntrr. and a ?llua can. !"ole native- i worKiogmen, uiung iu uieir places men harem soil second to hone, a soil that will unuim: bronerty to sell would do well . . I .. m. t..ii. J A.! I . l ... u I . . r- . . to- ffiio are uoi BKiiiu,uui.uuswer meir pur- " w jiuo least expense, i advertise it. We propose to give5 r .-I --- i ii hrini rniT.li itimwi cmni vunr nftc. I. . i . rougn poses just as weii, uuu 10 wuom wiey oi 1 T to such notices, to be kept standing un at l,er cpur8e W I.S. Wje., Th. case of 2'tf!2Zt i tho teneral cantioD of Fnor buucicis i leva uccu espoused by the health is good. 1 iem itf a dry cellar ertiks ton Sale." The cost of such notices will be inoder The tomatoecou- labor organizations in the country, and a rri.: Th6se haviritr nroneities the value of . . . - i . .1 - . 4 1 ILL. - i 11 U 1411 -UTCIO IU lllO Httlia III IUI5 U.l lllllll I . , " " o nnueafo ripen and the Smaller ones to strike lias beeu jordcrtsd in all the mills than anv State iu thelUnion. vet tUv an which is not Generally known, should grow. Wp saw last week tomatoes taken in Pittsburg itiliwhichj any member of there from other Stites. Why do the cive references to reputable persons . ironj irjese vines. This is a valuable bit tho Homestead; Com f ijSPt and those -favorably sitna- Tho effecof this will tetl (iiuiy avail theiiisvlrcs of this; dlk joiis Jiar. i ! x veget it andlkrepj pute isTsctted income way, ro throw np- tany is inleiested. young men go to Mississippi, Arkansas, known io be acquainted with such mat i. .iiB. .Ha, and Texas Because i they have no field . i, . 1 , , : . .. be, unless the dis . eXDCna their enemies. tr8- T1,ia PaPr 1138 a && circnjatioj here to expend their e'uei iries. Aam I ask, why have we uo factories among mining men isorui, anu in ion the able fresh all the ward of six thousand mcnvont of employ-1 in Salisbury t Pleaseu.ay somebody an-1 State, ahd can be of service iu the way j ; . racntaud to injiirc a vW great industryv' swt'rtliis uucsliou." . Forward. Jpvoposed. v - ' 1 MATTRESS &BR00H FACTORY! " , NATIONAL HOTEL BUILDING, ! SALISBURY, N, C. - - I sm now manufacturing Mattresses cheaper thin ever known before. &r Prices, t&so, S4.oo, $4.M $s.oo, $4.oo and $l.co, according to stzs, quaUtj of tictlnir and fllUnir. pillows. Bolsters, Ticking for same, and Feather Ticks maae w oQier. x eauiera iutjubucu, ur cubuk ed from aid ticks to new. ' , Old Mattresses Repaired. Measure of bedstead must be sent with order, also size of pillows desired. Cbnlldentlal prices for. Mattresses to wholesale dealers, correspondence soucitea. BROOMS! Broom corn will be made up on shares, or for money. For information call at Dinning Boom, National Hotel, or address j, . w a i aum. Kef er to any of the business men of Salisbury. Si :lm . . j--.. t ' ; FOR SAI.fi. 'All the title of representatives of II. Laver ty, deceased, derived under alignment of Os car Willis aud Ketnp P. Willis, to the foiWw- inj? property: - . Tract of land upon the Crack ford, York District, South Caroling, known as "Brown's Mills." Also, several tracts in Burke Co., N. C.,Jupon Broad River and elsewhere, compris ing 12 or more entries and patents, of 640 acres each. Also, tract on Broad Biver known as the "Nichols Gdld Vein Mine." Address W. J. M EBKITT & CO., 2Wm P.O. Box 3668, New York City. SALISBURY MARKET. Apw.es green, per bus ... dried,-per lb Bacon country, hog round, ....... Butter. Beeswax Blackberries,.. Beef Cotton Good Middling,... Widllng, Low Mldllng...... Stained, , Corn new Meal, Coffee,.. Chickens, Eggs,.. Flour, Hay. Lard Port. Potatoes Irish - ido sweet heat r... ... Wholesale. S 75 $1.00 $1.09 4 & to tl to 11A 9 10 10 10 H 8 4 9 90 (4 5 1.0C . IOC v 1.15 14 14. (9 1$ 15 13 & 15 15 SM M 3.75 8.75 U H 1$ 14 15 8, H 10 11 8 (4 0 1.0V 60 (fi 100- 1.00 . 1.C0 c i w KetalL a $15 a T a 15 5 a l.io 1.20 -a l a so a so a 4.oo is ' it lJfO 1 4- ' mj . II- rd qt milt TtAwoflrtnrtuirti.. 1 W Ml into ration inVfewm I it can 'be set unon th i w.uu uu cAiieiHB ior Joondatlons. and can ia 7ttw work In charges or continuous. .Tit wSi ate either gpl3 or sliver ornfaklng Ti lS leap and effecUve mill ; ltreavdrettt hnnL Uirmn Mm. itK.tr i 2 ' i"1.8.1 nors power galnldngPaTsalripIr; ures,Chlorldlzlnff .FjnetorSBoS KSg 'mpressors, steel Show and dim for 8tamr Bd eTerr.descrWh Uon ot Frames for stamps : also R laproved Dmbl ' SINGLE CYLINDEP HOISTINB WES, With or Witboct Bouj:A8,) Wim or Mikiu.a Kon DarnF. I OT Specially adnptH to' Mining J V ... - -Urtt$. . i . I- s J 1 We construct Mills with Stamps weighing from sw to 900 lbs. Toxoid and Eflvcr orrs. Wcf r Bry Crushing Moitars. Send fl drcvUtr. i 1 i Warerooms 2 end Lilcity t2ct,Nt,wTorkL ! 48:iy ' --: M jl'-Kj.r-i: .1 1 1 . I ! I. ' ' v JOPES, LlcGUBBINS a GO. Have receired a few, nhd in'ahort time will liavc their entire' Spring; Stock of Oootl wlncn will oe the t ! j MOST COMPLETE -V-H . , , 1 :n ''j'; r THEY" IIAVE EVER OFFETED TO THE PUBljlC. -:o: GUANO! - ! s WE" ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH TIIE CELEBRATED ' " ;' ' i their I -' This Fertilizer stands among the highest in analysis. Farmers will find itj to adrantage to call on ns. We can give yon special terms rbetter than !jou can gtt any other standard guano. . I ' j ..; v r :- - JONES, McCUliliiJNSS & C0. We are still Agents ior BALDWIN'S AM3IONIATED DISSOLVED BONES This Fertilizer is well known throughout this coramuiiity for. its unexcelled qualities. ERRORS OF YOUTn. A Gentleman who snflered for years from Nervous Debility. Presiati'iik Dixiav, and all the effect of toniliiul imliicr-lion, will for the sake of mfltiing luiniaKily,ieiul fref to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the pimple remedy by whii-U lie wsa cured. 'Ruflerer wUliing lo profit l tlie ad- verlincr1 rxerHnrecnn ! I nodi win in iwrfcct ftMifideiuf . JOlin 15. OUULN,1 20: 1 r Ccda r St .. New Yorfc, MONEY SATED ii i i HONEY HADE '4 !' 1' w wow vw. everr doqt Know 1 nai wnom mnn has no house rt-nt. nor store rent, nor clerks to lure, he can sea lowr Go to j. L weight for cheap j sucVas Bacon, Lard. Sur 'and Coffeft MoUssm and Syrups, Fish, cheese, Crackers, CaihIIps, lruirs. fccJCo E.ist Corner ot Ie awl MhIkt sfrvrbC I"" nwnu a uw H.T1UCH. . J.L.WKlCHT me P I : J fj - A If -1 it. 1 s -

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