I :- 4 : i . i 4 - 1 - ' -I . -,-''! ! 1 '" . ' ' - - . Si' " i-- ;" 1 1 1 1 'Am V- m X i: ' , 1 t - ; 1 '.- t ! ;... . J ... I J- ' ' - - 1 T I ..-i- - "i 1 t. -. A. : j - At the colore! convention here on liist Satiirtlhy.to nppoint delegates to the Gold&boro Gonycnlion, a rcoln tjon was adopted censuring ; Collec tor Everett for not! putting colored men in office. Everett xlidr Tapyoint QnVcolorcd storekejjper jand assign him to a distillery near ftowu here, and we have been told that some of the "stalwart Repubiicans" were so !isgustedl at the) jdea of-" a nigger store-keeper, that they in'cuced one of the 0 i A Small Pox Preventive. j Th LouisvilleOncr-buntaZ re fatet the following: i . j Aft instance of the efficacy of cream tartar as a prophylactic against the in fection of small pox, has been recently demonstrated in a prominent family hi liouisyille. v Several weeks ago a case of small pox was developed in the hoasc, and was sent . -Iiospital promptly a to the eruptive soon as the na- ture 'of the disease was established be yond a doubt, but not before all the members if the family hail been ex posed to the contagion for two or three days. By the advice of a friend, the ; family. was induced to driirk. freely i JnA nAnn nf frottm Inrtflr wnfer. in i P ?il...iiiinnnr(inn tf on nnnfp fn .1 nint I VUV ' VV1 kl VU w j w - - w " J f of water Every memberjof the fam I ily has so far escaped! while the coach- man, who waited occasionally on the sick man, and who did not drink the 1 cream tartar, contracted the disease, I and is now a patient at the pest house. lAil fear of the reappearance of the I disease in the. family 1 has been dissi pated, andthe use ofjthis simple reic ; cdy as a prophylactio and a modifier of small; pox is recommended. r Reports fom all sections of North and sustain our WILCOX, GI15BS & CO.'S ' A A. . .1 . 1,1. 44 Ml I rtil f I panners 10 uraw h wpnf " bein" unk f the concero rather than submit . at law of . -- ' .i .-'-' ! liotnrr nnK a it.W nston ScnIineL - I.... 1 . - , ! . . i ' ' I t AHEAD I AG AIM AS j Is the BEST and Most Reliable and CHEAPEST Fertilizer in use, and that the WILCOX, GIBBS & C0.'S SUPERPFO SPHATE, which we put out for the first time last i'liospnatc on the JViarkct. t . j . ! . 1 J It is not necessary for us to say anything about thicse Fertilzcn jis the reports which might be obtained from bur agents, or ourselves, coyer tlie vlli&H subiectl and will ara- J ply repay pcrusil. We will have a mmlerate supply bf eachhich can be obtained 4 from our Agents, payable injCotton next Fall. If there is no Agtmt at jour Railroad I Depot, net vour merchant to order it. it 16:2 m MERRYMANS' a- 1 I 500 BAGS F01 Cotton f l has maintained the same high standard and given universal satisfaction for 20 years. It j is almitte.l to bo best in use. Persons wishing to use,it Svill please forward us their or- -v ....... ... ws " cf luuv c jiw.fj Liiuir iTnuiics till UUF OUOKS WfllCll Will til : sure delivery when tailed for. Salisbury, Feb. 15, X882. ' ; D. R Julias is acting as Agt for us. attention. .-v ,; , ; . , 1 fr ' , -" j' I ; ; l ' , " '! (-; .j ' ' 1 j H i f",u rtetermmed to convert my general Hardware Buslnesslnto Vacbtoery. ACTtcultural Imnie. . SI ! i I ' ineut.awl t'liit-U pxclusl velv. I now i mr tor hash T.tr. 0.-.1, A J ui,iraJ.li,Ti ? 1 - io? "5? mnV Mi Kluikt s. 1 .Tf L hi..: 1 1. ; r aSTT55 asvucj ipr me iouowing named ma- , ' OclserHe.wiaioreaiJViorseiWeni - h h "H-..-" iikt.rt klluffiiiao MihS.iw,,.i-- ' iThnm ..' 11. L..,. - " V, V""3- B. K, .vrery t "Son's Sulky Hows, waiting p.iim Mm,rMe. j " 7 walking Oath a ww iu ken. H -Warke"sl:l!eriows: "ii ! :i . 2-st -Mickeye anu caamnlon-liowm nfl.ro' t r-- - i - a - r 1 B To and Prices.' Address D. LANDRCTH & SONS, Philadelphia . ; r-:' j f I . 1 i 1 I Trim nintiTii v "W w -,j I . . " . The Coilor'aii.l Lustre of Youth are rcrtor cd to failed or txy hair by the use 01 i nr kcr'-g IIai Dalsani, it harmless dressing hig lv esteemed tor its perfume and pur;:j. j " Ocl3-Kovl3 1 ' S'Z I r - IIORTHCAROLHIA? Is Tiik ScrK- KIOB CpCJlT. n n lu mwm 1 i ri w. s C. C. Krider.fAdm'f bf Rosanna S. Cartncr, .; Plaintiff, ,j f j-j Fredrick Cartuerf and others, Heirs at Law, Defendants, f j Petition to Lad rod Assets. Tt flnnonrinfr to the Court that the Heirs , ""nTnr vPikPr. dee'd. (their names ' J ." . . .1.. u. nown to the piainim;, iue uku ;f?thrinei Boston, (their names. Bown to the Piaintm i in ucir rrtMork.dec'd.ttheirjiames being unknown to TOPiu.ui,r TJ manner, oarM " " ' " i ta:,i T.nlf onrl wifn Susan. .Wasli- a L'ni ikAMtn I fill n r.miirrai in2tont;anner,woanuari.uiauu w,..w....j,. detenaanif m inis uuc, limits of 4he State. It is therefore orderjed tti.f nnM;i.itinn made for six successive I weeks in the Cirolina Watchman," notify ing the said defendants, andi all the heirs fit law of Rosanna 8 Gartner! whose names may be unknown to the plaintiff, to appfar at tne omce oi ine vicr. u s w ..? Court of Rowan county, at the Court House in Salisbury n or .before Jlonday the 21th day of March, ,1882, and answer the com plaint of the.plaintiff, a copy of which is .lonoslted in tlie bffiee of the Superior Court clerk for said county. and that if they fai? to answer tue sameompiaim, xue piaumu wm apply to the Court for tho relief demanded e tne corapiainti This 2d day of February , 1882. f i r!J.M. IIORAH, Clerk 17:6w j ; : Sup'rourt Rowala County: I will mail (free, the recipe for a simple Veg table Balk thatwili remove tan, r beukj. Pimfuks and Blotches, leaving th? kin so", lAr and boantiful: also instruction for prodti- - . . " ww nZ . . I cing a luxuriant growth pi hairon a bald ueao or smoh face. Address, inclosing3c.8tamp, " r r. il BEN.VANDELF&Co,12Barciayst.,.x. lb82 i ' i 7 IN o tics troLUreaitors i k j; U r All persons haying claims against the es- tate of Joseph Miller, deceased, arc ivcreDV notified to exhibit the same-to the under signed bicfore thp 23d dayt of February, 1883. This 21st day of February, 1883. Tobias Millkk. .Executors ot Alfbed Miller. ( Joseph Miller. 10:4t ! USUAL! 1 South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama claim that the MANIPULATED GUANO season, has proved uncxcelljcd by any Acid WICOX, GIBBS & CO, , Savannah, Ga. & Charleston, S. C. AMMONIATED Of this btandard Fertilizer on -hand and 'read r far AoWxprv It , - r McCUBBINS & BEALL. Orders to lumt or ourselves will have prompt o:ii i -j 1 rlfwl Cutter , , , . -UM? Mills an ETaporators. ' Miiirrs rienca mirrurist wins. i- . c.eicrutu Sewing JUacuines. - ; Keutueky liazird lane and bUibt-W Powder ' AVUnti.? (nani Powfier.r . 1 Robert Lawson a, Cba. Buez llarnessL i ICf 1TTT I A lm f t . TORE' every man's door. If our SEEDS aro not sold In your town, drop us a Postal Card for Handsomo lllustratod Catalogue 1 j' - I j i ' - f r 1 ioq a CDnTrn ! 1 fl R 2 UUa. M. - - - t v pftss von . . . - p, nK has a supply ' A A (i . -w C I X hfi2 CD. 7HI, I "LIFE iriSURANCE" MADE CHEAP Table Shotoivg 'Actual Cost loMembers of $4,000 Unsurance for One YearXMarch 1, 1879, to March 1, 1880); L ' t - Fjrsfc ciaiss, aged 18 to 30 years. . .917 00 gecoml 30 u 40 ...2125 Tliird " 40 45 " .,.2550 Fnntth 45 " 50 " ...3400 f :fti. i I ;n u HI nn sixth " . i 55 w. ... csoo r !'... JiB..&XcHreelr, Ag't. Fel) 12tnf - r; 4 GOOD COFFEE. , Everybody wnts it, but very few get It, ; boctfaso most peoplo do not know how to j select coffee, or ft is spoiled ba the itxistlng or making. Tq obviate these difficulties has been our study. Thurbers package Coffees arc selefto J by an expert who un derstands the art of bloudin various tta , Ipor&i They aro toasted la the most perfect s Jmiaaer (It I3 possible to roast well in 'small quantities), thou put in pound pack ages (in the bean, not ground,) bearing our signaturo as a uarautco of genuineness, and each package contains tho Thurber Tecipo for iaiking good Coffee. We pack two kinds, Thurber's " No. 34," strong and pungent, Thurb r3 "No. 41," mld and rlch Ono or tho other will suit 'every tasjtfe Thoy havo the three great points, jpootl quality, honest quan tity, ireaaondblq price. Ask your Grocer j for Thurber's rdasfed Cb.ee in pound pack ages, "No. 81" or ''No. 41." Do not be put off with any otter kind your own palato will tell you wliat is best Where persons desire it we alsoi furnish - the "IdeaT Caffeo-pot, tho simplest, best and cheapest coffeo-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffoo keep them. Ask for descriptive circular. EespoctfuUy, &c., IL K. &:F. B. fHURBEB & CO., Importers, Wiolcsalo Grocers and Coffee Roasters, New York. P; 8- As the jlargest dealers in food pro ducts lntnowqrld, wo consider It our in : r terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods and pack them in a tidy and 6atisiacttty mannor. Ail goods bearing . our name aro'guarantood td bo bf superior 1 quality, pure and wholesome, al dealers are authorize to refund the purchase . price in any caso wfcoro customers have cause for dissatisfaction. It is therefore to the interest of both dealers andcon- - sumers to use Thurber's brands. Dec. 17:3m NOTICE! 30HR3 tF. EAGLE, FASHIONABLE - BOOT SHOE Inrite ronr lttntionlo hi filiop, opnoile Myrs Ulure. Kepairinc neatly and t rompt lvdone. All srrade of "cods made to order Oct. lt, '81:tf. K BUR CRAIG 4, L. IT. CLEMENT. CRAIGiZ & CLEMENT, SAllSBDRY, S. C. 1S61. OCOT business now before the public. You con U LU I make money taster at work for us than at Buytntngeise: vapitul not needed we -will start VO'i. tit a. day and upwards made at borne by the industrious.. Men; niumcn, boya and glrLs wanted every wncre to worK ror us. ?sow is tne ttme. You eanworKln wparel time on!y cr Klve icur wbole time to Uie tUHliiR. You can live at Lome Mtd do tbe work. otlifcr business will pay you nearly as well. No one caij fall tor make enormous pay by enjrapirg at oncer Costly outfit and ttrms free. Money made last, easily a nd Loiiorabl v. AfUircj-s !' Tkck & ca, Augu.su, Maine. 1 WlliTB OATS ! A Spring Oats and RUST-PROOF!! Wonderful Ivmmlific. Will vUld.ashiirh as frotn 75 to 150 bushel to the acre, and one pound lias! produced as nmrh-asfive boMiel. Tlicsfe oats t;row from ?1 to 5 feet in jiei"ht. In fat-t. ibcy aie' said to lie su- jicrior to all ot ---..ifetr;. ; ers. E:;::iS3 Dm-Store. Sirbyr-rllH' "or 'ar'i a V':ifrI:n:i!i 'wlyl.OO jr.ye:ir in .:id vatic?. " I r j I ' ! 1 mm ummm im1 AT RICHU0I1D PRICES, BY THE BARBEL, AT Jno.H. Eriniss, FIRE m SALISBURY ! .-..THIS is to state that all the old seeds that were remaining on hand were destroy cd by fire on the 1st of November la$L Now have on. hand 'fresh and reliable Seeds from Landrcth, Ferry, Johnson & Robbins, Buist and Hiram Sibley, j ; At JNO. II. ENNISS noniM GAROLUJA Mi! - , r i- i - : .1 HoKteaA Const! (FORMULA FREE.) ! Ingredients will be furnished so that you may make j ! YOUR OWN GUANO ! i . cost you Three-Fourths less than whiat you nav for other Guano's, and which wH yield as full returns. For Sale At ENN SS CliOVER & Grass Seed At Richmond prices at ENNISS' Drug St ore. SCHOOL BOOKS, Letter and Fools Cap Papers ; at reduced prices, at ENKI3S' Drug Store 15:tf Z B. Vaxce. . II. Bailky. - VANCE & BAILEY, ; ATTORNEYS AND . COUNSELLORS. i CHAKLOTTE, K. C. Practice in Smrme (V.iirt of the United State, Supreme" 'Court of North Ciirolitia, federal Court, and (. ouniit k l Mecklt nwinr, Cabarrn, Union, GaRton, l'ovjui aiwl I)iiviL eon. 6L.Onice, two duors e:i8t of Indepen dence Square. i 33:tf Ismnrle from -a simnle Troutcal Leaf of Rare Value, and lsa POSITIVE REMEDY for allithe dliieases tl at cause pales In the lower part of ;the Dopy ior rorj)ia i.iver HPaaacnes .launuice Dlwlness, R ravel, Mol.irta, and all aimcultles of the Kinney, Liver. and Mrtnary orcans. For FEMALE DISEASES Monthly Menstruations, and during Pregnancy, U has no equal. It restores the organs that nutke the blood, and hence is the best BLOOD PURIFIER, it is the only known remedy -that cures BSIGHT'S DISEASE. For Diabetes, use WARN ER'S SAFE DIABETES CUKE, i For Sale by Drusrzlsra and Dealers at 31.8 13 pcrbottlo. largest bott in the market Try it. H M. WARNER & CO. KOcnrsriR. N. T LOWEST PRICES POWELLS PREPARED CHEMICALS t& 1 0 a Farmer can buy a FORMULA, i For plZ (526 lb6)of POWELL'S I PREPARED CHEMICALS; This, when mixed at home, makes OnoTort of SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE, ehal in plant-life and as certain of successful crop-. production as many high priced Phosphates. ! Tir EXTRA N trouble to mix-; IN EXPENSE. I Full directions. V Povteli-'s Chemicals have been thoroughly tried, give universal satisfaction, and we oCcV ' leading farmers in every State as reference. ' Send for Pamphlet. Beware of imitations. Brown Chemical Co SOLE PROPRIETORS, Manufacturers of Baltimorr, Md. Powell's Tip Ton Bono Fertil izer. Price only $ 35 a Ton, net cash. Bone Meal. Dissolved Cone. Potash. Ammonia. Aad all high-grade Fertilizing Materials. 3Aytirslu place of Iron Bitters. April 23 PAT JTe con tin tie to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, jTraae Marks, Copyrights, etc, tar the United States, iwaaa, moa. tujrianu, trance. Germany, etc IV a bave had thirty-Avo years' experience! " Falents obtained through us are DUicod In the SCI ESTinc AxericaN. This larpo and splendid lllus itrated weeklyrper,$3.20 ayear.sbowathe Progress ofscienco, U very internstin?, and has an enormous dreu atlTn. Address MUXN & CO, Patent Solici tors. Pub's, of Scientific Axkmcjut, 37 Parle Row. KewYort. Hand bortabont Patents free- i tnii Ul) i 1 i 1 m. M W i m GOOD Vf 600DS Iffip COTTON L GRAINS TflBACCOlVEGETMS Two Cartoons. Pack has to two cartoons that are noticeable ancj timely. One is entitled That Greedy Boy again." Columbia is seen sfanding dividing a watermel on worth 144,000, surplus. She has cut off a slice valued at $10,000 at Logan's request, which., is for Grant, who is seated crying like a bad boy, great tears rolling down his cheeks, 1 - I ' J 1 ? - 1113 lap lull 01 gins, anu ma cuair cu circled with other bestowraents. There are a carriage and four horses, a house, merchants' gift $100,000, monopolists' gift 250,000, and so on. The other cartoon is needed specially. The ti tle of the cartoon is "A Freshet of Frauds." A stream on the right of the Capitol, .wrTich is situated on a lofty eminenence, leeps over a preci pice. It is called "Scheme of Plun der." A huge wheel connected with the Capitol ir being turned steadily by this stream, and as it turns it cre ates "jobs" of all kinds. Then there is another and wider Tall called "A p proprjations." Below ia a widestreaqi in which are jobbers floating on planks, each labelled with some pet scheme of plunder upon the Treasury. There are Logan, Richardson, Grant, Eads, Maxey, Jonas, Robeson, Rice, Potomae Flats, &c. Towards the left of the picture stands the United States Treasury building. Secretary Folger is on top in dismay. lie is seated and holds a ledger showing no surplus.1 The waters aro rising steadily around the Treasury. Near the building is an empty cask knocked to pieces, the funds all gone. . To the rcarand to the left of the Treasury the people aro drowning. They are swamped completely. They have got on the tops of chimneys and are crying lust ily for "help," "help," "help." But there is no help. What a lesson is here for the poli ticians and for the taxpayers as well. Frauds, extravagance, unwise legisla tion, .schemes of pillage, subsidy jobs these arc the things that ruin and impoverish a long-suffering people. Are these things to continue indefi nitely? Shall there be no end to cor ruption, waste and frauds upon the pockets of the people? Boss Tweed said his followers could not read but they all had eyes and could sec. He reli-rred to Harper's cartoons repre senting his own villainies. We hope Puck will do good by his clever ex posures open Jo the eye. Getting: Happiness. The watched pot never boils ; there arc people forever in search for happiness, who never find it. Happi ness ouencst comes by indirection. Yon are intent on duty and are sur prised to find you have stumbled on more than yon sought. To make hap piness the end ofyoursccking isan easy way not to find it. It is a coy blessing. Hovering about your path, it yet eludesyour grasp. Attempt to put your hands on it and, like the wild gazelle upon the mountain, it bounds away. The search for happiness is like the search for the end of the rainbow ; it recedes as you -advance. You cannot capture it. After all yotir planning and straining after happiness, you will have to give up the pursuit and content yourself with following the plain and ploddiug path of duty and to find your joy in fidelity to con science, and in obedience to the divine will. Once in thi state, happiness comc3 to you unsought, dropping down, as it were, from the 6kies, a surprising benediction in the midst of your cares and burdens, as though it would say to you: You could hot capture me, but lo, I am here, and at your service. In attaining this bless ing, imitate the boatman, who, in crossing the stream, directs his prow above the point of destination, and so makes sure of it. Aim at something higher than happiness; aim to be good, holy, pure, and true, and the higher will be sure to include the lower. Nineteenth Century. Disl ics rIjvlc of ltipcr. The latest application of paper is the athiptiou of paper plates by some of- the great restaurants and cafes iu Berlin. The. innovation was first in troduced during the summer .of last year by the adventurous landlord ofa much frequented open-air restaurant. Every customer who ordered bread and butter, rolls, cakes, buns, or sini ilar articles, Ind them served to hini on a little-paper plate, made of light papier macho, adorned with a pretty btrbor iu relief, and having, at first glance, a great siiuilarily to porce Iain. G. .. ii. , - .ti, It savcJ I leased wit It 'lie novi lly. mmv ft (Ipfltiniion from IUU I J -mm . heir wages on account of breakages, which the deftest and cleverest can scarcely avoid when he handles ...hun dreds of pieces of crockery during a &ine afternoon and evening. The paper plates were ' so cheap that-tho landlord did not care to as sert his ownership -over them, and his customers werp allowed to carry them" away like the pretty1 serviettes of thin paper used in so many restau rants in Holland. There was always considerable, saving on. the time lost and the chance of accident incurred in the cleansing of earthenware pot tery. The success of the ex per i men t has been so marked: that the new species of plates is likely' t be i nt ro duced i'u to a large number of restau rants. J - ' ; ' :' ' 'lJ Politeiicsj of Great Men, Truly great meii arc polite by in stinct to their lintenors. It is one element of their greatness to be thoughtful for others, i he greatest men in the world have been noted for their politeness. Indeed, many have owed .their greatness mainly to their popular manners, which iudu ced the people whom they pleased to erive them an oDDortunitv to show o " their power. ' Many years ago the .errand, boy employed by a publishing house- iu a great city was sent to procure from Edward Everett the proof-sheets of a book he had been examining. The boy entered the vast library, lined from floor to ceiling witli books, in fear and trembling. Hd stood in awe of this famous man. and dreaded to meet him. But Mr. Everett, turn ing from the desk where he was wri ting, received the lad with reassuring courtesy, bade him sit down, chatted kindly as" he looked for the "proof- I sheets, and asked : i ; ' . "Shall I put a paper ronnd-them for you ?" as politely as if his visitor were the President. The boy departed iu a very com fortable state of mind. . He had been raised in his own esteem by Mr. Everett's kindness, and he ha3 never forgotten the lesson it taught him. North Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING EAST. Dale, Feb. 19. No. 51, LailyJL 3.55 a.m. 5.51 " No. oil, Daily. Leave Charlotte.... " Salisbury High Point.. A rr. Greensboro .... Leave (J reenaboro . Arr. Ilillstro " " Durham " Raleigh Lv. " Arr.Goldsboro C.50 p. ra. 8.51 " 10.44 " 11.20 " 7.20 8.03 8.25 1 1 .01 11 43 u I 1.15 p.m. 1.40 4.20 .1 No. 17 Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro 6 00 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 3.04 a. in. ArriveatGoldsboro8 00 " No. 51 Connects at Greenaboro with R.-& D. R. R. for aH pointa North, East anil West, via. Dsmville. At Goldhboro with W.&W. R. R. for Wilmington. ' No. 53 Connects at Salisbury with VV. N. C, K. R. for all poihlsin Western N. Carolina ; daily at Greenslkoro with H. & D. R. U. for all polnts1?orth, East nd West. TRAINS GOING WEST. ' - D.ite, Feb. 19, 18S2. No. 50. Daily. No. 52. Daily. LeaveGoldsboro.... Arrive Rjileigh Leave M Arrive Durham .... Jlilhiboro.. Greensboro Leave u Arrive High Piont ' Salisburv.... " Charlotte.... 10.20 a. m 12.46 pm 4.10 " 5.23 44 6.07 44 8.50 44 9.10 44 9.43 44 11.03 44 7.25 a. m. 8.66 44 9.28 44 12.50 a. mi 11.20 44 No. 18, Daily ex. Sunday-Lv. Goldsb'u 2.50 pm Ar. llaleigh 7.10 pm Lv. 5.00 am A r. Greensboro 2.20 pm No. 50 Connects at Charlotte w ith A. & C. Air Line for ail points in the South arxl South west, and with C. C. & A. R. K. for all noinU South ami Southeast. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. AC. Air Line for all points South and Southwest; at Charlotte with C. C. & A. 11. R. with all points South and Southeast. U. W.N. C. RAILROAD. No. 52 Daily, ex. Sunday. Goiko West. No 50 Daily. Lv.G reensboro 9 20 p m 10 36 44 1 1 20 " 8 30am 9 41 " 1015 44 Ar. Kenursville " Salem No: 51. Daily, ex. Sun. Gorxo West. No. 53. Daily. Leave. Salem Ar. Kerne rsvi lie 41 G reensboro 5 1 5 a m 5 50 44 7 00 44 J00 p m 6 40 44 .. 8 00 44 STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No. 1. Daily ex. Goixo North. Sun. Leave Chapel Hill .... Arrive University....... Arrive Raleigh. 1 7 30 a m 8 20 a ra 10 15 a m No. 2. Daily ex. Sun. Goiko South. Leave Raleigh....... Arrive Universitv Arrive Chapel Hill ...... 3 CO p m 5 15 pm - I G 1 5 p m Pullman Sleeping Cars without Change u" lra,n. N ork aml Atlanta via. W ahinslon & Danville, and between (ireens- boro and Charleston. On Train No 52, Richmond and ! CLa-rlotte t?lin and Chwlott vw Danville. - . ..n nsn i lcke, on saleatGreenslwro. .. I . . """ .r Kaunas anu he Southwest i rfiiitui 'in. -i v -. . I . . . i n yjwii' TO COiySUMPTlVri alverlier liavins beenremiin. .i' 7 Tic i f that d rei.d disease, Consumption, W aV ' remedr,w t nxious to make knownoI)igl?tt'!, wifiereis me mearmoi cure, jo m wh0i it. lie win neiiu toot ui viic nrwMini i - . bincdiaParkePiGSa BiocJiwfir!.?? It cure Rh-Jr j rarKers : ? cisa Hair Balsami siS8a Th. Bert. Ch-a-rt. aad S?, tuscaoj Mart EomomV-l fair Dran- a OUlcr loSJcs, d tii-l color to pmyh-ir. & Ca, ChenuS it? Aup. 4;4y. Dattcliy. RKOWJ & GOWAI 1 Cook Stoves of ' all; sizes and stylje8 lalwayj -tandl at lowest prioes.1 tarMake a specialty ottJn ACORN COOK STOVES, ie iestlnti, wortd.A first-class stock ot Tla aijia'Gnmiji Till AND COPPER SMITHS AU kinds of nouse-Rooflng and.GutterJngdoneM short noUce and In the besrstyle. 1 j We keep constantly on hand a coinplrte stoet a Sheet-Tin, Sheet-Iron and Sheet-Copper, which , Corao to the Front! : ! . FISTS' , 7 ' . --- ' - . I BOOT, SHOE & GAITER MAIN STREET,' OPPOSITE ESKISS' DRVG STOEE. AH Work Strictly First Class Havine had sixteen rears experitnee in tin business, I am prtpni most fastidious. T ; Eor EASZ AND ELEGANCE OF FIT my work can not be excelled, -' " I i L I I ZfmAU material of the best a ntl finest jrraiU 8QJr.AH work done in the- latest" styles aril fashions. fe ! t Gents -Fine V7ork a Specialty; Ready-made, work of the best quality alwap on hand for sale. Attention piven to FANCI WORK and linmpion Uoj ToiWJork. Repairing N.tly and Promptly drmet moderate prices. 'BfSatisfacUotf iUarafr teed or no cliarge.jr Orders byuw promptly tiiuu. 43:ly WM. A. EAGLE. Dr. Crowe's Great Historic Plaj The TRAGEDY cf Abraham Lincoln The Xtisenfall of Jefifj r son iiayis T : A truthful .account of the Abolitwnin War with the Seccsh Ielcl union.. (Snake- spena.i style, 5.act$, 13 scenes, G4 pages.) PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS. Abraham Lincoln, Wm. Seward,' Ed irin StM ten, Wynnes Grant Wtn. BhernrtCn, HcTijtmh Butler, Parson JieteJier, Horace Greeley, rink, Jr., Jell er ami Datis. llvbt. loawh exatnlej' iStejihens, Pierre Beauregard, Stmt leall darksoH; livbt. fJ. Lee, Ilumjtjirey Alnr nltal,' Jack Monty, Mrs. Davis, Mr. Lintd. Mm. Surraltjjohn Willed Booth, Jltroll Attzcrott and Payne. Frederick Duvijlait. Poii,ey, Pnncy, and Dr. Mary 11 alter. PRINCIPAL SCENES. NVhite House Troubles : Bull Run Panic Richmond Calico Rail ; Pompey and Priscpl Anucisonvillu Horrors; Richmond JJurnmf Lincoln Assassinated; Boylh liullcttd ; Srs Sirfratt Strangled; Davis Reconstrndd; Grant's Jubilee Speech, and Grand Trai formation hecne: Lct us, have Peace. Price 15 Cents. (Send Posjage Stamp) Dn. C. W. SELDEN, Publisher. 10 3m - 1SS Lexington Ave. New YorkCW: At Low Figures Call nn llio iinr1rioirt nl Kft. 2 Gt d.a.atweU- Salislnrj :N-C. Jurn. S if-' ' Jj XT Miwnvr v iticn. F. M-t- rrt. McCOEBILB & KLUTW i AllTCRNEYS AND ( (:L'ivH-c' Salisbury, N. C. ! JCSTOOice on Council Street, orf0?' Court H"U-e :;7:i y "Horsr School ( Oxford, N. C. The next cession of this School will W tli second Monday in January. .jt For tirrnla' pivin? terms and other p , r o r nlars, apply to the principals .-rP J.H.&J.C'HOB. 1 10:ly - I ' : ' V Pfll tl Great cbace to maike money. jTyi U U L U . always take advantage of tue P ces ior making money tnai are ftmP',, become wealthy, while those who tlo VTpjjtf such chances remain, in poverty. Trij,tf men, women, boys and girls to work ?' lr.05p' their own localities. Any one can dnne pjj Twrlv from thn tlpf.-Rtnrr,. The business more than tea times ordinary waffJSYalPfr OutHt turnlshed free. No one wno make money rapidly! You can devote?" pH limA tn KA . - ,.,.1 .-itl 1 rtMII"t If Inforinat lomtnrt all tli;it Is noedl sf"'' Address STISSOS & CO., l Ol iiauu, - SUIlSCRHitt FOR T11K J t LiNA WATCIBIAM,' jng and :8in2 lle anie, which il,ey i, f- MiYe CURE for ColJOH3,CoLM,c!)N$t-i1D, Asthma, BROxciima, &c, 'ff J7J i Partieit wiping the I'rescriptiojini u I addre, Hev. E Ai WILSON, IMjpif? Williamisburgh, K. Yi - : . 0Il, 7 HARDWARE . , Gvn. PavMiiet Apt. -,:J' RUhm6nd, Va $1.50 J'lCil-VK VK.

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