5T d ";.! 1 J : ! J 1 -s , - - . i' ' i w . .m .r-tt-fei s, ,.--r-. .I" .--I. fj U LJliJLJLcClL jL Ji i 4 r, 7 r rv y-t ' .- ' VOlluLISEEIES;,, SALISBUEYclI. C. IlAECH ;30, 1882. so .a' - 3 ! f?.' j.'RHODisliRO WSE, PresX. W. COART, SeCy. AHome CoxnpanytSeeking ..vTa"; StnMv PrMflDl, ReliaiJlei LiDBTtu Home Patronage. Term policies written on Dwellings: Premiums payable une-naii casn ana Dai tnt in twlye months, j j " ' J. ALLEN BROWN, Aitf., 21.Gm Satubury, J. C. CO !2J mi o cr, CD 2 CO cto td o 1. io sr. CH5 r CD to 5S O? I--- o - i- f o W." CO O : O OQ o p Q REMEMBER; (THE DEAD ! i r i h MONUMENTS TOMBS, great; reduction ? i ' IN TflE PKIQ KS OF Marbli'MoilTiments and Grave-Stones of 1 .. I -d wjf.uiMu I I cordially invite the r public cenerallv -to an inspection of my Stock .and AVork, I feel iostifiid in ftaM-liinir thnt mxf nct I experience under first-class workmen in S!!an1.1?dTr8Kle8' an "m luu iuiaii3iiiii im ctium iu any oi t tue befit in the . COUUtrj. j il do not say Uiatifli work is snnertor to all others. I -...i- :ili'A v- iicoou nuu give eacii customer xuo vai- I e or every dollar thei (leave with me. : . i 1 I raiUi5S35 to oOTfcriCent CHEAPEK toau ever offered in this town iHf ore. :. i i . j ! !. i 8iWatislacticaSSeo rn , - .r. ; . i i lie erection of marble is the Inst w-vrk - i . . : i , - - Bljclner and Henierson."' 1 i ...... . fjv Attorney is. Counselors toidWii&toW! SBURY, n:c: Jnoay22 1879 tt TIME TABLE ,FESTER1T.. N. C-Raiiroad ? Tak Wsti'miar- Jajr if, lss'lat .is, p. m. j .k .S JASSSGJt& TltAIJ. ' '; ' 7 AMIT k; lsate. i STATIONS. t i v uliSOa.miS.inshiirT' AKRITK. LEAVX 4 S0a.ini S34 ? Klmwixxl SOS S43 1 41 13 43 18 S3 110 ... 41 423 , 445 I 500 I '61 ) ' i r - - 437 rf- r :' 814 v " 4 : oo statesvflle Catawba Newtoni Cbnova f Hickory llSTp.m 7 50 icara j i Morgan ton Glenn Alpine 11 13 10 89 10 02 Bnuijewater Marion j ! 9 45 8 r6 803 T17 6S7 6 07 S49 A 5t7. 5 15 i Old Fort T.OTa.m Henry r Bi'k Mountain tsw&nn&nda cooper's Ashevtlte Julct AsnevlUe!". Frencn Broad ,n.- 415p.K 1 "! ajikitk; j.eatk. STATIOXSw ' arriti. i.eatk. ti z rr Jl'i : iiuru:-irct'J5 : ess iKlmwood s S 15, 143- 1 1S4. :185 18 09 : in : -i u ' 'w t4S ,.f 1150 I !" 1 ii a v. 100 4 ! 4W- S:-.. .. 30 !5i3l states vine Catawba Newton 1 tconover illl.ikorv 10 40; ilcardl ' HI Si AOfJ 10 33 v- vi.v HUen Alpine ' 4U liiewateri ;.; -tllMjJrto4ir SMonranton 9 40 90 S4i 2 43 s. r4 4?.- ."Ua." T -oia -ort 613 Henry iBlkMo i 6 58- rf . nro3w 5 SO r.3i.;cooper'8 sLOnz'8 ! Asuevjuejn'Ur AHheAille 4 00 A.K. r r raioS run flallj-, Sundays excepted uuij, aunaays excepted. A. B.ANDREWS, ucn.;supt 3 mm oi respect which we phy-td the memory And what is the remedy for this state f .Js i. W M 'A i. t , ,r of departed fi ends, h -. L Wk i il k r Vpted it down. Only, onerRepublican A Unrma unuiweAw-? 1 f thingtt vWhy. -nothing, bnt faith, pa- I J4i.w W , . .i. -ir: .i SiliibarTL. k TSrr V tience. oersVvereancelto he 1 end. Do rvotea w,tn tne democrats to rcic r tn The GaLrolinaWatblimany ; ESTABLISHED "lNTIlE TEAR 132. ' PRICE, $10 IN ADVANCE.' For the Watchman. Mt. Vernon, N. C. . ... V Dear Watchman : Promises nre sacred things, and should be so .regarded. The utter.levity, neglect, yea, contempt into g con. which they have fallen, daring these ter jearsJia a cause for grief and con sternatiori to all ' seriously-minded and I upright men. To simply say "! .will J do I such and such a thing"; involves the sneakei in a.bargain withOod, his neighs bors iind future generations from which I- SSiSi .i;:M.tf-iM;iBii$ morals Troth; forever each sponsibilities of our utterance ! Howjn- exorable the demand of Truth . Confidence is a heavenly jewel, which, J when broken, no mortal or terrestrial art The coquette may deceive k lipfirf-. of n. vnntiir -man nnrl I tt. ,i;.' J live on H)ut how is shfrrecarded t Asa liviug monument to falsehood and deceit! a Lot's wife, whose beauty true-heart-1 d men may admire ; but they would as f soon unnK or making love to a pillar oil salt as to this licensed murderess. Slie inay marry, and a family of children may grow up around her yet the shadow of the funeral pall is upon hCf, and the mark of Cain.spofls her head-gear; she has a husband and offspring, and yet ' - - I , 111 1 . : . I ir. rnrAvor f . j i . 3 II, The male deceiver ofj young' women may ami jusc as oiteu aocs woik itne a same kind et ruin, lint his fate f is the same-a cold finger from the tomb hov- cio tuuimu auu iiuiuia iid II i ill 111 Y liilic v ci ? i i AAfiinrtlitf li A k w . n .1 l.i 4in.- nlinn , r 1 mm as thev vrouul n. fclmi. j I But in the business world most mifdr- :w I tunately, the deceiver may for a while be tabooed; aud then,Jf hb is smart and make money he is compromised with by his felloiw mcixhants and: tradesmen. In ... . ... . ' . . , - auc lunuvai n ui iu ud js;u(ft(itctt w unit endured, like It. 13. Hayes, for instance. Such compromises and s affiances are al ways more than questionable. Better, in the end, that trade boutd become stag n ant than to fellowship with rogues; bet ter anarchy than a fraudulent magistracy. Are these views, reader, to your mind Utopian and ini practical T let can vou deny hat they are true! Were not views, apparently as extreme as these, sanctioned and established by the blood oi tne martyrs ana tne revolutionary he- l uco XXVTT uiuui tiu nuu icuxiuuo iiu- T a I .t unn. l 1:1. 1 rtv wonlrl v. fn-1;nr p.nlnvJif niiri fiffil I not been found to comeforward and sac- j " " "j - - 1 rifice tiiemselres to put down the old i.fctni - ;i rFnnAau t1 Tr;rjl ttt a - in,uuu uiucreoi maiiihi t . Better far that somebody "sUduld die, than that a lift Rlionkl tm TMfherratd. I lt tr thnt nil tb r,nirt0 ! vh Par. I --' w w -w m TfcMW W w U A. l W IV A -W 1 olina should become vacant, than that . i . .v - ' ...... I I , prcacirer suouiu aear mi uoiu loriu tftjiaittst bankruptcy"; -Bettcrthe farmer uim man 10 promise uem more, wan . . , . . v . ., i "c IUW5"UB "5J --vm v the -vear. better the- laboreralionliL bo 7r "T. I.. . ... . . . . I to uie nenueniiarTor worK-uouseaionce tnau to cnear nia emn over uv Biiamminff Betr vbV feobrj a.n4:onest, than rich and roffiush. I C-J --.v,! it t.i.A MniMtiMr-M Un.iiw., i - -""-i- - - , i f - T I mav-Wcar. it will come out aUHaht 1 1 This is not the day of martyrs and miracles!" How long at that rate, will 'J'f!?fc-dte'in ua as al matter of necessity. - T1 I E. E. IE. Sad Fate or Conductor Bob Grif fitii. of Charlotte. A4 telegram re ceived from Atlanta conveys the sad in telligenceJo his relatives aud friends in this city .that Mr. Bob Griffith, passenger cooaucior on t e ait iioei met .wua ar I .. i i 4 i ' -' i i ' tarn ila oiiulA.nt in Afliinra. (tIiiIa rnnn. I 1 . . .1. 1 TT I 1 J. ' "it. I "i.. i.; i.ai,n.i'AM Arinai.n: .VntWff An.i Vli ot'lip.r ftmt so bidl I 1 as to render ituptttaUoniiecesl in fatw.w. IT.. Griffith: 'in rHr to the telegram i started to AUanf r-r.-i tt .r i ta oa the 11-20 train yesterday, but sooa other telegram an: nri thn dnth f rnnnrr Griffith' which occurred shortly after 11 o'clock, Mr. Griffith was a highly estimable young man. ' - ji- . 1 ?' TVi& thought thatthe foreign inimrgfa-1 tion may reach 800,000 this ry ear, Since 1820 there havobeen . 10,1.18,758 foreign ers landed on our shores who have. .be come citizens. The census of 1880 show ed there were 6,G7943 foreign-born, per sons' iu our country. Wil: Star. i- 1 . vlfcis woitli.remem'beringJtlii.Cnobody en. lovs iiie iuccs. burruuuuiumi m u.ivu .1 ! ;" Krl Koultll There are mseraoie . people aoout iw-ua.y with one foot in the grave, when a bottle of p.rWi nincrer Tonic would do them more cood-than all the doctors land medicines f. . ij.i s . tney nave evir irn-u, pccu. . wcio-iHovAo. - i isuvhm w mii:u Hunt tuv uimi, ibuul uciuic sue lcit LV lljiv a iiVKiiuvt. t ; OAe broken pledge may destroy Wfls 0rn4ie Mrewte nearer a portion of that , confidence, in I -iL!r 'i.s.-l-iiri7etl it a a dutv of eOfefv landowner other upon which the, hamarn race ..tt't r.i -nfx to 'nlanrireesrand We think' the AuotLer Negro Bbliber Sbotjand L: Our commtinity'wasTconsiderably exercised ever, tbe" killing xti an un known negro thief by Mr. Jones, who importance of saving the vajuable for i. '.l - :1 j t-. -L- ls- '.ests.k because the-time was comiDcr i mi the road between this nlace .nd Ruffin, lastPridayivening. The s fnllnwinc; hr ih fat in the case as we understand them M was at worV with jiis sera4 hs in his new - gronnd'"Which is dhly.s-a few hundred yardsjfrom' -hls nsidence. That. Avrmlm. bont ft VI nek he Went . , & a. k , . ;r - . , . ' hcnearcd.heWb.noticcathatonc iw.1 contents. - When the negro saw Mr. Jones he jumped up ahd ran in the direction of " this' "place. Mr. Jones rnn :n 4tiP Kfttico fyrnhbAn his min Knrc vknm h finally overtbokr and told him to I 1 march before him. to Mr. AVomacks, who liveed"? onlvwrct. short distance further un the rbad. Theipeffro re- ' ' i nnA rlrpff" utnf nnrl a h . V T nfl "TJTZ WWMCS.t' with it, lie fared and put the whole load through his heart. Mr. Jones at Unce surrendered himself to the high siier: tTf-th-enrrH ho nt fnr I m, . c . . flirt nnrnnor I 1 1 a inp rt innnoct i-n wu.a -t f.awiu.T v l tvi UMb w I - . rt - , ..w III I If 11 I1J11UWIF IHIIIII'l. Z - I I1M I unknown party came to his death gun snot nrea iroui tne nanus Jj Jones, who fired the shot. in self defense," Reidsville Weekly. That the question of prohibition, 1 J as aggitatea nere last year, was non- ...11 1. partisanand not political, is eviden ced by the fact that Gov. Holden was one of , the chief . promoters of the . t.,tl i i : muvciuciit, auu o uii"c iiu.tuc ijiusi- . i w j. ii.. n . i i i j j i ded at the first meeting held to take ... i . .. tj . i action in regard to it. Besides, ex- m T ri i .u o i Treasurer Jenkins and other Kepub- . . .. i lvcans too numerous. to mention urged it. The prohibion committee was com posed of Republicans and Democrats, and whites and blacks. An ardent colored politician, of Republican per suasion, was. voted the finest orator who appeared on the hustings in fov6r of the measure. And when the - l j ... . . I nannla rxima in I'nfa iiinn ir vtlm 1 . . ... ' - - 1 - ttv. i .... .1 rao?e uian fw,uw democrats voieu against it. Under these TDircumstal- L'if moL LnUn' u 7. , v non-nartisan and non-nolitical. 15ut L. prp mpft511 nrtw npn(:nn.' Y- . . . Congreeff that does have a partisan' cast. It is a bill to provide lor a ,na- i I .i i i i i niwua. j v,uiuiuiooiu wu v.c mwiiuiiv, Ilia nor traffic. This bill Was introdu- i . i . .. i ...:. i. auu ikwscu wy xveijuuuuaus, iiuihiui- , J;i ' nUnof;. r ii v,,6!rv-,vMv wj now in tlm Senate. Tho Arc tl.o it I M "w t--- .L :' . o..i !t s n cauie uu oeuaior oavaru moveu 10 refer it. to" a: committtee, but the Re- ..tnv ,1 j iiii ill i i v . iiiii u wiHi i iiitii. mill mil tiiiii ixi tn.. .f bin. ana ouiv one democrat voted &m& "the inotion to iler;' Tf,at -v-:. . . . shows how the narties stand in regard to th't now. it is not to he r. uuucisiuuu luub tuc xseuiuurais uici any less tem Derate or any less the friends of temnerance than the Renub- - i: ' u..A i ..n uuuua, uuii iw iiic ufpuacu wt uii nuuii measures on the part of' the federal government. Tha .,4ii ;a t?. uublican artv. in certain sections. (7 Syl.Jb ' i i u . i. i makes prohibition one of its political - - . doctrines. This is the case in Maine and Kansas and some other States. And now thev seek to brim? to their - Llu - .i. - - : - :4 c tur'iiii -.l'.' menfc T . ..... t. npmftrPfl ta ttosistaiifjc iuo uiu wi iiiu icuerai truverii - (izjjiXi X -ii . BUMi5w" uu "VV ahUC rae-- ures. it is a matter that the federal constitution- does not commit to the careof Congress. Congress has noth i . . it-Ti.. - li.r jug w uu witu it. in: peupie oi any otatenave a right, it ahey choose, to control the liquor traffic, bntthe con I siuuiion leaves an sucn matters to the 'fsovereigns" to manage for them selves. Our anti-prehibitlon friends, of t)emocratic tendencies, are invited to examine the record which. the two national parties are -.now ma.king'pn this question! land see for themselves m l- akl- tr ! Z 'mmm raVk - "i ' " f-'T. i .!' - ... . " . ."' i : iTin(ni Arrnnr wa rpnnncrod in- i Mr Eschy or V incennes, Ind., to stand as I sponsor ; for his seventh son, as is custom-' I I dent cave his DroxV to the nost.mastar I ... -j -..- - , r r i qi.tiie; place auu tue ceremony was dulv i ouseiveu. A Iessori Concerning Trees. Wilmington Sur: ' V , ; The far, has several limes urged up- 1 on the poeple of. North Carolina the 'i ! hecause ; the when fine lumber for manufacturing ParPscs wonm j oe in , greas aemana land uldi fetcbpri vance or our btate. ;, Alien again Ine otar has insisted that it was dangerous to cut down the trees in such wasteful ways as had been practiced hitherfo. Ve drew attention to the bad effects in many Instances. upon the; health of the iaturoultake steps to encourage this industry, for in the end it must Pro ve advantageous to alt. AVe gave the opinion of a recent' foreign visitor to our country, a person" who has charge ot torestry in Uermany. i. .... f - ont the past. There is a province n Egypt which intbe reign ef Cori- stantine was the crahary of Rome. It i now so sterile that the snarWiiihfl!- ;i . V . " r T Mufu. Aiie- lenorauou qi. 80n, nas ueen .causea niainjy by the stripping of tlie land f all; trees. The Edinburgh Review tfiv? MVS t (. .w : j r' - a f info verdure. only Jn seasons of excep- liioiially abundaut rainfall, but at Dtli- er times v presents the aspect of a stony and arid waste, ijie change is regarded by lam a ope of the disas trous effl-cts of reckless disforest(UioitL This is instructive. It is more than this; it is Important, for thegrlat mass of men are so utterly unsciepiif- - . j iv iiiiib liny vtw uui nuuii n iiai tuuio v . , . . upon yegitation and animal life the l i i forests ot a country exert. 1 hey cut . . J ;i . down the trees, strip the lulls, and , i , , ' . - t , ' me vera u re is uiminisneu gradually, so that in some countries fertile lands have been made sterile. But let us quote again from Col. Playfair's trav els in Algeria and Tunis. He says : 'Wb kriOw that at one time the country was covered with forests. myselt have travelled lor days over plains; where hot a tree exists, and yet ri -.!? at- ' .;i ...mi: ...i w nere ruins oi n.oman oii-ioius were tretiuently met with. - i limce s notes, written iiu years 'asro. freauent alius on is madd to for . r ., ? . ... . i, v ests tlirbugh which he passed, where not a" tree is now to be seen, and this is a work Of destruction which must go on j witli ever-accelerating rapidity year after year." Ashes as a Fertilizer.- Un- leached wood aches contain all 'the constituents of plant fooU that the or- (liuary or worn1 out soil! need, except I nitror-eu. i 5v tlieir chemical action T - , , - i ----- p ----- fhey 'render (n)uctt of the ' inert pitro- I cen in sous available, and s in that i n way may be said to furnish nitrogen. This, ie true. nTlinio nnrl nn this tmu. I 1 . . 1 . I I w w r"".?."! !".""". r a r MnL-infr mii rixmn evoi in m t I J . ri . L-i f. greatqsi yaiue o lime, wiieu appueu a3 a feftlh2eT depenas Ashes also I have a good mechanical effect upon the soil. eSneciallv heavv clav soils. - i , , " " : i wnic are maue "g"1 auu- morc! P" I 1 1 ' ' Jl If 1: . - 1 ' i .... i .i. i. rous so tliat air ana water circulate I more freely. A slfes do not suffer I ... , ). wast0 W UeinS wasl,e" out10 eT tent that is true oi tne more soiuuie and cousentratca Jertuizers sold in the markets their effects are there- fore njorc lasting.; 1 s ' A sSKSV USE FOR UUANO. Une o I our oardetiers has found a new use for i ot . guaud. Mrs. Col. Buchauon was mueli annexed hv ab'bi "cutting f: " , ,T ' ' ! tuxvluIlcl &a . " .".j.f3 - periment had guano ; sprinkled over them. The experiment was a success i ana "cotton tail , nas gone m searcu o i it' . ii . . i m0repleasantpastures.-Georoia News. A Broken Wheel Did It. Bis- raarcU; Dak., March 23.- The ; acci dent on the Northern Pacific road yesterday, was caused by a broken wheel under the construction .car. It gave tvay as the train was passing over Itbe bridge and-two cars filled with la- borers fell1nto the "river and cicht men were killed. --The cars1-took! fire and the bodies of the men were badly burned; j Xirenty-two were injured butnly twseripusTy. " 'i I ueonle as well as the, hurtful results j whole region ot. bahei, or the coast y land bf which Susa is the centre, once of unexamnled fertility, now snrinsrs 1 A .M. . m. - a A Year ia New York. linrinrr i xx i : kva riaotiia Mnn: i red t in New York city, and 35,000 awa. A. uic&ft..ja nvux " births were reported. , r , ! -Kor the eclucation of children some 84,900,000 was expended, while the t.i- i '1 .t .1 . . 1 uuu&iu iaces. 01 wiiicii inere are i Enormous sum of 860.000.000. . . - ! - I Of the nrmv ofiwine bihhers Whb " I ut' their substance into this pool 32,391 were committed to th.Tbmbs. The amount expended ; in pnblic amusements of-all sorts mounted.lo 7(vunnA - , v.,yvw,vyVl - Id the police riation, 120,084 per- sons askel tor and were furnished 1 . m jm m poor were relieved. . ; . In the police stations 67.135 per- Crimes of violence were committed -y ' , Charity sent, to the almshouses, hospitals, nurseries, schools and asy lums, 131,765 persons. Of the immense population of near ly a million and a half, 172,777 are females between the ages of fifteen a. j . i . r- rvrvrv i I and thirty years ; 0,000 of whom are domestic help. N. Y. Sun. .., I 7 Sage. A correspondent of Cole- a P.ir-.l wnM T.Cf man's Rural World writes : "Last Spring I sowed an ounce of sage seed, costing twenty cents, . . . t i i w irom wmcu a i n t i -r I now have about a thousand good Rfrnno- n1nnt.. These, ifnlanlerl nprt Spring, in go.d rich soil, with good cultivation, will give three god pick- a i i -- i i ngs each year for several years, I lave so far always found a good home market for this with the butchers and grocers at from twenty-fiye to forty cents per pound, and if picked pro- t . . I eriy it w much superior to that usu-1 ' r I ii - . ' .i i . i 1 I nllv nut n unn t ho mar I at. hv Inrore I "j I i" 6 ..... . I 5,. . J . .11. r n a I ho litoL-tnnr fihrtnlrl no Mrol 11 1 1 v rlnno I r. o - 7-7.-7 rmr 1ifir.11 Tin 1 1 1 iirr nir tw r i un iiivnB i . ' " r j . .us M.C Ov.u.3 "v feet aoart and two feet in the row. use leaves, a uianieu iu rows auoui iiiree I the nlow and hoe freelv. with crood ..ik i : u rn . o uiu.-.. .alc ... . -" i"" to orevent I freezing out in winter, aud 1 1 I knoW of 1 no crop more easily mauaged or more n . it i it 1 Drontaoie in a smaii wav. i " i Another Valuable Invention fob Farmers: MK R.P. Davis has applied for a patent for a machine for cleaninc dirty seed cotton. The ma chine has been used all the past sea son, on his farm and those of his neighbors, and is said to do the work splendidly. The cotton put through it before it is ginned is cleaned of all dirt and trash, and its value increas ed from 1 to three per cuit. It is cheap costs only twenty-five dollars, aud is simple and durable. The best s machines exhibited at Atlanta, of the kind, cost from 200 to $500. Mon roe Enquirer, There were at least half a dozen dirty cotton cleaners on exhibition at Atlanta. The "Clement Attachment man had one that he sold at $20. ' j What to Do with the Dead. The snbject of cremation is likely to come to the front in Paris soon be cause of the difficulty of finding pro per places to inter the dead. It seems all the available ground in the ceme teries will be used up in 1883. With the growth of large cenf ers of popula tion, this matter of the proper dispo sition of the dead yearly becomes more troublesome. It does not take long for graveyards to become more populoas than the cities which supply them with occupants, One of two things. must happen either the bodies must be destroyed by fire or they must be buried in the open fields, and al lowed to fertilize the soil, the memo rials being kept in family homes or in churches. Cemeteries near large cities in time necessarily are a nuis ance, and have to be removed to give place to residences. The needs of the living in the long run, are more re garded than the respect which ought to be felt for the dead. DcmoresC Monthly for April. They are at work on a dictionary in England which -will take 7,000 quarto pages, or four and a half times the size of Webster's dictionary. The first part letter A, will require 400 pages, and will be ready this year. 9,125, ab4itIua,ed,tbehi;- i About Salt. . a..vuim& luitb o cut la mure vaiuu i - We lhan nr could anythiug ex- m ...... I ccp oreaa oe more missed. Animals, irV fact -H ; travel distances and Dtrave great dangers to obtain it. . On the COaSt of- SlPrm Tiinn ltrnf1nia I . - - r . Ylv'an.P Parents lhe,r children, for 8ail 111 ine aistnct ot Accra, on the U. T v ' T . 1. . . . .. . - . . j . . I V nAnJi .f if i jji'i" Ct Aca a handful of 1' ,f! V- - . r is such a luxury that to say of a man. k , . . - , , i - t ",W811" " 10 iimnir innr nn n rinn . ran tnnM i ' - y ,rT.rr "VM .w' v r - - w;y . v. ;W loies " Q0 n i-l : ... i.i..f i... .l, " f " ",B ' , , . , , . . V j i i . inci availed hiraselfof this tradition in his famous picture on, picture of thW, Gf . V . j , T . v Supper" to indicate Judas Iseartot . . r. . - . by the salt-cellar knocked over by , i M . '. "'.,; r'TL-lTil ' i uvea nut cai ti uis oati i . . , M . I ...... 4 -o-.L 4l ! .j . i . i tbera a man wa8 8a,d t0 be 10 I08868- sion of a salary" wh'o had his "sala-1 i - . , i . ? I sniu io ueinuosses-i 810n 01 a Taiary "J"" n,f allowance ot salt, where- iff it .. ' Wlfli Tr crkvo tha tiirwl . hv whinli a :"w ""' "' xv ii in wivn tii mm . i iru i , ww w ninn iioi lived. Tlius salary comes from salt, and in this view of the word how ., ; . . many mere are wno ao not "earn tbtir irJtf There i in New York a sort of an- ti-slaveryj association the occasion for which it is not pleasant to contem- MgGl she never cast more; than 121", nlate. Its exact name is The Work- I rvnn ..ni i ;nwon Prot(lct;ve TTn:nn flfOPl . T Atni.tM.i.Mt, u u. i eioMiteert veara it lias lipn iitwnrk no- o r" I . . . .... I innr wlint A rtipriMns must liliiftli In I o t i th,nk -1-Prtecting women Irom the .. . . . . I dishonesty and tyranny ot their era- . - ... 1 f-wj""; vywuoii-ctiii nic OiuauiaM.rebcUl0ni JJctrOll JTOSL 0f workipg women's wages, jt is start M'"K learu mat mis society lias iu i L. ... i? m t rrr- i tne last tweive luoiitns recovereu me i isum oi rzij.uii in iiie iirosccuuoii oi i i ' cu ts br! unna d war.s. Much has 2.' :.i u...i.' 1 suiis xor- uiiijuiu wajj.es. iuuuu nasi 1 mi .rn -4l. J: 1 eu .:...!-. H acr0SS lL rh,S Ps the trggtr m.. . uC . - j, viC U,a, .alwuu5 - ness 01 nireu gins, uui in view i ow . .1 il ? 1 I- A 1 A ? : i i. : i iuct iiiuru ia uuuiw"v iui tite uuuuu- i . . . . . I A? " T . A 1 I i I. " I I uouw o me ou.cr "uw ra?uy 01 l"OJse m a,,u wo,ut" who sleak scornfully of their "help 1 have earned the riht to criticise by paying the wages agreed upon and justly due? Northern Advocate. Mr. Tih! turned out to be a devotee to ajsthet- icism. Uis new house now being finished in New York, has a front of, different colored marble, elaborately carved,;in the highest style of aesthet ic art. Its cost is 400,000. The i dining saloon is eiubelishcd with carv ed satin wood, costing thirty thousand dollars.! The old gentleman is hot too old to learn new tricks. Now for a mistress for that palatial mansion. In the role of bridegroom he would have an example worthy of imitation in Col Camp, of Pennsylvania, a ve teran of the war of 1812, who at the age of 94 has just married a youthful dame of 72 summers, a -Mrs. Rich, who, it -is conjectured, jrill become much more rich when the Colonel decamps to the other world. Revenue Agent Brooks, of Greens boro, N. C, reports to Commissioner Raum in regard to the seizure of the tobacco factory of Eugene Johnson, iu the sixth district of North Carolina, that on the night of the lOth instant a party of masked men broke into the factory, overpowered Deputy Collect or Hobson, who was in charge of the seized property, and stole twenty nine boxes of manufactured tobacco, and thai he(Brooks) is doing every thing iii his power to recapture the tobacco land identify the thieves. Cliar. Obs. 1 11 ----1 --- mmml I The Qalveston News remarks: 'Now that the Republicans are divided on the Chinese question, New Eng'and Senators are denouncing the negro, and the stalwarts and half-breeds are at war lover Garfield's dead body, it does look as if the Democrats might slip in and take possession." Yes, if the Democrats themselves don't get to squabbling over the tariff or some thiut? else Cwr. Observer, - en. in 111s 01a a-e, nasi.,. i10 ilftrne it imo fmm Tnio n A Scientific Dcstoycr. it - - - - ' , -i . . nl " .. . i ! ' ' J Frof MezzeroflJ a Russian chemist, recently appeareil before- a Fenian meeting in New York and thus sU- led what he could do: ,. rwV r -...-,,(.- . l--jfi ftlRnv . a , fl-;i w r W 1 UUIU UUU1II11U.LH " 2111 I'Ill' V ,T: "JIY i,a" war vessel inai fnaa cost oil- 000,000, nn,l cdatcd with an irou mor twent7-two7inchW ' 6 S jHewouVJgSintoldon.J Berfin; fVinnifj tU1 H " " "rCTSIv oure wiin twenty men. none of lhiri burdened with anrth more' bnlW - . - i t-Ki , k, -v, li . the cliv. TT -nbT nf .1 nUfa th Wn-1.. 'w;f4 ' there were others present wWundet K stood and who could tell hoiv effoctWe they were. He could, for a few thou- - ; loauu uouars treicn a aouia-; line ox 1 i f , ... - :.!rfMa fW-WSWtli bor in Ireland and so make a .worse . ., , . ' 'i- than imnassahle birriir tn vtrv Kmr. lish war ship. He bould stand Invrfn u tt. L.. - Uktrt of Constan in,levina - ... . , . . , . one - fourth the size bf ihe room; in which he was speaking, and wUh means now at the entire city 7' means now at his command destroy . . . - , t A Nonplused M icn io a nder " I.... . . . j " : ' : i " hen the war broke outorth Car-j olina was called the Union State Of e.. ii. i a. i : - i-i -1! ' OT'"."".i"Fy very generally in fovor of .tho.wv- the rebel archives now uhdeVmmi- nation at Washington, that tip to . , i Al rrJrf 1 ir tt I ICUCia tU UKUt tllC UUlUUt ;! . J-4 - k w M 1. j,- , , - -iiv I o i c..4i. ..l..., . luti kJiuiu kjuuin oiiuna suwu a ium - -'i . tt 4 ii r I. ( I,- &3 iiai, it la uiuuun iu uiac ouc shudder to think what it might have 0 1 done if it had sympathized with'the . . .. xr i i L If a burglar enters a room, orna- tvyi r: lnm .1 it... . . . lie win nit a tnreaa wnicn is sireien- , .. . .i ,,c thal gtrikc3 a atd, that lights a wick l, fircs to nuoa and - I . T i i aiarm ciock. This is a hint to the burgiar to retire and let the inmates of the room sleep in peace, . : I , . ( I Our North Carolina deer hunters' I would doubtless, like to take' a, peep at a deer's head which the New York IforW refers lo as bavins: 58 points -1 that wonderfuHState. Never seta hen in a box above the ground or floor of the chicken honsp f 1 if possible to do otherwise, as the eggs dry too fast and lose their vitahtyi Much better success raay4)e; ex if the nests are made on the; m groun The Bepublicans propose if possible! to : gerrymander Massachusetts 80 as to pre-frii vent the Democrats from electing, a sjfn- gle member of Congress. Bostoa ' which j I is now a Democratic district ba itsehViis to bo parcelled out and made parts j of. fire Republican districts,, all! taking . part of Boston and-ruaiing out into the country far enough to get a Republican majority. The word gerry originated . in Massachusetts when old Eldridge Gerry laid out a district that ran every which way, and bore a resemblance to a strange animal. The Washington correspondent the Richmond Dispatch sas that when the (tinternal revenue bill' corue up in the House the Democrats will offer jin amendf meat, it is reported, reducing the tar ou! ;. tobacco, whiskey, cigars and beer but it will, beyoni peradventure, be , voted down. They will, however, secure a re-j corded vote on the - question." Soma times recordedjvotes become ngly remind dors But we say reduce, but not $G3.-j -f 000,000. Why are they not anxious also 14, to get a recorded vote on the tariff ques- tion 1 Wil. Star. 1 A Calp Dies of- HiEOPiiOBiA.--John , - V. Hood, Esq., of Morning Star township f this county, was theownerof a.cairabout-j ten months old,. which died about a week , ' ago from hydrophobia. About ten weeks ngo a dog was killed in he neighborhood of Philadelphia church, which j was sup posed to have been suffering" from rabies v. and was known to hsLvo bitten , six' other, ' . , dogs, a hog and this"calf. About tlireo : r weeks ago the hog died from hydropho-! -. 1 bia,and about a week ago thd. calf died s: also froiirth'e same diseese. All the dogr a we-e killedCar. Ohstmr. tr, '5 nil it 1 M-i; r I,. i -f i! -4'- if. 4! :i V . I 'I H 4s,1 . 34. - . ; . .1 l-tr " I 1 -1 1- it if' : d U- ' 61. 1- v. r .

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