- if Si rr. 8 v- i... " -' v". 5 rim SALISBTOY. II. C., APEIL 6, 1882; -4: KO 25 .'..'ir- li - - a - litiiil . 1 . , . - I - -. ' V ".,-.. " ; ------ . j. , ' v : M :." V "V. v'- : -J - 1 ' -' "., - ; - . i .' - -. .... ! . ' . f - t- l ? 1 ! 1 0 9' lie Carolina Watchman I 1 VivTnE YEAll 1832. AiECUiriRQuARTZ.--Mr. W.B. tlfof Kiton,if Catawba jcouniy,: Un,ltP,l Jilif. this office yesleruay, a ac b'cnfforia on Hog Hill, rn that 3unty,whlch among other pcculiari ie haai ihcddcd. within it a few rons of .-.titer, fine water ?oum ,e plainljlseen and has probably lockel up for centurid. VWho ah say holv long? Won't some scien- ist tellus low this tusus naturae came Proceedifigs have been instituted n he Philadelphia courts, by members J the KeclV Motor Company, to make Ccely divulge the spcret 01 nis aueg- d inventidn. liut it was argueu mat e Vathelonly possessor of. his secret, hat it vas? in his head, and that no court coull jwupel-him to divulge it. That'svhfre Keely has the advantage of the conlpany.-Ctar. Obs. TreasurrVorth reports that he has faude $81819,745 of old bonds into new four erCejiti bonds, and given in exchange 2,598,850 onew bonds. fliere .stilj remain otitstamlihg of old bonds'$,yG700. The period dur- ingVhicliSthe, cliange could be made, under the! act of the legislature, has expired. -C7(ar. Obs. . . - .1 - 1 . 6." i SUc Didn't Die. . A colurcu womau whoTias Wen liviug 16 liaUighl for a good while, and is very well kuowl iy hoik white aud black as a Laid-workiug ; wooiau, was takea sick two or thifeei.vveeks ago with pneumouift aud carnal vry near dying. In tact, the doctors cave! her uuaud refused to do any worejfor her.. One day last week tue crisis icanie, but tue day bctore, she culled hoi liareuta to the . bedside audr - ! -- tuM themslje was going to die, aud that ehe waited theui to make Jiershioud right away. Ti bloth was picked i out by the dying w ifiuan, and she told her inuthev lior she w ished it cut out aud made. vervthicfe; i was doue as the '- daughter directed. IfATlast she was dyiug, it was thought, ifhe motiier and husband etowd by tlie-bedside watching for the last -breath. . 4Gf and get the shroud,' sajd the mother to the husband, aud leta be ready for her. The shroud was hurriedly made, an alt-Was ieady, waiting and ; watcfiing iot the last moment. nut a enange cook xiace about one o'clock a.jni and she did not die. The change was tor the better and the shroud will uot be used j at least for the present. She h nearly well now ItaleigU Vmtoi " The uroectiomsts have overleaped thefusel ya very much. In tlieir gieed for Ca'iofoii'inonopoiy they have dug un- der.thejr hwu fouudations. as the future There ia no sort of doubt - - r- - e -- i - . s- . . - i that a discussion of free trade, and pro tection Ufcofies results in the conversion of the aairpeates of tho latter, save only hen tRy are engaged in such pursuits as they hiokf reqiiiro protection. The Bieauy growth of; ideas is ! changing the tfeugthofi the, jiwo parties, and that 5 streigth s going over to tho advocates of slor tariff, and for revenue. This is so plain tht Col; Alex. llcClure, editor j)f ; tlie r Philadelphia Times; and a sagacious politician, as well as a staunch protec- .tiouist, admits tliis. He says : ' : Trcp i -frade is now he i faith of the ablest id itni)st; inttoentiat , Uepablican journals of I tlie country aud ot many of its ablest statesmeB, while the'Democrat--Jc pai-tys (iiaiulyr free outside of" Penh sylvanias, with no necessity i for a protec tive tariff as a revenue measure. The - battto for - protection will be most un eqiut.one, and the threatened' tempest! of Copgfesfeionul jobbery will be likely jto ;?IUvljts;j:rowuJnjg:isfortune.to the coun try in tifetrittmph of free trade." - ; He fe;rs. that tho days of protection are rnnmberdJ , Rut j let the Democrats ;be ofi-eful fnot to obstruct the; reduction of tariff d dfles. Wilin faston jStat s, i he Rfst Tkst. Oh, you want to know the best rule by which t to measure your laer. Very good, it . is simple. foes ii show a genuine love for his fa tuer and jmother, always speaking of inein wuit respect and rcvereuco: moth er works does he honor ' them bv word and deed ti If not, he is 'disobedieut to .. - vuo. uiusi. Bacreu law Known to men is j untrue o God and will be so to you. - Jrnsjt him 'not. Again : Does he speak -aisrespectful of God's word, of His peo : pie, and of sacred things generally! If so, v spurn, him; - for he is no better than !! ; vile spjnt, which tempted! Eve. and as sooa as the novelty of the f marriage j has ' passed and the stern affairs of life come oni will trample you likeXiildJeast. 1 Ixisvvorth remembering that nobody en ; joys thenicest surrnnnrliiinrQ if in XA health : i nere .'are : mseraUe noonln .i m-ii t. t.ri.1 air : i vuh: pe foot in the grave, when a bottle of - ?reY-!mKcr Ionic would do them more i(. good than; all th i -.-i"Jve ever tried. See ad. VqJ Nov 13. " V ' : ' - s J. Rhodes BROWNE, Prest. Wk. C. COART, Sec'yJ A Home Company,Seeking Home Patronage. 11 StroDiProitEeliaMe, Literal! i Term policies written on Dwellings. 1 Premiums "payable One-half cash and ball ance in twelve months. J ! ! J. ALLEN BROWN, Art.. " 21;Gm " Salisbury, N. U. - - i i I CO :. a a o td o p S CO . to sr. O 3 ocrq 2p ' cr p I1 CO Hi a O o w o o o 02 o o CO -s O P CO REMEMBER THE DEAD ! MONUMENTS TOMBS, GREAT REDUCTION j IN THE PRICES OF j Marbls Uonusients and Grave-Stones of -. Option. . i I cordially invite the public generally to an inspection of iuy Stock and Work. I feel justified iu asserting that my past experience under nrst-ciasr workmen in all the newest and modern styles, and that the workmanship is equal to any of the best in the country. 1 do not say thafruiy work is superior to all others, . am reasonable, will not exaggerate in or der to accomplish a salei iMy endeavor is to please and give each customer the val ue of every dollar they leave with tue' PEICES 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER . than ever offered in this town before. Call at onco or send for price list and de signs. Satisfaction gnaraut'd or no charge. 1 he erection of marble is the last Avork of respect which we pay., to the; memory of departed mends. 4 JOHN S. HUTCHIKSON. Salisbury, N. C, Nov; , 1881. j. Blater aid Henderson, attorneys, Counselors ": ; " and Solicitors J j SALISBURY, Jf.C. Januay22:l879 tt. TliTIK TABLE WESTERN IT. C. Railroad Takes effect Sunday July 17, issi, at Lis, P. ;M. PA SSKXGKR THAIS. ARBIVK. XKAVKr STATIONS. ARRIVE. LEATS 1 120 a.mj sanstmry 4 30 a. m is os a.m 13 30 12 53 140 S 2S -41 l87 345 423 4 50 51 6 637 7S si- : - 850 9 00 145 rrnlrd creek 3 34 308 248 141 1243 12 28 Elmwood Statesvllle ! Catawba Newton Conova HlQkory- u 67 p.m rso icara Morjrahton 1113 10 29 Glenn Alpine 10O2 unasrewater i Marion I 9 45 J 8S6 I 8 02 T17 ! 87 i 6 07 5 49 i 5 27 !. 515 Old Fort. 7.07 A.M Henry Bl'k Mountain Cooper's i j Swannanoa . i - Ashevllle Ju'ct lAshev-lUe French Broad 4i5p.m J-RKIGI1T pUIS. ARRIVE. LKAVK. STATIONS. ' ABRTTK. UATX. j 5 00 AJi. Salisbury i 5i r.M 0i.x. " jTnlrd creek 6 24A.X 347 j sis 4 1 3 43 I j 1 84 i ;12 25 i US 09 sss ess T56 8M i , - i Elm wood J SStatesvuie i jCatawba I - -Newton? j "jconoverl j jllickory 1 !lO 40 Heard LMoreanton 10 v , 9 41 ".028 1150 12 S3 A 31 100 817- S41 4 04 5 88 . 5 SO 6 80 - ,sorx III 31 A 940 906 .1 ;Glen Alpino j 4 -Brtdewatcr; ', iMarlon. jf I 8 44 7 42 i . iOldFort II ! 6R esiA.if. : -Henry U ! 5S9 , 5 ;Bik Mountain-; s 03 j 5 so rjf.;Cooper"8 i . j 4 48 ! . -Long's - 423 J - -iAsbevUleJaV 5 jAshevuie j 1 S . -French Broad? i 4 00A.lf. f rains ran dally, Sundays excepted. lany, fcunaaysexceptea. ' 1 A; B.ANDREWS, ctupt THE P A'R.MFi'R. iL0'VEB I V did see sayx, iur. oonaiuan i 45ruce stood leaning over the kitchen the casement, iWUh pale green Jeayes I ..----' : , - . t "" ' - I and ' curling tendrils. -. He was stout ana DV no tnCHOS ail JiaoniS lO.lOOK k.;t wJti,.f.ii-I Pese in Ms Inaner: is hi brcathl ly awaited his middle aged sister's 1 answer to the question he had just asked. f; $ - I deftly round the outer edge of the crust before the answered,-1 .'ShesVid. " Mr. Jonathan's countenance felU 'Linda,' gasped he, didj she mean it?' Of course she did said Miss Be- linda : 'and I told you as much be- fore, didn't I!' ; . I ) ;'But I never heard of such a thing before !' cried j Jonathan, excitedly. 'I'm a well-to-Bo-farmer, and she's only a servant. 'But sh'es proud as Lucifer for all tnar, assentea ins sister. 'Where is she r asked Jonathan with a vague Ktea ot seeking out uie ODCiurate lair one ana j pieauing; own cause, tor an oiler ; pi marriage chanced to be J the ; question under debate. - 'Gone!' taid ;Mis Belinda, crisply. 'Gone?' echoed her brother. Ye9, gone.' Miss Belinda! set the two pies in the oven witn au .empuasis mat spoue volumes for the! strength of the bak- ihg platters. . j i - 'Packed up and gone and I dou't know where and I don't care, so you need't take the trouble to ask, for I'll keep no girl in ny house that feels herself too cood to be! ray brother s wife. A hauelitv thins as I have no patience with.'; j Jonatliau Bruce said nothing but he took his elbows down off the kitch- eu window sill and walked away, feel as if all the brightness had gone out of the summer sky, all the sweetuess from the balniy- July air. 'I've made d mistake,' thought he. 'It seems to roe my life is all a mis take. I ought io have spoken out my self, instead of trusting that matter to sister. ! I thought wonien could man age such a matters better than a man But I forgot there were different kinds of women, Linda is excellent in driv ing bargains about butter aud eggs and chickens, but I doubt if she'd be gentle-aud soft spoken enough to deal with a: question like tjiis. Poor little Dorothy !- I vish I'd asked her my self, though I perhaps after all it wouldn't have made any difference.' Jonathan Bruce had lived to the age of forty-five without feeling the darts of Cupidnd when he did fall in lovej it was a serious business. Dorpthy Dale had come to the old farm-house toi earu her living. She was a delicate?, lovely! girl of nineteen with dark gray eyes, black hair, grow- ingLlow upon her forehead, and a fresh bloom like that of a peach. She had first come to Lowmoor to try and get, the place jof teacher in the district school. But the trustees had their particular favorite, and when the spectacled Miss Keene was appointed poor little Dorothy found herself pen niless in a strange place. 'Whatcanldo?' she said, piteously. 'Miss Bruce wants a servant, sug rested the landlord's wife. 'Ten dol- lars a month and a good home. House work ain't so; genteel as school teacli- lug uui 111 iuj. ui.u Houiuicucaiiujr. And JJorothy caught at the. straw .i -li. i.!-.jf.fD :-i -1 i . . 1 . t . . . . . extend to her. and took the position of servant in th she filled satisfactorily "until Mr. JonathauVunexpected offer of raar- riage. t i 'Marry him, become his wife?' thought Dorothy, with flushed cheeks and wildly beating heart. 'Oh, never, never!' j I '-' : And yet, sirangejtQ say, she did not actual ly disl i ke honest Jonathan Bruce. It was only , the" natural recoil of the wild birtl from the fowler's snare, the untamed j deer from the hunter's touch.; j ' - It was scarcely a month from the winuow- sui iiKe an exaggeratea copy i he came upon a light figure crouch-1 learned to know. or one of Raphael's famous cherubs, j ing in one of its embrasures Dorothy I are the noblest his head and isliouldersjjpst Visible BOleVfiiref ! l':,t,iJ:u 5 ,And lkIr Bruce above the hop vines that garlanded 1 Why Dorotbyi xhild l lie ejacula- 16 the quarries' - juisseunaa iiruce, wno foe. In truth and In fact I aml- U -T fore the kitchen! table making apple -.a ! I U - K -f: W. !: AVe Tl' : t ' T 1 1. - I , ; , i - VV ?- t force of rw, w ..... ...w y on ..wouldn't ore which the rai(dleaged farmer j beard ; tois doom that T he chanced to 1 becrossins: the bridge which , spau- ned the river, when, all of orsudden, ted. starting backj;-W: jr-1 1 . .!-" . T .,-7i7-- .. 'i y l ' She pushed the dark, hair out of her I pps And ImiL-Arl clpfinntlv ntllim. l, ? I irty.Vl-W' i ; 'hfi.-;,,,! .;. r r ,.You he matted slowly, and very, very! thin.' Yes he said. 'I I have had hard work to livel 1 Verr hardv werk.in-1 marry toe I f r -r I 'No she flashed out, I would not!' " 'Will you marry me now ?' He looked hard at her. minK you re raaKiug a misiaKe, ; ne She was silent, still lookiucr at ! ! a a a a a a ' ; I him in the same scared, uncertain sort of way. 'However,' ! he added, 'that's neith er here nor tljere. But Belinda misses you. one will oe giau to nave you jjacj. aajn - r 'After ' - f Dorothy ch' ecked herself instinc-l ujvey yeSj after everything. Let by-gones be by-gones. Remember that Belinda waus you aiKi' there's always a I , .r J I IIUUIU IU1 JUU lUCICi AIJU UqIVI iilv. TvtA I needn't trouble. I shall not be in any body's way,5 going up to a; little bitterly. 'I am J some slate quarries that I I own, and Belinda will be all alone.' 'Yes,' she Isaid. I will go. After all: I shall be putting myself under obligations to nobody. I shall be earmug my oyu living. So she went back asain and Miss Belinda received her brusquely, but o511 tuitK n ilairi-Aa nf linnnoua f lilt I i ! I went to the i)6or girl s heart. 1 1 1 'Are the quarries very larger she asked, wistfully, one day, when she. hnd bopn about a month- at the old farm-house. 'Never heard.' 'Were von never there ?' 'Bless your' heart, child, no.' 'Does Mri Bruce often come home?' 'He's at liouie now.' said the spin- ster.' .. - j 'At home V 'Why, yes J only he's staying down at the tavern He's a sort of notipu that you don't want tosgc him here.' 'He is very much mistaken, ex 1 claimed Dorothy. 'I-I-it. is horrible to think of turning him out of li is own housed ! 'There ho is down in the clover meadow now, with the men,' 6aid Belinda. 'He'll be up this way direct ly, I dare say; shall I call him ?' '1 think 1 ouglvt to speak to turn. said Dorothy, ?ith her eyes fixed yn her work. 'Wants to speak to me, eh ?' said Mr. Bruce. 'Yes. I'll be there in a minute, j Dorothv looked una minute later GA i.:U ...i LU UUU II I 111 tCKaiVIIIIK IIH IliU f T . . 11 -rv 1 .1 1 a o - o . w ell, xoroiuy, wnai is 11 x ; 'Mr. Bruce, I am bauishing you from youriown home. 'Well, uo von are not he answer- . i I . ed, slowly, 'I can be happy any where, little Dorothy, so that I know that you are content.' 'Mr. Bruce.' 'Well?'i 'There is 110 occasion for your ab senting yourself from jrour home on my account 'i 'May li come back, Dorothy ? he I Y0U kftOW that you can, she I . crietl 'And will you stav here ? I 'Why should I not ?' 'Dorotliy.' f 'Yes.' j j - 'Couldtf'tL we stay here together She looked up coloring, yet wit 1 a bright smile. 'I have said no once,' she said, 'if you were to ask iiie again : Well?f 1 snouiu My yea. T 1 'Then jt'a a bargain,' said he quiet- ly, if yon think you. cau put up with au unfashionable old chap like me such a sweet Iitte rosebud as yiou, Dorothy. CShised her innat -young lips lor the betrothal kiss.: i e s Mii - nave iearnel to love you since X came bacr here, she I whispered.: - U you as : you reauy j and bestO f men. 1 - - . . I ucHr-wwik.ua Slier lUau - . ; I it . . .. - I r rn .1 - . 1 r ' -' , ... , - i i ; Some idea of the quautity of Irish PVww liuiwiricu iuio mis wuiury mnv: he fnrrriod frnm iIip 'rfnt flint I jritfia the past siimonlhs at the port I of Bostop alone $100,000, import du- ties were la id being collected at the n16 f fifteen cents a bushel,- convicts employed -on the Paint ) Rock branch Of the Western North Can-1 liua Railroad were! removed on Monday I and wisre sent down the Dncktown branch on Tuesday to be pnt to work on the sec- tion near afad beyond Pigeon River. We I learn thftt. TaVita Arli)itinii nf fiMh It. in (Ik I js to be mdde te the force by accession of newly convicted criminals. un Tuesday the ' - m I mail train went down the river as far as Deep water, which is the train on regular schedule ! to that point. The trestle at Deep Water, will be completed for the passage of trains this week j and the iron bridge will be put up as rapidly as possi ble, the material and the constructors are all on the spot'. ' ' ' - The West axd Socth. In an article on the comparative advantages for resi dence and business of the West and i South, the Danville Register says -of the j former, that "with all the attractions wb'ch that busy and progressive, people uuu men 1VI 1UUUS UUCI IW HID DClliri. - ,t - time some ...V V.M.W MV.MW M backs which are becominsr more and more felt from rear to year and which after awhile may direct the tide of immi- gration in part to other favored fields. As to climate, the northwest is a most in hospitable land. Emigrants learn as much after they get there. The prairie winds are terrific and tlie blizzards are quite past endurance. There is scarcity of purejwater everywhere, and a perpet uai prTDce 01 cu,us , , 1U . am moi 'I ha l-npnui n nn1 tho ilrnntli nr. . nt..u rtvnfinn wLim, nnknnwn in wimessuu uuu ieii were iu u ut-crce ui j the middle and Atlantic States. Added to all ithis the recurring inundations " be fireat rivers, which destrqy crops and impoverish the people are calamities which deenlv disconrasre and demoralize the inhabitants." The Register's conclu sion is that "taken till in all, the middle and southern Atlantic slope is tlie most attractive ceuntry uuder the sun." The New (York Tribune contains an teresting article on the progress of the wheat-growing industry. It 6b- I serves that the wheat-growing industry has been steadily moving West for more than half a century. Western New York and eastern Pennsylvania were once the great wheat sections. Then Ohio had its turn. (Now the counties of that State which: forty years ago shipped large quantities of wheat to the East do not raise enough to supply their own popular tion with bread. Afterwards Indiana, Southern Michigan, Northern Illinois and Wisconsin made wheat the chief crop, to be succeeded by Iowa, an now by Miu nesota. Nebraska end Dakota. The wheat! belt cannot move much further West.! It will soon reach the great gras sy plains where there is not sufficient rainfall for successful agriculture. Be yond the Rocky Mouutaius, in Oregon and Washington Tenitory, a new wheat country of immense extent is being de veloped ; but on the Atlantic side of tho continent the area where wheat-farming I , . f i.j.. J .J . . I is tue cuici luuusuj wiuuunw I'uou hpvnnd Ihe riresent limits of Dakota, The jam3t in tlie Valley of the Red riveriof the North and the vast rolling . - . plains of Dakota and Manitoba are evi- dently destined to be a permanent grai na ry, like Hungary and Southern Russia. j i; . - A Natchez paper speaks of the hun dreds of deer that have been driven out of tho low lauds- by the overflow, and saysf "On Sunday last several gentle- nipn. in their Sandav rambles, found a number oft deer that had fallen into a ra- vinei from which they found it impossi- ble to get! out. With true humanity they 1 . . 1. .1 71 h a I li n r. r- liir wenv to hoik aim uug n ttmj which the little animals could find their wayioutof the ravine, helped them to mnnnt to the ton of the bank, and sent them en their way rejoicing to the green wmWU nf the couutrv. Instances of the same kind of humane feeling have been, we are glad to say, the rule with the peo ple of this vickiity, while the disposition to capture and kill the deer haa been the exception n . SiN FfiAjrcisco, March 27. Three tons of powder exploded to day in the Vulcau powder company's Works in Alexander county near Oakland, killing 11 men, 5 white and 6 Chinese. Four men all white were injured. Total loss about $23,000. 1 T L state Df Georgia has declared her ' independence and has planted more oats, wheat and corn this seasou thau ever be- ote. - - Can a Congressman be Elected by : d f ue olsie rge v t Mn.lrrbR Considerable discussion is nowi going on and will continue as t6 wuemer .mere is any machinery; lor : tu lcclAUfUi wiugresamau large iu tsortnai - oiina, and as to whether tbe Conuril of SKat nrfwl wilr WnW fijg ertnest flf the fiownmr to rnlt nn ,7-r- -w.,, . " o extra session of the Oeneral Assembly to " provide for such election. It is very clear iv". .. wrw Ioan" uie laws from time to-lime en - t machinery by which the will of the o- pie at the. ballot box is ascertained; The office or position of .Congressman, is one or law for its existencp. It is provided for by - the constitution and laws of the TJuited States. - Congress itself fixes the. number of Representatives to which each State is entitled and not .the States , themselves, and Congress nowhere fixes the machine ry for the States. For this reasou j the States onlv Drovide for the election of such - nnmber as Congress by its law gives " eacn or sucu btates. if a person is votcu ior at uie election lie must be a a . . . a candidate for an office recognized and named in the election laws of our State, For this reason every officer to which wo have heretofore been entitled is mention ed, and a ballot box provided in which such officer is voted for. In our election laws the State officers are mentioned by name,' members of the General Assembly are mentioned bit name, and bo with county officers and a Congressman for each district. Judges and Solicitors are also provided for. Where is. there any provision in our election machinery for Congressman at large f He is not known to the statute law of North Carolina. Our election laws providing for the elec tion of certain officers make provision also for a ba Uot box to contain the votes for each officer so named. Going still further the law ia its certainty and par ticularity directs the exact number 0 boxes the county commissioners are to provide. In order to ascertain the will of the peo pie the county commissioners are to pro vide boxes in which officers known to the laws of North Carolina are to" beAroted for. With the election laws as they now are, what authority will the county com missioners have for adding auothcr box and appointing two Judges of election more tli an the law authorizes them' to dot Before the election and when they are fixing tho receptacles for ballots they take the statutes of the State as they are I written. They doift go by what that man sa3s or this mau says. They most be governed by the late as enacted by our Legislature. Now do the county commis sioners know we are entitled to a Con gressman at large. What law tells them sot Who is to direct them to provide a box for him t Who tells them how many Judges they-are to appoint to preside over a box they have 110 authority of law for' opening? What tells-J hem whether the Judges iru to be of diJiVreut political parties ur of the same party, and if the latter, iif what party t Iu a word, what law regulates aud -guards this box by details as it does all tlie other boxes T What law says on what kind of the Congressman t-large shall bo for ? Shall it be written or printedi shall it be .on white or red paper t shall the ballot be without device? All these . de - tails are mentioned in our election - law . for State aud county omcers because they j are named in the law. Suppose the coun- ly commissioners uo proviuu iuim uoi ior the extra Congressman, and a ticket is deposited on red paper instead -of-white and with a device 00 it, shall it be thrown out or counted t. In all the other boxes which the law mimes, the law says throw it outantt not count it. conmsion couia arise here, bectious Id, 1 and JO Jiat. I . .. ... m i. if aw 1 'iinn .V' nrnui-iHA run rim nniiAa ni 1 ' --i" t the county commissioners in providing boxes and Judges of election, and the manner in winch the Judges shall Connt A. 1 A. 1 . Z 1 ST 1.. 11 ..1. 11.. ie votes uuu nmu i unuuw iuej shall count, but wnat ngnt nave fuese Judges to say that the same law applies a- .i. i...iii. r.-.. 1 w mo UU11U19 iui uug.coomvn uk-mipv, wnen mat law ians to recognize umi 01- fice in its provision for elections! -Is this Congressman to be voted for on a ballot with the district Congressman Y The law says not. He can't be voted for on a ballot with any other person, for an v iiiir wimthiiii inr . UUi lil.t eaj 9 n uv cuhii w i wvv -t l n nt tni-a iiIia bI.oii lia i'iira1 fi nnnn caclfballot, and if there is another name UIIUU tunv uuiivii mini Juan .wi 1 . x, A . J, , ' named, then all the names shall be. ' . . , a. i thrown out. And finally, after tho elee-1 . 41. n l.fillf tli.n inor eiii.Ii o oa tion who is to count, the vote for Con- j gressman at-large and declare the resultt Can the Governor do it alone or shall he nave help t Shall it be the canvassing board provided for tlio other; officers or shall it be a different one. No law de clares who, or how it shall be douef So it seems that a Congressman at-large is not provided for and that he is without a habitation and a homo, it does seem to me that the Governor's Council arro- gated to themselves a great deal of learn- iuir when thev deliberately decided' that; l.irin4nfcwiiulom enabled them toisee a! way out of these difficnUies. : ThoAtlor- ney General whom the law makes the legal adviser of the Governor decided' that the law provided no machinery WT Uiis eleytiou. But Messrs. Worth, ; Rob- erts and Scarborough, neither of whom ever opened a law book, decide that he f fcicb ueai or inutguation was aroused at Uie close of the war wheu we were refused representation in "i Con gress from the Sontb, and yet here; are these gentlemen, who set themselves, np as the embody men t of wisdom and law, paving the way for n to lose that! repre sentation to which we are entitled. B t If 7 f The Democratic party is an bianiza ion. It fs; an association. TIrose who; are members of it owe a fealty to it.; They are supposed to be in accord with its sentiments and desirous of premoting its objects. At least they must prefer Its success to the success of f the Repnblican party, otherwiso they wouldjbe Bepubli cans rather than Democrats.! PlWlnn - x . . 7' -t - n uiereiore,Nmen wno claim to ba Demo. -. ; I .1.1 iL. . ' . '' . . 1 1: 1- v.fno ec5, wjo uverinrow anu aisraptloa of the Democratic party, make war upon 1 1, in an. c (.-uarge ngntnst irt ana una all manner of faolt with it, not ith any view of correcting an civil, buf for- the purpose ol leading Voters away from its support, they are guilty off political treachery. Such persons 1 have! an 'un questioned right to separato thcmselrof from the party and to become1 Indepen dents or Republicans. But they have no right to call themselves Democrats' anil be working in the interests of tlie Repub lican party. If any abuses exist in the Democratic party let. them be exposed. aud it doesn't make any difference who. fij shall bring them to light. It isj tlnr (jtj-fi7T of a good Democrat to expose them, for ; j ;; ti the party should not tolerate abuses. : 4. f But it is not the duty of a Democrat .tot be raising a false clamor and making va mountain out of a -mole hill merely to. render the organization of which he claims : ,t to be a member unpopular and.to sccuro, its defeat and the success of the llepublU.. can party at the polls. Tl'iZ. Star. 1 Buncombe Superior ; CocnT.-rThe . following is the disposition made of par ties convicted under indictments found and tried: - j 7 Robert Lisehby, white, malicious inju ry to buildings, twelve months in the county jail j James Massey, James Hall and Loftin Murphy, all colored, carrying concealed weapons, all six j months ia connty jail. Clayton Sprouse and.Jamos Morris, white, assault with deadly weap-.. ons aud resisting officer, each 12 months m jail for one offense aniLsix months for the other. In all these cases of commit tal to the jail the Judge directed the par- tics to be hired out to public work until j both costs and Jincs had been paid by j their work. ! 1 . 1 i - --; ' t The following were sent to the pen I- i tentiaiy; all for larceny : j - ?' 'James W. Paine, white, 3 years, John Carter, colored, 3 years,; James Dauiel, colored, 1 year, George Lisenby, colored, 1 year, and Wm. White, colored, 5 years. Jason Williams, colored, was convicted of brcakiug into the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, with a view to rob bery, and has 2 years in tits pcuiteiitia ry. .. ..' . nk'P; Malaria, sickness, and even death, is sometimes very convenient, Shipftcrd. ballot the Peruvian Company man now uuder votwl going examination, has "malaria" whcii- ever he gets in a tight place aud the-iii vest igat ion has a stop. Ex-Senator Dor- ' scy, on trial for swindling the govern-! , . ; - . - - -...it 1 ment in the star route matters, it is stat-i ed has suddenly sold out his ranches for $600,000 and is now quite sick .ia'iNew' j aiexico. a ue reports ara uiai jio cannot recover, and that his death is a matter of . only a few days. He wjll probably re-ap- pear with his $G00,00d, under another name in Australia Xetcs-Observer. Victor Hugo feels the shadow oftlio . tomb gathering round him, but is not i i i , mi. . n i i v . irouuicu oy it. "jij insuDci teiii me, 1.. r.PPMr Rid tn a frlnd. "that xthmn ; 1 ,fas8 through the black tunnel called Death, I shall open my eyesjn tt higher; i ' , aud brighter existence.; Why should I ot believe iu this instiactt It is one of the rare things that never lie." Victor -i . .. .1. - - Jlugo ,g uappy that he has tanght Uie Freuch ieople to revereuce childhood the infaut is to him arsacred thing. Wasiikgtox, March 27. -Judge Advof cate General Swain has made his report I v . 0 : the court martial in the case against Ma 1 f -TT ? , . ,. V, -m - 1 ' court martial is invalid by reason of cer- . . . . . . .; - J ,. - 4. tain irregularities in the proceedings of ... " . i 1 , There is some advantage in being blind. One cau work at night as well as during the day. A blind darky at Americor, Georgia, was discovered the other night i at 2 o'clock, sawing wood' for dear life. He thought it was day . time; Perlia the roosters crowed too soon.- '1 i i ll j Joues says that after trying for years to photograph his girl upoi his heart, all i,e got from her In the end vas a negative. J 7- I j ' V y 1 1 There is no man suddenly either exj-f I. dleutly good or extremely evil ' "WINE OF CARDUI rt inakea roj cbc-ksi and clear complexions. ; At Tlieo. F. Klutu, 7i 1 if 1 T a :- -'ft U t j ?Tt7 i I' - ft H I tt f v. I. m 1 J.-;; : it mm .-si 1 ti ! . C --Ai 4- -1 r i 11 nr. -H7 ft' ,11 13 iUt-71 1 : -i f i-1 -1 i. ' :- i - l : - -Hi- -PM H. W 1! i 1-r 1 .... . --"-w

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