- -. I THURSDAY. - APRIL G, Ll62. MINING INTBLLIGENCB: T.lv, BBENER MANAGES. XKW TERMS. From ami after the 1st day of Jannnrr, J tJ tl.fi subscription prteo of the IValch-, ma,MYill be a? follow : . One rear paid iu advance, . nimR.it; delated 3 months, 2.00 They are taking oat some 'good mil pliarct ore from the .Ward mine'iu David son County.., . j. .. .L,t' o..- pay ment delv ed Vj months 2.50 Theo. Buerbaum k painting his hi3 stock is bright and fresh. store Read J. D. Gaskiira fresh advertise ment. Alspivlnttz & Rendlenian'a and Jones, McCulibius & Co'.' J , j ' ' . .i o- " j - . I nr. G. V Bagby. t Moses. Adams) one 0f the editor of the Richmond State, has ln in the city several uays. rr J. B. Davis, of Mtl Pleasant, occa pied the polpit of St. John's Latheran church, last Sunday morning and night. Thos. Yanderford and G. II. Shaver have opened: a Livery Stablej on Lee Street, between Innis and Council. 'Oar merchants now have their Spring and Saipmer goods displayed ear stores are all well kept and the new Spring goodi are very attractive. - .. v, o -' .'j . The Amateuwf have been so much hindered in their rehearsals as to compel them to postpone their entertainment. Proper announcement will be made. Mr. J. F. lloss! has received an excep tionally fine stock "of dress goods this Spring. He says he'will speak of them next week in a new ad. . i. . - ' - . .v.. o - . The free balloon aseeusion announced for Saturday didnot take place. The wind was tooJiigh. The sideshow, iu connec tion with it drew, considering that the 7 - , , ,-rs chief attraction was an ed on an Accordion. jAlbiuo who play- Betteu Cake. Persons hitching horses to racks and fences in town shonld take better care of loose nionertr. "Wo have! heard of two couutrymen who lost leath er lines by leaving them about their wag ons. " .' - - j - ' .' ' . '. . . . o j There was considerable! stir 4n the streets Saturday. A portion of thexrowd was attracted no doubt by the announce-' meut that there was to be ai balloon as-j cension j bat the balloonist gave oat the a Zi .fit.. tt i..a : tended to go up hanging to ickjtt CountJ fop of gold! ore from bottom of his balloon, by his hands-a the tSteel aDd; t Wade ; miDjs of tbat fool-hardy trick at which men often fall ,onntv. AUn fnP ftnm,.nai f mi ow r iwsfc,,iCT:iuuiuS pw'r onnrtx from 4m own nlnirA llTnf iy 01 ever gaiu onug or Bcrviug ou me relicj of .tone n. tofret ier with Mr. J A. Suyder lias received a hoist ing engine for the revr ;JJiscoveryT' mine. It will be pat to work soon. -o- i I some others not yet classified. ; Tlie.sclrobl teacher should be a matt of integrity; honest in all his dealings, and of such character as. to set .a woithy ex ample for the young who are to be train ediu'his school. i .'!',:-.'' : : o ; P eh sos a l. Mrs. Yonug and Mrs. Al lison of Goucofd, were visiting their broth er, Kerr Craige, Esq., tliis4reeki. -Miss Brown , has returned from Char leston, S. Ci, .where she has been visiting friends 'j Miss Witt the edituress of "Boys and Girl" vf , Atlanta, called yesterday. Sh& i canvassing this part of the State in the interest of her paper, and vuitod busi ness places hero yosterdar oi I hat frra .d. - ;i ' v . : : 0; ; . y , The IstEKioitCoUKT has been in ses- eion all week nud will not probably finis! up the business requiring attention. The docket was large tobegiu with, and other iudictmeuts! 'have been found by the Grand Juryf "A number of cases will re mlt iu scuding men to the penitentiary. ' t a . Capi. H. P. Jones, who was stricken with (paralysis in this , city a few days ngo, was taken - to his home, Rock Hill, .8. CV.lastj ! Tuesday, by his father, Col. Cad. Jones.; Tho Doctors speak favora bly of his chances for recovery. ': "i J..-:- ) lo Revesue Seizuue. U. S. Officers, Ed. fius8cll atid Moses Arey captured a wagon and; two men on the Gold Hill road: last Monday night, j They had two barrels of jvhiskey and six boxes of to bacco.. They have given so many names that the officers cannot sa who, they Georsre R. McNeil. Sunt, of nublic in struction of this county and a commit- uau ixilu-uoiu anu copper mine, tee of four other rentlemeu.nnneared Davidson Co. At this mine -they wjll before the County Commissioners with Rtart P th twenty stamp mill this week. resolutions in favor of i e-districting the 1 heJ nave oat uiree or ioar .wioasana xsountv. Tho Board asked. Mr. McNeil: wum. Vl uu",us ,"D ttUU " "f uw w A. W. Kluttz and Col.llouck to get np a P6' iney.naveerecteu omeuers ior plan to be presented at next Com mission- ring mis copper ore auu w. i boou rB mooi:n fnr qdnnf inn nr- f-aiantikn Tf f 1)U( IUCIU 1U OUUlill.lUU. XIIO 1UIUU IS IWft- to i. .i. iii. sz..... ma weu ami oius iair 10 oe oue oi me a uciigicu iu iu iui Liio uca u iuldiisv vi i education in this county that this be Permanent ones of Ue State, inn: . - , - " ! -! :i- 1 .:.r - At the Winslow Gold mine near Ash- Attempted Robbeuy. There' was an boro : The new ten stamp mill has been unsuccessful attempt at robbery in this in operation" for ten days nnderjthe man- place Sunday night. Mr. Ed. Shavers agemenf of Capt. J, L. Yountz, and we office was broken into and; an attempt I learn from that gentleman that the result made to force open his, iroir safe.' TIte ofthis first run was efghten.ozs.;tl8) of combination pi a teethe knobs and hinges gold This inine and millis operated at were all broken off, and one; single; blow I an expense not exceeding oO- per week with an axe, or other heavy tool, deliver- The company own 125 acres of laud. Mr. t j t mi L 11 51 .1 a" I a r ft j. a. ea on me top oi it. l uese an iuiieu to iu iu AieeKer is uie onpennteuuent. it open the door, and the thieves then I is said that they have about 100 tons of bronght in a board 'and ruh under the ore out, ready to mill. ' -safe for the purpose of carrying it off eri- , mt ' fire ; but it proved to be tojo heavy forJ We are indebted to Mr. T. U Hulbert, their strength. They must have been at ME4 for the following items of miuing work a considerable time.! Thev! used news he has just returned from a tour plenty of lkrht (three candles), and ex-I of some of the mines in this section, and amiued every place in the joffice which I is pleased with what ho saw. seemed likely to contain anything yalua- The neW assay office at the Dunn's ble. The safe was left in a j badly dam- Mountain mine is fast growing to comple- aged if not ruined condition the . owner I tion. It is a model little structure, himself could not open it, jaud had tbTl2x24 feet, divided into three com part- call in a safe-lock assistant. ! r O f i The Raleigh News-Observer says, that the Greensboro Patriot sayk, that some body else says, that Capt. Price is writing fer the Examiner. This is about on a par with a lie started here, and published in tlie News and Observer, some weeks since, to tne euecc tnat, uapt. l'rjce auu Dr. Mott were closeted together j ail one Saturday and the foliowiug Sunday. Examiner. We .do not know what the Examiner ;Ku:ks Mills, N. C Mar. 28th, '82. Mr. Watchman:, w ' '' This healthvi section is now visited with sickness and death. :v The school at tho MineTl Spring-Jiura- bered tG.- XThe measles got among them. and scared them .very much, reducing the attendance considerably. :' '- .7-, Two of . Mr. James F. Kirk's J children died within the last two weeks. r 7- - A little son of George Ingram's died on the 2Cth inst. - - r Mr. Daniel S pence died on the 26th of i. t -i.i .:i: lUarcn. lie was a uiguiy respecter utiuu , and Stanly raoarns the loss of ' one of her best men. lie was iu Ins seyenty-nttu year. ' i Fvr , "rft ::; There is some grumbling about' the irregularity 61 the n atchman. ; Please publish this, and I will do bet ter in my next.-;: Little Joiinxie. F We bee to inform little Johnnie that the irregularity exist in - the jnail. and and not iu the Watchman. . Our paper is mailed regularly every Thursday even ing.-Ed. ; :;. VHL : ments. The furnace room is fitted up with a llibbs Furnace and all necessary appa ratus. Scale room, and a general office. Mr; T. F. Wallace, who has much expe rience is to preside in this department. Dutch Creek mine is again at work- owing to absence of the management during the last three weeks, a temporary delay was caused. Everything will be in working order by4thelast of this week, when the mill will start to work. Thev means by: "this is about oij a par with a haTe a bi-disnlav underground in the ue siaueu nere, kc., ' unies ne reiers to w - . of $2o ore and lots of it. a local wmcu appeareu in tne watchman oi jr en. letn to tne eaect tnat rn.ee anu Montgomery County as a Placer dis mou were closeted Saturday ana bunuay trict bids fair to-excell all counties in the at the Bovdeu House. The addition of "all' belongs to the Examiner. To show what kind of a lie was started, we will state that the publication was simply re producing a common rumpr, a matter frequently spoken of in our presence on the streets of Salisbury, and commonly credited as true. An examination of the register m the Boyden House shows that Dr. Mott was here at the time men- Tt 9 reported from good authority that tioned, and that he occupied; room ."No 2." ti,e Bullion mine is to, reesume opera The register also shows that "Maj. Price" tions'under the management of capita-' I saw several very fine nuggets of free cold, varying from 5 to 57 dwts. and a large! amount of very coarse, gold recently taken from one of the brauch beds bj rocker washing. This county is in the dark as yet, but the influx of capital is changing the situation very rapidly. Mining Advertisments. GOLD, SILVER. AND COPPEB OKES, 4c- Hi Affiays made of the above ores at low charged. Apply to ' ' ASSAYjEB, 'ZS:'Zmj Gold Uill Mineslf . - MNNUAL meeting North (State Mining Co. ! The annual meeting of the stockholders of the North State Mining Company will be held at the Omce ot the Company. in Balis bury,Jorth Carolina, on AVednesday, March 15th, at 2 o'clock r. M. i EDWIN H. MULFORD, Secretary. SALISBURY MARCH 15th 1882. f The above meeting was adjourned to the 19th of April 1882, at the same hour and place. ! It. Eaues, Jr., Assis;t Sec. 22:3t. ; A. J. RIG BY, C. B. 1. G. MCKPOr, K. M. RIGBY & MURPHY, MioiDi and ConstractiDir EBiineers, !78and 80 Bboapway. , Room 49, NEW YORK. Examine nd report upon Mine?. - Make Working Plans and Specifications lor the construction of sold and silver jWulf. I or will enter into Contracts for the erection of same. I Mininz Machinery and supplies purchased at lowest prices and prompt attention given j to Binpmenl. Or address JOHN RKJBY, 49:9ra:pd Hian PoiNTi N. C. . 23'-? SS g'- - Z -, ,P TOP--' . - ... . - . -8. 5 hj-,00. K . b CO fc. -h : ' S "ST - - t rod 2 ..... . -ffl Iff ...- . . M f" 1.1 51 IB 5. HH . I I - w w W 1 tr1 o s- .00 &T- - r 2 (Til 1 .f. i BUSINESS LOCALS WANTED. A good milch cow: Apply to If. GJ Tyson, corner Church and Innis Street. ! It. Fishing tackle, Fishing hooks, Mar bles, Base Balls, Crqnet Sets $i.C0 to 1.05, Corned Beef, Oat meal... Cracked Wheat. French Prune?, Boston Bilked Beans. Tiieo. Bcerbaum. 23:tf- 1 : Ilistory of llownn County, BY KET J. KCMFLk was at the hotel on Suuday and that he was register with, and dined with "No 2.' If there had been a misstatement, a word from Capt. Price would have pro duced the proper correction !; and if Capt. Price will state now that his business on that occasion was in no way political, we will make the proper apology j and ac knowledge that the publication of a com mon rumor, backed by the hotel record, ....... ... . i did both an injustice. 1 lists, at a very early day. jit is well equipped "witl machinery and ought, with good management coinc to the front as a paying mine. j ADVERTISEMENT. enrj5ri8e the Commission, and we may xpectvto hear from them 'soon. There can be no doubt of their being well pleas ed wiflrthef work, and the rapiditv with - winciijit is being doue. They-co Ctife ten miles of new road. . Gold Kuob. : Mr. F. H. Williams, the owner of the mine is making soine very fine develop ments on tlie property. During the last 10 days a force 'of 12 hands have been driving an open cross cut, in the north west corner of the property and have cut a fine vein of sulphurets, brown ore and quartz, containing considerable free gold. This, at a depth of only 8 feet from sur- f ace--the vein has not yet been fully ex DlorcdTh width The ore is very cood nursed, and took care of him until the 17th innt ;nn einff nn,i Wlfile that hn hmlno nnn. On fh 17H. Pay- Tbe working night and day he started for Wrichtsville. the nlace he is a five stamp battery, with double had formerly worked at, saving he wonld j apron and copper plates ; buddle and senu me a part ot it tram there and that rocker. Has rock breaker attached all After he left I found a letter from his fa- treats aboat 6 tous of ore l;lJ ver ther that the said VV. D-Barrinirer had acincr about $6 : per ton, of free milling ' with droppedsayiug he had enclosed his son 6re. ,The prospects for this property- are to re- "Potty-five dollars," which said W. D. flatterin,, ' lw " Ti nrrino-oi-i.o.i ; i.s- nattering. . AtlantIjC Hotel, ; Littler6ck,.Ark., Jan. 21, 1 882. To all whom it may concern i. -1 Know, that on the 10th day of Novera- hV liist 1R31 nno W Tt M,yrraV nmA Uev; Jar ?is, Senator Vance, Treasurer to mv hotel sick. I irave him a mom and onii, iet. W. r. Roberts, Wm. Ander ion, ljH. Battle, Jr., Maj. Leach, A. B. Aodres, Joleph Thomas; and W. A. Lusk, weati.up jhe Western N. C. Railroad Wednesday" morning. -These gentlemen Copi had s of this interesting book may be T.'.F. Kluttz, Theo. Bueraum, I or at the Watchman Office. tr1 H CD 03 : Rowan TSjacueues Association. The T&e next nfeetiug will be held at Enoch- vine on 3fl Saturday in April at 10 o'cloek A: M. - - ! Barringer hadjn his pocket at the time ne made these statements to me. and ad vising his son to be cautiouslf he "sUpeiT1 on, wnicu l supposed the son had inform ed him he intended to do. jl oali the at teutlon ot the public to this letter, which I publish as a warning to all, as to father and son. I refer to Hon. C. .E. Hoover. Hon. O. 1st Topfc for.diseussion: Is it practicable w grade opr County schools, and if , so, 6ippi ; Wm. Oliver, Secretary and Treas. R. Singleton, Congressmen from Missis- Irailroid 117. VI'.' i ,i n, 1 VV : i v Biff Strike of Iron. Chattanooga, April 3. The Cranberry Iron 'company hiave discovered on their property in Mitchell county, N. C, two veins of the finest m ague tic ore, one of 18 feet and the otlier 34 feet.i Thev have tunneled through the veins in building a MATTRESS &BB00M FACTORY! NATIONAL HOTEL BUILDING, j SALISBURY, N. C. , I am now manufactur-lnsr Mattresses cheaper than ever known betorei fgr Prices, $3.50r Hjuo, $4.60 4.0s $6M and $7.00, according to fcle, quality ol tlcklnc and nillnir. pillows, Bolsters, Tlcklnf? for same, and Feather I Ticks made to order. Feathers furnished, or cbang-1 ed from old ticks to new. . Old Mattresses Repaired. . Measure of bedstead must be sent with order, also size of olllows desired. Conildential prices for Mattresses to wholesale aeaiers. uorret?ponancw HuucLteu. BKOOItl!$! Broom corn will be made up on shares, or for money. ' ; For information call at Dinning Room, National Dotel, or address jtu. WATSON. Refer to any of the business men of Salisbury. 2i;im . . - FOR SALE! All the title of representative of II. Layer-1 ty, deceased, derived under assigpmentof Os car Willi. aud Kemp 1. Willis, to the follow- ing property: - r ' Tract of land upon the Crackford, York ! District, South Carolina, known ,aa "Brown's Mil In." Also, several tracts in Burke Co.,N. U., npon Broad River and elsewhere, compris ing, 12 or more entries and patent of 640jtcres each. , Also, tract on Broad River, known Jas the -Nichols Gold Vein Mine,"' ' Address W . J . M KliKl H & LU., 21:1m P.O. Box 3668r New York City. Therej is much rejoicing among what t..t- I.-. i.Tf.s' rr 'ZZ'.r iron meu as n lusures to-uuattanooga a . uci lucuiou ui ; uoing iiTt Aiississippi iims, lessen, aiiss., it. jbr. I mineral district with auers, ji;'. Moser and R. G. Kizer, x.ottiug, Aieinpuis, Aenn,,; as to wnof i 8teei making ore an How ; can a more ireneral Wterest in our public schools be aroused! abundance of X4ays, Sfl. Shinn and J. H.Mcknzie. Dear son Saulsbuv, CVDec. 9, 1881. North State; bPecid address bv Rev. John Lutz. All I Yours at hand aud I wasi sorry to here i the teachers of the County are earnestlv ?ou waa in sach a bad condistion though reported to have made a sing reouested tl) bo present as the officers UiiWa8,f "IT .tl-Pthis leaved conditional .on Uie success jbf fbrtl,ftf. V , ; .,i?mfetr8 allwell and-doing-well your sister Auyrocess for the. manufacture The, Korth State Mining Company is gle cou tract their dev for tli mi, i t , uuiLumug wen yout sister auj a process tor tlis. manutacture of steel . -i lUe nel term will be elected, also the get married the 15th of tin-mouth to Mr. (which has been tested, with the Wt instructors ?for the Teachers Iustitute. Phillips I wish you cond get home bj-tliat suits on a moderate scalel. bv which the time I send you a money order for $45iX) company will net $500,000. They have becarefnll if you try to slin that thev I . ' .r! " " ; I f dont find it out and stop yiou I will close And magnetite iron ores to draw upon, Latixo JJorxeii Stone, and a Jug hoPe to 6ee J"ou soon your as every till having acquired in fee. simple or by long KAKixoiU-gt. Matthew's Lutherin Deat" J. V. Barringeu. leases, with i the right of purchase at the cb, tei niilesHout on tWf Brimrla , Jnows nothtng of this till I go expira ion t hereof all the best iron ri-rv ' w-ih. j i, . !-, I "UUHTi gu juuvjcitcr in is morning ana -erry road is to have a in." Hat. on I i ue. -:t : T- - , i . -- --. , " 1 KIIU UIO UiUUCJ UC1UIU 1 ICUVO tUWII. --WttJ iwrx,a8wr. i ne larce, nanu- wme frame of jthe church has been erec M b7 MrAugustus Graeber. The corn er stone will be laid ou Tuesday the 11th In . 1 . .... mio sumo uav tiiero "win no n miues in .North Carolina. In connection with their railroad privileges, the future of the eompany looks very bright. Daily Stock Jiepart, April '3rd. init. MARRIED. Senator Williams, oLKeiitucky. propo ses to give great Britain a dose of her own medicine. . Restrictions, which very se- I rious retarded pur cattle trade, have been fiTPfl nnnn lmnni-tnfiAiiB IkAfli irvPnvlnn JUK DrejllMlirf anrl t.i :il t.. .1!. ; .1 1 . 7 wiu uc ui- u v .mu., placing ouq ueaiers; at a TltfthA RAv l?: T. TtwwH f hA .t "tutited. There will bo several ministers great disadvantage iu competition with A " Z' ' "f . Present. ; the mstiir f ?? Mnti.i. the stock risers of those countries. On ?cenc of Geo. Peeler, on tho 30th of fiev. TV " fef' thel ortierlutnd, importers Canadian J fcch8S2, Jdr.' Jesse, f . Wtthelm to -V 'ni . wwinuj invnes cattle' are driving a largei trade in the f r?WBUa iiomas, ooiu oi i-roviueuce Uuited Stales, unincumbei-ed f bv -snch wwusinp. ; discriminations as operate! against onr own traders; Senator Williams suggests a. retaliatory lawthat will prohibit the importation of Canadian cattle until these . 1 .v-v'i, VUlUliHIJf IU e public generally to be presents 'Tak te BLACK.DRAIIf5UTf Tcr be btuous. . . : i n " vi- AnTlito F. K:ultz'a. cures pain "WINE OF CARDUir ful, or difficult naenstru a tion. irregula;, SALIbBURY MARKET. Arrt.ES ! green, per bus , ! dried, per lb..., Bacox Country, ; hog round, ....i... Butter. Beeswax,.... Blackberries, Beef.; Cotton GoodMldaUngv.... 11 MldUng, 19 Low Midllng, 10 i stained, , 8 Corn new.......... W i Meal, IOC Coffee,.... Chickens, .... 14 E?gs 19 Flour, 3.5C Hay. so Lard!.. ....... ....... 13 Porfci...... 8 Potatoes Irish...... 80 I do sweet....... so heat..... 1.60 Wholesale. ' ;: a or ? Retail. 73 fl.OO ,1.09 a $1.25 a 20 C4 20 C4 9 4 4 s$ OS 25 21 10 H . 10' 15 25 IS NOW IN STORE AND WE ARE PLEASED TO SAY :Z:r':Z::ZZ v ' " ;;' t V "-'-v: .f Hi THE MOS T- C O M P Lj E f E ! To be found in pur City. Everything selected with care and nothing ' i - Jr. W bought that is not of Style. We have in business two 'objects in view 1st, To IPlease Our Oustomers. 1 ; i:4 1 r 2nd, To Please Ourselves. Trulj,&c, O 55" CD ' 2 p CO m er- o cr o 03 o p td o M P Oi o o B o et J. D. GASKILL Q O MORE Y.&l SPJE 3 GOLD & SHYER GRINDING & AMALGAMATING MACHTNIBY o 5 S" o CD CO m m xn w o o H CO r it v HOWLAHD'S PULVEBIZEE taiss tlie.placa of the cambssrssma StakpJ 151- abu can do put up in one aay reaay yor w ..j r .., IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVED ft TESTED- ! f ' It weighs complete T.ooo pounds. It coBts i bm ta the neit. will crush one ton per hour of hart quartz that will jr pass through a 40-neEh screen. The wear Is lew than la tha stamp miu. Its wearing parts a plain casdnes and Tcan X- i ; dropped into poslUon in a tewr momenta; as shown by letter XT ' B and C, no bolts or keys are required fit can be set unoa thS BoorOt a mill with no expense tor foundation and can be used ' to crush and work fn charges or continuous. It win m.i- . mat either gold or silver ores, maWne It simple. Khun on imtTanttira mttl . a- Z . ?- . Sltawnn Ullla VvV tZl. . . " .V ' "C aioauoK i-ans ana neparators forOoi igBou&,itmal id and surer . . " r ' - wv vrca, vuiuriuixuiK urnaces. uetorta. Bock DrUla, ir vumpreaaora, steel Shoes and Dies tors tamps, and erwy descftp. tion ot Frames tor stamps; also i or - i SINGLE CYLINDER HOISTING iiNGfllES,-: With ok Withoft Bonm, Wni oa Makuxa Bote iDjwms. - tXT Specialty adopted UKhtingJ tereMS. s It wetnstmctIUllswithStamrwelshlnrfmnt50to001bB. for gold and silver ores. Cfr wet er ry N m hi 9 95 l.(K) 1.15 14 13 15 3.75 1 IS (4 3uS G5 10 , 80 jjl.00 fel.00 n. 1.75 15 11 .00 a a a a & a , a a a a 1 - 80 4.00 1 IS lJfO 1.10 CO (CO CO P Wareiooms U ana ti-ictiiy cireei, mewiurt. 48:ly , . - 'J SPRING AND SUMMER- BEAUTIES ! j JONES, MCCUBBINS & GO, o ARE NOW IN FULL RECEIPT OF THEIR SPRING STOCK4 - " " ; t! : I " Comprising fall lines af Beautiful md Superior Ocoda for Ladies anil Gentlemen, - ; trxrMhpr with a anlendid assortment of staple merchandise, l z r u- Selected with reference to the dailj recurring wants of all old and joung-FamrV Mechanics, Artisans; Doctors, lawjers miners, c. - , If you aw ftdmst to marry, by all meansrcall on Jones, xlcCnomnsj Ca first, for they hare all the pretty things for the occasion. -:o:y GUANO! twp tjt Tijri a rivii VITPNTSIT TOE CELEBRATED I I - 1 1 -Li ItUit Mlluvv w - uOD LOUnter. bs-o- 3hl ' ss; 3 a dr wr & Have made a Job Counter of last mm : Mixing Pn(PER'r,r.P;erson$ bavin miuing property to sell would do well to .advertise it. Ve propose to give room to snch notices to lie kept standing tin der the general caption of "Mixing Prop erties for. Sale." j ' Tho cost of such notices will be moder ate. - : ,-.' - Those having properties . tho value of vhicU is not generallr known, sltould give references, to reputable persons I Always try known to be acquainted with suck mat ters. This paper has a good .circulation ninnnrr miiiimr .mn "Niirtli. nml in tlie I - t, . .r-o :-o - ---Jior wnat ou want. State, aud cau be uf service 111 the way ant er GOODS, Wer the highest in analvsis. Farmers will find it to their a 1119 V ar ww. w " w ef 3 , advantage to call on us. We can"give you special terms Better than. yo can get 00 Innv other standard rfuano. JONES, McUUliI3i55 & iJU. t3T We are still Aeents for BALDWIN'8 AMMONIATED DISSOLVED B0NE3 This Fertilizer is well known throughout this community fer its unexcelled qualities. , WHICH WILL BE SOLD FOR COST AND LESS THAN COST. These Goods roust be sold. M. S. BROWN ERRORS OF Yomn. AGK5TIXK aw who snnered for years fro Nervous Debility. Pbematcbe Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe-and dim -lion for making the simple remedy by winch lie was cured. Sufferers wishing lo profit l.j the ad vertiteri experience can do so by addreii;g in perfect coufider.ee. JOHN B. OO DEN, 20; y Cedar St: New York. HONEY SATCMOM HADE CT-Does not eTery body know that where a ma has do bouse rent, nor store rnt. nor clerks to aire, he can sell low? Go to J. L. WRIGHT for cheap - ' ' ' 1 i - ' ' f; i '' JPaaxxLy- GROy rl i-sTPQ, such ss Bacon, Lard, Sugar and Coffee. Molasses ana syrups, r ma. caeese, iravcrB. viwun, xraiia c., 4o. East Corner of Lee and Fisher streets 20;tt JLWRIQHT I ''V MA. f-4 - f 1 ' '"f.! I- mm .it ui 41 t .a' ."1 ! 'K . V restriction? are removed. I i - : A At Theo. F. Klutlz's. 'proposed..- "3' tr ' 1

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