1 j r . XX -X HMrt--fc.tjif'ill-iliwni'iiaM tit THURSDAY. MAY 4.J8S4. I 2JW TERMS. : " Prom &nl after the 1st day of January, 1882 the subscription price of the Watek- .MOB WJ11 DO BS MMluw ' ! One year, paid In advance,- $1.50 v j if payment delayed 3 nionths,2,00 payment delayed 1JJ months ' 2.50 j Et. P.V.E.Peschan,of Wilmington, N. Cm will preach in St. John's Lutheran fchorch .Sunday morning and at nlghtr . n ro - " .. ii, Tour attention is called to the adr. of the Atlantic Hotel, twsort this season. It will be a favorite Chickens are bringing a higher price ' i this market than erer beforeretailing ktOO cents a pair. iThe tendency of ev- WiWngsreept flonr,-is.npward.- SCDDEN IJEATH. Mr. Joseph Jones, a MtfDlfca'bont 28 years jdM, te'am? rent koo4 kealthTtfhi6 iatbe store of ailast. suddenly became very sick, and fr-lJ j.t.t. tn tt- n. he was 1 Parted for a chair to sit on, he was helped to sfeat" and expired a few- momenta af- :l terward. j He leaves a wifo and two ! children. : - K - . 1?T- v4- I Ketwithstanding the excitement neces- ... afivitv aM-AndAiit rinon so important a I .ws sr - h contest as the election of our Municipal . Bpsrd, the week pa3sed',very quietly; f v sa only two acrimagesiias sbeen been called - f to r notice, and one of these was a per soual feud between 'colored persons. J :.! . i r in 11 ' l:v Faia Oats. The oats crop, especially that portion of it sowed in the fall, ! must r be extra fine this year. Mr. Geo. Mowery : J liflA Mtit in a samnle of a three acre lot ".which measures five feet in height. ) And Joseph McXeaij jbf Atwell township 1 a sample of red rust proof, 5 feet 3 inches. fMLrr Us7 It is ii comniou regret with 'onr citizens that Mr. A. (i. Ilalyburtou and family have removed to Asheville, N. C.i.They are nearer the stars thau ,'.;,wiiile heie and thee is some consolation that. But "Grace" was a. general fa Tbrite with our people and we shall miss . his portly person oai'our streets., lie has i gone to take charge of the railroad depot i thev mountain city. lf u-' f i o i f i f iAi yonng larnje' in this, county has been building up aiflock of sheep for the i- last year Or two. )ile had a pretty start :- : and was thinking a great deal about I . li!s .sheep. The Ewes dropped five L;lnibs' this Spring, aud the flock was . becoming real interesting not only to the owner, but to (hungry sheep-killing ,dogs in the neighborhood ; and one night last week, the latter got among the flock . dnd killed oiie Ewels audTfive lamb, hav ; Ing previously killed one or two lambs. It ' will not bo good for stray dogs to be seen in that neighborhood for the next five .!farsM ' T .- " - j .; I - The PiiOTOGKAtijEK. We mean the gentleman in Crawford's Gallery Mr. f lABisu. We gave him a short notice last ; week, wholly in the iuterest of the pub lic, however ; for we had seen that his " work was above the average, and we rarely let slip an opportunity to speak of a good thing when it may benefit the read ers of this paper. We say again to those :who want good pictures, call on Mr. Par j lWt fer hej is fully jprepaied and able to xnake. them, and will not charge you to Vi, eaiu ior uis serviCjes . Sat our five line article last week whet . "ted the gentleman appetite for more of V the same sort, and he said to us, the other day,,"give ns a ronser and send in your : .WU.1 This is "& printing office secret," j'a hnd.we enly tell ife to the readers of this - papery who we know will never mention . it again. It might . seem to some folks w that he is a little vain or Amltitiaua. And ; Js he iijbat he isjall thebetter an Artist l- or Ihatand we say it without the aim ; ,f reward. -: A JILaiCirALi ELECTION IU tUlS XOWU - Monday, passed oft very quietly result- ,. m iw ci,ui jf &i niiijoriiji j lor tjhe Dejtnocract ticlet, headed by Moses L. j: : noimf8. 'I ne Kepublican ticket, headed - by John A. Ramsiy, was regularly nomi ' 'Inatefl In JMbli meeting, as was ktlso the ; .pBJcratic ticket. We. have lteard of !; . flwojor tfliree oilier tickets, got np private-;;1lyjby3anti-prohib1t(onist8, or iudepend ' eiits,or something else, but these were 'Seen OU ejection dav nnd won nn laurel rels that we lisre heard of. ' ; The New Board f T - E: lj Moses L. Holu.es, Mayor. Com missioners : iroHjkVttV . M. McCorkle, Benj. H. ,:Marh. r- TTnnl Jno. S. Bryan, Wi Smith- wen rru . n, Aeave, u. T. Bern Ihaxdl., vTr Ward- Sam'l H.Wiler, Kerr h-'i Craiire. i It Tue ticket nominated by the Democrats j: O" toad on it ' the names of two candidates ,;irho failed to bo elected, Mr. McCorkle f4and Mr. Wiley liaving received more votes I than they. The new Board as given above, is first roteas even the defeated candi- , I at. themselves will admit. It cem prises l two of oor best lawyers, one "mlichinist, .ft railroad man, d hardware merchant, a tiU8mith and niusiciana dry goods mer ji?hant, and a farmer and banker Three of them are Presby terians, two Lutherans, 4 one- 3ethodisf.and three nnrenentants. 1 tfver basing men. . Politically, one Repnblican, o)ic not known land all ut Ihe rest Democrats. - t f X ; WlNE OF CARPI)! makes roi. cheeks nu cjtar romplexions. " V St At Tjpo. F Klotts. Sunday Seuvicju iThe abseuce 'of Hev. J. Rumple, at Union "Seminary Va., last Sabbath, afforded an opportunity for members of his congregation to heacpth- er ministers at their respective churches. A large portion or the members of( tne Presbyterian church availed themselves, for the first time, of hearing the Kev. Mr. WHEELKR,of the Methodist Cv South, ourself among the number. His text in the morning was : "And Enoch walked with God, and was haol j for God took him.77 ,; (f , . i I f -.-:-' The principal 'lesson inculcated in this discourse was, that Eenoch,'who was en-1 gaged in the commonj pursuits of men of his time, laboring fo and.reanng a fam ily, differed from them in; that his walk and conversation was more perfect to wards God than that of any other man of his timeand gained for him the peculiar favor of exemption from Jthe" pains of death j his example and his reward "afford ing to christians' the encouragement of so carrying regligion ino all , the affairsof human life as to realize the highest degree of happiness here and the most cheering evidence of God's favor and ensuring fin al salvation. - I -tX, '! - The evening services were based on these eimplo words : 'The precious blood of Christ;" and the lesson was designed to'show that it wa4 of infinitely more value to sinful men than all the treasures of earth. ) . i . .; : "; Both 'the morning and Evening service was excellent. The preacher's manner is exceedingly simple, ; easy, graceful and impressive. His logic? ver clear, his conclusions natural alndjustaud his ap peals -touching. ?.We neveV 'saw a more attentive congregation, especially at the eveuiuir service. I I The music at this church was also ex celleut, both as respects selection aud performance. '..".J j MINING INTELIilGEN CE. T. K.' BRUXER VIANAGER. 4 - The Bullion Miner, published in Philadelphia, is on our jtable. It is a well edited arid splendidly printed (weekly, and we add it with pleasure to our exchauge list.! ' ; 2GOO Peniiy weights. The Dunn's Mountain mine is i a right along. : Mr. terday and sent to . cCanless was iq yes- New York, b. Ex- press 2,600 penuy weights in bars and dust. Mr. Stewart, the Superintendent, also working the Reimer mine, is in hopes of ? fine results there. But more of this hereafter. , The Economist, a Weekly journal, idevo ted to the financial railway and mining interests of the onion, published iii Bos ton, is also on our table. It is full of in teresting facts andi scientific know ledge and will be change. valuable to us as an ex Thauks to the Mining liecord for bound copies of the speeches of Messrs John W. Ryckman and Hamilton S. Wicks, on liehalf of the Natiolal Mining Industrial Exposition to be held 1 at Denver, Col. The addiesses were made before the Mining Stock Exchange of New York. There is a new discovery of two veins of brown quartz pre, carrying iron py rites, on the property of O. N. Pool, 9 miles east of Salisbury. This gentleman is sinking shafts on both veins for the purpose of ascertaining their exact width and value One shaft is down 21 feet. The ore has the appearance of being very rich no assays as yet have been-made. Specimens of ore may be seen af this office. The Murphy Mine, Mtuateu one and a half miles east of Silver Valley, in Davidson Co,, and has a hundred acres of land attached. The deposit is a recent discovery, A shaft is being sunk at present only 20tt. down - . ! : 1 1 hey have taken j ont from a two foot vein, cry8talized quarts stained with cop per, and decomposed pyrites, or brown ore, galena, sulphnrets of copper, and in the bottom of Ijhe shaft they have struck u guou surer ore. ,4i Mr. Murphy, the proprietor is goiuj north at pri early day to organize a com pauy for working the property on a large scale. i i . j In the first chapter of the 2nd volume of the Geology of North Carolina, we find under the Synopsis of Minerals and mineral localities by connties the follow ing nnaer the head of "Kowan :w , ;Gold Bill Gold bismuthinite ; ny- i nc , tuutuvjjj rue arsenopvriie i ill a Honeycnttfs j magnetite. ' j balisbury Orthoclase (!) 7 miles S. Gold Hill road, !pyrite; chalciipyrite clirysocolla ; talc. 4 . ! T Yadkin mine Gold ; pyrite. ; j : Dunn Mountain mine Gold 'pyrite chlorite. ! CiBnider iniMGb& pyrite.. Grwp mine -J- Chalcopyrite j pyrite chrysocolla. ; Cop wine Gold ; also at Rvmer M. Haynes M., Cady M., BringleM., Trexler iadkin M-T Bane M., Earnhardt M. ITAlfi.tinn.. t !."f4 . - .wuur M,, lujveins ana placers. . ..v.vv.v uimwiuse in JArge and twin crystals j gold j pyrite. r Prof. Kerr cannot go every where and one man cannot do all the work. 1 With the desire- to-aid him, coupled with the determination that Rowan . shall lhave a better, representation in the Geological Museum of the State, we publish our list of miues, and leqnest the proprietors or those engaged in developing the same, to I bring to this office specimens ; from each I of these mimes. In selecting specimens take the average ores and do not be afraid of bringing two much. Here . is ; the ist and we hope, to nave ,t specimens from' each mine." ! We want enougii to put a specimen of each in our own cabi net,' lor the benefit of miners nnd capita- ists who daily visit our office, and to orw ard to the.. State Geologist for per manent exhibit. ' He has kindly promised all the room necessary for the exhibit. Mines in Kdwan. .: 1 -Gold ZZitt English capital, 14 m., S. E. J?uIto-Josiah and Eli Cope, 6i in., EdmerHl. C. Gold mine and Reduc- tion Company 7 m. 3. E. - ' ; ";! Dunn? Mountain XV m. F. Buckley ro. S. E. ; , ! j .Tadktn Mine-S. C. Gold mine and Re duction Company, 2 m. S.' W. T - New Discovery J. & Snider, 2 ra.SE, GoldKnob-Y. R.' Williams, " ! Trexlcr ' 44 ! IlolUhouter" i " 7m. 3. Bargtr " k " x ! Uavncs " " ' 1 !' Isrinale airs. Margaret simmers 9r N. Y. I ra. Jtoseroan Mrs. Margaret SmithersJN. T. ll m.S. ' .,. j Jlpuard I Gold and Copper Howard Gold and Copper Company, 6 m. S. B. EarnhartZ m. S. E. - i lfcxter3. ' H. Enniss and J.' B. Bar- ringer, 6 m.E. Hill Harrison aud Linton, 6 m. S. jW. SdatAemlBcHe Southern Belle mining Company, 7 m, S. Xetner Harrison and Linton, 1 If m. S. W. , . .; i Goodman S. R. Harrison, 6 m. S. W. Brown J. A. Snider, i m. E. Rendlcman " Boseman-r f?. Marsh '. " tt tt G m. S. 8 ro. S. 8m.S. E., 19 m. S. E, 3 m. S. E. Miller : u tt Bartman " :t Dutch Greek Mine Dutch Creek j Min ing Co., J. C. Pennington and others. 10 m. S. E. '.. '' ' j ' Crawford J. R. Crawford, lm. S.E. Morgan Gold Placer Macamy Morgan, 20 m. S.E. I Negus-W. S. Negus 2 v., 2 m S. W. D. A. Goodman V. E. Mills 205 a., m. S. E. : j' Boyden-ic. E. Mills 450 a., 1 m.'N. E. Butler C. E. Mills 101 a., 1 m. S. E. Little Bare Foot M. A. Beuciui, 11 m. N. W. ' , Peeler Moses Peeler, 6i m. S. E. Kern's John Kerns, 3 m. E. Poolli. L. Pool, 8 m. E. j BarringerUenry Barringer, 7 m. E. (7raftan--Sophia Graham, 9 m. S. SfW. Peeler Geo. H. Peeler, 8 m.E. j Kewsom Gold, Copper A. H. Newsom, 7 m. E. ' Bailey 'SI. M. Bailey, quartz ores, 9 in. b. Barringer D. Barringer, 9 m.; Si E. PJtillips-V. M. Phillips, 9 m. S.' E. Barringer G. M. Barringer, 6 m. E. Atlas Mine Northern Capital, 1208 acres, 11 m. , o. uompnsiug o lanus between Gold Hill and Dutch Creek Min ing Co's property. ,.- ' Huffman MineVO acres, 1 1 in. S. Ei Kluttz MineV?. C. Kluttz, 50 acres, Plaeer with quartz, 7J ni. S. Alexander Iron Mine Phi Alexander, 18 m. W. 1 . Caster gold, 10 va. S. W. !. Dr. M. A. J. Rose man, gold. 9 m. S. E. 0. V. Pool, gold, 9 m. E. ; Troutman gold and silver galena, M. L. Holmes, 15 m. S. E. ' , Distance and direction are reck nod from Salisbury, and are tolerably cor rect. i The above list comprises a number of mines in active operation, and a number of properties that have opened only deep enough to prove the existence of metal bearing matter, and a few are only pros pects, showing gold or sulphurets near the surface. But it is equally important to have specimens from each as it will show our county resources to advantage. We are aware that the list does not com prise all the mineral lands in the county, and we beg all others not mentioned to bring specimens. We also want speci mens of building stone, granite, whet stone, millstone, grindstone, sandstone, soapstone or marble. Two pieces- 6 inches squrre will serve this purpose We call tour earnest attention to this matter it is important. i ; . Sam Christian Mine.; . j X: , Mt. Gilead, N. 0., April, 28, '82. T. K. Bruner: ' ; I ' Dear Sir: At your request I will give you an account oi our doings lately a this mine. In order to obtain a steadier supply of water and to be able to run a night shift we have stopped work for a few weeks to mako some improvements in oar pumps. When completed we shall have a mncu larger supply of water and consequently shall be able to move much more ground with results . increasing in proportion. The appearance of the mine is steadily improving under the influence of continual prospecting. Our latest strike shows well in comparison with the best on the mine, the grit being of the natnie and in the iMsition from which good re suits have always been obtained.? We have already obtained some very pretty gold from the vicinity including one 30 dwt. piece. In fact from what we have done this winter with imperfect machin ery .and n limited supply of water we will certainly do something startling this summer with perfect machinery,' and plenty of water, both of which fare now assured to us. Our 150 dwt. piece! which 1 shewed you in Salisbury has already be come history in the surrounding country. Yours truly. 'I ' . - W. B. Smith. . Last week : Mr. R. A. Cript, living at Glenbnrnie, cut down a hickory tree measuring and 18 inches .through at the ground; and, in. cutting off a seven foot length, found imbedded in the heart of it a fragment of ; white fiiut, which had the appearance of having been . once part of -j' ' - . - i h - ir"Indian-v flint," The only. way to ac count 'far ft is to presume : that it was shot into the tree many years ago; by some . ?. 'T I ft-. -. inaian uunisumu lcuvir iupic, j. uT?e Chxyrleston.jjws ajd! jbenfier of April 30th; says, Senator. .Vance, whose fame as a joker i exceeded only by -his veputationt 9 PrJi5 man; vitl lecture iu Richmond shortly on "The- Humorous Side of American Politics and Politicians." Our cotemporary is slightlj K mixed. Our Zebbaa- never been remarkable as a "praying manlf It is . understood that Gen.rRobt.B. Vanoa does the pray ing for the family. The Governor (Zeb.) says the difference between him and his brother Robert, is that "Bob believes in falling from grace and never falls, while he dont believe' in falling from grace, yet is always falling." Char. ;;; Observer, OFITICIAL.: - DEPARTMENT OP STATE. J .YASfflNGTON-rrv rrJ w ZJ k :.t-. ;.ARi'L.27th, 18824$ Information has been received at this Department from Mr. Warner P. Sutton, the Consul of the United States at Mata moros, f tlie death; on the -i-of - -1882, near Matamoros, of Thomas Foster, of Salisbury, North Carolina. - ' A The legal representatives of the deceased can btajn furhehjfprniaiion by apply ing to thls.Departrueut- Per dispatch No. 245, dated April 12th, 1882. ,i !r ' i n i c nj''jp. At MocksviUe, after a painfrtl illness of weeks, and suffering of months, Jdlia, beloved wife of Senator James A Wil liamson, in the 34th Jpeat of her age, fel asleep, i Herlife, so "busy. to the close, so earnest in purpose,8o full of self-denial, knowiDg oply,theCdaties that thickened around her, as one child after another was. clajsped 4 close in her motherly arms, ws pne, qfchrjstiaq bejaring and fortitude. Six little childreu are left, and what a loss they! have sustained I The circle seem.s desolate, and but for the converse of the piethre, all would be gloom. With the wife, mother, there ,can be no more sorrdwi for-God irill wipe-all tears away ; no more' weary w days of pain hnv more sleepless nights of woe. She breathes the fragrance j that is "watted through the streets ef the city inrmortal." -Alasl for places ; that knew her gentle presence, the circle of friends,' the" church, of which she was .a devoted and consistent mem ber. She is gone: but faithful here.1 she is safely 'at home i in the Paradise uf God. i I "W.n Mining Advertisments. OOLD GRINDERS. I have several sets of Granite Gold Grin ders on band which I will sell on reasona ble terms.! I also furnish GRANITE MILL STONES and will deliver them at the Railroad De pot, if desired E. E. Phillips, Salisbury, N. C. 283t GOLD, SILVER. AND COPPER ORES, &c. Acsays made of the above ores at low charge. Apply to ASSAYER, 23:2m Gold Hill Mines, N. C. A. i. BtCJBT, C. K. . . . i. Q. MUBPHT, I. X. HIGBY & MURPHY,, ; Mininsr aid Cocstrcitii Ispers, 78 akd 80 Broadway. Room 49, NEW YORK. 'Examine and report upon Mine. J J. Make Working Plans and Specifications for the construction of cold and silver Mills, or will enter into Contracts for the erection of same. , ;, . . . Minine Machinery and ftnpplies purchased at lowest prices and prompt attention given to shipment. ; Or address JOHN KIuBY, 49:9m:pd H ioh Poist, N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS Fishing tackle. Fishing hooks, Mar hies, Baae Balls, Croquet Sets $l.f0 to $1.G5, Corned Beef, Oatmeil, Cracked Wheat, .French Prunes, Boston Baked Beans. Theo. Bcesuau3I. 23:tf MATTRESS &BR00M FACTORY! NATIONAL HOTEL BUILDING, ,j SALISBURY, N. C. I am now manufacturing Mattresses cheaper than ever known before. Prices, $3.50, $4.00. $4.50 $.0, $4.00 and $7.00, according to size, quality ot ticking an filling. ' pillows, Bolsters, Ticking for same, and Feather iicks maae to oraer. ireatners rurnisnea, or cnang ed from old ticks to new. I i Old Iattresses Repaired. Measure or bedstead most he sent with order, also size of pillows desired. f oonildentlal prices for Mattresses to wholesale aeaiera. " uorresponaence soucnea. ' - Broom corn will be made up on shares, or for money. , . . . For information call at Dinning Boom. Xational uotei, or aaaress ; , , . jj. v ai Refer to any of the business men of Salisbury. SALISBURY MARKET. Apples green, per bus Wholesale. S.IS 3$1.00 4 a Retail, fl.oo a $l.S5 a I anea, per id. Bacos country, . hog round, .....i,. Butter...... Beeswax..... Blackberries, Beef, Cotton Good Middling,.... MidUng.J! -.. LowMldllng, Stained. Corn new.......... Meal, Coffee, Chickens,.. frea. Hay,.v......4......r Port, Botatoesinsfc, . A . j do sweet....... h eat is S6 tl 10 ll?f 14 15 90 ( t0 A t & 4 11 10 & 10 8 (4 m 110 t 1.13 1.S0 14 14 U 15 IS a a a a a a lio l.5 IS so ; to S.75 1C It L0, 1.10SC 14 IS S.15 'SO 13 r o 80 1.60 9 C4 4 3.S5 3.50 0 60 I 14 J IS 1H 1 00 a a a a SO 1.00 1.T5 Mixixa t Property. Persona bavins mining property to sell would do well to adTortise it. We propose to giro room to snch notices, to be kept standing un der the genera) caption of "Mining Pkop RTIK80R SALfe." ; W 1 The cost of such notices will be moder ate. - .. ; , , : ,v ; Those having properties the value of which is not generally known, should give references to , reputable persons known to be acquainted with such mat ters. ; Thispaper has good circulation among mining men North, and ' in the State, and can be of service!, in the' way proposed. 1 - - : i 1 - , '. -j ' 4- ' ---ftr"; ' " -! " . 4 . - ..--!.-' , - Jt I! v' p. 1 1 - "Si i to CO l2-'iif$hi rAff- thX ;X J'jJ U;..-. ,J rt OO r i -M 'mu ni iJPfe.- . tj fa a : !ll:mx OiUV - J s- 04 W a '.: W CD H 0 GO H CO CO 51 ? Q m w o o H CO CO m rn p N m CO CO W CD s o m CO Job Counter Have made a Job Counter of last; Slier ter GOODS, ! iX i WILL BE SOLD FOR WHICH COST AND LESS THAN COST. These Goods must be sold. Always try - t ' M. S.. BROWN for what you want. I - -41' S : 8 '(jo g 00 ' to . j and i I ": ' t ; 1- -!. IS NOW p STORE AND WE THE MOST 4 To be found Everything- selecte(i j bought that is 13 We . have in view 1st, To Please Our Customers" 2nd, To Please Ourselves. IAHUPAOTimBIlB Off" ! ': , OLD & SILTIR GRINDING & AHALGAMTING HACfflNERY HOWLAND'S PULVEEI2ES takes the Ana can do pui np in one day rfady for w IT DAS BEEN FULLY PEOVKD & TESTED ' . T : ' ' , the belt. We construct- MUls with Stamps weighing from Crushlnz Moi tars. Stndfor Ctreuutr, Wareroo ms 9 an d 48:ly SPRING AND XIT A TTmTTi JONES, MCCUBBINS & CO. ARE NOW IN FULL RECEIPT OF TIIEIR SPRING STOCK, ' Comprising full lines of Beautiful and Superior Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, together with a splendid assortment of stsple merchandise. Selected with reference to the daily recurring wants of all-roia ana youngr arroers Mechanics, Artisans, Doctors, LAwyers, Miners, - u- If you are going to marry, by all means call on Jones, HcCuWans & Co first, for they hare all the pretty :o: GV ANO! WE ABE PREPARED TO m This Fertilizer stands among the highest in analysis. Farmers will find it to j their advantage to call on us. Ve can give you special terms better than you can; get on any other standard guano. ; . i ir JONES, McCUBBINS & COJ We are still Agents for BALDWIN'S AM3IONIATED DISSOLVED BONES This Fertilizer is well known throughout this community for its wxllusJitio ir- ' ERRORS OF TOUTfl. A Okktleiiak who suffered; for years from NcrvOUS DSBHJTT, PRSMf TCKB DECAY, and all the effect of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send freeto all who need'it, the recip and direction for making the simple remedy by .whtch lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tb ad verlisers experience can c so by addressing in perfect confidence. jour iv. tiuutA, 20: iy Cedar St- New York. mm ARE PLEASED TO SA COM P LBTE in our (My. with catc aiiinothing not of Style. business two-obieets in 1 A Truly, J. D. GASKILt: 4 . place of the enmberscme Stamp HU1 0- 4t weighs complete 7.000 pounds. It costs fl.SOOreadrfo telt. 111 crash one ton ner hour of hni nnn tht wiiv pass xcrougii a 40-mesh screen. The wear Is less than la the stamp mill. Its wearing parts are plain eastings and can bs dropped into position In a few moments, as shown by letters A, B and C, no bolts or keys are required ; it can be set upon the floor of a mill with no expense (or foundations, and can be used to crash and work In charges or continuous, it . will amahra ?Smate either gold or silver ores, msktog It a simple. cheap and effectlFe mill; U requires lvaorse power Stamp .Mills, Kock Breakers, Crashing Bolls, Amal EiiuauDK rans ua sepuiion ioruoia ana einrer Ores, Chlorldlzlng Furnaces, Betorts, Kock Drills, . Atr Compressors, steel Shoes and - Dies for stamps, and every descrlp : tion of Frames for Stamps ; also i SINCLE CVLINDeR i hoistig mm With o Wimecr Boacs, ,WiKS ob Maxilla Rors Dkcms. tWSpeeiaUf adapted U Miming U i . UrtiU'. '- - . 850 to too lbs. for gold and silver ores. Wet er Dry 84 Lice rty Street, uewx qtk. r i things for the occasion. ' . FURNISn THE CELEBRATED 'K x History of Xlotrau County Copies of this Interesting book may Via I hI of T. F. Klcttz Thko. Bcebbaux- 4 or at the YfArcnuAQe XxXM i SUBSCRIBE1 FOCtHE fCARO- I : LIN A" ATCHIXilTa ONLY, j 6l;50 PER YEAR. . 1 X T . ! SUMMER .-.-.. i . 7..- x -ijl - s - i M krX Bxl it'. : X A 4: -nI-' X 3' 1 mx mm i .ii ...I

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