4 s r 4 THURSDAY. MAY 18.1832. ' From and lifter the 1ft day of January, 18c,-the subscription price of the IFafcfc- LdLmait will be1 a follows r I -1!' ' .i 1 I- ...... .. tl V) i ?neiyear, pam iu uiuvc, vwv 41 - payment delayed 3 months, 2,00 y payment delayed 12 months 2J50 The Salisbury Rifles will "be out on dress parad tins afternoon at 5 o'cloekr 1 New STpdss. See what Mr; Boss has to sav concerning his stock, and then call on him. 1 1 '' " U . . ' ,f o i The Salisbury Baud, led by the Messrs. Neave will furnish the music for the Yad kin j Collegef couiineuceraeut exercises n the 25th?nst. i ' Kerj F. J Murdoch, rector of St. Lukes Episcopal 1 Church, has returned from arborOj Xfc., . where he has been spend ing some time. 1 U; The wolkon theYadkin River has been resu med -and is progressing finely. At; present the force is engaged iu build . Ini fettles or winsr dams, to check swift . . i , . -water. :? . 1 " . ". - .'..-. -.-J. -o- "'" I We acknowledge the receipt of numer- ous tickets from schools "and colleges to attend 'exhibitions and - commencements. - Some of thtse tickets are very beautiful and costly r Thanks to them all. .... V I ' ! . ' -O ' J Rev. V."R. Stickley, Lutheran pastor of Bethel and St. Paul, finding Salisbury about half way between his two charges. r :-i - , '111 .. - "v. STBAWBEnEiES.--Dr," Dorsett, ,of, this place excells in the cultivation of this ruit.JIe has thirty, jrarieties and .is testing their relative merits He is pre paring to furnish sets this fall, so that In this County, May 14th, 1882, by Bev. Sara'1'. Roth rock, at ais residence?, Dunn's Mountains mine shipped 1800 Mr. John D. M. Godoman and STtaXaaral u., daughter ot Matthias stikeieather Esq. In Ebenezer churoh. May 10th, by. Bar. W. Kimball, Mr. II. Bittle Kimball and Miss Bettie R. Patterson. h . t , : .... - . sc :.: T a.. I 11 a. l I. .11 i i -. -tr as l. . . " v:. . . ' ii.. 1 uy me. ware, m oi. f ui cuurea u aener generally, ana aeservesrcaw vicMiw iweresieu ,n iub. ucmu. . 7 o'clock, P. M.J Mr. P. B. Misenheimer i - ! . - a if : : 1 1 1 1 : . .t it v:mk.ii ''. : . Iiijtiiiig Adyertisments. any one deshingi to procure them need penny weigths of gold, last clean up not send awayfor them, as all tue, uest nbwn varieties are to be found in las V Messrs. G. A. Waeber, and P. VV . JUuf- plats.' The Doctor is an excellent gar- field; of. New York, are here. Tiiey are V for having made so many good, and valu- J Bendleman mine. able things grow, wnere pniy a lew years ago were gapping gullies ana weeas. hi Speciixicns xs anotuer eviaence oi wnai. wouuws iu- ; nr i;f minp.in t.l.u Hnnntv. t . - i . I - rMV W h - ., - w y telligent industry ana ; perseverance can achieve in the cultivation of the soil. Strawbeuries. The ble for the production of large strawber- ,rB1,7 w:" ... J i llected for nermanent exhibit. It is very ne. VT. ijorsett sent us, cuts wee, a . t... . x . . - . . .l . I little j trouuie tor eacn owner w unug oc extraordinary m sue, some "of them I k t ... v. , , r. . . .. measuring 4 incues in tiiameter. Ana : , - t " Hons and full particulars cheerfully given. .f.l,r M VVi1Ha. Smith inf TvkA " wouiucostnot ,WlWnjWUoUuuu1Bu - . , ,ir - , uoiiars vw , iua&a i suuijjww.vvjicvmwu - , i i m tr lnuiviu- 'will here.ytcr make his residence iu this town. life is boardinc with MrsC. Grahani. 1 1 -o- ",Mr. A. W. White, a licenciate of the Presbyterian church, filled the pulpit of BevlJ. "Rumple last Sunday. He is pleasant talker, and has the power of holding his hearers; His prospects for usefulnesses very flattering. . . O- : ". DEDibXfiox. The new Baptist church (on the corner of Church and Counci streets,) will be dedicated on next Sun day. May 2lst. The services will be of a solemn and interesting character. Rock h)LE is the name of a new post office rclently" established in Stauly County. Mr. G. W. Crowell, is the post master. He is a nrompt business man ; and is a god selection for P. M. IHNING INTEIililQEKCB. T.K. BRlTfKR MANAGER. HAHEIED.' p , 3 to CO Cu 3'' QO .V ' Biq V recently p ublished in the Watchman, only two, DunnV' Mountain and G. M. present I Barrringer, 4 ha ve responded 5with speci- meuBoi uicir urea. m& wcvceoaij FOR SAKE 1 - SEVERAL GOOD UNING j PROPERTIES In the vicinity of Gold Knob. Dcscrip- Township, had in for sale a splendid lot, some of them equal in size to Doctor D's. Ordinarily the old field strawberries are ess acid than th$ cultivated, but it is nqt so this year but just the reverse. o- 1 of ores of . this county, if one aal had to do it. 1 We cannot incur this expenditure, especially when the benefits must accrue to the owners of the property and not to the individual mak- inff tne collection, we nave tnea ic I our experience in getting up the display for Atlanta taught lus a lesson. But it T. K. BRUNEB, I i Watchmas Omc' Salisbury. May 10, '82. . f : ' .' !".' " tf i ASSES8HEIIT HOTICE- N0RTH STATE MINING C0MPNYI ' . 1 f l ;v .' . 1 Notice is hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of directors, held on the Hurra The meetinecrf the Board of Trustees of Zion Wesley Institute, which met at Concrod. April 7th, appointed a commit tee with Bishop Hood as chairman, to so-1 mar.be easilv 'dona v bv the owners, as lect a suitable site at Salisbury, N. C, auiniested above, ahd we urge them to da7 f MaJ 1882t a assessmtiit (No. 2) of for the location of Zion Wesley institute. , . . BDecimena to thia office and we One ($1.00) Dollar per share ras levied p- ine committee, alter maKiiig ciose in- . .,. I B- on the Canital Stock of the coroorationL spectibn of. the available .sites, selected iwir.wjflwj w ui owui - . , jn . . , . ,.r one of the most beautiful places in West- department in Ealeigh. I . - , paj able immediately n current funds to the ern North Carolina, known as the Brad- shaw or Gray place, containing forty acres 11 .1 1 . I. 2 11 . A. 1 M .1 01 laou, on wuicu is a uinguiuceuii uuiiu inr erected in 1868 at a cost of I four thotf- sand dollars. Siar of Zion. 1 - It may also be mentioned that through the individual attention of the Mayor, a subscription of $1,085 was raised to pro mote the noble enterprise of the colored people to provide for their youth the ad vantages of collegiate education. a . MINERAL WEALTH OF Montgomery A Correction in the Programme. The; programme which was1 arranged for the Observer yesterday morning was quite sure that if capitalists abroad were apprized of the hidden wealth of this section, there would be a gathering of them in a short time. Our want of com- a very long one, and in writing it. up one 1 , ... . from or two omissions were made. In the list ti,e gl.cat centres of trade and capital as of the military, the following companies I China or Alaska. Gold has been found in were overlooked: Southern 1 Stars, of the northern, eastern and western sec- Lincointou,-Salisbury Rifle! ; Iredell tiona of Montgomery. El A Dorado town- i - J. . . - , t. U t, T,.a ship is situated between tbe ladkin and Blues, of Statesville, and the Polk Rifles TTwharl.io rivers and has been kn.wn a ofPincville. Theser companies are all toTa gold producing section far three quar- be here and the absence of their names ters of a century or more, i The lieaver- County. ,4- ' (. . i -Flaggtowk, K. C. May 13th, '82i T. K. Bruner, Esq. - j j - Dear Sib : Your circular requesting in formation concerning the mines of Mont gomery County is to hand. I regret that l cannot give you an elaborate history Jm v iftao ;w;n forfeited to the comm. and description of the mines, as I am L. thor ?f h nil nrprimw nvmnt. according to the charter. By order of the Board of Directors. ; i i Secretary, at the office of the. Company in. Salisbury, North Carolina, the Branch Of- ffice, 52 BroadwayNewYorkity, or at the MUTUAL TRUST COMPANY, 1 65, Broadway, New York City. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the Ninth day of June, 1882, will'be delinquent and will be advertised as delinquent, and unless pay ment is mad, together with cost of adver tising, before Saturday, the. First day of h3 l I i a 30:4t EDWIN H. MULORD, Sec. in the programme yesterday was an acci dental omission. Charlotte Observer. The residende on the corner of Church and Bani streets, recently "vacated by Mr. A. (jg. f llaly burton,' lias been pur chased bithe Methodist Church of this place as ajparsouage. - r'-.':'v ! ;'f o ... ' A; Parker has built an addition to his ' store of 8(Wue 10 or 12 feet ill length, aud 1 has addel another story on the rear o the builuiug. This arrangement wil .Enable 'hidi; to bring his bakery under the 'same roofi witln the store, and. afford' f ainple r!in for" a resEa'urantr-whicli he .conteniplatvs running for the convenience of cust9ners. ;f .-v';jr"'" ; O- i C, E. f i 11a has moved his saloon to the room forinerly occupied by Mr. Lanier. He has Ituilt an 1 addition a large bril- iiard haflr-tho whole .arrangement re ' mhdeled ftnd fittid up in the most hand- s&me marner. f f - - The Pltiloiuatheuu Literary" Society of the Catawba High School have issued - handsom iuvitutiou9 to. their annual -celebration! ou the 22nd and 2hd of Mav. Addiess Mill Bridge, N. C, May 11th, '82. - j ; ' r The following is a Minote adopted by the Deacons of Thyatira church : Whereas the Master in his all-wise Providence, has removed from us our late brother and" co-laborer, J. C. Gilles Iie, we deem it nteet to offer the follow ing tribute of respect: -j Ee8olved, That while we bow with rev- erent submission to the will of Him who doeth all thiugs well, yet we mourn the loss, to the church and to ourselves, sus--tained by the death of our brother. Resolved. That not only has the church lost a loved and useful member, but so ciety lias lost oue of its best citizens, and a kind aud provident son and brother is is lost; to Inn family. ; liesolved, That we tender our sympathy to the bereaved family, and pray that the God of all comfort may comfort them, aud that His all-sufficient grace may unite them to Himself, 'Eesblved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the family of our brother and that one be sent to Jtlie Carolina Watchman, with the request to publish, j J. F. Carhigax, 1 ! i W. A. Lingle, V Deacons I P. IL Albright, S Sermon ly Rev. A. by Gov. jlarvis. S.Vaughn. -o- (Sunday School picnic postponed Tho picuic ofthe Methodistaud Presbyterian Sunday sthool, which was to have taken place, yesterday, has been postponed on aecount f the weather uutil Thursday next, the25th Hist. ; f; lfugo ptreparations are being made in ChiulottfJor the celebration of the 107th Auniveraty of the Mecklenburg Declara tiou. Agfeat many of - our citizens will L' a. .'' a . At ' mi "be present to witness the exercises. The Resj ale going down, feeling confident .of theirabilit'N to do credit to them selves anil the city they represent. . To the Press of North Carolina. dam mines have yielded j thousands of pennyweights of the yellow metal. The late Thomas J. Forney took out sixty five thousand penny weights from Beaver dam after old miners had quit work. ; - C. LIST OF MINERAL LANDS. H Davis, mining properties on tribu taries of Beaverdam. I 1 Col Jno F Cotton owus :the lower por tion of Beaverdam, which is a large lake from 3 to 15 feet deep. This lake is the great receptacle of j the washings from above, and is supposed to be very valua ble P. O. Flaggtown. j Davis' Bu88ell Attnc Thayer," Hearne 6c Co., Eldorado, N. C. Crump Mine Troy and North Carolina Mining Co. EliCpqgini Mine Geo M Henderson, Eldorado, N. C. j S F Russell, Sen.i and D J II Reeves the heirs at law of James Elliot aud Jesse Reeves, own gold mining; properties on Beaverdam. 1 I t .Luke Black mer, Esq., owns the Parsons Harris (recently sold) and the David Hearne mine, and several other poiuts kuown to be gold bearing. Waisiner Mine David Spruce, Kirks Mills. i : James W Reeves owus tniueral proper ty adjoining the above. ! Orandmam Jine-rS J Pemberton aud others,' Albemarle. Bettie Hearne Mine Geo B Coeciu. GOLD GRINDERS. I have several sets of Granite Gold Grin ders on hand which I will sell on reasona ble terms. ' I also furnish GRANITE KILL STONES and will deliver them at the Railroad De pot, if desired E. E. Phillips', j Salisbury, N. C. 28:2t GOLD, SILVER, AND C0PPEE OEES, &c. Assays made of charge. Apply to the above lores at low ASSAYER, ! Gold Hill Mines, N.C. A. J. RIGBY, C. K. J.Q. MURPHY, X. . RIGBY & MTJRPHTT, fi ' -if lining and Ccnstractini Ecpeers, 78 AND 80 Room 49, Beoapway, !1 t HEW YORK. Examine and report upon Mines. i , Make Working Plana and Specifications for the construction of gold and silver Mills, or will enter into Contracts for the erection of same. ii Mining Machinery and supplies purchased at lowest prices and prompt attention given to shipment. !; Of address JOHN RIGBY, i 49:9m:pd ; High Point, N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS' U. S. Maps, $2.50. ji Theo. Bcehbacm. Blank Books, : I Theo. Bukbbaum. Fine Note Paper, TnEO. BCERBAUM. Books, Novels, etc., : TnEO. BCERBAUfl. : i A large Assortment of Novelties, Tys, etc.. lust received at A. Parker's. . . Irish and Sweet Potatoes, just received at A. Parker?. New No. 3 Fat Mackerel to arrive at I A. Parker's. QQ H QD CO ti o- Branson'H Bnsiuess Directory, sixth edition, is now iu the course of prepara tion. The first editiou was published about sixteen years ago. The Directory j El Dorado. willbethelarge8t,fullestandniostaccurate Coggin Mine B F Coggin, El Dorado, of atjiy yet published, and will contain Lethe Coggin Mine heirs at law of the population of each county, county Burrel Coggiu John F.,Cotton, Flags officers. Courts, town officers! magistrates, town. : .Tmrnhoa iioU.i.x.r.M w.ft!.. I p: p...u in.,. nui.- rt I STOIiKN. -I had stolen from i ray i. 4 V M.-J. ' . . . , , . fa ' counter last Saturday a pair of Gold me.cmuiu, auu irauesmeu,j minisiers, uienorooK. Bracelets, about i of an inch broad, with mines, mills, newspapers, S physicians, Palmer Mine Contiguous to Russell small chain. Block figured on top side. I postoffices, schools, local coi-notation 8. J mine- Zeb Russell. Glenbrook. also oth- will cive $10 reward for tlie Bracelets nrnmi n An h fnrniAM Koai lua mhMi ni. mtnSnn and any information in regard to the m-r m m-mm m w u mm M mm m. mmm M. A ; Jiia UUIl m mmmm, m I ti m. mm.m m mm H u ae m m m w m, mrnrnm. WuMW-irm iu a A m an m m mm m H mr w : . s . ' F " " valuable information. The North Caro- Jehu H Davis Auriferous lands, El Una i press has heretofore kiudlv aided Dorado. ! ; OPHItt towksiiip. Davis Mine Dan'l A Coggin, El Do rado. - NotwUhstanding the great care taken by our citizens to have early vegetables, the average farmer of Stauly and Mont gomery counties keeps along side of us. Mr. J.. S. Pennington of Montgomery :cdniitjr,gaye us new potatoes, sweet pea!; anl j beets last week they also jCDJoy lai abundance of strawberries wild 'the flavor being superior to some of the fiOer sorts, ' Ii tr4 O- IFoqKtf-lOLD Coin. Mr. S. C. Ketchie itvho resides a few' miles from town, found astSatlrday, iu a crack of a log, in an oiu uonse on nis place, nine pieces of gold coitt. He did not; knOw what they were,:nor j aught 6L their value. Briug ing them to town, he sold one for $5. "which- fras again sold for $3 'and again for SlG.f The last party holding on. Tho I others m deposited in tho Baiik, nutil he ; could '.lepu of their exact value. Five jphesejare alike, though bearing difier ents dasJ On one side ,they have the ; profile Of JOSEPIIUS. l.D.G. and bearing umereni dates. Another has the profile oi iuxNES. V.D.G., another PETRVS. IL Di G, another IOANNES. V.D.G. and on tht other side a cross with tlie P10"4? ? fnT MocSigno. Vinces. The las ono ia apueer and very antiquated look lug toifi, and is ind?scribable, the oulv thing d&cernabie being ; the date, 1784, or cYrtay ipofcis as if it was the latter. They are Spauisli coin "Porf. e. 4tyrrx." datius from 17VG to I7fll ti, '. goidvey pure; showing no tarnish, and f ; v i w "o-worth nearly $80. me in my difficult work of completing the Directory. For past favors I return thauks. . You can aid me greatlv in nre- thief. ' R. M. Rosebho. Rowan Mills, May 9th, 1882. 1 1 NOTICE GAS CONSUMERS! paring the present editiou, and especial- iy in reiereuce to me statistics ot your particular counties. If yoa'jrill aid me Ob and after the first day pf June, 1882, ten per cent, will be added to all bills a- Bright Mine John S Pennington, Mill- paid by the 5th of the month, and if not i paJU Dy me iuiu iu utu wi w tuyi uu ! No deviation whatever. please insert this card in your paper and Baltimore. edgeville. .i--fl in Tt-i T , n oieeie jutne luiyuer roptein oc o., give mo such other help as you may Bee proper. Send me a copy of j your paper containing, the card. I will) place it ou file and send you tbo Directory, as- soon as ready, in exchange. The book will be worth 5 per copy L.'Brakson, ; Publishers North Carolina Directory RaleighN.; Cty'f?-- DIED. At China Grove, Sunday evening last, the 14th inst., Edna, infant daughter of Rev. B. S. and Mary K. Brown, aged 1 year and 15 days. 1 ' May 10th, 1882, Miss Ann ilcLaughlin, in the eighty:fith year of her: age. j For the pasjk four years and a half she has been confined to her bed; and. at times a great sufferer. But she bore tier afflictions with christian fortitude and cheerfulness; and now, we trust, experi-r ences the truth of Paul's assertion, "To die is gain." She wts for many years a member of Back Creek Church; J.' A. R. The Greensboro Bogle says that a fruit dryibgestablisment on a large scale will shortly be established in (hat city. Two 72 horse power engines arelbeinsr added to the already immense poier necessary fA i1finA Hl. t . c .1. 1 T If u,,o iud matuiucrj ffi tuu xviiuuieiuuu Millsl They are, also putting in forty new looms. If: w WINE OF CARDUP for Ladies only. - i At Theo. F. KlutuV Lyon & Co., own property adjoining the Steele Capt Lyon, El Dorado. Bunnel Mountain Mine Dr. Eames, Salisbury. ; ' - CWHAHRIE TOWNSHIP. Hog Ten Branch MintC C Wade, Troy. . i i S0:2t J. ALLEN BROWN, Pres't. ill" SALISBURY MARKET. Apples green, per mis ar Wholesale. rled. per lb... Baco Country, hog round, Butter. Beeswax. xn BiacKoemes, rwww w w r,w aauJUbwvi w itnvn ttIIVO I ygm 75 4 3$1.00i$L09 Cotton Good Middling,.... Mldllnsr, -.. Low Midllng, Stained. Corn new MeaL Coffee, cn ic teens,.... 1X& to SO t (A 4 & ti 10 14 BetalL f aHJ5 i T 11 10 10 Mr Worth, C Saanders, ffc;;; 0 8 & ; 110 no 11 is u I Hay,... Lara. 14 IS S.1S i 80 IS I 8 80 i SO 1.60 9 t 1.15 L10 14 1 15 15 15 9 3 " M 60 & 14 15 W . U (4 0 1.00 1.00 1 00 a' a; a a i a a a i.d 1.S5 w to I.T5 ! 1 IS IM i.ioj: CO s ! CO CO o 'Y:- r CO Wmm G CO o U2 mm s 4i IS NOW. IN STORE AND WE ARE PLEASED ,TO SAY r M O ST C O M P L ET E "' - -, : 't j " - - ' ' ! ; -j- : ' - ' v " To be found in our Oity. Everything selected with care and nothing bought that is not of Style. ji. o Sd m a We have in business two objects in S2I view tn 1st, To Please Our Customers. 2nd, To Please Ourselves. Truly, Atc, QO J. D. 6ASKILL. m MOMEY&SPEMRY, GOLD & SILTKR GRINDING & AMALGAMATING MACHlERTf HOLLAND'S PULVEEIZEE takes the place of tha ennbsrsome Stamp MU1- And can be pot up in one day eady for w 0 IT HAS BKIN FULLY PROVED & TESTED It weighs complete 7.000 pounds. It costs $1,500 readr for i the belt, i M III crush one ton per hour of hard quart x that wil i pass through a 40-mesh screen. The wear Is less than In th&i stamp mill, its wearing parts are: plain castings and can b j I dropped into position In a few moments, as shown by letters A, - B and C, no bolts or keys are required ; it can be set upon the . floor of a mill with no expense for foundations, and can be used , to crush and work la charges or continuous. It . will amalga mate either frold or sliver ores, making It a simple. CO m m w o o H CO $ .if 5 I yji Uv JrS H Vie J v chr&n and effective mill : It rennlrea if.honw nowpr rs, crushing Kous, Amu. ; Gold ana- Silver , Rock Drills. Air Com pressors. Steel Shoes and Stamp Mills, Rock Breakers. CrusMn amatlDg Pans and Senaratore res, Chlorldlzlng Furnaces. Retorts, Rock Drii: Dies for Stamps, and every descrip-i Uon of Frames for Stamps ; also , Improved Double SINGLE CYLINDER HOISTING ENGINES, With ok WrrHtffBonsBa, Wias oa Manilla Rors Dkcjis. j MTAwuffn ttAttnittA tm tfinina ' 1m i 9-f ' r - . w - f tereU. We construct Mills with Stamps weighing from MO to W0 lbs. tor gold and sliver ores, wet er Dr Stnajor circular. Crushing Moitars. 48:ly Warerooms 9 and 84Libc rty Street, NewYork. SPRING AND SUMMER BEAUTIES ! N CO m CO JONES, MCCUBBINS & CO. ARE NOW IN FULL RECEIPT OF THEIR SPRING STOCK, tn. Comprising full lines of Beautiful and Superior Ocods for Ladies and Gentlemen together witu a spienaia assui imtuw Bt.m " ' 2v Selected with reference to the daily recurring wants oi i iu - Mechanics, Artisans, lJoctors, sawyers, mmw., r If 70U are gang to many, by all means call on Jcnes, HcGnbUns & Co. first, for they hare all the pretty things for the occasion. ' i :o:- Elias Hurley, Mt. Gileadi Island Creek Mines Di F J Kron. Albemarle. - . : Beeves Mine Dr. John Asheboro. i Cedar Creelc Mine--? Uwharrie, N. C. j The ISam-Christian Mine placer gold, pork," is well known to our readers. There are ntli'r niinp.A in tliH Pah ! Dm Tlivrnaliin. I h eat ... . ... 5 .. rJ ... . M $ list nowuruisuea. , ! ' Mining Property. Persona having trot township. mining property to sell would do well to Cotton Stone Mountain gold, siUer, advertise it; We propose to give room copper and pyrophyllite-ijohn F Cotton, to such notices, to be kept standing I nn Fldggtown. v 1 der the general caption of "Mining Prqt- Jesse Smithermao owns property ad- J erties for Salk.w I t joining, ...... j". J The cost of such notices will be raoder- Carter and otlir mines, C C Wade, ate. - . j Troy, NC. - J I Those having properties the value of This listls far frpm being perfect, yet rhich is not generally knewn, should it shows something of the extent of the give references to reputable peraotit mineral wealth of iMDntcomerv . Countv. known to be nennainted with such mat There are few places which will not show lers This paper has a good circalation j wm-ri traces of gold in the ' county Prof, (among mining men North, sod pni the Harvey, London, Eng., found both silver! State, and can be of service ' in the jwaj and tin iu this county. - I , : , proposed. GU AN O! WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH THE CELEBRATED Job Counter. PS Have made a Job Counter of ajt Summer u m ter This Fertilizer stands among the highest in analysis. Farmers will ton lt-tnetr Bl A t. . mm, mmmm mm. IjwaA ' adrantage to caU on us. We can give you special terms-oeuer 5 y'? any other standard guano. 7 JONES, McCUBBINS & CO.' We are still Agents for UALDifl B ajuaim .. . .1 1 a. it.!. w nnirp inf it nnTPii pn nnmn ins mtmii irnnvn inrnuiruouL iuia tviuwuuiij -1 This Fertilizer is well known throughout this community GOODS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD FORT COST AND LESS THAN COST.: Thess Goods must be sold. M. S. BROWN fbr wkat you want ERRORS OF YOIITR. AGektlevan who soffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, aod all the effect of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making tue simple remedy bj wnicb ne was cored. Sufferers wishing to profit bj the ad. vertisers experience can do so b addressing in trfcet confidence. JOHN B. OODEN, History oflfcofvtm Gourtty T SET t.UVmTVn A. Copies of tins interesting book may b had of T. F. Kxcrrz, Tho. Boerbadh or at the Watchmak Uffice. ; LIN A WATCHMAN, ONLY $1.50 PEK YEAR. ' M. M AW - .. - . ...

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