' 1 i . ; - - ! - I --'-'J' . i- ;l SBBOdhAaMnnflBAKJ r k 1 1 - . " 1 4 .i I : l V : if; ; i J . ' i ' ' I I - . -f : ri r 4 x .1 It: b ! f I i " 1 .'4 - i : 8 V 7 i i 8 ' :t-;1:: r v.. '1 i ' ! -I 1 g' ' ,i , -ft i ! I' p. -1 - " ' : VJ fr, & & & J; -R J stock: rv.. v , . IIOTIGE TO CREDITORS ! ALU persons! having ) claims against the estate of 'Paul Beaver, dcc'd, ' are hereby notified to exhibit the same to . the under iieHefore the 1 st day of May, 1 883. This 21sfr day of April, 1882, Alfred Beaver, ) I akd ; X V Ad'mrs. R.W.BosV 5 r 28:1m FOB SALE h ,T liare afirst ate West ing honso Wheat Threalier and Horse power, wlacii tviII be Bold on very reason able terms. . Aiwijy to x, f. ; , ? r ; t ' iii H ;U BixdlIAM,VALTER, . 1-7 miles north of Concord, Or to the subscriber at Salisbury; ' i J. G. McC'qnxaughey. Concord Register, requested to copy. A mtlrlT Haw u4 poitilr tSeetiv Hrmity tar t)w tp4y Bad permanent li li nil in i" T - r r"' fre 1 ilmi !) rZZTPTLSIZiZJl 777. . . .,.i.Ti; rti r t lyaX-aArJ HARRIS REMEDY liwinr jriwiiit riv.VTI.fc.iil.-V- 1 have Hurt Ib. liXKI ax's .twenty-flTe yean ia medicine, hire never fno Toxin does, in many eases of Nerrona bloou, this neeness Hiilih nww tkat u m prtMt nnonaa.' - , Ik. IbAMl IT.tHM RUM M J T FZiiiTiir - - " - ' j - 7 tanM . 7i)Frrn7yf777mrm (sn i ifjrffwjufrf txrs r . cases that nave baffled some of our most eminent Physicians, bare yielded to this KTeat and lncompar- able remedy. 1 prescribe 1t in preference to i nreierenea to 4 1)B. LLUiTEK's 1UOX Tosicfs a necessity ST. LOCT9, Mo., 1 M color to lite blood, natural healthful tone to the ellgrstive trrgnna and nervou rff.rtcm, maJdnj it applicable to General Jfeoilitfff JjO -of Appe tite, rroetration of Vital , Lose -of A ttratUm or Vital I rowers and Impotence. fAXUFACTUftEQ BY THE DR. HARTER V . M:ly i k-s -XlXXiXXr ffHEAD iitN UlUAL! -n JReiorfs from all sections of North antLSouth Carolina. Gcorjria and ! VUbama ;r f ; .-v. - , BU31U1U UUl WIliCpXfGIBBSIi&CO.'SMA 3 Is the BEST and Most Reliable and r WILCOX, GIBES & which we'ut1 out Tor' tlte' first. -time last Pbosphtte un the Market. ?;f : . i ; : ii, is Mm. wcvwiiij ivi us k Hiii4iuiij auyui iih-mj xerunzers, as tne reports whick ' night h9 obtained trpin pur neatsr wurselves, cover tli4 whole subject. ad will am- P'J Ffpay perusai. w e wuw nave moaerate supply o cacji, which can be obtained frwmour Agents, payable in Cotton nxt Fall.. .If there is'no Agent at your Railroad ' Pepcrf, get your merchant to order it. rT - if : 'v v.--p d--y !T 16:2m open Buggies, Beckett McDowcIPh Enflnes and BoUers and Ml-' nlntr machinery of all kind . - V ?Oetser ieparaan-!faiM Horse Puworsri? lckfoj Jt-Uulfji-tiCDcaUi aad UuauaDrttls. . -i aoaiaa'May Kakes, B. K, a very son's "SuUcy Ploirs, walking CalUva- : '.tors, Ac. ..-.-,...' i 1 1 pinkeye and etiamploa' Mow era and Reapers. b v ! . ; w Jl Jirf-ilftL0?.? co,n?li my er11 "dware Business latrirachlncry. A rteultnml imPiv 1 V:" -'ff1 Jrl?,eiS8 xcIUKlytly, 1 tow efferftwr CASH my enure soc of bhelt hardwire. AT COST - ftJV-.vS.0? TtfH'iJk Prices is respectfully sollctted from Cotetxy Merchaot!. j 1 alk offet fyASii.aiHicftbUpnly 3 Oaralioadn RhvIab ;.i.thfniwinfri ,. u - Ul u u w u u .... I .-. .cy rra ra l'f"rf'HW II 11 VV i o . i Tickets, ;r- . ;; THE rhTiin in cbrg of old ad well knows institution ere resralar graduates in medlcina and areerr. Tears of.Experiene in lb iraatmeot of " Chronio Siaaae navo mad their akill and ability .' to much Batwrior to that of the ordinary practitioner, that tbey hart aco aired a national rcpotatiat) UuoocB 1 their treatment nf eom plicated cae.f . So"oF t ueulijiar'wie trtaTed with tUO mm. without minff MerenrTor Foisonoaa Ifediciaatu " YOUNO E N lhaw a"1" agt Q t (iLlal uuIaJTw victim For basinet or inxrUM rmanentlv enred, at moderate expense. ITIENTS TRE :Trrt b Mail aal Ksprata but wtwra mill cuauiiui ua i pr.isrrcd, wbjcfe it 7RXX and iaviaa fred, .luck it TRXS and lavitad. List of atmtioM ta be aatwer4 by pataeatB acatriaf trtifwat aaited Irn to tar addran oa anplwatioB. ; taVriity rw Bnptatrc rfwbt aaad Unit aili aaa, aa4ttarawwtaia to taetr aanatmaot ItiB aate tran. CoaMiii1'Htmrictt eaatfatiJvn4 b tddrtand DR. BUTTS, IS Narth Htb ga, St. Lala, M flE7 FIRL1! The undersigned have associated them selves together under the jfirm nante'f ') THEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO., fori the purpose of conducting the Drug and Apothecary business,; at the stand so loD -occupied by Tlico. F, Kluttz. 'Jt We shall a t all times keep a full stock of all GooVIs in pur line, and respectfully solic it the patrohage of our j friends and the a : "" a--v -w-a w-i Wiin IPUOUC . .1 MUJ. X, I I it, f i t ... M JohniWIHTehbapJl- j i oj.ti. s CICERO R. BARKER. toaeldeofIro,Piertwiai Eeurk and Ihophoru9 ii teeth,so ciiaracteristieof fitnrr iron prrprt ration. Ikon Tonic in my practice and la an experience of : tonnd anytiilnx to jrtve the results that Dr. lonna anjuunx o kc tne reamis bum uk. n Iabtxb's Prostration, i emale Diseases. Dyspepsia, and an im- rroatrmtioD. Female Uiaeasea. Uyspepeta, remedy, baa la my hands, made some wond it Physicians, bare yielded to this great and y Iron preparation made.ln .fact, roch remeoy, nas in mj nanus, buuc some wonuentu cures. anr iron nreDarauon mane. . in i.-ict, aacn a coiriDouaa any Iron in my practice. f I Da. EOBEBT 8AHUELS, Nov. Stth, 1881. S104 Wash ATenna. MEDICI RE CO.. 213 R. MAIN ST.. ST. LOUIS. ly. f - . -'!-?;5'v1 . LI it 1111 lllUTt.lUC j I t CHEAPEST Fertilizer in use, and tliat the C0.'S SUPEEPFOSPHATEj i - - n eason," has proted unexcelled by' any Acid , --r . -i 'WICOX" GIBBS dtTJOr Savannah, Q a., & Charleston, S. C. II S5o; Top Buggiw. I nave the sole Agency for the following named ma- Favorite and Deater Com Shenersr Te egraph Feed Cutters DUCTraf CfeHills And Kvaporators. o rcuL-u mi IT nsl Mills.- ' Davis' celebratM Kovtr. u.kTI. Kentucky liazanl nine and Blastlni Ptrwdir Atlantic Giant lvTrrif.r ""b wwui.. ftfchler Davis Gould's Buggies and Spring wagons Robert Lawson a Cos. Buggy HamesaV ssrr Crifrt iia . NSS CARD FOR ' rx i r "V BfRSP aaw SVMV Way tW W IV'VJ -x xm WANTED ! lief AsroctatiosI Lady preferred, j. Hon- orable and profitable. Appiy at once w , ; ; tf t--v DaiiBUury. it, I PlI51aPJES ' T l I will mail (free) the recipe for a simple Veg- I tabus Balk that will remove Tav, Freckles I r-a- .nrl Rttmiiw. lvinff th akin MtV I clear and beautiful; also inrtruajon. for prodo- cm a luxuriant growuioi i.a ronaoaia nesa oraraooihface.-, Addreia, inctoinx'Scfttamp, I BEN. VA N DEL & Co., 12 BarcIaTb in. i. 1 . -' ' I '' ' ' ' I Ann a week In roar own town. $5 On tilt free. I quiPeo. tv e wm iurnisa juu ever uiiun. jami? arc matin? forUines. Ladles make as much as men. I and boys ana girls make feat pay. Reader, If you . ... . . . jw r. - - - r I an tne umeyoa work, write for particulars to l :S(3ARR-S - j FRUIT! PRESERVING (25 Cts. Pfr Box.). This is the most economical and the purest powder on the market; It saves TIME . AND IiABOB. FoKlaTcat JOHN nMNISS i 1 JUST-rrtkcEI VED and Must be soldi JARS. f f Ooe-half Gallons and Quarts at $1 and flJ23 per dozen, which I-w ill seir cheaper J than any one a town. Also j Rubber nig-ns and 'Sealing- Wax, .pal) and see at GALLERY! u Open Day and Night t Drug Store next to Bingham's. mm 4 te1 ILAOP iV an " W i Hi , - " fenflltVltXk. W J .! I iJV, .Ulllliitafc j AT KEDUEDr PRICES AT Tlie Drug gfcoreXfxt to Bthghani's. i . ; . JX?-3m-Jr ' i SWeet r UU. Tanner S OiL :5iand; Lard" Oil, J At urng &iove nerxt to lnngiiain s. NEW RIVER SEED CORN ; j JUST RECEIVED At Drug Store uext to Bingham's. n. CfflABY BlRDPin): CAGES REDUCED at the pKUG STOKEcxTO BIpghniu',8. ; VirfiiB- : ' U. mi NOT ! i -FASHIOHABEB- I BOOT AND SHOE "Xt" a -a' -- i Invite vonr attention to his shoWoMai id ly. done. All grades of goods made to osdet Oct. 1st, 81:if. i - : . KERRCUAIOK. L. n. CLEMEXtk 1 j- a - li CRAiGE & CLEMENT, t$tt$ U t 2? It UL Jl -F , I.. T i 1 SALISBURY. .S. C. FEB.S, issit; il 1 -ZL 4 FrnitJars Fruit Jars lorj itra-. a r - 111 ' a v on, I HTTTTTTI in TT --Jusait-lanfl RCQTbanes8nowbeIorethPt"c. Tmicanl Duo I make monev laatrnt wort inah..t 1 any thing else. Capital not needed. We win start you. SJ a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted VJJl, 10 wor,tor us- J w is the trme. Ton eanworkln spar time onT or irive tnnr -iai. thTwrtUK?.ouJ?nHyeat home tne woric. o other business will navTouriarii. weiuvjio one can fan to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and lennfe . "fjananoiMniy.ojresB- Tcb et.Co AugusU, Maine. iVAscr, ; W-H.BAjlfe f VkNCV A llJAlI TV Sc" ATTORNEYS AND iCOTTWRTiTrtwo r HlSTflTTl- Iff I Practice in Supreme Con .t - t T .7 t. it.j.Ij IB Vli Stat Jtale", Supreme Court of 'ortb Carolina F C on. ffa.Office. two doors cast of Indenen. dence Sqnare. 33:tf 4iMU - ICS! i WESTERN N. C. RAILROAD COMFNYi STf CKHOLDERSr KfTM3t 3 Tlie regular annnal meeting of the Stock holders of the Western North Carolina Railrpsd Company will le held at the Office of the Company in Salisbury, . on the 3rd Wednesday in Mayl882 " J - ; OEO.P.ERWIXj March 20,1882. X h Sec'v & Tre'kr. I I A fa. i. i - - - i - l A Sugftjcstloii to Farmers. letter. Written oj cur State Geoio- the last monthly Balle- tin of. the Agricultural Department. It opens up anotUef field for the far- t-?-t-" ''jilJJ." -' IwTfl.. MA.A . mer, wuicu pruuiiaca uu iair iuwic valuable than COttoni ' J ' ; ; ' ' tmniti rrfrr '' ;! r' " . BDOAB -Hf ' , , t North Carolina expends annually v -:- ;- . - e-yv nnn rp. fYf vv-,. whQie of y this sum might ; be kept at home. -A It ia only within a generation that 'France has learned how to make uci unu sui'Ui v uuu sue uao wcu uc i - v - v come an exporter, 0F4 SUgar. Piumer- B.MM n mmI r.Ma it . ous and seemiusiy. insuperable uim- cuuies were overcome, in worsing up through -two generations to this result. One of the first and greatest difficul- culties was the development of a beet which :would yield -: a.suBcicrit . per centage of ; sugar. A common result now is 10 per cent, and 12 is fre-v quently 1 reached, -and sometimes 14. Ten per cent; pays.; The French pro- 8Ugr at cost of -3 to 4 cents a pound, and tht productiou of sugar has become one of the great national industries, developed from nothing by science, skill and, persistent enter prise and energy. 1 j ! .Germany preceded France in the inauguration of this industry, and has at least, kept pace with her in its de velopment. The other . nations o pf Europe are following these exam- pt, and' their: production is every year approximating their cmisuirip- ton. - This country alone has been willing to remain depcudent on a foreign supply for so important a necessary of life, and to pay for i I a sum which bears a, large proportion to the en tire national revenues. . The sugar beet' industry -is just get ting a foothold in three or four States. " The climate of this State is notably similar to. that of the sugur-produciug provinces of France. ! An experiment made in Raleiffh in 1875 with French o sed, Tesulteil in a crop yielding 16! per cent, of snar. See,!, were asain pncund iu 187G 'Li'-'- 2 " u.d '!;.-.' rilniteii m tt number t - counties,-buL too lute for a lair ex ncriinent. The instructions cover t de selection of the soil.! its ift'arutiou the kind and auaulltv and mode o fertilizer, cultivation, time !and mcili od ot eatliennir annj sliippMis ; alio" all these points are; important, an several of theiu essential to a large per centage of sugar, j For example, o two lots gathered from the crop in Orange, one in August, the other in September, the per centage of sugar in the former was more than double And it is safe to say that the instruc- t:ons .were not fully carried out in one lease of a dozen. Experiment) were tried agaiu'the following year, bu the scawn was verv unfavorable first too dry, then too wet. And not withttan ling all these drawbacks samples from half a dozen counties exceeded 10 per cent., aud some o them nearly reached 12. i . I'liold it demonstrated, therefore that as soon as we choose, we can add this great industry, to our agriculture J j and aid in supplying a product, for which mis country cxpenus nearly I 111 00.000.000 ner annum. 1 Alld there are COPl reasons to roduce farmers to mirsue the cxneri v . : . . . , . .... : ... . a . t. - meiits begun by the Department. The sugar beet has a very high value as j .food for. -stock, and contributes largely to the improvement of he soil, and rapidly elevates the whole cparacter of the agriculture of a coun try. Th try. The . product per acre is tons j:l ': . . i - - f " l wncre we mawe owtneis oi cereals. as soon as we will, produce the .t . .. ..... j. . beets, canitulists are readv- to imt tin 2 . . - . ., n " j r . r niaciiinerv - lor tlie mnnnfMftnfo nf f- ? - . - . i n Sugar. Oil . a large Scale. OllO partv. 'i i . , J who has already, made large invest- i; v 6 in-the State, made this propo- I s i ' a I I sal in 1876. in consenuenrp of th I V W wuarauence OI ine j ItaleiL'li exnenment tt the nrpviona year, referred to aboveL" -j V. C; Kerb. pi?. 'TfiifVAtja rranr ill a MlnAt. IS . - - . 1 1 Sheriff AT. R. Alexander!: ln . nll Z' "7- ! bl gQld mine to a KeW York and Ocgun preparations to - work it on a large scale, iu the purchasing of en gines) ' hoisters, crushers and ther necessary machinery.! Th.is mine is locatcil , near the old! , Capps mine, about six miles fromj! the city and is said to Ihs a fine gold producer... ... Oipty JoliiT Wjlkes is now working the old-Capps mine with j good re-suits-' .'S...-x',.".-'X -lio: 'v;f : ' - m- c rt T..1. -..t tr. o. v.. uuSio,vs worwnig we copper - mine, in Hie yicinify of the Capps, for Phjlaaclphia partjr, and . is getting out lhc copper greai, quantities.. I . ' . j ' ' . . -. -- ..... s w There are several Ptber mines in his locality; to iell and under nego tiation for aleand: everything .indi cates?,: that there: is shortly . to be a revi val of the 'mining interests in our county. Ihe4coming year will tee more mines in operatjoff and on a greater scale, tlian has yet been.;, known in Mecklenburg -r-Chai Observer,: - An exchange says': "A dozen wo- men ride now where! one woman rode a few years agdV What , an awful lame knee the fellow must have who wrote that.-.. - jr ' ' . : ' The Cofor and Jjustre, of Youth are restor cd to faded or graj hai by the use of Par ker s liair uaisam, a n arm i ess aressmg uigu ly esteemed Xorvits berfuine aricl purityr WHENCE COMtS THE UNBOUNDED ; X-Xh POPUURITY OF - Allcock's Porous Plasters ? Because they have proved: themselves the Best External Remedyever in- vented. They ! will ,. cure : asthma, colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, and any local pains. , v . Applied to the pmall of the back they are infallible in Bacfc-Ache, Ner vous Debility, and; all Kidney trou bles; to the pit .of the stomach they are a . sure enr for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS are painless, fragrant, and quick to cure. Beware of imitations that blister and burn. Get ALLCOCK'S, the only Genuine Porus plaster. '- Administrator's Sale 1 On Friday the 2itd day of June, next, at the late residence of Daniel Beaver, I will sell at public auction the personal property belonging to his estate; consisting of one mule, three head of cattle, 4 sheep, 2 hogs, a lot ot bee -hives, a waon and fanning tools of all kinds, one buggy and harness. a set ; of blacksmith 5 tools, hay and straw, household and kitchen furniture of all kinds, and mativ other things not named. 1ST TERMS of sale Cash. SOTICr. Ali persons indebted to the estate ot Daniel Bc-Aver, dec are requested to make early settlf-uicnt, and all persons navinp: claims against tne estate are noun ed that they must J present them to mc on or Iwfore the 10th day of May, 1883, or this notice will be pleiid in bar of .their re- roverv. J. V. PETCI1EL, Adm'r of May'Oth, 1SS2.J f Dan'l Beaver, Nctico to Creditors ! All persons having claims against the es tatc of Isaac Linker, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the under signed before thii lQtli days of May, 1883. This April 20th, 1882. J. W. MAUXEY, Adm'r. 20:lt-pd. l CD CD i CD 1? m m tT e ,? ce 3 ""5 C.'E- 2w P ;S -3 nce x a. n (9 s2 sr a 9 2 x a o 5 so - .T 2 cr 5 rr es 2- s? 1 S 3 S . GO -3 a. ak.. an 9 saaW D 2 c J 3 i a 9 X2J c m O o B S I J 2 K 2. O 3 W 5 Q . m as o o w -2 " n 2 2 -c g-y HI c32 as . , 90 o j o P W g, i B 4 a " 2 Si?- C r Vi IB O O SYMPTOMS OF A - TORPID LIVER. Lots of Appetite.' Bowels coati-va. Fain In the Head, with doll senaatlon in the , back part,. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with diaia elinauon to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, ZjOw spirits, with feeling of hating neglected some duty. , Wearineaa. Dissinesa, Fluttering at the Heart, Dote before the eyes. Yellow Bkin. Headache generally over the right eye. -Beatlesaneaa, with fitful dreaxna, highly oolored Urine, and - - CONSTIPATION. - ICTT8 PHX8 but especially adapted t -eweh eaaee, one doee effeeta tucn n change ' of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They latrimi Ui Appettte, and earne the body te Taik oaa Ffeato, thus tb srutsm ks aiaairaaliaal. and by their "Tamia ArtlM on that BiiCtaurs wt duoad. Price : i Oi iwii BiKiUttr Bltsisils sr r. cents, U Usjrrmjr & JC T. .TUTrSIKlAILa-DVEt 0at HAia oa Wm israaa cbsnred tosGiossT Black by a si Dg-e application of this It k. It im jwrts s SAtarsl color, sets Instantapsoosly. . Sold by rjrossiats, or sent by express oa rceip of et. orrxcK, s isxbbat stt nw toss, " (Be. rrm SUSTaX af ValaaM. IssWavaOss Ba4X Daaftji asials taks awlka IUB a tiBaM,sJP 'i ...... '-v.' " i I - Subscribe fori Carolina -Watchman (inly ?J.oQ pr year in advartoe. CD pQ g3s3'1:2? 5f J2ricX2 2 I.KoE.i'g n i S ft a S m 3 a.. .2 5 o O . .i - 3 ea ?UW8 F 1 . ; . , fo)n n n i i . - f IT n f3 I MbC4t . i-sdw-a w : BBaMBM nv trtiirt'rtf a decree of the Suncrior pAtirt of Rowan county in the special pro ceeding entitled George Kluttz and others against Jacob Klattz and others, tne onacr sumed will sell on Monday the 29th day of May, 1882, at the- Court House door in Salisbury, about-; -y . . juy aoo aeres oi Maa ( adjoining the lands of-W. C. Culp, Allen 3Iiller, Albert- Heilig and others, lying on LctcD oecona ureeK, ueiuiigiuu . v tate of Jacob Kluttz, dee'd.- X-:- TERMS-one-third cash, one-third in six months, and the balance in twelve months. Note and good security and interest from Ht of Rale on deterred oavments. , z Biddings will commence at the sum of nine hundred and forty i dollars ana any cents ($940.50) the amount of an additional ton npr cent biov out upon tne amount ior which the land was sold on the 6th day of March, 1883. CIIAS. PKICK, v 27:6 ? - ' " -.- uommissioncr. v - SALE OP- - HOUSE AND LOT ! On Mondar. the 29th'. day "of Marl' being the 4st Monday of Rowan; So. perior Court, I will sell aUhe Court House door in Salis bury; the House and lxt on mam siree in Salisbury, owned by C. F. Ritz. dee'd, ad joining the lots ot It J.Holmes, Wm. Trex- ler and otners, Demg aoout oa icct iruu about 200 feet deep. , Terms of sale One third cash, arid a credit of three snd six months for the other two-thirds, with in terest at eight per cent ; Title reserved un til the purchase money is paiu. j By order of Court. ' - : -'" Jso. 8.' HEXDEBS05, Commis'rv April 15, 1882. ' 27:6w- S AliB OP LAND ! , Byrirtue of a decree of. the Superior m . . t ; r w. uourx oi nowan county, in inc case oi m. Burracre and others ex parte, I will sell on the 29th day of May. 1882, oa the premises. Twenty-five" Acres of land, lyjng and being in Morgan's Township, adjoining the lands of Edward Burrage, If. C. Keid. John liur rage and others, on the Bringte, Ferry road near Buchanan's store. ': L j.. TERMS one-third cash, one-third in six months and balance in twelve months note and good security on deferred payments with interest from day of sale. - JOHN BUCHANAN, Com'r. April 26, 1883. 28:1m : ATLANTIC HOTEL, - MOREHEAD.N.C. G. W. BLACSNALXj. - - Proprietor. A NEW SEA-SI DB ItESORT, Open June, July, August and September. Capacity for 500 guests. House and Furniture all new.' Good Beds, Electric bells, water and gas in every room. Telegraph, fcxpresa ana rost umce m tne nouse. . . LOCATION' . Immediately on the Atlantic Ocean, due East of Ooldsboro. Cars stop within sixty feet of the front door. Boating, Bathing and Fishing within sixty iect oi oacic aoor. 3AMUSEMENTS2 BUllards, Ten-Pins, Balling, Fishing, Gunning, Still ana sun uatuing, rony uiaing, uancing ana uou- er BKaung. . . . A GOOD BAND OF MUSIC, and one of the Finest call Rooms in America. R AT ES-Per day; $-.'.5j. Per weei.-, troni I12.0C to $t .oo, according to sfee and location of room, aud tne number occupying it, ana time occupiea. NorthUaroiina Railroad. f - aBBBaaaaBBs ' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, Apr. 30, 168i No. 51. Daily. .No. 63, Dailv. Leave Charlotte.... M Salisburv". " High Point Arr. Greensboro Leave 0 reenslioro . Arr, Hillsboro " Durham ...... " Raleigh Lv. " A rr. Goldsboro 4.C0 a.m 7.20: 4. 40 p. m. 6.24 7.35 " 8.06 ma .s 8.00 " 9 30 M 11.47 12 26 " 1.40 p.m. 4.05 6.30 No. 17 Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro 500 p.m. Arrive at Raleigh 1.51 a. m. Arrive at Goldnboro 7:20 ' No. 51 Connects at Greenslmro with R."& D. R. R. for all points North, East an West, via. Danville. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 53 Connects, at Salisbnry with W. N. C, R, R. for ail points in Western N. Carolina; daily at Greensboro with R. A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. " TRAINS GOING WEST. " Date. Feb. 19, 1882. No. 50. . Daily. No. 52. Daily. Leave Goldsboro Arrive Raleigh Leave " 10.00 a. ra. 12.26 pm 35 5.06 5.46 " 8.05 " 9.15" 9.50 M 11.12 " 1,10a. ra Arrive Durham ... " Hillsboi, .... . Greensl t ro. Leave M Arrive HiahRiont 0.40 a. m. 10.10 " 11.21 " 1.00 Salisbury Charlotte No. 18, Daily ex. Sutfday-Lv.Goldsb'o 2.50 pm Ar. Kaleigh 7.10 pm Lv. 6.00 am Ar. Greensboro 3.15 pm No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points in the Ponth and South west, and with C. C. & A. R. R. for all points Sonth and Southeast. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C. Air Line for all points South and Southwest; at Charlotte with C. C. cV A. R. R. with all points South and Southeast. , N. W. fj. C RAILROAD. -. No. 52 Goiso West. No 50 iia. i. Daily. ex. Sunday. Lv. Greensboro t lb pm 56 a m Ar. Kernersville 1041" 1041 " M Salem 1125 - 1135 ' No. 51. -I Goiso W est. Daily. X I No. 53. ex. Sun. I Daily. Leave Salem 515 am I 6C0pm Ar. Kernersville. 550 44 i 640 u " Greensboro 7 00 " -S 00 ' STATtU IYE SIT RAILROAD. No. 1.. i Daily x. Sun., Going North. . Leave Chapel Hill Arrive University 10.40 a m . 11.40 a m No. 2. Daily ex. Sun. Goiso South. A rriveUni verity Arrive Chapel II ill 12.10 pm 1M p m Pullnai Sleeping' Cars without Change On Train No. 60, New York and Atlanta v?a. Washlnston A Danville, and between Greens boro and Charleston, i v f: ! vr On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte Washington and Charlotte via Danville. J6Throueb Tickets on sate at Greensboro. Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South,. South west. West, North and East. For Emigrants rates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest, address:', A. POPE,.. 1 Ocn, Passenger Ajrt. " 21:1 j Richmond, V. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tl ift reme aiiTTerersthe means of tqrer To all ythQ to, he will send t copy of thrreecribtion r,Ji9 xiree oi cnargej(,wiiii lueuireciionsfor rrensr ing and using'the Same, which theylwill sure CURE for Cocghs, Colm, Cokst ptt' Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. i 1 . i ur- f Parties wishing the Prescription, Will h&U addres,;Rev. E. A.nviIJSON. 1D41 PnB W i Ilia tnabn rgji, N. Y i i . i - Vi . ; 20: 1 t Xit - ' -- -- ' " -i . - - af T I I We eonttane to act as Solicitors for Patents, CaTeatsJ S&&S?5- Kthe United StSeZ have had thirty-tiro years experfeiiSe. I Patents obtained throofn as arenoUcedln theSe VUUM CbAULIHIVKbi IIKUDR. Irffrmont Ata T.- Sr.TS oMig, na naj an eoormtxu rr2: VTv.. uu, latent SoJtcl- tora, Pub's, of Scmrnrio AnaicAif, 87 park RcfaX New York!. - Hand hkihraiti...r ! ie adverlmer having been permanent hat dread d jease, Consumption, by asira J. ar. Jinx ions to make Known tohUrn ' ifqf Ifarwkelr'.Crage, I, N&M.i-r.'-2car&&SH -X Hfkerfg ; fx i? x- Hair BalGaiTi, pjfa& t I Tb- 0?-ot. nd'''rSl'?r!; Essences 1 XXX' " -l IvVVrfe. if: Aug. 4:ly. Danchy. " " ; J : j j; ; -vr ; ... . ' ' trated weekly paper,(3.aOavearbowsthAPrnZL- 1 ".j .... T. . i. i .,M,t..M Mm -: v' V; t--'vf : , j. t ,.",iH-.' !i,f-ilipivi.' Corae to the Front I W .A. BOOT, SHOE & GAITER 1IAKEB, OPPOSITE EKKISS i)RUO STORE. . All Work Strictly First Class Having had sixteen years experience ia tb bnainess, I am prepared 10 . PLEASE tlii most fastidious. : For EASE AND ELEGANCE OF ' my work can not be excelled. SA11 material oTlhe hest and finest g.A II work done in the - latest fashions. . . . -z , Gents Piae Work Sped ilty. - Ready-made, work of tb best uallt waya on hand for sale.- Attention jrivt .u ! KCY WORK and! hampion Ri loe Wo Repairing Neatly and; Promptly moderate prices; S.Saiisfac'tin teed or no rhargeAS V Orders X 3 ran- mail'i prnmptiT filud. . r 43:ly- WM. A. EAGLE Is made from a Simple Tropical " Leaf fit Bart Value. and is a POSITIVE remedy fox alMh" diseases that cause pales In the lower part of t the body for Torpid" Liver Headaches -4- Jaundice Dizziness, G ravel, Molarta, and all difficulties of the . ivuiney, uver. ana Mnnary orsrans. For femsll DISEASES Monthly WenstruaUonst, and durtog XX X t i r ' 1 jl FIT .B . . les and t ! i i X - , -, - : -; -;, that wnfcs the blcod, and hence is the best BLOOD X , purifier, it is tne only Known remeoy tnainin-u ; BRtGHT'S DISEASE. For Diabetes, use WARS- EJfSS A FK DIABETES CURK. t i " I f For Sale by Dnnrsrlsts and Dealers at 61.25 ' per bottle. Laryest bott In the market, iryiu M rl'iVAKncKct CO. : kochsstek. ' 4-! V Aeent" for the CARD WELL ' THESHBB, j I.; A. ATWELL. WIlEiV YOlJ WAjXT 1 HARDWARE At Low Fignres Calf on the undersigned atNc 2, Graift Ron. . .. - T X : D. A. AT WELL Salisnry yN C, June 8 it. J. il, ilCCOKKLE. j , HIEO. F. KIXTT. McCORKLB & KLUTTZ, 1 AIT CRNEYS AND tXU I ELCRS Salisbury! N, C X- . gOffice on Coun. il Street, of positeAe of route i 37:6ffl Kork BR School ! Oxford, N. C. ., : - The next session of this school iwill leg the second Mondav in January. ... i I For circular giving terms and ether partic nlars, apply to tU principals v i M ? J. H.&J. C. HORNER. pn 11 Great chance to make money Those who UUbUa always take advantage of the good chan ces for makine money that are offered, generauy become wealthy, while those who do not lmproje such chances remain in poverty. - We want niaBj men, women, boys and frtrls to workor f us right jr. their own localities. Any one can do the work pro? perty from the first start. The business will PT more than ten times ordinary wages, Kxpenstva outfit furnished free, i No one who engages talis ia make money rapidly.; -You can devote lyott wpoie time to the work; or only your snare moments, yau . Information and all that is needed sent free. j I Address Stinson&co Portland, Maine, i SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CARO - LIN A WATCHMAN, ONLT $1(VEEU VEAK. HARDWARE T Tl w rsti T Al G - 1: XXH :it fi h; Ci fil 'tL y ; ;C s;i X& X d !.ui :tl it i 1i cl ; '. : St b( fo L i I JA ,:a. j sii ,!tr; m liC ho - CO rit v4 fttU SO wl in XVJ br pc ?bo fan tvrt nn 1U X X tf :-'!'gC xi 1 .': -i i.:-......---r''i'. "X X XXXXy .'' V 't -: -it' v r - -... 4 ? . : - Vr? !. ! 4 :V