w 1 1 -1 ' -- 1 r- : ; . : . , .,. - it.. -. . ,-. . .' . - i h L.iu.t-. -Ns.cTj . x n if ?f 1 JCK 111 KIKIf CK i STCCK AHD.MATEEIAL -'me 1 I SUCH AS- S5& PcmpHets, Catalogues, Ticbets iX i f Circulars. Cards, Books, I " Bbnks, Invitations, Letter Bill Heads, Labels Statements,Envelop8s, jProgrammes, fsc, & Jleads, . : i , . ' ' -I-'. ) ' ' ' "jr- urn P ' IIOTICE TO GRED TOR 1 .ALL persons having claims against Jhe T pstafc oC Paal" UciTer, decd, re litreby HotiHl U exhibitlh'e same to the under ipntd bcTore the 1st day of May, 1683. ThiS'2ist day" of April, 1882. . ;' 7 . j i Alfiied Beaveh, ) i and Adni". j Ji. W. Bosr, . 83:1m ' FOR SiLEh 1 have a first jate IVfcst- Jiigjiole WUcnt Tiifesher and IIorc- omy-trlucR will be sold on very 1 casou- jtblo trrras. Apply to 1. i Bixgiiam Walter, ' 7 miles north of Concord, Ur to tbe subscriber tit Salisbury, tSiZti l f rGCMcCoXNAUGtlEY. Coneord llcgistcr, irqiiested to copy. 'Tl!; i lua4t fir tb tPMdr rmnii rf. Mr (mittl mons nl Impotency byu. ir it r. win. -M llln mm mmmam. 1 niR. o DISPEHSARY. : Iitalllril8i7tU,8a8twd,8I,tWailO.'. 1 THE Phriiciaaa in ehargf thte eld and veil kaowa inrtitntioo tr regular fnAfuXM in qidiciii and nrnry. Tmts of Exprienoo in tb trMtmnt o( Chroaio Slaeaae bar made their akill and ability much auperior to that of th ordinary praetitionar, that thay hr acquired a national reputation through thaiT treatment of complieatad eaaea. 1 fvcuous o( tu Uutxi, jutm or bouaa, traaiad vith aoo cm, without nin Merenry or Poawnooa .Median. YOUNG MEN";118 S 5LJh0Jw f"'-V'r--aff-A5anffering from the afleeta of ft disease that unfits Tta Ttctims for boainaaa or marriage, TmanemiT rnreo. tn mouersva nmoM. TlENTS TREATED r ua and Kspr VJAWTED ! SiaYcTuiFruitl- An iigcnt to canvass io Sor mep- , ; of w inairVtawlIllieJitUMnse ere to the Men aso Women's MpTpAi-KE- tr-- . i ... 1 - A i. '-"l Lie Association. Lady preferred.; lion- value of tho fruit crop Of reat-irutt Arable and profitable, i Apply at once to winrf State likeNorth Carolioa. W.;W. McLATJOnLIN, agt., .. I TT V nrrin rarefuXW Imrtfllff?. tf Salisbury, N. p. 'Tl VTOUiu o aua lens 11 not iiuaureus J wiU mal (free) the recipe (or a simple Veo- people, r 1 he dried fruit of Hast 1 en- clear and beautiful; tlHoiDMructiwia fur produ- ai a million of dollars. Our territory ling a Injuriant groVUi o5 Ujr on. IU head ;4 .1. iflrt,PP -nfi Dur 1 fruit la said or amooth face.1 Addres-Jnclosing 3c.tamp, W P?"0?1, r ,argeri Pur ! Ir.U!l ? sa,H BE5. YANDLF u ijan iar fcu,. 1. to be more abundant and better, lu 1"lb82' ; , - 7 t I order to induce onr neonle to care for I. --.7. .- ! - . -! '- - - I 1 .L. . a- XT "V 1- Anna week la your own town. 5 ontnt rree. u, wo r uuoie me in eseiik -view a orK gQD Nort8k. Everything new. Capital not re- f .i - . , . . , i .x . - , rSimL wo wiuturnishjoueverytntng. Many are prices for dried and evaporated fruits. maklnsr fortmiea. - iAdles make aa much as men. t rk .tl ' i ' . j j !" f t , 1 and txy and girls make great pay. Header, II you Xiorth Carolina , dried i apples . and want a business at wulch yon can make great pay i , - .- , . , i 1 . , mt . an toe uoneyou work, write for parueuiarsto - peaches command, a higher price than luoBe ox. any outer naie quoieu : Dried apples: ; from 6 to 8 J cents per pound ; dried peaches, choice, peeled, 19 to 20 ; cents per jiound ; dried plums, Southern, 11 to 12 cents per pouim ; uneu cnewic8, ogutnrn, FfiUIT PRESERVIflG POWDER 17 to 13 ; cents ! per 1 ponud y dried raspberries 29 to 30 cents-per pound ; dried blackberries 14 cents per pound: This istliemost economical and the; purest .SI,. '151 'Tpowder on the market. It saves ' , .,. , ' . . TIME AND XiABOHJ For tale at m A A ULX a W W M Tl ttnit TnnN I i uii u ui u inoau ci&tbiu(ia m preferred bat when aaaubia iiick is nil aadiaeitad. , x I A J. tc(akle.aamTli.ato.trMta Tl""":1"! uuu Also hweii aaaVrlaa fr Bytr ald lava eMwthiae tair adeaalaM Itleaata Ii bm M CniniriitHii itnciW caafideatial. and tkauM be add ruled DUm BUTTS, IS North 8th St St. Lemla, M ZLnbber .ZtigTis and Sealing- Wax, for Jars. 011 and see at . EKNISS'. HARRIS REMEDY CO. MjrS CHEISTSf MarliM and Wtb ntreeta. WT. I.OP1I. MO. The undersigned have associated them selves together under the firm name of THEO. L KLUTTZ & CO., for . the purpose of conducting the. Drug and Apothecary business, at the stand so long occupied jby Tlieo. Frliitz. X Wc shall at nil times keep a fbll stock of all Goods in oiir line, and respectfully solic it the patronage of our friends and the public 1 1 THEO. F. KLUTTZ, j JOHN WHITEHEAD, 31:4t ' i CICERO R. BARKER. IflOlIU GALLERY! i -- i a -: w r - . i I)ay and Night At Drug Store next to Bingham's. 'vt:-- A. eNnMaaTfieMt f f UKoid of Jrott, Pervvia 1 Bark and Fhosphoruitm teethfgo characteristic of other iron, preparations. 6ENTLEUKN: i have used UK. liAKTKR a iKON xojiio in my pracuce, nau in nn cipenencoyi twonty-flre years in medicine, hare never found anything to give the results that DalUrrKR'a Iwj Toxic doe. In many caaea of Nerrou Prostration. Female DiaeaMs, Dyspepsia, and an lm ItoTertsiriHl condiUon of the blood, thia peerlea remedy, has in my bands, jaade aome wonderful cure, t'a-ies that have baffled some of our most eminent physicians, have yielded to this neat and. incompar able remedy. I proscribe it in preference to any Iron preparation made. In act, tnch a impound la.lUiilsai'alJKS TOKlcanece8ltTtamypra 1 Da. EOlJJiBT 8AMUXL8, . St. Lotns, Mo., Nov. 26th, - 104 Waah . It trior rolnr tn the blttofl. natural kealthfitl tone to th dlgemti organ and nrmoH rfxtcm, makinft U avvlieabl to General JebUity, Loss of A n pe tite, Irwtration of Vital JPoieer attd Impotence, VANUFACTUBEOBYTHEDR. HARTER MEDICIRE CO.. 213 R. MAIM SU ST. LOUIS. .;1 AHEAD AGAIN AS USUAL! cents per M)und j evaporated peaches, jeeiett, t5 J to cents per pound. 1 Owing to- abundant crops prices may by lower, stilt it will pay to save every pound of out im meose crop. ,It Will sell well peel cil and JUST KECE1VED SndMust be soldi' carefully dried, betteruiccly evapora- FRXJIT JARS. ted and still better, canned by the I One-half Gallons and Quarts at f 1 and I new process, valuable information in $lpev-4ozen; whielj L will sell cheaper regard to which will be given at the meeting of the Fruit and VineGrow- ers' Association to-day. It is a signifi caut fact that North Carolina fruit commands the highest prices in the market. . i- I Mr. William H. Oliver, of New- berrr, in a communication to us csti- mates the cost of starting a canning establishing, outside the use of an or diuary steamer boiler, not I to exceed $500. He says the boiler of any cot ton gin or saw mill can be used and suggests, that a few of those persons interested in each neighborhood, take the necessary ( steps at once to start a cannery. We are informed that a small establishment ol this kind, in a neighboring State, las year made i $6,000 iu as many weeks. i Mr. Oliver says that single conn ties in Maryland have over thrte hun- i e . i urea 01 inese. canneries, iei our neo- pie investigate the different, modes of saving their fruit at once and adopt that which they think Atill be best un I derail the circumstances. Injsome way let each save all the fruit or berries under their control. It may be that small canneries will prove more remunerative than small distilleries.' Let us have the fiu res. -News- Oberver. liSllIl . f a : AND IA&IP- GI.ir.lHEYS 1 AtfeREDUCEDPRIpES AT The Drug Store Xest to Bingham's. AchIIoil, Sweet Oil, Tanner's Oil, K and - Lard Oil, : !At Drug Store next to Bingham's. HEW RIVEH EED CORN i JUST RECEIVED At Drug Stoi-u next tOj Bingham's. l?c?oitbfeak rliurTn Egypt 'Q' : though the'slttutiou is" exceedingly jJIO 1 ' ii 1 X? 1 ...ennnta Ilia rrcuul ! lUt ' .1'-- fcriJLU2aLJbsUglaiid-fiU tiv ';rtH of.a decree of tle Superior faith of Aht. ortc; L fouradditiQnal rjburt of :ltowau coanty in the special. pro: M-f .-.-vTft,. i . v .,tr ; ceedin" entitled (Jeorge - Klqttz ami others Sngbh war: vessels hav been order- otner8ttheunder. ed td Alexandria. ; Arabr Bey claims ? ed wui sell oa Monday the 29th day of and that PHuee .Halim will r succeed I ; soo Acres' or Iiand hi'lThebaukeV. t Alexandria are reported to be sending away their Specie Dutch 6econd Creek, belonging.to the es- and valuables. i i est end of -life isKto ends.":; V.': - 'I tnro nf Jacob KluttZ. dcc'd. ? 1 TF.RMS--one-third cash, one-third in six WlHani tru- months, and the balance in twetfontto 1 iNote ana gooa wxiuhj uu, never 1 rl.fprred navments. ; - I Biddings will commence at the sum of nine hundred and lorty aonars ana ny know' it r.i t Ur va1 ,tnr Lnt i'tu40 501 the amount of an additional ed to faded or gray l.air by the tise of Par temper cemajupv WW " WW 1 . 1 s eutMl M s IllfWfl - tWT II I I I IIS IM III 1 OS DU a U VU U W VM aw V v ir or 'a nair iAianniH.iiariuii3 uitr&eiu aiillxi i hhivm , sm v a Maaaa y ; . ly esteemed for its perfume ana pen .y. Ocl-NovlS, r- March, 1882. 27:6w l CUAS. PRICE, I Commissioner.; THE STANDARt) ElTGINEiS. .vWr.i 1 I SALE OF. HOUSE AND LOT ! ! s AGEKCY OF t .r . On Mondav. the 20th day of May. being the 1st Monday Of Rowan bupenor .uoan, T will sell nt the Court Housedoor. In Salis I bury, the House and Lot on -Main Street in Salisbury.jowned Wy.C F. RifX dcc'tl. ad joinins; the lots ot it. j.Jtioimes,.vni. ire . . . . a 1 a eA r.y. t ler ana otners, oemg booui u tcci, num vj about 200 feet deep. Terms of sale One third cash, and a credit of three and six months for the other two-thirdv wih int tereat at eight per cent TUle reserved un til the purchase money is paid. By order or Uoort, - ' . ' Jso. S. H15KDEBSOK, Commis'r. i April 15, 1882. : 27:Cw ; AMES' ENGINES, j College St., Charlotte, Ni C. ; a1 w. THE .STANDARD AMES' ENGINES, ATLANTIC HOTEL,1 ; MOREHEAD, NC. O. W. BLACKNALL; - Proprietor, A NEW SEA -SIDE RESORT, . ' , Open Jane, July, August and September. - Capacltj tor guv k ueaio. . Uonse and Furniture u new. Good Beds, Electric Delis, water ana gas tn every room. , ctrKrapu, Express anq rosi omce in me uouse. LOCATIONS Immediately on the Atlantic Ocean, dne East of Ooldsboro. Cars stop within sixty Ieet of tne front door. BoaUng, Batning and Flsnlng wltliln sixty feet oi bacx uoor. , .. , . , . i 2AMUSEMENTSS BiUlards. Ten-Pins, SalUntr, Fishing, Gunning, Still and Surf Batulnz. rony luatng. ouicing ana kou- er SkaUng.;r . . A GOOD BAND OF HUSIC and one of the Finest L'all Rooms In America. PATES-Fer day. $2.5). Per week, from tia.ac to according to size and location of room, aud North Carolina Railroads Agricultural, Portable, Adjustable Cut Off, uiuiiuiiaiji, , i "n ' the number occupying lt,nd time occupied Also. Agents for the Southern Standard Cot-1 - ton Press best and most powerful Press made. . Saw and Grist Mills. Clark's Seed Cotton Cleaner, (increases the value of dirty cot- CO KOI USED SCHEDULE. ton 2 cents per poundr). Cotton Seed H tillers l ' rr,i. it , ,t , t r anu r.Ut,t;,8. i v an ;m iijk.c u,n urs TRAINS t.OING EAST. prcuiiuiii as Aiinutw ptisuion r, omngie i Machines. Jet and Force! Pumps, and all I Date, Apri o0, 1382 kinds h Mininrr and Mill 31acluncrv. I3f Writeor Cireilari and Price, j ' . J. G. SHANNON HOUSE, JOIINf G. YOUNG. June 3, 1882.-tf. f ! No. 51. Daily. No. 63, Daily. Administrator's Sale ! Ness? CANARY BIRDS-AHD.' CAGES Iteports from all -sections of jSorth and South,Carolina, Georgia and Alabamag' ":t"-'. r- ; sustain oar claim that the i . . WILCOX, GIBBS &CO.'S MANIPULATED GtJANO I the BEST aud Moat Reliable and CHEAPESTFcrtitircr in use, and that the'W : wn rhv ptbtjo p. pn '0 oniiTTiircnaTiTTimM j i wjiich w-pi, ,ou for the first time last season, has proved unexcelled byl any Acid I a iiusirHefttii vi'j m jimi ivci. . j - -.-- v.; i ( . it is uot rjecessary ior us to say anyuins: arout tnese fertilizers, as the reports whicl. nigut ue ouiauicu iom our agents, orourecivcs, covTAine wnole subject, and will am pj re payv perusal. We will have a moderate supply of each, which can be obtained iron, our ijrni9, payaiic in vuon next f an. - it mere is no -Arrenfr- at fro Depot, get your merchant to order it Savannah, G a., & Charleston, S. C. mm vasasrMaMAw"'tSfc4Ba.hBi -mw.. mmmmm ; A Large Vein Developed. Mr. J. C. Wiswcll, the recent pur- REDIOED PRICED at the chaser of ShiritT Alexander's gold . DRUG STORE next to, Bingham's. ne,1as been at work developing the mine and has come to the conclu sion that he has met up wit ha bonan za. : At no place is the vien less than four feet iir width, while its greatest width yet developed is twelve feet. Three assays of the ores have-been made. The first lot showed $11.37 per ton; the second 97.14, and the third 1 13.68, making an average yield of $74.06 per tou. The mine j 4 -oi a A4. jujk, f ha been christened tiie "Arlington 1 KpfS;4ut&1,te" ltt. ow,,er i tj uune. ah graue oi gooas made to order I a certain return to eacu siocKnciiuer. Oct;lai,'81:tf. f tuI.J- r ,u l. . i. i iitr wviii iiiir in ' ti irHV i k mi "'7'." " in tlys country and 'as the assay shows, is wort h working. This mine is lo cated near the old Capps miue, about six miles from the cit . Char. 06a. ;2ST O TI G EI; ur-Kaih-oatU .sT- " " i " T?-"-? ! , , ,41. 1 j FASHION ABIjE-f T - WICOX, GIBB3& CO., T 7 BOOT rH SHOE Jim ii'f : r! On Friday the Sndidayjof June, next, at the late resident-e of Daniel Beaver, I will sell at public auction the personal property uclonjrinj; to his estate; consisting ol one inuie, three head of cut tie j 4 sheep, 2 hogs, n lot of bee hives, a wagon nnd farming tools of all kinds, one, bugy and harness, a set of blacksmith tlols,j hay and straw, household and kitchen farpiturcofall kinds, and manv other things not named. yfj-TMSMS of s:Se Ctsh. Leave Charlotte.... " Salinburv High Point.. Arr. Greensboro. ... Leave G reensloro . Arr. JlilUboro Durl:im " Raleigh ... Lv. ' Arr. Goldsboro 4.00, a.m. 5.53 7.20 8.00 9.30 11. 4T 12 20 " 1.40 p. nr. 4.05 6.30 i u 4.40 p. ru. 6.24 " f 7.35 " ! 8.06 " No. 17 Ditily except Saiurdny, Leave Greeusboro 5 00 p. ra. Arrive at Raleigh 1.51 a:m. Arrive at UoUlsboro 7 20 " S0TICE. All persons estate of Daniel Beavtr, djpe'd are requested to make early settlements and all persons having claims against the estate are notifi ed that they 'must present them to me on or before the 10th day of May, 1883, or this notice will be plead in ibar of their re coverv. ! J. V. PETCHEL, Adra'r of May9th, 1882.1 f ! Dau'l Beaver. No. 5l-(7onnect at Grfeneboro with R. & D. R. U. for all points North, Last and NVeft, via. Danville. At (Joldboro with .&VV, R. R. for Wilmington. No. 53 Connects at S:tUbtiry with W. N. C. U. R. for all points in Wett-rn N.Carolina t . . . . daily at Greensboro with R.&D.R. R. for all ndebted to the Lnts NorthEast and West. - j If nOTr.'aTil i-eae, CouHUtn plion, tv rtmiHiyiiManjtiouBTio niaae KnWn I6hla ft.ii ire- ToaII,jJ jo, he will send a copy of the pre-eription i vs hvuii rviiUHa 101 brri ing and umng the same, whicu, they will tlx aure CURE for Coughs, Co j.is, Cos&ktr ' AfTiiiiX, Broxcititis,-.Ic. ' : - . , V01I . PupIiau wUiinn Ilia Praurlni:.. ',. 1 .'- . address, Rev E. -A. WILSON, 194, Vena Williamsburgh, K Y. fMiy afci 7 ! "e it the twr. U - S' .' " temtach, Bowct PafKors i i art luaizai tit v. .cnuvrrijc.-hir'.' II3. l- I roa: bji--l . Y. w tJl l new. ?icveri:.ijxicatti.1l ' -'.- - JV v jsi-M-. 1 r j Aug. 4Try7Dauehy-!--i - Wa eonttane to act as Solid tori for Patents. (iw,t. TMarlCyrtghts. etrx, fthJurStedbll! Canada, Culgiaad, France, Germir,7il have had thirty-flTe rears exverienem PatenUobtalned ttroujh rJ3tte3 St . tsnno Axericxx .This large and aSendid iiw tweeUy,w,$3.20lXw8FSS of Science, is very Interesting, and has anenorSS! circulation. Addresa M UNV ACO Pr, t. tors, Pub's. of scrccnria aStM NewYorlt. Hand book abc"tSiW , iJow' i 1 7:4m. -1 1 . 1; i. - Come to the Front! I :. ( BOOT.'SHOE & GA1TER1A01 - MAIN STREET, ! OFPOSITB EKK1S8 DRUG 8T0BC. - AH Work Strictly First Class 'Having had sixteen year experience in the buninew, I am prepared 10 PLEASE Ike moat fastidious. , . . EASE AND ELEGAKCE OF FIT n ; my work can not be excelled,! ; , 8UAirinaterial of the best and finest gfnde. BrS.AH work done in the latest styles and iHshiorrs. . j ' ' j : ! I Gents Fine Work a Specialty. Ready-made work of the best Hall on hand for pale. Attention $ivei. 10 WOKK and Champion Box Tee Wo Repairing Jfjpatly and . Proniplly moderate price". : t?,Salif faction teed or no cl.arge.f Orders promitlv Ird. . ; , 43:ly' Vrn. A. EAO " wav ' i W ' c a I ran-. ! luail '. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Feb.' 19, 1882. No. 50. Daily. No. 52. Daily. fed CD CD -i CD O 5 s w 5 !- ni. 3 p -51 a u IT 'i or i 3 C 5 0l' S S 2 -1 T . r. H f fr m m LeaveGoldrtboro ... Arrive Raleigh Leave " .... Arrive Dnrhan " Hillsboi Greenslt ro... Leave Arrive High Piont " Sahrsbiiry Charlotte 10.00 a. tn. 12.20 pm 3-55 5.06 " 5.46 " 8 05 " 9.15 9.50 11.12 1.10a. m 0.40 a. m. 10.10 " 11.21 " 1.00 " CD BI E - ;5 t o - n r2,.-"s S't- a H ft 3 J b Jr 3b ACKRCRIIGE, j L. H. CLEM EST. n UKAlUb & CLEFnEliT lavln(f rally ietrjmned w convert my srenerfti Hardware Fuslnerg Into Vachlnery, Agricultural Implrv mpuus na V!rkl"8 e::ctiuivelyii now tfft r for Casu my entire htotk Of theli HardwareAT COST AnatamlnaUon ot my w-k and Prices is n-spttrul!y solicited inm fouttryMercliants. r yalao offer ro s.s... ana ooan Dutj x" -ori cas Jtsxxererl.00 atuie tyllowlng low prices: 1 :,t .n.v.f.openBugiies.S;:xitugtcXrtfa u-. D- V - ': 4.. Feb. 8, SAL1SBCET. N. C. I have tnc sole Agency tor the following named ma- coin'ry 1QC-I 4,. riyji Haiywood White Sulphur Springs, one mile from Waynesville, N. C, has .natural attractions Vqual, if not supe rior, to any inthe ..South. It has an altitude of 2,716 feet, and is in the midst of the great Balsam Mountains, O C QT business now before the public. Ton can UtUl make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital hot needed. We will start ndaStouViieTwMoPm to 6.425. all of wucio w iur us. 30W IS me UXBCL3 TOO V'CSiut n vi av IL time to the the work. I welL No one can fall to make enormous oat bv c aC B 5. 3 "Tj re " cr I? - 3 C- n so 3 P !n ? w a. B 5 Sg. .si - SflSTgg' Oc 2g(t"b o r ts crew fe CO 5 St PS 5 cj B o o w 6 a n . CO to s cc o H 3 sa irm 3 HI t m B; P bc o pa r is w A ' 2. .! 3 3 5'2? "3 ra o '"u o No. 18, Daily ex. Sunday-Lv. Goldsb'o 2.50 pn - Ar. Kaleigh 7.10 pm ! Lv. 6.00 am . A r. G reenaboro 3.15 phi No. 50 Connects it Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points in the South and Sooth west, and with C. C. & A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. No. 52 Connect at Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points South and Southwest: at Charlotte with C. C. & A. R. R. with all points South and Southeast. -m . 1 N. W. N.C RAILROAD. No. 52 Going West. No 50 Daily, i ? Daily. ex.Sunday. Lv. Ureeosboro y 25 p m 9 50 a m I Ar. Kernereville 1041 " - 1041 M Salem ; 11 25 1135 " j No. 51. Goixo West. Daily. No. 53. I i . ex. Son. Daily, j leave Salem 515mm 600 pm Ar. Kernersville 550 " 640 M j . Greensboro 7 00 S00 ' i STATE UNIVE SITY RAILROAD. fB 5 a o a . ,.0 iwS.C; i I NO.1. Going North. Daily ex. Sun. Leave Chapel Hill Arrive Uhiversitv..."Tr..".... 10.40 a m 11.40 a ra ZB.:Vaxch. tecictt MoT -wljs Ennes and Bbtlers and Mi-i ntn? tn tfrtOfty of alt kinds. . j nirjkfr t HuX nn Oraln and Guano Drills. Taunt as tutkea. . . - - . y.h. V. fiT.4 son's -Sufiy PJows, walking CuUlva- tors. fc i v 1 ii' r s .tr 1 , . . strte's inxl? Plows oikeye and Chimpion Mqwers and Reapers. , , , - ...... . , 1, Favorite and Dexter Corn SJieUer&Jj . Telegraph KeedCuUers T--1r- 4 Bell tsine Mills and Evaporators. - Millar's French Burr Grist Mills. .. ... Tistvis' relehrntPd Sewing Machines. v ; 5 Kentucky Hazard lUfle and Eiastlnz Fbwder. !-Aiianucuuinifowaer. - r Heehler & Davis Gould's Bumnes and i Robert Lawson at Cos. Buggy Harness ; t peison indebted tojne infest come forward und set He. All farting to do so will bave e 1 raean -jtir wrffti Hwy, , jan.isi, 18S2. ... JLr, rrS 1 17 itV ST r.iEneimrjTs 1 SEND US YOUR BUSI NESS CARD FOR TRADE I IftT. p. LAnDnirni a.soris,; rnlLADELPHIAe - In spare tune only or give your whole WMcn are of easy access aud iroru two lebuslnesai YoucanMvlat homeatddo 'i K -t . No otuer business will pay you nearly as to ten lll'.Jes distant, one can fall to make enormous pay by rri 1.1. .1 . . , i-vC, l ' "s""K f uuce. . cosuj ouirn, and terms-tree. I -a ne nutei IS Situated on me uailK8 ptney made fast, easily and honorably. Addret a rn. , , , , - , , (a, S PRPfo., Augusts, MajntnJ I of Kichland creek, a beautiful, dash- 51 T- . . .ii. ' ! T i inff trout stream, in n most eharminir vallpy, as free from malaria us the V AllLB Gt BAILEY. I Mm,taills? 4Us surruundeil iTORKEYS!AND COTJlISiaxORsI "lln extensive ''gf6un4s of tirade and ; :. charlotti, v. c. gU- -4 ,a??8'"Tne scenery from the bi t Is on Practice in Snlirmie Conn nf ,1,. TtLJtbe Pmises U ntensivp and beauti- 8 pring wagons Slatw, Supreme Court of North Carolina, fult with shady vralks ard pleasant Federal Courtu, ed Countiea of Mecklenburg l 1 i .i 11 ! ,- tve cost to pay. Ui-.jQ..t0n5 Rowan Ind Davh?: dVeVwhlIe the whole surrotipding r&.xu.vrttwouooraeastoiin(lepen-ICOUniry IS UlOSt" inviting IO I110se in search of health or pleasure, . I The medical properties of the wa ters are of remarkable value iu chronic nd diseases of ncys' auu ases ol r-m M " SB vie w Goino RorjTir. No. 2. - l).-iit'vn. Sun'. ArriveUtrivertdty... Arrive Chapel Hill .. 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Ft 3 on. ilence Sjuare 33:tf ? - NOTICE ! WESTERN N. p. RAILROAD COMPANY, iafrhcoa, dyspepsia,' an ? I STDCKHtlLDr RXi utrrTiMR ! the liver and kidneys! iTltc regular annual meeting of the Stoclc- general debility, .udders of thej I Western North Carolina ; ' . ! .0 , 4SYMPTOWIS OP A TORPID LIVER Xaosa of Appetite; Bowels costive. Fain in ' thm Head, with a dnll aensation In tho back part. Pain under i the Shoulder- blade, fuilnesa after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind Irritability of temper. Ijow spirits, with a feeling of having neglected soma duty, Weari'resa, Dizziness, Flattering at the Heart, Dot before the eyes, Yellow Bkln Headache generally over! the right eye. Bestlessness. with tful dreams, highly eoiorfcji unna,ana ,? 1 . - - "I'll I t 's PtXXS are efiieclaUT adapted to fraeh cases, n dose effects swell av change f feeling as to nstoniih tbe aafferer. They Iarrtm tttr Appr'lttc, and cause tha body to TsUte am n-H. thua the arstem is wwrtatiaet. and By tfirxr Tmelc Aetleta on the Dlsreatlve Omns. Bewailar ttteesle are pro. deccd. Price S eeata. ,x surra jr sM K. X. Pullman Sleeping Cars withont Change On train No. 5u, New oik ai d Atlanta via. , Yt aahington & Danville, and between Greens- 1 boro and Charleston. - On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte Washington and Charlotte via Danville. SSFThrooah Tickets on HaleatGreenaboro. Raleigh,' Goldboro, Salisbury and Charlotie. and at all principal points South. Southwest. west, Aorilt and luaHt. for Emigrants rates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest. aunress t A- ifUFK. Gen. Pasenger Agt. w A. 1 ws 21:ly Richmond, Va.! 3ailio.id Con;paay wilt be held at the Office m r 1 r. r 1 I f e v 1'" of the Company! jn! Salisbury on thq 3rd I Jeph P. Khem, of Newbejn, We.'nesiy in May, 1882 - I March 2v1882 22:2u has cleared f20.1)i;0 nlnmlv litis se:i " Bec'y &. Tro'ar I sou 0,1 ",s lrut'k farm, and others are ' " T i similarly l-appy. T0T178 Mm . 0at TtAia on LrrrsTCetRS chanced to a Glomv Black by a si aaic application of tbla Ova.' .It tm- t vj vrusxiaia, oc ku oj jexpEiaa va cwtupa m svu 1 orncE, sa maa tT mt xeit toss. It. ItfT'S Arit'rvafa.l. lafcraiatfee aaa' - taaftd towtyat mm a awlUs 9 ASS ae aaylWalsaa., Ildice to Creditors ! f 1 All persons having claims against "the es tate of Uaac Linker,: deceased,, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the under signed before the 10th day of May. 1883. ,Thia April 29tlit 1883. a 1 1 r J. W. MATJNEY, Adm'r. 11 4i 29:lt-pd. .. ' , . t , ; - ; . Jbitteen families, the first install' raent ot; : J ewish ;jrefugeW Irom Rqs- sian jersecutioiif have arri vetl at Wfp- more are r coming.' -TJ- LE. ! I ' ' ' ' f Is made from a Slmrtle Tronlcal Leaf bf Rara Value, and is a POSITIVE remedy for aU.the diseases that cause pules in the lower part of tne uouy ior -rorpia i uver lieaaacnes jaumuoc , Dtetlness, Gravel, Molarta, and all dllDcultles ot the Kidney, Liver, and airtnary Organs. For FEMALE , DISEASES Monthly Menstruations, and during Pregnancy, it nas do equal. It restores the organs; that woke the blcod, and hence Is the best BU00D purifier. - it is tne oniy known remeay maicumi BRIGHT S DlStASE. For Diabetes, use IWAltN ElfS SAFE DIABETES CUBE. . ' - ' For Sale by Drusrsrlsts and Dealers at BliBo per bottle. Largest botfm In the market. Iryiu H H WARNER A CO. Kochkstsb, HARDWARE !' : 1 ! i;( As ant for the CAHDWELIi TMESHER, D. A. ATWELL. u ueiv you xyxxm At Low Iligures Call on the undersigned at He. 2, Rotv. " ;. , D . A . ATAV-JSlili Salisbury ".N.O., Jnni8 tf. j Granit J. M. MCCOBKLE. 1HE0. T. KLCTTZ. McCOEKLE & KLUTTZ, ATTCRKEYS AND CC.UrItO??r ; Salisbury, N. C i6yOC5ce on Counr.il Street, oppbHte tie Couit Houne. . 37:6m H order School ! 1 :;. Oxford, N, C;- The next eion of this school will btgm the necond Monday' in January. ; j' ; ' For circular giving terms and other partic nlars, apply to the principals v j ! I J. H.& J.C.HORNER. io:iy -..j lini Tl Great chance to make money, those who UULUi always take advantage of the good chan ces for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those wbo, do nop improve such chances remain In poverty.' We want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us rlghtla their own localities. Any one can do the work pro perly from the first start. The buainesaiwlU' pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive ontflt furnished free. No one who engages falls U make money rapldly.v You can devote you whole titne to the work, or only your spare moments. Fau information and aU that is needed sent free. i . - Address SnirsoM A Co Portland, Maine. - '-vV -- :- ' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE 6 ABO U WATCH M AN; OXLY ?1.Q PER YEAII, 1 I i 1 1'. -.'.1