- . - ' - - i .'. . - : . V. v - . .-...: ..... . V i i. i ill Carolina WatchmaiL j THUK81AY, juke iVJtfgg. Tlit)eiuocrati of Johnston eoaiitj hare le ! transfonne! into a phgiliatic ring and tufe gommaVBcnse of tbe commnnity shocked Jby a titicnffbetweei two lawyers In open tourt-mcn of ntatwje a:e and professional distinction.: It was all the more importai.t tpat toe judge snoniu nave ascu ms power pleasanttinieof.ir.' Tba newsnapera are fall of school re- twrts. The cIosfugTemoniraof schools, ' I mat and small, t cUim attention at tbis : f Peraona packing their trunks daring !T :t,;":: Sfato 7 c ' . . . I PUU Will 11 A I UlUUMiV - - . ' , uo, aay. . wee., wuy .w. Ucket TbU wM - s IUO HsCuUi vi iuq niviuiwin w vw I retreat, have no res son to hurry while !th temperature ranees in the sixties tj. TnilnendenU" pretena to something in the shape of s party, hot if any Democrat liaa joined them In thetx pectatiou tbat he will in that way aid ia cOTWtinganyipnWie ahnaea, hehasaad- i i t.!tn1f. " TImi indeDemlenta dominated Judge Bennett for Congress. BO exUteir. except a, . pWt of thai j"W tuan at large, I Eepublican partj-tho very owt paw oi -r ----;T r;:- .--v -v- r - V , that partr oflid tome.. They comprise had as good f . not fetter, opportunity to 1h Dentists of the SUte were in con. the baf.om gang of the republican or- understand the easels any pne present, ha wtin fialem. last week, and had a "l!,!: J.i...!..! T).mta iS watched every step from the beginning. w : : i niiuiiuu nuu iwv - i - - ..... ... . , . rrZTuMjkh. mit.ir.tty; AW yt tl,ePUic will ... .m... r- r" ;-Tj T --.. . , ,Wli.dtK.Bghtbb between twocoromon enwixxy an f 'V i. " Jii. h tM thiUwvcral And If not. rr r. T.wlrtAiil. I 7 ' ' m StnAl " J ...t, - r - A i .J ing upon, a common plain in the 2Court ucaeu i u. wM i..M..4 and any'Judgeimaking either a real ?5P5r??,"t! or' apparent 3 dUtincUfe subject, himself to leaaera oi n went io njwiHugwu wi of selling ont the Democratic Carolina ; They were A V Vuik s ;i..t..u-. ..f- charged with the enme at the lime. r Col. I-a n-iwJL,..t Wm. Johnston flared up and pretended !, -a i o -n.... fN.i f h. to deny the charge. He waa indignant W6V . - 5w pparent criticism, and weakens the respect of men for the focms of law and the administration of justice iSupreme Court. I on being accused of going orer to the Re-1 j Mr. C. Not'a Ited Cent. M. Quarterman is a postmaster ! publican party : indignant: at the cuarge at Darien, Ga.6ome time ago lie receir 8satobVakck'8 committee to inres- j eeBg so oeimy.o u.j sums tK - ' i . ..:n:.Mtn k. M,Mn. Tatire party of the onth. of wmcn lie noiaera uy me avepuwiicuii v,.uSrewu.. Icollector in the 6th District, hae been at had an long been a tnember. Bat we see Committee vatV Washington, acoPy of a a now that his pretended indignation was which published in tlie cnariotte lA-ii. "inw.tlL... it k All aliam. He Jwaa then trying telead Observer recently, calling npou thern for '-J ... . . , .i. t. n.nuiiHft n foln Min. and hn lrnTr I Assessments for political purposes, to I i;k. ; terr well that it weoW not do to nncoT. wluch.he made the following reply : ; er his design to them, eat nis treacnery ; uauiek rosTOfFiCE , ueobgia. Tinn n T. Rexvett. of Anson' conotr2 1 to the Democratic party has now rally ; i -m .uny o,joc. ) MS . . . . l J I .M v fm- anf M.il tf all mon I v -.. . : s a saitaoie man vo ran as uio imocniuc 1 w. 1 . ib.. t;-Iv w t 1 ; llcanutoate for uongresman at large, ine SlKS Your coinmrinicatiou addressed in U f State Conrention will make the selection pretended a desire, to Worm errors in 1 huir of the Republican organization for 1 Ut for this iniDortant dutr. and we hare no the Democratic party by organizing the the protection of tue Interests of tue Ke- I "1!hml mmrementj Tlier had no nnr- publican party, and requesting the remit i U.W nil! WtWWH VUV U.K.. .vrww I . . w . " ar , s I. " " . j . i ill L:w:iu- i 'i . f tWbrmJ Tbo w.ro rdr ieekini? tance of $22 ae my assessment toward the n 1 1 iw , "vnw. .. w r-i " 1 . l . T : T 1 fund to be employed for rendering Impos ; iinch aman of jower)efore,; the people, tocorer weir oeseruon ro.ue enemy., iti theiTegtorajion of t,e- Democratic it and worthr te represent the conaerTatiTe is all plain enough new, even to the doll- part r to the cohtrol of the Government i i democracy of the State. est comprehension. t,V has been received, and in reply I would ? ! '1 ' ,.. , - But what does it amount tot Does it. aUte tliat a thoag 1 1 have for some B 1 The United SUteTDUtrict Court at destroy the Democratic party t Certainly KSiJPTfSl aS IfKaleigh, last week, obtained a verdict not.; We honestly believe it will strength-1 ier aiidreAsouably bnpposed by foreign - i against J. H. Bell and D. D. Bryant for ten it. Secret (foes in auy organization ers to be acting in tuo fidelity to thefirst S i,M.tn Anf Miii u.nf., vl.MmniwtiilMiltMilM) fhitn nmn ohm. abofe' named famous organization, yet II r .i C iqqa rri, L. . Ti,. Twtl rfv had rt. with Ple and transcendent glory permit some IrregnlaiitT in the returns, on which I these desert era can damagena oy uetray- n- exception to the rule, aa my record : as iudires of election, tbev based their ac- ( inc. We lose their votes and their influ- j shows bevond aircbntroverr- that 1 am jf tion at the Umebnt Judge Bond's Court, ence, but it is liotlappreheiideci that fhat f part and parct-rof m noblo baiid know j ithn tgroM . ,b. j.ry.l. will d., o. moth h. .. BepubUeun loona tue men guilty et iruua, ana sen- party win nave to pay meao aeseriers, nud w,ose f,ltuH, glorious things are f tenced tusm to a line of $5U0, which they i bad as they are, and it we are not greatly spoken, and wilrbej realized Without tins f liavenaid. It is believed no fraud irna I mtatakou tho honest men of that uaitv tax noi Its officeholder, trusting Uiis " I v I l . . n ... t .1 I a. I . intended. j ! will spew them out, and not a few will wiei explanation w a siimce, i ciose.wi... rnn am vnnvuvs r iiinr i w ri mmwm vim r i in i h and privileges of tbiSK great country are wasli their hands of an organization whose 1 he Washington correspondent of tho ift depends on yielding to the worst ele- nsurped by the KepubTican admiuistra j Dispatcbsays: Governor Vance on Thurl- meBt ,-n ti,e rftnkg. We shall stc. what tionT official robbery and depredation art a day moming had a full meegng ef wt ,nall u Democrats arn ! invited to tu "'able result, ! speciai-committee to invesUgate thVal- A a rh "CJ 8UI,C a,,a 6h' ft - . .. ...I.. ..I 1 I rrgeu croosetineess in the sixth fiortb i The Radical Convention V The Colon Equally Mixed, 7 i Forthe WfttcUsaaa. ' - Foiu Alexanders vj 1 TxiLORsritLE, JnnelO, 1882. - I in in ine tmk h AieiMimci.cuiicn- Baleigu, June " 14.r:The JKrpubJlcan J ctJContt whfch coiyed widayVlji a full quoto of membera being, present. f jear8f was disposed of the first two The con veutiou was about equally divide days, and the civil docket ready for trial ed between' whites and blacks. , -Jtwaa by Thursday , aftrra" .Judge Avery -u-a a a i,J tw lfxtf ii4, r eave entire satisfaction, X 1 nere were in . I n.ilnn Mil 1 liAuijittd arll the executfvercommiltee, and Dan'l Russell was made temporary pre&id The conrention after a straggle f leeted Wellborn fiom ' Wilkesboro; .Col. Folk ex-Judge Win. AMoere permanent prea- m isnoir : uaj. koooim, wuapvr nsii mm wm w. . . - v.- CHARLOTTE, iN C. i2iich of LUADEtMs ETE !. ... l.tl- .... i. ' ' VV a are now. ua i xrcr hr our , sectij rSTk'lor thi seaRon. desira Jlids et iiiiiHi sasaawsBWWWsasvsMwswsswiBBaaBh' and TYi . 11 A. fliS4it 6trrnk nuv nuufvudvyj M uulLUil uUiluu HI. oithentbfharmo, ftau Id: bo . vice-president, dayby the Democrafta, to appoint! dele- , t . , : . .. . wrTjjijriEK i-J1 SPECIALI-.OFFER'. meat systetorand affirms the inherent J,! i i ' : -Under pur,MWsummcr,a e, wa.onera i ? wn A Um H i-httendauce not very prgcw":" AUTDITRfift IVn F ifirc M an honest count and except on Toeeday--bnt te dnnwng,ipT. - - n, orgaKS. of everr make. aresthe..Dem.ocratic no quaiwlinff-vethin P; je-i .pcetviiir-w lowest tashntes: for the prohibition bill, !";! uni:fa lift LX1 I II una it as luis w mw S-J,"M - I w w ... ident, and hecanse uy as to who should declined to'' elect any.1 The platform I crates to State convention. &c,. waa well demands the repeat'of the county ge vern-1 attended, and 'passed off. with entire bar mehti svstemnd affirms: the inherent I mojy; ,U;v;.-';..N' . . . , . 1 -X his' week right Of the people to elect all: officers .of Lnj - orderly the state demands ree ballot, and deel party responsible and requesting the members of the Xx-g- TLe Dro8Dect is for ft fair yield, from a w rV s1w'U. l.'fil islatiire to vote against all similar meas- verr large acreage wn ; quality, with fT JT . . mdwiincv on Iimce. t ,5 WordsrThiS precipitated a . .: Tf.. n hl,;;m ni iv, iv.n With a reasonable erce debatwhich lasted a long time. frtr i,lat,t nnd haa' been well im- Increasa of price. All instrnnientsof eveTy The convention nominated Mr.V Dockery 1 proved by four farmer. Cotton is" not grade and price included m this ssJe,.fieu. B.m-. Court W ,d .t f ;' r"L: to WnmC bai Ul, 188 EX b.,e other notujnecsof the liberal courention. inili.n--ptv itF.v .rvlnvl v ia work-1 secures cash prices and easy terms,. :j,rri r Cf?r .17"rrr . f Six () years gurantee." Stool and Instruc- fc. I . . ! . - I T i - T?f 1. A lwn.I. Late.' 7m. t? -..l ..a Yrt.io..ta m intnr!n . tor with everv Orcaru jfreisnt paia. uoiu llLEidH, .J nne : 14.The convention h' f- njiJea of tli8 place, are working ways, if nosale, Test them in your own J..nn tTiwnWl.ta ...ntt... r.J Hf- 1 .. i . -..... . ..... 1 1 .1. ....i . I hAmh : A n n rests ' .i''; jr'---'' . vvvu uuHii vci o iuuuuu, unit. uiirom ien IO tnemj nauus nu iu api ig i Williamson offered ah additional re so I u-1 so far. : Our ooUon iqilU are working up tion favoring a mmusion to regulate their foU ! , t , railroads, which .was referred te , -a com- . jU s- t '. '..it' piittee. The committee on nominations rnlvcpHy formal School, reported : .- ' ' Chanel HiU'N. C, Juoe, 1882. Resol ved. Tliat the libenil convention To the Editor of the Watchman : ' of the Oth was the first organized evideu- I Tho University Normal School will be- ced on the part of the hbeial and . pro- j gin the loth, last., and contu gressive men who have heretofore 1 1 send list of instructions. Address HcSHXTH1 HUSXC EOTJSE. Prof. Wm.,Baker is my only authorized TunefTsnd Kepairer. All worn guaraniea Send orders to this Hon. ' 85:3mJ , A McSMITH. FOR"SAL.E.' One 18 Horse-Power Portable or Station- Dro- rin the 15th in st.. and continue five weeks. I rr Centre Crank Entrine and Locomotive ib um i'wu i ixjiicr, ana b oo xwrsc- un acted with the Democratic party of a re-4 determiued to de veto more time aud la volt against the despotism of tlie Uour-1 bor in teaching teachers how to. teacn bon . Democracy, that free thought, free than in any other direction, speceh-;' ;'ahf the independent political The Superintendent Prof. Newell, is faction eeived great encouragement from said by Dr. Curry and others, who know, said-convention, nactthe men in that con- to be peculiarly skillful in iufuning vigor vent ion aro worthy of the confidence aud and life in Teachers7 Institutes and JKor- sopjrort of the people. - . - I mal Scliools. The assistant superintend' 1 lie convention then endorsed seriatim eiit and other teachers have ueeur selected the nominations of the liberal convent ion, because they are experts in their dertart- except J. A.- Long, Democrat, wlio de-1 meuts. chned, Kecess till 9 p. m. Iliio' aonla 4 It a marMaira Itatirann 4bVa I M. 1119 U U IUMI S IHJLV V. U HV I -m I UIL1 K. ! Stationarv Eneine and Tubular Boiler:' One Pair 5 feet Burrs. Speak quick ; or roan n Aim aix. Address or can on . - - O. M. 8ETZE1V ' ' . - China Grove, N. C. . Tax Listing ! marriage Radical party aud the Liberals." Commencement Exercises Triulty College. of t . . A neraons are rierebv nocioea io ns 1 earnestly advise 'all interested, who their Taxa61c Property and Polts. ii dn mi. tu nttend th school, if oniv for Books will be opened at the Tin Shop, of C. e;. liaker x Uon on trie im oay oi wpwna remain oDen durinethat month for that pnr . All peiwnftilling io comply wimne e notice will lay themselves liable Jo the j Carolina collection district. The follow- ing witnesses from North Carolina were 1 examined i A. D. Coles, John C. Borclay, I m. u. v imam, v . u. Mole and young it Mr. Morrison. 1 Their testimouy tended s . strongly; to corroborate the charges which 1 led to the investigation. . The documen- tary evidence obtained fromthe Depart- I luen is exceedingly damaging, and it '.f will not please the white voters of West f erh North Carolina to learn that it proves that Jim Harris, the well-known negro I politician, was borne on the revenue rolls I for nine months at $125 a mouth, during I which timo he was nearly all the time I out of the. district politicating. The com f mittee will meet again on Saturday, and I Gov. V ue is Very sanguine of mak i pg ; out a complete case of- crooked manage-. . t'ment. -A . are Knv n ! iaA TikMiikA. sM s iivi v ssasav ds her silvery rays pe;ice, harmony, prosperity, civilization and all coveted blessings are enjoyed. . Very respectfully, ' ' V- C. M:QUAETEHMAX. P. S. N6, Henderson, I will not con tribnte a red ctnt jto the bribery fund. I am not that kind, ofa Democrat. My whole desire is io see your party defeated by a ovei -whelming majority. I , ! j . C. M. Q. This is a fact which has king been known lie many outrageous as The cxcrdsas at this institution were of a very attractive character this year. The faculty- exercised good judgment iu having tlie Jlev.T. DeWitt Talmage of the Tabernacle Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., to deliver the annual sermon on Wednes- As a rule the railroad com-. pauies charge only half rates. very respecuuiiy, Kemi P. Battle. "-'"i FACCLTT OF THE UNIVERSITY NORMAL SCHOOL, FpR IdjSi. The Faculty of the Uui versify Normal School for the present year is nearly com plete. The following' is the list so far as appoiutineuts have - been made. Others will be added if heeded. Superintendent of the School Hon. M. A. Newell, President of Lafayette JSormal pone. above nenalties of the law. Try n vr rc T June 1,1882. (4w) ... Eiecntors Notice to Creditors ! We hate added mW .. u 1 1 ii 7PST TrTiii'ui jLLlr G LO-VES'. All HOSIERY. AM. - HAMBURGS5AND LACES. :. - iT.i -i r -.ilk- Oar Stock or DOMESTICJmore eonpW Y,:, :M Xhai krtr UM Noveltica m Prints; OUltGINGnASlS : and are reduce t m I y t & T - ' J Lawns jm wns,&a cto XSiefs. ThjslstfSi iophaaNbey1 ietWefei i.- wiore soicr, V,' A. NSW ST0C2 :G 14' '. M f. ! Becfflit s&cs&e Great Seducdca Hi ia;tiies9 goods.. f- More Hats; and Cheaper Ones. ti1 We thank our irny friends and custotuer for their- Jibersl. pattonage, and ahaH trjrto meet their reqnireraents Ly' keeping s fall ar ortment of fresh-Ooedat low price. ' rHe ing fo'hsve your cohtinped favor, we sre1 Renpectfully, '' " -' - - . :l:f; ROSS4 te exist as one of t Degrees Conferred. Mike O'Doskel's AVidow vs. the R. &T. Kailkoad. The trial of this case occupied five days of Rowan Superior Court. "We stated the case in our last, together with the array of coniisel 011 each side. The widow was suing the 'Railroad for the death of her husbaud, who was an engineer on the' road, and was killed in January, 1881, by running his engine iu to a land slide beyond Lexington, N. C. The plaintiff showed to the satisfaction nf fliA tnrir thkt ia Ufrlanf - power and control in the government. The fault in not goarding acainst an accident money thus wrenched from its army of of- atthenoint where Mike O'Donnell lost ficehelders is, no; doubt, . used to buy oflf . I a a arw '!. ' , his life, and they thereupon cave her a weaa-Kneea democrats, bribe unscrupulous vei-dict. awardiiiir her 12'0U0 ilamaireJ votcr8 on election;, days, Ac.: Now this is I The defeudant annealed, and so the case tne PartT the so-cai ed -independenta" Dave .' la- - a .!!' iroea no to the Snnrrma Pnnrt. joined lianas wun, ana, sending up a nypo- This trial was the most interesting civil cnticalcry for progressive reform, they have snit wo have had here for i some time. tDe Msurance to Pffess to Deiieietnat tuey There were four ablo': law vers' emnloved can crush out democracy in North Carolina. well as desnerate means of the 'Republican party, by wtiich it seeks to maintain jts day and the. Literary address ou Thurs-1 College, and Supeiiutendeut of Public day. At Hi o'clock on Weduesday, Dr. Iustiuction jn Maryland. Craven led: to the rostrum, Dr. Talmage. Assistant Superintendent-Prof Ed- . ward P. Moses, Pruicinai of the Golds- Tho audience was iu great suspense. Tho t,.,, Graae1 School, i distjugushed man took his . seat amidst The Superintendent, tho Assistant Su murmurs of iipplahse the densely pack- peiiiitendeut, and the following teachers edanditoridm soon became quiet and willhave charge of the iustiuction iu the j ' . A . ... ., -- . common school benches, and especial waned parientiy uatil the lips of the atteutiou will be givep to methods of in eloqucnt man should pour forth wisdom struction : Prof. J. H Rayhill, N. Y. Qui to their willing ears. The choir sang : ley, M. C. S. Noble, R.l P. Pell, E. L. liar "Exhalt Him all ye people." Rev. M. L. ris and Mis Jane F. Long. 11 i - ... -. . Dr. R. II. Lewis; wul give instruction Wood made the opening prayer, then Dr. n pIirgio,ogy slnd School Hygiene. Craven read the 23rd Pslam. After the prof. yy. u. Phijlipa will teach Natural singing of a hymn, Dr Talmage took his Philosophy and will illustrate the sub text : "The Statutes of tho Lord are J u3' numerous experiments, employ ing apparatus that may be constructed by All persons having claims against the es-4- f.o nt Inhn T.nflrv (IwM rp KprpttV HO- I tified to exhibit the same to the undersign ed on or before the 9th day of June, A; D. 1883. Wm. A. Lucxet & j Ext'rs of Jno. J. G. Fleming. Luckey, dee'd Blackmer & Henderson, Attys. June 8tV 1882. 34:6w. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! All persons having claims against the es tate of Moses L. Resler, dee'd, are hereby notified to presentJthe same to the under signed on or before the 1st day of June, 1883. This 29th day ofiMay, 1882. FARLEY ELLER, Adm'r. 33:4t-pd " - S&irBREEZE HOUSE, L itOREIIEAD CITY. " Thii finely hcated Houae (near the At!n- -tic Hotel), will be opened on the 15th ol June for ihe -reception of guents.vDVuinR the ma shore for health or pleinure, t The Ilonde . . Fronts the South and the Ocean. ,L The room are good, and health-giving winrt ; rweep delightfully through it." Fare nl gen eral accommodatioDS eqoat to any. ' . vo j Terms moderate. v ; : -.-f T. L. HALL, Proprietor. 1 200,000 i t en each side-eight in all. Any one at uut tnJ W1U Dnfl foat : honest , Democrats The University of North Carolina con-M acquainted with the ways ef lawyers c.an l Su,,?a siy as they imagine. s ' . .. . . . 1 1- rt T'; 1.1 '11'"" ' -1 An onice ia what these "indenendenta want: I ierreo uisvincuon on several eminent cit-1 1. ouuk 00 u uig raw can eas-1 . .1 -r-- ---- f izens of the State at its recent commence- that they ould make) it Jiyely. M V ' ' ! I"?' " . " 81Ue meat, among whom were the Rot. Mr. Thro aty, aong ,e"er" Peonage f u 111 me peop.e trust Burwelx of Raleigh, Ret. E. F. Rock- them at seemed determined to have his pey woui. ;j well, of Iredell, and the Rev. J. Ruv- wn W 0,1 " Prtant points at what- Leprosy. A San Franciaco ionnwl nnl- ras, of Salisbury. The North Carolina tohimselfor others, j KWidlHlisr the facte' in "Irecoril to the extent 1 Presbyterian, reviewing this action of the e WM ftt M nr ,,e. woal: wado and prevalency of this incurable disease, AJuiverBity, apra.a especially of tliowr,v" "'V"' T' brought into this country by the Chinese, named above, in the following appropri- S,anr trampling toes, braising from wllich it is tUMtnt thilt the neoolo I ate language: ;V P J r,-Wht Lei WM ,tfr" f the United States are in immiueu tdau- n Ker. Lr. uurweii lias been foe mn 'B,IBU W waspisn msmocrs who - ne ha.i-.tt. ih in. iinuiMtrnl X...:.-1 I AlA r.. . t.t. . ! ..;t x t I 0 ; wiau i alone savS lie 164 cases iu. San aara it ia not nfe ti . . . . . ........ , . . . .. .1. .....1 . .. T 1. I lie uas noi oniy Dcen a successful teach- S,nu,? l" nuge x.ure, 11 seem- expect exemption useful and edtfrin? minir led. was not canal to the oeeaainn. .Ha .s.i. l. . ; i - . - i mo lujcuicu. uui urn mi iiiiui uc reacnea mis case, mr ( h.k.n f:... ' - , t I vv ontiu tu t viiuii fi W ,uo ,,,wcu f "m mose eigut res- rom. occnnled bv o,urhrin AUa. r"u""' -u.Kw wwjera. tliat the air. even, -becomes. infrW. They got away with him-broke the rules abaat them, and the malady is spread by rrlw.lBu,y-n, Unuy, wo oi mem, orote exposare to it. It is dangerous to smoke A. a. . a. Ja J T . t a p a S. al Aa.wal ii neneaccsnu oiimiiv oi ine mate nroice i s .2 " i. 1 . - -. v . ivijiara or cianrets maoe ov mem. or to intoa -regular fisticuff. Schenck aimed a wearctothimr wad.ed or handled hX. sockdologer at BaHey which only staggered TheChinese are spreading from the Pacific mm. Jinu uauev rKDonnam ouieic nnn kwiii. i m.i m. 11 .ij -. r '- ,v r 1 . . T - , " pan 01 me country, so, that ... ... . uivon u rucr 01 uic ex- there i5 danger that this dreadful -unges nose ana eye. n was a little cx- disease mar Wm n.m.np.tW -.fii vu,s..BvW.r.f iJS nmc; anu menuhedin our hiUierto favored country. wu"o ".' " iic uoHHig on it ia ft case irhfeH ahnnbl his bench aWe it all ? But the other six ona .ttention of tan.. lively lawyers had the good sense to see I ; aa a . M'f that they were losing time on the case at ! The Rada iu the House, in their course law and put in right bravely and stopped in regard to the cobtssted elections, ine scrimmage, tnvae ot them held Schenck 1 remind ns of the right:" It would be fruitless to attempt to describe his effort: suffice it, that it was grand, overpowering and convincing; carrying every thing before it, until to ward the close all his forces were mar shaled and in one masterly effort hurled at infidelity, leaving a hideous, headless corpse too foul for even the cormorant scavenger to look upon. In the afternoon, the Rev. Dr. Lnfferty of Richmond, delivered the address to the Senior class. He was unfortunate in the treatment of his. subject comparing this wjth former days. He took all thegloryJare both authorised to say that Mr. F. H. SHOES, BOOTS and SLIPPERS as cheap as any in the market the assortment large, rom oar forefathers who fought so hardtDarby, who was nominated by the Mott- Aims MBlTff HATS MHCS CHEAPES THAU EVES 2ET0SB. V lor American independence accused I Johnston convention, last VVednesdav. for , : - , . , Washington of great vanity in regard Superior Court judge of the Fourth dis- They mean to feed you with-ths Best HOOT, Heais, SMtarS, TeaSt'CcfeeS, pFffl&k to titles; showed the religion of by -gone trict, will not accept. As it is somewhat days to be mostly- of tlie still house order, difficult to find Democrats to accept these er, out a j and a contentions and industrious tn 1 wni an bis lite, and is withal one of the I ruost learned and scholarly, as well as I truly modest men in the clmrch. . " umui 01 variea by avoiding contact bat that the disease mid illustrated it with brandy jokes but te has a great reputation as a wit and it is supposed . that tbis was meant jok- ngly ; although of a character rather be- ow his cloth.' KeV. N. M. 'Journey delivered the ad-1 dress to the Alltimni Assocbtiou on Wed nesday evening. ThursdayntaS the big day. All the s ana caiensive aitamment and arJiAinr. I ship, fond of curious research and with a I vasi store 01 , unusual knowledge. He I was for many years a Professor in David 1 son College, filliue at one time Hia ..i.t of Physical Science, and at auother of I Mieiaun language and Literature nad I Ancient History. He has been an occa- amnal cotiti ibutor to the pre, fieonent vj ly for our corumns, and aU in the ka 1 4 era Presbyterian liniac. He U n P-. ! tor of couutry churchea in Imloll mnnfr 1 Rev. Dr. It m pie is well known to our f readers aa the popular aud narfni ...of 1 1 of the Salisbury Presbyterian Church, as ; the eoiitributor of vivacious historical I sketches to our journal and others, and I a Jefl'ly ngagl in historical leseareh 1 aud devoted to the good name of vri. Carolina and of the Presbyterian church. I lie is the author of an interesting l graph on Rowan county, and is collecting . material for bis forthcoming work on the I Presbyterian church in North Carolina, t As trustee of Davidson College and ail I rector of Union; Theological Seminary, as I chairman of Home Missions in his Prea I bytery, and earnest in every good work, I be ia widely known and beloved, and in I the prime of his powers is, we trust, good I for many more years of efficient service, iu Dr. Burwell is a graduate of Hampden I Sidney CollwJ Virginia, Dr. Rockwell of I Yale College, and Dr. Rumple of Davhl I son CoUege. J be Univrraity has dealt I generously in thus honoring the scholar- T snip 01 otfier instirntiousand has honored i Mr. . William H. Vauderbilt recently -gave l-H rhwk for $1,000 to wy off the i elect olVf tMVtf 'vhuivit, Lexington, VaM wtuch waaereeteitin memory ot General SlloWit K. Let, - , and some others hold Bailey; and thus per 18D to 1762. It! .French Revolution from began in moderation, acn oay until it swep of destruction, disTe- force, the fight ended, and reason and decen-1 but like an Alpine avahuiehe it gained ey returnea to grace the Bar whiclrbad so momentum with iuucij rjeciea inem irora tneir seats. - lonia a carnival It was the Judge's time next : j He order- cardins law. richt. decencv. and life ! If :- " sm wf v. me uciiijjcjKui. 1 bcii. lui) xuius pegun oy unseating one u wag very moderate fufcr thought it Democrat ' and fter long discussion 100 son by hair more than halt Twenty This gave them a taste of blood, and! at days behind the grates and $50, said the once their roost depraved -appetites and lookers-on. But $50 was all the Judge laid loosest ) principles jwere awakened, and n. Ana t nuj, it seems, burdened his con- DOw they are rushing on turning out this ore, ..... .a Tnc course 01 a tew hoars maw and that man in the face of facts, after, he took off the fine and released them and in otter disregard of all decency and Ia a ' I . " " .icm :dow- aii justice. The JTrencb conspirators edged their error made due anolotnea to 1 niMl 1, Mtti tiM. any teacher, or purchased for a few dol lars. 1 Prof. Rayhill will instruct students in Elocution, Prof. Pell in English, Prof. No ble in Algebra, Prof. Harris in Drawing. . Prof. E. H. Wilson will teach Vocal Music, assisted by Prof. C. L. Wilson du ring the last fortuightof the School. , Prof. John E. Dugger will be Secretary Callisthenics will be taught by Prof. Moses. Will Not Accept. The Wilmington Star and the Review OF DRIEU PEACHES WANTED AT KLOTTZ & REWDIiE Their Dry Goods, Notion and Clothing Departments have jnst en supplied with New and 'Beautiful Summer styles. i -. .r 4 . 1 maws: Good Stook of Shirts and Underwear; doubtful honors, the managers will have to drum around for auother candidate, whom they will find no doubt inside of the Republican wigwam. The Republican convention which meets next Wednesday win nnd one to fill yie place and our "liberal'1 Democratic friends will1' hare five Republican judges to vote for, or six Republicans out of eight candidates nam- Potatoes, tomatoes, Tapioca, Macaronia, Corn Starch, &o, &c ISTTThey have as fine FLOUR as is made in the United 8tates.jg lMs. ef tia Vfifit 10 eeflts Snflrar in Towil nst recdved. 10,000 lb. Shorts and Bran just received New stock of Glass and Table Wsrfcr: Fruit Jars Lower than Ever Sold BeWref f3F"Agcnts for Coat's Spool Cotton. -New supply of 5 cents Trickig Call and see them before you buy as they have a thousand things not mentioned. H. W. Tatlor, H. P. Atkiks a E. F. Tatum, Salesmen Char. Obserrer, forenoon, wastaken up by the orators of ed. Wonder how tliey like the divide. the graduating class teu in number. These speeches were very interesting and were delivered in a mauner alike credita ble to tji Jijtitntion and. themselves. We cannotAllude to all, but .must say that our, former towusinau, J. bojn, subject : "The achievements common seuse," . was the best in our judgment and deserrcd the "Wiley Jtrnellthvnssi A SUCCESS: AT i AST; W.Wil- j la -9 t i Raleigh, Jnue 6. The Republican politicians, haying rested from their wea ry labors of beating op recruits for the liberal convention to be held here on of j Wednesday, arc now gathering around to make a quorum. The side show will, be opened promptly, and Dr. Mott "will be Gray McdaJ.V This medal is preseuted ou hand to giro direction; for what wonld to-. the.best speaker in Senior class, aud j this convention be without the Doctor f we venture the assertion tliat had the j Jt is his own little babe, and be must . be winner of the prize not had the houora-1 present at the! performance. It will be ble position of. Latin Salntatoriau in ad- J composed of tlie usual Republicans, the dition to his regular sueech. the Drize I old set." and if a strav Democrat finds would have fallen to Mr. Wilborn. . After I himself there, he will come ont of it a a few, moments rest, Dr. Talmage deliv-1 sadder and a wiser man. It is not every ered tlie Literary address.- I man who can boast tliat he never made a I To give an idea of how the Doctor's 1 mistake j land if any Democrat baa been talk would effect one. we quote Carrawav i deceived and misled into eivinsr countra- . THIS 1IACHINE is a olsin wooden- tank lined with eonner or ifalrasixed troa of the News-Observer : 1 ance to this Radical trick, let him sav hith perforated pipes in the bottom or the .admission of -stean wUheor The Doctor held the house for. one nothing moreabont it, bot show by4 put- X'7"1 VlT'V " , vi" V rJl; B " t. TaZ kMZZ& " at S hour and a half in smiles, lauchter andltinrtn tears altrmtj.lr Thom YraaTw rn1t,tv. I 0 0 . T, . ' . muc me Kim is mrown up mrougn ine penoraiea -pipes unuemeaiir irum ine vcar., aiiernau-iy. lnere was no ioiiow- t, , , ...v lnMn tft .nfr1,t nan- of the tank Thur in vn .KL.w.n ih n ia nrobHthm and fona rinf Birsiin. iTh 1f.nnatitnrd aaiti. I a smooth bottom in the tank. mtltMM that ratlod ttiia liliornl rnn mnf 5 An I The process is simDle : ant one can operate the machine. First, soan the clothes an toitether was i composed of O'Hara and distribute them evenly about four or five inches thick In the tank! ' Turn On enough' A INVESTED AND PATJWTED J " " . T. J. MERONEY, SALISBURY, N C V A the Judge and to each otherjl and shook panda, and the curtain fell on j the Spring Term of Rowaa Superior Ceuri for 1882L And new, as we look , back 'on the dis graceful scene in the Court House last week. we led that it is greatly to be regretted, j Thr wcreJ rns -of ' la w and j jutico was and ia that way Here ia a lesson France was and amoral. delivered. 'K member of Congress "who has good sources of information predicts that Cou gr ess will adjourn sint die before the close of June. The ways and means committee ia 1 w in ! 1 ii , (.uuaiUTIiillUU. mg bim farther witli pencilbut few stenographers could do it so rapidly doe8 he sNM(k He was remarkably hap py throughout. Wheu we thiuk of Tal mage in the . future,, such words as nice, intelligent', noble intellect, pleasant, sym pathetic, interesting, "natural, delicious, mirth-provoking speaker, spontaneously rush toi our miud. Vh v. he iust filled everybody with clorv. He iust captivated the world that one ia a Republican seek . a a - - . wun uis irresistible, cbarmi eloquence and description other Republicans along with Some Dem-1 er to cover them turn on steam,' and move tihe.Rollerbaek and Tart h nntil the wster ocrars who are after spoils. They moved I w v",urcu 1 Hrn "e vsive ana lenne water pass on, vaa wean waicr, ssq rTuc'- at the dictation of DrJ Mott.? It is'Dr. !roree or ,our "mes, and yon find the Mntiw nm, j,nmtigMy vhf irtthnnt tup Xlott's afiair. i Let no Democrat attend i" "yTi or there, is no rubbing process employed, the Roller Jiaving rounded edges it ia to eonfeaa beforav all I 10 present any wear or cutting. A lace handkercni&T can De washea as wen as a 4unfc. iiusjiacuine is in operauon av. aieroney ce tiros. iacntne dqop, wmw : e . a7 : .11 . . .1 . -;,. m. , - i...ni 171 IV. . it. To attend uiuir iwwera of ing to destroy the only organlsaUon that be manufactared at'as small acost as possible,- Any one having a steal boi b holds out any hope to tho Sontli and to "Potion; can nse one of my machines at small cost alid with satisfactory resolts, I . I the people of the State. 'We hope that Ptn0a do the work of ten wash-women in one day and do the work better. ': 'WIN OF CAaOUt ' " eurva ' irregular, painful, or di&culi nienbtruatioo. j ' ( ' ' At Theo. F.'K lulls. no one, not already-. auRepublican,.wUI nave anguci 10 up wunwic .11 is merely a coutrivauce of the eueiuy. Sets &. Ob serrer. BTIt is a snlendld thin? fr boiling "-nun and Tftrctahlea for stock. Iritis alsoaood wool-wakher.i- , '.lS'''Xt fcSPState and County rights foral by the Inrentor. 7 i V .vT. OrJO -if - ?, ' 1 ... - . fx

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