k - fIk ;!,.;-' J . , ' . . ;. -7 ; ; ' 7: -.kv . ; r '-":-."- .; kk-.-w' . . ' , . v .v.-f -.: k7k.v :;k ' k :. . 7 ' kk ' . ' ' k:k ' . -kk '" ' ': '" -' - - i " ! ' ! 1" . 1 . " j t - - 1 - "r ' - , ' ' ' -. - - " - SI Thursday, june is. isss. ! !KEW TERMS.- ' &fter the lit dr of Janosry.J r 1882. the nfeicription price of the TTflfcA One ear,rpMd ' in avabce,L- : 510 " pay oient delajred '4 month, 2,00 1 pamea$,4lf niontii i QatteW number of par cttireas xn At Collet Mk :.fi o . : ' , " 7 IT. . Mri fDr. lEames, and daaghten have cone to Marlon Virginia where; tby: Ul spend the iitramtr, . , x'' - , . j ' I' o - ' i 1 1 " " A package nddreased 'ToOoTd Mining Co., S4libnfj, NlCVwaa clalwl iby tiinn ei'eh with coed rlffht;.--;. tl I ' Misses Alice andRes.Ltak;of Wadcs- . o -? ; ', i t - boro. and Mis Katie Williams of Fay- eltevillf, are the rgneUjof;Mrs. Bernhardt. i .C'1V " ' Paul p;aV1ia nre onus treoucnrvia onr marke(Ml :Bjen Marsbajnoieard, Mr Thimason nnd others, hvej tttc cefttlwittheiirearIy cj;opX,- T f DrtJeHol Wfelteeaa'rfermcdaiaeli- ! cate sagicl oerathjn n ajchihl 3 tears old, onp dav last week, in s catting rrom the bladdcra large stone. S The , opera tion waV eltirtsly : satUfacwry, : aadr was witnessed hi)r8W hi TeheadSu mmeirell, , f:--tr o- !v.-.r' j The indomitable H. McStnith,' of Char- ment8, Claims the attention of all lovers of sweet-soonds and admirtrsolJtWbeaa tifdU" $ee his adrertise'ttient1n,i nether 'coiunini1 -1 ...k . - ! ' ( seuoaf onthe!TsUeets and poshed up to 'the utmost If his speed just for jhow. "Is this Bof ,cru-lty to animals t1 "The Southern CultiTator and Dixie Farmer.'Ulantn, Ga,, is the best and cheapest wrk of tbf kfndj wyi:tf4et seen, dnd amifably suited to the South geneyajiyi iTbe Jane No coutains 52. 14 inch columls of reading matter besides several pages devoted to a4 vertisin g. It is ; mojikhlyy tastefully : goi np, and ably edited", price $10 per "year. -:::r, ;i;i:-;,: . 1 CompumIxtart. Dr. J. F. GriCSth was detained at home last week by sick ness, wjiich preveuted his attendance on tlil 8th An dual N. C Dental " Association which beltl its session - in Salem : but notwitUfrtiuidlug his absence ho was "electedt prlsideut of ; the Association lor the ensuig?yeiin Dr. Griffith has fiw.Jif anylequaUdfo Ids profession in this State. -o- DaVIs & aVilev. Bankers, have placed ' K - - T - fireproof vault, one of - FarrtJs1 new bugta piof safes. The workman? ship is isupemr the walls being made of layers of tmpered steeV- an4iron alter nately j andjis ! proof - against any orill. They have also made some improvements in the, iitertal arrangement of f the Bank, customers now - enter the main street en trance instead of that formerly used on bank street; rWkVn tVe cat is nWat" feeLast I Tuesday evening the spaciooi iialfs at JJr. tapes' residence were nuiaz wun light tue Salisbury string bund vwns throwing iweet melodies on the evening breexg4-andf the beauty of .'te cjty to gether jwitft visiting fl&ies, escorted by the haadsonjest and best of nicii, "trip- ped tue ligiit tiintasuc, ' promenaded and sang. rTheleveniijg was a delightful one.rhe I fair , Tisitew heaped many compllpentary, ady ings ' on li y o'iiug host.' Richard Eames, (andV some others) will have memory of that most pleasant jvepiug hovel ing pear . for time yet un born; May recollections t reality -;,11: - k"-''f" L V-I f J 1 t-i I t .UdNv to Drt FButtiAti Brimiasl- A deal t ih dried fruits requests us to say th: t berries should be gathered when lipe? a id dirt taken that no red or green berries, be picked. They sliould be dried before, hey sou r either inltlid sun or dry house j andjeare should b taken that tliey are thorbngHly ry beforo they are sacked: fer if they are put iuto sucks too soon or while In a damp condition theji will mould and be worthless. . Peaches should be jQitieaot sells-sjUbfipeel eaancyer4hiu so asUo dry quick, in or!er Jo brigtLheu not peeled they BBenld b just haired! - f Parties observing the above will find it largeljl to their interests when they bring tneir di led fruits to market. sliip neetingaas( announced oy.the Ex: ecntfva Committee and send to Salisbury on Satf rda 'july the 1st,1 a strong repre- sentatfiin true men, in whom there is no guile er liberalism.'' r-U is necsssary that tllmU vul- irfeCig 0rgauso4 .lor;tb ensuing cainpaigu. Weno only ,haVe the regular enemy to fight, Ijiit; there are stragglers, who are linpatifnt for spoil and have deserted their coleis and ioined with ti. an.. . yet tryjqg Jo remain , iij the democratic camp in order to strike like Bruius, i Let fach j towrrship send good ine to :rfetithej;rittio; hhd theiitoii T JeuocraUc in Rowam. u The Tote betweepktbe two tar s in thl. fw Ul coie; f thcriiberal iwfng 1, not weightpnough to Jrce down the honest ?en l; Vsncer iu i W Goternor'a cnairti '6aud Robbjus in Congress in p.v ip- -ii,u uiuiiMiii oi tliat sir, . TBh-MivD Knmn firm hudl uurn . a. f t . ownsfeitPter videuSy weUVpent but- yesplritedaud he Is freaently Iiiot.djuiVtiio i lA ' I 1 tmrtt . Drt 'J; If.; Tomlinson,:of Basb: Hill, Randolph county, has given1, us samples of ore from hi two places. It isttartx The following described stock Is delin carfrifftf wrtphVrtes irndfree fioid."S'ome qneht on aecoaut of .nssesimeiit Kt. 2, of oi tne quart! U exceedingly ricu w iree - i m. n at- gold. p Doctor is engagn opening up these Tens,"and la daily, eaconraged te press the work. 5 . iy M 7 l specimens may uo eeea A ui oiaco. 'i- On rt.!nt fan rrnwn nrfi nn P - tent -r.s'.to reqaHre the addition, of 18 mere fbel res which liare bee bv added. A whole case. has bWnreserred.for, Eowattj county n4lr We ih rite ownersiiO' place Iec!mec33X4ta M itchell, Ashe McPoweU, - Alexander, Uavie, lMTiusoo Kandoipu, btaniyi Mon tgamery C)ftbaras nd Mecllenbn rg; All Itif e sopje jpecinnfris and ,we hope to fill theui; up ,at anf, early day Besides Uies'e we liavo n miscellancbus . case of i-tATtlV tk.is i.L 4 r'-.-L. !iiuiuiu.tuu.rau. v It is onr desire to make, the w ATCHscaa Cabinet: atfractivo collection, and speiinWt'froiQ .any -soa&e iriU!p)ae6-: na under.obligations. Thtf listris-now up in thhundre- -r-i- .V'k.. : .'.'V'krrti-'; Burke County 31 i lies, r BritfdleloBj'BnrkeeouniyV.Q '' . U l&nj6 SitlcGolX Mke, JM3. Pearson, 1 Thos. G. Walton, Morganton; . . . ' : JPcaYton Gold Mine, owned land oppera- ted by the Haueock Mining! Company" I V Col, B. S.'Gaither, ilorgautob; N. Q4 jlative to large Mining tract , adjoining the Bnndleton & Hall mining lands. - Pad EM Gold Mine Col. McD. Tate, and J. V. WilsonMorganton. Silver' Crttk, mining, operations.' Col. Julian Allen, States ville, N. C. A$betto$ Bed, (now ; in operation.) J. Mewberger, 42 Walker street,' New .York. Iron is the most abundant In thisconrf-l ty, although they have some jof the" pre- CioQsjmetals Among the mines in that county, we .note the following : JroextiaoodLI'E. Pagli. . , Richardson Iron, Jos. Richardson. Crocket Mine, Robert Crocket. . TVVorer Iron, James 3Veaver." , JSeret lront:A D. Reves , i ,. j Long; Gold, Copper and Silver, Noah Wyatt Plumbago, J. R." Wyatt. , r t Bryan Gold and Silver, Mofgan Bryan. Gray Coyper Ore, XV. A. Billings: Weaver Copper. . Nathan i Weaver & Bro. . .' ) Magnetic Iron, W. H. Billings. Very- little work has been done in this county--the field is new, and the harvest rich for some one. . " Dividing the potatoes they had raised a crop together the darkeyj and a citi zen. The latter furnished the ground and the seed while the former was to do the work. On Monday the crop ; was gath ered The darkey promising to leave a bushel for every one he moved the di vision was to be equal. It so happened that both took their shares j to the same merchant. How many bushels did yo buy from the darkey t - , . "21 bushels sir." ! 21 hey, how many in my pile, 'Mr. Merchant f : - 7 ; 12sir...;, - . - i- j- .kv.' , Oh ho, some mistake, I suppose. , How is this, friend darkey t I Wall, yer see boss, IJiaint much in calcuiatin, as ,dey calls hit, but dere is one tiling sho dat's jist as honest as dis nigger nos how tu do, and dat's dis now l: ...... ...i. u j u.. i s iuicu vu iuo uuaa ucj la u uggsr . iu ut j pile, aud7.dey is a figger 1 in yoarn an dey'lsa figger 2. in both de! piles now aintdat ebeu t now Iaxes you if hit aint then 1 " y v Brilliant Weddiso. For weeks it wha the principal topic of conversation in town, and for several days preceding the event, the public was on jtiptoe of ex- pectat)on. At last last the day dawned 1254 tp 1255 -that was to witness the union of twq lov- 1257 tf 1262- -iag hearts, and later, the Iicrar for the J264.tl27Q ; ceremony found the Presbyterian church' to, 1400 11 " full to overflowing with spejctators7 At 1441 to 1429 nine o'clock, p. icRer, G. D. Berhheim 1432. tcl435 took his positiou at the ajtaReVJC. fiJ "i Berniieiia and MrsrBernheim the parents toi 495 r- of the bride, followed and occupied a seat 1513 tir 1602 7 -immediately in frontik While Mrs. Payne 1605 tol06 playedt a wedding inarch, Mr Baxter SJJ.:1S5 Shew welUed his bride, Miss Laura Bern ueim, 10 ino -attended by the fol lowing couples; Miss Cpra Shemweir,;Tyroir and James W.Rumple, Lexington.- j - ijuiss- xioreuco -jernueim wuarioito, and Dr. W.: S. Bradshaw, Tyro. " il'iss Xnnie Bruner. SalisGury-and C. f,.Mi .TVJ- , . . " . lss paiiie x osier, wxiugion, ana M. S. Brown, Salisbury. , 7 Miss Nankie Gibson. Concord and D. Williams, Lexington. j Miss Ettie Gibson, Concord, and R. B. Kerner, Winston. I ' v Chas. Hege, Lexington Miss Anna Watson H; Wilson, Winston; Miss Anna Watson, Iexlngtoh, and E M Revi Miss Lon. Mf!mrv. TTintrtm. ha W: rMiss Minnie Rothrock, Lexington, and E: R.pttoan, Salisbury; Da"rZoDi pXy-rh- urn aM nninrtuTii iL ' i oiun-unnwun t , ninn cniiia unci , , . i -.,.- --I iss Amelia, Lindsay, Xeogton, ind P f r? m T.k vi: irhknt. tLiJLI I. llrafl-lW A Hopkins,.". miss juiia aninaroc, ixjngion,anu J2236 to-2237 ' M Ws Rasba'cji; ' W. B. Penfy, Xexingtop. ' , , , r . ' ' -2233 J W B Carpenter.- fyer impossible. , ' - I' .. , Fa'r$alt,lii Tbo, F. Klittte. DElniQXXEIXT 1T0TICE, ITorth Ctato Illning1, Ccrapatiy. X 7 7 7 !:'icoo i .riZ-i the 9th day of Mat 1832, nnd in accord; nflce ttie provlsfon of j the charter of the company wilf be forfeited absolntely to the company on Saturday the flrstxlay r "Vf- AT Geonrianna Johnson, 10 a.643WChiroe, " j". ; ,,, JO ?lt i?a.650 ' Elias Howard, ; '"ix i 10 a.ti51 .JGFaucett, ;f ' - j IU a54 David Austen, ; . . . , 10 A.657, F G Hatton, ii . .. . v ..30 6.653 A S Scherujwhonr ."'10 "aX60 LilFy Mc Cullock, 1 . , 20 ; aji62 .John R VYetherell,. L, - 4 50 ! a.704' A Iwis, s f ! , , 60 ja.707 R.Van Buskirk, Jr., , 25 a.w.-xr.vJraauerfxx- - . ,iu a.729 TO Stocksdale, '-'"'X;' ( fu731a.732 , Charles Bradley,' -.-. ;' 10 100 i7 ,3 1 .a.U90 John Pfund, i "7fl.I000 J H ArustroniT, I ; s ? a.1002 : Geo Kirniey,! . - '-40 .,'20 ! ? a. 1003 S H Wagner.! 4 41005 F A Lockvygod, : h ,. ,M0 ;NlSftteJS (gS-SfffiWS J' 1 iul013 Win brandreth, tr'st.-? 50 r- :svi.uj vNancy aayne uoyie . : a.1014 Nancy Jayne Coyle- tntm r t. t - - -tUlUi VOOKtr,t .. -,a.l017 11 C Dawes, i i . a.1019 Jno R Wetherell, - -- a.1020 'J W B Carpenter, a. a.1021 Geo WLowisberryr . a.1022 ' T.J Moran,t j , . ' a.1023 Julia A Clabback, a.1025 JasM Cookei a.1027 D A WtedonJ . I i; ia.l028?G B Wooldridge' ' f a.1030 iN M SwaabJ I. 60 300 - 80 -50 50 ; 20 50 40 170 20 . . a.1032 A. D Lawson 1 ' a:i034 FC Ceopef, . a.1035 K M Raven,! ." a.1037 O Roelsler, 50 10 J20 ,50 , 50 150 150 50 20 ' a.l038 .B F.Rhodes. l. .. a.l040 ,Chas Benson,. ,7a.l041 '. Chas Linder, 7 -f -f a.l042 ' CO Brewn,! " 1 7iJ a;i0437MrsE-EChHtian. , 4 .a.1045 C F Day,: ; V.. . , ' a.1046 J P Craus, ( f ' a.l047-a.l49 Wo Brandreth, tr'st. ; a.1048 Sarah E Hubbell, 7 a.1055 Alary Cooke, k t I f a.1056 R B Cookej ! . 3 ! 20 ; 20 150 50 20 2100 ,30 1000 j a.1057 Betsey Alleni 7 a.1058 U W Dorsey, 41 to 50 inch W Brandre h, tr'st. 80 to 82 incl. S3 92 to 98 J M de do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d do do do do do dp do de do do do do do do do do do. do do do 1 300 l 200 j 100 500 106 fo 110 116 to ll7JV 132 to 139 " 147 151 to 153 ; -155 to 160 192 to 204 " 220 234 to 238 " 242 to 248 " 279 to 269 " 230 to 21 234 to 286 - ' 290 1- do:" 7200 do 800 I do I do. T do do do do do do do ; do I do do ! do! do 100 200 200 11300 i 100 ! 500 i 700 1100 t 200 200 2 lOd j-282 CO 293 I ; 1 ' 298 - . 304 to 309 " ' : 311 to 323 355 t 571 to 573 574 to 579 '200 100 600 1300 do r do 7 100 200 200 100 1000 100 do do do . , , . do,: j do .;! do. j do do do do do do 'do do do do do do do do do" ;dft . ,.do do do" do .do do do do da. . do do4 ,-H-?58tt.'rr: 591 te 600 " 62l to 642 " 652 to 660 766 to 795 846 to 848 849 to 850 v 853 10,855 856 to 857 859 to 61 : 863 to 867 878 tV74 830 to 887 ' 896 to 906 . 1908 to 911 r 1 916 to 925 " ; 1 934 to 948 i 955 to 956 964 to. 975 " 2200 900 200 200 jo- 200 200 200 300 200 200 200 1100 200 1000! 1500 200 1200 500 200 200 100 500 200 300 300 500 500 I 900 j .Qg 993 do do do. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do irjgg t0t&i) : i 1 v 1032. W7I.tlp75 II 19 1IUO " i68 tOl 10 " 1141 to 1145 " - 120IS- to J205 ? 20 te 1225 " J231 tO-1240 41 300 ; do i do i do" ?- - der- ; do 4 de ; 600 1000 200 00 700 100 1000 1800 400 200 500 i do do -do . . do 1 no ' aoa 200 CJo--. .do. -do do do 9000 do -i t 200 3 - . saw - jjg JgJ do 200 900 200 200 If Am. - do do" do - 1 1836 tc4l638 - do ' - ; dO; 1639 to 1640 I Jff JJJjL dor. do b 400200 UP L, HVAJ 1684 to l?00v .- do rrr do1 2000 1718, to 17207" do jr" doi 200 1721 to; 1746. i w do 7 do -2600 174atQr750 t; do do ' : 300 1788 to" 1797 . r,,: do lredo J0OO "1 1300 to 1620 - -do r- doo f2ioo J. ?841 4a 1870 ".-do f dif WOO 2074 to 2075: i doy 0.11-200 2107 id i'21lK -, - 1 OO do . 900 do 7 200 do V:200 2119 to 212r I''--: do 223 ta212877 f do do 1 'do-' ' 500 do i 7100 . do. ;;200 12164. 2176 '"tJ 'do do 71000 2228 to 2229- -diaries Bradley: 200 200 100 - J00 200 tioo -.V ' r " 2314 , 'A LuWlfl, ' 1UU 2323$ 20241 !XlmFBiiff i U ,t200 2333 to 2334 ir A F Sekennerheor; ' 1 200 k772340'kFJEnpstein,.7- ! 100 to 2347 1 K B Faush&te: f 200 12356 'to 2358 M-A flopplr,'trf;--300 2359 TK Bruner, 100 - 2260 Lndlow R Lefvrigg. 2SS1 to.2SS5 WmBraudretfaj v . ! 2374 . Wn Brandreth, ; ; 2C3S A It Lawson, -. 100 500 100 100 200 2421 to 243 Win Brandreth, 2431 to 2445 Jo -do V-1500 f' 4 1130 24C0to 2470 do7V do 2432 to 2499 .' - do4 'flo: 2501, to 2581 Vdetu.' ; do 2589 to 2599 fi B5 Flint, : ; ;7v,:: auxr 2W4 , a J3- lint, 1UU 2612' lo 2C16 N Wm Brandrath 7 soo -:.; :. t )-OAM"'ntt"t;.hM-,'"itl":' 1nr 2C23 to 2025' Lewis Seasongood, . a00 2653 to.2657 Walter R Denslow. v J500 2659 to 2662 !M'P Bestow. 400 2664 to 2606 " M : P BeStow, ' f f r 300 2699 W Brandreth trWIOQ 271010 2714 M . do ,o i 500 2718 to 2887 , ' "l.da . dp; 17000 2390 to 2609 . - : do daj 2000 29U to129I7u' ' do . J,dbl ; 700 2932 ta 2934 ' do -' do 1 300 2936 tor 2937 . ; ' do . K . do '! 200 2948 to 2952 Charles C Rose ,v -500 2953 to 2954' Samuel Swan. . .20Q 2955 to 2961 ' O Shauw, '? '; 700 7 ! 2962 John E Nathan? ' ' 100 3 ur 2963 7J Win Sidili; .f iqo 2964 Julius Heng&iiri H 100 - v -f 72965-i D M Priest, 7i 1100 U !fi 29664:f WjKorrii: ,V .100 2967 to .2986. W Brandrettt.sVSullO to -4UUU - w uranuretn ivrjuu 4001 to 4020 Wra H ProtsmanvV'tSOOO 4021 to 4025 J R KennedyV,, 1500 4026, to 4032 Fred A Sa wy ef; : 1 1 h 700 403d to" 4046 W Brandreth,'ttrt "1400 4047 EHowiird n 100 Ely Howard n 100 Fi-cd A Sawyervaui v.;ol300 W Bnindreth. tr'st. 2700 4066 to 4092 4103 to 4132 , W Brandreth, trst.v-'a000 4143 ?tOv4147k WBraridrethy-trs7f 500 414a,to 4149 .Samuel IFGilliv a-4 200 4150 to. 4151 FUrencePGjlL, Jt 4152 0 4153" JThorntofl, : k 4154 to 4153 Stephen Carpetiter, ' rh !-4159 Au4ast"ShumaniJ' 500 100 500 200 4160 to. 4164 J R. Kennedy, ; S i 4165 to 4166 Chas M Parsons. , ? ' 1 4167 ' W. S Clavton. 7 100 4168 t3 4170 II BrahchV f I L 300 j-.-: l.i j. : - ' ? . ! 777,7 77, iTotal, 7 V 224905 35J3t. ',Tk: "'7 V SecVetary. ' 1 7 : ' Lexingtox, Jnne 13th; 32. t Mb. Editor rL-:it : :"f;--7?r--f;. I had the' pleasure tn Friday evening! June 9th. of attending n " sociable criven by the channing proprietress of jthe March ' House. in honor .of tlie visiting young ladies : .Misses Leak,, Benton and Bruner. The guests . numbered - about tweniy-five couples..-The evening pass ed most delightfully in . listening to the voices of the fair siugers who charmed every pne with tlieir sweet notes, and in no less enjoyablo -conversation. The hostess did everything possible to enter tain her guests and was most successful iu so doing.' The - party broke'np about midnight the jury of 50 rendering" a unanimous verdict of a most delightful evening, joyously spent. - Ovrt. . A friil package ofV BLACK-DRAUGHT " . free of charge. - . 4 , At Theo. F. Klutu'.. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF TDK HOBT H STATE COPPER &G0LD " r 'MINING COMPANY'1 7'. A general meeting of the stockholders of the above company has been called by the President and Board of Directors; :and will be held on Saturday, the 10th daylof June, J f 1882, at Jarrell' Hotel, . ... High Point, Guilford, Co , N: C , at 8 o'clock P. M for the purposeof ratify ing and. confirming all the previous acts and proceedings of said Company, its stock holders, officers and directors transacted, bv virtue of its charter, constitution and by-laws, in . the city of Baltimore, in.. the State of Maryland ; and for the transaction of such other business as may "be brought before? it. By order of the Board ot lDi rectors. JOSEPH WILKINS, Pres't. 33:4t I SALISBURY MARKET. Apples Wholesale, . BetmL - rreeu,perbus 75 dfl.OO $1.09 $L25 rled. per lb. 4 a Bacon Country, hosr round. ...... is. j ips 4SS- juuiier..... Beeswax... 20 & . 4 .11 10 ' ( 10 (! .8 110 g 110 , Blactberrtes, - Beef. 10 . S ' ..11 ft iX COTTON GoodMladllng,.... MMllng, . LowMldling, stained. .r r20 1.25 Corn new.. .I.tq 1.20 . - 14. MeaL : , Coffee,. cnicKens,... Eggs,...: Flour,, i Uay...- 14 18 3.15 SO 13 S'; 1 15 - 15 Ifr 3.85 3.50 50 14 .15 0 so 5.T5 Lara.... IS IS Pork,.-.... Fotaioes insu,. . . . . 80. (4 SO. l.W 1.80 ao isweec.. ..... heat ;.. SO 1.00 1 00 1.60 l.TS . . BUSINESS L DCALS P , M r.&VdvPARRisil makes test views of residences and family gronns on, the piaxza-wehave everBeen.Nowis a'good time; therefore, to secure shch- pictures The prices are moderate. ' m1- Mrs! Mi E. McCorkle- Welf 'ttiSwnrin this section, has engagel' to nssist in keeprng King's Mountain Healing Springs Honsothis Summer; and is noWltTpoSition there.'': " Wo know nothing of the Springs but suppose it must be an iuyitiUg resort for the hot weather. H Ministers'and their wives seem specially: Invited andxau live there at i 20 per month, and 'tHeir chil dren Ht half ' ra tes. The' butside1 world are doubtless admitted at usual ratest f . ! TlIEO. BCKEBilllf. ; . Blank Books, k : , , , , . . i . , THEO. BUERBACM, Fine Note Paper, I.J --: I - TriEO. FrjERBAuji.: . Books", Novels', etc.; v .-.? i THEO, 13 C EH B A CM. POT GROWN STRAWBERRY Plants (if set now) that will aiake a. fall crap next yearr for salo by..iA,7 4-u-sr4i; i. r. ti JJR. ; KltOSE UOBSETT. ? "if' Salisbury. N. C.! 34:UnlJy Ik tSiI,si nMackere 1 vr Vi it U Breakfast Bacon and Hams at ,- , ' i - A - " A r ,Pa b kkrV. .V-'.:; V - k."7r: 7?Vl -Joi' v J - , : ; p 'f Jy .7-?: V J i lt jb-srsaa:;- 7" "7- . -.1-;'7 j 7 , - ' ; ' - V' - :-'!-7'-,;r'.:-" l : k " . .. kki':"-:7i7 - Is V' -" -(t 7 t: ; ri k ---7 ;,;:k.t. .;-;pi.al:.; 7 1 :- .7;-.-.- j;V k 7 - wtV-...-,-- v..? ftt ! k . 1 k t r."- i "r"j ' --v " i: 1 ".' j-;-.4 v:- w-v .;i-. . . . -,o; - k.-.k..-k;r ,rD.;; ,kl:: . ; 5 ' 7 ' - --k: ' : oj I ,kk-.::-r 4 rjH;.; "" -Pt?? tn':-" '''MCA-wri'i- v r: :--y ''rvv-v. k 7.1".--; 4 M ' -7- V.-"- 7 ...-:..; .7 - . 1 7 k ,.fc - f .. a s ; f. -tf-'. 4 .r- I v.' ? 7t . I i i- f ( -r h 1 . a . i 4:- t '1 it' I - ... . . . 4 . 1:- . - . ; - ? i ! 0 m o i u 1 u m ' . . r . a t k, -7 km sv. - -j 7'bV -': yl?lry . C 'ik. ij -it' i U k cl ,7 : QJ7. ..7 IS kj ;' XE2ES!.,Ip. 7 ;OG'?.B"3lS?2S r 5: -..STOCK . y X 'the) Late tDK PIXEST . ... INJ3ALIS.BURY, will , ' ii. i i ? ft' C5 All sold low for CsiSMi' ; icaiiqa,Aai5xjRBi '0s1; GOLD & SILYIR PRIDING & SOwLAND'S PULVEEI2ER takes the jGLnja can bo put up in one day ready foirw w - -dIT HAS BEEN FTLLY PROVED irTESTED k n P""" . . we construct Mills with Stanips weighing fvctn CniahlngMoita. W.: waieiojxiis w ana t 48:ly ' ' 7 AliE NOW IN iaBECEIPT Comnnsins fulllinesf Beautiful. And Selected SPRING BEAUTIES "with reference to (he daily recufring wants of all-oia 'r:JT J 1 Mechanics, Artisans, Doctors, Lawyers, Miners, &c . j -l 7J-7 'If yon going tam' means coU cncn'es lor iney-iiarc nu iuc WE ARETJtEPAEEiJP . . ... . . 4v... This Fertilizer stanos nmoBg -5 ldmto'M'n on 0i W a gire you any other standard gfua'no. ' . V. .r. .U AB.O,, fpt. BALDWIN'S AMMO.NIATED. DIOLTEP MK S , j Thi ' . -Mhn ait nfrfu isjv v r " " " rm and for the all making cu rea vert'isem eipenenee Nervous oaiurr,A:y ,h&a of iy-r . nirr, a. '-V;".Ti, . ! i II the effecwof youtkfaUndicrw or nt the.WATCiiMAX 0hce.L.Jr -7 v akeorsnerlngJlJMvy,""J:,' , r -,- - - - - - i n ? r .ho,ne.ine,r?i7..-j .-..7 : 7rT, i nrt ii - II 7ui CSnOOfUD.UT illMHrrillg ... J IjljSStX : - V . - Alii nerfeel conndence. 20.lv JOHN It. (KilHvrtj . j a, rt0 PER YEAK - I CedarSuycwArk;j: ? 1 1 x su,- U ! 1 . L . : - . Sylesin . .. - , i-t . hi.' 'i . .. . .1. . 1 . ASSCTMEXT OF be, found at the Store of t . : 'f't'i I.GASKIL.Ij. lAHAL&AMflNG MACHINERY tikcQ of' tha camlssrccma Stasia JSiU-.; 3- OF . ' , u .I 1 . - - - - 1 . . - . . . . 11. weixn& compreie .000. pouncisa jt costs fi.500 rcati" 10 the belt.' v 111 crush cue ton pt-r hyurtf hari qoarn Uiit wil : puss Utfoogb a 40-mcEb screen 1)Mear la less than li tLe 'Htampmlll. Its wearing parts are plain eastings An fan tc - ".dropped into posltJon In a few moments, shown bje letter A, -B and C, no bolls or keys are requlre-3 ; rtnrtifl "be .' self nptn thf ' . i. Jloorof a mill- with no expense for foundaVODMLD' ran be4'swW' , ; to crush and work-in charges or contifnUOuH. .It wni' aiiialga- ateelUtfrgjld or silver ores, making 4l'a-9ilisiU chean afMT effective mill : lirrftnuireM 13-hors ntmer Stamp Mills, Rock Breakers, erushl-ifr Rolls, nia!i gamatintr fans ana separators rortioia ana Miveri Ores, ciilorlaizlng Furnaces, Ketorts, Rock uruiH. Air Compressors, -Steel Shoes an ts" Ules for Stamps, and every desrrlp tion of r'raruea for Stamps; afro or , .-, i SINGLE CYLtMDER ' i H0IST1SG:.EHGIHES( With ok Wrraorr" Bow-fctti, WS - oe Masili.a'Ropk Drcxs. f !, X&ftyciatiy dA'jptrk 'to Mining 'i . . lertna. : .. . SCO to SCO Its "for and lvers, . Wet or Vn: K j.' - c KT-Wnrlft - t AJin xvy r.v " " ' - " ' ' ii7 - OP.TIlEinSPtaNGi STOCK; Superior ttcous ior VM-YVtlt,!rfa! m..... . , -:o:- IS"-': . ' .F.URNISII THE OEMBRATCT) s nn.lia: Farmers wUl fenU -K-to-Tnej-. - - . i .prci.1 lt JOXE.?4 McCVBBlXS.t?1CO.i.:. SUMMER ) r.r ct.n a nuTrimniiiSFv . . .. .. 0 Ilitoi-J-, 5rilOWO --Oipt: of this fntertrsting WHk njii7 - i - K !f.VV- 1 -a 1 V It: It? k M. I.'; r t: H rfr f . it ... 1. 4 ' -: : t i i k

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