1 1 -. - r. . I r 41: :i . f - 1 i - g I i's: 1, .4 : .." -1.-' i; -11 V: : m mm. - . V t 3. i -r- Wi. Is? li ft - it art 3 m m 1 if II- t ft i- 4 ii 'If. , i', A cottonUxnl il mill will be erected at Camden Ark., tluiiug the summer. I Tliftlnachincty fur the uew. palmetto pulp factory at Fernandina, Flu., has been put in position for cany use. A company to manufacture glucose in Florida ha been formed in Philadelphia which proposes to nso f 'cassava." It :i aid this plant will yield 20,000 jwunds of glucose o the acre. Vr. H. jjlenn, the great wheat raiser California, (a Virginian, by the way,) finds it necessary at certain seasons to employ forty mounted riflemen at a cost of f 10,uw to Keep Wue:tf fields. ' . " wild-gceso off his SHfflGLES & TOBACCO I0XS. . Orders tor Xumter. jrreen or kiln-dried, SMugles and Tplcco Boxes, fliW on abort notice. - Also, tor sale, 1 Hall Gin with sell-feeder and con denser, and l centennial "LS8lbLrk t :.rr S. J. TATUM.& CO ftixa-pd. Jerusalem, X. C. Blactilerani HeMerson, v Attorneys, Counselors u and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C. atway2S!;i879-Ttt.- ? v ' SALE OF LAND ! By Tirtue j - - i of a decree of -the Superior Fjinrt. of Tin wan countv. in the case of W m - I , Barrage and; others ex parte, I will sell on 1 I -fthe 3rd day sof July, next, at the j : COURT HOUSE DOOR" IN SALISBURY, V S . Twenty-five Llcres of land, lying and being I in Morgan's Township, adjoining the lands I of Edward Burrage, D. C. Reid, John Bur : rage and others, on the Bringle Ferry road I near Buchanan's store. , - TERMS one-third cash, one-third in six months and balance in twelve months note and good- security on deferred payments with interest from day of sale. L H. CLEMENT, Com'r ! May 30, 1882. 33:1J? L Subscribe for Carolina Watchman ' only $1.50 pr year in advance. Administrator's Sale ! OnFriday the 2ud day of June, next, at the late resi deuce of Daniel Beaver, I will" sell at public auction the personal property belonging to his estate; consisting ot ono mule, three head of cattle, 4 sheep, 2 hogs, a lot of bee hives, a waron and farming tools of all kinds, one buggy and harness, ! , a set of blacksmith tools, hay and straw, . household and kitchen furniture of all kinds, and manv other things not named. - tSTTJHiMS of sale Cash. I , i " 3fOTICE.4-A II persons indebted to the estate of Daniel. Beaver, dee'd are requested j to make early settlement, and all persons1 . having claims against the estate are no titl ed that they uinst present thenfto me on or before the 10th day of May, 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. J. V. PETCIIEL, Adm'r of May 9th, 18S2. Dan'l Beaver. A.Arrr Nae4 Boailivclr ffeelie H-.iit hr for tSe peed &d imuut tw. ci Seminal BmunaM rn-i Tmpoteney bjr the nhr mm m, n... Pn ).ytuu. . i lu p napM tw m im uimmm. imm I. all ! 1j r - -'-'- mn i iMmM,iM m mm ilk tmir f-ifulu Thi. Wfttml IMUMM hM 1 1 ii - -'- rl" L' IT-i iioin. nnll.ee MKMt Itet K mM rir Mft ftimtmtm. H h) mm- ei4iwkiam( ikmmf ermtaat tmkk "Tk. iT b) UllM,lf.l,llMMbB, tMlMil p. imWi fi WM 1 him 'WhthntlwahnlMiln, lull lll.l I w Ik. MM wkwimt imm lk k. rW M iim Mirti. la4fclbiMlliM.ilMiliMl. MMMh HARRIS REMEDY CO. IIF'B CHrt IISTS. Market and Wta f trcet. tT. LQF1. MO. fialNTLEMKN't 1 have need la. Haktxk'8 jtwmty-fiTe rears in tneUlclne, bare never IttOH Tonic dues. In to any case of Aerroos novenxhed condition or tne oiooa, this peeness 1 iv? bamed some of our most eminent phytlciana, hare yielded to this great and lncompar . I nrescrlhet ia preference to any Iron preparation Bade. In fact, aach a coniroas4 rma'a laox Tojuc & a neeeasltT In my practice. P. EOBEBT SAMUELSir ' able reniedv, St. Locts. Mo.. - itglw-M tltrta lh Mood,' - . tuUunzIhralthfulUmmto the diyrrtir organs and 1 nti'van arrtem. naki na - it mpvllruhUt to General tit. rntatratUn of Vital MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARTERM vsfcty 3L0 OP S Bectett MaDO-reli's Ensflaesand BoKersand vu s Oelw Separators an 1 Horee PoweraT 1 J torCc?y ST 8 Swlky l0 walWns CulUva 7 Harke Dixie Tlows. buckeye and Charnploa Mowers and Reapers. r-All pewons Indebted to rae must come forward imeanjastwnatrsay. Jan.ist.issi WHOL . . " r - -- i , ? 'JT on&Bte atUieIolloWulowprtcea: f.. - . ;.:..)' . .--,:,: : .;:...,.'. Uv"-- ' $lf l P 5 lililiv 1 t:iy r - - -- - i- PUBLIC S VALUABLE HILL PROPERTY AMDLAND Wc, the executors of the WiH of Moses Barrier, dee'd, will sell at public auction, on Thursday the Srd-day of August iiext, at the late residence of the deceased, in No. 0 Township, Cabarrus county, the following property, viz : The MERCHANT MILL, sit uated on the waters of Dutch Buffalo Creek, fouoniles from Mt. Pleasant.. The mills hare steam power attached that can be used cither in connection wnn me water or in case oi low water, independent oMhe ater power, The mill-tract of land ahielTfrilf be sold with At the same time and pfaca we will aell t tract of woodland containing 4 acres. It lara about on mile fiom the null, and joins lands of John Furr, Albert Barrier- and oth ers. Terms one third of the purcliase mon tj cash, and one third at the expiration of three months ana me oaiance at me expira tion ofix months from day of purchase, wilh interest from date at the rate; of -8.per ceut. Title preserved! until all thej paTraents,4re made. JJ. ,M. iURKJEB, 1 - v P. A. Barries.' V Executors. i" ' D. F. Barrier. ) PRIVATE SALE ! We also offer for sale at. private safe, one tract of land situated in Mt. Ulla Township Rowan count yi containing about C35 acres, Thin property will be sold entire to any party or parties desiring to purchase all of it or will be divided into smaller tracts to suit puchas era. ' . . i . t- -I ri j t it " - We aho offer for sale a tract of laud in Caldwell county, containing about' TCtt acres. It is situated on the stream knew a jl XTper Little river Thvre is a shoal in the river that has a fall of twenty feet', making a valua? ble water power, with a sufficient supply of water to drive a laree Merchant mill or a Factory of several J thousand stHiidles. Anvf persons wishing to view these properties will call on D.M. Barrier at Blarkmer. Rowan county, or if ihey wish to write, i direct their letters to D. M. Barrier, jBlackmer P. O., Rowan county.; Terms same as announced in the ad vertisement of the "Auction Sale." D, M. Barriek,"! ' ' . PA. Barsier, ExecutorsJr jj and 8ee at 35:2m DISPENSARY. IitilMdl8l7ktli.8:iStmt,ST.tCra,l3. THE Physician la barg of tbU old and well know institution are regular graduate la medicine and urgery. Yean of Experlenoa ia the treatment o ChMius Dlaeaeee bare made theinekiO aad ability '' eo much .operior ta that ef the ordinary practitioner, that they have aeauh-ed a national repuUiiea tfcroqgav their treatment of compliCAred eaaes. - ' INDI SJ5RETI O NorEXPOSURE Pfn fecuoos oi cue tiluod, ukm or txMies, treatd with too. ceaa, without nvint Mercury or Pouonoaa Medidaaa. YOUNG MEr4nlthoa SfW . atamjaafqa anflering from the effect of a. dneaae Uiat unnta ita Tietima tat bmainesa or marriage, permanently cured, at moderate expense.' : PjVTIEHisAED bH Mmul caotutiMtoa pTcierrcd, which i 7RB ud laeitad. Lin ef qoesiiom le be auwerre by petieat eniriaf tmatawa MiM rree to r .ilih oa applicaiiaa. fwi eeaVriey fr BantareaeaM w4lheUra4ri, aad leara entaiiy te thrlr adTaataam Itbaeta in. mou, surns is nerta t e bu l-owJ. ate. emaiBirnTin unn ij coanaraiimi, .neneaiq d aoercnee 'NEW DRUG FIR1! The undersigned liave associated them selves together nnder the firm name of THE0. F. KLUTTZ & CO., for the purpose of conducting the Drug and Apothecary business, at the stand, so long occujned ly Theo. F. Klutlz. We shall at all titne keep a, full sfock of all Goods in out fine, and respectfully solic it the patronage of our friends and the public. i THEO. F. KLUTTZ, i JOHN WHITEHEAD, 31:4t ! CICERO R. BARKER. Ambinaticnof lr- I taxitUof Iron, Perumitm JBark mndIMphtru ita teethtehamcUristiof I et her town vrnwratieM. laox Toxic In my practice, and In aa experience of round anything to pre tne reaults uiat us. Hi Not. Jfith. im. 810 Waah Avewo.' ED ICIRE CQ..2U R.tUIM SUST.UvlJ. RiE2lSffr Corn Saeuere. Telegraph Feed Cuttera Bel cane Mills and Evaporators. ! i MUler-a French Burr GrtatMlUs? ' KlemMacMnes. i SiSrA?!1 Gqwws Buraea and SDrtnir wacna and settle aii tL . M All falling to do so will tave cost to pay. LOST" S TDflnc I iei D. lAIIDaETII L SOUS, DUIt r.e. V,WI PHILADELPHIA, 1 7fi)?7)r JTffiffm VAWTED ! ! 7 An agent to canvass in Salisbury for mem bers t the M3 ASD WOUKK'B MCTCAL KE- Lisr Association. Lady preferred. Hon orableand profitable. , Apply at opce to y W. JIcLacouuk, agtv riv - Kaliahnrr TT. C. -t -: - j , . I will mail free! the recipe for a simple Ysdr tAble Balm that will remove Tan, Fheckx.s and Blotches, leavine the akin soft clear and beautiful; alra inftrnction fvr produ cing a luxuriant growth of hair on a wild bead or arooolh face. JAddres, inclosing 3c. stamp, BEN. V A N DEJLi & Co 12 Barclay Su, W. . Ib82 20:ly Anni week In your own town. $5 oatnt tree. uOuNo risk. Everytnlnz new. Capital not re- nulred- We wiai tarnish you everrthln. Many are rmaklnsr fortanes. i Ladles make as mucto as men. ana VPi ana gjria mace grvai pay. tieaaer, u you want a DusuresB av wnicn you can mane preav pay all tne ume-yoa wort, wnie tor particulars w , 13 II. Uaixxit Co.. Portland. Maine. ; ?C1 8 PRESERVING 25 Cts. Per Box.) I This is the most economical and the purest powder on; the market. It saves. AND IiABOR. - jcitiN n. ENlass,. For sale at RECEIVED and Must be sold 1 ! cFETJIT JARS, One-half Pallons and Quarts at f 1 and $1.25 per dozen J which I will sell cheaper ftbarrary ope in town. Also Xtubbar ZLigns and Sealing' Wax, ENNISS... it IDG GALLERY! Open Day and Night -Xi Drag Store next to Bingham's. I ii LAT.1P3 GHOEYS AT; HEDUCED PRICES AT The Drug Store. $ext to Dingliani's. 4 MACniNE OIL,' Sweet j Oil, Tanner's Oil, and Lard Oil, At Drtig Store uejft to BiughamTs. NEW RIVER SEED GORIi JUST RECEIVED At Drug Strc next to Bingham's. canary BKANO CAGES 4 6? RCDlICEDivfUUCEK .it the DUUG STOKBaost Id Bingham's. O TO El JOKf F. EAGLE. --FASHIONABLE- . f. BOOT rn! I AND SHOE TVtT A: -b- "iT -r Inviteivonr attention to hia ahon. onoosifV Mayor's OlSce, Repairing neatly anrfHironipt. ly none. All grade nl gboda made to order Oct. lM,81:tf4 j --s tf 'I I KEItR CBAIOE, CRAIGE L. H. CLEMENT. & CLEMENTrn at ICC. r SALISBURY,! Feb., - - - :- i i ' H D C CST Dimness now before the pnbllc-vTa can UbUl make money faster at work tnr ns r n n t. an thing else. Capital not needed. W.wiii atart you. $) a day and upwards made at herae by the Industrious. Men, women, boys afldhdrls: wanted everywhere to work for us. -i Now is the tune. Yoii ean wk in. spare tnn only or a4yarBvwhole ume wj tne Dusiness. i Ton can uv at home and do the work. No other business will par you nearly as ' wub wa-ii nut to raaae enormous TJSsrpy engaclngr at once. Costly onint and terms fres. Money made fast, easily and honorably Addreta ! i Tkc & Co., Augusta, Maine.4 Z C. Vaxce. j VANCE & BAILER - f ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, . ; ! , CHABLOTTE, .C- Practice in Supreme Court Mth TTnitad States. Supreme Court of North Carolina. Federal Courtr, ankl Conntitnof Mecklenburg, Cabarrw, Union, Gaston, Rowan and David': son. j Cr.QfEce. two doors east of Indenn. dence Square i 33:tf TO tOUSDMPTlTES. The atlveriiaer bavins been Dernianentlv rura i f t ha t d read d ieae, Conxu m pi ton, by asi m pi e rvineay,! aoziuun to mine Known lo I) la fellow ftiiflerer the means of cnrel To all whedeire to. he will send a codv nf tL nreaon'mmn n.) ' ' 4 f-m WICU (free of clianre),wiili the direction for prepar ing and imine the aame, which they will find a Hi re (L U K . Tor iCot'OHS, qoUaS, CoKSTJKITIOW A STBMA, BKOSCBITIS, SC. . h-anie wirthtng the l'recription, will pleaae :..rAr renn St. 11 i Mia . . a... av k i I e.a. m. VVilliamabursh, 5?."T, 2k ly Ct Pt A TMT mm POWDER Mtiars! Fruit Jars! - " - . i ii onnnni fiSIl Oil, AJD. LAMP: t I t J. Soured oirStvectJuT j t A Vorreapondent of the Chicago' Tuner aaj5 t1- riff 4 :f i y. 1 4 T" , "Any citizen who wUtieal to, teat the anality of sugar may easily do Mw: 'By; at any drag store five eenU worth of ma-, fiate baryta and dissolve it In, say, an ounce bottle! of water. Dissolve in an pther bwttle of water the ;augarl sample, and wheu it is settled and clear pour in to it ft half teaspoonfnl of the baryta. : If it becomes milky and cloady r it is safe to say that the Sugar contains sulphuric aeid. If it remains clear it baa none.! ; , Keen Tour baryta bottle and try every lot of sy rap, molasses land honeyf in i the Sulphuric acid (oil of , vitriol), like- ar senic is'often cood as a medicine, VLX when taken daily as a food, in ever so diluted a form, who will ha vis the pre nmption to say that it is not a most dan ceroas and destructive Hisouf r t V , xteport every case to your pnysician and to tlie healtli commissioner. . Porto Rico molasses, Demararal augars, aa well as American refined sweets, are largely bleached with sulphur and contain sal pharicacid.n: '" ;:. ") - i A Good Newtspapeu.! Henry Watter- OB editor of the Courier Journal, writes: ' "Some people estimate the ability of a 'periodical and the talent of 1t editor by the quantity of its original mat ten! It is comparatively an easy task for a frothy writer to string out a column of words' ionl any and all - subjects. His ideas may flow in one weak, washy, ever lasting flood, and ; the command of 4ii language ma enable him to string them together like a bunchof onions, and . yet lhis paper is a meagre and paor concern. Indeed, the mere writing part of editing a paper ia but a small portion of the work. The time employed, in selecting is far more important and the! fact of a good editor ia better shown by his .selec tious than anything else, and. that we know is half the battle. But we have said an editor ought to be estimated, his labor understood and appreciated, by ln general conduct of his I paper-its tone, ita uniform, consistent course, aims, evauliuesa ita dignity and its i propriety . To preserve these as they should be pre J served is enough to occupy fullythe time and attention of any main. If to this be added the general superviiou of the de tails of publication, which most editors have to encounter, the wonder is bow tlrey find time to write at all." Felling of Forests. . The felling of forests is known to be the cause of the drying up of many a stream, even large rivers having been made to totally disappear through the influence ujkii the climate of clearing the land from wood. The classic lands of antiquity abound with aad lessons of deforestation. The spring aud brooks of Palestine are dry aud the soil has lost its fruitfulness. The Jordan is four feet lower than in New Testament days. The fruitfulness of Sardinia and Sicily, once the granaries of Italy, has disappeared, while most of the countries of ancient civilization have suffered from the deso lating influence of forest removal. On the other hand, man eau improve the condition of the land in which he lives more slowly iudeed, but quite as surely by cultivating and preserving the forests. In earlier years the delta of Upper Egypt was visited by but five or six rainy days in a year, but this nnmber was increased by the planting of twenty milliou trees to forty -five or foity-ix. Remarkable results have been produced by the Suez Caual. Isimiliit ia bnilt on what was a sandy de-seit, but since the grouud has become saturated with eanal water, trees, bushes and other plants have sprung up ii if b magic, aud, with the re-appear-aucoof vegetation, the climate has chau- gedr 'A few years ago rain was iiuknuwi. n thee legions, while in the jear end ing May; tourteeu day tf ruin wum eeVilI, aud oueesuch a-atorui that the natives looked mmu it as a Kiipernatuial event. Rams have continued to visit the country thereabouts, and so recently as a few weeks since a very heavy fall was re- orted. Almost Incredible Distances of Stars. It would take a ray .of light traveling at the rateof 186,000 miles per second three years and eight months to go to the nearest fixed star. In order that , the mind may be less confused in . the midst of thousands of sparkling points, it has been agreed from the highest antiquity to class the stars according to their appa rent brightness. The brightest stars have eeu called stars of the first order or uiaguitodr, although this terni j. does not mply anything relative to the act mil size or brightness of the stars; t!i-so which follow, still in the order; of llu ir apparent brightness, have ibeeu calied stars of the second iiiaguitude; then comes those of the third, fourth, and fifth mag nitude, according as they a ppear smaller; stars of the sixth magnitude are the last stars visible to the naked eye. It is generally thought that the .bright est are the nearest, though this is not al ways so. There are said to be 5,000 and 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye. But when our feeble sight gives way, the tel escope! that giant eye which increases, from century to century, piercing the heavens;' constantly discovers new Stars After the sixth magnitude the first glasses revealed the seventh. They then reach ed the eighth and ninth. It is thus that thousands have iucreaxed to tens of thou sands, and that tens of thousands have increased o hu adreds ' of thousands. JJore perfect instruments have cleared those distances, aud have fonnd stars o the tenth and eleventh maguitudes. From this period they began to count by mil lions. The number of stars of the twelfth magnitude, is 9,556,000 ; added to the eleven preceding magnitudes the torl exceeds fourteen millions, B)- the afd of stlirgrealFmaguT5ing power tbesc Hm- ra srn arrain Rnrti:iaa(l. - ' Atalw preent:rrrejjotalflmuer of atarta from the firstUote tjiteentu magnitude. inclusive; Ts t calculated ai 43,0QQffi). MsUi traaiform ed. In the fieliLoftbe telescope neitner cooatlUtionr24 guished ; but a? fine (dost ahiHe,lii the place where tliercje,''" wua ownpoir- bat two or tvcfi iitarIn; proportioha at the vronderfnl' diacoVeriea ; in optica will increase tlieVylsaal powerr all the Yegiona of the sky will be . cdrered : with this fine goldeu aand.1 - f : " ' The iron buincaalif dull iotUl parts of the country except the South, whose iron industry is aaid to bttill nv an active and heafthy condition. The uUUnMier. of Philadelphia, aaya; JAlong4the: Sel- ma, Kome ana uaiiob uitmoos uemccu Rome, Ga.? and Calera:Ala.V there are elaiven blast fdiuaces linv o Deration. An iron ezpen' ao4..aiat ' bftll; jnat com pleted an investigation of the deposits on this line arid report hat tlrere ia'more available brown hematite iron ore conti guous to this road that" caii bVfonnd. in any other irou-fleld:in the United State. Just west of Calera Ue Cabaw ba coal Ueia begins. We have slecimena off this coal which" were iniiied"and Diled :up out of doora Ui the winter bf 1804-65, ,A and has remained aa free fronl slack iog or decom position a" the anthracite coal ' would have done. - It' mae; splendid coke. Recently Mr. T.' J. Pejters, of St. Louis, Senator Plumb, of Kansas, ana some otn er gentlemen have purchased a half mil- lion dollars' worm oi inese coai ana iron lands, aud' are building coke eveus, a hundred tou blast furnace, and have al ready erected 1 and '' nearly completed a uail mill, with a capacity of 500 kegs per bJ- ... The tea crop on the experimental farm near Georgetewn, S; 0., has beeh gather ed and cured. It is pronounced 'superior in appearance, qaaiityj and flavor to the tea ordinarily imported into this country from China, Japan aud Iudia. . -: : The Color and Lustre of Youth arc rest or ed to faded or gray hair-by the use of Par kcr's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing high Iv esteemed lor its perfume and pcrhy " Ocl3-Novl3 ' i j WHENCE COUETHE UNBOUNDED -POPULARITY OF Allcock's Porous Plasters ? Because they have, proved themselves the Best External Remedy ever in vented. They vill cure asthma, colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, and any local pains. Applied to the mall of the back they are infallible in Back-Ache, Ner vous Debility, and 'all Kidney trou bles; to the pit o it the stomach they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, i ALLCOCK'S POROUS PIASTERS re painless, fragrant, and quick to cure. Beware of imitations that blister and burn. Get ALLCOCK'S, the only Genuine Porus Plaster. c 3 SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. loaa of Appetite, Bowels eosttrsvPsin la the Head, with a doll aenaation in th back part, Pai; under the Shoulder blade, fallnera after eating, with a diairfe clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with : a feelin of haviac neglected some duty, Ayesuiness, Disxineaa, yiutterina at the Heart, DoU before the eyes. Tallow Skin, : Headache ceneraily over the rixht eye, Bestlessness, with fitful dxeasaa, highly colored Urine, and - COMSTlPATIOrwI JI X :- U '1 1 '8 PIXXN avr eajeiallymdB)t4 to sneh eauMta, one dese f neeta aueh m ebana-e : of failing- ava ta aatoailah tne snaTerer. Thar leiHH sae AiawJte, ar4 eanaa tb, body to Tke atea rtettoM the arsten Til wrtaaiaaV aad bv ihMtr faai. iaiiaa . ik. , araevaeTe vrxauaa, a daced. Price & chu. t - U Xbi are pre. rray aL. IC. Y. OaY ILmiimWiiTtKWu ebanrod toAOMawv BiCK by aelnKleappltctkoathaDK. Jtim. paraa nataral odor. acta Inatantaaeoosiy. Sold by DregiMs.er seat byesaraaa ufl raoetpa ofai. omcayaa hibbat arr rrw vobk. If VIA e MaCea HU aa aaelaaUW H S -a 2 i IT a 2 3 n . E S 2 5 S3 3 S3. is :o Tsto m 3 " S- 3 -.- 2 -i 9 LaaaW 3 3 5 -.2 aSi C 1 3 -s &? ! ri : U Ii -Pit- 5. I a S 2 2 ? -tI. ' a am- D 2 ' 2. ' " aaaaai . SeV! O - LL8 . C.1LBBUNEIV e 33tt- ' , Chins: QpyX Q, " THE STA1TD A-U)EH6I-TES,e - Vi 'l AGtSflCT 0P;v; AMESENGINES; f Cdllege SWChaTlotUji jrafS.-';- 'EsTANDiRb:!liIES,; encsines. ml Pnrtithle. AdWable Cut Oflf. ea, and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers. Also, Agents for the.Southern etanaara uox ton Press -best and , most powerful Press made. - 8aw and Grist Mills, Clark's Seed Cotton Cleaner, (increases the ralue of dirty cot- lea 2 cents per pound). Cotton Seed Hull era and Grinders. The Van Winkle Gin, (first premium at Atlanta Exposition), Shingle Machines; Jet and Force Fumps, ; ana 4aii kinds of Mining and Mill Machinery. Wood working machinery, of all descriptions, and $3r Write for ircular$ and Pri.ca. J. GI'SIIANNONHOUSE, JOHN G. YOUNG. June 3, 1882.-tf. Worth Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, Apr. 30, 1&S2 No. 51. Daily. No. 53, Dally. Leave Charlotte.... Salisbury ...... " High Point.. A rr. G reensboro .... Leave Greensboro . Arr. Hillaboro 44 Durham " Raleigh Lv. " ..r.... Arr. Goldahoro 4.00 a.m. 53 " 7.20 8.00 9 30 '! 11 4T 12 26 " 1.40. p.m. 4 05 6.30 4.40 p. m. 6.24 7.35 " 8.06 M No. 17 Daily except Saturday, -Leave Greensboro 5 00 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 1.51a.m. ArriveatGold8boro7.20 'v - No. 51 Connects at Greensboro with R. & D. R. R. for all points North, East and Went, via. Danville. At Uoldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 53 Connects at Salisbnry with W. N. C, 11. R. for all points in Western N.Carolina; daily at Greensboro with R. & D. R. R, for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING; WEST. Date, Feb. 19, 1882. No. 60. Daily. No. 52. Daily. Leave Goldnbyro ... Arrive Raleigh Leave " Arrive Durham .... " Hillsboi ' Greenst ro... Leave " Arrive HhthPiont Salisbury Charlotte av.w m hi. 12.20 pm 3.55 " 5.06 " 5.46 " 8 05 9.15 " 9.50 " 11.12 " 1.10a. m 0.40 a. ra. 10.10 , " 11.21 1.00 No. 18, Daily ex. Sunday-Lv. Goldsb'o 2.50 pm Ar. Raleigh 7.10 pm Lv. 6.00 am Ar. Greensboro 3.15 pm So. 50 Cbnneeta at Charlotte with A. A C, Air Line for all points' in the Sonth and South we.l, and with C. C. & A. R. R. for all points oouiii ana noutneast. No. 52 Connect at Charlotte with A. AC. Air Line fur all points Hunt h and Southwest: . a.. . - . . ai i.iinnoue witlvij. J. Jt A. a. K. with all points South and Southeast! N. W. N. C RAILROAD. .,S No. 51 1 D.i!? exSonday. Going West. No 50 Daily. Lv. (J reensboro Ar. Kernersville " Salem 9 25 pm 10 41 M 1125 950am 1041 1135 No. 51. Dsily. ex. Sun. Goiko West. No. 53. Daily; Leave Salem Ar. Kernersville' 515am f 7 00 " ouu p m 4 to M IG0 Greeyisboroi? STAfE UN1YE SITY R At IRQ AD. "No. Daily .sr. Son. Going North.. Leave Chapel HU1 .... 10.40 a &i 11.40 a ra Arrive universiiv. r No.2. . Dily ex. Sun. Goiko South. ArrtveUniversity..... 1 12.10 pm Arrive Chapel Hill ...... 1.00 p m Puaan Sleeping Cars without Cha&re On Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta via. Washington & Danville; and between Greens boro and Charleston. - On Train No. 52, Richmond and Cfcarlotte Waslrington and Charlotte vis Danville. IThroojtb Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, 8alisbary and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, Southwest, VV est, North and East. For; Emigrants rates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest, address A' POPE, 01 Gn. Passengei Art. . 21:1 7- ?l t Richmond, Va. Not ce to Oreditoro ! All persons having claim, against the es tate of Isaac Linker, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the sarhe' to the nnr1ip. signed before the 10th day bf May, 1883. This April 29th, 1882. , J. W. MAUNEY, Admr. Fifteen families, "tKe fiwtinstaJl ment of JeWisl, reifbgcW Jirom Rus sian persecution; have arrived atVWtn- nipeg, Minnitoba, and three hundred ; I ft r - 4 -a r- a - a : m . . 1. VST 3a j - T s - : 4 ATLANTIC HOTEt. r . ... - eil". -ji Jk. NEW feEA-SlDB KESoa-r- m June,' July, August and SeptembPr' 1 1 - - - t a, rniMj . . i Ooen r 7Tiv ur w eueaa. House and FmrwlUtra all new.- ood lla. waw-r and; jm JrrtCrLt ! t. -W - - - t " - A, . . " vl i? z? :st.QC3ATIOIf i mi jon the ?AtlaHtlc Ocean rW1 3 J Cars stop within slxty M ' teetotbacXiloon : ; n -rTf Uua: Billiards, and Hurt ards. Ten-Pins. Sailinir. Fishtno r-L .t-i- - eaea flje aiMl Borl Bathing. Poar lUdln? -iw,"", katinc i . , .. v , ,u w ! p. 1 A O?0D BAND op mttcti i u. aadeae of the Finest Ball Room in Z. 4": DATES-Per daT. tJ.50. ' pr tr,. touJ, accorttlngto size ana location r.tiU the number occupying it, ana Ua jcu$i . -inwiieaaTm i rri ' i i . i r a k ;: irvf feel Pa rtfnrfQ lie Vi- wnlfW 1U1. h anil l! Aug; 4:ly.--Daucby. 11 1 WarlrrttniMtvataenHA.L-t-l ' . r have had thirtyveyew mrtiZZ , - PatentaobtalnMi fhnK-fVrr-1 Sfa'lWTS ana: spteDdkM t wertiTpapeT,3.a0a yearwwi tlie ProrZ clieolaUon. Address MUNN JfctXki PateataS? tors. Pub's. o8crtorTmc AarMcaK, 87Prt KewTorkr Hand boot aboatrtefaT ? 7.4 m. 1 Come to the Front! BOOT, SHOE & GAITER HAH MAIN STREET, ? jClh orrosiTK xkkiss'; saro storiJ 4 All Work Strictly First Clas Having nu aiAircu years experience ID business I sftr prepared If PLEASX ,For: EASE AND ELEGANCE OF III my work can not be exc el led. IflWAlI. material of the best and finest mk S3.AU work done in the latest stylevU usnions. "' ? . - r' Gents Pins Work' a Specialty. It- Ready-made work of the besl qeali on hsnl for sale. Attention ftiVti.to WORK and ( hampicn E i li e Wo Repairing Neatly and Prompt I v moderate prices. 8f&. Satisfaction teed or no eharecf . Order van if . nromptlv Cllrd. ! "It 43:ly WM. 7 . EAGLE. i'fj.-.t'J Is made nrom a Simple Tropical Eeat ot Ba Value, and Is a POSITIVE REMEDY or- diseases that cause pales In the loa erpartof body tor- Torpid Uvct Ueadaches - JauwttoK Dtezlness, Gravel, Molarla, and all dlfficulUei 0 , Kidney, Lrver. and Mrtnary oryans. j For FCAt? DISEASES Monthly Menstruations, and dom Pregnancy, itnas no equal. It restores the tbat the bloodVand hence is the best BLOW f PURIFIER. It Is the only known remedy ibtcw B RIGHT'S DISEASE. or Dtabetea, use ssi EKS 8 AFE DIABETES CUKK. -i ror sale oy Dnurgista and Dealers at pi.vv per bottle. Largest botes In the market. 'iry. H H WARNECRA.CO. Kochmtsb.S.1 f-f.: Ap-ant tYT . the CAEDW1SW THESHER, J. A. ATWELI V ClCIa YOU WAXT H RD W AU E At low Figures . Call on lie undersigned at Kol 2, Grl,il, Ron', ' ' - ' 5 1 . , D.A.ATWEIL SalisbnrrJj1' C. June 811 J. M. KcOuaXUB. " ,t ' THEO. F. KLtTi McCOSXB & KLTJTT2, ATTCiEY8 Afb tOTJ JflLOKfi ; ;t.,8alUbryr-N.;C.'.-. U til Court House. eWataV v Va VU VVHU4S, WUVVll Vl'l 37:6 Uorkbr School ! The next sesslbii of this school will befl1 the second Mond y fiTJannary.- ! '. : .y or circniar giving terms aau wnw olsrs, tpply to the principals , ; ! '-g ; ' J. U. A J. C. HORSES. 10:17 y - '; ; i i fifll fl , Great chance to make money. Taw J U U L U always take advantage ot tbe god ees for making' money that are offered, Zf' become wealthywtolle those who de not us; such chances remain in poverty, i We wn,5t3 mea, women, boys and girls to work for urwu' their own localities Any one can do th w5 periT irom we nrw stare -Tne ouaneao- mere than ten times ordinary wages. WSSa entflt fnrntahf fl Vn niva hn entrain I1. - make money raptdly. Ton ean devote ro J time to the work, or only your spa re moraeais. pjtormation and all that Is award wnt rrsj;. ' r; 'Address STtNMN t Co., PortUS'l. r : TrMrM ' ' "" i i ! I I 1 1 I i I Ml I 1 . . . . . rm i HARDWARE 4 i.--

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