3 ' m i-i---, I : not ' r m m m . I a A tpti 0anmr8 th I Carolina Watchman.: ard'tbeST, 1 ? - - . - . - - - - - c V'-. - -;L " ; - if.1" v . '--.. i. - . . , - . i ' . . ' ' . r - 1 - - - ' ) I v "' " ofci1 H r; iht wVltrs f:V fjSrlotte 5&Mrrr f Township SlcIufTt zl6 fr)lj?"fFerel'p&t I ' " . "jf K' P f , r -1 ' "Iffe, HiiantrfMenTteflcingiti Wak',, A Dnrtiun of the Dlrmierats ) f Sals- af a 1 1 - ! t I fV'- R ftw tV " - i-t I H U w.'- ' - ' " T i fin . ;. 1 s -4t .H: J ,1 ' , .in j 4 i 5 I lit 4$ IS- 1 I-i ,1 .I i 1 1 i,-: j J 1 . I - TIJUKSDAY, JUNE 2J. icS!; The dishonest absurdity of the "Liber t he act tlrat with the whole 1 a nluinl V ReCIl HI r - - fther charge the democrat spoosibilit oC the. jmhibitioona5t Iments of f tho last . Legislature. The finoir ft' Is a lie: The lending wen of the fllepiiblicaii party know it it folie. Who 3aa'forjrtten IMly Smith'- ringing letter Iclainiing for his iKirf paternal jaterest In it t Who bniTforgotten Judge Dick declaration that if his party took aide. ith the auti-prohibiiionUta And became identified with them at a partj, he wa ldone with it forever. Or who has forgot ten that more of the repuUlicana in the Legislator voted for the prohibition act, Jo proportion M p ambers, .than demo crats, notf&nt JadgBeedvra the ,r high fpriest at the altar on this measure!, Bat rwbat of it ! Did they do wrong in this ibosiness r . Certainly not. Two hundred : ?l thousand citizens petitioned for the en- i act men t, but ib order to make no mistake fthe: Legislature provided( that the Act I should be submitted to a rote of the peo Iple. If they approved of ft, all rights-it 'f-wiM a law. If they disapproved, it -ywaa i then inoperative it fell to1 the ground. The people decided against tha law, and I no attcmVt mri'mide' to execute it I It is dead'. Aud yet noisyfellow here and .there are shrieking against it and trying I to deccivo some meu into, the belief that they onght to build tip a party on the dead i carcas of prohibition ! It is absnrd it is prohibit dishonest it is a lie and those who practice it, as well as every man who is I informed on the subject, knows it to be 1 false; : f -j. The RepnLlicans in Ohio- hare -passed I two ' Legislative enactments, both co ercive prohibition temperance measures . -without consulting the wishes of the peo pie of the State ; and the Supreme Court ef Ohio has declared them uucoustitutiou si. ; And yet in spite of the., Courtis de- cisioD, the authorities are still trying to enforce these measare8i:.;Tlne democratio Legislature of ortli Carolina showed more -respect for their ; constituents iby submitting the subject tb a vote of ib 1 1 people, who settle the question for them selves, and there it has ended, except that the scalawags are trying to bnild up s party on the memory ol the 1 18,000 votes polled against it. TnET AccErT It. We have felt a lit tle cariosity in regard-to the coursoo ; that portion of the Republican press v which denounced the proposed coalition t of the "librUM and republicans on the j basis of an ti-prohibition. We thought IVVafter-ille coalition had become an accom lplishedJacttRat the ;North State1 and K' i :K lTTnivii T?Ann 1i1if!in tlis loarlinrr unrf ! most respectable journals j on that side, could not staud out in the cold, but that they would give in submit permit themselvei to bo gagged and tho bitter pill forced down their unwilling throats. tVe are sorry to see our friend of the Winstou Republican treated in this ruth- I less manner. He reviews the whole sit uation in hia usual calm and dignified manner .denounces it : with sorrow of i heart a tear in his eye together with I those wjio brought it about, -and cooly reaches: tliQf chclnsiou:' thus We tan f do no better tIian"to sustain" the ticket, I. for what is there to hope for from the success of 4lte-0cfnocracy . ' ' 7 That.ettles the gnestion so far as . the -"Uuion Republican is concerned ; it ac cepts Dr. Mott as1 thV oost of the party accepts him, smirched as be is by the investigation now going on at Washing ton in regard to his official conduct as revenue collector. . J 1 The Greensboro Xorth Btifte also comes frwardbut -with less apparent reluc tance, It heads its submission thus: We Bow.1' That tells the whole story in two -words. The republican party is con trolled by tlie revenue men of the State, who, according lo their own showing. gave special orders what kind of mem . bers to select for tlie State Convention. The rank and file of the party tl.e masses the colored people had no more: to do with the selection of candidates aud the construction of the platform, than ttieir nncestnai cousins in An tes, - It u l sU tho work of Dr. Mott and 1U revenue ' associates. : u, V i' r- , AJ. Tjiot who read the- pro? eccdings of tho radical State' Couvcntfon in this paper last week, inust have been " struck with one thing at least. Here it is: IUtolved, That sonnd policx , based np on tho experience of the imst twenty-two years, requires the continuance of the tana which enable tlie labor ami capital ' employed in our, iudustrirs to eoiiiete faiilyiu ou own markets with the labor aud capital f foreign priMlueers This is the work of the white leaders and Jiui Harrises of the republican, party. "scalawags, of foimer times men wi th an t sdmiit ptinoiplesi ivho.siii tt' mn r negro government as affording them the , best chance for stealing the public money --men who are ex(ectiug a reward from Washington, of the corrupt crew in an ' thority there, and not from the people whose confidence they abuse and whose best interests they betray. When our fathers of the revolutionary period wanted to raise mouey to pay off tho waVdebt they: levied tax: or 0 .ana 7J tier cent, on imported goods. . And now twenty years after the lateetvil sar. th'ft Tlf nublieaii Conirressmen 1st. on the peoflea tariff of 35 snd 75 perceut on the same subiects of taxation. And this is done, not for the purpose of paying i public debt;' nor, lor ennbUug onr-mann facturing people to compete with the Ih bnr and capital of foreign producers, but for the well known effect of enriching dipitalits at the north aud impoverish ing the laboring people of the South and frrnfrtlieued bv the !iresient existing tar- iff. They control t6e . LgiWiW: Ctuicress and the government of tlie peet pie, and are thus oraiernnning del of -civil liberty Itself. And yet the uni.itMn xn voution at Raleifih--" en dorsea it all, aud seiids down to the pe- ble for a ratiflcatioiroi.ineir aciiuir. 0 tempora t Ttmprcs ! ? -1 Hotr It WiiDoE. We gave in last tc&yttrr Ttwt of fflilate Repub lican Convention iu iorder that onr read ers might be'in y poSsesslonof tlie1 facts showing the iiiamage between ine -iio-erslsn snd the republicans. tve give be- ow an extract fromfthe " Unto jpWf crts, of Winston; Mr;: J. W. Goslen, edl- tor, wuo explains now in nvrnuo ub of the State ravished the' republican-par ty, and how they submitted idlt,tecause they could Bot pretient it. Read rV-l. "We do not think the State Conven tion fairly represented the sentiment of the itepuoiican pary. in aun-u vaiunuo. While the majority! for coalition seemed to be overwhelming, it was not a faiUiiul reflex of public opinion. We remember how, the same men Jin 1830, so manipula ted the politics of 'North Carolina thrtt the delegation ? tof Chicago feast fifteen votes for Sherman ana ouiy nve ior upint when. wiUiout question, the almost unau- liaou sentiment of the Republican party was for Grant, it Is au 'easy tiling for those who have thej time, and the money. snd whs make it their business, to control party conventions.! The whole, strength of the revenue service has been, exerted to bring about Coalition." V Corintiee were represented 'fV the .convention by revenue officers in large numbers, aud in many instance they did not properly re flect the opinions of their constineucies. This will be denied, but it is nevertheless true. Everything was cut and dried, and rushed through iihout debate'or delib eration. The delegates who voted with a roar in favor of; coalition were meres puppets in the bauds of the coalition leaders. Opposition was not tolerated and was eveiifrowned upon. .No recog nitions Whatever was mad of the "Jiati- Coalition elemeut jof the party-i None ; of tlds class were placed upon the commit mittees, however insignificant, and none were permitted' to hold any of the oftUres of the convention, if the couveutiou In fine, it seemed as was freuzitd. Everjr- thiug was done ntjlhe dictation of a few determined men, j just as . th Smthei n States were plunged iuto the mad vof tex of Rebellion. The comparatively few auti-Coalitiouists ion the floor of the con vention, may as well have been elsewhere for they had no chance, j We deeply. regret what occurred and we state our grief unces boldly having no fators to ask, ani! our duty as the ill bhuplv desirhi" to do hbliglier of ia Republi- can journal. No ono has any nirht to question our Repnblicauism ; and espe cially is lliis truefof the Democrats, ;who inve lately (in feeble numbers, as we be ieve) allied themselves. tothe Republi can tiartr. itu moner scit-resoect we could not say leks than we have stiid. We believe the Coalition to have been unwise, aud we fear it may turn out to be a disaster. We hope our fears are nnfoonded.A J ,Vj The repnblicau' platfoun, l-ecently adopted Vat Dr. Mott's two couventidns, declare oppositidu to the present system ofVCouiity govern nieut j aud yet they nomiuated to the highest office, Col. Folk for associate justice of the Supreme Court who is the t father of tfie presenJMCounty system, as tlie records of the Ueneral As sembly show. And not only so, but Col Folkt as we earh from the. Lenoir 'Topic, still believes that the present County goverpmeut is right. On, that question he has nothing to recall. Consistency is put to the blush. The Democrats of Burke County: were iu Convention ou the 24th. J.H. Hoffiunu E$q. was chairman y and Robert C. Pear sou and ' Isaac i Averv, Secretaues. f The meeting was addiessed by Mai. J. V Wilwin, S. MeW. Tate, IZsq., and Capt, Jos. C. Mills. iThere was no sign o weakness in the meeting, but the Con trsry. The cheering, spirited words of the speakers could not be more cucoura- Fou RoBBijJSWe learn that llio dem ocratic piihlar township meetings of Iredell connty, last Sat m day, generally declared in favor of Mnj. Bobbins for Congress, and that this sentiment will be more tlecidedly Shown iu theCounty Con ventiou at Stali-sv iile ufxt Saturday Unless-the jmblie seutitueut of the county has undergone a great change Maj. Bobbins is also the favorite eft the democratic masses of Uu wiui for Congress j but of Jhis we shall kuow niore iu a few daysv r- i - . f Boiler Kxplolull at Charlotte' ' w .... A friiihtfal boiler explosion occurred on : Saturday, about two o'clock, at flie newly opened $t Catharine mine,' by the track of theAirLiue railroad, just be yond the western subqfbs of ; the city, in which four men were badly hurt, one of whom was not expected to be alive this morning, and Jthe injuries of snotlier are thought to be Ja tal. -r -- GciTEifv-Will M. hung to-monow. Pictorial tepiiivntatlons of Hie ;;seene have been itfrtady prepared ludeed they: have lieen cfieied for ale to i he !' editors of uewipaperifbr severai weeks past; jlio eutei pi i.Min: people who Lave 'got tneui up arc ueut-on making mouey out of Gulteau and the gJipihg, crazy; crowd far snd near who nro snppoucd to be ea ger for the least bit of news eoncernin the man snd the hanging, s facts tnwisp nVii I lector w internal reveuue in mi icu . i ... . .... .- iT n vestigatioi will be psblisiieiittd, usuu then Dr. Molt is entitll to claim snspen-1 q sion of public jndgnienroujils ease. We have learned that ,Vlkes County has not yet held any -v Cojtwcntinn to ap point delegates to d Congiessiunsl con vention, and consequently, jlhat the an nonnceiucnt of the county lliavfng" de clared for I Mrs. Yorlr, for congress is in an Strikes jhave broken bnt! among "tlie operatives or laborersjn various branches of business . nortb,and it , is' causing heavy " losses to capitalists and distress to themselves. The;' interruption to t the shipping interests alone js estynated as a loss of 200,000 a day to the ; merchants of New. York city. . f i . The Democrats ofj Caldwell ' county 1a mass mcetiug on 'the 24th, i declared in favor of Edmund Jones of that xconnty, for Congress from the 8th District. This nomination is certainly ii well bestowed complitnent to a notorious gentleman. ) i ' -r H n The Confederate monument at Colom bia, S.C., was struck by lightning on the 22nd,' and the marble figure of a Confed- eratu soldier on the; top of, it was decapi tated, the head falling first and tho body following it to the ground;. It will' be replaced.! Vj; iyil.h:--V. .' The Philadelphia Times. : 1V steaking of vi ' .'. -'VI. 'ri ' - . mo political Biiuaiion iu mis oiaie says: Republiciinism iii; NorthCaroiinats dead and buried, and its estate is being admin istered upon Ty Independent Democrats and free whisky. Iowa liss had imoiher terrible and de structive storm by which much property was lost, but only two or three humau ives. y. ; . ; ..i1 -.j j There were four exeeutioiis at Kings tree, S.C:, last Friday two for murder aud two for robberry and I arson. They w ere all colored. "v j New and terrible rain ajd wind storms are reported as hecurriugj in Iowa and . - i L ... Miuuesota,. .destroying a, good deal of propertyfbut'ntttjmniiy lives. . j There iwere no;deleiiates;froiu Conciord or Cabarrus county at the Liberal con 3 . i vention at Raleigh. Salisbury was r,ep resented 'by... Stnart of the Examiner. Capt. Price did kioc attend, but wrote to Col. Johnston, that he was with theui heart, soul, stomach, hat, boots, and all. Concord lieqi$tcr. ' Scuator Pendleton's civil service rcso lution is; pending in the Senate, and in the meantime tlie work of political asses- ment goes bravely on, aud Chairman Hubbeir is scooping in the little $20 checks to eusnre "a free ballot -and fair count" in the cojiiing Congressional ejlec tions Char. Ob. ' ' mm Foiiowiug the second-', of a series of resolutions adopted by.Bui ke county Re publican couventiou last week : r , . Thatf with heartiness we welcome the manly action of, Hon. J. J. Mott, chair man of tlie executive committee, in prof fering , alliance with, the men of the Democracy who' rose in rebellion last year against the ungracious interference with the most ancient aud private privil eges of I the people, known lis the prohi bition bill. j. I j The funny part of this business is that our you ug friend, Mr. Charles F. McKes son, who was chairman of the committee oh resolutions inj this couveutiou and re ported . the above, iuterferred, last yenr, to the utmost of Ms ability, withihe most ancient aud private privileges of the people by canvassing Burke county in favor of the prohibition bill. States yille Landmark. r ' l Tlicltlght King. From tte Lenoir Topic. . i v ; T" The I following cartl ftom J. A. Long, who was noni ilia ted by! the . republican r conventions for j Superior Court Judge has ; he true risg. We commend it to the prayerful eossiderationOf Col. Folk nnd Mr l)arby,!who are amoug thwse who! "have boarded the' vessel" of tlie enemy in vorder to tryjond scuttle their own sliip -1 " ' 4 ' , AWhile It is true I was an snti-prohib itiotjist, and did what I could in my hum ble way to defeai it, I never believed the questiou to be n party one. or in any way a testf farty fealty. ; The question is now a'set tied oiikarid ssoneoT the Dem- K:ra't8 "who"tielpe4l to settle it, I do hot propose to -go out side of the ranks ofthe Deniocratie imrty to attempt to etHrect any supposed mistake it may have made in the mutter. do not; projMise to board the vessel of an enemy in order to try to scuttle my own ship.- t do propose to stay ou bciard and help Jieat back the as sauits of the enemy; and if the ship goes dowu,; I propose to go dowu : with I the ship. ; j.' . : J. A. LoxoL" Miss Fannie Fisher Jm a new novel in press-lrene.VVo trust that it will add to her laurels aud male her, nurse heav ier. Wei are proud of Christian Ried, not merely because X she writes good novels, ouv uccuusu. tuio una me vim. anu energy to : write, a tall.; .ibere are many other Southern ladies and men too, capable of successful anstiorslup if , they would ouly betir themselyes: and make an earnest etTort in that direction JvLitersrv woik i workb and labor, aud , jBuch labor onlj as niauy persons art capable of. Our peoplo have taste and are intelligent, observins t honglrtf nl a nd j well:ed ucated, -Tlme have so few . authors lis because dri not seek to develop fur capabilities in ,t mat .. v ciiu ou j blaiqe oarelves. posejCnpiut"S iciffiTca to jib luqu rue uemocraiic nariv : : f i-.t v- riii n bi mi . in b i ! ir ii u i ii m. uiri ty Con veullon. Cfl-TvT. fr V.'srT- fV . w calkd - trf UmcUair,laivdttWtilziaii folds aud that we liaVo no sympathy nested to Serve as Sf ei etarv. IMr. Cruise T Ti nTTTfTTTTT T TTf t rrrtnrrr-nf-ilin i iigr wheuion motion of Mr. derson,1 theI Chair. Was requested P-5 anu passeu unanimously. : Mrz . ' . J : a The following is the list of delegates ! ui'jrviuwu iiiv (nun i ; DM' fJ f t-fu W II Offirm!)n' . - .Tnlin S Ttrrnn - ,7.". V1.P-. ...i-jlVM.t"Jl1J) , TheoBnerbaum,!: V M L Holmes, 1, L II Clement,! I Johu HtrUle, ; Walter Rankin, J M Grnyrhe ThoslI Vaoderford, !; W C Rlackmer, Adam Brown, -u u, ' Joliu P Webber, ... Philip Sowers, CF Baker; .Hi John ll Fraley,- --LS-Oiojtmati, t J J Brttnejr, S R Hayriiou. . , John S. Henderson, ;, John Beard, T F Kluttx, C T Bernhardt, ; . -1??;f;- . p J S McCnbbius. S Mr. Clement offered the following reso lution?' 'j I" :' ' Resolved, That in addition to' the regu lar tteuiocrats appointed by, tho mooting as delegates to the County r Con vention, all other democrats of this township who attend; ' tfie County Couveutiou shall be. admitted - to teat a as delegates lVoni this township. ; - f; n ' i, ; Short informal addresses, on ilje cull of members were made by Messrs. J. S. Heudersou, J. M.Gray , and I Tlieo. F Kluttx, when on motiou, tiie meeting ad journed. ; -l j t "j - Kkrr Cuaige, Ch iu J. J Bruxkk, Sec. : j 4 SCOTCH IRIH TOWNSHIP. i l i ' i l - The Democrats of Scotch IriIi having met iii pursuauce of the call of i the chair man. of the Count y x-Committeef June 24th, 'at Mt. Vernon, proceeded to organ- -...nr.... il... v c,....i.. i? t.i ize bjr calling Johu W Stee e, Esq., to the chair, W G Wiitson being to act as secretary.! 'Hie chair reel nested briefly ex- plained. : the object of the meeting and l-eco'mmeuded that, none bot the. best men be scut to the Couuty Conventitn. Tlie foiiowiug gentlemen were elected as delegates : ! M B A Knox, A J Fleming, V C Cress well, W A Luekei-, Jr., R Fi Johnston, S Heuly, Esq., S league. Will Graham, Frank Bryant, D IB Roseboro;' Jesse Hil lard, P M Nelsou,j W L Carsou, James Roddeiisou, Lewis Wilhelin, R M Rose boro, Will Allison J G Fleming. Oii motion the ciiairand secretary were added to the delegation. The meeting then adjourned. I J W Stekle, C'h'ui. W G Vatsn, Sec. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. I Pursu-ant to a - call of the Chairman of Rowan County Democratic j 'Ex-Commit-tee, the voteis of Fmnklin Township as sembled in couventiou Saturday, June 24th, 18d2. H. C. Bost, EsqL, was called to the chair and W. L. Crump was requested to act os Secretay of the meetiug. The chai i man stated the object of the meeting to be the appointing of delegates to theCounty Convention to be held . Salubury, SatniiUy, July, lit lail, anil to organize tho Democratic partv, iu Fraiikliu Township. j f " , . i, . , 1 he following gentlemen were elected an Executive Committee for Franklin Township: i ! Wm. Kincaid, H C Bost, H G Miller, ! James Mom oe, AVilson Ramsey. ,The following geutlemeii were appoin ted as delegates to atteud the County Convention : - " - J B Foard, Wilnou. Trotr, Alex Lentz, Wilson Ramsey, W H G Miller, Jainen Monroe, Junius Shcctr, T T liobiuoou, John Fisher.. On motion the name of the chairman was added to tlie list of dele gates. ' ' , The voice of tho convention -was in favor of Kerr Craige, Esq., for Congress andT F Kluttz, Esq., for Senate. . I ORDER OF . ' ' ! . OF point sd ueiegates rio rfrepresentf tuisfiliatiMn witU-, the sji-caiieu Apn ljiocnu Township Iu theCounty Couveutiou J.,-1 Party. '.-"! ' -'.'w 'tv';:' ' vt j tf " ;: i i IIU1II - M. lUllBlill ft SS UPliri'S Thirteenth Annual Meeting of, the Rowan County Sunday School Association, 1 Fbaxkun Church, Aug. i . - 1 Introductory Religious Exercises J2 Address by thePresIdent, Johii W. M acney, Esq. O Address ot Welcome by Uev. K. Boru. 4L Enrollment of Members, inpen ttteiom. . j .t.v O Election of -officer.- Q Reading Minutes of latAmeeUns. "Z-Oieport of Jbx. tcmmltte. Programr: 3 Statistical Reports. - f Frve Minute verbal Reports. . ' f - - - Sab jects for Discussion . I. Hdwls'the Teacher ip be qualified W His work ? . m Speaks r-Rev J. A. Ramsay," J. i. Oraeber, Dr. W. A. VrfSburo, Rev. Saml. Rootock, Rev. It. W. Boya II. How;to conduct Sunday Schools so as to foster family: instruction, and maintain the spiritof reverence for holy things ? Speaker B. S,' Brown, fciev.AV. C. Wilson, Prof. It. O. KUter. hr. baxtcr Cieisent, Eont! A Knox. III. The duty of the -Church to the Sunday School. , f Sptakr$-Kev. w. T. Cutcbcn! O. D. Davis, u. c. BtKi., Rer. V. K. stlc ley, Joseph Eagle. Capt. J. A. Fisher. . V s - - IV. What shall be the character of Sunday school music ? t .. -A Sp4akerVrx)l. Lewis Rothrock, L. S. Overman, ti am, Fsq. 10 Model Bible Class Recitation, Sabbath, conducted by Itev. C. TLeaBon to continue only 85 mknutes. , 11 MisceilaneouB Budness. ' Rejlajlkjs : All Sunday School teachers and superintendents, and all minis ters ot the Gospel in the U)unty, are . Associauon, ana are corataiiy uiviieu io uepxvseni, ana paracipaie m ail tne exercises."1 JA1L Sunday &K00I superintendents are requested to make out statistical reports of their schools, at once, and forward the same to tlie 'County Statistical Secretary, Thosl P. Johnston, By order of the Executive Committee. ' i ; ' . Salisbury, N. C, June 20, 1882. V ROWAN COUNTY The annual meeting of the Rowan Bible Society will .be held at Franklin Church August 24th; 1883, an o'clock, r. m. . : . ,Jfir 'h i 'z i 'Ii'-- il.'iJ.'OIlDER OP EXERCISES:- ' ' .1''' t --.'i- OltDER OF 1, Address W 'Rev. Y'. S. Creiisv.- 2. -ZJ Reports of the President, Treasurer and"DeiK)8itary.- -4. Election of officers. -5. Miscellaneous Business. , , . jV'W-- 1,sWf (-)!fvt IN. B. Churches .snd Sabhath Schools lection ior t lie liioie vausc, ana lorwara ine Urswioru, ircasurer; ur oring me coninouiion i ine annual meeting, i ; - : Suliburv.N.C, June 25, 188? Besolced. That it is tbfsenseof Jthccon-j vuntuiii tiinr nil ani-ii ntrrtjiiioii i uhiy nuivetnents in dissruise into too liepooli- ...... .... 0.-r- -,,r with anv mneh niriratorar rrtntrrrt TlniT i t ' politics in norm iaVe no symimthy forljjnor desire of nf- County Con ven I iou, bt entitled to seats as delegates. Meeting kdjourued. L: Crdm", Sec. I - , p. DIED iv." ' At his residence in Scotch Irish- towii- shio Rowan couutv. N.I C), on the: 12tU of Mav last. Mr. Johu Luckey, one ; of the oldest, most veuenible aJid - remarkable .meu of this conuty. Born "oh" the 15th of January, 1793, and 'd.viugjinhis90th year, he lived to see the close' of every presi dentisl term ' from Washington to Arthur except; the , latter. MurLuckey .was a great reader a man of fiue. intorniatiou, and for .one -of his age -of "remarkable memory.: He win greatly respected ?niid venerated bv nll-wli knew iiuii Iu ear-, ly mail hood 4l connected h iajseif with the Preslyteriau church at Thin1 CVeek, and his life, especially tlat liis declining years; was that of the humble christian, and his end was pence.' j v..- J. G. R- . - FIRST PHEMIUif AWAUDED ,TO E. Van WINKLE & i CO., , FOR BESli V . ' ' 1n witsn Pooder AT ATLANTA, OA-,' l ',J , ;. ,.r 1 dT"WRlTE FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES . Cannons & Eetzer, Ag'ts., AT COACOltU, Si. O., For Rowan, Cabarrus and Stanly counties 33:3mos.pd; i ' ; ; 'N0H1H CAROLINA, t ROWAN COUNTY, i ) In the Slpe rior Court. J. W. Mauney, Almr. 4e bonis non, with the will annexed ot Hi chard Lowery, Against Harriet Gillespie, J. T. Ray and wife Margaret A. Ray, Rebecca D. Van Eatan und others. Petitioner settlement and distribution of the fund in the hancls of the administra tor ainonf; tlie parties entitled thereto un dei the will. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Wm. E. Patterson, Jno. W. Pat ttrsou, Iobert T. Patterson, David II. Pat- Iterson, Jno A Patterson, Jesse E Patterson, PattersonrjaIU.s M Pattern. Jno Crow- Huth P Patterson, Jos T Patterson, Qacar Cy,nd wife Mary E Crowley, Annie Finley, Jno II YanEaton, Willie D YanEaton, Jno g. Van Paton Eugene Ij Mason, Lawrence M Mason, Charles VanEaton,! W Calvin Daid8rtnt Abner T Davidson, S G Dvid feon, B Gully and wife Margaret C Gully, E M Davidson, Sarah L Davidson, and Mary A Davidson, reside beyond the limits of 'this , oi.aie.it is iHcieiwre uruereii inai pumica tion be made for six weeks. In the-C'urolina Watchman," notifying the said deendant to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court lor the fjounty ol Ilowan, at the Court House in Salisbury on Monri&y the Tthof August 18S2. and answer the peti tion, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of said Clerk, within ten das from this date, and let themkake notice that if they fail to answer the Mid petition within that time the plaintiff will apply 'to the Court for the relief demanded: iu the peti tion. j , .1 , J. M. Hokait, Clerk Sup. jCourt Rowan Co. June 21st 1882. f 36:6t-od. EXERCISES THE ' . t-1. , : 23d and 24th, 1832-40 o'clockI k '.if . . - Esq., Rev. F. P. iiarrall. l'joC. J. F.JtoBeri J. K. O ra ' : tr i on International Less H. Wiley, DfD. j I t , . n of the previous members oi the Howan Sunday School at Salisbury. i' V r ? ' - jN0: W. 3IAUNEY, Prest. ' y . - 1 ' J. .fJBLE SOCHTYJ , EXEBCISES; r f" XT 1 Heading Minutes of last meeting. ' - i in the Oounty are requested to take up a col-. same as soon as possaoie to uantain IUR. . t'AUU . HriLt, l'r. II. C. B. a e, L i Ki' 21. s mm LA E"Ladit tGe 2"Ou F'r.nl clnplr aT Shns tit 10 Der gas, r : . , Bp-A spJeWd' lof LAwn8edoced fronvH snd, ISnts to l2i jentf--g-A fineoitlnent of Lawns in gotxl patterns andlo Jrlmnjed HatSTTom o cjs. to .w, ? t . ' , v MH B - nj&SsM-atvllatA (tor wnicn-we mive uan a. .. ,-... ...m i.u8i, -, fentire stock of Clollnng is offered at a smiH 'Advance on cost. -T .yCJ, It Will IrAi 1UU to see iiieso uikius. , vt --'v . v.u.i,.-. ri-Our stock of White Goods, Laces. .Notions, Dry Gsioda. Fsjicy Groeeiieg, dciif ak gool as you will find .nvwhere.i; Btackberriies, at Marketj prices., o DRIED PEACHES M WANTED AT KtUTTZ & RE Their Dry Goods, Notion and Clothing with New and beautiful Summer styles.' .'i.f.;;,; Good Stock of Shirts and Underwear; SHOES, BOOTS and SLIPPERS as cheap LADIES' end MEN'S HATS MUCH They mean to feed yon with the Best Flonr, Meats, Snc:ars, .Teas, Ccfees, Synjs, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Tapioca Macaronia, Corn Starch, &c 51 " gTliey have as fine FLOUR as is-made in the United States.J1g3 -J 25 Bbls. of ths host 10 cents Sngar in Town, jnss received. 10,000 ls. Shorts and Bran just received New stock of Glass and Tabic Ware. Fruit Jars Lower than Ever Sold Before, j , j ? 53PAgents for Coat's Spool Cotton.- New supply of 3 'cents. Tricl(s.,gg l :'!fX Call aud see them before you buy as they have a thousand things not mentioccd A H. W. Tavlok, H. F. Atkins & E. F. Tatum, Salesmen.--; j June 14th, 3882. ' ' A SUCCESS INVENTED AND T. J. MERONE Y, THIS MACHINE is a ptahi wooden tank lined with copper or galvanized iirofifK with perforated pipes in the bottom for the admission of steam, with corrugated Holer.; made of same metal, and of sufficient weight. This Roller gathers the air while pass- i , mg back and forth over the clothes, foreimr nir and unfi r thrnn..h fl r1.r! At Lim A time the steam is thrown up through' the pe of the tank. There are wooden strips betv .i i . . . .. . t ' " a Niiiioiii uoiiom in toe tank The process is simole : anv one enn onpmtp iliP murliinn Pirat ; l. omf .-' listrihute them evenly about four or five ter to cover them turn on steam, and move is coioreu. i urn the. valve and leMbe water three or four times, and vou find the ol est injury, tor there is no rubbing process employed, the Holler having rounded edges so as prevent any wear or Cutting. A" lace handkerchief can be washed as well as a 13 V " quilt. gThis Jlachine is in operation at Meronev & Bros. Machinp Shnn u-ln thev ...:n i. ... t- . . . - iu ,uu manuiacturea at as small a cost as cuu use one m my maeiiinea at a..n cnii uo me worn ot ten w?sn women g-It is a splendid thing for boiling grain STt is also'a good woo -washer. gfTState and County rights for sale bv MOM GOLD & SILYER GRIHDIH& & yWW WLYESIZB3.tak33 Ana can do put up in one day ready for w -IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVfcD TESTEDU 0- sump aim. V i-v - d luiu c. nopr or a -vj " We construct illllawltVl Stamna wrltrh!t fi-r.m Wareroo ms 9 : and 48:ly LUL1BER! LUHBHR! ifolt- . ' " r Contractors and Builders and 'all parties in neeuioi lumner may save niooev bv cor responding with us. Our location for Pine Timber in second to none in this section." MACHINERY all NEW v. And we are snre we can give satisfaction both i rjnality and price. Orders and cor- vespondenee will receive prompt attention. it: k r . a- c- t . . June 17th, 1S82. s i Jleler by permission to Hall Rro. wliol r . - n - - . ATMm, W i will fill orders forjumber. P - 3tJ;4t. ' e .r- ...ft - ' 'V - jsL TZ. L - i Cent." less tnan we nave ever soiu tueni.- :-f n.ii..i...i !-.., .-. . t . .. ..t - -. r 1 1 frPf J -.s rrf0lj, :T"r- 7'i I '4 Departments have just been supplied as any in the market--the assortment hirge CHEAPEN THAN EVZE -8SF0B& AT PATENTED BY, SALISBURY, N. Cvs rloiatcd pipes underneath from the bottoia ; een the pipes eo as to protect them and form i inches thick in the tnnk Tnm on ..nntmh va- the Roller back" and forth until thefwaterl . pass. off. Add fresh water, and repeat this possible. Anv one! having Rum htti eriat Onb small cost and with satisfactorv results. m one dav and da th unrL- ltr and vegetables for stock. . ' the Inventor, 19:tf AMALGAMATING MACHINERY taohsa of tha raatecma Starntf Hill t t' - - - - ----- MijHII Mt M IVi A ' 1 "It weighs complete 7.0o p-caiids. Itcoftstl.EW taeDelt. HU rubli one ton per hour of bard ouariz MiVk til 't it rY n t Ik n V mk.A a.. a readr to ' ! that nil I ahbUiir.rch a 40-meth screen, i be pnr Ih UsRilin inth-, .- Its wearlofr parts ae' plain castings and can be ' iuiu 7rfiMuuu 1a a lew momeais, as suown rjy letters a, no bolts or keys re required ; It can - be set upon tie mUl with no expense ror toundattons, and can beiised "i'ri i" curgvs or i conuauous. it . wm smaitr' iido citBci ijwiu wr biirer ores, raaKiDg it a snnpie, cbeap and effective mill ; it requires 12-horse power Stamp yjiis, Iiock Breakers, crushuur Itollsj Amat gamatins Pans and Separators for Gold and j Silver ores, ChlorlOlzlntr , ' maccB, Retorta,1 Rock Prills, otnnrpssnra- stp Rham and Air Dies! for Stamps, and every! descrtp tlon ot Frames for StampB also I Improved Double ' or ! i . . SINGLE CYLINDER HOISTIBfi ENGfflES, With or Withoct Boilers W'nrt i or Manilla Ropk Decks. :, UTeM.; brh tn onn iv.o tnw. .iw.. Wet or T)rT 64 Lite ity Street, NewYoik. PATErlT FRUIT DniERj The ondersigned is agent for this thorouglj -tested and highly approved rnachine for lh ; county of Rowan; He will have them on sale1 (ieorge Wrighi'a 6tore in Salisbury, In ae L ; uavs. I'erp'onawijilung to save tlieir moi a mercnaniauie conunion sbouio iiayeu these Invaluable driers. Call snd see-Uiem-W. C. SMITH DEAL. Tuna 1 1C8 A wxA - - ! - W - fn. !'' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CAKU ... . LI X A WATCHMAN, ON $1.50 PER YEAR. 4 rH

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