- - J- tfjvi i:m jit - y-qi-w r-: ,.:.-v,::.." v :.- '- 1 ae Carolina watcnman,; , . ibe..urityu0dfc.hO,ia h T : .1. - i l,!.k 1 w ..... ... .... Ntf tnerefor tnewi' Though. moTf4Jyrloyidg pAtt (fflunr, ' u i ouas, joarjureetJWJi piping j-jf Are oat of tone. STApLISHEU hvi u. i m - (An unpubiisbea poea uj uenry w. w"CT,e popnlar Mrilhtiiar J C ese . la) wa -r. " - - th j,k ind , 1 - : i I - u 1. next egusuuure, cap wkb uiuu , -. ;f fim-wnM,a VhdAa!thff 'atari. yn(?ir 5 11 VF?rvft 1 . !oi .fMfcW that dirmio.nOw ra.?8H f.TllI I" LaU-UIJI ;iwalkloiic. l"that'iowqCAevil 1 ' . . - f 'v, i .Ar't ; ;v f iofllfur iie is an1 enemv "trlio steals I t ,v v v v . - ;Xour'ttUte. lie who. is not with us, is .7 V j.A ! f-xr.l..i-FA-lr In vain your beauty. 8umu)erJ!prert ; ; Te cannot greet tuee cor eyes ; They jLzecncitir Jeld than jotifesj IpydW (he door tff finiCld lewl,riiiir,1lii'.Biit f - Tr i ' Tti. tv ii.nmrmt teftUmonT of the miblla I nd the medical ptofeMipn, tbt Hostetter's StomActa BiUrs to medicln which hieTe tcsbIU ipeedilr felt, thoroach and benign r Ti.oi L.titvtnir liver disorder, it iuvisror- S" t.itti feeble, eonqnert kidney and bladder i -" eontplainta, and hastens the coavaleseenca f f i I jjhpw recovering from enfeebling- dis 1 ' assr Moreover it. la the, grand speciao for Jeter ana sgue. . -- IForaalobTairDrnirrlsteandI)alera ;1:!'t;.:' -. ? ; generaflr. 1 i29:Vy !. TJ - ' X , i i . . ' . ' i Th0 sold is rifled from Ihe cofier, The blade is stolen from the sheatb; Life has but i,...., ... r ---rj :vi.fir" a ijus i oi tne irait aiier -wp it v. uau every iwiiHtui uautrauuu uiwc ; : ".-i .it:-.- s-'i-'-s:- :.. cl.l 4 Poyott" dare' WAiUf. Rf cried f nVf " J. T ? 7 TrT:'A r:"iJ t -w- - . - w sews SMeawtMss w wb w msmvib' kiusb ua liiiitv one more boon to offerp TT f And tha i-Dtj'i j Yet well I kpow the voice of Duty, And, therefora,life and health ut era v Though she who gavo the world its beautj Is in her gave. ve. it paid with compoii itheo. blushed boil i no hot to -think I anvftLiu!! . i i ; i . .-At' ... . i: , r tnlfl lv ouM raarrv1 hie -'last .Ttesdav you f . y "'-Tf icw nr'r'twig wiser aaiu niaow ,inj ... s .... i. ... ...... .j v r - j m ww n sis t WMV-isifins n. ii . r aasm.. . 1 k ' ;?ijst,u,a-nd,s AjflbyfirJh6?'dear people" cau hide lt...i,Ai. iti AvhiJ Uto A solid iA.riies I loreyer anu.- a aay thaa;gratifiedrand who iks nodiingu ? bw ' w v wwvw -mm . - u Muait w iiiiiii 11111 i an una" iii. sr boh mmi ' v an 00.E - a - K -'-'i ij ... - . , . . . . lour or nve incnesieac:wY.; m -i " -.Tr"-' ; t r. in rfhrL. haired . hnt;r..i mon noi 4i . v, , ..:fl itr-t rr." - rj".A7 - - . .iljaL- r li"w miw bc -.aiwiu uvaui,iay,Etnucman. we a 1 went into-AhevWi- I livedo lost one ! for the living Who drew their earliest lte from thee, And wait until with glad thatfcsgivjng - I shall be free. For life to me is a station j , Wherein apart a traveler stands Oue absent long from home and nation,-; ? . In other.lands ; j. Rttpois BUOxVNE, Prist. Wm.C. COART, SecV. 1 A HpmeCGmpany.Seeking j Home Patronage. : ii i iKiti i i litii 111 n n n ii i or' Tyrm poliiifs w-rittcn on Dwell ings Iemiums payable One-Jialfcnsh and bal ance.itv twelve months. f J. ALLEN BROWN. Act.. 21i6in l- Salisbury, N. C :(T & a O"" - I 1 I " ! MIBEMEMBER , Jiff'1 : . - And I, as he who stands and listens,4-1 Amid the twilight's chill and gUom, To bear approaching in the distance i ne train lor noine. For death shall bring another mating. Beyond the, shadows of the tomb, On yonder snore a bride is waiting Until I come. Hamptoif PldorJririty tlie'rtstoratioufi Radical raleyand io ihfe preeritricohditioii of f races tcr8tind a flavor sealed u09i . i .A-r- . At . o r.i i vwmfww' iuw - w ... t i nan joozen snins i maae vou. ana dpnr is7.ii. nniinia worse luuu it xmiu- . - ... . . r . . . . . r 4 . evaporation ts com .wayf You ITesate- co'me I wanted to be the first oncto t i.Lt 2i 77 7 iKrcci. yuu. year iwcnaru i aisb Madam, you insult me! 12 yon od on your dignity ! Mighty i : jxKu ti fu l I J and so deelylbeautifuUy mm you J bappy , ; cliard. yoa ought 1 Co Be tjieiniost grateful m'au alive V S J; 3; pe . kisses you used to giye me little enchantress eycrf etnia mfter the rest of iheni Ifi.Ibelieye-l am Jielaime4 1 ber sweet faceythe tressi favored nje1 with another kiss, which, this time, 1 1 - . - - 7. - . -. .. ' ... w t--.i arye prt tlie train Irfcrrhroiishi you - ceremonyrwntakacc, ately jmern hiarrj!, ep t a '.-r ii 14 7(5 o catcrpartirtpX.; to slahd' firm and to keep united. ? Let I i M I nnminola mil ItAef man fur all tho ll'-li ................ WVUM MAMM.SW. MS. - . - let us auopt ana carry" out in ood - faith : the principles which gave us BUfoscs m'?6t arid we shall aga jo Ail ku&essTy U vetute to Jcfl fep this advice to my fellow citizens Lbecause of-the rust and confidence i ."wjivwim vvub . , .uflg a iikc .aenrenation on hinecl ' 1 Instantly : thfi.door flew.opeaua tie; V!"",' jevery lover of his State register f . .Vith dvaougeJ. Jj WUtH5 ice aim oe reaay io f vote. - -,.1-5, " 1 Sn.. ri: wheuWerriheidol.waSuwax V""Ft pleasant. Fewiartu bcaus my public carevr lis dnivin'. . . '''l'-t: iU J vlni;'nnnnlv , r - , . , , , t impiemenU can be .so contiguously to a close, andbove a U,' because. I . .... the . N!o not wish to see the principles and the grand cause for which brave men struggled so zealously and devoted women-prayed so earnestly in '76 lost by apathy r indiSt-reuce or treachery ii '82 forever. . - g-oangeroiuv 4, i t." ' i u i a Ji uT.; 1 j i H . V . "i? 77 " . fT ...... T - . T 1 1 I 3 , . .'.1 ' vox auu eoyneaa ausoiuieiy uewuuer-MjusUana othis b us hinir Alioer " " . i annraia. hand .Tli i Qojagecr xrrB rencmo vucaiuicu it wt . . -:Mf -. ic ! " 1 ku aporator at oana. xm? p . . r . . . . hnir. . i . ...... . - I .-,-.Th nmufi ninM-.A .:m.ifA.l fr.r.fv.i.;...-it4H ialiStaof -eVrated . lajWWj" Terilj-, I was favored iixJiviclmaU h "-K-' W WSuld 1 diffioult evo to anticipate. . "t'l" discretion the better, lu Wir ,1 - - 77. : tation and suitea to-itne wautsoi m t.,, , i,, --fK j. 4-a. attempted to say-by .his jjoyful , ,vpl.Ui abe could not forget it. U a wau. cuu, I " K 'larnr' V..inlrorobardist, and-faitlV. ediately attacked by aftrgfe WatA .l :i s . . , ; ? . tt , that s run- out of a kennel nSaf r " VV T wulua" iuhik ommqi ii unrcuy , y ,)-7', ti.j la , -vM.r- P' IThe' folding doors setjaratibg the ftlltters in what Vavhelias-la(niT ' i iJH m toy. ,i,uuaaua poje, anuri-, Wk w rrsiVwa?"ffi m- : S IT fnd heaihe ,sub buln of bVe ney ttM ' It lv my escape of foruinlr' a4 xlack ipood : ... s v- i 1 i f .i " -v4 -..ti , r-, , (. with which they have honored me; SuoC my anxiou. solicitude r b IJl Fruit jLaporutiou. An effort has been made to get Sen-1 Aniong many recent Improvements otor Wade Hampton to consent to hi the line of preserving food, there run for Governor of South Carolina is none which promises to add more aj;ain, in reference to which he writes to the revenue-olV the i farmer and a letter declining to ruii on the ground gardener f than the evaporation '6f that there are other worthy gentle- fruit. X men in Hie State who are fully 'com- Of the benefits of this new process peteut to lead the pariy and fill the J. G. Bennett says inaii interesting chair of Governor, arid also because paper, iu the Rural New Yorker: he desires at as early & dajr alpracti-j : Iu a properly" evaporateo fruit cable to retire from public life. Hef there is no Itws of pleasant orjvalua concludcs his letter thus, and we com- ble propertied, but au actual increase mend his utterances to the people, of 1 of fruit sugar, from the fact that our State, where they apply with I evaporation ia essentially a ripening quite as much force as to South Oaro-j proofs, the devekpinei)t , of sugar una: ranging irom iu 10 per cent, in "But while I cannot enter the'field diflreufruUs, as rdelepiiiuei by as a candidate, I shall cheerfully do chemical analysis. Instead of a retro - all in my power in behalf of the nom I grade transitHu,awaUittg our really inees of our party if the convention I unsurpassed fniitsberries aud vege gi ves us good men and a good plat-1 tables at their -full stage of ripening, form. Every true man in the State I we have in trWuse of tbeTeVaporator THE DEAD! MONUMENTS TOMBS, S30. MEAT REDUCTION if rlN THE PRldks OF VtRJ. Monuneiits ani Grave-Stones of r -Every Tcsciipticn; j- ; - flOi-dinllviuTito the oublic irenerallr . art -inspection of my Stock and Work. I feel Hstifijil In asserting that ray past xperieuce under fiiRt-elass workmenlri ' 'H newest ahd moilern' styles, and yia thQ workmanship is equal toanvof tJie btit in the country. I do I uot aay ria iiiy wjovk is snjHJiior to all others. 1 iuv,iensonable, will not exaggerate in or- i derto accomplisU a snle. My endeavor is fU"uv nmi give eacu cusromer the val shouldieei impelled ;by the" highest a culmiiJ?tioi-o?he wria; jorganic sense of duty to do this, if we hope forces, aud;inm; a few h6urs-tbe juices, to preserve the inestimable blessings which lretofore.'ltfTmetl and penefc- seenred to the State by the heroic ef- ted, tie fruit (but Which . after this forts of the people in J876. Tie per- hasteu-44y) ujujcklyj matur- ils that surround us how are nearly ed, and, the maximumT development if not qtiils', great as tlrey were tlien of sofecured and the. water evapo- and the inctttires tpf uite arjalgous to are just as tirgent. It is 6qly by the ition'.' of Xthejgripei to the keeping our ranks unbroken that we sweeteYaisirtorlie acid.greenlipple can inaintaiii .home rule . and 5 honest tor ripeness with . corresponding deli- government, anu it is aisueaneningi cacy. a ne ceii structure remains un- to ntji mat our present aangers spring i oroxen ana ine. arucies wnen piacea not from j,he strength of our opponents irr the juveuating bath of fresh water but from divisions, jealousies and dis- retnrn toi heir original form, coler sensioDS among ourselves. I and consistency. JLhus, a tew ounces If mistakes havbtu committed I of? punipkin flour, make sauce or cus-1 oy ine represeniaiiFesuoi our party, i taru at an season, ana rarely; can any the people hold in ;their own hands I bue distinguish a pie or a pudding of tha ahsulnte noweritn -rpmedv what- I pvnrfitd ' nnflp from that mailo ?BICES 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER ftliau everoflrjTf.fi in tliia fnnrn iiV. CaH at once or send for pi ice list and de fMbifiictipn guarantM or no charge. &JMWioi,H tnatWe la e last work ipespcct which vo pay to the .memory patted friends. t ' i 1 r - i 1 ! OHN 8. HUTCHINSON. Mfalisbaryi N. a, Nov; 1, 1881. r EUROR8 OF, YOUTH. . Gentleman pho saffered tor years from ITSfrVOUS" DEBILITY. pRr.VA-rniB!T.v v i(B alt the efleefs of toutliTuLindiMretion. will' Pol the Mice of guff, ring hntuauity, send freeto ilwhoied it. the recioe and di root inn fr inlking lite pimple iemedy hjr which he was feared,. JSnrti rerM wiMiinfj to profit b the ad. yrntrw fAicrjentir can do no bv addrewing in lfrecf nOdenrr. JOHN 15. OGlF.x at! 4171. " ' I .m m . - - 7 -7 , i summer berries, vegetables and ftuits fnd hing Jnext street, -from extending, its usefulness through the wMpliM.Tf-' at l.he winter upon UiO foil crops, tl?e daily Pfcc cciq eornmana, . .4 u . . ,vi;n, nrodnrt ofi the farm sutrffes- 1 1 was .resolved j that I wuld oot ting its use and inflating -the remain at We4tdna . day longer. . EvU ruaxini"It is not what we make but JDere, w " what w. save, lhaf accumulates er Richarl&th for whose notortons r -laT a 1 ' wealth." C4 self.! yvavijystalven. 1 -penned, a has and waiting in the alcoved arch of) over her. areast window, saw a clergyman Three months after our first meet in gown and bands. !i ' ling, she kissed me again and called The elderly gentleman took the me "Dear Richard." ThislimyhSH hand of Alice and placed it in mine, was well aware that she was hot ad- ,T 7 ' ... i ' I . . .,13 I 'Take her,' he said, with emotion ; dressing her brother. i : 4: . n Is it a fortunate or an uufortunatU 'Slit - 7J 'and 'may God prosper you ! We will t ! ote to m ' eni- havVie uiost important thing first, tiling to have a connterparl ? 'Wheii ' yino e4 ri 1 and dinner afterward, he guests are I think of the boarding house keep-: i . . 1 j , a i -a I already Betting impatient." er, I say, ".No, but when I look afu Inrr tlipm nafkpd" n1v trunks, naid I o I . . ' . . - - , . . : i .. I ulanced at Alice's dress. It was Helen aud recalWhe circumstances 1 - - --- The presentadministrntion in leyy-, . tng lorcetl contributions; on oraccT holders for . political, purposes, far surpasses all former experiences We1 assessed, two a..U kJl-V--nK-v.l vKan.th.ifc t. : :il l . ' - - asscsfceu. twu pctr swut.. pay. yJ UJIJ ItU uuiuuiwikui Hivu uv i I mill i a III , 1 . , . a, .'A.'i- aI v i , I at . i. ,,. ' j' I manager. realizing, tlie iiecessity3for.i t.- . 1 i , a' l j ! r i ( , .h :.t . .or ,. ,na 'larfe snrn of money.1 have taxed 1 "v1,"? C'T". V ;7 i;vniy, x cannot rannoi, niarry.you ij inuie!sireeisi 1 ? . i.r : 1 . i- It was near noon when the train ao( marryoul k,- acrubuVrVh e1reas;t!p6ol- - i ai ' . v I , . . i siiiquers 10 me eovcmiucm priuiing of thnext day I tA . iV0tx V riAd 'Alir: irr hbK JV , :. i& v-. t . ... ' 1 I . .r : ;.t; v .TvTJV.,-. .. , , I mcei ana me cuuuiers iu , me. uu,- whirled up-to the de- rified disinaV. ind geelnK1 she51 ' r-. ' ..s -riTr- 00. f J alight. ,w 0-" everyilj; has - been ddner wKo: error from " fresh fruit by sight or taste. that tuis beercoramj summer squash beitimes an ali- ty can justify anv man who ; hasure I the year vegetable' for every climate ' 7 i r o. aH . 1:. 'I'i'fc 7 jf I ' 1 '' ' . . .1 . ti a i' '' interest. 01 me otaie :at iicari in oie- ana marnet on uie giooe.4, a large serling its ranks, T.r all needful. fe- load of 2 rumkins may be driven in form can be had rwUpinworgahiza- fivm . .the field, u the morning, and tion. f I regret therefore ibejfoudfex- theuiext morning shipped, to the an- pressioo to see uissatisiactiou jn .sauy 1 npoues,rp a oarrei, xoe sweet potato . 'it "x 1 it 1 a 'I t t i ' . Lli' ; "' 1 A STORY OF CKJUirrilBPATti JPloyeraJving my reasous for tav r . i 1 I 1 I WJli liicui iavrtcu aj it "") l",v I . . ... . . - Irvi l n .1. A niiiet uneventful life was mine 'i.. U Ku il-glanced at Alice's dress. It was neien aim recaiiue until I left mv father's roof in Gor- vAlmM k "dal white; and her beautiful of our introtluction, I an. t.ccust6med ham and nrWni t he doak of abook- . .7 ... r. Tut iii:V L" : hair was, crowned, with a wreath of to answer, Yes. 1 -1 entereu ine C9rs ior tue luvaiiiy bucui-1 . - , keeper in the. wJiulesale clothing cs- W mv trimks or"?e l.l01ss? ....... . . . . ... ; : o.. o . r j uea-op-my irunKs. T ,t me a tre,nor I felt utoiisnment 01 oneara c u t . mt? New Hamoton as mv . i. J r..:. t ..ii i..,; j f t f tir I I I "vTUtW aUU lillUli A'Jr 'IVI UIU9V lit M the busy little city of Weston. i destinntion. I had no very definite! alarmed Alice, for she clutched my But there, one fine afternoon in parrK)5e jn view ; but' in a place of arm wildly and eazed iuto my face October, iust iu the midst of the In-j flhtp dian summer, I invited Lillieres- to secure some lucrative situation, and . 'What is it, Richard? Are you ill? ! ' i forX1M''eJv ! , cott, ith whoir. I was very nearly A. office ofBool'-w IwtUn if I Mornif.il heaven ! Helen, look at ,n lDe ?ouse MTIf'1-!. in love, to take, a walk in the, park with me, I I "-j Her Tittle ha nd i n j ts del ieat e' prlm rose coloreAd glove, rested ton m arm, her black eyes were lifted to my face. I felt particularly teuder and conflr dential, and at peace with all pf pot at New Hariipt world. We 'were speaking of he i ' .wstenihV cmrtreousnesa of the distant . lulls. c iu ' T'" V V, V ' ' ' ' tlieir actual cmpioytoenu Vompr .0 iVa tAM : 41 r . t '".ii ' - mise 01 poverty, sickiicss or suner- clothed, as they were, m their own- j Mw a yonn,.l,dy , . brown, s. Ik aud turning at the sound, I-saw, . ;P -j t0,4tiJ. ' ties of enmson Jo .age, -when I was walking. dress, earnestly iegarding -mmf Sw f elj niy ' sWorfd'se'lf 7 iu Z Yara hrnnaht to a ston hv hearincr mv .uw,..u d.a , . ' , f J ,i; , . . empJoyees -.ui me jay xara a$. " r . ,r . ' . '1 I va..gnv ,.v enter 2thC .room , Myf,ex:actJ counter-i(- ripsstown Mass seven , hundred - nomo tM.tirktirifVAfl h a imiA nptliprl.i' i. ti vi- a I ! . .... . ' . . ' I: ' J 1 viiariessiowo, axass., sje en v uunureu. " r ........ . mrew, up ner veuiiiu sprung wwaru parjt'J 1(1 chard bmitn, 2io. z. sweet nor agreeable. - me. As the veil wept back jtre- Hib fierceeyes took in the aoehe'.al UMr- 8mSth jwl troub,e fou vealed thejoyeliesi face, jhadl ever one giance He rushed towardme to stop a minute l ; lobked bnon.. I had hevert even a:i.r ta..la;An .rT fiot-Vn.! . : . . . ' . - w t I looked up. A woman of fifl ii i a. .u'Aa.i...ii i.ii. m. i - mm t m Miereaout cueotuauy uiwara , uu fd( in Dvoluntary aamiration l he planted his. firm grasp , on my n&crt at.- kAA..n ..... !r.ln.1 Im-I ' .in . f j s i a L . I ACVlUCJ ut. ne Bmcnu.o. uS, iu !, gtooa 61UI. OUe tnrew iirseu mw tiiroat. j pat my hand on tho same proportions were colossal. -If ever my arras-rliearras fen have seen the person i neat id h - of U, neck-her velvet cheek louche mine What are you dotn V lie thfahder- dig coynenauce4.l ,tt ? . .. .. my lips 1 My feee was iri ablaze. 1 1 , What are yotv doing t' I thudered " juaaam, a. exiainieti, rereaung fit as if I had been stewed In honey :n resimnse a ! Ktt le from the battery of fiashi ne w:th' lavender for flavoring: i " 1 v i : Pa . ... . .. - . A I f I. , I ' gr eyes which upon me. ?? Yon need not she,, waxing redd ble you to settle cha 4rV.ficf ntt Am otm iiiuc uu uiumuud i'".vv v. Lmui art niimM. ill v mniiin wns srai. i wi;... . t i .t iiuiiciiv .::i'f s ! - 'i-. 7jj V .-j ': 'V!"i7 :4. iri number, have been called on to :.yl. contribute prescribed sams yaiyirJ 7? : IVnm ftn in - ' VVcVohder T&frfcifMla? Yes, and if there are any in gov-" ernmept employ in ; Charlotte, they will be assessed, whether while or black, foreign or naturalized. - The; republican iarty are making govern- - e bf every dollar they leavtr with me. v i quarter, because of opposition to some whictf perishes so i rapidly aa . to be toftJie measures..; adopted at the last Funknowu'to most of. lie . markets of session oi toe ijegisiature. iv luiuu. t toe woria,.is reuucey to an imperisna- -7 .. j,. i a.a. l-.'i-:iJJ.?-!i'.:- lJ-'III--.: f renectin in me siiguiest aegree ujjou i oie conuiuou Dy pneuopatic evapora either the 'wisdom Orf fTre'patriotint tion, and will soon.beoome a familiar of tliat l)oly,X tliiuk-lhat their ac-1 luxury bu.f the; tables and, markets of tion in regard to the registration Jaw the world and at all seasons. of the and the stock lawjwa&j npCprtunate,' year alike Ita slices, placed in cold but ray opposition totjhes lajira is ho water and brought to.lMUffor.Tnirtjr reason why Fthould. desertHlny Only minutes, are ready', for the" table or party that rwji giyerih.onest aud. good fryiog pan, and iare in;!no respect government- to the : State jsincf the I inferior-, to tl le brifrinal vwretabh?- war. My conception, of liemocracy The northern potato, like the, turnip, is that the majorityl should rhle: tliose Improves by evaporation, j and for wno oppose tne measures rnenuoneoi spring " use, lor snip ft "" J. ' V JJ". I J . j I .j - ' . r w -.tCedarSu NerYork.t e .. jpori n nixy or -ar-j exporlatiou leaves 3 its onmal out ... , ment employees ,pay ine electioneer- s shall pay the forfeit Yd . J ' r , . ET mf 1 r... I.illa rtid ltilAl fit tlai.l L A Ir . t 1 she brought irtH-ar She repeated tha kissthe niunfi- he exclaimed, with mad" violence? --u u. -7 -"tf;WJK ' !n cent- little aageUxelauning- .TIie man who' has dared to win Alid 1' ! madam mei:' cried "Dear, dear Richard r How dc-lu s,.all ;ii.V " of the U' .lrefBn7.,uf lUG pr i I'll iM( trnii , i i't J - La.' 4 rendered. The people s money ismsed f er.v 1 11 jest trou- j nhted I am that you have come at -. nptlpmpn.MnPrrnnted the aweetl " . .. , J p .. . V . - 1 i tuis little .UU and , t " ... Wf.btr hon, they had called t0 8U J"gf ra"" - innna maoa nMn ' t 1 r . ..1. . 1 J - . . I Venal PartV. - ... ' ;J ' T-ni ; there is some ' ' -r -';.: "7:! ; 1 before my eyes, which read substan np with thi sweetiiess of hec kiss, mistake. Which bf von is named tially (li p. ; es." I daI n6fspeak lest I" should Richard mtU f ; ' ' vRichard Smith to Julia Digginsj Br, dissolve the'epalL " Vr l; I ami' replied J,, ' '" -i 7 or-6 months board, -- - 5X96.00 .ive havebeeu expecting you for a wV nu.uS, - - - I tour wnoie ttays 1 .-.wuiytpinKj wnar. -. if 208.00 I returned the bill to her: u'!- t " I owe you nothing matlam. 1 1 never saw you before in my life,' T r I " You needu't lie to me IT cried she, setting her arms akimbo. ' f I. hain't kept a genteel 1 boarding-house fifteen year far nothing, sir ! You'ir either fork over on the, spot, or I'll take (he law 1" 1 '?Take it' remarked I ; you're wjr come to it.v : ,l " ,1 "You think to. scare man 1 jm?tn&ec .wnat : yofi prothffiedl I'll havp you took up for it as Suoas my name's.iggins I - 1 il Jarn -yojr t' ..." a t - a ' ' t ' i? J . 7. neiier a period or suspense1 went oo the ii.he son of Archibald 'Smith f' 1 5 soft; voice of iiiijiJ&ufasM iltBidWT ! phaeton, m., waiting, "Jhere; makg wa8.nained RoberU', ; . . yourself teasy.rw going . to drive. Isn't. it nleasant 1 to be . waited oti . .. i 1 Richard f r i ' '"i uiii u. , a .a r - ? . . t . ? xn arcu owiwwjee: W.J5Mfc,iWiie aV drawing'trp the' fur lined robes.smy cojppaiuonasUQpkA ip reinovef the White liortes; and -we-rero whirled xapidiy,Wfti E 'jVdv&l&y tftfx5ohtd Wyon once mertj Rjclard h mJv rpcinAttsni II wtifsfr: toWlayj nhd JmN)hrd..nbt d rive 4c wn , VfX U htoi sTapse 0 1 "b n ah ' G nouKD A in MGrou hd : air,',' or ihe air iri the soil has feonsideVable a. ,, 1 ' influenfce on Uealtn. ur. rettenKoier, 4 am-r replied unterpart,4'rV !5ui which nf'yotfRicliardSmUh.w lllatM.ca vyy . towering Jujl4f ijgs. ten stand on a soil-which issjilicd to the extenof a third of -its volume with air. This air contains more carbonic acid than that of our atitio. phere, as well as deleterious exhala tions. jVVhen a house is theafed :tt any extciit it becomes a draoglit-flue; . and draws such air out from tlfo.. a . i. '--. '- ' M flit 'r'j'r' " ground as if it were a.cnppiilg-ghfe,..: rrogress., Iter tharf to deceive a trusting wid'frrand for til bride. yfati'l would 1 , 0 Helen, luokeil at me a moment, half iu doubt, evidently, how ! totreat me after whrHiad beenrred; 'Filially si held put her hand. " V i beg pardon, Mr. mith : it was ojl avjcardess mistake, of my own. Can you forgrve me ? . (lfoifght i)f tlie kfses?rih had . . , , - -i j - .1 mi.riiwl Ihfl MrtlA IriK. tVfc T ;nrin I A Rnssian-ptTvcrbsays iBefl tbongh Iwas wise- enough no to; gotng to waW make knowd my wish. . : ; to sea, pray twice; befsrc gv'ting oiar JA me cxplatfi she satdr frankly ricd, pray threonines.: k . 1 f ! -i'l.j t- i7ir 71 i K "1 . s s . . 1.- - -. . . - .... i ? - -at'- UJ : '3l i r v - -1 I' '-w;7--7,V;7-r:-:---- ::-7- J--.;wTj r . j 7 y:M:-';;te-:'': : ' - . -

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