' If . " - ' . - r y ; m m LOCAL. THUilDAY. JULY 20. IB&i. . J '. , " " 4.1. 1... T ., 1, . r, .... inn itrli nf flin II itti !i - W((H Will oe f wiiuwii; due rear, fpaid in advance, $1.50 .i ...iwmf ilnltlt'.ul :i mrttitlia 9 I HI t payftient delayed IS mouths 2.50 J. M. KnojcltV Co. eold and delivered L-L M.....1.. i- 1 "J I 1Ib nf rut ton -O- rr !. Rose Dorsett is improving his resideuce oil J'ultou Street, by painting nwl frescoing. Presiding Eldcr Mack occupied the pulpit in the othojut church last Sun day morningind night. The drougtfc is distressing to us. Salis bury is a " dr)' town, just now, though we nave clouds cybry day and rains not far off. if o Mr. Jas. Wren is getting up the Opera of Fatience.jj It will be presented with a tine class of ii vocalists during the sum Bier. , jf , ; -o- There wan a v3ry plua:tutLawn Party at the residence of Rev. Dr. Rumple last Thursday effcning. ' The . young people were out in Hrge numbers. ' ' ' A ' - . i 'i O . Catholic aCnAFEL. -The lumber for tho erection of a Catholic Cliapel has ; been placed ou Fulton street, between Iunisand Council. It is reported that the hujlding will go up rapidly now. 1 ro ' The Episcopal Church is to undergo "repairs and ia; to be considerably enlarged and otherwise improved in the near future. It hasibeen determined to give the exterior of tho building something of an imposing appearance and to decorate it with designs ill modern architecture. o 1 li To-morrow (Friday) is the day for the Shoals picnic Every available convey ance lpis lieci engaged, and some will have to stayjit home or walk. This is the annual Masonic picnie, and on these oceasious inoufcy is raised for the Oxford Orphan Asylum. 4 o i -i One of our gbod, easy-going, well-to-do ,couutrymen cfiuie to town one day last week transacted his business and started home. About miles out he remembered that lie had brought his wife along, so ho turned his hf)-scs head back, and fouud Jiis better-half Baiting with muchpatieuco jhis appearance. It is fair to presume that she will "arrange-" so as not to have such another case of forgctfulncss occur again. 3 Nkw StoriI. Mr. R. M. D.ri . turned from tbo manufacturers with au exceedingly handsome line of new and attractive furjnturc, and a full line of leverything ufually kept by a first class 'furniture deahfr. His store will be next to Air. J. t . lcoss7 and convenient for the public. In arfpther column he has some thing to say tcftho readers of this papei aiui tho public generally. Encourage young men. "t 0 - Fkiohtful.-Two powerful young horses, hitched to a hew Western wagon, made a run through Fisher str. last evening which causedjw little excitement. They started from near Iftip str. without provocation land stopped at the corner of Fisher and I Fulton against a shade tree and Mrs. J. D. Brown's yard ftibee. It seemed to be a lit tle piece of dcvSluient mutually agreed on md earned outwith furious determination. ihenff Krider nd Dr. Summerell were in the track of the storm, but we are glad to that their agility was equal to the occa sion. Damage!: a dismemlxwfl veaitnn ind a bruised shin and n hi H f lr nrn fivr ntin )f the horses. I The Western Railroad Company ltave Issued a descriptivo book of their line of ulway, beginning at Salisbury and going est. The boolc is filled with handsome illustrations some of the nrominct And lost beautiful.reaideueee of this city ap pear among them. Wo hnvn nnlv o jlanceat the work, but feel sure if trill effective in fucouraging travel in this nrection. Thd work also contains a pen Mitttch of Salisbury, which is very inter ring. - Parties desiring these books mav cet f hem by applying toMr. K Macmnrdo. P. A. at theiiiulroad Co's office in this - Our people are 7? beginning to bestir themselves Itlitbe matter of seleetinfr uitable rcpreseii Union in the Senate and louse of Cotuiiona 7-! rw w iMiunuuuvi (IV ur August Cdbvcntion. It is ccnerallv onceded that the mill fin- TT....n hould come frttin tlm r.,,w ,., v.. yet are very ipromineirt. T.ir the m..,. lc select an able 1)1:111 tn Itfiiin 1 nvcution. FOr the Sennle tl 111 111. till. 11 r. Theo. V Kt.itf. t-;-.- t ? . u.mu4 hi uwibi proiniueuc. m geutlcmani is thorouchlv coinnettnif- 1 make the canVass aud to make it lively man WM would got up before, him ' the other-side, or more lively for the uepeitdent libeml I'l'lin 1 il ii- i n T.i. I.. 1 I - - J' u 1V...1. Ul.Uil,1 "0 Would :iti....,i. 4... l ji . i . . ..-YT Tt"v to leau uic tieoplc in ub's Clothing.? 7 Let the j ... r"" "i vuuu Keep weir inning caps ofc, and let them come onrn 01 0 and nrntA 'tL. . r--Tv. u.uiisuvis men and tnotsin the Ace of political chicanery, Kcd largely by the LfcZl! inciples which will ev..r y-:- arts of true J.iP,.. , q r ed out of hape Vy U1 uudlle Uegire Vluc,-e,lwhosean,,lit. re- powerless to iis.-r,, lZLTCC . 1 the !': ; . i P . .uhuh, van, ambition. " 1 tg the dog. g "Mr. Baxter Shem well was still im proving at last accounts. The Thompson- Shemweil ease will come up on examination Tuesday, 25th instant. rtO : A difficulty arose between A. A. Cowan, and a colored man ou the formers farm four miles from hero n few days ago. They began by throwing rocks at each other, when the darkey jumped the fence into Cowan's barn yard and downed him and proceeded to pound him, when Cowan succeeded in getting to his knife, with which he inflicted three severe wounds. Two in the back and one in tho neck ofJ his assailant. Neither of the wounds will prove dangerous, though it was a narrow escape. o ; Summer Notes. Dr. M. Whitehead has returned from the Virginia Buffalo Lithia Springs, where he has been for several weeks. Miss Jesse Hendry and Miss May Col ville, of Wilmington are visiting Mrs. S. H. Wiley. Mrs. T. B. Beall and children have gone to the mountains for the summer. Mrs. M. L. Holmes has gone to More head City. Mrs. W. H. Coltc, of San Antonio Texas, is visiting her father, Dr. J. J.; Summerell. Miss Hobcrts, of Mobile, Ala., is the guest of Mrs. Chas. Price. Miss Bottie Harris, of Concord, is visit ing Miss Lena Shober. i Miss Belle Boy den has gone on a visit to liichmond county. Miss Warner, the popular Organist, has returned from Baltimore, where she has been perfecting herself. She is organist in the Methodist church of this city. o Warniug! do not carry ginger pop in your pants pockets. A youth who had laid him in store a pint flast of real ginger pop, ami had placed it in his right hand pant pocket, was standing at the post office door last Saturday, awaiting the noon day mail, when a sound was heard, and the contents of the bottle began to effervesce through his pants, to bubble out of the top of his pocket and to play tricks and hiss as it ran down his leg into his shoe, and then to boil back from the depths of the shoe and decorate the post office floor. Such a com motion! To see this modest youth draw the bioken parts of that bottle from his pocket and cast them to the street, and not anile would have been impossible for frail humanity. Yet,, through all this he complained not ! au uudescribable smile lit his face as he walked away, holding his pants from his person; and as he met the passers by he would say : "Its ginger pop !" o Teachers Institute for Rowan County is now holding its second annual session iu tho Graded School building of this city. The session opened on Monday, with about fifty in attendance ; and the exercises are exceedingly interesting, even to those not concerned direct ly in school teaching as a business. Mr. Geo. K. McNeill is Superintendent j Prof. N. S. Smith, of Kockingham Co., In structor iu Arithmetic and Penmanship; Rev. F. J. Murdoch, Instructor in History (North Carolina and U. S.); Prof. R. G. Kizer, of Enoch ville, this county, Instruc tor in Grammar and Geography; Miss Lorena Reynolds) Instructress iu Or thography and Reading ; Miss A. L. Bown, Department of Music, aud Mr. J. M. Hill, Secretary. During the session, Hon. K. P. Battle, Calvin H. Wiley, Hou. J. C. Scarborough, Hon. Win. M. Bobbins and Theo. F. Kluttz, are to deliver lec tures ou educational topics. Prof. Smith lectured on last Tuesday night on "Our common school system and its critics.'. His effort was attentively listened to by an appreciative audience. His talk was eminently practical, and tended to en large the ideas of his hearers to the im portance of schools conducted in an in telligent manner. On a blackboard may be seen the His toric divisions as marked out for part of the course, by Rev. Mr. Murdoch. They are as follows ; 1st. Discovery and Set tlement, 1402-1688. 2nd. Growth of Colo nies, 1688-1775. 3rd. War of Indepen deuce, 1775-1783. 4th. Constitution and Early Administrations, 1783-1801. 5th. Fair Administration, I8D1-1829. 6th. Party Supremacy, 1829-1861. 7th. Con federate War, 1861-1865. 8th. Reign of Force, 1865-1882. The last four of these divisions are named significantly and are noticeable in contrast to the usual divis ions in the present National text books, yet with a fitness not lessened by the contrast. While there is a large and enthusiastic crowd of teachers in attendance on the exercises of our Institute, now so success fully conducted in this place, we are im pressed by the fact that many faces are absent, who, by all means should be present Were wo the Superintendent, we would think twice before we would grant permission to teach to those who show so little zeal and enthusiasm in their work. Vtrbum sat. - : o "There wias a young girl from Carlisle, Who on the hack of her neck had a bisle: V . Her lover forgot, and hugged the sore ot, And creams could oe nearu tor a rruisle," The Pater of this girl of Carlise Kicked the young man all in a pisle ; . - i . auu cue old man saiu, as the young man lied: How do you like my styslo ? Now they onng man ceases to smisle, And his heart is as hard as a lisle ;. Because he forgot and hugged on a snot Which the feelings of n maiden did risle. Now this is the moral my chisle, ; Don't you ever put your arm around a . bisle For as sure as you do, the old mail's shoe The back of your clothing will spisle. 4 MINING INTELLIGENCE. T. K. BRIBER MANAGER. There is a move which indicates that another company w ill begin work on what is known as the Huimeycutt vein at Gold Hill. Some parties in Gold Hill and in Salisbury are interested in this company, and it is proposed to go to work. Undiscovered Mines. The fact that almost every week we hear of new discoveries of mineral in this and adjoining counties is sufficient proof that there exists yet many undiscovered mineral deposits of value. Few people know what the ''indications'' are, and consequently pass daily our rich mineral lauds. Any suspicious rocks should be gathered and sent for assay to one of the several offices in the county, or to some one sufficietly informed to pronounce a relia ble opinion. In this way the work of dis covery may be hastened. We appreciate and care for all specimens sent to this office. CABARRUS COUNTTrrS z Mineral Wealth. COURSE AND DESTANCE RECONED FROM CONCORD. An (fell, P N Hopkins, 10 m. n e. Allison & Heal, J Reed & R W Allison, 10 m. south east. American, Philadelphia company, 8 m. south east. t Babcock, New York company, 5 m. north east. Wm. Bost, 15 m. south. EphBost, 15 m. south. Martin Bost, 8 ra. sooth. Chas. Bost, 8 m. East. Allan Boyer, 8 m. south west. Wiley diggers, 10 m. east. John Boyer, 8 m. north east. Moses Barrier, 10 m, east. Geo W Bost, 5 m. south.' Burton BlaeJacelder, 3 m. east. Reuben BlacJcwelder, 3 m. east. McDonald Biggers, 10 m. south. Boger, 10 m. south. A W Bost, 8 m. south east. Cabarrus, 11 m. east. Cullen, 8 m. south east. Cold Arbar, 8 m. cast. . Cruse, 8 m. east. Dry, 8 m. cast. Duff, 10 m. east. C H JEncin, 11 m. south. D W Flow, 10 m. south. Faygot, a Philadelphia company, 8 m. south east. Allan Furr, 12 m. south cast. First National, M M Furr, 10 m. east. Furr Baelial, 10 m. east. Fisher, W M Smith, 4 m. east. Fink, Philips, 8 m. east. Furrness, a New York company, 8 m. east. Garmon, J Reed and others, 12 at. south east. H M Goodman, 4 m. east. Will S Uarris, 10 ra. north west. James Jlegler, 8 m. south cast. J F Li taker, 4 m. south east. Cyrus Litaker, 4 south east. Ludmck, 8 m. east. DrBobMc , 10 m. south. M, Melcher, 8 m. oast. Michael, Ales Foil, 8 in. cast. Mary I. Miller, 8 m. east. Neicell, 10 m. south. Phconix, a Philadelphia company, 8 m. south east. Pioneer, a New York company. 10 m. south. Quaker CAty, a Philadelphia company, 8 m. east. Beed, a Philadelphia company, 14 in. south east. Joe Beed, I m. east. Paul Bernhardt, 10 m. cast. Jake Shins, 10 ra. south. Tom Shin, 10 m. south. Christian Sossamon, 12 m. south. Tucker, a Philadelphia company 8 m east. Eph Tucker, 8 m. east lay ior, a I'unaueipuia company, p m. east. Vanderbury, Jack Linker, 10 in. south. Woods, 4 m. east. M C Walter, 4 m. east. J C Watts, 10 m. east. Natt White, 5 m. south. A M Wilhelm, 10 ml south. The Western North Carolina Railroad. Aalievllle Citizen. . Air-brakes have been put on tho pass enger trains between Salisbury and Ashe ville, thus adding to tho control and safety of trains on the mountain section. Major Bowman, civil engineer on the mountain section, is making important changes in that section in reducing cur vatures, particularly at Burch's ridge, where a very sharp curve has been chan ged, briuging the line of track nearer to the mountain. This curve is near the deep valley at the mouth of Mud Cut. Mud Cut is being reduced to manageable condition uuder the management of the same engineer, and is rapidly changing for the better. The whole road-bed from Salisbury west is being relaid with new cross-tics, and the work of renewing rails will be continued from Statesville west as soon as the ties are in place. The work of ballasting is also goiug on and will be made thorough. In connection with this subject, me men tion that a large portion of the convict force on the Duck town branch has been removed and put to work on tho Cowee tunnel, beyound Webster, sixty miles west of Ashe ville, nearly the whole of the intci mediate distance being graded and twenty-one miles iu daily use by tiaius. When the South sbaU lve reached the estate for which she was created, she will be the nchest conn try in me world. This time may be far distant the pathway to this condition will undoub edly be strewn with sharp rocks and hed h! in by thorns but it will surely com s. The latent riches of her mountains, vtles and plains were not created for jnolimg: Buffalo North and South. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of Shot iff of Rowan county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Coun ty Convention in August, rest C C. Krider. July 5th, 1882. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Superior Court Clerk for Rowan county, subject to the ratification of the Democratic County Convention. J. M. Horah. I hereby annonnce myseV a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds for Rowan county, subject to the ratification of the Democratic County Convention. H. N. Woodson. I hereby announce m vself a candidate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Rowan county, subject to the ratifi cation of the Democratic Coil nty Conven tion. J. Samuee McCubbins. . '. We are authorized to announce Mr. D. A. At well as a candidate for re elec tion to the office of Coroner of Rowan subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention on tho 5th of August next. SALISBURY MARKET. APTLKS Wholesale. Uetall. $1.09 a $1.23 c a 7 reea, per bus .$ 75 (4 SI. 00 rted, per lb 4 a c bacon country, hOK round, 12 is 13 14 u 15 25 Butter......... W a Beeswax. 20 si 10 9 1.15 1.80 Blackberries. 9 Beef 4 Cotton Good Middling,.... 11 Mldllng... -.. 10 Low Midline, 10 a stained, 8 & Corn new no a a a a a R ' a a a a 1.20 1.85 16 20 20 3.75 10 18 1.80 1.10 Meal 110 conee,... Chickens 14 16 15 15 15 ll 12 3.15 30 13 8 80 90 (3 Eggs,. Flour, . . . I' (3 3.2:. 3.50 Hay Lard Pork Potatoes Irish, . . (4 60 11 10 90 1.00 & 1.75 15 11 1.00 1 00 do sweet h e at l.eo BUSINESS LOCALS NEW RIVER CORN.Those wishing the seed should call at once at J. D. McNEELY'S. The finest and largest Peaches in town at J. D. McNEELY'S. GEORGIA WATERMELONS fresh at J. D. McNEELY'S. HAMMOCKS. HAMMOCKS. HAMMOCKS. Summer Heading, Novels, Seaside, Fruits, Candies. Smoke the Pilot Cigar. Theo. Buekbaum. FURNITURE! i fit of 1 COMING IN EVERT DAY AT NEW FURNITURE STORE. Main Str. Next Door to J.F. Ross. COME TO THE 1STEW STORE Anil let everything yon rat in the More line At the LOWEST Prices. ALL MY GOODS Were inspected in person at the Manufactories, and bought for cash at the lowest prices, and warranted to bo of the latest styles and best quality, and will be sold as low as any House in the country. Come and get A Nice Cottage Chamber set for only $25.00 Fine sets Ar $30, $35, and $40 Fine Walnut sets, Marble Tops, only - $55 Hantae Parlor sets lor - $40, $50 and $15 Cheap Beds at 83.60 Special terms made with country merchants who want cheap Beds in one dozen and half dozen lots. fTI will also have on hand a full line of COFFINS, CASKETS and Undertakers' goods all at the lowest prices at 40:3m 1 HUT! WE WANT 5,000 bush els nice clean Wheat WE WANT 5,000 bush- WE WANT 50,000 lbs. Dried Blackberries. WE WANT 50,000 pounds dried Peaches and Apples. WE WANT two good Clerks who will study and work for the interest of our business. i WE WANT to sell all good nier- i chants, their Salt, Bacon, and Coates' Spool Cotton, all of which we will make to their interest to buy from us. WE WANT 810,000 in good nion ey for our goods, which we are now offering at exceedingly low prices in order to reduce stock. WE WANT everybody to come t see us, and inspect our goods and prices bo fore they buy elsewhere. WE thank our many friends and cus tomers for their liberal patronage and shall strive to merit their continued con fidence and favors. Respectfully, J. F. ROSS. Jane 27, 1882. I TUH ftto $mnitute R. M. DAV S -New Store. T , ' 1 Ill til QjsMaa&r AND STOCK AU the Late Ma DRESS GOODS. SILK, LACES, &G. THE FINEST PARASOLS, FANS, &c, &cM IN SALISBURY, will All sold low for BARGAINS! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES Ilf ORDER TO MAKE FALL STOCK I OFFER CLOTHinre at 25 Per Cent.: $18.00 SUITS FOR ONLY $1500 $10.00 $8.00 U It (I M U M (( (( :-o-:- HATS! STRAW HATS at 10 SHOES! Will sell ZIEGLER'S FINE SIIOES at greatly For Bargains in Anything in my Stock. Call with in the Next SIXTY DAYS, flgiTThese Goods must be Fall trade. Salfebuiy, June 25tht 1882, 0 4 OF 9 ETC Styles in A8SOTMKKT OF be found at the Store of J. D. OASKiLI,. MSM. ROOM FOR UY COMING-, MY ENTIRE STOCK OF a reduction of-&l - $15.00 - 32.50 - 8.00 r 5.00 HATS 1 1 per cent, above cost. at a fraction aboye cost aud all othei Shoes reduced prices. -0-: sold, or given away, before the M. S. BROWN. j I M i i .4 f. '- I 1 1 r a 1A 1 5

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