f he Carolina Watchman j FST VBLlSllED IN THE TEAR 1832. . PRIcfe. $1.60 IN ADVANCE. JU COEBSATED UjJA ortettetti Stomach Bitter extirpate eertlntT aD1 CTSS&flal InTlgorant, appetizer and fto semtioaV TfieTr not empty iLrOoBlfe thousand of our coantrnneii 14 wwnebo have experienced it effect swsrejlbiis are backed up by irre SVble picks. The Bitters also give a r vJlhfnJ StihiilM to the urinary ornna. For Bald by all Druggists and Dealers s ; 29:ly Jf RHODES BEO ,VXE,rrest. W. C. COART, Sec'y. AHom C omp any, Seeking 4 L Ho e Patronage. "Strut P V BefiaUe, Literal ! Terra pol ics written on Dwellings. . j 1 1 Premiums payable One-half cash and bat incc in tv months. ( 'ALLEN BROWN, Agt., 1 Salisbury, N. C. TIE DEAD! MONUMENTS TOMBS, REDUCTION ! i!the prices of , prUe Moiinents and Grave-Stones of - ;:" ipTj Description. . 1 Uordialljtfnvite the public generally i JWpejon of my Stock and Work. ItT JU8t,fip1 n asserting that my past "penence ander first-class workmen i ihHj1 and modern styles, an JhfKt ?-urP,mannP equal to any of f int? 10 H gantry. I do not say jni reasonalJ will not exaggerate in or lo n!laccoil1l,,is,a8ale- My endeavor is Kf T '1n f &ye customer the-ral-f,e fe very pDUaf they jeaVe with me. pICES 3to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER Attan eyerjbffered in this town before. K,sHeDa for price list and de- "'featl8faction guarant'd or no charge. ifSct of marble i the last work C l8pect Ich we pay f'lenartedjfriends. to the memory .T 1 bary c, Nov. 1, 1881. .1 A WLN who 8affrcd fo Jn from iH.MKl1! of yonthfnl indUcrHion. will the 2V Jvuwuui inaiscrflion. Will f aiKT' "nd diction for nei SP'e. remedy by which he w.. I Petince can do so bv addrM.In.rtn 20:ly :;ls' - . JOHN R: onnirv cd,ir Su nw yrk s. m- i 1 I 21:Gm f i ' c " . ft. S' s i ;i til-.-: ; ' s M j-.-, o j K Sfc it . - rt . g ' . - fi . 1 H j v . MiRipiBEE DEMOORATIO 1 COTJHTY COITVEIITIOII! .On Saturday, August 5th, '82; llie Democratic County. Convention for Rowan, will be held at thej Court House ia Salisbury, LSatanlayC; Angus t 5th, 18S2jat 12 o'clock, M., for the pur pose of nominating candidates as follows, viz : House of representatives,; Clerk of ihe. Superior Court j Court, Register of Deeds, County Treasurer, Sheriff, Coro ner and County Surveyor.' j Tho Conven tion will also recommend a candidate for Senator for Rowan and Davie Counties. This Convention is called in pursuance of a resolution passed by the Democratic County Convention held in the 1st day of July. I Sa isbury on A11 Democratic voters oft le County are requested- to meet in Convention in their respective Townships at jthe nsuat voting precincts, on Saturday, July 29th, 1882, at 12 o'clock, M. for the' purpose of electing delegates to County Convention, and for lelectine Township . Executive Committees, each committee to consist of five active Democrats. ! Each township shall be eii titled to cast in thCounty Convention one vote for-every twenty-five Democratic votes, and fractions of fifteen, as follows, to wit: Salisbury 16, Franklin '9, j Unity 4, Scotch Irish 6, Mt Ulla7,Lock6, Atwell 10, Litakcr 6, Gold Hill G, Morgan 3, Providence 8. ! Each township may send as many delegates hs it may see fit! 1 CFTheJ Township Executive Commit tees will also meet in Salisbury, August 5th, to eject a County Executive Com mittee. I J. W. Maunet, f CVml Co. Ex. Com. Salisbury July 3d, 1882.1 I PLATFOKM. i i f I We congratulate the'people of,North Car olina on tlc era of peace. prosperity uSid good government which has beenun broken since the incoming of a Democratic Stte adminis tration; u)on the pure and impartial admin istration of justice and the honest enforce ment of the laws ; upon the efficiency of our common school system and great advance made in education, and the . general im provement and enterprise manifested in ev ery part of the State, and fwe pledge our selves to exert all efforts to advance the material interests of all sections of the State in the future as we have done in, the past, And we challenge a comparison between a Democratic administration of our State af fairs and the crimes, outrages arid scandals tuai accompaniea ltepuoucan misruie. ai- nrming our aniierence to democratic prin ciples, as irtehned in the platform adopted by the Kational Democratic Convention held at Cincinnatirin 1880 : ! " Bexohed, T bat we regard a free and fair expression of the public will at the ballot- tox as tne only sure means ot j preserving our free American institutions, and we de nouoce the Republican party add the inter ference of its federal officials for; their gross frauds upon the elective franchise, whereby whole districts, States, and the tTnion have been deprived of their just political rights: and we believe the corrnpt and corrupting use of federal patronage, andj of public money drawn by taxation from the people in influencing and controlling elections, to be dangerous to the liberties of the State and the Union. ' I i Ilesohed, That we are in favor of the en tire abolition of 1 the I internal revenue sys tern, wittv its attendant corruptions, and that we denounce, the present tariff laws as grossly unequal, unjust and vicious. We favor such a revision of the tariff as will produce a revenue sufficient for the econom ical support of the government,! with such incidental protection as will give to domes- nc manufactures a iair competition witn those of foreign production. That there should be an immediate repeal of , all laws imposinz a direct tax for i the support of the government of the United States, but if it should 1 prove impracticable ito abolish the internal revenue system with all its at tending demoralization, fraud and corrup tion, then we urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress the importance of So amending tne Law tbat the f revenue officers whonow receive in salaries in North Carolina alone more than $300,000 shall be elected by the people of the localities to which they are assigned. ! Resolved, That the course of I the Demo cratic part ysi nee its accession to power in North Carolina in furtherance 'of popular education is a sufficient guaranty ! that we earnestly favor the education of - all classes of our people, and that we, will advocate any legislation lookingjto an increase of the fund for that purpose that will not! materially increase the present burdens of lour people. Resolved, That the question of prohibi tion is not now, and never has been, a par ty question in North Carolina and never been endorsed by the Democratic party, and the people of the State at tue general election, in . the year 1881. having by an overwhelming majority voted against . pro nioiuon, ana tne supreme c-ourt naving decided that the prohibition act is not and never has been a law, we regard the matter as finally settled, and any attempt to re-r new the agitation is merely a weak effort of designing persons to divert the minds of me people irom tne aangerous i principles and corrupt practices of the Republican PJli Thatwkne wearcL to any particular form of county govern- ment, we recognize! the fact that a - large part of the taxes of the State are paid fori the common benefitjby the white people of oqr eastern counties, and that we consider it the bounden duty of the white men of the State to protect these people: from the oppressive domination of ignorant blacks, and pledge ourselves to such legislature as will secure this end. " - --- And whereas it is seriously ! sujrsested Ithat vigorous effort will soon be made to compel toe State by judicial proceedings, to pay the! fraudulent and unlawful special tax bonds, amounting to $22,000,000, issued under legislation passed by the Republican Legislature 1863 and 1869; therefore ! liesohed, further, , That the Democratic party will resist such recovery - and the payment of such bonds by every lawful means. - ; ' The above resolutions were read teriatim, and on motion were adopted as a whole as the platform of the Democratic party of North Carolina. . U On motion of Mr. Furroan, the following resolution was adopted : i . Beselved, That the present faithful and efficient State Executive Committee of the Democratic party,-with Col. Oct. Coke as chairman, be and ia hereby continued as tha- exectttive- -committee ; oftho . party, thanking them for the. untiring zeal and triumphant results of their past services. : Hon. A. S. Merrimon being called on, tU livered an address of marked ability the synopsis of which we regret we cannot print in this issue. i ; On his conclusion Mr. Paul IB. Means moved that the thanks of the convention be tendered to Judge Merrimon by a rising vote for his abTe,v masterly, eloquent and instructive address Which motion being carried, all the members of the convention rose to their feet with a shout of applause a compliment as handsome as it was deserved.-' i ; ' '-.J. V. .:'- J. W. Rcid, of Rockingham being called on, made some handsome and eloquent re marks. ; Remarks were also made by Hon. Jos. J. Davis, ' Capt. Swift Galloway, of Greene ; Capt. C. M. Cooke, of Franklin : Andrew Joyner, of Pitt ; P. G.; Skinner, of Perquimans ; J. M. udger, of Yancey, and W. roster French, of Kobeson, and after the conclusion of his speech Mr. R. M. Fur man moved to adjourn. - JACOB AND SALLIE. His name was Jacob. It had been his father's before him, and his fa ther's father's. The Storms were a hard-working, money-gettirg race. Jacob Storm the father of our hero. constantly said that "lie couldn't see why under the shinin' sun a man needed an eddication ; 't any rate, mor'n 'notigh to rekon his crops aud cattle." Jacob, the ypunger had once expressed a desire to attend school out of town; but Storm, senior, killed his ambitiou'in that respect with a few words: "The old red school-house was good enough for your father and your grandfather, and when von cet all iyvu can there I'll find plenty of worn tor you ; it shan't be said that one of the old fclorra blood ever hired out to work for strangers," The inhabitants of Putneysville were not at all conservatives of the Storm order. Sons of rich farmers were in college, daughters of hard working fathers and mothers were away at school, and , Pulneyville felt their influence when they came home for, a vacation. One of the gajest, brightes, preti est girls in town was Sal lie Rivers. Her father had a poorer farm and fewer bonds than his neighbor Jacob Slorni. But the Rivers family wor shiped another idol. From the moth- eraown, every one vaiuea a goou education-. The father had been de nied it, as he had been the eldest of a large family, and compelled to aid inr supporting the! rest. He was a man of excellent natural ability, and extravagantly fond of reading. When his boys and girls grew around him, they head important top ics discussed at the table; they knew all about Congress and our relations to foreign powers, and once Mr. Rivers had; been called upon to reprent his town in the legislature of j the State. The boys of the family; were com pelled to work their way through college, and Sallie the jovial, was de tered to follow their example. , No wonder Jacob Storm, Jr., ador ed Sallie. He had lived near her for years and carried' her dinner pail back and forth for her, had purpose ly misspelled words to letj her pass above him, and in all her: maddest pranks he had rejoiced while others blamed. Sallie's brother's were fond of. her and never; for one moment thought it either unladylike or sinful for her to share ? all their sports. When one of their neighbors gave a party, the verbal invitation was gen erally, 'Sallie and the rest of the boys. , i - Sallie liked it, she was full of bound ingjlife; she hated silly airs; and as her brothers werejwith one exception older than herself, surely it was quite proper for f her to do as they did. When Tom wrote home from college that his dear little sister 'must not go out in the hot sun or she might spoil her! complexion,' Sallie wrote back, 'Don't bother your dear old maid. I care more for good sound health than anything else ; and those who really love me won't mind a few freckles.' Sallie went on in her own! way ; she flew from one end to the other of the large farm house, now j singing a chanting in full; clear tones some grand old anthem. Jacob otorm had j 0nce called her the ' Will-0;-t"e"w,8Pt j fitr1 her so well the I , , . Th. w:ideat con on " 4 f the farm would obey allie yibe fear- i -w a ed nothing '; went and cane as she pleased, and accomplahed jmore in one morning " than hlr mkher and Huldah, the maid, fcoulcl possibly do together. f .( t - ' . Naturally this watm-hetrted. ac tive, cheerful girl I wis tU light of her father's ey.e. He'could; not send her away from hom4i likelthe .boys not even for the- co eted tdacation. For three years in he teensshe bore the restraint aslmeeuy as possible, but the fourth yearf could not be borne. How much the girl' l u tiered no one knew. ! 'Father she said J one dar, as she sprung from her saddle, 'my mind is made up. l snail j go ini ;me mui and earn money enough 4 ! attend school.' - s Y 'But mother can't epare jc daugh ter.' : M". r '-. 'Mother is willing,' said Sillie;'she always iwanted to study hersslt 'Weir, we seem 10 neeu wu, uere, fiomehow'-' said the old gMtleman, stroking the colts neck to hide his feeVing. "Yes, father, and you sha! have me. I can work hard and cone home to spend every vationj and wn you be glad to see me ?' j Mr. Ri vers led the colt avay and did not answer, i ' 'Why not?' he said to hinself wsy shouldn't she have a fair clince? I supposed might sell oft thmeadw to Storm, and send my ynly tfrl away in good shape; but it will ipoil tiie farm, and 1 hate to." ( He could not think of lie house without her; he dreded theJong win. ter evenings, and the warn summet days, without his darling, iid at last he sat down in one corner I the old barn on an old grindstone, Inch Sal lie had often turned for hii. He sat there a long time overcame his sel fishness; and at last, as he jeard the girl's ringing voice calliiij him to supper, he rose up, saying,She's my only girl; and she shall hae a chance come what will." The boys were deliglijd. They were proud of Sallie, andjjuite sure she would do herself andjhe family credit. To be sure, Tom'fpride was hurt when he heard that pe was to work inthe mill at Gleunere; but the new house which Tomhad urged his father to build had cosjmore than they, expected, and every 'car some new machinery must b purchased. It was twenty miles to flenmere twenty miles from home-lve,care and comfort; but Sallie did (not falter. To be sure it was a tril to leave them all, a hard thing fdber to se teci irom uer uitie siore longings; and a small boarding-house would girl's be- oom in a ever afford the delight that htr ownarge sunny chamber did. Sallie fe but did not shed one, although ler mother and Huldah wept profuip as the carriage drove awav. witlSallie's fa ther on the back seat wS her, and Jacob Storm in front wh Sallie's brother Dike. Dike was younger tha his sister and in deep grief at her ps. It did not comfort him to be tdi that she would not board ailing Grangers, but become a memberof Mr. Mora's family. He did not dioose to listen when Jacob told hi ro that Si lie was too wise and too goo to renain bu ried in Putney ville. j Dike jwas 16 and at that age a bey consHers ev erything a 'burning iliarae' ihich in terferes with his plecs'ire. '; . 'I wish I had her chanc,' sid Jacob as the father and daugher tlked-iu low tones on the backseat. 'Great chance,' sail Dike, 'to go down there and work among ill sorts and never have any music br any home, or ' Dike paused ; his; feeling vere too much for him, and yet he woild not let Jake Storm see a tear in k eyes. "It's a chance to make fourself something better than a d radge ; a chance to see and ksw what's going on in this great world. Reiding is good, Dike, but seeing is a times better.' , : Jacob read early and thought and studied; but, a million ate, he er all, ne Knew me aiscipime wniu iui and Joe Rivers were havinr would be a blesing to him. His ooy dread was that Sallie; might consijer him inferior to her 'She shall jnot get before me if I die trying,' re said. Sallie's room was not so hd, after all ; Mrs. Mora had done br best to please her old friend 'Mraj Rivers. I 1 . ,1. . 1 !!?. L!L T1 When bailie s books wtre Inpacked, and her piano was in oae crner, and her pet bird Glory hurc nn the place was quite delightful jSalie could not live in a dingy, dill Wle; sun shine was necessary to her Existence. Her first week in the mil 1ft her in pale and weary, but a stoutieart and a strong will kept her up. At night she was busj, ler music and her studes occupied tvery mo ment. Mrs. Mora tried f interest her in the sports and ganW of her She did not know that ler exam ple gave Joe new con rag and kept Tom , from many a 'college ark ;' she never dream,ed that Jacot&torro was fellow-boarders, bnt Sallie politely A i room-mate was impossible as she desired to spend her spare mor ments in preparation for her future werk. About this time she wrote to Tom t 'It ii a hard grind, dear bid bov ; and sometimes when my head whirls about with the noise, or ih associations vex me, I feel like run ning! away to China or Japan 1 but I don'l; I only go home when I km freehand take a good dose of Chopin or Beethoven ; they tone me up. Jy careful . management I shall be able to save some money. There is a little French girl here, who is anxious to study English ; every week I give her a lesson for a lesson ; I speak and reaklFrench with her; then twqof Mrs. Mora's children' take lessons on the plana, and imy .board Jbilljs light. Whado you think comes here every Sunday ? Why, Jacob Storm. His father will not let him go to college, and he . walks down here after work is done on Saturday, and returns Sun day night. He is a great friend of John Mora's, and I have to be teased about him, but I don't mind that. Jake seems like one of you, and every week he asks me about my lessons. 'Jake gets books from the library here,! and leaves them for me to read first; then we talk them over after ward, and Dike is getting quite in terested.' Brave little Salle ! The days and weeks flew by, and found her at her post. She ouly saw the hard daily toil, only felt the bonds which kept her close until she could join the girls who quietly and easily walked the path of knowledge. 'Sometimes his father allows him to drive down, and then you raayibe sure we have a good breath of coun try air. He said one day, in his slow deliberate fashion : 'If my coming annoys you, Sallie, just say so; but it seems to me that you might not feel so far away if you saw a home face once a week.' Sometimes he woald bring a few flowers or some chick weed for Glory, and sometimes a piece of new cheese in a dainty box, and gen erally a note or message from mother or Dike. When he drives down Dke comes with him ; and I can work harder all the week after seeing this rosy ! face.' ; making a man of himself for her sake ; she could not see the power she exercised over Dike, who was inclined to be a little wayward ; she never guessed that her devotion to self-culture and study had stimulated some of her associates to go and do like wise; She only felt the pressure of the daily toil, and longed for the day of her emancipatiou : only worked unceasingly. ! i Little by little the sound of the factory bell grew hateful to her, and and its red brick walls wearried tier eyes, but over and to herself she said, There is no such word as fail. Her brief vacations were seasons of joy. Jacob Storm wished they might last forever. He, too, was hard at work ; and pne day, when he and Sallie jiad discussed the merits of various au- thors, and compared notes concerning their studies Sallie's outburst of praise for his achievement drew from mm an avowal of his love.' 'Why, Jacob,' said she, regretfully 'I never thought of you in that way. I should as soon fancy Tom marrying me.' J . i 'You think I am clumsy and slow' he said, 'or perhaps stupid and igno rant because 1 remain here when others go away ; they have educated themselves with fate and fortune to aid them. I have done it thus far against fate and without fortune. shall some day make the world hear of me; bow, when or where 1 do not know, but it will come.' 'I believe you, Jacob,' said Sallie, 'and I am proud of you ; but loe is something I know nothing of, and, until I have finished my course as a student, I must pt pleasure out of my head. Don't sulk, Jacob; I, am not heartless, only ignorant. Come, saddle Tam O'Shanter and let us have one of your mad rides to Spark ling Spring; it. will be something to remember when I am grinding at the mill again.' Jacob obeyed her. Her wishes had been his law for years and he rwas manW enough to be nround of it. A Utt. the coal was won. Sallie was in college devoting herself to her nhorifihed books, and Jacob still work ed ns he had done before, now blam ing himself for his folly in regarding his father's wishes, now working at his books with the desperate energy nf one who has staked all on success. Every Sunday he vists Glenmore witb Dike, but no longer spends his time with Sallie. At last a change came. Jacob Storm, Sr., was gatnerea to his fathers, and his son was free. n;to mtn to his sister in boyish fashion : 'Old Storm has gone, and Jake mourns for him as if he,had lAu.no- and tender, instead oT a stiff old miser. Jake will leave liere eoon ; he does not say where he is going. I shall miss him terribly. We have read and studied together all Winter. . Jake irnnva a Lm . TTa surprises me all the time. He is hav- ng :yonr picture painted for me, from substance that Gov. Vance ha been sucTess the! one you sent home. I wish I fal in tnrr, w f i,. .... Z 8a.cc!s- ui hu y.ujces m mat district, and their navia a, 3 f"l eadinS t!?e PJ 000. TheixTLreal books you ordered, but I can't n n were t269.WKv n. V t T myself down to hard study after work-; mgaltday.' ' - r-.i-t.i. aofc jcar ui coiiege-iiie was , drawing to a close, and the students i were arranging for a separation, when an in vitation was sent them to attend regular campaign fund, on 1 September a lecture by an eminents gentleman rDr. Motl issued a circular, as fellow..' who had been intly appointed to a -There are office expenses for which no professorship in a Western universjallowance has been mo by thegoArn ly J " 1 I ment As it is not rmfct tk. ? Ini. 0 ekL ? i ?u laoen;i SSh iPI1 m the - hPened door of Sallie's room. , - - -a.il a ii iiii Ki iiLi i iMiinv rVA wl .a T U.11 ' Do go. v They tell me Prof; Storm IS quite remarkable, and Darwinism ' .. . . A. if , t has its attractions for all of us.' 'Prof. Storm was closeted with ' A T i 8?,d4a,:?ther. SDl0l f inspection of all concerned.- That u?dijiitandthe. h?Iltilof,es about f2,50Pa year. WHatttwas (us wiiuciiiiuw win illuminate uie college to morrow.' 'I think I will bo,' said Sallie sud denly. 'It will not do to miss a treat.,' In her rebellious little heart she was saying, I will go for the sake of he old name and my childhood s friend, but poor old Jake will never know it." The hall was crowded, and on the platform sat the college President with several distinguished gentlemen The speaker's face was partially hid den by the desk before him. When he rose at last, Sallie s heart gave a quick bound for there before her stood her neignbor, friend and lover. He did not seem to see her ; his subject engrossed his entire attention Sallie listened with pleasure. The physical training of the past added to his mental acquirements, and his clear manly voice charmed all listen ers. 'Isn't he fine looking?' whispered one. "What a splendid type 01 man hood,' said another. 'He understands himself perfectly,' said a third. When the speaker closed the ap plause was emphatic and prolonged Sallie sat motionless. Surprize and pleasure mingled with a thousand memories, rrot. otorm aia not neea WW . t it. He w looking at a. bright lace just before him, and answered the congratulation 01 ins irieuus in uu absent manner. 'Pardon me said he to the Presi dent ; 'I recognize an old schoolmate yonder.' , 'Ah, indeed that s Miss Kivers, a young lady of remarkable energy and unbounded perseverance; she stands at the head of her class.' 'She would be No. 1 anywhere," said the professor as he hnrried away to join her. . .1. 11 'I'm so glad, so very glad,' was an Sallie could say. 'Are you? Then help me to es cape from all these eyes, and let me give you the latest tidings from home Miss Rivers was envied Dy ner friends as she pased out, stopping nQW and then to introduce the popu lar scientist as an old schoolmate. Of what they talked, and how, it matters not to us; we only know that a certain professor was absent from his post in order to attend tne exer .r . ..ii .1 ercises at a certain conegu, wuere Miss Rivers-graduated, and we also know that a wedding took place soon after. Mrs. Storm, nee Sallie Rivers, is also a professor in the same institu tion with her husband, and her ex cellent parents spend a portion of each season with her. Germantown Telegraph. A "Strike" at Greensbboro. The boys engaged in carrying brick and mortar for Levi Houston's new building s'truck this morning for high er wages. They had .been employed at 40 cents per day and refused to work until their wages were raised to 50 cents. About the time their places were supplied by other bovs, the fa ther of two of the strikers appeared on the sceneand seizing a rich pine shingle, literally wore the patches off the seat of their breeches. The strik ers sued for terms and begged to be allowed to resume their work. Pa triot. A woolen mill is to be erected at; Dal las, Texas, to cost half a million dollars. A factory has been opened at New Or leans, to make illuminating and lubrica ting oil out of cotton seed oil. ! People of Orange county, Va., are do ing a big business in poplar wood which is sent North for the manufacture 01 pa per from the pulp. The Mississippi cotton mills are good investments. The one at Wesson pays cent. : the stock is worth Ifc U J - K W over three hundred dollars. Those at Enterprize and Natchez pay as well, s 1 t.n:..i ; en by the ea rT, mony that these employees in 1880 demand one monthwi. gave en r. r, - -saiary to tbe campa ign luno, amounting to at least 120,000 their pay being .bout $100 per month That Wi, for the campaig. fund. In addiUon tn Z BD00 Pay all sad others none,. I have thoat proper to equaUze themI consider that 1 percent, of ronr.n:. . vaaoam a ku k. a - ... . - j month, forward to this office ( thVannt, in f i. .2: 1.. L ju m auove Bpecmea.-ri ' - "An accbm f uV3:L mad hot k:--j J used lor we do not know. The testimony shews that the business in that district t conducted on the "you tickle me and X will tickle you principle. Men who had large -distilleries divided them up, and instead of running a twelve bushel still, would run three of four bushels each. To each dissil lery was allowed a storekeeper. This store keeper, it appears, was to be agreeable to the distiller. If the distiller did not like him the still was closed, and it wouiaSnot be operated until a etorekejper'agreeablc.to the distiller was appointed. ;T These store- keekers drew $3 a day, and either they 1 worked with the distiller or paid him a part of their wages or boarded with him, paying a high board, about $25 a month. By this arrangement the ' distiller got back a part of his taxes.; Now all this was done by Dr. Mott, it sufficiently appears, forpur poses not connected with his duty to the government The whole 1 thing seems to have been used as a big political machine at work in the interests of the Republican party. One of the objects appears to have been to multiply officers and induce young Democrats to join the Republican party. As far as j we understand the Kestler mat ter, it appears that in 1872, W. II. Kestler went to Statcsvilte and was appointed in the revenue service. He stayed , around there ten days but was given no work to do. lie thsn went home and never was given any work to do, Before he- went home he lrro-red fifteen dollars fnm Dr. Mott, and afterwards Dr. Mott sent him a postal or der for $50. So he got from Dr; Mott $G5. After that they sent him a voucher to sign for the $65, which he did sign and return ed. Sometime afterwards they sent him another form, entirely in blank, saying that the first one had been misplaced or lost, and asked him te sign that. lie did so. So Kl est ler . signed one voucher for $05, and signed j another in blank. He really was " not in the service at all, and performed no duty whatever. Now, Dr. Mott presented four voudiers to the government, in substance as follows : One for the $65. A second in favor of Kest ler as deputy collector, for the three months from September 30, 1882, to December 31, 1872, at the rate of $l,500per annumi $375. .This contained a certificate tbat4he services were rendered in certain counties, and that Kestler was traveling all the while in this capacity. "Received payment. Wi IL Kestler, deputy collector." , ' And subjoined was the ordinary affidavit that the services had been faithfully render ed, that they were necessary, and that the ' compensation was just and reasonable. To this oath was signed the name W. II. Kest ler, deputy collect, and then was added "sworn and subscribed before me this 10th day of January, 1873." "J.- A. Clarke, deputy collector." A third voucher was just like the above except it was for the next quarter running from January 1173, to March 31, 1873.- It was for $385, and it was marked "Re ceived payment," "W. II. Kestler, deputy collector," and the affidavit that the servi ces were rendered, &c, was signed by W H. Kestler, and there was added : "Subscri bed and sworn to before me this 10th day day of April, April, 1873." "J. A. Clarke, deputy collector." And a fourth voucner, nice tne aoove,i.. was filed, excepting it was for the next quarter from April 1, 1803, to June 30, 1873, and it had "Received payment," "W. II. Kestler,deputy collector." "Subscribed and sworn before me this 10th day of July, 1873." "J. A. Clarke, deputy collector." Kestler testified that his signature t the last voucher was his writing, it being tho voucher that he signed in blank. But ho ntver swore to it. lie testifies tbat tne vouchers Sot the other quarters are not bis signatures at aUand tbat he never swore to"tbem. This; is admitted by Dr. Mott and by the man Clarke who was a witness. Here is man who never was in the ser vice at all, and yet Dr. Moot sends on vouchers purporting to be receipted by him, antl purporting to be sworn to by him, running through three whole quarters and not a cent was paid him, and be had no more to do withhe matter than any reader of this paper. , . Oh" the 10th day of July, Dr. Mott, swore to and forwarded "ail abstract of vouchers of expensesof his district for th quarter ending June 30, 1873," as follows: . - Continued on 2n? e irsn i i r" r i 1 w r4 1 te j i i . "X 1. r t I j ' : " -v i i . " 1 li ' yl- m , - V St .:-: : ; j - Il l J i

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