i It - 'it' j '' ,. , ; ,,. :. !' .- ..... i ' : ii a I TTtiURSDAY. AUGUST 3. 1882. -f " NEW TERMS. Frott and after the 1st day of Jan nary, 183$., tie subscription price of the Watcli- flWiJVjli be as follows:, -.' Obelrear, paid In advance, . $1.50 : l f navmebt delayed 3 months. 2.00 I I : payment delayed 12 months 2.50 itr. jV. B. Starke received some pain ful I injaries by a fall from a bicycle on last Saturday. He will be out in a few fbefe were several typographical errors in mrflast that were ludicrous in the ex tre iie-we did not see pi oof, bat will try in utijjre to keep things in better shape. , ohi Wyatt had his barn burned down laltsnday evening. It was struck by lightning. He. lost 100 bushels of wheat anil tlje same amount of oats and all his fbfagel Mr., Wyatt lirea, in Morgan iTiwnshvp. : r A -I - if A ,- f. .iu- ! fWe call-attention to the advertisement tip's issue. The authorities of this ven erable institution, are laboring to place it a onglide the best iu the laud. Parents apd gbardians are invited to examine its aims. i I Two 9000 pound safes have been bought I the use of the county in which to I' preserve" the records and valuable papers. fheyi are to tmall for the purpose in fact tjie records will till a medium sized rooitfii Now build a vault large enough for the safes and the remaiuder of the , 5 ' records. : One f these is in the Clerk's office and one n tb Registers office. The best thing to done would be for the county to , t -. fa. clerks' office, say between the Courthouse and jail. Make record room ike 4 vault aud fireproof, while the front sr.-,. . -i j i . room coaiu ue useu as an ouice. me very important; are "laid by" au! County Convention, A. full meeting is); MINING TEILIGEN CE. it j and now that the crops and the iraall crain in the barn, there is no good; ' reason why J vre should not have a regular bid fashioned rottsrr.': The republican? "assistants" tell ,T, K.BRUNER 'MANAGER. assistance,and ablejeCtures in conducting ( the Historical lessots. The Institute w closed last ni?ht: . . . after a most successfal session, by an ad To cive our readers some' idea of what I dress from State Soft? of Public Instrni tliA Vnrth KtotA Xfininrr HnmninT nrp An- I UOO. ScarDOrOUSn. 49 Ueld tU6 audience us that "the woods'ara full of liberall ; 1 aa to show their enterprise and per- for 90 minutes. Tootiicli cannot be said "r1"1"188 wenru crew mmaKen mere sistent efforts in onr State, wo publish in a praise oi ourj couimy oupc. air. mc- aTf moro iac afmti in the woods ; of our next an interesting article from the Neili his untiring effjrts in the cause of inan-'uioerais. T We know the Commiv!iaZ TTorZ2 and U. 8. Ernorter. on education has placed, blm high in the democracy of thecounty are powerful the quick conversion of , iron lore into scale. Some the people in this section wien they choose to be'so, and that next I steel. ; l? I VI - ; 5 -r f tare speaking of mm as a fit successor of Saturday is the day o which they east ! ' ; I Mr. Scarborobth. make themselves felt if they wrillturn out in full force. A 5! County Commissioners. hand when V 1 the Mr. T.' P. ' Wallace, the assaver of Dunn's Mountain mine, has gone to his home in Washington-city, D. C. 'He will probably go to Colorado tobe engaged in a mining enterprise, t , r 1 The time is . near at magistrates of Rowan must elect County v.iuuiI!8,enere.j in tneir selection tuey Dr. H. R. Rogers, who is now in charge supuia use mature judgment, and act for cf the Beaverdam Gold mine, is erecting wib. oesi interests oi tue people or the two chillian mills on the property for the county, ttowan is democratic, aud her purpose of milling the ores. omcers snouid be in full accord with the ANNOUNCEMENTS. I announce my self as a candidate for the office of Shetiff of Rowan county, sub ject to the action of tie Democratic Coun ty Convention in Anjust, next. r July 5th, 1882. 1 hereby an Jounce for re-election to the C. C. Krider. myself a candidate office of Superior Dutch Creek. They are VTA V VI VVK1VU ww waVWuv VI UUuvllUl Court Clerk for Rowal county, subject to sinking a the ratihcation of the democratic County Convention.! J. M. Horah. county politics. There is talk of making A thanfrn nmnn rr Mia nirim?ac5rnoT-a ' TKJa -Js-tt i N , J new shaft, down 35 feet, on, 'a new 4 foot m?o pi10; Inu Jm::. j . I vein. The vein matter shows free gold, "Liberal" and that he intends to suDnort sulphurets and green carbonate of cop that faction in tha cominer iiwnea befhra oer. They are running mill on ore from the people. Rowan is! not a "liberal" Uill vein. county in that sense, nor will she ever be. Ti. t i.: i a. iiuj. i j j tltieagon. fRBdothei sl,,uldnnt hav The Sam . Christian mine has shipped iU chief magisterial position headed by I another lotof nuggets,-(600penny weights) The Republican party j say they do not erhls in the cbuntv. and we think! thev CoPPER.-Next to Michigan in produo are light. Yet these fewmen are work tion, comes the mines of Orange county. lttg with might and main to get the offi- in Vermont, with 2,647,894 pounds, then We are authorized Oj announce Mr. ces they amlliate with the republicans a Cnnntv in North Carolina, vith ! A. Atwell as a candilate for re-elec aqd have the promise of their support. I . i ' I tion to the office of Cordier of Rowan and make war on' democracy-i on the! Irlouw pouuus, r subject to the action of! the Democratic- prty they have lett, and the principles I County Convention on fie 5th of August tuey Know to oe just and right. , rr,,a ni,- ftn?n t?vIat rpa next. irtnDt nPRniii that : Maine and California, North Caro uUv. uuu uinau.moduiaiis . ' .... i ft T TOTlTTntT R IF A TITTTlm in the usual way. Una and uregan, will place tueir mineral OiilllODUAI urj.A.VJ.i!j 1". I hereby antonnce iyself a candidate for re-election to the epee of Register of Deeds for Rovan cofnty, subject to the ratification of the democratic County Convention. . H. N. Woodson. I hereby annonace inVaelf a candidate for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Rowan county, subject to the ratifi cation of the Democratic County Conven tion, . J. SAM3ILiMcCCBBISS. I j ; . .' 1 ----- - - ! iiv - i .. ' ' . WE WANT 5.000 bush- els nice clean Wheat. WE WANT 5,000 bush- els Jniiqe clean Qats. -WE WANT 50,000 lbs. . .L Dried Blackberries. WE WANT 50,000 pounds dried Peaches and Apples. le jfl.-the county toco on ItK therefore becomes magistrates to make such changes as they may deem best for then interests Of the people who are so directly, interested in the action of the commissioners. -o I The Township. jthe duty of the treasures side by side, and each point with pride to some natural advantage, some favorable accident of location, which to them, makes their locality best and most desirable." The Kevxexo is speaKing Apples green, per bus . dried, per lb.... Bacon country, nog rouna, ..... Butter. Beeswax.. "Vholesae. .-$ T5 (fel.OO RetaU. $1.09 a $1.25 The democrats f Salisbury Township met at the Court House about 12 o'clock. fclerkSs much cramped in his present quar- Saturday; Luke Blackmer, Esq., was call- specimens. ness in hand the appointment of l a bf the exhibition at Denver. We hope he SS.. "'.'.'.Y. is correctly informed. As yet we know lAOiing, .... of no man who has furnished a pound of i Summer Movements. i MrlO. D. Davis and family have re- jturaed from the Warm Springs. I Miy Lizzie McCorkle has cone to BVatauga county. Mrs. W. L. Rankin, Mrs. Samn. Tay lor aud Mrs. J. F. Ross are at Long's in Buueombe county. . Mr! Walter Blackmer and Mr. Willie Wiley! have returued from their foreign tour Jrthaviog visited many prominent place's iu the Old World. Mr. Wiley will joints ship-again in a few days. -" . Mises SalUe and Alice Newman, of Rithfuond, Va.,-are visiting their brother, Mr. 1 J. Newman, at the Dutch Creek . i: Mini : . - - . Mi S. II. Wiley gave his lady visitors Midline. Low iM idling, Stained Corn new- Meal, Coffee,.. Township Committee of five active men, I Institute Notes.: 1 SJ, County Convention to be held on Satm- Prof. Eughsu visited the Institu e last ? ;. :.. i,- a. r . i- i w onn v (iiio i n iniirniniiri i:iik iiii iOn motion of Kerr Cr age. Esq.. tl e 1 read ins: as an art, tta tn tlift f Tminttr Hnnvont nn Tliia " ' J " fa" . "w ! r-r T1Q moUon was discussed! brieftv bv Messrs. uience ga"'ereu to umi .cuip i . ", Gray, Henderson, Craige, Overman, Dr. President of the State University, deliver Wuborn, Kluttz, Tate and others : and wtnr. Hia Rnbiect was of course on motion oi j. m. ray, n-sq., was moui- 04ln4.af;ftn-i w rfividfin into manv heads fled so that the delegates -proposed ... ' , . RlionMb 'Elected' bvl this mei-tina. mafcing. It exceeuiugiy. conipieueiiBive. Pork, Potatoes Irish, . ao sweet..... Wbeat , . a a T ' 12X 4 I3)tf '14 a 15 20 $25 85 '20 (J 21 i 1 1 It 4 llji - 10 & IQH to t - 8(9 85 90 1.15 ft 1.20 no i 1.20 a i.ss L 14 a 16 i 14 fe 16 15 a 20 ; 18 ft 15 15 a 20 2.50& 8.75 3.50 a 3.75 SOK 50 13fa 14 15 a 18 8 0 10 11 a 13 SOU 90 1.00 a 1.20 8ogi.oo i oo a l.Kfe; 85 p 1.00 WE WANT two good Qerks who will study and work for the interest of our business. WE WANT to sell all good pier chants, their Salt, Bacon, and Coates Spool Cotton, all of which we will make to their interest to buy from us. BUSINBSSLOCALS BOOKS. ,v : a reception on last Friday evening. 5liss Liie Kerr, of Raleigh, daughter of tie State Geologist, is the guest WiSsLinda Rumple. nominated and unanimously elected as Utorv .amon erst his to id subiect matter. t Kt i T v I . i . ...... l" . J t " l.i.h liAlrl lii IiPjirftra until he had iriven PiPPP r. : iit iv m tr i lir t i o l i VJTIlLiltll, tTV 1 lllMMII.il IV UUCI, - J-i I . 1.101 x 1 i.1 Kluttz. Alex Tate. Jas Eumn e. Walter "iCU1 Swu UCt w 5UUW,"wum "" l" l&inkin, J F Koss, D K. Julian, PN iu the Stated-had raled the poor teachers, Heilig, J M Gray, W H Overman, John praised the good ones had showed the liediicK, J kx cauoie, I'lniip bowers, i x npitv of tlie nroner Dractical educa t.i.. 1 u i 11. : Tr 1 j - f ri ftoW wnJw n nin4mr. tionof the farmer and. mechanic-the JtS SicCubbiiu, Sr., I N Earuhart. James necessity of special training in whatever Liauier, Adaiu Browri, Chairman and walk of life mav be cliosen, &c. He was THEO. BUtBAUM. B0(js. PAJR BOOKS PAPER. STATIONERY. STATICjERY. j STATIONERY THEO. BUEBAUM. WE WANT $10,000 ingoodmon ey for our goods, which we ' arej now offering at exceedingly low prices in order to reduce stock. i WE WANT everybody to come to see us, and inspect our goods and prices be fore they buy elsewhere. ! WE thank our many friends and cus tomers for their liberal patronage and shall strive to merit their continued con fidence and favors. ' Respectfully, June 527, 1882. J. F. ROSS. Tle Salisbury Normal School for edu cating audtraiuing colored teachers, re- I opens on' Wednesday 'the 6th day of Sept. fnextl and will be under the direction of - 4 RevisJ. O; Crosby, A. B.f assisted by oth er experienced teachers, ine design is to educate aud train teachers for service in t1e public free schools, aud the most approved methods will be employed Candidates, for admission must be 15 z : ' ' . years ef - age, aud of good health and character ; and must Secretary, added to list! mn motton ut I. i. ivinttz. it was of agieed that all other demociats of the towuslnp wlio may attend the Conven tion, are hereby declared to be duly au thorized delegates to the same. On motion of W. H. Overman, the meeting then proceeded to appoint five active democrats as a; rownslnp Coui- mitlee. Nominations were niade, and the fol lowing gentlemen were unanimously elected : J b. McUubbins, Sr., John S Henderson, John Beard, Jas It Crawford and D R Julian f I here beiug no further business the ty not! n rr ailinii T XX f inirurn Foa i UW t va vua aax UAvaJiCtUi AJOll . m Jl J. Bruner, Sec. j Ch'm. .4 We have the proceedijigs of meetings in rr rrA IwmnntA I V V wtifc -w ' UlJ,ullo f ' w. . I room we are omirea to jconnense i . . . i , . i t- - n ; itatuti o. uuniucitu uc uuiuiueu ULiruiu $5 to $3 per mouth. Tuitiou free. TBero will be a Model Primary School in connection with the Normal, in order listened to with much interest, and his audience felt that they were improved by haviug heard him. On last Monday evening, Hon. Wm. M. Bobbins delivered! an address, fronght with matter of thought. He compared our present with our past. He painted a word picture of the old Southern life showed its elegance and ease, and mental inac tivity among; the masses, rendered so as a consequence of the institntion of slavery. He then turned the leaf to the present, and 6howed that there had been improvement he denounced false pride, that remnant of slavery which keeps men which, for lack of ""urn manual labor he told the teacher that it was his duty to instill into the Locke township appointed the following uciciittico iu me vuuuij vvutcuiiuu, v ii. : I . , i .1 o e . 1 c j. i T J Snmncr. J R GUnhn A A Hnw.n A r la a u,oau "uu 101 uie imuie 4 Demarcus, W R Rainy, Jonas Fishel, R. prosperity ot tue section, based on educa- f hnr.i nmnU mar Ihiva nnnnrhimrv tt - -n. J - - . - 1 . I J.Lr."r 7 ""-w r ' Mranam, J A uisner u Mclvenzie, John But his talk was too comprehensive for j.ivuwnj, ti M icaiucu iu iiice, i r xuuiusu, jteqrge jvearns, Xjlljan methods, etc. Miller,- Morris, Richard Garner, David Further information by . 'addressing Rev Principal. ! i; -.V ' O CbMFG IN EVERY DAY AT review iu our limited space. Our people on may bo obtained Sjliuliberrier, W F Murf, Calvin Boat, Hardy always torn out to hear this distinguished t t n.r,S 4i age, 8 B Colly, Pleasant Wise, Dan'I Wise, gentleman and they are never disap- . J. O. Crosby, the jenry Goodman , Jacob Menius ,W H Bost, n:llfp4i . i i tl -i - Vi-.-i.l- i-n . r V i- o POlUieU. M A Bost, Otha Cauble, liot, R H Cowan, Rufus DASafrit.LSEl. i Safrit.Beni. Safrit. Just here we must remark that the Asheville Citizen: As we eo to press Gnas M,,Ier Ml,a3. b&t J W Walter, Lock Graded School building, of which we are . . 4 v I IWi aAti lAmao VVl cni. WJ m W v it h I n K m 1 1 .... tuo election lor the improvement of the l" ""r " .-, m r an so Droud. is very deficient in one nar streets. &c., progresses finely, 310 votes V T which has been creatlv felt bavin r been cast and onlv 11 th l,er AdauLl ost, Jacob; Walter, A A Petra, llcn,ar w U1UI ua8 uecu fcreiuj iui ua, iiifc -ueen cast, aim OUiy 11 against the t irir : t ' Mn.ff tl.o c.unn f f. Tnct;fn, Tt la proposition. Our citizeus of all parties uf f "" otuc vi,i"".-f, and?bolora voted squarely for the measure, and , ?thr d active Democrats who the want of any meanS for lighting the j ?tr" ""a"01- buildiucr. iheoniv liirhts used so tar r- i. d. OMjttJMJit, unairman. . . , ji t u t, CnrBRUXEn Sec. 1 x have been borrowed lamps, which at best i give a very unsatisfactory light. Gas TTlWr.ltT Vnn,m,i i - ! i mi U i j T u , " s iou d be put into the house at once 1112111 V COmmPmliUMA, for A ahAVlllo 1 rtolorratPii as fnllmxra 1? TrVinof-n Taaaa I 1 4 M ' . v . ...i.miv. mm ' " . . a vvilugkVlli .f OOC I.. . . . . . . . . i. 1 irr-i.r&A a t .. -ii ..... TJ...i.e A i TTiomin r p ni. Tu- tue DiaiD is quite close less man nan n iiwiu vuimus wc UUU U L JJUl. Will inSlSb 1 iiuovuviu, uvuu l & ' 1 - x E Barber. Henrv Turner! R W Fleming R la square. AVe hope that the Uommis- i " r . o - i - - RnsebnrO. W Q WfttSOn.l W Ti Cftrsnn W C I eiAnura of iKir noTf niOAtimr will ap(1oi I t T Tt --m I 1UUV1 V V w&u 11111 A VAV A w Uresswell. llavwood llafDer. Martin Phiter. 1 1.1. .1 t ut-i. n.. 1 Attraction for bnsineaa anH Mnir.l Tl.- tU,. ACllhol n A T A xr.nr,iTK,; ' U1,s uuue- unuci vue iin- very thing that should be done for Salis- e Barber, Solomon Teigne, James Rodden l'cluo lu suu",l,uu' "v i - I ; ' '&!b& i - ' ; i . showing a determination to put our city I in such a condition as will make it the centre of attraction for business and can- NE W FURNITURE STORE. Wm SfrJext Door to J.F. Boss. aiming to make Asheville the "centre bury, taioly and nothing would contribute to and P M Nelson. The jdelegation was in- are entering into an epoch in the cause ' QOM1 Ai.iiAAr.At. 1Acntfo f 1 . k t tir.11 , . i r- -" mw IV?fv . w i cuuuatiuu uio ivoutto v. niiivti ill 10r A DUSmeSS and. cnnitsil tliann lihornl I TTArah frr lflr "TT "N" "Wrw.flar.n rpmstor nf ' I 7 5 I O T 1 more cer- vvmvw KiiiiMiv IIHiL I mr I . I t rillMr iur VIlPriTT -I mi.- . . m i iz .J ------- , . ' - -1 tnrow a BUimmer oi iicut aown : tne aim i improvfemeiit of the roads leadimr to deeds, J bamU McCubpins treasurer, DA ,ow U1 andlthe streets rnnninM,rrtni.s if w 4-twell coroner, J C Barnhardt surveyor, T resolutions: 1 i O - -"1 Lt t.' nnHAK MHfl 1 . . I V .11 . I ... nppif H,.f i, ii. j M3 wui,ui-r aim vr icuiiug repre- wncreas, we, me leacuers in attten . "J ,7 , scntative; then tor the most available man. dance at the Rowan County Teachers' ooiiarsWorth of work on our roads, and MRP Johnston, J W Steele, B A Knox, D Institute have greatly enjoyed the exer- we mimt men conbdentlr irwftt mir , l KoseDoro ana u r icminsr were appointed risen of. thn fume, and cIpsha ti Pmraa tracjtiohs to draw capital, enterprise aud AwnsaiP ue VK21 . . our appreciaUon or the benefits derived 3 ,J. - - is i it w .1 1 ii in i i rj I 'iit'm i w wf.Aj.w -wi , ui i lucrciioui."- -r r trf . : i i I ' WA. WATSOK, Dec. TO THE NEW STOEE Ail tet lns yon want in tie Fnrnitnre line - : ehiftflOWSBT Prices. geueral prosperity. COUNTY CONVENTION. The Democrats of Were inspected iri persqi prices, and warranted f-q A Nice Cottap Therefore, resolved, that the sincere thanks of the members of the TnsrirntA t?-i.i: t i I . .... 4UHB9IIIU i am liprp.lir pxtAmied. . . i n i I-. . r l w . nieraiea j oara. lunsom .mrniK. j a i -i t c..i:i.... r j .1 o i 1 .Itext Saturday is the day appointed Ii Miller, Wilson Trott.1 Abram Nash, D A I rmm.ftPfi fnr thftnnf ww Tnn.. for pur County Convention. It1 is hoped Swink, W M Kincaid, Adam Lentz, David building in' which to hold our exercises. uiaf every Township' win he represented NiV ' ' " tV na. to ino many citizens w 110 nave tl ft --x-nd:t!,.rdelegate. come prepared to K SBtS IflT ; i- . . , - 1 . - -o --r --""o'-f " 1 our exerciAca. doiii mtr in ana oar: Q Miller, James Monroej and J A Thomason. 3rd Xo Prof. N. S. Smith Hon.-T. F. ynmouon ine cnaranaq ana secretary were Klattz Hon. w. M. Bobbins, I Dr. K. P. waea ri nsw mouon 01 wnson Battle and Hon. J. C. Scarbbrongh or kV j-"v-r ""7V"UT Ti T tneir excellent addresses, attending the conrention be authorized del- 4th. To the editor of thekcarolina egates. j , ; Watchman"-for his man v comnlimentarv 'I'lio frkllAWiriiT nnminotinno ve marls oa I - " . " . "-.. " r; v : "J notices or our wort:- m liic ftiifiiLic .J . ifUio n 11B111 if. f 1. : - m i - : j llie Ti," 4. : oT.u-- TK.i Tir .LJ loan me ministers woo n: lojr as v ; Ciiajb ALL MY GOODS at the Manufactories, and bought for cash at. the lowes be of the latest styles and best quality, and will be. sold as ny House in the country. Come and get ttaif a antl acurate representation of tlie will of the voters in each township, so. that no one may have just cause to coniplain. This need be no difficult mat- terfor it is generally pretty well under stood inva township how the people lean on questions of a political natnro. township meetings, which wcreiipr.oin. to be held er set for only Fine Walnut Mle Tops, only tr HandsiB FarlorW ! flnnimnno Tji S Ovprnlan fni- c h o ri AT ' T 1 tjli' tn 1ia 1.1,1 ci.'... 1 I ' 1 f 1 1 r -r i. .1 -l ' I C18e8. who have so exer- for' --$25.00 -$30, $35; ii $40 ...........-.$55 --$40, $50 anil $75 a - ----- untiKiidV. were lie- iaiimci . iv i,icia vi .ifuit. tl iix uuiaii. iur I i'.i rr- .11 ; a. r . 1 Bt,rl u. . - . . 1 -;' r xj -M- tvA ulu ausiractors ioriueir , p iuc purpose 01 obtaining a trneVFI8; , r V untiring efforts to advance us iu the pro v -w'ou 01 public sentiment, and it is r.;; ' ssiou of teaching. reaonalle to ctuehiiletiat thU was W. A. LENTZ, Cha'm. There was also a resolution of thanks Cheap Beds at 83.50 Special terms made ith country merehants who want cheap Beds in one don and half dozen lots. !3F-lfill also have on band a full line of COFFINS, CASKETS and TT J--.-1 . J 1.4. iL. 1 . n!nnu o i i wnueriaKers gooas ait vue iowi juci R. DAVIS' Net Store. t; J . D. GASKILL WILL BUY IN ANY QUANTITY 4 r v BLACKBERRIES, PEACHES, APPLES, i -i PLUMS, &C. The Largest Stock of Goods IN TOWN ; To select frb JULY, 1882. BARGAINS! : o :- GREAT REDUCTION IN PBIISiS IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY COMING'tX jg- FALL STOCK 1 OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK OF "CI jg- CLOTHING AT A REDUCTION 0F-fr 25 Per cent.: $18.00 SUITS EOR ONLY - - $15.00 $15 00 " " " - - 12.50 $10.00 " " " - - 8:00 $8.00 " " " - - 5.00 j :-o-:- HATS HATS H : STRAW HATS at 10 per cent, abova cost SHOES! Will sell ZIEGLER'S FINE SHOES at a fraction abore cost, axd al tthet Bhoei at greatly reduced prices. . : Tor Bargains in Anything in my Stock Call with in the Next SIXTY DAYS. j nggrThese Goods must be sold, or, given away, before til Fall trade. , . . M. S. BROWN. Salisbury, June 25th, 1882. fyn in the stleclioii of dtle-atts to' W. T. Kikc4id, Sec. to Rev, F. J. Murdoch for his valuable 40:3m 1-

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