j.- 5 - - . i . ' i -- . i. - .J .. -- .. ;.r-t r - S: K yK Vv i:M - ' , i ..3 1 "I- m'likr-iBIKD SERIES j : . , .: -l , , ; '- V ' I SALISBURY; N. C., AUGUST 1Q 1802. ;! j" ' " -""V"' - ' ' '' 'f f j !'"'. j -f)Cr i The Carolina watchman, 1 l. " js- i - - " - - . . - - ...... .. .. t--- 1 1 . . ... ..... . . m i m - v r - i ','.- t ; i . --,'--.- ! . . . -v r ESTABLISHED IN TIIEvYEAR 1832. - PEICfe, $1.50 ixadvaxck. J- ; 4 ; ' '"Hostetteri 8tomach Bitters extirpates dyspepsi Ith greater eertaintr and - DromptitucK than any known remedy, and U a most gonial tnTigorant, appetizer and aid to section. These are not empty asMitions, as thousands of our countrymen nd women Who have experienced its effect are aware,! put are backed up by Irre fragable proofs.- The Bitters also give a healthful Bttnjulus to the urinary organs. For salabjf all Druggists and Dealers - T generally 29:ly . TtuoDES BROWNE, Pres't. WM. C. pOART, Sec. ! AHomeOompanyySceking Hoit s Patronage, Stfoi, Prompt, RelialJle, Liliaral! ; Term policf ? written .n Dwellings, vable. One-half cash and,bal Premiums' p:i ance in tvelij snoullis. i i ' oalirburr, JN. L. - MpU&ENTS1 TOMBS, i-;- if ' dJO. i'- - GREAff REDUCTION iilfrnE pricks 6f . wtla Kcaiments and Grave-Stcnes cf ; ;; ,p' wry Description. . I. cordially invito the public generally 'TV.nPecl!nuf. -.my. Stock; and Work. VTeel .,ustiHl iQ asserting that my past xpeneiiee filler fit-claRsHvoikmeiTiii XL!;? '"H'P aml 'niodern Styles, aud "aMhe wojttufausMp js cqqal to ahv tf t ie Wst Jultfie cbni.try. I not 'sav tn.it my wol is superior to all others. 1 Mil reasouaflp, will not exaggerate in or ertQaccoig )lisi,as;,ie. My endeavor is iQ please and gireeach customer, the val ne of, every pilar they leave with me. , rBlCES3 to 50 Per Cent CHE APES, p t',a ver( ffeied in this town before. yui at.ouctf rseud for price list and de ,8, atismfction gunrant'd or no charge. . .1 he erect jcin f marble is the last work wi-espect llicirwe pay to the memory 1 f depai tedf f icn,l8. ' . i ITpHN S. HUTCHINSON. urys C. Nov. 1. Irtrtl. - . EitnOUS OF YOUTH. A vtlJx 8'iHered for years from and all U WolyouHirul iiidificretion. will r!. Hum wtUerWsj.e n w ioI.i irjr jo ir.fit lij the lenee. can do so bv add res?inin tue. jnn4 1 -v. U,J .Cedar St v.. v.i- ' - 1 - II:'-" L-'- 4 - ' ' 1 Tit P-n,'l . rilU- r .. M : o s .7 W n ' 5 :g i ; !-; ' . ' .f : ! r U : MljMMiSlDM THi 1JEAD ! eeisML' ilKeeJf fi0 lots! to be sold M public a nc- KMl ' "rM tion at WaynesVille on the 7th of August.1 f " as m ' " M d- platform. . c v;uiiKraiuiHieiiie people of Korth Car olina pn the era of pace,prospierity and good Rorenament which has beenuh broken Bince t he inromi of a Democratic jState adminis tration; upon the pure and impartial admin istration of justice and the honest enforce ment of the laws : upon the efficiency of oar common school system and great advance made In education,! and the., general ira prdrement and enterprise manifested in er- ery prt of the State, and we pledge our selves; to exert all efforts to (advance the material interests ofa!! sections of the State in the; future as we have done in the past. r vhm tc viiaiit-nge &: comparison uetwecn a . Democratic administration o our State af fairs and the crime's, outrages! and scandals that accompanied Republican misrule Af firming our adherence to Democratic- prin ciple as defined in th6 platform adopted by the National. Democratic Convention held at Cincinnati, in 18S0: I v , - ' Eetolted, That we regard d free and fairl vAjiic?9Luu ui i iic puuuc win at me uauoc box a the only sure means bf prestrviflff ouHTj-ga American institution, and we de nounce the Republican party and the inter ference of its federal pfficials for their gross fraud! upon the elective francUise,'whereby whole; districts. States, and the Union have been deprived of thfeir just political rights: j and we believe the corrupt a jid corrupting ( use oi leuerai paimnage, ana oi public money drawn by taxation from the people in influencing and controlling elections,- to be.dangerous to the liberties of the State and toe Union. : " , J , ; . '; Ilcwlved, That we are in favor of the en tire abolition of the internal revenue sys tem, iith its attendant corruptions, and thaMre denounce the present tariff laws as grossly unequal, unjust and vicious. We favorjsuch a revision of the itarifF as will produce a revenue Sufficient fpr the econom ical support of the government, with such incidental protection as will jriveto domes tic manufactures at fair ; competition with those! of foctign production.! That ihere shouVl be an immeidiate repeal of all laws imposing a direct fax for the snpport of the govcrnment of the United States, lyrt if it should1 prove impracticable to abolish the intemarrevenuie system with all its at- tending demoralization, fraud and corrup tion, "then we urgejupon our Senators and Representatives in Congress the importance of so.amehding the Law thatl the revenue officers whonow receive in salaries in North Carolina alone more than $500,000 shall be elected by the people of the1 localities to which they are assigned.' j ; , i liepolted, That the course pf the Demo cratic party since its accession to power in' North Carolina in furtherance of popular education is a sufficient guaranty that we earnestly favor the education! of all classes of our people, and that we will ad vocste any legislation looking'to an increase of the fund for tbat.purpose that wilt not materially! increase the present burdens bf our people. fietolced, That the question of prohibi tion fs not now, and never has been, a par-: ty question in North Carolina, .and never beeu 'endorsed by 4he Democratic party,: and the people of the State at the general election, in the yaf 1881, having by an overwhelming majority voted against pror hibition, aniPthe Supreme Court having decided that the prohibition act is not and neve has been a law, we regard the matter as finally settled, and any attempt to re new the agitation is merely a; weak effort of designing persohs to divert the minds of. the people from the dangerous principles and corrupt practices-of tbe Republican party. j j - liotohed. That while we aiie not wedded to any particular form of county govern ment, we recognize the factjthata large part lof the taxes of the Stat0 are paid for the clommon benefit by the white people of our eastern counties, and that we consider it thfc bouriden du ty of the j white men of the State to protect these people from the oppressive domination of ignorant blacks, and pledge ourselves to such: legislature as will secure this end. ! ;j; Ailurhereas it is seriously suggested thatfvlgorous effort will soon be made to cotnpel the State' by judicial proceedings, to piv the fraudulent and unlawful .special tax bonds, amounting! $22,000,000, issued under legislation passed by the -Republican kLcifelature 1868 and lS69; trerefore , . Iteaolted, further, That the Democratic party will resist such recovery and the payment of such bonds by means.--, I every' lawful Thc"alove resolutions weNsread seriatim, and n motion were adopted; as a whole as the platform of the Democjratic Jiarty of Nor tli Carolina. ! Ori motion of Sir. Furman,!tbe following resolution was adopted : - j ' Remhed, That the - present faithful and efficient State Executive Committee, of -.'the Democratic party with ColJ Oct. Coke as chairman, lc and is hereby continued as the (.executive committee of the party, thanking them, for the untiiring zeal and triumphant results of their ppst services. - f lion. A. S. Merrimon being called onflo livcred an address of marked; ability the synopsis of which we regret vi e cannot print iu this issue. . ) Ojpiis Conclusion Mr. Paul B. Means moved that the thanks .of the convention le tendered to Judge Merrimon by a rising vote for his able, j masterly, I eloquent .and instructive address. Which motion being carried, all the members of l he convention rose to their feet with a shoot of applause a compliment as handsome as it was deserv ed, j ., . - J :: j . . : " J.fW. Reid, of Rockingham being called on, made some handsome and eloquent re marks. Remarksj were also made by Hon. Jos. J. Davis, . Cipt. Swift fQallowayi of Greene ; CaptrC. M. Cooke, of .Franklin ; Andrew Joyner, of Pitt ; F. 0. Skinner, of Perquimans: J. M. Oudger, oF, Yancey, and W." Foster French, of Robeson, and after the conclusion of his speech Mr. tL H. Fur man -moved to adjourn. : " Infthe 2d congressional district conven tion p'Hara, colored, was noriiinated by the asseipblage, and Hubbs, present incumbent, by the chairman. Both will run. AlWashington letter to the Greensboro Patriot says Gen. Leach is to ibe the " Libe ral "-candidate for Congress in the fifth dis trict. Was the Gen. nominate by the wire workers at the capitol, or doCs he nominate himself t The people of the district ought to know by what authority their candidates are ih the field, i . 53F"A large number of building lots are iST" Yellow fever is again exciting ears at New Orleans; and elsewhere along our ctiL cnw nMJ.w 5" k West- Indies is the exciting cause. WAT BECAME OF.HER. There was great commotion in Foxville , . b- , - . j tvhen old Paraou Fox died- It was not f onlj because he was the pioneer of the place, baring come there when the woods were one i.rimeval mass of green, and himself fiaving erected the old stone par sonage around which the thriving village had grown np with almost incredible ra- f. . i , - ... the gospel to them for forty years: it was . . 7. 1 1 t . 4 not that his footsteps had been instant on 1 every threshold where i-ickuess came or.- aorrbw brooded. -i ' : All !.! t...I - of course, and forgotten a. aoon as the t necessities were But it was bec.iuse Foxville curiosity - - t. .f was on the cut nr i - . . " : . - : - about Joanna, his grnndcbildHtlie -8le. " "7 remainiglmtPP- family tree who was left auite unnrovid- Wd for - i J s r - ""i r .v" i 1V v j lVS 'j -c i i-i 'l declare to goodness said Mrs. Em-1 ! 1T j i. t s i i i - that girl!1! : ' " - v 'She hain't' no faculty, said Sabine Sexton, the village dressmaker y and never had.' ' Books possessed no charm to her T signed Miss Dodgty w-ho tanght the Foxville district school. 'She always cried over her par sin and rhetoric, and I never could make her root r ! understand cube j 'There'a no deny in that the old minis ter was as near a saint as we often see in in this world, s:ud MrSyKuke Lockedge, piously. 'But he oughtn't to let Joanna run loose fu the woods land fields the way he did. Why,Ij I'on't s'posf? she ever made a shirt or fried a batch o' fritters in her life!' t fit is true,' said Mi.s Dolge, peering innnisitively up under her ispectacle glasses, 'that she is engaged to your Si- mon, Mrs. Lockedge f i- 1 Mrs. Lockedge closed her mouth, shook her head and knitted away until her need les!. one like forked lightening. .'Simon's like all other young men, Miss Dodge, said she,'took by a pretty face and a pair o bright eyes. And they set on the same bench at: school. Aud as long as we s'posed Parson Fox had left property why there was no objection. But there wasn't! nothing not even a life insurance. So I've talked to Simon and made him hear reason. There can't no body; live on air!' 'But that's rnther hard on Joanna, ain't it !' said Mr. Emmons, with a little sym pathetic wheeze. --'t " ' 'Reason is leason V Mrs. Lockedge an swered. My Simon u-ill hiive property and the girl he ninnies must have sum thin' to match it.' . So that Joanna Fox sitting listlessly in her black dress by tile window, where the scent of June honeysuckles floated sweetly in, and trying to realize that she was alone in the -world, had diver and sundry visitors that day. The first was Simon Lockedge, looking as if his errand were somehow connected with graud lar ceny. . - . . Jiuinna started up, her wan face bright ening, felie was only frixtecn a browu haired, brown-eyed girl with a solemn, red mouth and a roiind, ivhite throat, banded with blatk velvet. Oh,' Simon,' she cried, 'I knew you wonld come when you heard ' Simon Lockedge wiiggled uneasily in to a seat, instead of advancing to .clasp her outstretched hand. 'Yes, said he I 'of ci nirso its very sad, y sorry for you. Joanna, aud I'm awful But -' Joanna stood still Iiier face hardening into a cold, white mask, her hands falling to her side. i 'Yes, said she. 'Yon were saying- ' 'It's' rootheH' guiltily confessed Simon 'A fellow can't go against his own moth er, you kuow. She says it's nonseuse our engagement, and -we shouldn't have any thing to live On ! i And so, with a final twist, 'we'd better consider it all over. That's the sense of the! matter now aiu't it, Joanna f She did not answer. 'I'm awfully sorry,' 'I always set a deal of anna.' 1 stuttered Simon, store by you, Jo- 'Did yont' she said, bitterly. 'Oue would scarcely have thought it. 'Aud yon knoyr,: Joanna, he added, awkwardly, mindful of his mother's drill, 'when poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the windowj ! ; Joauna smiled ecorufully. I seems, said she, 'that love does not always wait for that. . And she turned nod walked like a young queen into? the 'adjoining depart ment ; while Simon, sjiuking out of the door like a detected burglar, muttered to himself: ' j' 'It's the hardest job of work that ever I did io my life.i Splittiug"stomps is nothiug to it. Bat mother says it must be done and mother rules the roost in our house ! !, r I V c, ' . SNeat came Mrsi Emmons. 'Joanna, said she I'm deeply grieved at this ere afflctioo that, befell yon ! 'Thank you, Mrs. Emmons !' Siiid the girl mechanically I f ! ' 5 ' 'I've come to ask you about your plans, added ' the plump widow. , 'Because if yon have no other iutentions, I'll beclad . . . . . " T, , . , . I . ... , ' I'm Com to have n honse full o' summer to nave you help me witli the housework. i boarders, and there'll be a deal more fSZ ffl I 1. : .-l.n rAH TIPAfl niAaf o n ll ' ""luc- !; T Ston a minute V, said Joanna Am I . ou , to nuaerBianii ihhi juu.w.v ureiu- o- sume the position and duties of a servant without a servant' wages V Youll be a member of the family, said Mrs. Emmons; 'and you'll set nt the same table with me and Elviry, nud--' I am ranch obliged to you said Joan- na. but I must decline four kind offer.' - u :. 1 . t . ... And Mrs. Emmons departed iu right- , , , i . . 1 . f. . . Pla cuus n ruiii urum ii's vr " e was certaiu sooner or later to have ' ,L ! 1 'He plenty of friends said Joanna f00 aU. Jl Bill SUIB.IU w wiu Hrcu luit ,- x ; ' , i . r -, - 4, '. Rnl Snnirn Hsirrnn liHiEeil linriler . tlinn came t lim. iss Fox 1' said neT ' . .n.. , ' .. that s the very prouiem ot the age woman's workj you know; and I ain't , - " , .-. . - . XT . smart enough to solve it. Copying! No. i.n 1iABn'f 1A.1 t-1k(lf k-f Xlf ' mt 1UUI II till uumu V aiw v.iciw owi v -vi i vi . - f - j ; .1 -t . Do I know of auy one thnV does 1 N-do, 1 can't say I do j bqt if J I should hear of au opening, I'll be sure to let yon know. Ahem! I'm a little busy this morning Miss Fox j sorry I can't devote mors time f ii ' -.Tuli ii - tli door. . ftnnd-morninf. ,TJaa V-Jf , , i - - vnn . , , ' , . have miue an T8 Barton's prayer in this sad visitation of an inscrutable Prov- ideuce. k ; Old Miss Gringe, who had fifty thou sand dollars at interest, and who had al ways declared she loved dear Joanna Fox like a daughter, sent down word that she wasn't very' well and couldu't see com pany.' f Dr. Wentworth, in visiting whose in valid daughter poor old Parsou Fox had L , .- i U . .j tr i i-iiii I irii i hit . iirnn miiie:ii i-saiiini - 0. ... x - - --" was sorry for Miss Joanna, of course ; but he didu't know of any way iu which she could bo useful. He I understood there was a kid-glove factory to be opened on Walling River soon. :; 'No doubt Miss Fox could get a place there ; or there would be no objection to her going out to domestic service. There was a great deal of false sent indent on this subject and he thought But Joanna without waiting for the re sult of his cogitations excused herself. She would detain him no longer, she said : and she went- away with flaming checks, and resolutely repressed tears. ; .When sho got houle. she fiuind one of the trustees of the church I awaiting her. He djdu't ..wish to hurry her, he, said, but the new clergyman didn't want to live in such, a ruinous old place : and it was their calcu-, lation, as the parsonage, was mortgaged much beyond its real value, to self it out, and buy a new frame. house near the depot, with all the modern coaveruences, for the use of the Rev. Silas Speakwell. Am I to be turned out of my home?' said Joanna indignantly. Deacon Blydenburg hemmed and. hawed. He didn't want jo hurt no one's feelings; but as to her home, it was well known that to all intents and purposes the old place had long ago passed out of Parson Fox's ownership; and they were willing to accord her any reasonable length of time to pack up and take leave of her friends say a week. - So Joanna, w,ho could' think of no re maining friend but her old governess, who had long ago gone to New York to fight the great world for herself, went down to the city, and appealed to Miss Woodin in her extremity ; aud Miss Woodin cried over her and kissed her and caressed her, like an old maiden aunt. j 'What am I to do?' said poor, pale Joan na, 'I can't starve 1' 'There's no necessity for any one starving in this great busy world,'said Miss Woodin cheerfully. 'All one wants is faculty.' Joanna shrank a little from the hard, stereotyped word which 6hc had so often heard from the lips Mrs. Emmons, Miss gabina Sexton, and that sisterhood. 'But how do you live'?' said she. 'Do you see that thing there in the cor ner ?. said Miss WoodinT 'Yes,' answered Joanna. 'Is it a sewing machine?' ? 'It's a1 type writer,' announced Miss Woodin, 'and I earn my living on it.' 'But what do you write ?' said Joanna. 'Anything I can get,' said Miss Woodin. And thus, in the heart of the great wil derness of New York, Joanna Fox commen ced her prilgriraage of toil. First the type writer, then promoted to a compiler's desk in the 'Fashion Depart ment,' of a prominent weekly journal ; then, by means of a striking original sketch, slipped into the letter box of the Ladies' Weekly with fear and trembling, to a place J no the contributors' list; then gradually ris ing to the rank of a spirited young novelist, until our village damsel had her pretty 'flat' furnished like amincrature palace, with Miss Woodin "arid her type writer snugly installed in one Comer. ' 'Because owe! everything to her,' said the young authoresr, gratefully. And one day, glancing over the exchanges in the sanctum of thej Ladies' Weekly, to whose columns she still contributed, she came i across a copy of t ie Foxville Ga zette. -. I ; j - ' ' V- . , 'Hester, she said, hurrying home, to Miss Woodin, -'the parsonage is to be sold at auction to-morrow, and I mean to go up and buy it; for I am sure quite sure that I could write better there than anywhere fclse in the world.' ' , j . .-v. I ' Miss Wood in agreed with Joanna. Miss, pToodin believed most firmly in' whatever! Joanna believed. In ber ; loving eyes thej young writer was always right. ? A - ', i -So Joanna. Fox and Miss Woodin, drcssH ed in black and closely veiled, went up io ... . ... i- .:kl-- ! f : "V, nC. DT" JJ , iiveniKMiy was mere. . luci umu t - - .;j . - ' , . These open air concert-garden, are making . an ; auction sale at Foxvilte every day inj the discovery of the method of first wm:k' ! We, which he relates in a manner that sel" theweclc, " . ' '-" to have been' poaterior to the dom faib' lHin!r-2wn 1? : i e t X ' ii 's.i.. ..mJ1 URe wf Rold, s lver or com'er it u - . i i D,,nS wn the house, no mat Squire Barton was tlicrcL .with a vague ,t,. .. J wr copper, it is cer- ter how ! ninrh thm.:.:4 ,! j.-'t -"c . u 'i ta,n that,kw8 prepared iifanc eut Egypt . idea of purchasing the old place for a puW ata very remote epoch. Our space ill with Politicallyi , Speaking noifen lie garden. . , FotJrmit 08 to recapitulate the varuius So gainst a Wu Uich he, eidered ,N i viTi i . t. : . .1. o t 111 Vfllt lima mul i ... . ' . i . - , . .. , js n -wuuiu u auracuve,- a u uu.rc, 5 nV"-"" A',"r,V,;u.lB ,n !.' 'tj wise but pound 1 fool ishihe tt ;iW v """-".lamiiDir a proper furnacB witb nlt jwhy the Germaus need pocket all the roon-!, ieythat there,i'goingr.;:Sj j Mrs. , Emmons came because else did. - Miss "Dodge, w hoi - had-i dsaved a I - V I - I il pttle money; thought that if the place went pheap,6hc woud pay down a part and give a mortgage for the remainder. j.f . I i And my sister could keep boarders, she considered, 'and I could ai ways have a home there.' 1 Bat Simon Lockedge was most determin- jed of all to have the old parsonage for his jown. ;- ;' --'-'. - - j ; i j i I could fix it up,' he said to himself, 'and, live there real cpmfortable. It's a dreadful pretty location, and Fra bound to have it-j-1 especially since mother's investments have! turned out bad and we've got to sell thej old farm. Nothing hasn't gone riht with us since I broke off wiih the old parson's granddaughter. . It was'nt quite the square thing to do, but there seemed no other way. But, let mother say what she will, it brought bad luck to us.' ! And rustic crowd surged in and out, and the auctioneer mounted to the platform onj an old T kitchen table, and the bidding be-! 5 gan at five hundred dollars, and 'hang firel . . for some time. 'Six 1' said cautious Simon Lockedge at last.' '. ! I Seven 1' piped Miss Dodge, faintly. j Eight!' said Simon, resolutely. ' j A thousand! uttered the voice of a quiet veiled lady in the corner. j Tain'tworth that said-the Squire, totto toee; 'all run down fences gone to nothrj ing.' j But Simon Lockedge wanted; it very much. - ' - 'E le ven hundred !' said he slowly and unwillingly. 'Fifteen hundred !' spoke the soft voice decidedly. !1 ! A -'--Fifteen " hundred V baWle4 "thei "netuii eer. 'I'm offered fifteen hundred dollars for this very desirable property. Fifteen hun dred fifteen teen teen! Fifteen hundred; once fifteen hundred, twice fifteen huni dred, three times and gone ! What name, ma'am, if you please ?' And .the lady, throwing aside bcr veil, answered. calmly : ! ! 'Joanna Fox !' The old parsonage was rebuilt, and stud ded with little bay windows and mediaeval porches. Laurels and rhododendrons were set out in the grounds, the little brook was bridged over with rustic cedar wood, and Joanna Fox and Miss Woodin came there to live in modest comfort, But Mrs. Lockekge and hersonNSimon moved out of Foxville when the mortgage on their old place was foreclosed, and the places thathad known them once knew them no more. And Mrs. Emmons said : 'She's done real well, Joanna has. I al ways knew there was something in her.' And Mrs. Wentworth and the Misses Barton tried desperately to become inti; mate with the young authoress,; but with out avail. j For there is nothing in all the wide world so successful as success, and it is a fetish which has many worshippers. j Hellex Fourest Graves. SCRAPS. Ttie yellow fever is at Matamoras. - Tnere hare been eight deaths out of -30 cases and the disease is SDreadinz, The malady has also broken out in BrowBSviue, Texas.... i. Twenty-one cases of sun stfofcc in New York last Saturday A great pub lto meeting in Egypt declared In favor of eupportlnsJ Arabl Pasha. The Khedive has forbidden such aid and comfort but is without power our public debt was reduced $14,000,000 last monthw Heck4 er's nourlng mill has bn destroyed by are. Loss nearly S 1,000,000, mostly covered by insurance.... . j The President has vetoed the River and Harbor bin. The distinguished Russian General, 8hobelen was killed In a drunken brawl Deraocratlcs In Washlmrton are couatlng on a Democratic House in the next Congress. The party was never la better spirits in this Mtate thus early In the caavass than now..wThe Wilmington Star says North Carolina is more ably represented In the Senate than any State in theUnion WlnnesoU's wbet crop is said to be about million bushels. ...The Green- haokprs are stronger In ewbern that, anywhere 8 tatwS SUt?.....Senator Hill condition is hopeless. Death may come very soon . ..... . Popnam, one ot MahonCB pets, a pink of that stripe, was flUj lng two offices, but not making money last enough tried forgery and was snapped up for it.. .Officers In Charlotte weresearching for a white man named Sheppered, yesterday, accused of assaulting i imh pro woman.... ..Venor predicts cool moist rather for August. A Belgian stole money and fled td Canada. nd sent back a Canada lawyer to ai range the matter on paying back part of the money, Bu the Belgians popped him Into prlwn as an accem nnce..!:..TheTlondon Times foreshadows EngUsh opposition to the Porte's proposed raytttKrpl to aid in restoring umci uu rriT-Z.v trot ....... .Fasting Is the latest remedy for acute rheumatism. May drink coia water ana juuuuuc. - . i . An exchange makes the assertion that 'the man who buvs his way to Ongress will sell his vote a'fter he gets there.! - S j j An -Exchange asks, why should Arthur strain at the river and harbor gnat after swallowing the pension camel. - . : rj Alabama lead off in the elections thia year. . It votes , on the 7th of August, Kentucky votes for minor State officer. the Kime day Arkansas vote, on Septem-j ber 4th, Vermont on the 5th, and Maine on the 11th. On August 3d, Tennessee lwt Mtnntr officers and vote, on the - . . - question of a call of a State Convcntioij to amend the Constitution, Irou and Steel. j Three Houraf row Crude Ore, ' V Iron, known from remotest autiquiir. lias received from its utilitv. more tud " ojeci ii more patents any other known saliKfncA imn common, is the mt d.ftic;itr,h gently i illustrates hi. nil metal r 1.t;.. . i j. ., - nunc ui iur use. . - ... Z F? uuitii in ifiiv rnnsiKra - - strata of bars of the pnrest-malleableironJ,l!y ftnd powdered charcoal ;atwosphe lc air lis .i -n... ?,x u iron, the texture of which,.originally fib-1 iron, the texture of which..oriTinall v fib-Y r i . . rous, became granular, aud its surface Z 1 1 i, ,Ui,8iereu cuaracter. Jilistered ateel, rolled or beateu down into bars, forma ''shear steel jn if melted, cast- into ingois, ana again rolled out iuto bars it forms "cast steel." As with iron, so with steel, within the past four year, rapid I stricesliave been made and imoortmifc discoveries i-ecorded in its manutactnro !. to lessen the cost and improve its textnro and quality. .Up to this date Bessemer had 110 doubt made the most important discovery, and steel bearing his name is now a common article of commerce. Not until this year, however, was the inveS - tion peifected which must at one stride completely revolutionize the iron and feteel trade. JThis truly wonderful iuveu tion, by which iron or steel can be made direct from the ore in the incredible time of one hour, is own by the JsonTii State Mining Uompanv, whose offices are at 52 Broadway, New York. The credit of the inveutioii is due to Mr. Wm. W. Chipman, "" wjuhiv prouuoi naviuir creat ed a system of mannfacture at once new, simple and effective, au inveutioii which in a few. year, will make his name heard to the remotest parts of the civilized globe. . The North State Mining Company is founded on immense beds of magnetic iron ore of great extent, richness and un excelled purity, being free from snlnliur. phosphorus aud titanic acid, averaging lows church, Lombard street, a new pen "la'rSflIng for the "d V '" ,0" April 7,h of m I t 1 1 VAMW M ffVtf.X A nAM.o.k lvM ilio Haul... manufacture of steel direct from the ore by theDew process owned by this com pany. Astonishing as these statements maj'i seem they are now aeconmTUiied facts. and it is but a question of. a few weeks Iwjfore the products of the furnace, will be ou the market. " The slag coming from these patent furnace is entirely and chemically free: frotuetal; ; being as light andjKirons jisjimiuwco stone j thus a cun -RideraUe iavJiit i PWTfttT 'it "fa nJuu intention to enter at length iuto the de tail of manufacture Under thi invaluable process ; suffice it to say that samples of steel made by this process have been showu to and examined by a number of eminent metallurgistti, who while at first denying thai the result eould ber accom plished by the means adopted, now ac knowledge their error and admit the suc cess of the invention j-by this process the finest kinds of cutlery steel have been made direct from the ore in one hour. Thus we claim that the most important discovery of the age is that owned by the North State Mining Company, a discov ery, which, as we before stated, must revolutionize the iron and steel -trade, aud enable America not only to compete with Euglaud, but actually to ship steel into Knglaud and Europe at a handsome protit. There can be uo doubt that the htock of the North Stnte'Miiiiug Company will become one of the invaluable invest ments of the day, fullj repaying those who have had confidence iu their state ments and promise. We admit we were among the most skeptical, openly laugh ing at their apparently incredible state-, incuts: but we have seen the manufac ture, seeu the product, seen steel made from crude ore in less than two hours, seeu the bloom returned to the furnace and inless than three hours beoomo mar ketable steel. We admit our incredibili ty and our convesion into warm believers in what we have seen actually accom plished, steel made from ore iu less than two hours by one heat. The colored vote of the State will not be taken iuto serious consideration by the Republican politicians, who are convinced that the 'colored brother' always votes the 'straight ticket,' but there is some proba bility that a large number of colored voters will mark out and pursue a course of ac? tion for themselves, and that too, mainly because they are not 'taken into-considera-tion' by the professionals. They will re ceive just as much by voting to suit them selves as they will by voting far thejicket mapped out by A. B. Cornell and'Mc To.' Their leaders arc not consulted in anything, even the smallest piece of consideration, they are told, 'No, you people want too muclu' If this be the caso if they get not h ing as a voluntary offering, and less, when they prefer a claim what have they to gain and what to lose by the triumph or defeat of the Republican machine. Nea Tori Globe, (a colored pafxr.) The population of New York is e.tim.f tbv thfi Time at 1.300.000. Of this ,vx i number 500,000 are supposed to be Cat h olie population. Brooklyn is estimated to have 590,000 population and 200,000 Catholics, including men, women and children. The Episcopalian is uext: in New" York 254175; in Brooklyn 11,312. Presbyterian next: in New York 21,580; Brooklyn 11,631. Methodist fourth: in New York, 51,590; Brooklyn, 11,036. Baptist fifth : New York, 12,6S6 ; Brook lyti 10,861. .- A board from a catalpa log, which had lain on the ground for one hundred ; ears, was found to be sound, fair, and susctnti lc of a good polish , i ?e if the'm'ur'derers ofTrd Cavendish ....o oircsieu in i Venezuela. ; . I" J ISSeveraT hundred colored n?oneid' sNanstmry and t5tatcsville. vwueu AsheviIIe on ;tirH-i : r. i - I - 1 . . . . 1 . 1 study ( The Baltimore Dty thua A appreciatively v tJ.""fer Senator-TaijatofTtiieof Lt e- orth Carolina, frmnrntlv 5lTnit.- xnnorhM t y r wuccujiuea, tr- ramcr para- reminded him of a kind old mahh li - - - ) - . - - ' vca at the op of a hill in North Carolina. ; One a wagoner came, by and unluckily got loan of a air of Mnlo. irai. i.'iu-i ' I i Iieln him nr lli. l.ilL' fi.:.t . !i . :!": i ; "C,P ,IC,P h,m UP th . t iSaid ' thenkind old man : 'My friend Iliave not got a pair of.-j mules or a fifth chain, to save vonr lif Rllt f im 'Li"?" ! f jJniVw. . m B txionso helPi a man - can icnu you ine oest nddio . Jou ccr Jrew a bow across." 1 .Ut-- 1 ' vD .tt n rii'i..-'.i. -! " ' T u rKD V ' 10 w maue a SSnlICI?an by the clothes. ho ': vrears theboTses he rtdes, the stick he car- - "es, the dog that trots after him, the house he lives in or thsmsnov' h rt vf' r.n .1 , . t?" - ; and Jct HT j m a gent,emn- He may wear an i ol( "at cheap clothes, live in'a poor honso'- ' and spend! but little money. But how ? By ' being true, manly and honorable, keeping1 himself nest and respectable; by being civil and courteous, by respecting himself' and others, and finajlv. and above' all. bv fearing God and keeping his command- ments. ParUh Visitor. Somo curious old customs are still bb-v served iu London oo Good Friday. '-By the will of Peter Symonds made in the' year 1568, sixty of the youugest boy. in Christ's hospital receive, after divine ser- vice on Good Friday morningjn Allhal this year, after a sermon by the preben dary,the requirement, of the trill were, for the 239th time, carried out. At St. . Bartholomew's the Great,-West Smith field, twenty -one widows visited an an-1 cieut tomb in the churchyard, and each picked up a new sixence. ' Though the name of the benefactress has becu lost,' the gift has lecn observed 'every Good Jtiidajiinorinng for the las fear hundred years. i - " - - -v-;- , 1 " - t Trustee's SALE OF VALUABLE . ' &oli Mining Property. Bv virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed by Josiah Cope, president of the Bullion , Gold Mining Company, to D. M. Taylor, H. IL Haines and II. A. Menough, dated April 21st, 188l.anlregistered in Book 59, p. 139 ! of the office of thei Register. of. Deed, .of Rowan county, and upon which default ha. been made: and the said parties of the o cond part having assigned their interest in said Morrgage Dccl to M. E. Kirk for a - . . - t - vaiuaoie consiaeraiion, (wno requires a fore closure of same), we will sell at public auc tion at the Court House in Salisbury, on ,11 out! ay, 4 Hi Day of. Sept. (September) next, t&e Land and Machinery and all property and fixtures on the raid land belonging to the Bullion Mining Com pany, fa id lands adjoining the lands of Lena Miller, Rimer Mine and others, eon . taining twelve acres, more or lets. Terms of sale Cash. . " -IXM. TAYLOR, ' II. II. HAINES, IT. A. MENOUGII. . August 3d, 1882. 42:1m - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. As Administrator of the estate of Robf. G. A. Love, deceased, I will offer for sale in the town of Waynesville, at public auc tion, on the first 3Ionday in August next, that i, the seventh day of August, A. D, . 1882, the following described town proper--ty : Seventy TO regular shaped one-half ! acre Jots and eighteen 181 irregular shaped lots averaging one-half acre each: All lying ia the northern end of Wavnesville and contiguous to the new Court House square and the depot ,of the Western N. C. It. It. .-. ... TERJIS OF SALE. Six months credit with note and good security. Title retain ; eel utitil purchase i money is paid.? Title guaranteed. . Tv -?. , ! liOts can be distinguished by! stakes now on thegrpund which marks the lots, and streets. ! - . ; :' !" -: Map showing entire location can be seen at Haywood Court House on and after, the. 15th of July next. ', f ! M.II.LOVE, Ad'mrofi R. h A. LOYE, Dec'd. I J. Y. Barbeb, Autioncer. -1 June 28th, 1882. . - 39:1m. : j SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. ON Monday 4lie4th day f September next, at the Court IIou&c: door in Salisbury. I will ; sell thatjvaluable property known a. the s ?s ?s.o?3zyrrf situated on Main Street: in the Town of Salisbury. Terms of Sxjjk ; The purchas- I er will pay one third of the pnrchaec money ; as soon as the sale ia confirmed, and he will have a credit of tHiree and six months fof the other two third, with tertt , from date of sale at 8 per cent. -h J V Biddings will be opened at $1,479 SO. Title reserved until all the purchase money is paid. ! JOHNtlJENDERSON, 28, 1882, f 42:1m . ,Com'c v.; I : u 4 ':4 ,i

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