I ' - .- - - tj pBlaaLalaissBB i - - ii a a -a z-- i - 1 . r. .-. -i - f I I! ! - t r 1 t Carolina Watchman THURSDAY AUGUST ? 7, Democratic State Ticket. FOR BKPRESENTATIVK AT iiaw . , fRISDEN TYLER BENNETT, of Anson. FOR 8CPREME COURT JJJDOE ; THOMAS RUFFIN, of 0nge- ! FOR JUDGES: )t Pis.-JA3IES E SHEPHERD. '24 pi9.FREBEIUCB: PHILIPS. 3d Di. ALLMAND A. McKOY. 'Ath nik JAMES . MacRAE. 5th Dis.-JOHN A. GILMEIi. 1 6th Dis. WILLIAM M. SIIIPF. FOR COKGBES8 7TII DISTRICT I WILLIAM 31. BOBBINS.' ' II FOR SOLICITOR : JOSEPH DOBS0N. 5i ih'liewCougressioual District CQUveuHot Jlhich met at Vaakiuyilfo lasf tharaday ' ' :t noniioate a caudidate for Congressac '$iupljslied its work without disturbance and to the satisfaction of the aity m :tia couuty, ami we belive in the pis . strict The jfioITf Win. M. Robbins 'was Ann to Yw our standard-bearer ill the josuiug canipaiyu. We of thU cotjuty liiiow hint wuil : Wo h.i'vo seen iud ?UUown much of hiiu since the war, and nro " ifijbt afi!ijt to trust him wiiIl the niost ;ied inter-t of - tjie ieJo. Of loved himself worthy of our Highest sbufideuto aud trust; and will faithfully itnrestMit 'hU fellow citizens througl ,&ick aud thin, and with an abilityisel- st longest ' i : i . .I... ,vtn't.ufiiiii .kill iHllltllll"! m mo viim.i"" .... lily eiet-Hieu ieiuiw nu;u, ..cn Few men of Jiis ago laud The principal useof the IntcruaJ Berenae U to sapjioit an ariiiy f official to work for tho Renublicaii party. For tbia,th ix-y,- euue men iu this $tate collected last year, piuVinfr June 31, lte the saoi of $Wr 'IH. " Who pays this enormous suoi of iouey ! Those who li ink the wbisU and use the tobacco. Tobacco and whw- ey are products Of North Carolina. Th republicans and the "liberals ' are oppos ed to the repeal ojf the Iiiteruiil Retrenne system, which taxes the pepple to the tune of millions every year. Whyt Be cause! the repeal would destroy them as a party. Tujie away uie money wuicu uF porta! the white leaders aud th$ republi- ttiu party could apt live. Tbb reports frokn Egypt indicate more preparation for active work jthan anything else. The powers concerneU in tne move ment against Arabi Pjsha have (disagree ments' amongst thefnsel ves to arrange Eng land, Lit instance, insists on commanding Turkish troops, w'hicb has not yet Dcen conceded. Dea!tof Sesatob Hill.- The distin guished and belqvcd Senator of Georgia ----- ! . i. . 1 J ... . a a died at hu homein Atlanta at a oiock, a. Aiiaust 16th. J A committee of Senators will go immediately to Atlanta to serve at nis uunai. . i i T f . : 1 The North Stat says it does not think; C.il. Folk can i get f anything like a fair Ret publican vote" in the Guilford region, ow ioi to remembrance, of some acts of his during the war. i . An examinatiomf-the pulidcal field i North Carolina fallo levealand sucji : defect iou in the lemoeratic party a jep opaitlizes our sacqes. But there ui der fectiuns. These defections, however, are more thau counterbalanced by defections from the Republican party, for many who have been Republicans froui principle djo not propose to be sold ontjby the revejjue ring to the cast-off politicians of the Deni- itfrat partyr So in' thatj score wear3 ponteuM Honors are easy uui. e re onie that. thei-e js a painful absence of organ icatiou in the Democratic rauks. Of organizations we are supposed ; to know; something. It is work ami labor. It re quires care, iutelligeirt action, thoughtful and prudent work, and constant work. It cannot be done in a uiouUi, of iu two of them, hardly iu tjiree of them. It ought to be done. The wuuty cdwmittees should be composed of meu who appreci ate this fact, aud the township commit tees should realize that after all they are the workers. The' party should be or ganized as a great ''Encampment of Up terrified Democrats," of which each pre cinct is a company, with its captain, its comimnr officers aul its privates. Tjie fihtiug is always doue by the companies, Rut the meu must be organized betore the battle comes in order to prepare for it. The rolls most be made oat, the sick car ed for, the ammunition provided. It Js too late after the enemy attacks to attend to these details. So iu organizing for po- Tlie fcifm; of George Spiilh iu Faulkner county Arkansas, has Wen under cnlti vatiou for uiowthaiifalf a century, yet," as he waa plongliinga field recently, he turneu up some anc-ppi, rwira, hju u ravine receutly swept by an overflow he found a large number of human skele tons, With -earthen bowls, shells aud arrows. . The! skulls were all encased in vessels made f f clay, and oue, with) hand mly engraved ornaments, seemed to deuote that the skull belonged to au im jwrtant 'personage yr- FOR THE WHEAT CROP ALLtSON & ADDISON'S STAR IWi BRAND" COMPLETE MANURE ! CombtHc$ the activity of Peruvian Guan- no vnth the ttrong and tasting effects of An tmal Monte. . - It is prepared under our personal super-1 vision, and is made of the best materials SALISBURY! FEMALE ACADEMY! I m. .til r.: . i.J' nt lueexei-cisesoi wu iu.uuuon -contains no shtMgirtiher inferior m open on; the tlth day otSeuterobiinder WOMofcfct vj t tne airecuou oi aiitw 6, a, uu,mb, i t piiueipai? and missijenjiib acali- it is Fine, Dry and m Excel SForihe English ciasse $2.oo ' ient Uondition for UriUing. per mouth. ! For pupils studying' Latiu This Fertilizer has been in use twetve or French. S3. Con tin sent fee 1 81 per vears. and has aained a reputation for ex- session.! i - U . r eellence second to iionc. 'jSrSTAXbJLRD For admission apply to 8. H. Wiley, at GUARANTEE. the Rank ; or iu his absence to Mr. O. V. MMM,a,,,,,BaaaJajaaj,ajBjBjBBjajBjBjaaajBjajBjajjl ' -r ,i 4 t$ . t-1 ! T ' ; rk p -I . r I t Davis. 44.1m J. J. BltUKEU, Ch'in School Com. Female College ! Prof. J. H. j Gardner, of Ala., a t college ... - i ' "WE flAVE DETERMINED TO GEEATLY REDUCE OTIE STOCK, 0FG00DSI AiS uin froia this (lay offer Especial M.crati ; ewA SDlenaid line of Lawns reduced from U and 15 cents to 12 cents. . - 3fA fine assortment or juawus.iu gwu pnnci vww o vruia. f i i B-Ladies' Trimmed Hats from 50 cts. to $2.50. . ; EGents Straw lists i.ior wnicn we nave n hi ow oe som at cost. 5Tim. stork of Clothinsr is offered at a small advance on cost. - tWA. eood stock of Shoes at 10 per cent, less than ,we have ever 4old them. IT CAHHOT 'BE fSUSPASSED! Allison & Addison, Man ufactu rers. ffichmond, Va. President of long standing and successful experience becomes a partner and co-prin- N. C, R. M. Roseboro, Third Creek Sta- tiou, N. C, and by Agents at all impor Department. She lus never failed to give complete satisfaction and win the esteem and Idve of pupits. Hev. 8. H.: Thompson and wife, efficient and popular teachers last . . 'A. A. . J I A ..A.? A. A. I '-J Iitical actlou, tne towusnip comuiiinys 1 session, give luu iime toinsiruciiou. tinKfil n.Ln nnfcU !wt. of !nvrv voter !iu Three, new teachers of. Art, Mtisic and the preciuct some months before theelec- ' cipal of the school.1 Mrs. Gardner, ks Lady tt points throughout the wheat grow PrinnintL.uMimu control nf the Home inff sectiou of North Carolina. 45jl0tpd j Notice to Creditors! !-It will PAY YOU to see these Goods, i Call and inspect them careful I j.. Jj j t-Onr stock of White Goods, Laces, JNotions, ury Uoods, ncy Groceries.' as good as yon will find anywhere. &F We will buy all kinds ofDried Fruit and Blackberries, at Market prices. , June wy, ;oj MCVUBBliSCa is tiou day. The w'avenng should be visi- , Old Gcp. Clingman, at Morgan ton, could ted, the doubtful persuaded aud the faith- not stultify himself on the county govern-, ful encouraged and strengthened. A re- ment. lie said the men sent to the legisla- port of the actual condition of each towu ture'ought t be competent to select mag- ship in detail, giving the names of each ist rates and be liad no objection to the voter should be prepared monthly and. oresent law. 1 forwarded to the county committee, aiid from them a consolidated leport of tlio Capt. Coke and; W F. Busbee, of Raleigh, condition of the! county should be for- Modern Languages, thoDughlv qualified by nature, education and experience, com plete a Faculty unsurpassed in tine btate. Iai: " .1 "1 1 ' i" A. 1 ne scuooi is now piaceu on a uruier jooi ins than ever." if V. ' M OT . f ' .4 utmm tm. lioard ana tngnsii Tuition per term, fid. i aviap I The 26th session opens September 4th. j X or caiaiogue auuress H. W. Reinhart, J.JI. Gardneb. 44:1m All persons having claims against the es tate of John Seaford, dee'd, arc hereby no tified to present them to the undersigned on or before the I6tn day ot August, mm. This August 15th, 1882. E. S. P. Lippard, Adm'r. 44:6t 00,000 F DRIED , , . 1 -- v - I PEACHES Ai mm In reply . to inquiry I will ana Vltlt T O 111 nniv rpr rpfl tn tkf A fflW I I .T u.vr...-. " I Principals, private pupils at my residence, on reasona- t !l f Wa tprms W. A. KLuTTZ Aug. 7, 1882. 4t tisber in the -good opinion of thosejwho ljdfessed the citizens of Iredell on the 15th, hvarded monthly to the State committee JAuM'aaND rAKM iKUfllKil tfcUfiW mm oesr, anu iew, wo wi.o p1v ana maue a luoriiugn review u, p11""1 at ltaieign. 'i ins is tne worK oi organi-, , , -. - ,h U brighter future; tor ne is jusi ine.mau an(i parties, llieir speeches were aoie ana zation. It should be thorough, aud it , P B Ci S il l C. ! ii. i :ti .i..i:i.r in Iw.iuip I I ii I ...i... ... .1 e . . i : . m Hie pCUJUO n III ucuuu iv j I 001- fellow citizen, John S. Henderson, sq4 presided over the Convention at tadkinville, so that Rowau may yell be proud of the honor doue her by that body. I moves from Tiouit to point up and down I our ticket. Ve -trust that she will Carry these things in memorv during the uiuvass and. res pond to them with the best vote in Xoyem- uext sheihas ever ytt given to the I GRADED SCHOOL ! 1 Tlier veru tix ballots made with the following results : j FIRST l ALLOT . Dobbins 1:30 Craige 79 Armfield 64. I ' SFX'OXD BALLPT. t Robbius l'SSi Craige 75 Armfield I $7 Cleiueut of Davie 44. TIUUD BALLOT. Robbius 120 Craige 107--Clemeut 7. FOURTH BALLOT. f Robbips 130 Craige, 80 Arm 6eld 18 I Clement 47a - - I FIFTH BALLOT. Robbins 130 Craige 120 Armfield 11 Clement 14. ' . f- - fVT"ITVTV h $ Rob)ius 142-Craige 12G-Armfuld 7. I TIik jutlical convention inet immediate ly alter thd Gougressioiial Couveutieu ffitriahed their work, to nomipate a candi date for Solicitor. Rowan, it' will lie re membered, recommended i for th is? office a . a? 11. - tr mi .. neiMeiiow, ciuzeo, j. . aiauuey. ri uere Hvoie 1G ballots "in all, divided variously betweeu Dobson, Mauneyj, Glenn, of Stokes t aud Cowles, of Wilkes. On the lGtlr - ballot Dobson received 120fvotes, Jive more thau was necessary to elect, and parties, Thdir'spceches were able and zation well received. I ousht to be done for every township ; in the State. Incident to it is the work of Floating Steam Saw Mill .fT Why not ! pergnadiug the waveriug to stand with Wilmington, N. C., has one which our side, support our principles and vote That requires j udgmeut aud the Cape Fear where timber can be ob- tact) n jt devolves on the towuship taiued. . " r-mmiiiHppmnii. Tliv must m nlwnva at it, constantly aud coutiuuaUy. Before election day comes every preparation should be made to bring the voters to the polls, aud conveyances should be furnish ed to carry every pemincratie voter to the voting precinct. Now, all that re quires labor and assiduous attention. -" 4"a A aW A r next sne uas ever ytc given io vue a Cuiiiian garrison 01 4 men in reru party which represents the true interests j were massacred by the natives for out- Of tne people 01 una greai cuuuu j , The Graded School resumes its session September 4th, 1882. It is important that all be present the first day. This school offers a fine opportunity to non-resident citizens of the town, to educate their sons and daughters at a very small cost. For particulars apply to W. A. WILBOKX, Principal. Aug 10, 1882. 4t rages to their women. J. Y. Barber, formerly of this place, now a resident of Wayesville, X. C, sold, as auctioneer, in that place on the 7th, 80 Thja or wmetlliljg like it ls we, aiid ouituiu lots, which orougut 9Q,uuu. W. C. Y. Parkkb, Late ot Warreaton, N. C. W. K. Carr, Late of Edgecomoe Co. Tim latest advance in law-making is t be credited to New Yofk a law to punish Armfield 22 I those who attempt suicide and fail. if done and well done,' the Democratic party will give Benuett n majority of 25,- 000 iu the State, it will be the Water loo of Radicalism in North Carolina. iVir & Observer. Mfie yellow fever-is said. to bo abating at Matanioras. ' It was a company in the Sixtieth Rifles that did sncit tall running near Alexau- .T..i.. . X .1 t u. V.... . ti. mtl r.u ...... :k s..!"'- .""''V "'"w "- y ua iviii fi0 . cau.u .0 ful tznw at Fir8t Manassas and thev learn iucii iuutuiiiu iur, uinii iw8 ea io o some nreirv iair nirnrino' iMtni'H - i . ' I I 3 . remarkably like a telegram from Con the big scrimage was over. Wit.' Stat. cord. It claims the election of county commissioners aud Mayor as Liberal and Auti-prohibitioh victories. We think it! was the spirit inspiration of a would be Democratic party smasher. Of the new board of Commissioners, one of them may vote for Dockery, but the other four are about as solid in the true Democratic faith as is thtx splendid Ransom. The ! newly elected i Mayor was the editor of that trenchant prohibition sheet, that was published! iu Concord last year, known as the Temperauce Herald. Col. Having become rather aged todo-farm work I have concluded to soil my planta tion, stock, wheat, oats, bay, cattle, &c, at Public Auction, p FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 883. The farm is eight miles East of Salisbury, on both sides ot Crane Creek. Has on it a Corn Mill, and Cotton Gin and Press, all new and in good order. There are about 150 acres of lanch a good deal of at .excel lent bottom, and a good meadow. There is a good peach and apple orchard, a good dwcilina house and superior barn.; All the buildings are in jrood order. Will also sell household aad kitchen furniture, &c. Terms of sale: For personal property, CoKKER Fayette axp Water Streets,' casn. r or tne lana, one-nan casn, anu me other half on a credit of twelve months with interest. Geo. II. Peeler. a .. ti toon ii- PARKER & CARR, ercHs Cotton Cot III Administrator's Notice! I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of; John Graham, dee'd, to exhibit them to me on or before the 13th day of August 1883. J. G. Fleming, Adm'r 43:6w " of John Graham, dee'd. August 10th, 1882. oi:folk, va. Business and Correspondence solicited. 43:4m :pd COnOHisKINGMyfi.f, fnvaluablt pattnttd improvement found in no other EMUIJfES in the world: Fur Pamphlets auil Prict List, (also for SAW MILLS), addreu T1IE ALLTMAX At TAYLOR COw Mansfield. Ohio. OF blac: WANTED AT 1 & RENDLEMAN'S. Their Dry Goods, Notion and Clothing Departments have jost been supplied with New and beautiful Summer styles, j iz-L Good Stock of Shirts and Underwear ; SHOES, BOOTS and SLIPPERS as cheap as any in the market-j-the assortracat Urge LAJjlUS' and MEN'S EATS HUGH CHSAPEB THAN, E7EE BEFOSE. j: TUqj mean to feed 70x1 with the Best Flonr. Meats. Sugars, Teas; Coffees, Syreps, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Tapicca, Macaroiiia. Corn Starca, fo.&c. X "They have as fine FLOUR as is made tn the United States.gg . 25 Bbls. of th9 test 10 cents Sugar k TownurireTei j ! - 10,000 lbs. Shorts and Bran just received Tsew stock of Glass and Table Ware. Fruit Jars Lower than Ever Sold Before. J Agents for Coat's Spool Cotton.-; New supply of 5 Cents Tricks..; Call and see them before you buy as they have a thousand things not mentioned. ' H. W. Taylor, H. F. Atkins a E. F. Tatum, Salesmen. j June 14th, 188?. A SUCCESS AT LAST. 43 Sm BEHOLD THE MASTODON! IT IS COMING, STJIIE. j Salisbury, Thursday, August 31st. NO SOONER! NO LATER ! With aa airalaaca ot woaders possessed by no other show. The btst and greatest ! The most lUlia Me I P. B. Means claims the credit of Mcuriiicr ..and was iheteupou declared the iuouii- the result of tlie Commissioners election. s 111'" - I. . a.w nuuiu w quuuc iu ouypuc IUUI Ills political blood wan tainted with any Liberal corruption. Coucord Iiegister AYBURY, PULU1AN IIAHILTON'S EIGHT GRAND XJIVITEX 1 , - I ' St- Senator Yauce wants to know why the uiauufacturera do hot pay their wurk peo- f iple, higher wages while so richly protect- j ed by the tarilp, They answer j we can not aijoi U w Well, says thn Senator, if . you.w'ij.o'are eujoyihg.' a": j jeh monopoly under-the-oportio'u of the present tariff sysem-get'ting all the profits cannot . ajWd o pay your work people more, how H do you suppose the men aud' woaieu of . tho cuifptry who are working laie and i early in the cotton aud'ijornfields can af- s ford to pay them 1 Take off th tariff aud the farming people : of the i cbnu try can buyj goods for$j per cent, less mou- ey. Keep it up, and you get the profits ! wane the peqple groau unXler the burden. But suppose the manufacturers did pay i their work people high Wages i the rnon ! ey would come out of the pockets ojf those t u Uoouuuiie thecoods AYhat riaht has ? the Aoverumeut to tax doe class of ciffJ eeus to pay high wages to anothei f Theie is no protection uu the labor of tlio fai nter, the Ciii pentej-, die blacksuiith, the s whcelright, uud many other occupations. These have to Ughnhei'ir oWni way as best they cau. Why tax those who work iu i the fields to support those who work iu tactorieK. Our factories'are'uow couiWt: ..... r . - ,y. nig wuu me uauonsj oi tup earth! m all . the great market: they sjd to (oiiiuprs '5 ;t. eheaper tliau to tlieir owu peonle. 1 -Thev i lh It A . m - A S a . Ken to lonigueis for what they cau ' get. They take from their own people' all that the tanfi will allow them to demand. uie rruiu ii rowers Upuvention at Graensboro, last week", seems' to ' have been well attended jand as it was tha first of Its kind in J&isKState. Governor Jarvis was there to give it the'ui'onil en couragemeulv it, was entitled to. lit was largely " attended by friiit oweN and - citizens, chief 'from adjaceut coijntief. The Governor's address iu ojiening the fX'xhrbitiou was liberal, spirited and apt proximate, , 5. Charlotte Observer t Aug. 16. Leutz & Co., of Cliarlottsville, Va., have an agent iu Charlotte buying up all the grapes coming to market. They arc shipped to V a., where they are manufactured iuto wine. ; John Wjulsworth has sold to them a car jo&u. lie price is not slated.- Mr. S.1. Howell, of Meckleuburg Co. has been experimenting with the Gerniau Carp, hen the niiuiipws were put iuto his poud, February 1881,' they were not larger than a ftatfs little finger. Now, the smallest weigh six ponn'ds,--W. H. Baily, Esq., has sold fh silver mine near rhomasville, to a wealthy' Cpnipany iu Philadelphia, are preparing' to wpik it on a large scale. Ait Loiidou'4iicetiug to -raise "aioaey to complete the; f xcavartons at Ephesus Mr.iWood, tho esploi-er, told how he dis covered the famous temple. -No writings pxidto afford him the slightest clew to the whereabouts of this wonder of the ancient worldi But he hit upon au in scription from the wall of that theatre to " which St. Paul grouty have entered, but S'lhotlecjples suffered him not.1 This desenbet) a procession in which certain images were carried from the temple throag r tlje city gates. After much seal ch Ie fopnd the gates, aud he at length hjit upon the paved way, worn iuto grovjjs by the WhejdVof cha riots. LJttle by little he made progress at the city" qf Ephesiis until he reached the templa of the great goddess Diauna. The irajmepts of friezes and column drums gi ve a glimmering idea of what the whole must have beeu. They are now iu the British Museum. ' . - : . 4 The Cumberland countv Fair is! set to pptn on the 21st or Xovepiber, l$si It is i usually a very interestingbecasion, attract iqg visitors from far an( near ' ' j We do not belong to that class of sau- CUine men u-Iii. r.l ... !.,... ...i'i:.. 1' w - ---ST aaar IlUjao 1UU II VC On great, expectations. We have fouud it best ju polijtic as ju business 'matter, to examine the; situation practically' and prubp jftOthMrunj. Hindsight p,ay oe goou in its way, but foreight is very mueu uetier wn?u we are approacbiug rampaigi1ilvoviig kuch great interest VVatJMaMVaaMaajMr CHILLED PLOWS. THESE PLOWS bare genuine chilled mould board which are harder thaa neeL ' Having the lop ing landaide, and reTemible slip poinu, they are the beat running and moait ecwitotuical, to the farmer, of any Flow made. cnAHPEon GRAIN DRILL. A GOOD WASHING H.ACHIlilr INVENTED AND PATENTED BY I I: T.J. MERONEY, ' SALISBURY, N. C. pmm Thli Drill baa force feed distribu tors for both wheat and grass seed, and baa the only Fer- UiUer auaebment that will sow sticky phosphate, it Is the alinpleat, llgliteat runniiif and best Drill made. BRITISH MIXTURE. MASTODON R E; SHOWS ItlVi Rll,MlUattl JU O.VS SPEJIVL CAcooiprlatewWXDbUiict Departments. TllE EGYPTIAN CARAVAN AND ORIENTAL WKNAGBI IK . f ' V AN IMJdXE MUoEL.U Olf CU.jKlSlTIBS, 1 . AJJCI1?J' F MECHANICAL MAHYKLS ?5f KPSfK mlJ. toterrstln, 2o1TlbsX britishj LawlUTMAll BALTIMOmJ A VAST SKA iOl Alin'M. MO VI NO AUTOMATA AXli IVV.i'TtftYS nig unosuit-K! MetTlrtrt nlotMi Pri)aram. lth Newer "ei81u V"" An SAUTil !! We ma-ce no eicenrV. u-I', i'Tf lr. w e uany present au aFalanche ot attraction ' t5 1 be &nlnho"&r I 1 The handsome ana M'LJUE ZUIJLA, M'L.t,E ROSE mVm-: ; "e TilifV to a,, mv," U. i. top : t. uj receive her. MOm. FOREPAUGH. Tb. - ModOT tffr Daily .anuur e., aB lt mM ' . MRa WajH. GORMAN, i The acknowledged Champion Rider ot the World! ' ' MISS PAULIIq LEE, I The Dashing and BeauUfulLady Bare Btjck Rider. i BELMONTS,---.0BAELES AND IME s 5 1W ixtArs 4CTS. PROP. NEIL, SMITH'S Troupe of PERFOKMIXO DOGS... THE TWO PERFORMANCE DAILY. XGgSSgC32r AS UUAt- h ! " i 1 : i : e aZ zi. At faKff7! T4a??day, August 31st, 1882. - tr- - This ckebrated PertUUet has gained It! great popularity aot only on account of the price, but be cause Its effects are uniformly good, aud It bas been found w giro more FertUUer for each dollar paid than cau be procured from any other ource.j B. B. WHITDIA1T, Office and Salesroom, No, 104 S. Charles Street, BALTIMORE, HD. JIANUFACTUltElt Or AgriculturalSpecialties. - 1 i Tirm .ar 1 i. .in., , m$ . j 43:2m fOWtt: EaOfcS AND OTHER Valuable Property FOR SALE The undersigned as the Executors of the ast Will and Testament of D. A. Davis, THIS MACHINE is a nlain wooden tank lined with conner or galvanized.. ron. with perforated pipes in the bottom for the admission ot steamy with corrugated Holer, made of same metal, and ol sufficient wtisrhL This lhllur ir&thers the air while DIM i ing back and forth over the clothes, forcing air and water through the fahric. At aroe j time the steam is thrown up through the perforated pipes .underneath from the bottom of the tank. There are Wooden string Ixitwetn the niiM- ro as to nroticl thorn and form J a smooth bottom in the tank. 1 The process is simple : any Vine can operate the machine. F4rst, soap the clothes nnd distribute them evenly about four or five inches thick in the tank. Turn oft enough ter to cover them turn on steam, and move the Roller back ai?d forth UDtiMKater is colored. Turn the valve and let the water pass off. -Add fresh water, and repeat tbi three or four times, and vou find the clothes are thoronirhlv wnahed without the slieht- est injury, for there is no rubbing process employed, the Roller having rounded edges w " I"". wear r cmiiog. a lace nanaKercuiei can oe wasnea as wen as a quilt. EThis Machine is in operation at Mcronev & Bros. Machine Shop, where tlrej will be manufactured at as small a cost as! possible. Any one having a steam boiler in operation can use one of my machines at small cost and with satrstnetorv rebults. One person can do the work of ten wash women in one day and do fbe work betteiv j ; S5It is a splendid thing for boiling grain and vegetables fot stock. 3It is also a good wool-washer. f 1 f ! M 5"State and County rights for sale by the Inventor. j . 19:tf Uniyersity of Korlh Carolina. Next session beirins Ausrust 31st. 1882. ExiHii8es $165 to $250 per hiiiiuin. Reg ular uonraes of study lead to A. B., Ph. H.. and 11. SiKcial coui-sea. l-eceivini? Certificates nnd Diplomas, are open to students, ocliools of Ljiw. Medicine nnd Pharmacy attached. A Teachera'Coui-M of two years has been e&tublUhed. For particulars addresa Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., Pre't, Chaiel Hill, X. C. It - : 1 Weslejan Feiale Mitote. ; STAUNTON, VIRGINIA, Oiens September 20th. 1882. One of the First Schools for Young Ladies in the Uni ted States. Surroundings beautiful. CAU mate unsurpassed. Pupils Trom eighteen States. Terms among the besKin th TTn- Course, decease, win expose to puouc sale at the 1 ion. Board, Washing. English at . ww ' t 7 1 Tar tTt r. 1 r . . - uoun nouse in oausuury, v;., on oaiur- L,atm, rrencii, Uerman, Instrumental 3Iu day the 26th day of August, next, FOUR sic, fcc, for Scholastic year, from SeDtem 1 jxxjj.Lnjxi AvuoiJU( ouu uv i o, Buuaiv w.t 10 une, 9249 x or catalogues write in West Ward of said town, on Bank street to Rev. Wm. A. Harris D D Prest lietween Mam and Church streets. Three Houses and Lots in. South Ward on Lee str, One vacant Lot in South Ward on Horah street. Five acres of land near the corpo rate limits of said Town! on " Town Creek." Seventy-five acres on Dunn's Mountain, val uable for its Granite, as well as tor Agricul tural purposes. 52fTerms one-third cash, and the balance on a credit of six and nine 38:2m:pd. Staunton; Va. FRANKLIN ACADEMY! -0-0- The next session will bezin Au?iit 7th. S2- Young Gentlemen and Ladies, who are d. sirous to obtain a liberal education, will find au Tan, ages iii j-rauKiiii wnicn can not be bad auu mw uaiauu uh i.va vra oia uiu uiuci i - na, months, interest at 8 per cent, on deferred UZV xEm???'7 exn'? i 'm:.i ,.La n .1 I he great. Tuition very reasonable. Aaaia. pviiicuv. iiuc ic.ttiui.-vi nil mt me pur chase mopeyjs paid. i O. D. DAVIS, tx re Of D. A. Davis, dee'd. Salisbury, i. U., .jaiy tith, 1883. great, tuition very reasonable. Aaaio- tancein teaching will be had when neceraary, 39;4uid. H. A.TREXLEK. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS I 0-0 Having qualified as Executor of of Alexan der Boolian deceased. I hereby notify all nor. won having claims against bin entate to x- The undersigned will sell at the late real- ?Sf ihm 10 me on 3!0T? ?3,h ofJuljr Administrator's Notice. T hereby notify nil persons having claim! aszainst the estale of John N. B. Jobs- soN,decd., to exhibit them to me jon or be- lore the 6th day of ugust, isoa. I Dated the3d day iif 'Augnst, 1882: ' CH AS. PRICE, adiur. 42:1m of John N. B. Johnson, doc j. SALE 0FLAND ! " By virtue of a kecree of the Superior Court of Rowan county, in the case ot W m. Burrage and othersjex parte, I wilj sell op. the 4th 4lay of September, next, at the- COURT HOUSE DOOR IN SALISBURY, Twenty-five Acres lit land, lying and" beings in Morgan's township, adjoining the land of Edward Burrage, D. C. Reid, John Bur rage and otheis, on the Bringle Ferry roio near Buchanan -s store. Bidding to opto ; $88. - '1 - 'M HTTERMS, CASH. L. U. CLttxt, 42:1m ! f . FURTHER NOTICE. dence of their Testator, 26th August,' next. all tne Household and kitcnen furniture and other personal property belonging to their' Testator. farms cash. 1 ; '"' Wi IL DAVIS, i . . r in lnivrc JSx.rs. July Cth, 1395V ' Sfctf 1883. JOH N M . BOSTI A3i. July 1111882. Executor. S9:6t. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CR AO LINA WATCHMAN, OXLY ' 1.00 PER YEAIi. PRIVATE SALE! We also offer for iale at private -iMle,-"1. tract of land situate! in Mt. Ulla TowMbip, Rowan county, containing about 6o3 cr This property will bewld entire to any or parties deniring to purchace all of r be divided inlo smaller tracu to su purcli em. . j- ... We al-o offer for Ssale a tract of land Caldwell connly, containing about 00 It iv situated on the stream anown m HPf Utile river TherejJ a shoal in the nij .1 .. .aa . . ' . r . i.t.:.i. a f ilur mat naa a laii 01 twenty leet, mas - - t ble waterpower, uhih a sHfficient pPF? water to drive a large lercnant FacH.ry of wveraHhouiwnd jiindle perwjna wishing to view these (properties w -call 011 D.M. Barrer at Blarkmer. Ro county, or if they wih towiiie, direct " -letter to D. M. Barrier, BUcktner r. Rowan cotinlT. Terms twme as n00"11. : a . - - 1 : . . 1J a I ak in the atlverliement of the "Auction T 1 r r D. MJ Barrier. 1 P. Ai Barkibr. Y If 1-F i:2ai - ' . - i- ; i ' ', . n - . . - - --i . . - 1- i 1.' . 1