JUTT 1 v:0 i 1 1 1 - 3f oeiJJAj V;dL;2IH.-r5IED'SEEiES ;ataa iTmxzztmxi t . . -- i :0 1 "' ' 4'al ' ' I III . - S I -f. .-fc V milt : V " ' ' " null 5 t. ij J! IJii GarolinaW atohman,- fesfABLISIIED IN THE TEAK 1832. ltt? WOE, SUSS IN ADVANCE. . : a-- rxostetter's Stomacn i Bitters extirpates riMMii with jrrenter eertaintr ana DroaiptUude thin 'auylatiovnl remedy, andr U a muit e;Bial luvlcorant. appetizer and i ; ld ta iecretion.j Theie, rt not ' empty; 1 - . I a ) A rW vnw awI.i null ana women wuo nave uperiracru its tuttn frsirabie proofs . Ihe Bitters also s vt. a tl r'bealthfal timulos to the nrtnary organ, rrotmtny au dbiw anu . draw- au r 111 2iy r.S i l SL Ehobes BROWNE, Pre3t. Wsr C.COAltT, Sec. f.- 5 ' ; Aome Company,Seeking r - i i '. ! Home Patronage. StirifePMis.-Liral! Tcrin policifs written 6n Dwellinps. i PretJiiilms payable One-half cash and bal ancc in ttt elvc moiitlis, ,j , ! j J. ALLEH BROWIT, At., 21Gm Sli.ti'yrT, N. C , .1 it -i p3 lco S LI I 1 ' re- rT?-:-lM -ti ;. . S W. .: ',1 r- 7 L2li 1.9. o.X fO-' O iilREMEIBEB THE DEAD! i. X, ''I. Jif ! - s H0,UH3KTS TOMBS, Hartll Mcnuments and Grave-Stcnes of :r' Eyery Dsscnption. .- to an insm ction of mV I Ktswir w-i. P feel iustified in asserting .that my past Ti i! - nist-ciass workmen iu iU thej newest, and lulmlcrn . afvl. A v that tle,woiknianship 'i3 equal to any of u .u uie country, , i do notsay .tuat my work is suji ior to all others. 1 am reasonable, will not exaggerate itr or ror 1 Kccomplish .iale. My eudeavoria . i-iraMj aim give c;icii customer the vai- enfCHEATEH as i, vj a - r i . thair, ever offend in 4his townDefor."-' tall atohce or send rlpTice list and de 8ign.8. atisfactiorf gnafant'dbr no charge: L'tw f h? flection of trtarbfe"! a1 tho last work of respect Mif hWjhjfyi othe menjofy of departed fiteuo'sr ; i A OESTtiai4K.whoipBi'4 for yeart from aodalllw1,)fJOBthlJindj00mViW if ".ak of "flering JHwnniy,eud free to iiwhp oeed sr lh jewpe fanM direction ibc niiliuigjiheft, feipedbyhicji lie Faa ncrefU.ihuOererH inklntp t iu-nfit ..i. 1 Jjjl CELEBRATED cUfl" ! 1 I . . .. V- . I -. .V'- 1 v. , J r In g t5-1 I' Ho . ir-:!wCS.-',i -1 "J; 1 Vi eycry-UQllar they i ' ,-4):it 5r .- f -. Cedr ,y,rk ; it We conpatulate the people of North Cr oliina on the era of peace,prosperity andood government which has beenan broken ince the incoming of a Democratic 8ute admunaH tratipn; jipon the pre and infaj-tlaj Admin istration ofiusticc aid tho hoiesV enforce tuat Af tb Uwa poojUvieiieacof oar common school system and great advance tnadtrjn edocatkn,4and ;the general im provement and enterprise manifested in ev-fT-jjartjof thcStatey and. we, pledge, out; Mlfcs t&txea WjtSortn JtU.adT4ncj?i:ihf material interests of all sections of the State in .the futnre as iriave :de In the past. And.lre challenge fceraparison- between a Democratic administration of onr State af fairs and the crimes, patrages and scandals that accompanied Republican misrule, i Af firm wig Vu r ad h erence t Dem ocrat ic pr i n cfplea, as defined, in the Iplatfofni. adopted. byUhe National Democratic , Conveutiw h,e!4 M Cincinnati, inJ89(3l :' rk , Jfaohed. ThAt we regard a free and air Tpint'aa tie onij. sure means ot;rvsejring, tip ffiee Ameriyan institutions, and , ire iie- nounce the ite publican party and the inter ference of its federal officials for their irroea (WraadaCpfihe" eletivefjanchise, whereby jtyjiole tli3tncta,j3tates, antt fee,,J. nion bare bctnjdeprived of their Just wlitical rights; anPwe believe the cprrUt and corrupting Mtk of federal patnmffc:! amHof -"pttblie ifi influeaciftjl tld 5citrt4iin Hti'!Hl'i j1danerous tolf?efibeTt-iii r tTic ThU artfl the !Tnl'nn ! i iiewHted, l hat we Are,in lavnr ol .the en Ti raloli t i ofi f 1 1 leT 1 i?tv r iTiTr en vi eJ yV tenffyith "tiatten(Unij forrutinattiid' tht we denbVnce the prieent tariff IffwS grossly unequal, unjest land vicious.-, t We favor such a revision of the tarilf as will produce a-revenue sufficient for tbe econom ical support of the government, with such incidental' protection ifs will give t) domes- ticauanutactures a -lair Competition, with tluise of foreiun prMlncton. That there should be an immediate repeal of all laws imposing a direct tax for ' the support of the government of.t4e United -States, but if jt should prove impracticable to aljolish the) internal revenue system with all it at tending demoralization, fraud and corrui tioii, then we urge upon our Senator and Representatives inCongrcits the importance oi so amending tnc uw that tne revenue officers whonow receive in salaries in North Carolina alone more than $500,000 shall -be elected by the people, of, the localities to which mey arc ussignea. - - v i Beohcd That the course of the Demo cratic party since its accession to power in North Carolina m furtherance of popular education is a sumcient guaranty that we earnestly favor the education of all classes of 4ur people, and that we frill-ad vocale any legislation lookingtoiin mcreisie of the fundi ior ,tuat purpose that will; not materially increase the present burdens of our people. Jfesohed, That the question of prohibi tion is not now, and never has been, a par ty question in North Carolina, and never been endorsed by the; Democratic party, and) the' people of the State at the general election, in the year lfet, having by an overwhelming majority voted against pro hibition, and the Supreme Court having iit:i;iucu uiat me prouiunion act is not ana never has been a law, weregard the matter as finally settled, and anyj attempt to re new the agitation is merely a weak effort of designing persons to divert the minds of the people from the dangerous principles and corrupt, practices of. the Republican party. '"' .'' ' ''1 " - - Jietolved, That while we; are not wedded to any particular form of j county govern ment, we recognize thCr fbt that a .large part of the taxes of the State are paid'for the common benefitby the white people of our jcastern counties, and that we consider it the bounden duty of the white men of the State to protect these .people from the oppressive domination of ignorant blacks, and, pledge ourselves to such legislature as wil secure this end. 4 And whereas it is seriously suggested that vigorous effort will sjoon'be made to compel the State by judicial proceedings, to pny the fraudulent afid Unlawful iecinl Uax bonds, amounting to $22,000,000. issued under legislation passed by the Republican Legislature 186aand 18C& therefore ; Itewhed, further. That jthe Democratic party will resist such rwjovrry nnd the payment of such bonds by every lawful means. - f The above resolutions were read teritttim. and Jon motion Were adopted as a whole as the platform of the Dembcratic party of North Carolina. j Oh motion of Mr. Furman. the Tollowinc 1 resolution was adopted v 1 i I&sohedJ That the -.present faithful, ami tm Ient State Executive. C6nimrtte (if the Democratic party, with Col. Oct. Coke as chairman, be and ' ia herebv ' continued as the. executive- committee! of the party. thanking them for thc untiring r.eal and triumphant results of their! past services. Hon. A. S. Merrimnn being called on, de livered an address or marked ability the synopsis of which wc regret we cannot print iu tins issue, i ; t Oo his conclusion Mr. Paul B. Meatis moved that the thanks of the convention be tendered to'Jud-e Merrimon by a rising vote tor bis able, masterly, eloquent and instructive aadress. W nicu motion beia; Carried, all the members of the convention rose to their feet "witht shout 'of applaiiee a compliment as handsome as it was deserv ed. H J. iW. Reid, of Rockingham being called on, made some handsome and eloquent re marks.' , Remarks were also made by - Hon. Jos. 3'. Davis, ; Capt. Swift Gallowav, of Qrecne; Capt. C. M. Cookei, of Franklin ; Andrew Joyner, of Pitt ; If. G. Skinner, of Perquimans ; J. M. Gndgeriof Yancey, and W. f!ostcr-French, of . Robeson, and after the conclusion of his speech Mr. R. slL Fur- man moved to adjourn. t y - -Bir,' "A Commercial Name, r i 7:?I-2teyer, was in favor of war,' said an eld Arkansawer, bnt I notice that some of the worlrrs greatest men are not' of my opinion NcuJ there's rold Trademark.- He's a great man,Und he belieTes in war. - : V. ' ; Z 'd!dwhQ t asked a bystknder. j Oid Trademark. - f qh5elsrtdeiiMik J YO ' No wonder thy calhmr-ignorant when Such fellafs as yon show youir lack of school- in'. DJdn tyou never her of the great Ger man military tnan, Trademark V jTye h'eardpf Bismarcki " f: , : fTliats'a'iaot. 'Biz'-markJ fkt mowed that 'was vieiw-fHfs tpuiwt rcial name.' rin the Brining; Town. "Tis- he last lime, darling. he gently said. Aakedfleriipaik Ue eberry redJl Tw-morrow itbe bell : from; the (ownerwil. A joyful peal. Was there ever a king ,t,t So truly blest, on his royal throne,,, ,v As I shall be when I claim my own I! v: .'' I I, ' . . ' ' - A,.-l, v ?r. r i ' floras a fon44arewell ; ttwas ,a . aweu. 1 Tl But she watched him go '. r-" D .v.iv i . .1 - , Oer the jawniogalWhe lightly tprang, Jier aweetyoaiiff. faoe.tiwittr.ita; t raise. " brown' - l- -;;!. -Cfr 4 Was the fairest face in the mining town, t:,-.'. MitiJS'--? i -f , ci- s'jt i-A tcfjtthe morning came; but the marriage 1 .Ibelai j,- m:' ;, . High up in "the tower, rang a mournful 1 :i--' knell,-; ! ' For the true heart buried 'neath earth and ' stone, . Par down i?i the heart of the mine alone. A .sorrow lul peal on tber-weddin4a Q I For the breaking heart and heart of ciayf ' And the face that looked from her tresses I brown Was the saddest face in the mining town Thus time rolled on Its weary way, " Cntifstiity jeais,'with their shadowt gray, Had darkened the light of ber sweet eyes' glow, j, ; - And had turned the brown of her hair to j 'snow. " Oh ! never a kiss from a husband's lips, Or the clasp of a child's sweet finger tips, Had lifted one moment the shadows brown From the saddest fare in the raining town. Far down in the depths of the mine one -'day, - i ' N In the loose lied ear til they were digging away; ! I They discovered a face po young,1 so fair, FroiiiJlfe iiliiig lips toj the brigb t,'brown ; : hair, , . Untouched by the finger of Tiiue'adecav. Wheu they drew him up to the light of day The wondering people gathered 'round To gaze at the than thus strangely fouud. Then a woman came from juuouc thei crowd ' j With her louir white hair, and her alight form bowed She silwiUy knelt by the form of clav, Aud kissed the lips that were cold" and ""groy ;V k4- J . i r i v j Then'tlie aid old face with Jta Jinowy I i " lair I l. sfi ifr' " j On hia' vouhfui nRfm larSnnd thr. ! He hjid found her atlaiataiiraitiug . tU!bride -- ' ' ": - -' And the people buried them side by side. ;: f Rose Hai twick Thorpe. English Settlers iu Virginia n rBaltimore Snrvl i ; 1 U i. : j One of the striking facta of onr imtni- grntion statistics is thej enoruioiis Eng- lloll Iniliilirl'iittiin i 1 4 w. u.. T. . A . ..on iujiui6inuuir iu iiv .jroi9.,Hi long time It haat exceeded tha't frii.ii Ire- laudndthe ; Philadelphia 'American ir vii iu i vo itic ucni linn j limb - uiii- ny ycaapyvr,tli4 Kjigjis" yiiteliiiay have fiHKf Kwrsfdn d quite its Ahih as their1sli.n;'rii English tiutaigraiitoe not Joiter about (he towns Aa aj ule Jie in possed urit! land hauge4 and briag- ingfapitu with himt lie tbujrs a farm' iu lie West or South Mknv Attiltcr-thAtii. - . ' : ' V'..-.i i'1't 'fl ...llil f --""""lSv in botlof wJi.bpccjupatiODBa ..dbe found touch hnrjorJed.Eiilish talent! Vii aimh iWta ulUiatfracUbn-liior fifteen years past, an Lcxcellent chw of citizens, poasessed of coystdentblg caidtal, havi?blARgiiAbr.bidVDi 4cqutriUtttfuft aIaabHeh?Sle.tlb its so- cial aud commercial life,, Such are their u umbers t bat the keeping of the Queeu's birthdaj tka become a well; ;reijooized Yirginbi eveut. . The fact is recorded that "reiiied ui tiiy and navy officers, the sons of clergymen and conntry,geutlemeBf have taken up. their q.uartera til numbers in the Old Dominion and in Maryland, aud live there a lite not nnlike that of Virginia gentlemen farmers, Jang syne. In addition to this, a new element of En glishmen has of late been making great strides here. The aristocratic class is buying in the far West acres by the thou sand. . ' Dukes and earls are acquiring ter ritorial possessions which vi in extent with those thev oossess in the 'old 1 cimri- : try, aud manufacturers are starting here! . . . i .. t ! Drancnea oi ousinesa cunieu on ui uooie, j In fact, the stake England lias in this coantry grows greater every day .w The Democratic party is not a ''freetradeV party in the sense of tasking or expecting the wiping out of the tariff. Its proposition Is, and long has been, that so long as there is revenue to be raised it is entirely proper that it should be raised by the imposition of duties on imports. It insists, however, that these duties shall be imposed for the purpose of raising revenue, and no as the protectionist's demand, for "the ptxrpose qf i i imposing restrictions on trade and burden ing the people with aujast taxes, JXrM wnuev airofid' lot)K Ootie-in Tiis'eyesol p luoot ibc aimiguty,cjiignn-oi..tne taitnnzri "llj own is the prettiest girl in tow'nVM1fqal politics in Nnrth Carolina, or nrther did j ;Atf0 the joy of her heart seemed : turned tl c? r a ar - e s i At-rsfchfiiiiton. xorresponaent oi Jtne 9of4sboj-o Jessenjer V fwrites."iui ! 'lUiSim belong to It when there was a party ' by that na3e fnhe SlalCburhp'caaTt cbTde the pesnthbel-rrengem I 4 ive deoided to tell yiu what current IKmattera in hia own ' distriet ilnmnJiml I Jrnrlrorl harH Im th nnm n nn fnr Pah. St ltl UII IUIUU UC UUJIU iu uitie UU11IO if; ... ' ' T ti4 I . -Ti.-V (."- -, " P probable thcrciwill be fun along the: line fter awhile. The coalition is not believed TM parterW ut have sufficient salt in it 5 ta preserve jit from putrefaction. When prominent Re publican's kick4out of traces, and refuse io be reconciled, the' machine in ay well be terror-stricken, as I know It is. 'North Carolina is not so much a part of its plan as it waa two weeks ago." . ' County Government. We expressed our views on this question some weeks before meeting of our State Convention. We did so, after ascertaining the wide spread and growing discontent among -'democratic- voters- bftth ,east and west; that I the. convention ishdald propv erly informed and able to act advisedly in tbcTFernlsca, It!did so and prudently in thcp: act and wc have l)een content to stand on thej platform it adopted. The party "is wedded to no particular system, "and ean di dates or voters are at liberty to take po sition for or against the present system, keeping in mind the conventional guaran tee, that the tax payers in the east shall have adequate protection from "negro rulers and white thieves who are ever ready to dive into their county treasury." On this platform we can stand and contend for Democratic success without provoking or hastily accepting "a fuss in the family.' Western Carolinian. ! Growing; Discontent. Every day brings more evidence of the disgust und growing discontent of the true Republicans all over the state with the coalition ticket w hich the Mott Cooper Kevenue -nnS nav euaoaseo' ana askea them to support.' "A True Republican, writing to the t ree lance, says ne neara vtith disgust that Tom Dcvereaux had been nominated over that staunch and tried Re- P"1 H. Cozart. He jidds' , A one-eyed man can now. seewhich way threat is goingjo jump. 'These renegrade Democrats ere goin to get all the offices and ,eave thc tried an1 true Kepublicawl out. So far as I am concerned they can go on, but I, for one, will 'never Support any such mongrel concern. If I have got to vote for a Democrat, I will vote for one who does not pretend to be anything clsc-l Western Carolinian. The Republiccn Congress did something in relation to the tariff it increased the tax on foreign socks, knit goods, &c, fromi . . . . m -III . . 1 oo percent of per cent, 10 uusiraie whatihal means in plain UraSsTif we bay Englisisocls at Liverpool fer twcnty-Pve cents a psir unuer uie law as. n aioonwe had toVpathirteen 'a'ntt' three-fourth jcenti tax at the Custom House before We could land them. The "Republicans say "that ia. not enough tax, and so they hare passed a law raising .the duty tax to twenty-two and one-fourth cents. That is what they call criv in jt relief to:"tiie neonle acainst hiirhi ,L,V.::. ' i ia""un-"7 "TT' rH' .T A J ; -.W . ,., , k ! ;( Must Vote Refublican v Ticket.- To be fully convinced that theVRepublican ' party t hold tc6loredVacei political j toils of party ?aer?ice, pne has tyly tarreadj the dhKinssion Jin thl&f noWioaihe latej ousting.of ''Demwra rll! JJ RadicaIs.lfr:tlUehie of 6hm,Muringhi speecfTsaid r"If every colored man did not; vote i he Republican ticket, he ought to doi it, and ought to be counted that way any how." Are the nesrroes willing to submit to this arbitraiy rule! Down east the darkies call a mortgage a "morgan," and one of these morgan" crop pers in Nash thus described thc system toa Tarboro lawyer: "Dey runs yon all de year, and bime-by in de fall, dey catches you. Could volumes tell more? A remarkable sand storm accanipauicd br nn intensely cold temperature, is nieutioned-iu Icelandic Journals as har- R raged on that island for two weeks ,1n.;n tl. ' naar inrinv. - Til A - Air WAS v.. o r..-B- fiUed with dry fine sand to such a degree that it was impossible to see for more than a short distance, and the snn was rarely visible, though v the sky waa clear of clouds. Nobody ventured Wl of his house except upon mater of most nrgent necessity, and many who were exposed to the"" storm were froxeni The sand peuetrated into the houses through the minutes creTices. It was found mixed with articles of food aud drink, and everybreatir drew it into the Inugs. Tlionsands of sheep and. horses died. ThpibaU;. alway. come, throah . tb. j;. ; botp$it!cal -mm WJorthCajW: j jf here if' tontwh alk ' n the' stresH era K22ife?wi tse.; Bvms it! uisgruuucu. " iUiiaJi i4lgust is at some t'.-r tf.i I ThfeOnlpRealteSl&f ! " " J-- nr , -. : t ?-jtroi bSF T"nS: fw a j';';V ' ' -u- . Tlspi-" uajls: 9,n ?nA - s. iriil1cifti 'ill ORIENTAL mm, EGYPTIAN CAR1YAN DN1YERSAL EXPOSITION OF LIVING W0N11ERS! OF PALACE, SLEEPING, STODK, FLAT JIND Do not be led astray by the DECEPTION practiced by SMALL SHOWS, who may WHAT YOU Two Miles of Street Display. 200 Male and Female Artists. Herd of Assiatic an idLOycphahts. ' Two hantlsomest Woonen of England and America. Many Great Golden Chariots. Xerxes 'Gjx'nOndian War Elephant, the largest animal in captivity. Great Japanese Circus. Ten Great Clowns. - 20 Barebai k Riders. 14 Wonderful Arabian Athlets. 100 Trained Musicians. Drove of Dromedaries. 100 Cages of Rare Wild ' Animals 10 Female Hurdle Riders. Six Great Bands. 14 Trained Kentucky Thoroughbred Horses. Steam Locomotive Band. 1,000 Men. Women. Children, and Horses with the Big Show. ' Troupe of; Gymnasts, ' ' , - - And countless First-time Features too numerous to mention here. It is worth more to see the Grand Spectacular Free Street Pageant in the forenoon than it is to see the inside and ut-u'de ofaay other Show in America. Yon may not, in a life-time, bare an equal opportunity of witnessing a procession so varied, an j attractive. j ; A Tickst to the Great Shows costs but thesime small price paid the ordinary tent shows , ; I, ..s. ' WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT STATES VILLE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20TH.-' LEXINGTON MONDAY, SEPT. 25TII CONCORD TUESDAY, SEPT. 26TH. ; Be Happy Now. O ye tired mothers and daughters and occupants ofhe sitting-room; generally, listen now anA let me tell you a Secret a secret worth knowing. This taking no com fort as you go along, but forever looking forward fo all the enjoyment does not pay. From what I Vnow of it I would as soon chase butterflies for a livingj or bottle moonshine for a cloudy niglit.r The only true way to be happy, is to take the drops of happiness as God gives theni tot us every day" of our lives. .What is work but-some thing to keep us but of mischief; and slie who does too umcbof it, instead of keep ing out of mischief, is playing the -very mischief with herself. How can a woman be at her best to entertain her husband, or to instruct or amuse her-family, who makes a perpetual slave of herself, and keeps ber poor tired body in .a state of drudgery and physical weakness. Better let sqme ihinys go undone than to so completely unfit one's self for all enjoyment at home. J The great thing is to-learn to make the most of one's self and to be happy over our work. It is so the world over. The boy mttstUearn to be' happy while he is plodding -over his lessons: the apprentice, while 'Ae ia learn ing hnit trade;. the merchant, while he is making his fortuue. If he fails to learn this art he will be sure to get tired out and to m'ss his enjoyment when he gains what he has signed for. , The best remedy for a sting is to poul tice the wasp before it gets its work in. Trustee's SALE OF VALUABLE g Property. Bf virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed by Josiah Cope, president of the Bullion Gold Mining Company. to D. M. Taylor, II R Haines and H. A. Mcnouuh, dated April 21st, 1881. and registered in Book 59, p. 139 of the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan county, and upon which default has been made; and the said parties of the se cond part having as?igfled their interest m said Mortgage Deed to M. E. Kirk for a valuable consideration, (who requires a fore closure of same), we will sell at public auc tion at the Court House in Salisbury, on Monday, 4th Day of Sept. (September) next, the Land and Machinery j and all nronertv and fixture on the said . land belonging to the Bullion Mining Con,- pany, saia isnus anjuunii Lena Miller, Rimer Mine and others, eon taining twelve acres, more or les-s? : Terms of saleCash. --.-r ; - . . . - D- M,. TAYLOR, 4- , a. v -. ' tS82. -r-r " T--kTVf TtT Mi Mio s 1 I .uti .ettjrwjijtHiMi ..-'V4t W, K 4 " cayg . I ... t ifc KB1 1 m ii svmb ' i - tMHsji bhabha mjm mS bm f ar w s5 a IU sj sl. aa n sh MTZ-" t v ' Tha only, Aggregation of visit your vicinity in 1882.--Ul Eubitiux SALISBURY OH THURSDAY SEPTEMBER The management of S. II. Barrett & Co, donate $1000 to any c1ianty"puklic or private, the Sheriff of the County ma designate if any other show advertised to appear in Salisbury arrives on its own Cars. Will also donate as above j$J000 if S. H. Barrett & Cons., Shows docs not arrive on its ownpe. cial Trains. : ' . . NEW. ALL ITS mm. twenty times ov.cr to wait tne coming oi me uig CA?1 8EE.0H THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1ST. Mini Mnsic Honse. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Branch of LUDDEN & BATES. Grand Midsummer jSale. Praparing fcrFall Trade'. Bny nou & pay when Cotton comes ia. 200 Pianos and 500 Organs. MIDSUMMER SPECIAL OFFER. JaEUnder our Midsummer Sale, we oiler to sell during the months of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER, 1882, PIANOS and ORGANS, of every make, style & price, at our very lowest cashTatcs: On Pianos $25 Cash, Balance Nov. 1, '82. On Organs $25 Cash, Balance Nor. 1, '82. Without interest or any advance on price. "2flt balance can't be paid in the fall, longer time will be civen, with a reasonable increase of price. All instruments of every rade and price ineluded"tti this sale. Tell your musical friends of it., Write us for Catalogues, Price Lists Circulars.. This sale closes Uctoler 1st. 1882. Early purchase secures c-asn prices and easy ternify Six (0) years gnrantee. Stool and instruc tor with every Organ. Freight paid both ways it no sale. Test them in jour own homes. Address McSMITH MUSIC HOUSE. j3gfProf. Win. Baker is my onh authorized Tuner and Repairer. , iAl I work guarantcd. Send orders to this Hoifce 35:3m II. McSMITH. SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. ON Monday the 4th day of September next, at the Court House door in t5aHsburyI will sell that valuable property known as the P.XT2 PP.0P3P.7T, situated ou- Main Street in the Town of Salisbury. Terms op Salk: The purcha3 er will'pay one third of the purchase money as soon as the sale is-confirmed,snd he will have a credit of three and six months for other two thirds, with interest fro:n date of sale at 8 per cent. Biddings-will opened at 1.479 50. Title reserved until all the pun base money is paid. JOHN S. HENDERSON, . July 29, 18S2. 42:1m Coni'r. bUhfc-CKlKE- UH Cir,i(. LINA WATCHMAN, ONLY $1.50 PER YEAH. ' ' mmmmm aw::aii ,7i-ioq III .0 r t i .. .. T ti'fMI baJ! imtitt .:p,f SHOWS, ; Great Ebitxoiis'a New United Monster Railroad Shows will BAGGAGE CARS, ALL" endeavor to impose ou tou. will pay you snow. THE NORTH STATE LIFE AltNPIAl, ASSOCIATION OF SALISBURY . SOUTH. CAHOLlNA Chartered under the Laws Carolina. of North- J. D. McXKELY. 1. :. w. T. LINTON. ...Vlce-Prest aud Geul Maeagtrs- TMEO. Bl EHBAUM i..,,.,...Sper.?tiiry. J. SAMUEL MeCUBBI'S,...rr,i...U....lTasOrl,i Dr. JOHN WHITEHEAD ...Medical Dlrft tcr. Hon. J. 8. HENDERSON... ..... ,; Leg.il Advtserr Refer to the Bank and bujfin'ess 'met -f- Salisbury. . Reliable and energetic tra'fel-; ing agents wanteil everywhere. vv ,.! Foil plans, terms to agwi is, blanks, a Mi any information whatever, . address ,thi J. ALLEN BROWN, Local Airent. Sails.- burv, N. C. S ' ' ' , ! ' - - Raleigh News & Observer and Wilrrirj ton Star, copy for one ntonth and sen!' bill to thi? Office. - I XhtH STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. As Administrator of theientate of Hob?, G. A. Love, deceased, I wil pffcr "Afe, 1 in thotown of Wyricsvitle' at petfte abc'"' 1 turn, on toe first -Monday in ngunt nextr- that is, the seventh day of August, A, D,, 1882, the following described t own proper , ty: Seventy 70J regular sliaped one-haif ' j acre lots and eighteen! (18f irregTifiH shaped lots averaging one-half fi)-ier taicli: All lymgjn t he, northern end jia Waynesvitle and contigpoas to the sncr Court House square aud thd rieprf rff f?ie Western N. C; u. icr ,lJE TERMS OF SALE Six f montbs credit witlraotc and good ecnrit.' Titlerctii: ed uatil puriace monsy in pnhWIrtlfj guaranteed ; -IJ A! U i.".'. Lots can be.distinguished.by stakes no tf on the ground which marks "the 'lot "and streets. - ; -! - ' Map showing entire location can be sce.i.., at Haywood Court House oa and after the 15th of July next. ! ! i i'i '. 31. H.LOVE, Ad mrof Kf R. G. A.IJQVE, Dev'd, V, j. J. Y. Barber, Autionecr. ;.- .'. June 28th, 18S2. SO-.lm. s. NOTICE TO CREDITORS!" -co Having qualified a Executor 6rof Alexin iter Uotnun debited, I herebynptify all-petu Mit having claimssgsioet; id estate ifx till 3?:ot., 1 il.it tbcfti ui meoo or beftrf Uie liinU Jai r..i. ii.k' 16Q9 -.i . t .? T?Tmfi'-.1 .MIT tjiR.-iwyax I .- : - E : J -t . i 1 3 i - v'l Y "j: ' tr i