J " i- . II H31T.OPT JO OK -t 1 32 n:" - r ; t J ,Vl- v, 3. s r i a- t V? t u T ffOL'UI.-rTHISD SERIES SAHSBTJEY.il.' C., SEPTEHBER . 7, 1882." hi ;Vs i'r' if' ralVO I : m a i' j . : m r1 r ; ' " fill II. - - V 1 l - III VA A I i II 11 The Caroliija Watchman, STABLISIIED IN THE-YEAR 1832. - 'ji PRICE, $1.50IN ADVANCE. f.J tr Thtfcrrible iconr? fevir and arae, nra Its eonftn: lection f ihe fetoiniM:ta,.livrr aiil boreU PS;VI, :V.1 M,,-Cnud by thereof nuasmaiic air mm gSTeUxirf indorsed by ph.c,H, and , ; ii v nw! mi a rrrat'dv for the eclZs pi dj'sordfra, as well M for many ffiSbf any mic.ne of the ape. . " - , -V FoViald by all Pmjrpista aud Dealera 20: J J. Rhodes BttofrXE, rress't. Wa. C. CO ART, SeCy A Home C omp any, Seeking Solas Patronage. Stroll, e Miale'Litel! Tcrrti jKiliJics written on DwoUirigs. PrcmliiiisLaYahlc One-Uuli cash aiul bal.: ancc in tvil c months. - ALLEU BEOWF. Afft., 21.-5u i Salixbury, i. C- THE DEAD! UMENTS,T.0M3i, wo. , EEDUCIION I;fIIE PRICKS OF l'. in . wiiuat5 ana urave-olOlleS cz i- j ' ' i jL ' 'j; " ; Etsry Description. . - - I cordiallyluvite the pablic generally i to an inspeetij).! of Uiy, Stock aiul AVork? . u JtlStlhcaJi) JlSSel tllirr ths.f. mv ' naf j -O-a - mm . 'S Neb -.e3 t j .-g .3 :-v.O-ri.-tD-gW v r-S tir :. s l;'WMJSS: PIBER I 34 M)i t '1 I' ' ; - .j -1 - E efl7ce .uijjler first-class woikmeu iu Tlt'ir tl'.. a - f ilat the woi kni.-niAliiii i ..r the best 11 II . . A. mat mj-.worklis sniwrior to all other. 1 elm i lih: a-iiii urn i hj ni reasonably will uot exaggerate io or , - er to accomiil isb a sjtle. M y eiidpuvdr is o pieae ami give each enstojuer the val ue of every dallar they leave with we. t PRICES 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPZ&J than ever offered in this town before. hu at.once qf send fojr price list and de- 8g8. Satisfacion guaraut'd or no charge. J respect whifch we pay f departed frieuds. ; to the memory , .. i JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. salbary c., Nov. 1, 1831.- ' EUROUS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered forbears from female Angbra goat that hasgivea'four quarts -aowatbo mer to-onr old home in Cas wyuus DimuTV, Pbematdre Decay, " of milk dairy ' the season through. df ' as ' ell couuty, 7 miles froin Danville. , The 0J til the eftft& yf youthftrl :;,ton-. ' "e 8akv of gflvring liuma .. I. "ft"' w-avij xmj WlllbU. no was Uli J- taat$ aairiiltlaa faattl A! I k awl.. ,mi r f -:Hiiri ej-5 ! or sixt goats will subsist laxurisntly tobacco, which the ; oldest fanners say ! Perfeei ill.f .LecMT,1 waiiu wi.i.r! ianri now i will rnn1v ftad anfRriinf thfT have never seefi enualedi ' Wo no- m . . v a . w 4J 'VJ mJ a a - , i ' . a ,.- 7 - W - - PLA.TFOKM. y e ci congratulate the'ocoDle of NorHfcari olina on the era of peace,prosperitv andgoo6T fe" v"umjnun,n tins UCCUUU. LHTUUIt KIDCc tieincominyof a Deniocmttcfltetfdinini t rat ion; upon the pure and Ini partial admin istration of justice and the honefct enforce ment of the latre : upon the bfficiencv of our I common school system and; irreat advance made in edacatf6n7ad WefleifeilLrcittf l,,u 'tmtm uuu truierpnsc mamiesica iu eTJ ery part of the State, and We pledge our selves to exerf al efforts jtoM advance the material interests of all sections of the State in the future as vvc have done, in the past, And j we challenge a comparison between a Dctnpcratic administ ration of our State af fairs and thejcrimes, outrages and scandals that accompanied Republican misrule.' Af firming our adherence to Democratic prin ciple as defined in the platform adopted by the National Democratic -Convention held at Cincinnati, in J88Wf: T-s- -i '7ft5ptfr?d!i;'l,hat?we tegard CTree" ancf - fair I expression of the public wilt ;at the ballot box .as the tjnly sure1' means ?of preserving bar free American institution?: and we de- nounce the'Hepublicanparty and theinter- ierence oi its tederal omcials fonheir gross rrauas upon the elective lranthise, whereby whole districts. States, and the Union have been deprived of.t heir just political rights; and we eliev"e the corrupt ahi fcorruptinjr ujcui icucmi puiiuune,- udu ' OI -puUltC money drawn by taxation from the people in influencing and controlling elections, to be dangerous to the liberties of the State and the Uniori I If EewhcdyTliht we are in farorojfh'en.; tire abolition of the internal revenue sys tem, with its attendant corruptions, and thatvc denounce the present! tariff laws as grossly unequal, unjust and I vicious. We favor puch u revision of .the jlariff - as will produce a revenue sufficient for ttVeconorn ical support of the governmeiit, with such incidental protection as will ivc to domes tic mauufacrures a lair , competition., with those iof foreign production. Thatthere should be an immediate repeal of all laws imposing a direct tax for th support the government of thesUnited States, but if it should -prove impracticable to abolish the internal revenue system with all its at tending demoralization, fraud and corrui: tion, then "we urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress the impprtance oi so amending me Law tnat tne revenue officers whonoi? received jn salaries in North Carolina alone more than $o 00,000 shall be elected by the people of the (localities to which; they are assigned. . r 4 ! ! Heaaleedi That the course of the Demo cratic party since its accession- to power in North Carolina in furtherance of popular education is a sufficient guarahty that we earnestly favor the education of all classes ot our people; ana that we will advocate any legislation looking'to an inc rease of the fund tor that purpose that will nojt materially increase the present burdens of our people. Jlesohed, That the question! of prohibi uon is; not now, ana never has been, a par ty question in North' Caroling, and never been endorsed by the Deiiimiiu- , party, and the people of the State at the general election, in the year 1881, hiving by an overwhelming majority-voted against prt hibition, and the Supreme .Court having decided that the prohibition act is not and never has been law, we regaid the matter as nnany settiea, ana anv mterops to re new, the agitation is merely a. weaki effort of designing persons to divert Ihe minds of the people from the dangerous principles and corupt practices of J.he IJepublican party, h y - ' f-ji r f Heoled That while we are;not wedded to any particular form of rl county, govern- ment, we recognize the fact that' a large part ofjthe- taxes of the State ore paid for the common benefit by the white people of our eastern counties, and that vve consider it the bpunden duty of the white men of the State to protect these people from the oppressive domination of ignorant blacks, and pledge ourselves to such legislature as will secure this end. i. Aud whereas it is seriously suggested that vigorous effort will soon (be made. to compel the State by judicial proceedings. to pay the trauuulent and unlawlul special tax bonds, amounting to $22,000,000, issued under legislation passed by tlj Republican Legislature. 1868 and 18G9; therefore liesolud, further, That the j Democratic party will resist rrsuch recoyjfy and the payment of such bonds by j every lawful means. - : ; - V- The above resolutionswcreTi'ad seriatim. and on motion were adopted ai a whole as the platform of the Democratic party, of North Carolina. i.-Vr ;h- ; On motion of Mr. Purman,tlfe following resolution was adopted : i I Resolved, That the present faithful and efficient gtate Executive Committee of the Democratic party,1 with Col-! Oct. Coke as chairman, be and is hereby1 continued as the executive, committed of ! the party, thanking them for the untiririg seal and triumphant results of their past services. lion. A. S. Merrimon being called on, de livered an address of marked ability the synopsis of which we regret we cannot print in this issue. . On his conclusion Mr. Paul B. Means moved that the thanks of the; ctMiventiou be tendered toJJudge MerrimorJ a rising vote for his able, masterly, eloquent and instructive address. Which motion being carried, all the members of the convention rose to their feet with a shout of applause a Compliment as handsome as it was deserv ed v J ' : ' ! ! i - - J. W. Reid, of Rockinghani leing called on, made some handsome and eloquent remarks.-.Remarks were also niade by Hon. Josl J. Davis,' Capt. Swift Galloway,' of Greene ; Capt. C M. Cooke; of Franklin Andrew, Joyner, of Pitt; P.'G.j Skinner, of Perquimans; J. M. Gudger, of Yancey, and WJFostef French, of Robesbo 'aiodi aftW the conclusion of hU speech, Jlrl RJ Mi Furi man moved to adjourn. . j There is ,a Chinaman in San Francisco with red hair, llis countrymen treat him with superstitious respect. At the table he has' the best of everything, anct at all cere monials he takes precedence. ;f ( 3 , Despair land postponement are cowardice and defeatr t Men arc lrn to succeed, not to fail. j . . . i i : A" Mr. , Watt of SouthCarbina, a4 a mrln.wilrich.q his farm, of which he has several. An An- joat!wilt thrive -where: a coW-vrill rinr , -. ; .. i ; '' tice that all of tlie tobacco barns were vour life. If vou think the good claims are cheese and Indian corn. i ? M i A-i. Uiiif ing! 80 jj I : ..Mr. Editor rVillvytmirpcrmit an old farrar,-throush the columns of-your aT L per, to attempt Nague desciiptionWat trip recently made,,' together with what heaw andlieanl whilst ou tliewing, nud by way of a prefaeev.re -teg leave to say Want them r vi w iw us wiia a cruic a eye, r . But pass all our imperfections by." 1 "'v , We left home on the. 9th of, Angust to attend a a delegate the, Salisbnty Dis trict Conference, Jield iu Lexington, N. C. Wef apent the night j with Capt. R. R. Pravfojrd!and his ; kind ifcimilyi bearded the CtoV:lpicjrainr next j inoruing,- and found ourself at the depot in Lexington by breakfast tiine.1 Bro. Thoinpson, the preacher, in charge and many of the brethren "met and conveyed ua to, our home which had; beenr assigned to us for, theeession ? It'w'as our good fortaue to! be assigned,. tof, Mr. Noe, aiuercliaut of uuu, HID ., U Clll lSllilU gentleman of the highest order j aud with him and his cultivated christiau fainily we siHjntJourdaya of pleasure that will long be i remembered byJ I should our days be lengthened. We had for our room mates delegate Jeseph Eagle, of Rowan, and Revs. Smith aud Cole, of Con cord . ; j ' : L. The conference was opcucd by Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Eldei C. G. Mont gomery aud Dr. Wilboi n j were t elected Secretaries. The district w:ur'vell I rep resented by both clerical and lay dele gates. The report 8 from the different charges jhow that Methodism is hirgely on the increase, " notwithstanding the prophecy of the nnlis i that prohibition would nun the Chnrch After a Imrmo nious sessiou of threedays flle coulerence adjourmdr'tho' nextmeetingMo "be at Farmihgton, Davie county. The services on Sabbath commenced with a love feast, at 9 o'clock a. in., conducted by Revs. J. W. Lewis aud Z. Rush. lThe hearts of all present were made glad by tho presence and cheering words of the two old vete rans of the Cross, Unclei Bell and Over- man, of Salisbury. The Methodist pnlpit was tilled at 11 o'clock by Dr. tJoues, Pres ident of Greensboro Female College, and his sermon was pronounced by those who have a chauco to know, to have been one Uf the finest efforts.bf his life. A Sunday School mass meeting at 4 o'clock- ad dressed by R. R. Crawford, C. G. Mont gomery and Rev. W C Wilsou. Preach ing at night by Rev, Gattis. For the proceedings of j tho conference see secretary's report in the Raleigh Chrin tian Advocate. Monday morning . we were astir bright aud early to hike the eastern truiu for Danville, Va., to visit tho home of our childhood, in Caswell comity. Before Leaving. -Lexington we saw our kind hostess inspecting aud feeding her poul try, and notwithstanding conference was over and.thttpreiichers and laypiep verv either gone or prepariug j to go, tho old rooster aud tho larger spring chickens seemed to stand at a respectful distance and looked kiuder shy as if to nay, we don't exactly'kuow whether the danger is all over yet or not. We cauuot icfrain from saying something more about some of the people we met hcre.f We had the pleasure of visiting at hi- eleirantSresi- denceur wd ifrieudatidlhoi mate, Marshall Pinuix. Marsh is now a suc cessful, entetlisiugllawyer, ? tut?)uiided with all of the comforts of life that heart could wish for j aud never didii kiuder heart beat beneath the jacket of a fun-loving boy than Marsh had. We also spent a. pleasitut evening with B B Robbert, for merly of Salisbury j and Mrs. Margrave, formerly of Mocks ville. Time and space will not permit me to say what we would wish about these cultivated christian families j so we bid our friends adieu, seize our carpet sack aud hurry off to the depot, aud in a short time we are whirl ing along at a breakneck speed for our old home. The finest fields of corn could be seen everywhere along the railroad; After leaving Greensboro, fields of tobac co began to show themselves, increasing iu n umber and size us we ueared Danville. The whistle blow, the train stopped and the conductor put his head in at the door and shouted, Danville. Carpet sack iu hand we stepped out.aeais Jiad passed since we saw the place and we could scarcely realize that we stood in Danville. Tlie small dirty toVn that we once knew is now a populous city, with scores of huge tobacco factories now giving em ployment to hundreds and perhaps thou sands of hands. Several large factories are iu course of erection along the stupen dous "water-power of the Dan for the uian nfactre of cotton , lyoolen . goods, nmchin ery and other, things., Everything was new to us except tlie smooth, clear waters of the Dan which stilt: roll on in its same old majestic grandeur, singiug the same requiem it did thirty years ago when we learned tq swim upon its bosom aud play ed upon its suuny bauks. .. 1 MingTJfjthiurbif offered- us conveyance, and we started whole of the -river , bottoms seemed to groan beneath the. heavy fields of corn, find the liijfo'witli heavy leafy crops of to those who may .chance to read it, that (fiupplied witpattpn? ajiefit Iron appari tus for curing, J-Tlie old laborious .and I unhealthy method of burning coal" U en-T tt - I . . mm- m '. .. a.-.-1 I Urel r aboUsJiea.; u un oeavy ijears ye x approached the homestead only bne aged; I and helpless nncle remains out of a largo aud happy family that surronnded the fireside when we were a boy. One by one they have passed over the river, and soon he aud I will go too. AVednesday. we set out for Milton, 1 4 miles still further: down r the' river, over one of the roughest roads, wo, ever saw. The people of Caswell cointy vorship'at the shrine of tobacco, and care but little about roads or anything else. Don't think it had' been' worked since the war aud each plantation ive passed through seem ed vie with the' others iu - the' unmber of unwieldy gates across tberoad.Ir'XTter several hours orHiard traveling we came in sight of ancient Miltou. Twenty-five years have passed since ' we last saw the 'place, but ft 'stilt looketl familiar. 'Tlie same old dilapidated houses are still standing, aud Dr. Stamp's brg,whitegate which we used to gaze at withso much wonder is still -there. The ouly chauge we noticed was the Narrow - Gauge Rail road, and a few more grog shops aud loungers around theui than them used to be. Our first call in Milton was to see uncle Charlie Evans, of the Chronicle. We found this noble old printer by himself seated at a desk handling type as Tumble as a boy. He said his journeyman Was out on a" drunk and he had all of the work to do. Uncle Charley is t3 jears old. He voounenc d publishing the Chronicle nearly 50 years ago with 23 subscribers a whig paper when CaswcU county voted 10 Den.ojrats to one Whig. During the long period of years he has stood faithfully at his post, and the Chronicle has never gave an uncer tain sound, ' He related several rich anec dotes that occurred with him since the war ; and requested me to say to you that he was not tdo old yet to go to shows. Alter seeing all we could, we prepared to leave Milton about daylight Saturday morning went to the Depot and found the ; train waiting. This road is very ac commodating: will wait awhile on a fellow if ' he sleens late. The engine carries itaJ water tank on its back, and reminded me in looks, of a mud turtle, (and also after we had started) somewhat in its gait. But after all narrow guage roads is bet ter than no Railroads. Arriving at Suther lin we boarded the western train on the R. & D. Rail Road-for Salisbury. At Greensboro we met up wilh Mr. Oliver Dock ery, Ike Young and other notables bound for Western N. C. to teach us poor ignorant creatures the blessings of Liberal Radicalism. The run from Danville to Salisbury was .made in company with Col. Garrett, Col. of the 11th South . Carolina Regiment,, now a successful Lawyer in his own State.' At Salisbury we found our boy with a buggy waiting, and in a few hours we were safe at home with the old woman, and the babies,wbere we have quietly retired to the shades of prevate life, fully believing if we have not done what Capt. Cooke did, go round the world, we have at least bera part of the Way, lJ At' Yours truly, Clod Kxocxer. Tho Matrimouial Miuc. The other night old Blinkus, seeing his son getting ready to go to a ball, proceeded to give him some wholesome advice on women. "Tom, my boy," he said, filling us his pipe, UI see yoa are getting fancy togs pa for a ball. Now I don't object to balls, or any other kind of amusement, but I want to give you a little advice, Tom. Look out for the women you meet there. A man who gofisoui4tsitc.,wi.oancn is a gggi deal like a prospector hunting for a mine. You see a woman-at a ball, and she's air frizzled up aud rigged out ip silk, and powdered aud paTnedrfeerve!ier skin shojvsltself. These "aifacecroppings look pretty well, but if , you locate on the strength of 'em you'll be fooled every tinier A woman of that kind is just like a salted mine. Don't you take any stock in her. She won't wash. If you want to prospect such a location a lit tle further, slide up and take an assay ef her conversation , Ah, my boy 1 Three per cent, of intelligence, twenty-five of fashion able etiquette and vanity, mixed up in about equal parts. Drop her right awayi Such rock won't pay to mill. If jou got a pateut for the claim you'd never see a dividend come out of it as long as you lived. The assessments to keep the upper works in repair and the lower levels from caving in would Irnd you in the poor-house on a lightning express, and tome morning you'd wake jipjo find jour claim, relocated by somebody else. The old man shook the ashes out of Lis pipe and continued : . , "Sometimes you'll strike a plain giil in a common sort of dress. She won' bet good looking maybe, atd - wont have any airs. The surface indications won't sliow mucb,but be fore you've prospected Jpugypu'reHkely to Come tosome good indications that will pay to foltbprlticnstrln'gers of conversational quartz ! and spurs of intelligence showing up finely the ', 'deeper you go. Pretty 6pn you'll strike a well defined vein of practical sense.- That's the sort of a mine to freeze to, : Locate it as soon as possible, and get out your "patent 'papers, and you'll have a regular bonanza to back on for the rest of , L The Onlv Rea v teBT'G-Hnwn-" WILL NOT it fflw illi ORIENTAL CIRCUS, , EGYPTIAN CARIVAlf DHIYERSAL EXPOSITION OF LIVIG' W0HBEBS ! OF PALACE, SLEEPING, STGOK, FLAT Mid nee. Mi.b:iiu-uia Do not be lcdstray by the DECEPTION practiced by. SMALL SHOWS, who my endeavor tia.pcieon you. twiitr time tvts-U-u a.i tin; coming of the Bl Show. 1 I I'M I IUU T,,,r Mit of Rrrnf llionlhv T l..n,Lnmpt Wnmen f w...i-ui..,Bf kiar..cf,.ni.vrill ia t !L.r..ri....t.;n Atl.lnt'c Animals 10 Female HurdlRiders. Six Great Bands. 14 Trained Kentucky Thoroughbred Horses Steam Locomotive BandJ 1,000 Men, Women, Children, and Horses with the Bi:; Show. Troupe of Gymnasts, It is worth more to see the other Show in America. You may A Trkt to tha Great Shows costs but tliasama small price paid WILL ALSO EXHIBIT "AT STATES VILLE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20TIt CONCORD TUESDAY, SEPT. 2CTIL all taken up, you are badly fooled. This town's full of 'em. I'm an old prospector and Pve'travelcd around a great deal. It mv time wasn't taken up with my own . , - m . mine, I know where tliete are lots ot prime locations only waiting for some practical miner to-come along and develop. '' A w o man's heart, Tom, is a mighty curious Ining. Take it in all it's spurs, angles, ramifica tions and sinuosities, and it's more of a puzzle and a mystery than the wuo:e - stock lode. Some fellows try to work it, and by pure luck strike it rich right off, in places where old experienced miners never .'loosed there was anything. Uinttin the title to the property aint the onlyMhing; its keeping up the proper developments, and seeing that jumpers don't Kt- in an(i encroach upon your claim. Some of these domestic mines require an awful , lot of money for machinery and some of m can bet run on about rbthing, Wfieneyer you get one of 'em and find you can't run it to advantage the best thing to do is to throw up your job as superintendent and shut down the works." Virginia City Chronicle. Lemon Tubes. It is surprising that more persons do not grow these in pots and tubs'asroom ornaments. A comparatively young lemon will grow from twenty-five to fifty lemons a year, and usually they are much better than those we buy. Wc saw a test recently, where one was taken from a tree yielded double the quantity of juice to j a first-class store fruit. Gardener a Monthly. In Spain it is the custom of everyone who cats a fruit to dig a little hole and plant the seed, and the roads in that coun try are lined with trees, the fruits of which are free to all. Some one says: '-The man has not lived in vain who plants a good tree in the right place." Carrying Religion Into Business. There are two wajs of carrying your religion into your i business.; Talking , religion .to the people you meet in your business hours is oneway; dealing fairly, meeting all obli gations promptly, treating those in youi; employment with kindness and courtesy is anoier. Some Christians may do good by the first method ; ho Christian can dr good who neglects the second. " : ,; 'A1 celebrated English physician, says a pint of milk is equivalent in nutritive pow er -to an ordinary mutton chop, and as a pint of milk will yield only an ounce of cheese wet mtist have ia the latter a theap and highly concentrated, food. The Eng lish eat double the cheese in proportion to the population that is consumed by Ameri cans: The Italians live to a great extent or; WW eaiiy Km : - . . - EXHIBIT IN . I . i. '. ,,i a JLil kj W ! -. -, 1IIIIIIH- . SHOWS, - Tho only Aggregation of visit your vicim-cy m SALiSBUilY Ufi 1 HUnSUAi ScPTcnlobn, 2 1ST. The management of S. II. Barrett & Co's.. New United Monster Railroad Slujws will donate $ 1000 to any chanty public or private, the Sheriff of the County may designate if 1 any other.shnw advertised "to appear in Salisbury arrives on its own Cars. Aill also donate as above $1000 if S. II. Barrett &'CoV., Shows does not arrive on its on a cial Trains. cra.a vE3 " . iiv'.wuw., - - 200 Male and i- eni;V' Artists. En-land and America. M.iuy Great Gol.len in enntivitv. Great Jan.uiesj Cin.is. Ten 1 03 Trained Musicians." Drove of Dromedanesr 100 Caes of Rare Wildj And countless First-time r eaiures twi numerous io rGand Spectacular Free Street Pageant in the foie:ioon not,' in a life-time, have unequal opportunity " g CHARLOTTE. N. C Branch of LUDD'.IJ DAT33. , riJ !TTltianTmTlfiT llo. j j Preparing fcr Pall Trade. ; -n .n prm vrm PnttftTl pnTTl ; M llU rf 0. itl H Jl&J UiiUJii L'Jiiluu iJ. 000 PiailOS tllld 500 OrffailS. MIDSUMMER SPECIAL OFFER. j?"Under oir .Midsummer Sale, we oner to sell (lurinif -'the months'ot' JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER, 1S82, PIANOS and ORGANS, of every make, style &, price, at our very lowest cash rates: On Pianos $25 Cash, Balance Nov. 1, '82. On Organs $25 Cash, Ealanoe Ihr. I, '82. Without interest or any advance on price. j-pjgyit balance can t be paid in the fall, lonsren time will be given, w ith a reasonable increase of price. All instruments of every grade and price included in this sale. Tell your musical friends of it. Write us for Catalogues, Price Lists Circulars. This sale closes Octolier 1st.. 1332. Early purchase secures casu prices and easy terms, Six (J5) years gurantce. Stool aud mstruo- to. wllh -very ways if no sa Urgan. ivreignt pant 00111 sale. Test them in your own homes. Address - McSMITH MUSIC EOtlSS. "Prof. Win. Baker is my only authorized Tuner and Repairer. All work guaranted. ; Send orders to this House 33:3m II. McSMITIL - FARM AND- FARM -PROPERTY FOR SALE! Having become rather aged to do farm work I have concluded to sell 'my planta tion, stock, wheat; oats, hay, cattle, &c, at Public Auction, " FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8th,1882. The farm i3 eight miles' East of Salisbury, on both sides of Crane Creek. Has nrt it a Corn Mill, and Cotton Gin and Piess.ndl new, and in good ordc-r. There arc about 150 acres of land, a ;oo l deal of it excel lent bottom, and a jjood meadow.- There i is a good peaoh and apple orchard, a good dwelliug house and superior Utru Air thu buillinus arein good order. Will also sell Imusehold aud kitchen furniture, '&. Trma of 'sale r For personal property, caslu For the land, one-half cash, and the h other half oa a credit of twelve months with interest. Geo. II. Pzeixu. ' Aug. 11, -1811 --It' 7 mil 1UI Liv. 8AUS!My Great Exhibitions that will 1004.-- w iu xisuoic mnf 'a-1 -k ... BA00A8E CARS, ALL li will pay. you - - - iieni oi jvssianc ami rnuia iicpnants Chariots. Xerxes (ireat Indian; Gr.-at Clowns. -20 Bareback Hideri nie:iiion neiu. than it is to s:e the insideandtjiutsidc of any - of witnessing a procession so varied and the ordinary teat. shows. LEXINGTON j: ON DAY, SEPT. i 5 25TH 'U. . THE NORTH STATE LIFE AND NUPTlivL ASSOCIATION OF . SALISBURY NORTH CAROLlirA. Chartered under the Laws of North Carolina. J. D. MiNEEI.Y,... ::?.. 7ff.r President. w. T. J.I vn. .. Vlce-Pres't and Cienl Maaag-er. Til EO. i KH li A U.M . .. Secretary. J. SAM I EL Mi-CUBBINS, .Treasurer. Dr. J')!1N whitehead".... M edleal I Jinsetor. Hon. J. S. HENDERSON, Legal AaMser. Refer to the Bank find business men of Salisbury. Reliable and energetic tr ivcl m ig.tnts wanted everywhere. ; t You. plans, terms to agents, blanks, arid nnv intormation wiiatcvcr, auuressinie Secretary. . -ii J. ALLEN BROWN, Local Agcut, Salii- btiry, N. C. - j ( Raleigh News & Observer and Wiluiing ton Siar, copy for one month and' scud bill to thie Office. :c?:tf Tl&ACLTXA.t ATAlXoktU Umld,pUm. 41:2111 . OT Theo. iuerbaum ' ! ' ' SCOOL BOOKS, . 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOVEL3AND STATIONERY. - 43:11. , , - SALISBURY FEMALE I i i iAf ACADEMY! The exercises oP this Institutronwilt open ou the 11th day of September under the direction of Miss J&r A; GlLMKK, Principal; and Miss. Jkxxie A. CauA well, Aait Jlllt. ' ' Tkums For the Engliah Classes, $2j00 per month. For pupils studying Latin oi French, $3. Coiiriugeut fee $1 ier sesstoil. " . . T . For admission apply to S. II. Wiley, at the Bank : or iu his absence to Mr. 0. D. Davis. "'jr.I.TiltL'XEK, 4 1:1 ni J Ch'm School Ccmi W V :, EJfOlXKS im tkt wrU. For Pampbieu and Prica , -M .:!. ! fi . f T I: - " ' O O ' . . , : - i : . - . ; . . . , 9 . 7 L -r - - . ; . - -I - . m - j . : . . r.i - S, ' - .f- : ' ".:-:-: M"! : -V-;- ' ' - - , " " . . i I - 1 - . .. ' '- -I ' - ' .- - . .k - . - -. . . ...... . i -. : , 4 . - ; ... . . .

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