lit if. If It: I' ' m hi I-! !!.; it-. 1 ft ! ! : -t- i hi- w i - I if: mi- 3 .1.. :i 3 t Carolina Watchman. jltobblus In the Mountains, j THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1882. I Democratic State Ticket gtzZmtt ""'"S k ss ' ' jmeAv:vij . -. ...i ; lfurtnrtr and dor. the worani While Mr. Voorbee. was talking non . mm . iim aiwint the tariff OTV aense ac i wre "" v V .rw.ndnt rrite from State.- of ; Trenton vera prepar: ville, Sept. 6, a. tUIow. a .. - iug a rerj sensible memorial to Congress Mid. Bobbin addressed a Urge and i- v,tiIIR the reduction tef the dutyvto a lenceath.sfirstappointmentin thcmoun- revenue tasia, on the giound that exces- ..f;..n twi.ftit ouiv too uu mil MrMtaTi At MMti RlBfci TTLElt BENNETT, of . 1U.W0. Df jro icrtDti cottrt jrcooE : TBOMA& RUFFIN, of Orange. f. for jcdoes : . I - 1 . - - . : 1st Dis. JAMES JS uni.ruw. 2dj pi. FKEDEKAt.rru'" $4 DU.-ALUIAND A. MpKOY. JAMES C. MacRAE. -5Di.-J0nN A. GILMER, ll'pii -WILLIAM M. SHIPP. ! 1 rom coxgress 7th district : WILLIAM AI. lUiPPf"fBf , fob solicitor : JOSEPH DQBSQN. yt - m ljW workman no goou. Ifl:;,. JS. Klf leVt Mai.' hi. wace. ar r fixed by the gen- Ml 1IU.I..D.".- T -7 - - . . . ... . httfl Uap 8iiu iuiiuw 1 cnD(itiou or iue uwr ter the Di.trlrt. 'HeW uog the cort of livin Uipratlj locrcasea W appearance up to the 2d at Uooue, tui . . . Thu is the uott cheering wa. advertised to .peakiatr Sparta, A lie- a h ' J - trlifilir COQDIVi lilt? AUIt"w ji f - him 7 L.1TAKER TowTCSHTP. No. 1 I F Patteriouf O A J Sechler, Jno. C Rogera. 4 - . 2 J L Giber, 'Adan M Correll. Geo. Kctner. - i . 3 Lafayette Joaey, P A Sloop, C A Hasincer. 1 A H Heilic. A WBoslier, J W - Frick. ' i'iT - - u 5 Henry Fink1, Mllaa Ketcbey,; W-C5 6 J li Slinleubarier. Abran Sloop, WaiRogeri'f 7 " , " Gold II ill Towxsair. SCHOOL NOTICE 1 I will be in 8lisbury etery 2nd and 4th Saturdar and ererf lit Monday in eaeh month, unlet proridentialbr pretcnted, for the purpose of transacting-any bosiness re latins to' Schools or school workV. Parties I . .... ... I 1 I conceroea wjii Dear cms nonce in uiou. v L: H. ROTHROCKI Co. Snpt. Pub. Instr. Gold Hill, N. C, Sept. 6, 1832. i '''aaaaaBaaaanaBBaaaaBB ' I ? ....... !, .s.r. ..t ID CaS.; Trailed in hi oWn appoiuUnent at , - notIced. ! When; the maoutacturer No. 1 M w uaer, - W T3 C PWVr. J LKltt. Alexan ALLISON & ADUlbUJN Sngar Grore, Watanga ounty, and jmj- demandt AmeHcan labor be protect- I -.1 I Kfl Hiilul IIIIWI iun IU 01WI v rim v iu w - - . - - - . . YoTkean h7T; a chanced for Joint ed, andAmenea ion, if he want, it, to hi. heart1, content, not protected, the The nionntain conutie. are a. strong for jjr to tne makeni of pi lliaL it be w 1 ' 'If ' , ! -'it 1 V -j- eeggS!sBIM"IM 1 ML md American labor begs qneslion win. prewu latforui. In a new Rubbins m. they erer were, r UiJu The fact that the workmen nave . J A gentleman imm irikra - " - . the i-niidoyer. i obvion. Cook i. running a. the! ataight ont Uadi- 8ngpett that there may be aometi.lug w cal candidate and the old time Republi- . fa lU arguIUent for pnHeetiau. cans are going to tote for him in pn-fer- : - enceto York. Tiw iPuuHn. .. JL: 'm- fWntember v.rlr. Muior.l T.kwisToIC. : M epcemoer speeches are reported is carrying hi. an- EtnirXg Jommol ba inlbrmatU.n from dience. with him every time. " ! ,ie Maine Board f Agricnltnre ua uie I i ILiiibmdi U ad vauciog along the nortli-I ..i- r-v-r. ha. aiMMar- i . . t - i. i aiiiinir. ur ft rAH. .- ,M. of i.P . -' : Penobbt oan. Eight SSJi:S.d B.- ".l.l.. jM. TU.o.l.oriHl.T. wWA fibarv. and let n. bare I ..... .a; tWmitter in band, and have w .w .. . i luaiB "w , i "STAR BRAND" No. 5. The der 30 E MillerRufn. FWier, Boy den . Miller. . i . ; : 4 J A Gill, F H Mauney, J V Jen4 ... i 5 L G HoUo,,v;Ained Beaver; Adj COMPLETE MANURE I Moboak 1 owssnip. j i Ae flJ(d lagttMg effect of An- l Eli Wyatt, Uavia i-emiy, u mgie. iinuli j$one9. 2 Ja. W Trexler. Joaeph Kesler, rialoa Bespeetfnlli regsest tbat yon READ CAREFULLY ! JWE HAVE DETERMINED TO GBEATLY BEDTJCE OUR STOCK OF GOODS! " M M fron tMs day offer Especial Mioiti ... A a grand rally at that plate, ob" isolated the herd. Thoma. Carter. 3 Wm A Kirk, Alfred Surratt, J " 4 J W MlileN 0 Miller, M C Mor- gan. .-: s Atlas Kirt; jofinTiexlerf Montford I ? f . mwiMrMi timrisr our oertonai mver l .w -i: f Nam rMiiied from 14 ami la cents to m m mm mrm aa a w " n-w-mtw - - w . n - bimcuu k ma a ium " w . - a a. - - a Bftw-av 'a" . a . . nmd it made of the best naieruut rro-A aaanrtment of Lawns in eood patterns ana last eoio -:mm in mhnIHu turrit h r tmfgriOT AM" I T J pmmA1 TTata fram All eta. to S2.5U. 'W.kuw:hv . w w - - - ! - v . l IScects. r at cents. monuilet, Governed by Clerka. rar-Qents Straw Hats (for which we have had good trade) kill now be sol T at cost. . t,. 3 TViftl I E? Oar entire stocK oi i;iotuing uereu bwh iihuvwi. It 18 Fine. ' Dry ana in UiXCei- onnA of shoe, at 10 ter cent, less than we haveever sold them. lAIlt l!AnfllI10Tl IOr lJriJLiillK I I Klt Will rAX IUU IO CC iuec uuuuj. vh m imm vsiuhj. VUUUlllUU Aw A aa AAAxug. v A WKtf . no,l T.W Nirfion. Drv Goods. Fanrr nrnrfiM ,Jie Fertilizer la been t iiWre a. eod a. you will find any where, W We will buy all kind, ef DriedTmitamdiaTi puavvt. The Couhtt Commissiokkks' regtilar in aession held last Monday, waa one which' an unuaal amount of important work waa transacted, to wit : Juror, were drawn for the Fall terma pearly Every One of & Leading Official Absent from Wutktnqton. '" aaMaaaa ' 1 ..onf tianatrbea we learn that .WeDteeum in id. .i a.-.rinr CunrU. .och M ltt th.t to. MM in nrl, - - . T, r , .. of I W business are preserved. These ftawmMitfl now. war aide hosnltal corner. Numerous conn are moi Princi- ty claim, after due conaideration were SENATOR 2. B. VANCE 1 1 , . 5U atUrcs the Citizens lilnn In Mfironov'a Hall, at ft,mW ,nDOC! "'T.-.r:" 1 nassed unon. Report, of Superintendent ri"" " "-v ' pais re wij.wmw s -v. , - Mi..wnfr jy-clock, r. m., on Friday night, K-. T".. ' ... i-i.. ti,. inti-Mi rfttnrtiiit? 20 rtauner. at the ordinary appropnation at tne .ewioni '- - of over forty million, of dollars would seem roor xiihisc Jicoiniiona were 4( Htcmber 8th, 1882; if 1 1. IctUence ecod 0 UARANTED. IT GAMOT BE SURPASSED! Allison & Addison. Jfaaaucf rer. Siebmond, Va. : . - POH 8ALK BT ) j. alleii onovn, Salisbury, N. C, R. ,M. Roseboro, Third Creek Sta tion, N. C, and by Agents at all impor tant point throughout the wheat grow ing section of North Carolina. 45:10t pd ! PtriWWAfP i : itti I IUIC i -In-reply to inquiry! will av that I am now prepare! to take a few lLnnl AntwtlntniMits. --v'-- ----- . I Morgan ton, Sept. 12. I ju-Lum Hill. Davidson counrr. Wed Bday, Sept. 13th. I 'troy, Montgomery county, Thursday, . Septemler 14tlu Carthage, 'Moore county, Saturday, geptemlier 16th. j pittsboro, Chatham county, Tuesday, fiefttembcr $Ui. Oct. CoKCh'ni,, f I Dem. Ex. Comi .j m a a. to contemplate extra aemano on ioe .wen- ---- Sicker of the Texas House of Bepraaeu- tiof officials -But Congress had not "' -J. ,e in tativea, a Dalla. special to the Sa say. been gone a day wHcatheexodas.f official. Board, which . puW..hed elwhere in .' dogf high and low began; till, omitting the war . week. ago. At the,' time he tried to n,- 7 . r f. ' nutrfrtaof th eonntv. re-iium- could not be maae to aunece. hardly a ourcau, now; nas its proper ueau left. Ifthisbjostas forth. public service bering them and appointing committee .nA i...on,r.rtnriaretobeexrected. men for the Mm. The following i. the f. s hrtw unnecMurr all I new order in which kUCII a V MVMavav w-v -" " I Providkkck TowKSHir. No. 1 J H Long, Jas A Reid, Geo Come- linon,!.. " 1 " " i j 2 P A Hartman, U W HudMtt, Benj. Blackwcll.' 3 W A Cauble, Alfred Peeler, Caleb Canup. : 1 - ; 4 H C Peeler, Paul Peeler, Milaa Miller.- ; j 5 0 M Holahouser, P M Phillip Jos. Brown. , - 6 Alex. Lyerly, II C Agiier, Solomon Morgan. , 7 J N Morgan, 0 V Pool, G H Frick. Horrible Hydrophobia. Sivr York, Sept. 6. Referring to tle death yesterday of Hon. George A. Reave j private pupils at my residence, on reasona ble terms. . a. w ubuiwi. il BLACKBERRIES Aug. 7, 1883. 4t the districts are list of the Coni- reastor Tance's Appointments. Jsld Hill, Friday, Sept. 8th. 1 Mrganton, Saturday, Sept. JHh. Mnoir, Monday, Sept. 11th. Slylorsville, TuestLiy, Sept. 12th. mkorwv4',KduerfaySepU iJncolton, Thursday, Sept. 14th. these fbsent officials are o the proper o- plcei ana a complete ration of the govcranieW TJiis would be mii teemens absurd; and it is equally absurd to suppose - Salisbury, To WKsnir. I that the present state; of absenteeism is not Dist. No. 1, J. W. Fisher, Henry Brown, liable to result in serious consequences. He did uot suffer an acutual 'attack of hydrophobia until a few day. ago, wheu, finding he waa going mad. lie instructed hi. friend. to laah him to hi. bed to prevent hi harming any of ; them. Hi. agony ,! hi. raving, and hi. frothing became horrible, VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE! I will Mil upon the premise", at public ane . .i v.t a i l uuii . lion, on u loin aay oi wwwr, jooi, it. valuable tract of land heretofore known as the John McConnaughy Place, ; Nine miles west of Salisbury1 on the Lincoln ton road, in sight of the Thyaiira church, 18 mi I en north ofUoncord ana wuiun 4 inuen 01 4 and all day yesterday aud last night, np to h eWestN.O. Railroad and the same dia- - - - - . a a m I . a rx . t the time of his death tu day, Jus sunenug i uncc from the Richmond and uanruie nan- road. Tin tract contini 340 acres; 80 acres of which i first rate bottom in cultivation DRIED PEACHES WANTED AT KLuTTZ & RENDLEMAN'S. Their Dry Goods, Notion and Clothing Department, have just been supplied with New and beautiful Summer styles. Good Stock of Shirts and Underwear; SHOES, BOOTS and SLIPPERS as cheap as any in the market the assortment Targe LADIES' and HEITS EATS HUGH CHEAPZ2 THAN EVEE BETOEE. They mean to feed you with the Best Flour, Heats, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Syrups, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Tapicca, Hacaronia, Com Starch, &c 4 f3Thcy have as fine FLOUR as is made in the United States.Fj 25 Bbls. of the best 10 cents Sugar in Town, ; justreceived, ' 10,000 lbl. Shorts and Bran just received New stock of Glass and Table Ware. . Fruit Jars tower than Ever; Sold Before. "Agents for Coat's Spool Cotton. New supply of t cents Tricks.F3 , Call and see them before you buy as they have a thousand things not mentioned. H. W. Taylor, H. F. Atkixs E. F. Tatvm, Salesmen. . June 14th, 1883. v. Dallas, Friday, Sept. Sfielby, SaMnfay, Sept.16tho. iRutherfordtou, Monday, Septi 18th. iJ .5 I Seaater Random's A ppol a tmeat. manbury, Saturday, Sept. 9th. Mt. Airy, Monday, bept. utii. iiobson, Tuesilay, Sept. 12th. Salisbury, September 23rd. The steps taken to suppress polygamy in Utah will render tin. year a memora ble one. The bill tailed Congresa,, known a. the Edmunds bill, provided for the ap- -a m ' - - . Doiutmeot qca colnnaiMOiItt wlio charged with the duty of selecting precinct registrars, po1l-hlders, etc., for an elec tion to be. held, at which : po ierson who practicea poiygamyf tnomu- voie. oiep. have been taken to that end, and a large number of election officers have been ap pointed. It must be remembered that while there are many thousand Mormons, only a teuth of the whole number lead a polygamous life, the great bulk of them not living up to their profession, but a" single' spouse, j The law cannot interfere. wiUTmen for opinion sake, or for religion, conviction, but for, acta alone. So the voting will be done as nsual by a nia)ority of the Mor mons, and the government of the Terri tory will eventual be regained by them. . ' I WliafliArtlmv(wl!AVA ina tilnralllvitf wSvmm active in distributing tne circulars refer-1 . . .. . . iy to. The liberal, will bring bp tlie f n". "ott.B? f,aterial if ' nwt Z? W I A, At..!,, 2 : mm.AZ -1 Al 1 -. I rear, or not march at all. A. camp-keltle P"" w,c,r "CWi, i:Praiw hien,otlera kd boot-black they meet a ex ile! 14 No. J. Adam Hartman o u... e n i- I and frenzv were indescribable. He 4b t CIMC3 niUtlt) J V fc.v.i , woo. Trexler. uired at 1 o'clock, this afternoon. 3 S. H. Wiley, P. N. Heiltg, C F has been for years one of the most promi nent men iu Texas, -and waa a candi pate forre-elctjoti t,..tho Legislature to represent Cook, and Gniysou counties as a Floater. A SUCCESS AT LAST. i j' - The "straight out" Republicans are evidently 3ookinff oat for themaelves, b)& da not intend to follow in the lead being contented wftt of he "Liberals." E. H. McLaughlin in tni. coapjy.. leads the column for a Matin I the lower ijuje of the General Assembly, Sechler for the Sheriffality. The movement weewis to have the aamP I tjou of the colored Republicans, wljq a party, want. when, enforced, will soon root out the practical part of their religion, which is so bjectionable. I Thi. new birth of Northern rich teousness, falsely called Doea'anjl one suppiMje that the "Hons. tw!n wl lc of baVbarism. will probably Fi .her, Burton Craige, N. N. Flem- die before the end of the nresent cetitorr. rfaajaa. E. Kerr," if they werelivinjg, j urew ana Obeerthn ; 4 -V ;; - Cha fng Would be identified . with Mott's crewf T1ie most distorted imagination alone Irould suggest in connection with the pames of these veuerated dead a tiling so far removed from their well remembered character. Shame! j. Baker. Franki.ix Towsship. II C Bst. D A Swink, G VV Fowler 2 J A Hudson.Jno. L Cauble, II A Fisher. 3 D C, Kenuerly, Alex. Cruse, John Eagle. A W A Lend, W T Thomason, J A Click. 5 Wilson Wyatt, John Wise, T P Thomason. 6 M A Agner, C A Waggoner, Julius Kepley. 7 Adam Lentz, D B Gbeen, Thomaa D Fraley. Uxitt Towxsoit. No. 1, B Turner Thompson, Levi Powlas, Isaac Lyerly. 2 D A Lyerly, Caleb Penuiuger, fjeo. Sraith.- 3 J D Lawrence, W G Watson, Jas. Hellard. Scotch Irish Towsship. No. 1 Geo. E Hoghey, Tho.. Ni block, J W Steele, j 2 W L Steele, J W Phifer, John WiN helm. ! 3 Sanford Hehly, Carson Guffy, Solo mon Teague. 4 Geo. Miarnheinier, Jav Moore.W A Luckey, ar. i ii : The Green .bore North Stale say. : fWe i. on t-t liiin tn tlta T.ilk. . 1 . . . i ... I good water on I hem eral. when .we know wp can succeed with No 4 cumajn, 50 a .traightont ticket.' Ye, certainly, j The Republican, only make use of disgruntled Democrats when it seenia that they can deceive somebody.r-A'eirfd; 06. There is on the place a good dwelling houre, barn and all other necewary out-bnildlnp, is in a good neihborhood.convenient to church es, mills, Ac. It is divided into four parts as follows: 1 The Home place, containing 137$ acre, 38 of which in boitom. Lot No. 2 contains 92 acres, 33 of which is bottom. . No. 3 contains CO acres, la or which 1 iot- torn. All these lots have nouses anu weua 01 acres. it 11 The 8ky-BIue Democracy. 11 11 I Atheboro Courier. The Republican orator, charge respon sibility upqn the i Democratic party forNo- 1 Jc4m S E Hart, Joseph Wh!te, Jas. all the legitimate and illegitimate result. . orled. per ID.... Bacon country, hojy round, Baitr. xcd wraXa 1 blackberries...... neei, ....... COTTOX OoodMtddUng,, MKinD,...:.... Low MUlllng,. . ai.a . a 5 W L Caraon.DavidFlemine.L A ir" Wilhelm. ! Meal, 6 M D Phifer, M A Plyler, Jno. Cow- Cbickena;'.::::: '. ECTS,.... ......... Flour. 7 Joseph Barber, J A Lyerly, John Lard.".."'. '.; " uuoituiau. 1 pork... Potatoes irtsb.. Mt?Ulla Towxship. I weet- wah .......... The New York 1 Tiwu says through a staff correspondent that an alliance has lieeu formed betweeu ex Senator Conk ling and Jay Gould to wreck the Repub lican party of that State. SALISBURY MARKET. Arras - Wholesale. Retail. rreea. per 00.4.4 v $l. fl.ot a f 1.2s 12H4 IS. iA : i w ; 6 4 i'5 ; S3 lio 14 IS ; 1.1. SO IS a 40 so 5 9 (4 5 11 S . MJt 11 i 90 14 Persons wishing to txaroine the propertr will call on me on the premises. TERMS'. One-third cash down, onetWrd in 12 months and the remaining oiie-lldrdQ 18 months, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent payable semi-annnallvi 1 Aug. 25, 1882. Mill Bridge, N. C. 46:6t . Administrator'o Notice! I hereby notifv alf persons having claims against the estate of John Graham, dec d. to exhibit them to me on or before the 13th day of August 1883. J. U. FLEXIXG, AQIu T 43:6w of John Graham, dec d. August 10th, 1882. is is 44 i ts 60 4 14 a 10 (4 M l.oo 44 SO 1.15 1.XC 14 14 15 IS 15 a a a a a a 1.20 1.15 IS 10 10 S.M I Mrs. Gar8eld has given her late has- pf the war, and in their misrepresentation liand'a brother Inoney enough to bnild ( f th? fact of history "forget to remind )iim a nice dwelling and barn v he was the people that the brightest glories of I Ippor. itwasagotMi way t to Honor the I uie uepuouo jere-.?utter Democratic man .won,ai?jojfi ns f Jumjwnnqoi t lc. . tell joa that- under I Wilmington Stan Beef and km "IBWIfl Miqutnnon.Msr SMT tUr Svery scarce aud high In tliis market just beanied from the; blue azure of the old '8! . . . . I i 1 ... gnow. 1 1 inagnntuii oecame asine glory oi the 1 . This 1. no doubt one of the effect, of I heavens at night,' that State after State the general drouth which prevailed in this was born to the, Union until the dominion Jcountry last year. How spry thankful 1 of the government reached from the lakes 11 11 ti 11 .1 West. TX A Neil, W L Kei.tler, Thomas J 3 Jno K Goodman, Tlio. J McConnell, - w a mm m " Joel m rreete. 4 Frank Miller, John Goodman, sr., . ixfj r nostian. 5 Caleb Barger, Daid White, W L iv ester. 6 John Krider, Mib Gooilraan, Robt lilacKWehler. . AKD OTHER ' Valuable Property FOR SALE. The undersigned as the Executors of the last Will and Testament nf D. A. Davis, deceasd, will expose to public sale! at the Court House in Salisbury, N. C, oo( Satur day the 26th dav of August, next,! FOUR VALUABLE HOUSES and LOTS, situate in West Ward of said town, on BanJc street between Main and Church streets. 1 Three Houses and Lots in South Ward on Lee str. One vacant Lot in South Ward on Horah street ' Five acres of land near thei corpo rate limits of said Town on " Town Creek." Seventy-five acres on Dunn's Mountain, val uable for its Granite, as well as for Agricul- By virtue of a Mortgage or Deed In Trust J"?Tfl executed by Nat ban B. Brown , and Sophia A JV L. Brown, hisvJo James F, Smith, of --- Iliernuntrnt Kiiuhii ilatn tlia 2fKbrlavnt f-.' - r September; 187o7ahd resist, red in the office chse mouey " PM IS 11 1.00 1 00 a is a 11 a uo a TRUSTEE'S SALS . ' or IE AL ESTATE ! 11 lf tha Rixriator of fli'ta nS Itonrun (iintv in w A aiasiera, jno. lynox, Jo ph Book Ju. 50, paue 490. and upon which de- vwtifiii, , Llall t haa luum mailn I v avivMa tn aela af rT mmmmmw wvvu iyiiV av as. 4awcrw a awiv aw public auction, at the Court House door in " wmrmm v w 4 i? 1 1 1 ( 1 Salisbury, N. C. W. II. DAVIS, ) v. 0. d. Davis, Of D. A. Datis, dee'd July 6th, 1883. j all ought to be for refreshing showers and of the North to the Galf, and embraced I No. 1 J A Mpe, H C Overcaah, D M Bea- bountiful crops. When a mau pan iapd in his cornfield ad touch 32 ears of .com without mov- I ing from his" tracks, it is .uppbsad to be the territory of a continent washed by two oceans. 1, . ; j That fnder pemocratie rule the Govern- tpnt wa administered Htbout fayoaeit tte Law tcat 'trotiaer: than the Sword, thei I a good crop yearj This year-H- caa ba JmttUr fa 'Sotdkrand the I done easily.Gref6orQ Pitfrtot . f the farty.-From StayUt' speech I Old-corn is yet retailing from stores g iiere ap fji.iu per uusuei. J: - " ' mil !' - at Ashtbqxo. Paris, September 5. Mile. Bert he Ma rie de RoUischild, daughter of the bead 11 ii u ii t the town of Salisbury, on the 30th day of September 1882, at. 11 o'clock, a. ro., the I follnwinflr Htitn tn writ A trme-t nf lml a ... . . v . - - " mm . ..... a& ww'm v. .wm. H 4 r ucian,JJLipe,JE Jamison containing One Hundred and Nine acres. ver. INVENTED AND PATENTED BY T. J. MERONEY, SALISBURY, N. C. THIS MACHINE is a olain wooden tank lined w ith Conner or tralvanized iroD, with perforated pipes in the bottom for the admission ot steam, with corrugated Roler, made of same metal, and of sufficient weight. This Roller Esthers the air while pars ing back and forth over the clothes, forcing air and water through the fabric. At tame H time the 6team is thrown np through the perforated pipes-underneath from the bottom- 1 of the tank. There are wooden strips between the nipes so as to protect them and form a smooth bottom in the tank. The process is simple : any one can operate the machine. First, soap the clothes and j distribute them evenly about four or five indies thick in the tank. Turn on enough s ter to cover them turn on steam, and move the Roller back and forth nntil the water .. . . . . . - . o . . .1.:. is coiorea. 1 nrn the valve and let the water pass on- Add iresli water, anu repeal m , three or four times, and you find the clothe, are thoroughly washed without the .light est injury, for there is no rubbing process employed, the Roller having rounded edges o.- as to prevent any wear or cutting. A lace handkerchief can tie washed as well as a oeo quilt. BfThis Machine is in operation at Meroney & Bros. Machine Shop, whtre the; will be manufactured at as small a cost as possible. Any one having a steam boiler is operation can use one of my machines at small cost and with satisfactory results. One . person can do the work of ten wash women in one day and do the work better. tSflt is a splendid thing for boiling grain and vegetables for stock. . 5fIt is also a good wool-washer. BState and County rights for sale by the Inventor lfhtf- Mfiraty of M Carolina. Next session begins Angust 31 st. 1882. Expenses $185 to $250 per anunm. Reg ular Uonrses of study lead to A. 1., I'll. B.. aud B. Special courses, receiving Certificate, nnd Diplomas, are open to Students. School, of Law, Medicine and Pharmacy attached. A Teachers Course of two years has been established. For particulars address Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., Prea't, Chapel Hill, X. C. It FURTHER NOTICE The undersigned will sell at the Jste resi nf thm',r Tt&ttar. 26th Auirust. next. 3 J M Harrison. W 8 Shulenbarrier, I situated in Litaker township, Rowan conn- au the household and kitchen furniture and wj juiug vucjiouua ui u. j. ruu u i other personal properly neiongiug to ineir John Menius, 4 C L Shuping, J f Carrigan, Wm. 4; ouac. 5 D A Sloop, Jno. M Coleman, Wm. j: upngui. 6 Obadiah Sloop, Columbus Smith. al W 4" . vowao isay nier, 7 J E Deaton, C A Barnhardt, Eooa oeriiier. f mm ; . v 1 n! a . .1 m. - r will. .nominated ur. f tfie Frankfort branch of that family. I fTyre York, of WilketorunagainstHon. wm be married on Thursday next to l?S5iy- f?r pongress fn;tbis Prfpce Aiexitndre dp Wagram. Aa a nec slrictv i - : essary preliminjiry-tothel ctremony. - m- r:-,- - i - Mile. Berthe yesterday received Christ iaa I It costs thp British government tOpg batis. Prior io the ceremony she for- littr evespldier jnded in EypL 1 nmllr iigne an ibiuration fiC the Jewish ' ; -.'.v.'--.. " .i--'-. I fjitlf lt . '. ' - i :wt- . others. Terms Cask. Dated at Salisbury, this tne sum day of August, 1883. 4Aa c. odiiia. Aiusiva. M mm m . .' XTbtdce to Creditors ! All nerann Viavinir rlaima rratnaf tlit M. 8 S if t0-,Ser JofcB Oodni?ht, A J J tate of John Seaford, dee'd, are hereby no- i I tiqea to present 'them to the undersigned y VTA IUiglp, C M Varner, J S Line. cn or v th' lth day of August, 1883. Look.- Tow.m. S"1 L9in J00- No. 1 J C. Bernhardt, Reubin Cress, Geo. 44t . Aiungni.; 2 K U Cowan. Paul Goodman. W T. . T Testator. Terms cash. . W. II. DAVIS, O. D.DAVIS, July 6th, 1883. Exra. 39.-tf eslBjan Fenale MM STAUXTOX, TIRGIXIA, Opens September 20th, 1882. One of the First Schools for Young Ladies in the Uni ted States. Surroundings beautiful. Cli mate unsurpassed. Pupils from eighteen states. .Terms among the best in the Un ion. Board, Washing, English Course, Latin, frencli, German, Instrumental Mu sic, &c, for Scholastic year, from Sept em bertojunc, 8238 For catalogues write to Rev. Wm. A. Harris. D.: D.. Pres't 38:2m:pd. SUuntim. Va. ii M E. 8, P. Lippard, Adm'r. ii EDUOnS OF YOUTH. A Gewtxjuiax who aonered for years from Nerfons Debility, Premature Decat, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will ; for the sake of offering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was nered. Sufferers wishing to profit! by the ad vertisers experience can do so bv addrei"tin perfect confidence. JOHK B. OGDEV Out of 9000. English Soldierg sent to EgypteJthe average . age is twenty-three f fyears. ' i 'V," . irv, -; The barn of Mr. Stephen ClarV, of Row- an Mills, Rowan county, was burned The Victoria cross is a fpecial'dffotp- Tuesday ;pight with all of his prq vender, i I fiorr for personal ralor under fire in the J three mule, and ii 'horise. His grain house i I British army, and thongh it has opeggfon- near by was saved with great difficulty. p f j plly hreii won by a loid; it has never, yet j No insqranpe j Ipsa fl,500.-Ai47y Jour- ; if i! Ifalicii iiiix prince of the Ikmm). " ' nql. ; - " . I i II II M Smith. 3 Bpptpn Ludwick, John Yost, 1. . HWJ GRADED SCHOOL ! The Graded School resumes its session TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser havinc heen permanent W cure if tbaldreddi-eae,lonuinp; on, brammp'e remedy as anxious to make known to his fellow A T J QnmiiMi rr -,, i a fie uraaea ocfiooi resumes lis session i rem ear js anxious to raaae aoown io n is ienow BiSneri Chfts. Beptember 4th, 882. It is important that sufferers the means of core. To all who deme Brunef, 5 Jno. M Rice,Rich'd F Graham. Ja--ei Klaus. ? 6 J L Bother. John Uncle. W F Watson.!. . ' 1 J 7 PIeaaot Wise, Moses Boat, D S all be present the first dsy. i ' I to, he will send a copy of the prescription used, Tnis school offers a fine opportunity to I (ire. oi cnarxej,wiiii iuo airecuons ior preps r pop-resident citizens of the town, to educate m 1. a .a a. . -aa ineirsoiis snu daughters at a very smau cose, iror particulars spply to ! ?! W. A. WILBORN, Principal. Aug. JU, LBOy. 4p inx and Hsinc the same, which they will find sure CURE for Coco Hs,CoLDs,Coxsu5f mow, Asthma, Broxcbitis, Ae. i f v '. Parties wihins the Prescription, will nlease anaress, nev. c a. wiuq jji, iva, renn w. WilHsmtbursh, Jf. T 1 ZKly Administrator's Notice. I hereby notify all persons having clsim against the estate of JohxN. B.,Jon- sox.decd., to exhibit them to me on or ov- fore the 6th day of August, 1883. Dated the 3d day of August,--leoz. . CIIA8. PRICE, sdmr. j 42:1m1 of John N. B. Johnson, dee'd. ; SALE OF LAUD! ; of the Sapertsr: Court of Rowan county, in the case of Burrage and others ex pane, l win c the 4th day of September, next, st the COURT- HOUSE DOOR IN SALISBURY, Twenty-five Acres of lsnd, lying snd mS in Morgan's township, adjoining tne of Edward Burrage, D. V. Reid, John Bri rage and others, oirthe Bnngie r erry - i near Buchanan's store. Bidding to open at $S8. r - BTTERMS, CASH. . H. Clemist, 42:1m Com- milliUtt AGADEUY! O-O The next session will begin Aoeust 7th. '82: Young Gentlemen and Ladies, who are de sirous to obtain a liberal education, will find advantages at r raoklm wblca can not be bad elsewhere. The necessary expenses need not be great. Tuition very reasonable. Assis tance in teaching .will be had when necessary. 39:4t:pd. H. A.TBEXLER. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 -OH- 4, Having qualified arExtcutor of of Alexan der Bostian deceased, I hereby notify all per sons baring claims against his estate to ex hibit them to me on or before the 13th of July 1883. JOHN M. BOSTIAN, July lllh, 1832. Execulir 39:6t. ITDIPiPt aires. SUBSCRIBE FOE THE CB AC LINA WATCHMAN, ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. r PRIVATE SALE Wa'aTso offer for sale at private sa Infl nrUnil aitnatd in Alt. Ulla To1 Y?Awan itAiial. mntainiflff ahollt 53 This property will U sold entire to nj vW or parties desiring to parehase all of it or ma be divided into amaller Uacts to suit poreWf . W..tM A(n..u aata a tract of land Caldwell cooaty, containing shoal 700 W It i situated on the stream known as Utile river There is a shoal in inai n ui iwmi; -- with a snfficient TTT 'l airrcnani " : hi WMTI vwni. - - r . water to drive a laree Faelorr of several thousand siu persons wishing to view these propertif call on D. M. Barrier st Blackmer. KJ" county, orlf they wish to indJe.A!!Z rite, flire w. a a v Ml I MmmummiW a . , . letters to V. m. twrner, ,acu',,Bfd Rowan county. Terms same as MP" j in the advertiaement of the "Anrtion Sale. , ; 3i:2fir D, M. Barrier,) Vr nM PU. Barrier, Kxrcoto"- If. f . UAHRlEn, j '4- : i

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