9mTlll''mmmmTmi'xamm'm'm 1 - 0 ! 1 THllBSDAY. SERr-,7. 188 ; jtffcw TERMS. . ? j Prom aifd after the 1st day of Jannary, ,fl 'the subscription price of the WatchT I8-': .1 follows 1 - " I nan wi r -T W ... . 0d year, r- 'v-r:i,.'im payment delayed 1 month -2.50 o-tartVarice-speaks Friday at Gold Hill A large delegation from Salisbury, inclodimtjUe Baud will be in attendance. J f - Join Al Marpby has opened a family grocery storeoue door below the mayors office. -" 1 - " ;. " -. I 1 1 o Theo. Buerbauin has gnat received a large assortment of school books 'about , thousand, f Parties iu need of such tbiogt kaow fhere they may be found. ?; , Senator RaWisoiu will speak here on the 23d twofdayi after the circus.' Eansom l,at'dou nire for North Carolina than .... .. Son a fur tor v ears back., . LejMtioab : kept in ositjon-he is a good wm ; last Mo4day'w1tlr if vnpil-neariy.50 : more tlau they opened witlr last year. Ti.!- .ii.wil is doing a wouderful amount UfttoodJu Salisbury. O- I Mr. Walter S. Blackiuer has organized f I a String! Baud here. They will have 1st 1 ad 2uU Vieliu, Violoncello, ' flute "and , Harp. Ir. Blackiuer is a fine accoinpan ; ; wt on the harp. . o ' ! , Beubflt, oar candidate for Congress Bnuathirgecompktely skinned Everett, the Re vii 110 collector, at Lexi'ugton, on last Tuesday His speech is spoken of as ! tkefinet ever heard 1n this State. This I ccntleamu will address the 1 citizens of T?,wn ait do distant day due notice of , which vill be given. E. H McLaughlin is a candidate for the lower house of the Legislature. He ! f has issued a card to thetrne Republt- cans off: the County and takes sides on I the stock law and county government.. ; McLaughlin's strength is uiostly among j the colored folks. He is also nghting the i Liberate.. 'I V --i-'J''' -. The fPresliyterian Academy will be opeuedi iiext Mouday, Sept. lltli, unar Misses pizzie Gilmer and Jennie A, Cald well. ftliia f school has been growing for years hd will under this management bcgreaitly improvedthe capacity and facility! both- being increased, there can le no loubt bnt that all desiring atten dance an be accommodated. j Roliia Ryan is woi th hearing. He gave a i very glod entertain men t hereon lat .Tues i day evening. He is probably the best cliar facter actor hat ever appeared before our people His specialties, which are new, are j exceeiingly good. His "Texas Cowboy," aiid "Drip Scott" are entirety new' and are tl; niosfc vivid stage picture we ever 1. saw; portraf ing life iu brief sketches. As Grip ifcott, he will put to blush any nioun i taiuer iu Korth. Carolina, excepting jer . liajs,I4,old Medfordr on the Balsam range io II Jvwoocl countv. I . if o - Tii Post Office. --Mr. James Ramsay has taken charge of the post office. It was Reuciluiy understood when our citizens sigael his 5petitiou that the office whs to be removed to the business centre of the city. J This lias not been done, and no move to indicate that it will be. Several promt n'eut fgeutlemen have" interested theselvespetition8 will be forwarded to tUjuj department, accompanied by let ters from ! Influential citizens. It seems that !t lie office should be located for the convenience of the public. Miss Linda L. Rumple, the accomplish ed paBghler, of Rev.: Dr. Rumple, has Kon to the New England Couftervatory ofMusic, Boston, Mass., where she pro poses to put the finishing touches to her already proficient knowledge of music. Sheiis well known among the musicians of this States all of whom look with pride on lrer attainments, and predict for uerli brilliant. and and successful! future .... -o It has been suggested that Mr Rich- wide, who recently committed suicide, near. this city, was not in destitute cir cui8tauce8 but that he had as much wofkia his linepainting -as ho could oof au that he left a job the t day he biiug himself. It thought is tliat 1e was lniane. A gentleman acquainted with thp family Bays that insanity dates back I6 . 8en?rations, and to this cause alone i8de tie;dreadful termination of an un fortanatelife. ' . li , .' O : pne nomination of Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz fdr the Seuate, at South River on last oaiuraaywui be hailed with pleasure by te goodj citizens of both Rowan and Davie Cdnties. Mr. Kluttz is deservedly pry j popniar among our people. He f noeaaJ in either county ou the 8!umD af lead, local democracy to ajgreat vg:tory this fall. ; His canvass as elector on .the Hancock ticket did much ' tniake him' known and appreciated out- ipe his immediate section. His capacity , inqasettoued, aud his popularity wil Pisuf lnm to the fulfillment of higher ofilcesju the gift of the people.' He and "f. Overman, the nominee for the lower S up se or the Legislature, will thoroughly 1 cabva&s the county. Let the people turu . uj u near them. There are a great many ! 1 points to be talked of duiingthiscaimpaign aau.the Aurest way. to understand them Jo' hear the issues thoroughly rand in i .Jlgeutly discussed. The list of appoints 1 i be am oancid us soon ns made. Scuool XoTiCE-See what the County SuptTof Pnplic Instruction has to say'fii anomer column. School committeemen j ami othej-s desiring to see him can learn of his wherealioitts. Th6 school census is nnt ypt cpmpletHl, mid Mr. Rothrock is desirous tof completing the-work as soon as possible. : . : ' fz : I o Sam'l B. C. Colly, of Locke township; this county, has cut and cured one baru of flue tobacco. This is the first he ever cured in August, and is now ready to cure another, barn full. i : Mr. John Ludwick, who lives 4 miles from town, drove up to Crawford & Co'a bard ward store yesterday, and: when lie halted a hen jumped from Under ie buggy seat. He said that that was the third trip the hen had. made .each time laying ait egg. -, , . - " - ; It is reported that Parrisb. lias skipped the towni Parrish weut up the Western road on ! Julian's Excursion. I and left some remembraces in. way of unsettled bills. The meanest act of Parrish, after leaviug his board 1ill unpaid was to pretend to take a negative of I a young lady' through an open camera! after he naa ,"pacKeu ins traps" and collected $3 for the' ; pictures" which he nrotniid "day after to-morrow." . . Uur citizens cannot be too careful of itinerants. Mr. Crawford has i some of his plunder retained for' rent. . o .! WW - a a ? I ine circus wnicit exluui ted here on last Thursday Maybury, -Pullman s& Hamil- tonWguvef general satisfaction. They exhibited all they promised,: except the 7 Ioug haired sisters which inst have been a pleasing omission. ' Some of thn papers have been hard on tins show. I The riding, trapeze, tumbling, &.c, was all good.JThe trained dog tjrere prob- ably the inist ever seen here. 1 - j ' The right hand of feliowshipt-It seems that ColJ Jones of the Charlotte Observer has at last beeu fthl tni ItlifmrB n thev arei and h.iR RPlf.rm.nnl ...Tinfri, to sacrifice A is personal ambition to the I good of ibis party. We have always felt Chat that ceutleman had inadel a mistake that. he reallv never meant to do the Democratic uartr. for which he has faith- fllllv l:tlutlc1 tie Vdnfa ntir li'irm Itnt that he lhad been led astrav dv what he conceived to bean opportuuity to get into Congress. While we do not wish to do much better Editor, aud catable ofdoiuir innmnmotu in mf n.wWmn than hef could iwssiblv do id Comness. This is paid in all siueereity. The right hand of fellowship is' extended. Col. Jones is now iu position, and will turn all his forces, not to personal ugrandizement; but to the party which has fostered him aud fori which he has done much good service. Let his. .people rally around him as they w ill, all -over the Statu. This move on the part of Col. Jones will have its good jeffect-hydra-headed i-epublica'n- ism, with its niany hissing tongues finds the same it had been curessiuff has es caped, and. become a foe.i Deal heavy blows merit has its reward. l ' o .! SENATORIAL CONVENTION. Theodore F. Kluttz Unanimously -" ' Nominated. 7n accordance with the instructions of the jCounty . conventions; of Davie aud.Rowau, the delegates of the several counties met in convention at South River, oai jast Saturday, j- I Mr. Jl A. Williamson was called to the chair, ad Prof. VV?K, Gibbs and T. K. - -1 -. Bruner were made Secretaries. . - Mr.' Williamson, iu a' sliort address madeKjcuowir the objeclof ihe meeting); aud announced that nominations were in order. I r Dr. FaisoiijNof Davie, in a glowing ribiite,: namiuated Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz. Mr. John S. Henderson, in seconding the nojnination; read a short letter from Mr. KluttZjiu which he stated thatiMhis reasons or declining, iu a former letter, the ten dered nomination, were perfectly sincere but that since that time he had been iui portuued by personal aud political friends to accept, and he consented to do so pro vided there was a unanimity iiu his selec tion" at the same time pledging himself by the Democratic platform, as issued by the State Ex-Committee There were no other Dominations, and the chairraau put the question to vote; which resulted in Mr. KlutTz's unani mons nomination. . . . -t M r. Henderson then offered tie fdllow- ing resolution : I . I ! I "Resolved : That Dayie. County shall be: eu titled to the Senator; in the year 1884, nnd that thereafter feach county shall tbe entitled to the Senator alters nately." - This resolution' also passed " i i ! 1 unanimously. j -if The I Secretaries were tlien ordered to furnish- proceedings of the meeting to the Vavie j Times and io the CarolikX Watchman. There being no other bust ness the convention stood adjourned., J At Williamson, Ch'rm. W. K. Gibbs, j j T. K. Bsuxer, $ Secretaiies. : ' The Radicals way down in Louisiana are calling for assistance and hare levied an LS!essment of; five ijierj cent, on the Fedeml appointees from tha district. . j MONOK OU I'- We are. very much j pleased at being able to: speak in high praise of Monon Ou, nr "Well-nigh Reconstructed," by Brinsley Matthews, who i Us a North Carolinian. ' ' " : it ? : The book is well written, tlie Eoglis pure and the style good. The plot of the. tale, while not sensational, is full of in- et. News and Obstrrer; f XOXimOc INTELLIGENCE. T.K. BRUNEK MANAGKR. X . ; The Bullion 31 Inc. . - . JThis valuable property: ; was sold At public vendue, in this city last Monday. Mr. John D. Haines,of Maryland,bonght it for $G000-abou tone-third of iU Value. The sale only amount to a new management takingcharge. It lies adjoining the Bcimer and is a part of the same lode " it Capt. J. A.Ttamsay who is now engaged in East Tenn.j, in cutting a j long tunnel on. a - new Bailroad,- has brought ns some very peculiar f specimens, and we would like, to know what they are. From his description, they are parsing through a bituminous shale: imbedded in which , . , , .... . they , find these balls. Sdme are round, and look like a cannon ball painted black; others are kidney shaped and others still like clams. The i black glossy covering is most likely, black oxide, of) Manganese. Some of them are very heavy and carry a largejer cent lof sulphurets of Jrdri. Others have only an outside shcll'of bard sulphurets, while the 'hollow is filled with a deep seal brown substance, very" like soot. They are 'very curious speci jneus. Capt Ramsay" has onr thanks fiir lot which nave been aUded to our cabinet. t Georgia has over seventy! gold tttines that are worked. Can any of our juiujug friends. telU ns how j many there! &xh in North Carolina. Can't friend Brtinerof the Salisbury Watchman T-i-New South J i i In reply to your question! would say that it is . a hard question to answer : for the reason that mines are continually closing down, and others springing up And 1mm nr worked. We nnblislied dnrinir last spring and early summer, lists of mines by counties, as follows : Rowan 56; Cabarrus CO ; Mecklenburg : 50 ; Mont gomery 31 ; Davidson 24 ; Randolph 24 ; Alleghany llt and Burke 8 making a total of 264 mineral properties. There re a good many mines in other counties, and from Moore county west, there are (no less than from 110 to 125 mines in operation. This includes silver and cop Per wines. Hope to be able to make a mora definite, statistical statement soon. Rowan County M ineriil Wealth, From tl,e first chapter of (Prof. Kerr's geofiT of North Carolina, it is seen that this State has a list of mineral species already discovered to the I number . of 178 the recent discovery of jmeerschirura maKinir ui . tueso mere areiouna 'la thi county me 40 species. They are uot Pu down in the mineralogy of th county, yet they exist, A list is appen- ded allowing what minerals are. these 40 varieties of Gold. Argetit. Galen ite. Chalcosite. Pyiite.j . : ; Clalcopyrite. Barnhardite. Arseuopyrite. Flourite. Cuprite. , Hematite. Chromite. "Magnetite. Rutile. j Goethite. " Limonite. Wad. I Quartz. 'r IrVofranjite Silver. Pkitiuum. Copper. Iron. Lead. , Antimony. Sulphur. Graphite. Chrysolite. Garnet. Orthoclase Tourmaline. Topaz. CbrysocollaV Talc. Calcite. Magnesife. Dolomite. Siderite. It is not claimed that these exist in large quantities, some occur rarely, ye they do exist in Rowau. Our cabinet contains many of these! minerals. We will consider it a favor for all those hav ing mineral on their farms to bring speci mens to this office. ; f " . ' Prof. Kerr. N. C. State Geologist, has accepted the position, ton.- the Uuited States Geological Survey, and is In Wash- inSoa pefing r arrangements. Hehas wav ut to the Rockr MonStaina t an early day. . He vrill have charge of the Southern division which (will extend south of a line running along the north em boundary of North Caroliua and west and the way across the continent. New Enterprise for Asheville. Thos. E. Brown, ot this city r and his sou, air. Liewis v. lirown who .nas tor several years, been doinjr business at Denton, Texas, have -prnaed a" copart nership with; Mr.Van Gilder, of Ashe? ville. They are going intothe Hardware business on a very ' large scale in Ashe ville, and .will probably cary - a larger stock than anyone in. that linein this State. Mr. L. V. Brown is a practical machinist a mechanical genius and will be of great' value to the trade. Success to them; .-v' . Would it be impolite in ns to observe that the "Liberal" party has its Price T Charlotte Journal. T7 j Certainly not, but who told you about it t Some of the young men of Salisbury are. getting np a : "commencement day" of the Rowan Political school, and one of the finest conumdrnms in tlie "examina tion" was 'wby is the Liberal party like' a politician !" And now the Journal has given the answer. Too i bad ! such pre- viousnesA will hurt the commencement exercises. ' I ; . But in reply to yonr query, would say no! You must be Mad-my-son! Wil-l-each not Cliug-roan like to his party, without regard to Price? . f i f. Sunday School Convention. The Rowan County Sunday School Association met in its 13th! annua!, con yenU'pn at Franklin cliurch, August 23d. 1882. Vice President J, J4 Graeber call- 1 ed the honse to order and Dr. W. A. Wil born was called to act as secretary. ' Deletes bei ng jcalled forbntt wen - ty was found represented, " The election of- o3cers forthe ensuing year flowed and II. C, Host, - Esq., waft choseu -Pres idertt; - Mr.'? J. . A. HudsonTice Pfesl dent,' Jv'P. Moser, SecretaVyV'and-lirir L W. Jvlotti, Treasurer. The reports were anded in from the differed; stfnday schools, and the secretary was .requested to conaense uiese reports vana make a complete report.on the following,mornipg. Rev. C. II. Wiley, D.D., being present delivered a brief but' pointed address, on the subject of the American Bible Society and its work. "" - The first subject, How is! the-Teacher to be qualified for his vrojk !' was taken up and discussed at 'coiisiderablelength, which closed the exercises! of the first day. ' '.1:1 f " The second subject was not discussed there being none of the appointed speak ers present. The i third subject, VThe duty of the Church to the Sunday School" was taken up and discussed- at length. The Sunday school beingtlie-nursery of the church, the speakers argued that the church ought to give it flot only her active aid, not merely irfliet'eoHectife capacity, but by her iuiyidual exertions. The fourth subjWWhiidriall1 fee "Ihe character of. onrAun.dv Apc elicited warm discussion. Most of ine speakers contendedTor aPchangtfi-lf n the character of our music, aud though i ' Vre used too little churen nitfHi sUnday school. At the dose to -this discussfoa, lev. J, Rnmple, ,D4D.fc chairman elf 'a committee appointed to comttiue the" re ports 4f the secretary Hand of iiie statisti cal secretary, reported. From this, .re port I 'find that -thirty four .Sunday schools sent in reports ; twenty-two fail ing, The total nnaiberof pupils ia the, thirty four Suuday schools reported is One thousand one hundred and .eighty four, aud total number of teachers three bun- dred aud fifteen. Books in the libraries j jm j a . ' ' -Srlt"-' . It. -"V,. 1.. one thousand and! twelve. Amount of money collected four hundred and sixty eight dollars aud sixty seven cents. The chairman appointed (tte following as delegates to the State1 Convention, which meets iii ihstoh sometime "in Octeber': .'' : Capt. lL'R. Crawford,Mn6.;W.Mauney, Jas. A. Ifudson, Eev. W. T; Cutcliin, Dr. W. A. tilborn, Rev. V.R.'Stieliley, Rev. W. A. lintz, J. L. Grffiber-Capt. J. A. Fisher, P. M. Brown, H. Graeber Miller; John Lindsay, R. Frank Tatnm, Alex Shemwell, Rev. J. RumpleVf D.D., : Thos. P. Johnston, R. A. K'iiox Bamuel Law rence, Cathey Rice, H;: C. Bost, Rev. Johh Ingle, Rev. J. At Ram siyV Joseph Eagl, Oeorge Barnhardt, a . C Goiri her. s" ' If any of these delegates 'cannot attend the State Uonventionv tnej"wm center a favor by informing the secretary. ;-v I The following reSohttioTis-were passed by the Board of -Ctfdnty. Commissi oierffj September 4th; ISSffl' n-jf.; -u Wliereas, siuce onr hv&U meetings tlie hand of death lias agni ja,; eu tere( ; pur midst aid. taken Xroiumoiig' us, our iupst worthy member. W. AI. KrXCAiD ' Resolved, ThatSvliile we l)rw irt humble i submission f o" th evllv i ne w'ill of" Him- who J doeth all things for; the best, our Board has been deprived'' tlj.seryices of a valuable aud efficient member, and the county of an honesf, uprlgHt and most es timable citizen. - : " Resolved, That we tender our sympa ties to his taniily in their bereavement.'. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon our minutes, and a SSS.'&S't publication. y m 1 way a mm a bw mv Wheat Crop OFiRQWAN.-'iHaying in-' vited the Wheat Threshers.of the county to report the quantity 6f grain cleaned, liyj them, we have responses from the follow ing: Rusher & Bost, 4,850 bushels Wheat; " " 2,300 Oatsi " " 40 John Harkey, - 5,070 " , " t3,832 Fisher & Brown 8,000 . " " 3XJ0 it a tit: ti it Wheat; Wheat. Oats. Rendleinan & Coon 4954 '.at' am - MIA m-. Wheat. Oats? Alex Peeler & Co., 4500 Wheat. 500 Oats. N.Morgan, -6,E '"Wheat. M J.Bargerjk Co., &$3fh r -Wheat! " " !eo " Rye. J. II. Rice. j 2.660 AVheat. 11 . . 2,3(1;.; V Misenheimer MiHer 4s Co. I Wheat. : oeoVH'i'yi Oatsi- Yellow Fever fanlPcom- PeSssaola, Septeniber aOner case -of yellow .fever - report Wfoday, auotlfer. to-uignt, uuc titey wui fHiH oe wufuciaiiy annonnced until to-mrmows: There were no deaths to-day. TouuigF!rink McCon iianShy has black Vomit and will not probably live through tue pigfit. Sjejreral suspicious cases are uuder observation, and will be reported 'wheJtiie character of the disease, w ;more clearly denned. This is the ninth day of the feyerand oniy one case nas ueen reponea in ft A . rt hours, lhe. wv prpgrejs the lever . . m a mnl'infr 1i.a rocfAron rfnnfirfAiiri Atrn the timid o' were alarmed. h t t o t-..i - i ...P. Wu1Wn.a1u1u8, cases of drowning, simply and solely Ami the person ; nothing more is neces sary. TakeonT h coidwe- clothing, wrap-the body in a sheet, lanket,mg. quilt, carpet, or auythiug that will hold water, pour water as hot asie hand can beat it upon this wrappeC until it is. com pletely. full, and reuleisfi-it-iaftit the body, is heated IthcQUglt Gasping andi breauiing will follow an due tmic.-toi'y BUSINESS LOCALS Reflaefl Cotton Seed Oil, j 1 - ' For Cooking, purposes, at: -1 . - J. D. JIpNEELY'S; Olive Butter, - ; valuable substitute for Lard, at J D. McNekly's. ' ' I FOR COITIPOSTIIG ! A fall -supply'of Chemicals, Acid Phos- E hates and Lime now on hand.' i Be in time y calling at once. v - - - 44:4t . J. ALLEN BROWN. TUTT8PILLSA8UBAnPLUU r Terr's Pills are now covered over with a vanilU sugar coating, making them a- pleasant to swallow as a Utile sngar plom.and render ifig them agreeable to the most delicate stom ach, i .,: - They care sick headache and billions colic. They give appetite and flesh to the body. They cum dyspepsia and nourish the sys tem. ! ' m They cure fever and ague, costireness, ecU Sold every where. 25 cents a box. i I 43:6m 1 - ! ! f I I ST.- . l -I". ai. I.. Malaria, Chills, and Tever. and Blljloos . attaefcs positively cured with EmoryM 8Caaard -Cure, nils an ini&uiDie remeay ; neyeij&ia to cure the most obstinate, long standing cases where Oulalne and f-all other remedies had tailed... They are toreDsred , expressly w mautnous ecuons, in aoome dox two Kinas or nils, con' llls, contalBingastrong-cataaruc and r. sugar-coated; coatalolcgno Quinine lualng'norrimnflror purgugrwerare a cuu Dreader. or Mercury, causutgno rnmnaror pnrgugrtbeyare mna mm eiwieovcertaiffiin yneir acuon ana harm less l aU cases ; they effectually cleanse the system and grre new Ufe and tone to the body. As a house hold remedy they are, anequaled. For liver Com plaint their equal Is not knjpwn ; one box will have a wonderful effect on the worse case.' They are used and prescrlDWUby.fphystctans, and sold toy druggists everywhere, or sent by. mall, 5 and 60 cent boxes;' Emory's Untie -CaOiartte PUls,.-best ever made, only 15 cents. Standard cure Co. 114 Nassau Street, New York. 4ir FOR SALE BY J. H.tEMNISS. 600 Acres OF LAND for Sale near Mt. . Vernon, Rowan County. If not 14 iy the.l5th of October, it will be for reuv. . au; uue wnuung iu uuj guuu ianu I would advise them to go see this' land.! I would refer to Sheriff C C. Knper and J.! S. McCubbins, of Salisbury, If. Q. , W. F. HALL, 47:5 1 Statesville, N. C. 1882; FOR THE WHEAT GaOP! 000- WE HAVE A LARGE LOT OF ACIDS FOR C0L1P0STIHG; We have also a full supply of 35 SPECIAL FOR WHEAT. Ours are Standard Groods. WE CAN OFFER YOU SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. ppnt Buy Till You See Us. FOR OUR NEW ADVERTISEMENT OF IN A FEW,rDAYS RESPECTFULLY, &C., J. F. ROSS. j THOMASVDLLE Female College! i- , ; 0ardne- ot Ala.. a collese is u-a:-nt ne ionff sfsndiifS and" successfu I A IVI VI m-mm ' I ' ' ihl AvkMAAM' KaMmM ft na.rtnei' ind CD-D 11 D cipal of the school. Mrs. Gardner, as Lady principal, assuHic-wiiwi., m i nenartment. one nas nerer iMieu wune complete satisfaction and win the esteem And ave 01 numis. ivc. u. m.uuuiiu -- - mm-limLt.mna nnnnlar teacheri last to I . 145 instruction. , - I ; Three new teachers of. Art, Music and Modemr. Languages, thorough qualified bV a re uca a- hfl, ia ow Dlaced on a firaer foot- iiitf than ever. " rBoard and English Tuition per;term, $73. The 26th session opens; September 4th. For catalogue, address w . - j H, w. kekhabt, f ivincipaU. - J. H..,Gabdki?h. f1- 4:lm 1882 1 n 1 ancaor Fertilizer LOOK OUT FILL J. D. GASKILL WILL BUY IS BliACKBERRIES, - ,. . ... . : PEACHES APPLES PLUMS The Largest Stock of Groods IN TOWN To select from. JU mil ii At BEiuetisci its pofeis IN ORDER TO MAKE 113- FALL STOCK 1 OFthtt JS- CI-OTniIG AT 25 Per M.: SUITS FOR ONLY $18.00 $15 00 $10.00 $8.00 k ( U 1 U U K a STRAW HAT . at 10 ATS SHOES! Will sell ZIEGLEITS FINE SHOES at greatly For Bargains in Anytliing in my StockP ball in thb if3ri: SIXTY DAYS. r31iese Goods must be sold or given awayf befcr Cl Fall trade. ' - j d. s. BRorjw Sdibury, Jun 25th, 1882. r lis 2''- ANY QUANTITY. t 1882, o I- LOOM FOR JIT COUHfOrCS .JiY ENTIRE 8T0CX OF. J. SEDUCTION OF-CX $15.00 12.50 8.00 " 5.00' ; -0-; HATS!! per cent abore cpsl at a fraction abovs cost, sad al thcx Giggt redsced prices. si !t 1 v-vf 4fi ! 1. 1 ,4-; ,N , I . ';; - 1 . i - - ' -.. - -. 2 . "i s

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