I to the Jail was et IIIinNG INTEIililQEHClS. TiiinisriAY. SEPT. 28. 16S2 JTEWi TERMS T. K. BHUNER MASAQEE.- A stable belouging on fire and bamed . down last Monday nigTit. .It trns near enongli tnltlie, afore said to luake. J nonie of . the niore wickwi imiiatf call lustilv to lie freed from their I 1 See a.rtirl in 6rnt naiieabobt the DeW prison clls, ere the leaping flames scorch- gem hiddeoite. ' It . is an interesting ansed their tear J i , r r t mt Newman, Secretary of Dntch Confined to his bed at the ith fever. - He ha leen oterwcnked daring the uammer nud his general health has not been as good as asaal. No danger is apprehended. i systenV of operation i still gorjgpn. They ai-e driving ' a tonne! to get inlet and outlet to a body of ore not yetoucbedv 'i Toe West MiN-tSime anfortonate tnanageinent ' wiiicli hos resalted fn ty iug op the property in law soits. . BUSmESS LOCALS 1 From and after the 1st aay .?! -""r uecessa ry-imagination c 't!eSTC"v; i TheMrterandtheHdLadd wlwr Tr1 feaid liu advance, - $1.50 1 brigade were out in full force. Give them cfeek mine. i payment delayed 3 months, J,WU gooa 4rtalieacl of ifir and they will Mt. Veruoii,: w ; pajraent oeiajcu p Cocke of Bancombei "late republican party. come very near potting it onti -o- They call liim "Cotton York" now. S. H. Barrett &c Co'b.. united monster allows, exhibited There last ! TharsdayV .ti M. GraTS anction"wile.T,ltt JMr. ; i,-Miiv !.. tl.nn Ift tlumRnwd ItAlltlia . 1 II IIIH rill III nilllfftl Jllr nlllTIi l,, -w J Mr. Calvin J. Coles, of the U. S: Branch I TniM xirirrimau was in Salisbury 1 parade, :which tras an iuteieting speeta- week. IT' iUTKV urou UMUUI 1ICICiu jfiw- ei al days ! Don't failf to read cession ; nnnieroos cages of aniuiala, advertiwments-- I ElenhanU and a drove of dromedaries. ...mv if reixirf of thv Diwcttr of. the "V r j . Miut upon the production of gold and silver iu the United States, for 1880. j n . - . ' t 1 - &le f McConnangney iaui I: The equipments and trapping of this show were superior. They h4d twice as ronsfdertlile-actiyity'ls apparent among many riders, t umbers, juniper, horizon onr mervhants generally. u f MWi",r" tal bar performers ; twice as many uorses of a good fait trade ! laud a much larger menagerie than; any: other show that has been here tins year. ti.p t,hJi lo cron in this section is very Thanks are due Mr. Willis Cobb, Prsa fine( aud wl! probably be inote Valuable Agent, for favors. to thf farmer than cod. r The Daily Stock Reiwirt has made a change. It is now' the Evening Stock j BJeport. It gi ves t he cloi ng quotations of each days proceedings in the Boards, and also pays some attention to railroad stocks.:;--;-; : ; -" Whiskkt., J 1 Xi y OH STOLEN: From my pasture last Monday ' night large b ack Mare Mule, with a knot nn 1 hind leg. Information in regard to same may ue Rem to pjy aaarcss at Villa t ran- absorbing tht -Vfwwan county. j S.V. Caix " X OFFER v f at pnvaie sale st my residence the entirsI HOUSEHOLD ana KITCHEN PURNI- TUnE, inciuaiDg CAsms, ricnrKis, rood ssw. o lucHivx' and. fine aossvooo mw; also one ugn irame waoom. TUls tt) a good cnaace for nouaefeepers or tnoee contempUtinsnotisekeeplng, as Ue abOTe articleaVlU be sold reasonable. Those wlsllng to purchase can call and examine for themselves. ja. v onxr. j 48dtt - i j J. D. GASKILL WILL BUY IN I ANY QUANTITY HefLned Cotton Seed Oil, ; -Jjor Uookmg purposes, at : ; ; J. D. McNEELY'S. it . OUve Butter, t ? A valuable substitute for i j Lard, at J. P. McNkly's. BLACKBERRIES, r' Basis oi tbe school tuud.f TUTT'S PILL A SUGAR PLUM " Ttm's PltLS are now covered over with a Tanill sugar coaiinz. niakinz them a nleaaant l.a.ll.. . I : . 1 . ..I J I I -' - . m 1 I wW"ww ao lime BUICar IJiulU. lllu ICUUCT 1 ru 6 vv .-.w- . 1Uem tereeabie l0 tbe delicate atom. Yadklu River; Improvement. : The work on the Yadkin has been push- PEACHES, Westzbh N.-C Bailroad .Notes.-" (Jbamol. ! 1 The i Maine' Mining Journal has been remodeled and improved and comes to ns j gtream would allow dut'ingVtbe Summer I acu in s"ew , form Mining ana. Industrial passed. High .water has prevailed uiuljirrtia Reynolds has resigneu '"r u..,,' . nsAi f t.li. road "."I. . !. .i.n,jij """."tv position aa. priiuaryenciir. u c l)ad a Tiry pleasant meeting SclMKd.tw -teiicher will be elected ftnd ,4 , , to-day Tltej care sick headache and billions colic. ..I- 1 Jif ffir umput anfl fluh Ia ih ImiU lor Bome ume, prevenuog Ther cure dvBDeDwa and nouriaL th. ar . .in. 1 a I . 1 " ... - v Al present tuey ustb reacueu 1 tem. Tjue cure lever and ajjae, cottiveneas, cU SoKl evervwbere. 25 cents a box. I " 43:6m tO- nrogress. tiere on last , J We are glad to add to our list of ex- L Dointa short distance from Swicegood's nirrl .nl M..Wfpj the entire list oi cuanges, uie "jhuiuj; owcn AriBbci uu miii oil miles above uie iocuisiona ana miK tiara I nil nf n'linm AM o-ood. faithful Journal of Fmauce," published monthly. Dauville railroad bi idee. There is some I . - - ' ' " J V l it rontaina a list of over 7000 miuine -f 1 ilnnA at Rarne'a fiah tian. has moved W tnep-. . At '.n cmnies. with a oractical system of re- n !.. ilniv . ' W ara ..in- J5SeiSiSS?JiS tATO ropontlv niirehased b- him. on the T . r . . ' .1 .i.u:w.tan.i;n r..r'H. naa nf; inL 1 :. I a Infallible remedy : never falls to cure the most I U"UB,VV r? . ri? 1. !. greater i iu August of TJ tuan lor tue Iry" ,IMW ,wr"w -?-"' lormea mai out 01 Pl""P- obsUnate, long standing cases where Quinine and foruer ot aan - - j - T I vatora in atoelc. if. O. Address. 'Z07 fr in.nmrimr thA river, there au oxner remeuies nao uuieo. . Tney are. - s s i- a m mi wni a 111 iuhi. 'Bar. j - . aiuu auuv v m - f-i - ------w aoi w a a in t . s as . kkmwi ujiiulii w f 1 1 t . . . m 1 i rrnni w 1111 iuui iuiV T - I tf- f a eni.v 1.4 si ; haan ftr. vw lraiu viia s ous APPLES, Mr. W.SiNVgu house expressly for malarious sections, in double boxes. fe Joyces! I l i '? . . dered from some point this sjue 01 muo Kfw ScL'Th. See advertisement of the "r - ; .... Aw.oW'.. cut to the top of what is known as Mitch- SHithUn another column. Ibis rr ?JT , v n. . l. ri ew ouyifi r. . . . ell's Peak ru Black mountain. This tioiMge. : , at once one of the grandest scenes in Beware! Documents are being is 110 piuv iBiou maw -vr t I ctl11 breaker, suar-coated; oontalSng no Oulnlne for destroying mill property, riot one I or Mercury, causing- no piping or purging; they are PLUMS, &a H cent of the appropriation cau be Used for less in all cases; they effectually cleanse the system . . . t . - i- - . , ' I B4 crlva naw Ufa anrf tina tn fha tralv Asa kmiaa. circulated by such purpose. And, consequently, upon EordVemS, tEey Ire unequaied. For iTver com- nrill dam. the I plaint their equal Is not known ; one box will have ' I a urAnrlnvfnl ifcut. An t'Hjs wnrQA imoa Thaw m nvj.uiasa vww vu vwakw vmov a uvi ava v Cal. Wisduan, colored while assisting to niove ai louse scimeX time; since, wsnt itisidewlieu the structure fell in on him. He li-d Ia4 Monday uight froui lus in- jniivs uirr.ifB ll'lllll iiiuiuaHVUic. i. ueiwitiic i " ' a wAnHarini tTri nn rn. vnru mu Th farmers and others who hive minerals on government, improvement will probably used and pgseined fe, r prolans, and sokl by Western Carolina, and when! done, will I ,i,ir i-n.i- ti fill 11 n and iffn naners sent have to stop, unless some provision can cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ... i. lUl. I,.nii.n1iaria I.; ' ' j r .1 ' I Iva mola VT wlllpll tll (LllTI mAV be OaSS' W UJ.UVVJ ... w . ed. This of those in can,ouly ,be done by the action FQR SALE BY J.IH.1ENNISS. iterested, or by action of Uou- j attract visitors from both hemispheres. I thm. after a full description of the pro The Richmond aud Dauville syndicate pertJ ig M follows : has purchased the Chester and Lenoir I j uerebr authorizo to sell forme uarrow-guage road, aud it will be opera- my tract 0f iaDd in -county, State of gress, making appropriation, or provision ted in iicouuection with the (interests f containing acres, and agree to pay for payiug such damages,; which is very tht. imvelisifwi a and it is due ihem. to sav u;,50,; r l! .ail r tlm rimm lmmobable. I he ouiy tiling wnicu re- i A." iVrlf w,again,improving bis store . . r . iutere8t ia to build, on this LWiHn it. T will1 alao bav the usual mains to be done.is either tbat these m- rKim ou iiifoiii street. He is building a wnle wegtern half of the tate and in- gtate taxu sales made by agents. I terested, the couuties benefited, iu some double vewida, and will make jfdoor on duce b48ineM ftUd capital both of which ,luarautee the title of said laud to be way Becure to the govern lAent the right tne secoiiUjSi"! 3 1 V" " are needed to feed their roaas. ever made, only 15 cents. Standard Cure Co. 114 Nassau street, new York. iXly ;ii- uu loading? country produce. II; -o- 7 BENSErrlRoBRiisfs Club. A Club will be organized at Mroney's fcHall ou next i.mliiv niiiht. ar 71 oVloek. All are in- ritwl tueu to he present. Mr. Wi tt. Baiter, the popular young di uircist. has accepted a situation in Turn out young A New Enterprise. A ! number "of Gentlemen have associated themselves together for the purpose of building a Tobacco Warehouse in this city. A lot has beein purchased near the depot for the purpose, and-we are assured that the warehouse, 50x100 feet, will be ready for use by the 15th of November AHheville j arid has gone there to do busi- Another .Tobacco lctory is ais. to go uess witH iilIf. Iiyons, wholesale and up at aw early day. - lu course of a cou retail drfei-t. He is comineuded to versation with oue of the getatlemen in- e gMHl iMe of Asheville. terested, we learned that there was a j.w prospector two or tin ee more lacuiries offers being jbuilt, provided- they could get val- BaukiMg tacilities. rney want a ohuk. I, lIo1ms, ComiuisKiOiier, public ie reaV Allen I ated g i of 1; irad'sl ' - , ale, as er advertlseiiif-int, estate la good. Witness my hand aud seal this of way, or compromise on a reasonable day of loo-. oasis wim mm uwsUi ctow . I seal. drops, with a large amount of money on ! i ' hand-hsonie . thirty thousand dollars j Any one can see through this power of wuicb cannot be used. It does seem, that attorney. It takes all the right away from the rjglt cf way ahould'be secured and the farmer and allows the other parties tj,at tue WOrk be allowed to progress. It all the advantages, without any guaran- tUey pa88 Swicegood's mill, they can then tee of good faith. We Wfirn our people niake Fulton's Ferry, which will open up to sign no such paper. j ? a very valuable county, and will be If they want to send their ores to Bos- J wtui a few miles of the crossing of the ton for exhibit, let.them ' pack and for- j N: q Midland railroad. Uis understood ward them to Capt, C. C. McPfaail. Rich- tuat tijig roati ig now to.4ie built. It is mond, Ya., who is the authorized agent certaiuly, after the expenditure already of the Richmond & Danville Rail read. Inatief a great waste to allow the work to This road is making a flue exhibition ot minerals at Boston aud will take pleasure iu exhibiting auythiugof merit seut them without any Haeiifiee ufn the part of th- 'uer. ' f- 1882. FOR THE 1882. The Largest Stock of Goods ! IN TOWN . til . . A. rli rirv. Also. Mr. auasay.iney musinave one. ucnucmp.o rbwii is out agaiin with his eel- ueietoiore u u uuunw au(jow ,4,10, which he says liaa stood a reasons not necessary to meouon. x rom this market. Read this geniieroans conveniuuo, 11, ieru- geepoioj, into the Branch Mint at Char ... ... i .-::.:r.i.i i " eu ium me ons.ness o. iv u Tuegd prof. Hanna wa8 ... .T. . , d lhig syears m . . 1 . f. I A. . . . . n cease, jusi wnere 1 cau ueui . uu uue, while by passing wicegbotls, the-iiver cau be used, not only to the great advan tage o SsalUbuiy- bilt toTFhe-cbuveoieuee of a large uumbtr of citizens in Davie, Davidsou, Rowan and adjoining couuties. Let some enterprisine men from each ot rO- Jai:Xjc BiALTO.i-Mr. S. H. Wiley has chased (votli some friends) this good que. 1 1 son IWilly, who ainetl a Certificate from one u in 1 Mis son 1 Willy, who recently of the Jktarine schools, will be the cap- fffe.' t'tie fij-rtt bale of new cotton to this w camel in Tuesday, raised by Elijah jr.' Sold to J middling. D. G ask ill. Graded Will rams informs us that this is iust M.tf.i.v i v r av u f'"4 lira uruuid the would be greatly I euhauced by a bank, and that a systematic effort will be made to establish one this fall. He complain ed that he had to go to Charlotte and Winston last year during; the cotton season; besides what was-gotten from New Tork. Jf a Bank ; isneeded to put bur business ou a better footing let j us have it. - i - J j ; - ; ; Personal. Miss Worth of Fayette-; ville, is visiting her sister; Mrs. Thos. first bale last year. is now coming in pretty freely . tton is bringing good prices. Vh$itlCrop of Rowan. We con - below a list of the wheat, oats and ropajas reported to us ly the differ - Miss5 Baker of Hickory is at Dr. H. T Trantliams1. i ' Miss: Pate is the guest of Mrs. F. E, fHir grade fOT njiujug purposes. Shober. ' ir?i-.; .:.". .1 .... i found with both sleeves up, in the midst of several assays. In respouse to a ques tion in regard to mining uews, we learned several points, as follows : Baltimore, &. N. C. Gold M'ining Co. They have made a new discovery on the "South Veiu" of a fair width of first rate free milling browu ore. They are not deep on this new lode. The regular vein Old Ray is turning out as usual, iu addition to which some good copper ore is being taken out. The 'same company is working the "Bright Light uiiue" formerly known as the "Crowell" in Union county, near the Cabarrus Hue. They report good ore The front work. If the riuht of way is net i j' given, the niouey goes back to the treas ury, aud what has beeu doue, goes for nothing. $2,500 For the Liberal Campaign Fund. County ! Yesterday the reporter got hold of a piece of news that it is well to t eive puuncuy to, in order that the people may be made aware of the way m which the itinera is exuect to carry the comhig election in this countv and to show the Democrats the card that the ; Liberals are playing. It would appear that what votes they cannot get by persuasion r arguments they iuteud to get by my sioney, if pos sible. It has come to the ears of this re- WHEAT CROP! 000- ; WE HAVE A LARGE LOT OF ACIDS FOR COMPOSTING. We have also a full supply of "Anchor" Fertilizer. I SPECIAL FOR WHEAT. Ours are Standard Goods. j WE CAN OFFER YOU i SPECIAL' INDUCEMENTS. Dont Buy Till - You See Us' i pTo selectfrora: Sept., 1882. 1882. 1882. Miss Clowe of Wilmington is visiting er method. her sister. Mrs. Gates. ' I McGinn Mine five miles from Char t ...!.. I. urn f. lw f r-nfl lv tuim nth. nttrtAr. tllilfc Oil last SaturdaV tllC SUm OI ou.r.... :r"r.- ... - . ... ; .uSj n'z riMi wha receiveu uv uni ties iu itv to use for camu.iiuu purposes. The mouey, it is stated, was sent here by Dr. threshers of die county, 'who have MisftTiimliuson of Bush Hill, and Miss lotte they were siukiug to meet the "cop- Mott and it j8 being secretly put among .. . T. : M " . I i i I . ' . 1 . . -1 .1. I . 1.1 I.J 11. ..I : ...ill Ami tit a ar rerted. The total amouutJ in Mauney of Milledgeville.areat Mr. Juo.VVi per vein on the property. ! At the depth If lels reported up to the 21st iustaut is Mauney V. j illows -AVheaU 57,947 ; Oats, 31,611 ; Miss? Maffcie Merriuian h.U returned to A r. ill , 103JSince a s froipr- e &. Barlter of 14 ;: .- le hnu 'liu-h Mve date we have re- 8,440 bushels wheat. 5,:U) oats. J rve. Messrs I Cm)er, 8 Horse KaU;igh. Dr. M. o- Hyde & Barlx-r, Itought a C. & Whitehead has returned the m?untains HaywiHd C. MrsjL. V. Brown is the gtiest of T. E. Brown. I MisJ Elizi Blunt of Beaufort Co avis, f - from Mrs. is nsf Power Eugiue from visiting Mrs. 0. D. D of Blactmer St Taylor, with ... I . . L " , . ---o ..... , ti lmsi:tliS4iii. and in une- dav thieHhed 138 burJiHs of oats aud 70 of wheat. , St la 1 a E W Bugot . Stokk. Mr. John A. hiydeu hiis just receiveil a large lot of yttjigiesj Phaetons and Wagons, which tie a -lliii;jat unpiecedeiited low prices, e h-i )enel in - lie tirst rtMim of the v. . . from a Summer vacatiou iu Stokes Co. Miss Auna Baker of Lytichburg, aud Mrs. Keller of Bristol. Teun., are at Mr. C. F. Baker's. 1 of 165 feet they are 'running a drift toward the vein, when a blind veiu of massive pyrites was encountered. Mr. Johnston the Supt. reports the veiu 4 feet 8 iuches wide material very good.j 0L Clakk Mine James H. Carson, at this mine, 21 tulles trom Chailotte, is taking out some good ore. Arlington Guarantee-They are ex- plori ug, aud d i iv iug away iu baud cou tract- given another mill. . chillian mill. Same as the stoue mill ex the colored people "where it will do the most irood." The democrats ot tins city and couuty should look alter this matter , aud expose the game to the honest meu of Mecklenburg. Charlotte Observer. LOOKOUT SALISBURY lVfARKET. Mr. mily ne of Mr. J H. A. Beru heart has moved his to Salisbury, and is octupyiug the'new houses recently built by M. Knox, on Ellis St. Mi . B has a lot'oit the eoiner of Iuuis ArrLES green, per bus ... dried, per lb Bacom country, i ' bos round, ...... with the wiirk Butter..v.. ........ for erection of J Blackberries....... l hey are ruuuiirg an iron I cotton MldUne,..,.i...- cept that the parts are iron. They have i.JffieX..V.' been oudnig galena of uu unusually high I Corn new... . .. . M i... n ' I Meal, - eraue. ll is a rare occurrence wie uKures i croffee. ..... i... ii,. nxL am mi Hi. I Chickens,. WUIbll 1 14 U 1 U IAS UH) ,uuuonuu (.iv v held because they seem incredulous. Wbolesale.,' .$ 75 l.00 ReUU. $1.09 a $1.26 20 80 & i 4 - & The Capps Hill Mine There is uo Kvbii aiU-l. Bi iries. fnim fta9 ui. purclniml I . i (f-- , II . .-i ..... .1 1 ard5s'-$?r his advertUmeut iu ,i,iH and Long streets ana will oui.a sH.u. ne per. 8 5- is witU Beruheai t &. Bro's. The atjen Hon of bur readers, is called J the adyritisemeiit of Messrs. Black mer - ln hic,ihe enterprising suecehsors of I m . woid & Co.9 wbu uie iiow cnuductiue Hardware store. 1 hey uie act lie, wi ving young men, and will do just ;U fIuysiiy.leaienjber,to read their lvei-tiseeht..' j ' ' ; Lum itf Ulay, Maj. Uobbiiis, aud Drs. "ik aiidCMik, alt candidates for Cou - re siMite iu the' Courthouse. The ob- ret of t) uotice! ( to say that so fur as - I w v.. ........ m. I I . . . : I foi k Cook t - ii . , i - : i' ues rwerejthe merest clap trap othiug But pettyf abuses of their onpo- eut aud dirty, fow-flniigjokes. It was !graceful to hear men runuiug for high ositiouti the nation indulging in sneh - uarangfe If it is possible, would like w Maj, rijUbjue -toget out of tuch com-i I Have No M other Now, V , - ' ! j I hear the toft wind sighing Thfouh every th and t fee, . Where mother, dear, is lyin Away from love and me. ; Tears from mine eyes -are. starting, : And sorrow shades my lriw : Ah. jlwrearyjwas our part in- j I have noTmother now.J ) I- . ! I see the ale moon b ti.fr - On mother's white1 rv si one; Thejrose tmsh round it twining v- Tii.here like me alone; t And, too. like me. tis weeping TbC dew 'drops on the bou-jth Lon time has she been sleepinp -. I have no mother nw. i " f :', .:. ' . I ;.- My heart is ever lenely, j Myjspirits ever sad; 1 Twss her dear presence- only ; That kept my spirits glad From morning until evening Care rests uron my brow- She's gone, from earth to heaTen noticeable change at this pioperty. They are pushiug their work vigorously. Moore County. There is some activity in this county. The Clegg Mine has resumed opera- Lard.... i Pork. Potatoes lrtsn. do sweet... Wheat ... Kj. MO 8 ; ss 110 14 14 a.io so 13 8 40 80 S5 (4 c 85 91 ! 14 a '"'a is 29 t 90 1.15 1.2C 14 a 16 is C4 15 13 in w 60 1.00 1.00 1 oo a o FOR OUR NEW ADVERTISEMENT OF FALL GOODS a a a a a a a a i.to 1.S5 16 to 20 8.50 16 12 1.20 l.iot EXHIBIT ; . s $ ' a '' 1 -4 nf th Plerk of the Commissioners of r j tions ai.d they are finding; good material,. Co0nty of Rowan, to the first Mon- aud indgr they-will have a prosperous I day in September; A. D. 1882. ' I . I- 1 . nlifa1 hv im run lor a while. ? Amounw uu, iwuv -v j Board to the memoers mereoi i The Burns Allked Mine half a mile G. A. Bingham, per diem, south of the Clegg is doing steady work I . 5 days ext. service witli very good returns, f They use the I Andrew Mnrphy per diem, old c l illiau mill. The retui ns last year D. A. Davis, per diem, amouuted to $15,000. f - Bklle Mine This property has a good veiu, on which they havej sunk . me 70 feet and pros pec ted by levels 70 feet. Veiu persistent, alternating from 4 inches to 2 feet. This property Jias recently Inh ii Mld to VVashiugtou city cupitaliois. I From all accouuts this property should yield haudsomely. i i r 4 days extra service W. M. Kincaid, per diem, l day extra service mileage ;, J. G. Fleming, per diem, " mileage D. C Reid, per diem, ' mileage H, N. Woodson, per diem, $23.00 10.K) 2.00 18.tK) 8.00 28.00 2.00 7.10 28.00 18.00 28.00 28.00 23.00 j South Carolina. t Hailes Gold Mine They have now tweuty stamps coustautly at work-ores tbundanf. They have also a DesignolU Process. r, r , i $234.40 ' n;fanA traveled bv the member of the Board in attending thesessiousof the - V- I -" am a , i ? i n (i.mlnir. I ; 1 378 miles. W. M.E.incaid, i j ;t " ' ' TTn ratio N. Woodson, Clerk. - UN A FEW DAYS. RESPECTFULLY, AC, J. F. ROSS. M. S. IBMLPCtDIEnilJMIo I am now prepared to offer to the public, one of the FINEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCKS OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET ; EMBRACING Ready-Made Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks. Valices, And ' x I GENT'S FURNING GOODS. Special Bargains in Suts-DresS; Walking and Business Suits. Li lis aid Gent's irine ouooe.. UuvW, ' . .i . n: j: Warranted Boot for only $1.85. 1 sure to see A.iese uooas 1 THOMASYUXE Female College! ! Prof J. H. Gardner, ot Ala., a college President ot longstanding and successful Moeriem-e becomes a partner and co-pnn-cipsl of tbe :hool. Mrs. Gardner, as Ladj Principal; assumes control -of the. Home Department. She has never failed to gire complete satisfaction and win the esteem d love of pupils. Rer. 8. H. Thompson and wife, efficient and popular teachers last session, give foil time to instruction, I - Thrui npw teachers of Art, Music and Modern Languages, thoroughly qualified bi nature, education and experience, com o -Rafiiltv unsurpassed in the, State. the school is now placed on a firmer foot- Qoata Jl?uh Tuition tr term. WL ' - n..- - r . -.letermiaeJ to SELL CHEAPER than any ICuruu ? . Mtl i d .iorf ju amj, The 26th session opens bept ember 4tn. For catalogue address J ! one in town. 44:11 M. S. BROWN. IS 4: if rL?:l - 'y r - ' -' 7 : t y ,' r is f ; I - IV- i - f -I - t " : 'Villi r4. i-t4 I' ll t' 1 u I 1- . f 1 i '-.I nJ the assiK-iation is degnidin I have no mother jjow, BnrwER Mine At thif iuinc the old Sept. 1st; 1882.-29:41. - - - ' -: " -a

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