it sr H ft it I i r I 'j IM ft. VEMOH LIYERY STABLES SHAVER & AREY. present their compliments to j the public) and resneetfullv solicit a trial of their Es-i fabluuient.. ilt ,ia jroropletc in all the re quirements of first ch93 business. Horses, Buggies, .Carriages, I ' phaltons Wagonsf &c. 1 , 5 AND ARE ; CONFIDENT OF plvrXG.J BDOcial provision and favorable rates for Boarding atd keeping horses, j f -prove will find good btalU and Sheds at our place. , , rt Special' accommodations for thebeneut of Commercial Travelers. ; Lee Street, Salisbury, N..C. 36:tf Soto PRIZE TURNIP lie best Harket variety in the World. 'Points of excellence ; It has no equal for root or Salad. : f It Produces! Salad two weeks, earlier Than if.;- ' j ?any other kind. i i j Irfsects do iiot injure this a3 they do other -varieties. ft produces Turnip. more Salad -than any other Tf t hn lwst Turniu for Winter use in-the nniirlcet. j .. - For sale only t - j J. II. ENNISS' Drug Sterpj f Also Other Varieties iTUftP SCID at - J. H. ENNISS'. 5 IT STANDS AT THE HEAD. ; THE M&HT-RUNNINQ iDOmestic; i I That itj is the acknowledged leader in the Trade is'a fact that canncst be disputed - MANY IMITATE IT, j fJONE EQUAL IT! The Largest Armed, 1 j- Thi Lightest Running ; (The Most IJeuutifnl Wood-work, 1 AND IS WARRANTED ' - . To be madeof the Lost 2 To dojany and all kinds of work. 10 oe complete la every respect. t or sale hv BERNHARDT BROS,, Salisbury, C Agents wanted in uuoccupied territory. Address, pomcsHc Seiriutf Machine Co. Hichmond, Va. ft R R .wrt ln yur 0WI town. $5 outfit free. JJfiSif " nwS; .tverjiMlng new Oaptlal not re quired. W e wtljlfumlsh you everything. V any are i lnaKinir rortuiies. i.a(llps ran k-p ! j cq j ; jlTj Ml L a?d rte-muke "eat pay. Ue.vdor, If you at. wuicir you aa mat e jrreat pay 1 oil tne Ume you wors. write for nnrti.Miin A tn y i , i r ,.- . ' : - U xi. ualleit CO.. 'PorLLind. MalnB. n a v i: I IiOes icf Acpetite, Bowels costive. Fain a the e$akU with a dull cc nHtion ii. tbo- 1 i iaul otis7--th3 Bhouldes i Cld.IUliK?Sal AHra. with Hia.n- Heart, Sold ueforp tLe eyea, Veliow Skia, tedacQ3 ganeraliy orer the tight ey, Ksstlessjes with i:tfiil rlwain. h,m f colsrod jUriae, and - ' ' j TCTTpi PIl-LS ar eanwlaUy adapted to tuch ca (, on doae effect a such a chance i ' felwks a natoitl'sh the lufi'rrer. i t My lo l Ue o,i rio;, ihv; the system is . l.4tl-Ori-aa, Itrcul fctooU or r ? -"- lyiw -is ct.t.s. yittvi-u mt.S. T. T M jja i t.y a Mnpiuapucatioatrfthii lrr Itir.. Til?- IIM" cc!-,'r' cts Ti s'!t" ueously. Rfii orrit S5 ni na iY st m w ionnJ r. rt-rs imrit ".. " ? rnJ,.. H . I iSraWNUo C0TT0 ' i"1'' J" Tl Ulk Cft, ManrfeULOM '1 ljLfl f IrntabiJi y of tamper, tow spirit vrWx a faeisiig ?f haing aeglcd aomedatr. ! i TOT fl -X llMK.Ni J iiave ,.s,V l,T?7?tW'', i. tty 1 - ii 1 ' " ' JI ' J. . Professinal iCards. -.-.-1. J. M. IfiUKKLK. ; I 1BKO.F.KJ.UMZ. McCOFKLS & KLTJTTZ, ATTORNEYS ANfc CUMliCl.i t Salisbury; N. C f ; gOfSce on Council Street,. opiate ibe r Blactmer and Hentool. attorneys, CounselciB and $olicitors j -Jannav22 1879 ttJ KEKB CRAIGE, CRA1GE & CLEMENT, ftttWnrt- at SALISBIET. 5.C. Feb. 3, asst. Z U. Vasce. 1 W. II, Tauiy j VANCE BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. : i ' "if! CIlAKLOtTE, N. C. i( f Practice in Supreme Court of the (United States. Sunreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Conrt, and Countieaof Mecklenburjr, Cabarrus, Union, Gaston, Kowan and! David son. fiOmce, two doors east of Ihdepen- dence Square. 33:tf R. DISPENSARY. ZstatMeS 1817 at 12 3.:Sft Strsct, 81. 1X73, KO. THE fbvuician in cUargo of Ihim did and well known institution Hre regular graduate in mrdiein aad uroorT- Yean at Exnerieneo ill the treatment of Chronio Biaeaaea bare made their akilt and ability to mueh up-r..r to that of the ordinary practitioner practitioner, ion through that tbey bare acquired asational repntaiti cave tmn1 cm their treatment nent ol oorapiiCHtea caaea, complicated f.y I lainic SRETJOWorEXPC RETJOMorEXPOSURg K-cliu tucnou ol tue t)HKxJ. akin: Of twuea. UeaiMi with 8UC- cesfi, without it-tin? Meretjry or Poiaonoua Medicine. YOUNG MEN andlhose of middle Hfi who are atwjiynwim anffiM-iiie from the ctlecta of ft disease mat uudia ita rirtimii- for btuineas or marriage, rwrmanMitlv pnrd, at mniiorate expense. PATfENTS TREATED :Ep v. i up ii ii ytu-afy -r ffe but where ! ixmible perw.jl c nuli.iit'u u (iirlcri-td,; wlucB to FREE anf inritea. List r,( ty jeiiioni to be aaswersd ty paticritt dcairin; tieainirnt tctiiej tree to asic wHren oa muplicatkm. M Prrm mi Srri w flmia Rupture bea M lend their nHm, Jand Intra MMKtltia to lbi- ariraatan. 1th ant a irw.fl -nimui i-i-i itririlj ci tuirtiol, and ihould be addipc4 FRUIT PHISERVING (2o Cts. Per Box.) j This is 'the most econbmical and (he purest powder on the liarket. It saves TIME ANB LABOR. For sale at icjllN II. ENNISS. FruitJars! Fruit Jars! JUST RECEIVED! and Must bq cold ! FRUIT! JARS, One-half Gallons ar(dj Quarts at $1 and 1.25 per dozen, which I will sell cheaper than any one in towni ; Als Slubber B.igns and Sealing Wr.x, for Jars. Call and set- at ENNISS'. II IP I On Draught, Oil Ice, In Bottles , And by the Gallon, at DRUG STORE . - Next! to Bingliam. mm and LAnp- GHiniJEYS AT REDUCED PRICES AT The Dnig Store Ji!t to Bingliani's." Sweet Oil, fanner's Oil. and Lard Oil, ii At Drug Store to Bingim'. JOHW F. EAGLE, -FASHIONABLE -i BOOT ri SHOE MPL Invite- yeixr attention llo his .hop, UPpo-iie Marort Office. Repairing neatl, and rom !,. olTi, -stiffs 8 iSWMl8 mde rd" BEST mnowore tLe pnbiic.i u ".V make money faster at - -pw v m l'u uxitT- i i riii ran You can annua J etM WM?r tnaiTat Mart eeowhere to wort nfi-JL'J"1 "ywanted ean work in Enri k.,f,.u5: . ,oe tWe. Vou hole do make eaormoui pav " ?JK-. Costly ount anitn 5 6 " m-t Augusta a4iie. 1 romiiWji 1. --- Uuit rid no bUtekerl t. , I "'-. nave yicli'wl lo this 1 Iron j-rcparaiion ci.-u " In lr?atfafl lacombr- Wash AvWr. on ABB POWDER WateR OCK lliOffllll MACHINE OIL, time to the br, "Ff . the work- v, k . " ."II hj; a i i on and welL No one tun r .A FlllITlll! tet f o i of jirMtnte COMING IN EVERY DAY AT, WEW FURNITURE STORQ iin Sir. Wta Door to J . F. ioss. COME TO THE NEW STORE AoUpt raytMiE yon fait in tlie Fnrnire line ALL MY GOODS ; ; Wer? inspected in person at the Manufactories, a d bought for cash. at the' lowest prices, and warranted to be of the latest styles and lwst quality, and will be sold as low as any House in the country. Come and get A Nice Cott ce teller set for oily Fire sets far Fine lalnet sets, MarMe Tops, only Hanflsome Parlcr for - Cheap ds Special ternis tmid with couiitrv meielianty !. want ciicap lit -r i v d n ami half dozen low. 'I will jilso have n band a full line ol COFFINS. CASKE'ib and Undertakers" gooUs all at the lowest pri- at 40:3m sTa . .r-vMiB I-vn Buggies, $5o ; Beckett & McDowell's Enfrlns nnrt Rn!l: or,,r ntng machinery of all kinds. ' Oeiaer Separators and Horse Powers Ul.rlrA' Frtla T,,- Buckeye and champion Mowers and Reapers. . ! Alt persona Indebted to me must come forward I mn just what I say. Jan. ,st, iss?. SEEDS SEEDS BHITF Fir thV ivT XWW1 XSSSS? For the PRIVATE FAMILY" urown by ourselvea on Our own Pann. It.-J ... . . . nsifin r. ai. r uuc business cards for trade ust. 4 DAV,DLAND8ETH&S0MS!SEEDGS0WKSlPK5LADEijPHlA 1J0R 15R School! OxfouivN. a ihe aezt efiun of il.ih K. 1 . . 1 :n 1 J"?!? Y0 ' -tl ,r panic I0;fv ..L f " J- ' HO F.R. e. a -i s - such cUantt-a h'iv. lij'i; Sr5 aw SS5SS-L.y it"PJ?? p, 1 more than ten tlm r.?i. MUMness will pay outfit furnished free? ffiwKIi. fuuil lUmiSDed tree Xn nrk . urnaiTP make monev raniVf' ".?r;e. wh? engages falls to iwvw avV. ' 'Jg?"'1 auinatt. am(MifaM. JT niiiMiMa m4 i j Wf 4i $30, 35, aid $d0 4 $55 $40,$50MS75 at 88.50 B. i. DAVIS' New Store. tfTVWl Topbug5S,Jbu " luc iow prices: douKcieia ar rnf rniinu-fncr ir a K a I have the sole: Agency for the following named mi- TelnJf 5 Corn Spellers. ATf?aph d Cutte Atlantic GlflTlt PrvorA, aUUtf . Blasting Powder. Rotert rlwi3 r?i2Bue.? nd 8Prtn F Lawaon a. rvvC ," """". and settle ,i f,,. v ei? 1 hiTe C0Bt to paj. EDIGREESEEDS Jt" .....ESTABLISHED -r. For tha nrnu . 7 -tt-eicht years w SEEDS " . "" LCW. Y.Pareer, ate of Warrenton, S. C. w.C. Kakk ; Late of Edgecomba Co PARKER & CARR, A.S9nt for tha OATt'nTJTTOTlT ''SSttt D A. ATWEIiJL. i OIJ WAST ' m t ic U V A K B J Iiow Pigrures T Call on the anderigned h0. QtU pupica. Merciits: ,,, r;r t. XEit 1" AYETTE AND WaTE S i .T w 1 C V 1 4 n . "I'tMH. VA. j I f -isttTf-iftl in tin1 r Mir: ion w.rk ; 1 1 Bill Caraway's JLatestV . . Frera tCe Qoldaboro Memenrr. . ' Cajf. W. V, C Carta way told us Saturday of an amusing scene he wit nessed on the train near Mt. Olive. "Titkeis!" crietl Capt. Cutts, as he entered one of the coached. ; An elal) orately f dressed darkey 1 arose, and drawing from his pocket a package of enormous envelopes, took from among them a paper which he handed the conductor. I "That,"; saioT he. 4bfars Mrs. Garfield's official seal, and vhe sent it to me saying it would pass me to Washington City. Last winter I met Mrs. Garfield in Goldsbbro, and she employed me as a servant. I sup- pose me patw is goou," 4 he conduc tor drew a long breath and : asked : HWho the d -dickens aire vou any how r VI am A. S. Hicks, Bjq., of Faissoii'ti Deixt, a school teacher by ! . . . pnieM8ion, ana txmna to Washington iMy" I dislike to furs tall a niau ol aspirations' said the cjptaiti, "but I think it would be best for you to pay a quarter and get off at Mt. Olive," mid when the train reached that point the G.irhVd waiter struck the ground with a fuce as long us a bill r in dictment. ! An Immense Comet. Rushing Towards theEtrih with Great Spted' VUiJble During r Daylight. The great comet reported Tuesday morning as having been discovered by observers in Colorado was observ ed at the Naval Observatory Tuesday evening. It was found in right as cension 11 hours 19 miuutfM 32 sec onds, and declination north no de grees and 10 minutes. The comet was easily seen with the naked eye, and exhibited a short tail with a bright heail of ctJi.suUrulile extent. Iu ih teiCscoe the iiut'lens, show a-cou ItiMfd mass ot bright light, indicating a large comet with a plenty of loose matt rial. Extending on botii sides were bright aeres of light pre sent, og the appearance o)'a bird with outstretch d itig. i utxiaty eveninij a dispatch wasr ree vei liom tiie b.ervatorv l Paris to lite loitowing efl'ect,: Thallou's com' I, dsei vi at Mice alMint iuhmi S .lemler 18 three clegiest went of the ftiti. The nucleus gives a continu ous hecirum :very brilliant and very nun it extfiidtd towanltt violet. Bdh atl and nucleus give sodium lies, rxtremelv 'brijliaut. very dt- vtiltsl, and citaiaelensiie. I lies seem i le j'peetnw'Wipic ol.-rrvat ii.s re ltiiei in I he above d.paicit arc ol (Xtiaonlinary; interest. ihe inUieate that this is the secoud comet that has shown a sodium spectrin!). The lirit vas iliscovertH! ttiis year by Wells, .a he Dudiejj Olsei vatoiy. I he ro p ri d i sjl..ceuieui ol'ihe ivv sotlium liiLes lovvaids the red end of the spec trum is ol the highest tntertsi, since it indicates that the comet is now moving towards the earth with plane tary velocity. Suh an observation has never before been made iu the case ot any Cpunct. From the osi tion iven in the above dispatch, the co et is moving westwarl from the 8u n at the rale ot five or six degrees daily. It is est i mated that the cornet has passed its perihelion or point wneu ii is nearest ttie sun. AsJrono-mer- will- now le anxious to ascer tain' il Hii- c niei is itle .ticai with the one- iveeiitly d iti'tvere(l in iSouth America. If this idemtty s!niuld be proved I vi : hiUo'i tiutt it ha aj- c -t cr oe;r mc-uii, pri.ibiy 'M'if.iul iueeai ct;il 'YltMO, it i- nt t wh eii had l ! 'si L-nii mi distance nit it c fttvcral tays ii. list elapse behu. ihe pariicu iais of the orbit can be calculated by astroneineis, and this question defi nitely settled. ' The comet Tuesday, at 3 o'clock, wa nine degrees west of the sun, aud it increased this d stance by sunrise on yesterday to twelve or thirteen degress. Ii therefore rises some tinre ieire ti e sun, but owing to the tact i hat it is also lurther south than the -nil it will not be icadily seen before sunrise, lo a lew days, with its pres ent rate and direcin otV motion, it houid become a hriiiiaul d;ect. On ihe whole, I hi." may la riguiiicd as :ne of the most extiani;n;irv lotuets of ru'ih rn luue. l',n- .i, y U i '-se. n it in i- .-.;. ilif jreai coint t t 1043, a men, like lt.i in'( was v.iliit? t lue 11 te in In- Mttiiiglit. trui'iv ii ailing lr- in ilif raurmui ! the uornn iia Imvii iiuilt, uii'f ie cn sirtui.oit ui the huili'in im iMinj rai itlly I'tawlietl fnrwanl. I be hoi ks will very mmiu lie reaily lr liusiiM-Hn. i n-ir reducing tbe ores, as iur r'it( !(!?. kllltt. i Wll:lt i ff.lllu.1 tliu niirmdi wlllr'll IU tl-tlil til I .A to Ihe fniuous Eiiiilisli nnxviw known laslheSwaii - rcWOr. SUBSCRIBE! FOB 3BE CliAC J4NA WATCHMAN. OXL s . . The Color and Lastrcof Tooth areresto r ed to faded oryray hair by the use of Pa ker'a Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing high i? esteemed lor its pertume and per .j . For Sale , at a bargain, . I C. II. IiRUNER, 1 JWtf ! China Grove, N. C. Q O Oh 1 l"s"2 9 m 0 e -. a. e ti to gH- -s 3 a, - rttMOHeeiteoc iOa xCVSnH ......... 'ntta'.iat-ar.Mii r S5 , W 3 ;. w O ! V? .; w t n x a1: i H - CO IK Ul ....... . o ' a. ....... i m CO O -O CO, ba sis S 9 o i J i 5 " ;:::::l::iU 2 a. x si - s 'cm I n9eaoo9iit ti 9 ' Ft & Hssss H 3 - ' Ki r-i 5 5 t- i W -' i 0 So lis5 5 Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with R. A D. R. R. from all points North and South and from Raleigh. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car from Greensboro'' to Henry's Connects, at SUtesvllle with A. T. ft O. Dlv of C. C. 4c A. R. R. with Sleeping Car from Charleston. S.C. to Henry's. Open observation cars run over the mountain both ways between Henry and Warm Springs, affording a magnificent day-light view of the Mountains and French Broad river. Connects at Warm Springs with of E. Tenn., Va. to Ga. R. R. tor Slontstown and points South-West. j. Train No. 8 i Connects at Warm Springs with E. T.Va. ft Ga.R.R. Pullman Sieepera from Henry's to Greensboro, and Sleeping Cars from Henry's to Charleston. 8. C. Connects at Statesvllle with A. T. ft O. Dlv. of C C. ft A. R.R. and at Salisbury with R. ft D. K. It. for all polnCs North and South. ! j Through Tickets - on sale at Salisbury, Statesvllle, Ashcvllle and; the Warm Springs to all principal cities. - SUMMER t.XCl KSloN TICKETS on sale from all points North aud Soutu. . 1 J.B.MaciinrJo, Audr. G. F.ftF. Agt. North Carolina Railroad. CdkCllaUb SCKCDtLE. 1 u tiOlNti EAS'f. DmIv, Apr. 3u, 18i Leave ' liarlltt 4 a!i-bur liigi' Point .. A rr.t tret-unborn.... L-ave (J reenwiKiro . Arr. HiUUro Durham . .. Kaltuh Lr. " Arr. (Jiddahuro No 51. lilv. 4.( 0 a.m 5 53 " 7 20 8.U0 ' 930 " St: 53,; Uailv. 440 p. m. 6 24 7.35 "j S.tHi a II 47 12 26 4 It 1.40 p.m. 4.05 6.30 - Jo 17 Dily fXeepl 8atirdsiy, , Leave (ireeisnhoro 5 00 p m. . Arrive Mt H-ileigh 1.51 a.m. Arrive at ioldnboro 7 20 " No. 51 Gunned at Grtenbro with R. t I). R. R. for all pointu North, Et and Wext, via Diinvrilv. At Uoldflforo with .5t. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 53 Connect at Salisbury with Wi N. it. R. fiir all point in Wenttrn N.Carolina ; dnilr :t (iref nboro with K. x I) K. K. for all point North, Ehi :md Weft. T RAINS GOl NO ET. Printinq Oflice Dale, Feb. 19, 1882. No. 60. i N. 52. - I Daily. J t-! 'l. Leave (idlbro ...10.00 a. m.' - - Arrive Raleigh 12.20pm - - Leve " 3.55 " - - Arrive Durban 5.06 " - - M Hillboi 5.46 " - - Oreen-I. ro... 8 05 - - Leav M 9.15 " 0 40 a. ra. Arrive II itch Piont 9.50 " 10 10 " SalUbury 11.12 M 11.21 " 'liarlotte .. 1.10a.m. 1.00 " v.. iu i I f'.u.l i. o cn A r. Raleigh 7.10 pni Lv. 6 00 am A r. Greensboro 3. 15 pm No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A.&C, Air Line lor all point in the South andgputh west, and with C. C. & A. R. R. for all points South and Sou theaxt. No. 52 Connect at Charlotte with A. AC. Air Line for all point South and Southwest; at Charlotte with C. C. & A. R. R. with all point South and Southeast. N. W, N. C RAILROAD. No. 52 Goiko WiaT. No 50 I ' Daily. ex. Sunday. Lv. Greennboro 0 25 p m 950am Ar Kernerville 41" 1041 M 44 Salem 11 25 " 1135 No. 51. Goixt. W Daily. No. 53.1 ' - ex. Sun. Daily. Leave Salem - - 515am 600 pm Ar. Kerneraville 650 ' - 40 ' 4 Greenhoro 7 00 M QQ '" mii'ti' tMlUZKQ. No. 1. - " X,,: T' ' ex. 81m. Leave Chapel Hill ...... I 10.40 a m Arrive Univereity 11.40 a m No. 2. Diily .Sun. Goiko South. A riive University.- 12.10 u iu Arrive 1 Chapel Hill ... I - 1.00 p :U Pallman Sleeping Cars without Change On Irani No. 60, New 1 to o Atlanta via. Washincion A Danvil.i . and lx tween (ireens boro and Charleston. On Train No 52. Richmond and Charlotte Washington and Charlotte via Ds nville. tST Throoieh Ticket on ale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldboro, Saliaburj and Charlotte, and at all principal points South', Southwest, West, North and Eat, For Emigrants rates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkaruia and the Southwest, addrea A POPE, Gen P:i- nget Agt; 21:ly Ri- hmond, Va, I History of Kowan County stkxt ;.irani Copies of this interesting book may had of T. F. Kj-cttz, Theo. BtTKRB v VU.M FIRST ritEMIUJt KVTM DfcD TO 1. E. Van WINKLIT & f n . FOR BEST : Cotton Griix with: aCPeodr1 AT ATLANTA, OAM WRITE FOR PARTICrTLARS AKD PRICEt. ; Cannons & Petzer, Agrts,. AT COSCORdJ H. a, . ... For Ro van, Cabarrus anjd Stanlj counties "y 3S:3r. m pd.. lr j 5 Z JJi-i -5-5 15:3 CD CD -i 93 a c. f i2 "x . S a H 1 fS 1 Li t m m .'2 . S- -2 2. CD GQ IS. m C o5 r W - . " 3. -2, . ' M 2 i2. 3 a.r I -. 5 2 ! 3 r " a SB . ra j 2, ? d a -t 2 n 3 3 . S t i a 2 5-.- 5 ft Si r -2; 3s i " M B SB 5?! DSs 3 S p ; o 2 5 c-w e o 3! co C flSo? 5 c-ntfs. 2 c . r g 7 J W ej SL p t 3 B -1 e a i" 2. c n S" 2 S3 o co o .5 25 5 : 5' I. Z ' 2 3 r t -1 c - -1; ROLAND CHILLED PLOWS THESE PLOITS have rfBuiM ealllaa n inula board wktea are harder tbsa strel. - ' j Having tat aloal Ihe laadaide. aai rrvrrwiuie anp pitint. uiry are uc beat nraaMf Nn uumi eeonuuucai, 10 wr tanner. 01 aay rwf iiiaae. GRAIN DRILL This Drill ft force feed diatriW tor for both wheal and graaa accd, a4 haa the onlr, Far tl lser utaelunaal that will aow itickf phoaphatc. IlliUit ilmplt, llfhttait rauiiing and beat Drill nada. BRITISH MIXTURE. This ce'ebrated FertilUcr haa : - I t00 LBS?' ! gained iu great popularity set calk BRITISH 1 i- j on account of the price, bal, cause its effects are unlforailr good, and it has been found to gin PXTJRI CaWHlTMAM! BALTIM0R! more FetiUiztr for each dollar p-Ud Uian can be procured from olaar rca E. B. WHITLIAIJ, Office and Salesroom, j No, 104 S. Charles Street, BALTIMORE, MD. j jiaxufacturer op L Agricultiral Specialties.) 43W' THE STANDARD ENGINES. "'Jt J f - .z - AGENCY OFV AMES ENGINES, College St., Charlotte. N. C. ! THE 8TANDARD AJiES' ENGINES; Agricultural, Portaolei Adjustable Cut OH and Stationary Steam Engine and Bol'1' Also. Agents for the Southern Standardly ton Press best, and most powerful made. j Saw and Grist 3Ii!!, Clark's Seed Cfto Cleaner, (increases the value of dirty cot" ton 2 cenU per pound), Cotton Seed and Grinders. The Van Winkle Gin, premium at Atlanta Exposition), BbBJl1' Machines, Jet and Force Pumps, sua ! kindsof Mining and 3Hil Machinerr. Wj working machinery of all descriptions1 leed s lurbine n at er wheel. Write for Circular and Pri.ef. I J. O. SHASNONIIOl'SE, I t t e e CS a w I-i '.2 r. - c fcO 2 i'8 - 5 to o i"3 s w K ti i S D r O - : - . ! $1.50 PER YEAR. JOHN O. YOUNG. June 3, LS9?.-tf. j or tit the Watchman Office. 1 ii

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