till J -v L . ;J. ..- i . - . ". J-- -'..-! - - ?. - . - H Vol im.raiRD series ' . 1 Salisbury. it. ci, October 5. 1882. ; i; Kn I ill Y I ft III ' : - " - : - . - - - - - Thfe Carolina w atcumauj ESrABLtSlED IN TIIE YEAU 1832. FRIGE, AUVAJiCJfc. -5 - n ,4s of ucccs8ful proprietary ; .peclfica. H- Ti InCimiuense - demand whertver on hi. c6ntiaenT fever and arue.exUt. A Irine. UasOa three, times aay .ne e Krious atmogphere, regulating the liver. End invigorating the stomach. rkr uUv aft Druirjriata and Dealers r j , . generally. 2D:1 y 5. fenoBEs BRdWNE, Prest. Ws. c. CO ART, Secy. I. : ' it s' Ilome C omp any, S eeking 1 Home Patronage. troii, Prompt, Keiiasie. mmi Term policies written on Dwellings. Premium payable Une halt casli ano oai ince in twelve mouths.' j ' ALLEN BROWN. Aet., '21.-6tn. oaliKbwry, si. Iv. . OF uefbaum bUxlUUJ-i b U Jf rijlJbiiS NOVELS AND 1 STATIONERY. I- 45:1 600 AcreS OF LAND for Sale, near Mt. i Vernon, uowan county, ii nox sold by theL5th of October, it wilt be for rent. Anyone Wanting to buy good land I would a(fvise them to go see this land. I would reler to Sheriff C. Ci Kriperand J. S. SIcCubblna, of Salisbury, N. C. W. F HALL, 4"7:5t Statcsville, N. C. 5 X ERRORS OF YOUTH. Gentleman' .who suffered for years from Nervous DBfi.rrv, Pbematcke-Decay, anil all the tfi'ect of youthful iiKliscretion, will for the sakgofsufiering humanity, Fend Ireeto all who j)ed ii, tlierecipe and direction for making simple remedy by: which he was ucred; Sufferer! wishing to profit bj the ad vertiser experience can do so bv addresfingin perfect ctirtfrdenee. JOHN b. OGDKX, H 2(hl ; Cedar St.. New York . 1 ' - . : ' gEMEMBl THE BEAD! HOHUMENTS TOMBS, ctJo. GREAT REDUCTION J I L j ! Jn IIE prictcs OF Garble Mentmeats and Griva-Stcnes of jEvery 'Description. I cordiafiy invite the public generally to, an inspection of my Stock and VT k. I feel justified in asserting that my past experience! under first-class workmen ia nil the newest and modern Ktvlpa. ml i that 'the wiu kmanship is equal to anv of iu ueac a uie couutry. 1 do not sav that my wiork is superior to all other. I Mi reasoiiable, will not exaggerate in or der to accomplish a sale. My.endeavor is to please a!ud give each custoihei the val ue of ever dollar they leave with me. PRICES 35 .to 50 Per Cent CHEAPE H than ever offered in this town before. Call at once or seud for price list and de signs. Satisfaction guarant'd or no charce. nc ereciion or maroiq is t.ue use woi k -f respect viiich we pay to! the memory of departed friends. r ! i 1 JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. SalUbuiy, N. C. Nov. 1, 1881. ,- " i ;" ' rj ;-i ' ,. -'r ; "-j- . : '":".- : -; . i : - . TOijUost'iriPTiVEs. The advertiser having been permanently cure " fthatdrea4 di-efte, Consumption, by a'firop'e remedy.w anxious to make known lo his fellow "iftt-rera the! means of cure. To all who desire to, Ue will nd a copy of the prescription ued, (frte of cliarge)vwith the directions fur prepar- mg and using the same, which they will finds iire CUREfor CocaHSjCoiSjCoKSBswioK, '.'""", OBOJJCHlTW, C. s lVtiea wLhing the Pre rescript ion, will please '1'lrenn iffew l V., A WlfviV! iqi i.. w. J A - . i 20:1 v V-!!fH :' teSM'ViW- I ' tbat accompanied Republirapmist-ule. A7- wns called a Liberal conveotion, and ouo I pAi T i VnnnJ. f t pr2' i' xiV nrmmgour adherence to Democratic pnn- week thereafter packed the Kepublicau iIIin;ri wV Wm'II If i 'm':-W 'S I ciPlc8 as efined in the Plattbrm; adopted State convention 5ndeudoi-edtlieVVhia- i,,TStick toft II - I i t J5rTut"',i r v ! hv the Nfttinnai Democratic Oonvwitinn t . : ti. Jluu w , II . 44 V a il'ls . neia at Cincinnati, in 18BU: v vita born and ehriitKiied I Hf i I Thetrnefnntidoteto the effeoU of miasma I- s - : : i ! - - ; V ' ; ' : 1 ir" ' ! frheo.S , -- W. 1 i I i . S i iPLATFonar. -, ' ' s :-' - ; 1 ! , ; AVe congratulate the people of North Car olina on tlve era of peace,properity! and good gorernment which has been on broken since the incoming of a Democratic State adminis tration; upon the pure and impartial admin ist rat ion of justice and the honest enforce- ment of tlie laws ; upon the efficiency of onr , common school system and great advance made in education, and the general im- provement and enterprise manifested in ev- miv tn k-rt i! tn i aHir.nA th material interests of all sections of the State in the future as we have done in! the nL And we challenge a comparison between a Democratic administration of ourj State af- fairs and the crimes, outrages and scandals I Booked, maX we regard a free and fair ; expression; of the publc will at t ballot-. dox as trie only sure -means or preserving; our free Aberiean institutions, and we de- nounce the Republican i party and; the inter- ference Of its federal officials for their gross frauds upon the elective franchise, whereby wholfe districts, States, and the Ln ion have leen deprived of their just political rights and we believe the corrupt ad Corrupting I use of federal patronage,andjof public r money drawn by taxation from, the people j n influencing andjcontrolling elections, to be dangerous to the liberties of (the State ; iwwuea, i nai we are in iavor;oi me en- tire abolition of tlc internal revenue ays- ; tern, with its attendant . corruptions, ana that we denounce the present tariff laws as ; grossly Hnequal, unjust and viqious. ; favor such a revision of the tar ff as will i i - j r... t pruuuuc mcn uuuiucu. VUVUI- ica support of the government, Vith such incidental protection as will give to domes- tic manufactures a fair coinpctltion withl tl,na nf fi,rpin nrndnrtinn That f hem I t . i should uc an immediate repeal qc van laws vAll imposing a direct tax for . the support of tne government or me unueu ornies, out ii it should; prove impracticable to abolish the internal revenue system with all its at tending demoralization, fraud aiid corrup tion, then we urge upon our Senators and Representatives in Congress. the importance of so amending the Law that the revenue officers whonow receive in salaries in North Carolina alone more than $500,000 shall be elected by the people of the localities to which they arc assigned. 1 Eesohed, That the course of the Demo-j cratic party since its accession to power in j North, Carolina in furtherance 6f popular education; is a sufficient guaranty that we earnestly favor the education of all classes of our people, and that we will advocate any legislation looking.to an increasebf the fund for that purpose that will not j materially in?rcase the present burdens of jour people. llesolced, Tint the question of . prohibi tion isnot now, and never has been, a par ty question in North Carolina, land never been endorsed by the Democratic party, and the people of the State at the-general-election, in the year 1881, having by an overwhelming majority voted against pro hibition, and the Supreme Court having decided that the prohibition act is not and never has been a law, we regard the matter as finally settled, and any attempt to re new" the a'gitatiou is merely a weak effort of designing persons to divert the minds of the people trom the dangerous; principles and corrupt practices of the Republican party. Hesohed, That while we arc riot wedded to any particular form of county govern ment, we recognize the fact that a large part of the taxes of the State are paid for the common benefit by"the white people of our eastern counties, and that we consider it the bounden duty of the white men of the State; to protect these-people from the oppressive domination of ignorant blacks, and pledge ourselves to such legislature as will secure this end. - And whereas it is seriously: suggested that vigorous effort w ill soon be made to compel the State by judicial proceedings, to pay the fraudulent and unlawful special tax bonds, amounting to $22,000,000, issued under legislation passed by the Republican Legislature 1868 and 1869; therefore Iiesohed, further. That the Democratic party will resist .such recovery and the payment of 6uch bonds by every lawful means, j j Thealfive resolutions were read seriatim. nnd on motion were adopted as a whole as the platform of the Democratic party of North Carolina. i On motion of Mr. Fnrraan, the following resolution was adopted : j Resolved, That the present faithful and efficient State Executive Committee of the Democratic party, witlu Col. Opt. Coke as chairman3, he and is hereby continued as the executive committee of ! thejiarty, thanking! them for the untiring zeal and triumphant results of their past services. Hon. A S. Merrimon being called on, de livered no address of marked Ability the synopsis of which we regret we cannot print in this issue. , j Ou his Iconclusion Mr. Paul, B. Means moved that the thanks of the convention lie tendered to Judge Merrimon; by a rising vote for his able, masterly, eloquent and instructive address. Vhicb motion being carried, all the members of the convention rose to their feet with a shout bf applause a compliment as handsome as it was deserv ed. r . J. W. Reid, of Rockingham being called on, made some handsome and eloquent re marks. Remarks were also made by Hon. Jos. J. Davis, Capt. Swift Galloway, of Greene ; Capt. C M. Cooke, ol Franklin ; Andrew Joyner, df Pitt; F. G.I Skinner, of Perquimans; J. M. Gudger, of Yancey, and V. Foster French, of Roleson, and after the conclusion ortiis speech Mrl R; M. Fur man moved to adjourn. i Continue to make sowings of turnip seed till yon have secured a good stand. Plant some i for table, but more for the stock. It is a good thiug to have a plenty of. Clean out ttye wells, if , not done be fore, and see that there is no mod pnddle anywhere near theiu, the tijterings from which can poison the water; and briug disease iu th family. It is of the highest importance to bjive pare drinking water. A convict says he was sent to prison for being dishouest, yet is! compelled every day to cut pieces of pasteboard to pat between the soles of shoes' made there and palmed off 6u the innocent public as leather. A Biographical Sketch and Portrait of the Rt. Rev. Thus. Atkiusou, j late Bishop tf North Carolina, will apjear iu October 2nd istte of the) New South, j What the Leading Radical Paper - "4 i ; J 1 i L fV". -T . L ? fThe Greensboro iforfA aj: ; j 'Friends, let us look back through the past three or four months; and j see what we have done political!?. LftSt Winter ft new movemeuUaanrouosedatWashinir- ton which should sweep North Carolina and bury ' Bourbonism Many Hepnbli- cans iu North Carolina could see nothi ..nr .i. Ta.I J- - ci vine them permanent coutrol. The 'old fnin'sa.' hnnvr tvi nritA 1rn lir tU ! reveuue ring and the State was organized in the interest of the I creat tidal wave. The rerenue meu hurriedly packed what Anti-PrhiLii- t6n Liberal Partr:". rPortliwhh it wna naoMUciid tli4.PM'sident Artliur-aud Ui cabinet Would forever curse every Repub-, lican who couldn't .see the new ticket ' through revenue eye-classes, and every ' officer not branded plainly as 'Liberal' WOu jj bohown the back door as soon as ported bv the macuates. The office- holders soon came into lino and hurrahed for th. new move, not caring wluit it xvas and thinking that whether it won! or not lueant safety to the members j of the rjrend aiui Butter Brigaded I ye aj 0iat.d ju the ueneral sliout ex- iecting everybody to eonie into the coal- nn nii iiv ti, 7th nc it 8U,fK)Sed tlMJIe wout bnt one party in ti. rhm ..!.! ti.Aut.r ttH looked that way. Colonel Chas. R. joues, according to mysterious prediction ; . ' t fUII.ha A ra ' came out sau8t the Bom Dons, and was raabered with a great flourish of trumpets j iBtw llbeni,fcfoId. t Assessments iere 1 1- .,. ... . v " u7 wo k Le ich cinif B Y ! f.lw"OU8 WOIk- n.-Leach Came, B. Y. ikiii in iiier. hiiii s'-:iiiim n miniFMr iiiiiimv , - ri . , ..mri,,,,,. iiiiurr State coufd be heard of a few iu search of ! office who found n nlace of rest for their ' weary bones and troubled consciences iu the 1 literal camp. One bright Sunday morning Col. Jones : took himself back to his old nest and: Mvoie he had discovered a movement to . ignore the Democratic paity and 1 help j Vr -i'""" , iitiu auu no nciii uiiuiv uuiur. xc.tny nil the others have cone the same wav, Iu am ii mm sank m r a.v m . teti couuties iu this rvgiou we defy anv- bcxly to nauie 300 Democrats who- will i.i.......f t ; i. ...... i .;..r.. 'fi... t OUriv llic Jiiucilll IIV.IVCI. X lie M li Bl oi'it is that while all: this demonstration was being made the Republicans got de moralized and disgusted with the whole thing. What we fear most is that thou sands and thousands of Republicans will stay home and thus deprive Col. Dockery Mr. Guthrie aud some other del-serving ineu of votes which they will need. - We have done everything in our power to show Republicans the advantage of the llefeatof bourlKiiiism even if we have to snpport a few objectionable Democrats, but we find it will not do. Prominent members of the party are thoroughly dis gusted with the movement which means party destruction. For six months the North State has said the liberal movement meant no good for Republicanism. We say so now. There is no principle iu it ; no honesty. One class of Republicans are trying to fool their friends by saying help us along iu this; tl.ese fellows are all with ns anything to beat the Bour bons. 1 hen then the Liberal Democrats says to their friends, don't believe that we want to help the Republicans; those of them who are with us are just as aux ious to break up that party as we are. Here is the truth about the whole matter and Republicans of North Carolina don't you forget.it. Win. M. Cocke, Jr., of Asheville i the the chairman ot the anti-Prohibition State Executive Committee, whose ticket the revenue ring forced the Republican State Convention to endorse. He-is a candi date for Congress against Gcu. Vance in the 8th district. He say that "owiug to my private business and the additional duties imposed upon me as chairman of the executive committee of the Liberal party of the State, it will be impossible for me to canvass the district." And therefore, he has published au address to the voters of his district. Here is what he says about "the late Republican par ty:" "Attempts are being made, .fellow citi zens, to persuade you that my success and that of those with whom 1 am acting is iu some way to inure to the benefit of the late Republican party of the State. There is not the least grounds for such an assertion. Wheu the Liberal-Demo crats proposed to abandon their old party organization tor the sake of public good, the Republicans, acting through their conventions, met them wholly on their ground. Jt is distinctly understood that we and they have united to form a new party or political organization. Iu addi tion to the principles announced by the Independent-Liberal convention, we pro pose to so act under; the constitution and laws as may seem best calculated to ad vunce the interest of the people of our Suite and country ; at large. Any one who determines to be no longer controll ed by the machinery of the old parties, is fairly eutitled to be recognized as a mem ber of our organization." Just think; This is the leader of the "Coalition" which all Republicans are asked, aud ordered to support. "The late Republican party !"- The man who says this is the leader of the movement which is held ta terrorem over the Republican office-holders iu the State. This is tho way the ally of the revenue ring talks to his friends about the party for which we have fought for seventeen years. This is the feast to which we are invited by the Republicans who claim to be building up the Republican party iu this State. Au invitation to the wake of the late Repub lican party" would seem more like it. " Jt is distinctly understood that '?' (Cocke, B. Y. Rayle & Co.,) and Hhey,' (the teve- huue ring) have united to form a new party or pouiieai organtManon. Aim i mere la a secret understanding to sell out i the "grand old party." f The cat is out of the bag at last. Who 'authorized "they" to sell out the interest! of 1 15, 'XX) Republi cans f The North State baj at no tiuie been mistaken about the secret arrange ment ' about a "Libernl party." We have always thought it ineaut no good for true Republicanism. Mr. Cocke, the manager of the Liberals, lia now given us over his own siguature the true de- signs of the coalition between the so-call- j ring. It amonnU to nothing more than a Democratic mtfTeiiienttw bnry forerer; the Bejmblicau iar;y iu North Carolina. 4 v 'tlL.it U the combination nd a new nartWa tho creat object for n,i.t, JdpU..l,lu.11VinimittrA u tl-P1 rSZlTuZ ZxiZttl :f Kepublican department clerks and Fed-. ern oflBcers!- We thought so! or as " . . ast Words - of Distinguished ' - 'Coalitionists.1 Charlotte Observer. To pall this thing have to lie like h 11 l -11 .! 1 T 1 ' 1UWI A1" :UI1 3 vuieau tit uors " come to tins! '; ; - T N. CKper:. devittsh gUd J.goU in before this btfblde busted." Jim Harris (colored) : "There's no use talking about it bovs. vou;ve cot to re O'Hahi "Tan Hubbs' white skin this i. I riiirniiH 11 a " p " "7 afiClt. . r nn. . Col. CocU : "I d like to go to Congress, bnt itli sncU slim chanew. I in not go- "'gto wear myself out iu a canvass against Vance. To,u Devereaux : "So would I, but I a5"'1 Kffed to fight Democratic Cox." rir Tin, Vrk trttUm awful fir. ed butting up against llobbins. For au ;nu..u.wi...t numfu.mt ottiMia ; altogether pleasant.? 6 H. Dockerv: "The people don't . i A i lp ,, 6 .eenj to take to this thiug well, as I have discovered in my peregrinations " ; pJfll" .fcln. W. b. Ball : "Faregorieally speaking, 1 be,ieve U U U,8t' As a ,mMalist 1 P , u bufc aa nolilic:..n T liad it ta i. " - i- an mum . : Leach ; "My t,od, tellow-citizens. I w ouly udtnq with, the couceru." Col. Johnston : "No, no; I don't want to go Congress, and moreover I don't think I can." Gen. Clingman : "Lam of opinion that shtill let the boys fight it out." Capt. Price : "If I live about a thou- Band years and this thins continues to sand years w ... grow perhaps there , may be a chance for me; but it's a loug.time to wait." From a statement published, by t he Castle Gardeu authorities showing the destinations of immigrants who have ar rived during the past six mouths, it ap pears that Texas enjoys a genuiue immi gration boom. South Carolina is also receiving a larger share of the foreign tide than usual. The large number nearly 3,000 credited to California ,is something new as the Golden State has never recovered its hold upon foreign im migration since the collapse, of mining speculation. An immigration organiza tion has recently started into existence aud is working vigorously to induce j young tanners to settle in uaiuoruia. The president of that Society wrote to Secretary Jackson a few days ago sayiug that mining instead of being a help was a real detriment to California, and that if people who emigrated there could only be made to understand that agriculture iu the cud paid better than milling it could be made a great State. Colorado might learn something from the experi ence of California. . If the Centennial State would acquire a steady and perma nent population, it behooves her to give earlv aud muticular attention to adver- V Using her agricultural advantages. No wonder the Egyptians are a failure in war. In all the manners and customs of the race it is impossible to find the re motest suggestion of a warlike propensi ty or impulse, or of a single soldierly quality. The Egyptian salutation is "Peace be with you." Peace and repose make up their idea of perfect happiness. All are inert aud indolent. Meu, women and children are. in the words of Mark Twain, "constitutionally tired." They recline on divans the greater part of the day, solemn and dreamy as owls. The Egyptian even caresses his children, it is said, "with an air of indolence and weariness." Disputes or troubles rarely, arise, as it requires some physical and meutal exertion to quarrel. The Egyp tians have no a1 most incuts resembling those of theEuropcau races or Americans. They refuse to get excited or enthusias tic over anything, and take delight sim ply and solely in the langour of undis turbed existence. To conquer an army belonging largely to such a race aiui commanded by a sleepy Arab (Arabi Bey was in bed when tlie fight at Tel-el-Kebir liegati) was au easy tusk for -the British regulars. ' ' ' ' The solid Republicans alKint the State are becoming thoroughly disgusted with the plans aud maneuvering of some of the Republican leaders. All are begin ning to see that it was a fatal mistake ou their part wheu they inaugurated the Liberal move. This has proven to be a boomeraug to the party, for iustead of catching a large number of Democrats they are Using a great many of their owu part".- Piedmont Press. Col. McLeod Tubxeo. Many of our readers will learn with .pain and sorrow that Col. McLcod Turner, one of North Carolina's heroes, is uo morc. This gallant gentleman who has been going in and out among us so long, awakeuing. kindly interest in every generous heart, has at length "passed the river and is resting under the trees." He died at the house of his brother, J. Calder Turnef,at Mt. Airy, Georgia, Sunday morning, the 24th Sept., at 10 o'clock. ; ? That $15,000. Ealelgh Farmei A Mechanic. - ! ,w ! I ' . U V e mentioned last week that Col. Oliver Dockerv Is rpnr.rtl to fmvA harrowed 815.000 frnrii RAt Rrit i , a . . ; 1. ' . lerjusi alter toe war, and we wonUer- ert "ow anybody could get ahead of the cock-eyed confiscator of Pnooas natea as a candidate dl the regiil Democracy of Massachoscilvbyi the met who have denounce! him for ev ery jcri me in the decalogue Capt. 8. W..,HenIey, editor of the Wadcsboro Intelligencer, wrote to Ben to inquire as to the prevailing rumor about the big"loan." Here is ihe reply:?, ' I j ' I i ' 1 6 j Pembertox Sqtjahe, Bostos, Mass., September 13th, 1882. " r- I)ear Str-tYou cart learn all about the condition of the' claim I have against the Bingham School of Me ban'esville, N. C, from Maj. Robert Bingham. It is always easy for anvbodv to "get ahead" of me, w(io, maintaining an honorable position, choose to mis represent to me the condition of af fairs. 1 had no bargaining or trad ing! with Mr. Dockery, except to lend hinl money on his note, with the en dorsement, as I supposed, of his fath- v ; rail ... . er. ; liie note, to the; amount ot fif teen thousand dollars, has never been paid, and I was called upou for a sub scription to carry on the Bingham School for poor boys in North Caro lina. I told the principal in regard to the matter, and he will give you such information as he thinks best for the; interest of his school, that you should have. I am yours truly, Benj. F. Butleb. S. W. Henley, Esq., Wadesboro, N. C. The Intelligencer : "Mr. Dockery makes a loud noise about the educa tion of the children of the State, but it seems to us that he has it in his power to do a handsome thiug in that direction, by the simple payment of his just debts, as it is understood that Gen. Butler transferred Mr. Dock eryfs note to Maj.. Bingham fori col lection, giving him the same for the education of poor boys in North Car olina at the Bingham School." Bloody ltiot at Lancaster. Charleston, Sept. 28. A special to the News and Courier from Lan caster,says i Apffliticul metting was held here yesterday and was address ed by Colonel Cash. About the close of the meeting a difficulty arose at the stand between a white democrat and a colored man which resulted in the former being wounded in the head by a blow with a stick or stone. At this time two or three pistol shots were fired near the stand but no one was hurt. Soon after this a large procession of colored men nn horse back camt- upon the streets, one of the number having a large pistol buckled around his body. The ne gro pointed the pistol at a white man and said, "There's the damned rascal that did the shooting." The white mau gave him the lie, and the colored man fired. Immediately sev eral shots were fired by the white man aud the colored man fell dead. A number of shots were then fired by white and colored meu and three oth er colored men were killed and many wounded. The authorities soon suc ceeded in restoring qiiiet, which now prevails. Special to Daily Journal) Lancaster, S. C, Sept. 28.The riot here yesterday was begun by a fight between a negro and a white man, during a speech by Mr. D. J. Carter.editor of the Lancaster Ledger, in reply to E. B. C. Cash, Greenback candidate for Congress in this district. The row becoming general, sortie in furiated negroes attacked Mr. Carter, and he escaped with much difficulty, through his own and the exertions of Messrs. W. C. Moore, Uonovan ana F. "A, Clinton, the latter a colored man, at ne time ii State Senator. A few shots were fired at this time, but uobody was seriously hurt, but during the afternoon a body 'of mouuted ne groesseveral of them drunk aud in furiated, appeared upon the streets and as thev passed a hotel the ;.town where Mr. Donovan was standing, one of the netrroes who was armed with a large pistol straped around his waist, drew it ana puiweu u at mr. Donovan said, "there'a the damn ra cal 'that interfered at the speaking." Donovan replied that the negro lied, whereupon the latter; fired at Dmo van, without serious effect, however. Several shots were j then fired by white men, and the negro who fired atDouovan fell dead. Firing con tinued on both i(W for some minutes and three negroes were killed out right aud three more seriously, two ofl them nrobably fatally wounded. Several whites received pistol wounds i.m imiiP nf them serious, oix or se;en horses ridden by the colored shot down. The shoot- was at last d'nJcontiued aud order mg was restoreil by the authorities with great difficult. Many drunkeu ne groes were on the streets last night and a renewal of the difficulty was much feared, but everything is quiet now and it is hoped that no further trou ble will occur. North Carolina. The Tariff Commission in Wilmington. Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 27. The tariff commission arrived here this morning and held a session iu the Custom House. The subjects brought to its attention were rice, peanuts, chalk snd silk cocoons. The rice interest was advocated by D. L. Russell, Donald MacRae and h. L. Fremont ; peanut and chalk interests by Geo. Z. French, arid the. .silk co coons Interest was incidently men tioned by Mr. Fremont. The ad vo cates of the rice interest expressed themselves as satisfied with the pres ent duties, but declared that any re duction of them would be fatal to that interest. In regard to peanuts, French gave! the average annual pro duction of-the Wilmington section as 120,000 bushels. Up 1861 it was equal to seven-eighths of the entire crop of the United States, but under the duty imposed in 1864, the indus try had increased until now Tennes see produces from 30,000 to 60,000 bushels, a ud Virginia from 700,000 to a million bushels. The price was affected by the importation of African peanuts. 1 he discontinuance of duty would put an eud to the peanut in dustries of North Carolina and would impoverish many small farmers. As to chalk, large deposits of it were found iu the State, but its freight to New York and Philadelphia, where chalk was made into whiting, would be higher than the cost of chalk, which is carried there as ballast. As to silk cocoons, the soil aud climate of the State were favorable to the cul tivation of Mulberry trees and tlie raising of silk worms.. Both the-e interests might be developed by the j imposition of a dutv on silk and ou silk cocoons. Mr. Botcler asked Mr. Fremont whether any complaints came up trom the farming community about the tariff. Mr. Fremont replied in the negative. All that was heard about it waa from Oonrrrpss nnd "stumni speeches. He thought, however, that' u,e Ppur quwuo . aa .. i:.- ..:.i i i . a tarin lor reveuue wuu memeniui protection, out as tne rice people" wanted the present duty 011 rice mam- , e presciu utiiv ou rice main-, - A. J 1 . l.i 11 ii' tained they could not ask to have he ut iles lUKet. on oiner pom.ca, a mco , xnc vuiumiooiuiicia isimu . in the afternoon. 8oo,Ooo,ooo i-O.srr In Georgia .Gold Mines That Can Hereafter be Saved by a New Pro cess. Atlanta Constitution. Up to the commencement of the war there had been passed' through the branch mint at Dahlonega over twenty million dollars of gold dust, and a low estimate will place the amount extracted, by the ordinary methods, in the Stale of Georgia, at forty million dollars. It has been known all the while that by the crude, simple ways of amalgamation practic ed at the gold mills, much of the gold escaped with the tailings and was lost forever in the beds of thestreatnf. Some publication has been made of a new process of saving gold, invent ed by Dr. S. F. Charles, of Forsyth county, Ga. Dr. Charles is a Bava rian, a graduate of the royal engineer ing and milling schools of Frieburg in Saxony, and gained a valuable practical experience among the mines of the Hartze mountains. A modest, unassuming man, Dr. Charles is, per haps, the best posted gold mining alid gold milling expert in the country. He is the owner of an immense lead of refractory ore on the Etowah river in Forsyth county, which it is impos sible to work profitably by the pres ent system of amalgamation with quicksilver on copper plates. To save the gold in this ore, Dr. Charles in vented a process which he attaches to the ordinary stamp mill, beginning where it leaves off, that is, he takes the ore pulp that has-been crushed by the stamps and passed over the cop per plates, direct into his apparatus instead of passing away as failings, and further manipulates it, getting five times as much gold on his silver ed clothes, precipitated there by elec tricity generated by a small dynamo electro machine, as is saved by the copper plates of the stamp mills, over which it has passed. Last week Dr. Charles, having at tached a somewhat incomplete appa ratus to the first class 10 stamp mill, at the Franklin and McDonald gold mine under the management of Col. A. H. Moore, in Cherokee county, in a two day's run, practicaly demonstra ted the entire success of his invention. Alter the mercury tables ol the Mamp mill had done their best ami the pulp had left them, ordi.iarily to flow iu the Etowah river,; it rWas run directly" mtoDr. Charles' silvered cloth, elec tnc amalgamator which retained and saved five times more gold'thati the mercury tables of the stamp mill re- t lamed and saved, j ..J-' r t i1. Thiv invention which Dr. Charles proposes to gwe ta the mii.ing world, is of incalculable value to the owner' ' of tlie universally refractory gold ores of Georgia, Virginia, the Carolinas and jA labamo, as vel( as tp the whole country. Jnstrthlok of itll In order to obtaf nfikklindir-dotrarrorgdld'-: two hiuidrel millions have been wast ed in Georgia alone. ; j i '; Pr. Charles process will revolu tionize the milling and reduction of refractory gold ores and render im- menkl y profitable what has been hith- ertojciimparatively; valueIessvoH The Stud ytof Mineral Fields, i According to the Thilosophu of ' Plato. 1 - " - Cor. Mining Eerie. ' - - "- ? ' - Plato and his Grecian philosophic al compeer, four huudredyears B. C., said tliere are three primary princi ples; God, matter and ideas, aud out of this trium, wove , a mental sisleiu or what is known as the Platonic phil osophy, which is supposed to be an absolute diagnosis of all mental dy namics or forces. The idea of these rcasoners was that the human mind w an qiitome of the uuivcrse, that all there is in the world, its iron ' moun tains, coal basins, lead, silver and gold veins, river aud spring system, had their counter 'part in tlit linuiau mind, and could be steirwith all tlieir phenomenon in the micfoi-osin or the mind. '.'' ' The Platonic system included the two poles of inductive and deductive reasoning. The pystem being the great mental oceau as it were, into which these streams emptied. All modern philosophies arc merely boul ders; that have become detached mas ses and descended from this Platonic , mountain, which rises in a peak, tow eling above the Nerras at 1 the lesser group of knobs of the mental world. A Human Be a nbt a lk .r-J ea n Can dolst h:;s been brought to Paris as a medical curiosity from the Haute Cu one. According to a mcilical con tributor to a Parisian contemporary, this youth, aged Jniiictcen, took a start. on the 17th of May, ISSl Jjei ug then 6 feet 3 inches high, ami found no mniin that ,,e had grown 411 inch. v.. ery week since then he registered 1 - ip 1 !. iziil. .if lm4111 1.1,,c.n, rr..,i .T:...t iv-ti.- 1 1 -.., n. .1 .. t ...... ......lull .iiioieiu ll.tll Kdllll near,y 5 ,Ic i fi moJpe before ,he 20h Gf January, 1872, o.wt V h.pa Iw.r... M..l 1 lotn. auu he now stands 7 feet 10 inches. All this has been accompanied by great pans in the back, and he stoops coih siderably, but since last June it is Ids' legs only that have grown, and Ids feet are already 24 inches long.- Exi A Cure for Biiigih's Disease; James'R. Bartlett, of New Milford, a few weeks ago was almost dying with Blight's disease ; in Jhct, he wa pro nounced incurable and was reduced to 'almost a skeleton. Some of his fiiends recommended to him the fol lowing remedy : Take sweet cider and place in it a lot of old nails, iron hoops, or spikes, and let It stand until the cider has ab sorbed an abundance of the iron rust, then drink four' or five glasses daily. Mr. Bartlett followed out the pe- cultar prescription to the letter, anil tne result lias ieeii marvelous. i;oior has returned to his cheek, flesh to his limbs, and to all appearances lie is rapidly gaining health and is in a fair way for recovery. Chicago lb raid. THE NORTH J5T ATE LIFE AND NUPTIAL . 1 i.i 1 1 1 r. ASSOCIATION OF - . SALISBURY NORTH CAROLINA. Chartered under the Laws of North Curlina. axxd NATATi FROM $1,000 TO $5,000, J.D. McNEELY,; i..r..PrU(lent. W. T. LINTON.. ...Vlce-Prest and UenT Manasr. JAMES M. OKAY i secretary. J. SAMUEL McCUBBIXS,. TreaHUrfr. Dr. JOHN WHITEHEAD... Medical Dim-tor. Hon. J. S. HEXDEKSOS..- -Legal Adviser. Refer to thej Baxk snd business men if Salisbury. Reliable, jencrgetic local tnd travelin agents wanted everywhere. Fou plans, termn ti agents, blanks, and any intonnation whatvefi A DURESS JAMES M. GRAY I - Secret arr. Raleigh News Si Observer aud Wilniing- ' ton s:ar, copy lor one uionai and wnq bill to thir O, Mice. , ;:tc Ml lilfiiS I i: M - . - t. 1 ;-r m -H 1. J h lit. r . :'V.;- - ' ( ' l 'i .;.V" j. -. II r- -