i ; - 1 . TliOKSDAY. OCT, 5.I.88-2. j 1 usw tekms. I From aotiafter tlie 1st day of January, 1882, the Subscription price of the Watchr wait will lie as follows : - i I ine veira ' nuvi v" . s i i t " il. r i piyoient delayed 1JJ mouths $.50 The attefiifion of, bur readers is called to oar npj advertisement. Messrs. ; ask ill, llrown, IvWttz & Rcndleman, lUackraer TayloYt West. N. C. Bail road. JJleciln 'Notice; W. A. Eagle, Sec. Vdveiti8eiuts furuUli information to Jielp out tip pocket book. Bead them. Declines Question Mr. Wiley, will I the nomination tendered yon by the Aifi-lriJ-Liberal convention on last Satm-dlilr for County Treasurer T Ulou knoc 1 will not. t r vou accept .Answer. Mr. Theojuerbaum is the authorized -..agent fort l Hamburg American Steam . tiip Comj fiy;. He issued two tickets last Mom 4' froii Berliu to Salisbury, via Ilaiuln rg and New York. ) - -f . - o Rev. Mp flcFaydeu tilled the pulpit of the 1st l'r styteriau'Chucrb on last Sun day morn very ably and acceptably. Hey. Mr. iller occupied the same pulpit in the eveilig. - ; . -o- (I A. Aiu&ison lias httetl up a bavber lujjt nest 44r to the Mayors office. , o ' Mr. W. John A. BtSydeus' stock of buggies, and lias rented fit i use; wh of hue buggy School inkhdcal has purchased Mr. the storeroom in the Boy den re he will keep a jelect stoick work. ' -0- jimination tjjfteac inert Counjf Su at tlie Couftjious "iACiiEKS. Applicants for ex- teach in public schools, will i peri n ten dent, Rothroek house ou the second Thurs day of Octhber. at 9 o'clock, A. M. IIe will be foun l there for several days. ... I : O New Ti jciiKit fou the Gkadej Si wool. Ta.ie school comiuittee elected l ist T uesda evening, Miss Ida Price, of Winston. SlJcomes on the recommenda tion of liev.l. II. Wiley. Ixrui'ou ouuT.--Justices W. II. Fra " by, Joliif Ai'IIcdiick aud John Sloan on the bench, il.hey cleared the docket by Wednesday jlyeuing not a very full one. The -work dtiueia very satisfactory. -o The Salisl H. J as. II. I let u rued fr r jieys at the 1 heir exam Court i they manner liigl tors mid tbdiiiselves. Mr. Ring tun from try Bar has two new bioth- llor ah and Tlios. Jones have )ii Baleigh as licensed nttor- 5ar of North Carolina. In jiatiou before the Supreme Jicipii. t ted thenisel ves . iu , a ty creditableto their instruc- weu hauled a bale of cot- Btut Lndwiek's ein to the Salisbury DMot which lost 17 pouudsr in the transi t I Lud wick claimed t hat his scales j werJf orrect aud cotton weigher, Willi ritn klw tl at his was. The result of -he: . testjilg proved the city cotton scales to le idrrect. ' Miss Hlm?k at" Boston. Miss Buni- t pie was gfv the New En and placed -o u a cursory examination in II the fourth grade next to tjie highest iHde. Her first recitation iu Mliat grade Resulted iu her promotion to . the highest Jrade. in the institution. Tin's is very conihljiuentary to Miss Bum pie and will be gratify iug news to her many friends in this State. . -o- Mriuk Beilenian, colored, tole a quilt jijid wanted lawyer to defend liiin in the Inferioiourt. Steii)iiig up to a young lawytfrllie said : "Say, lucky hear ft git nobody else, will you fur me in boss, ef hi c; thstruc' dis cf if you hayuny money.' "Ye-yes s I'se i:6t dat." o i " . uc' do, Lurse ob justice asef fCeitaiiiily sir, I guess so Tuk SALifeiuur : Bifles propose to cill a meeting to; determine whether or not they Kill accept the invitation to go into tlie ghville, Tenn., competitive drill, whrehfomes off next May. The prizes are Urge enough to induce tl... best jcoinpadjes altover the couutry to . . .. , . - wThe Bifle are called to meet at their 'Artnofy, thi evening, at 7 o'clock by order of Theoifparker, Captain' CLUB. i 1 m greater portion of the act I yig DeiMocrats))f Siilisbury township as sembled iu th) 0pera House, for the pur pose of formjug a Democratic Club on ;Monday levelling last'. Temporary or gauization whs effected by calling E. B. 7ave tvjtl'e- isuair, aud -J. W. Bum ple to .Nie secretaries fable. "Bennett aud Bob hmsCluk"theiHame Wasalopted. a com mittee onberu,ent orgauizatiou reported Hopvingl officers for consideration: esidejnt, Walter j L. Baukiuj! vice Predutl JutaVerWe; 2ud vice presi nf, J. j, 3rd Vice . president, s i- Jujiau ; lth vice president, J. B. I cietaryE.B Neiiv v I je ; Treasurer, David POrthvaa llli.nilimnnlf ni'ranl.it qi .j wimiHttee uiscnargeti. ttee oal in vitnt inn w-r inafrnp. otuuii ini ite lion. A. M. Waddell to ad- telub 3iss th 'rfiday i in no Mend, fon Friday night of this fevening meeting will be taut one to ithe Cfub, and all f are earnestly ntged to J. jv. BvMi-i.E,Stc. Cap't Willie Wiley and IE. M. Keith left last Monday evening for Jfew York to join the Barque Bialto; which is char tered from New ; York to Bridgetown, iiarbatle) Inland. Capt. Wiley's vessel will anil Friday morning. We wish the yonugj men a safe trip. o- II is Beynolds has gone tpNashville Tenu.j to join the Normal. TbePeabody fund jpupports 12 scholarships from this State, jand Miss Beynolds has received the appointment for one of jthem. This explains her resignation as teacher in tlie Salisbury Graded School. i The I Salisbury street force is again walking elowly over the town. They are hardly; pretendiug to work at least peo ple wio have been watchiug them say they dp nothing. The town jwould make moueyby either discontinuing the force, or by seeing that they u-ajly do work worth to the town the amount paid them from the treasuiy. -1- Tiie Sear -and Yellow Leaf. The Fall season is upon us, thoug i up to this time we have had no frost. , The brown aud falling leaves admonish lis, however, that Summer is past and gone, and that uow is the' time to prepare jfor wintery weathejr. We have noticed j that those ; who cultivate flowers and erotic plants have beenxdiligentiy employed for some days in potting and prepariugfor the Conservatory such as require protection during !the winter. Up to last Saturday our fellow townsman, Mr. Luke Black -mer, who is perhaps the most extensive grower bf flowers, had potted GiXi plants and made them ready for winter. His near neighbor, Mr. Win. Mujrdoch, was similarly employed, having also a roomy department for this purpose. IThese gen tlemeu! and the ladies who assist them,' are public benefactors in so far as their labors and pains-taking is of j that broad cast which contemplates the happiness of others by beautifying the grounds about their homes open to tlie view and the enjoyment of every passer. A lover of-the pure and beautiful things of earth has not! far to travel to become a lover of their, Great Author, 1 - o - We nave one, if not two, republican candidates in the field in this county, who have done themselves the injustice of coming Jbefore the people in a false posi tion. Dk. Bamsav, personally highly es teemed by a large part of the good people of Bowau, has the nomination of the ''lib erals" as a candidate for the Senate. He has no backing iu that misenible sham, and his ideutiticatiou with the "liberals" looses him the sympathy of the straight out republicans. He can receive no sup port from. Democrats, for he is certainly not in Sympathy with them, on the con trary his speech on Saturday last was considered more offensive to jthem than even that of the man Everett, j Mr. Bingham's prospect has not been improved by his new departure. His per- soual friends, however much they would like to vote for hiiu,caunot do it under the circumstances. He will bo the "left-out-of-sight" nag in the race, j JOINING INTELLIGENCE. T. K. BRUNER MANAGER. Dr. II. B. Bogers, Supt.,"of Bcaverdam Cold mine, was iu the city Monday, aud Tuesday. . i" i Mr. J. W. Harris owner of the Harris Iron mine, Davie County, has brought to our cabinet a lot of amathystiue crys tals, -j ' Layloe Mixe. This property, j near Thomasville has been undergoing care ful prospecting during this summer, and it is reported that they have struck some good ore. Mr. Malliford tlie Supt, in tends putting - up furnaces, kuown as the Malliford furnaces, i for the purpose of smelting their ores. ; The attention of .the miner H called to an article ou the Jst page, relative! to a new process recently discovered in Geor gia, by whieh sulphuretted ores may be treated successfully. If the process really does what the inventor claims, mining iu the South will take a fresh start, and millions will be saved which now float down the tail race. Gold Knob. Mr. Frank Williams has sent iu some specimens of exceedingly rich free milling ore from Gold Knob. This is one of the largest and most val uable . properties in Bowan County, and when properly developed aud worked must yield good returns. Mr. Williams has speut most of the summer iu pros pecting aud the rich specimens seut are the- result of recent findings. Hope to be able to report whole amount of work and developments soon. The mineral aud wood exhibit display ed by the Bichmond Dauvijlo Bailroad at Boston from North Carolina, is ex citing much interest, especially in the Northern Press. Oar people do not seem to appreciate the value of collecting and placing on exhibition, either in cabiuets or other places, their valuable property wood or mineral. There is uo better way of inducing capital. Carolina Queen. The Carolina Queen Placer Mining Company, of Burke ccuaty, have declar ed their third regularly monthly dividend of one per cent on the par value of the stock. They own nearly a thousand acres of land and find that they cannot, during the present generation, work any thiuglike all their property, so they have deter mined to sell a portion of the auriferous lands, and have set aside- for this purpose H30 acres, adjoining their present work ings. A syndicate is about to be formed to develop this property under the name of The Little Pkixces Mining Co. Boston aud Lynn Capitalists are work ing these properties. -o- The Aiiti-Pro-Liberal Convention. Last Saturday was the day. A fair crowd whs present and heard! Dr. J. G. li m say,! a republican, address the con vention in a long speech. Then the brag gart, George Everett, Int. Bevi Collector of the 5th dist., another oilyftougued- wide-.mouthed-died-i n-t h e-wdol-radical made a speech to the liberals, under stand. Aiiiong other things be electrified his audience by saying not to the repnb licaus, but to the Liberal Democrats and colored people present: ";I want to see the day come when every jury box in North Carolina will hold .six colored men and six white," applause. Pretty lively liberal doctrine. After the speaking was over, the great majority of the crowd lefc The few remaining, organized, appointed a committee of one from each Township to bring in nominations.. In a very few moments Jtli following ticket Was han ded in : j . j For the Ser ate Dr. J. G. Bamsay. For the hoi se G. A. Bingham. For She iff -i-W. Lackey. For Treusu ;er S. H. Wiley, f For Begister Deeds A. Murphy. For Clerk -'John A. Boyden. For Corouer II. G. Miller. For Surrey0,r Aaron Miller. The whole ticket was accepted. It may have been overlooked ju this Anti-pro-hibitiou meeting, that Mr. Wiley was a prohibitionist, and that Dri Bamsay is a genuine republican. But the whole affair was a farce, and it will be shown up on tire stump so to be. Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz, the Democratic nominee for the Senate, has met Dr. Bamsay frequently they were electors duriug the last Presiden tial campaign Mr. Kluttz on the Hau cock, aud Dr. Bamsay on the j Garfield ticket. They are uot strangers Mr. Kluttz is more than his equal, and will poll a large majority over him in No vember. - 1 Mr. Leo S. Overman the regular Demo cratic nominee for the lower house will meet Mr. Bingham, aud let him know what a lively canvass means. Mr. Bing ham has been before the people of Rowan twice before, for the office of sheriff, and neither time did his vote exceed 800. It will be much less in November. The others hardly need mention they will be badly left. I The Cincinnati Times-Star, a Bepubli cau journatof some eminence in the North West, iu speaking of the recent Lancaster-! iot, puts it about correctly when it says, "If Col. Cash had been duly hanged for murdering a man hi a duel,! that bloody t Hit kill riot in South Carolina, Wednes day, would! probably have never! occur red." -. -! S " f The Boster of the N. C. Troops, Superior Court Clerk Irwin has receiv ed the twojfirst volumes of Moore's Hos ier of North Carolina troops iu the late war, issued by order aud appropriation of the State. The second vol u nie opens with the 86th regiment and the roster will pro bably require one or two more Volumes of the sa me size before it is complete. It will establish forever the tact that North Carolina supplied more men, and shed more blood iu the cause of the Confeder acy, than any of the States, without re gard to population. The record will show between 130,000 and 150,000 enlisted troops from the State. The writer is Col Jho. W. Moore, the State histoiiau. Cftar. Observer. Governor Vance will be ouo of the at tractions at Edgecombe Fair, to be held in Tarboro October 31 st to November 3rd. It is claimed for this fair that it will be the largest and most attractive ever held iu the State. BUSINESS LOCALS STKAXKO OK STOLID, From mi" nnstnre last Mondav niffht. a larire g v' 0 --7 f-) black Mare Mule, with a knot on benight lunu leg. lniormatioii in regaru to same may be seut to my address at V ilia t ran ca, Bowan county. S. V. Cain. It. at private sale at my residence the ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNI TURE. Including carpets, fictckes, good sew isq machine and line roskwood piano; also one light spring wagon. Tills is a gooa chance for housekeepers or those contemplating housekeeping, as the above artlcles.wlll be sold reasonable. Those wishing, to purchase can call and examine for themselves: Jas. M. Gray. 4S:tf Refined Cotton Seed Oil, ; For Cooking purposes, at J. D. McNEELY'S. Olive Butter, A valuable substitute for ! Lard, at J. D. McNeely's. 18 -V P: ) ! t - M I I. , j. J - :" Sum YEAR ; I now have my stock of Fall and Winter Goods opened and ready1 for inspection and sate.. I am pleased to state that the selection was made in person and with the closest attention1, both as it respects the Staple, Fahcy and Notion departments, having due regard for the season (in rea-j son). ESP'ease note: that T have more Goods bv several thnnsnnil iiiorc :.. j - -- - wv uuiuuoj Vlliltl (blljr kpbyiU III. Salisbury, and the prices pf all grades in any department exceeding reasonable. SUITES I1V GREAT VARIETY of STYLE i AND PRICES. Can suit every Taste Can please every fancy. Nice anfl complete Line or all New and Staple colorings. Also, a large variety of . j PROOF GOODS. o - j i SILK DOLMANS, Velvets, silks, satins, CORls, BUTTONS,. &c, &c All NEW, NICE and PRETTY. KID GLOVES, Also, CLOTH for Ladies Children and Gents. HOSIERY By the wagon load. if 'you look at it you can't help buy in j. CARPETS Oil Cloths OF GOOD MATERIALS, Table Damasi, white & colorefl. Table Napkins, Towels, Towelings, Counterpanes. BLANKETS, Full Assortment in prices and size HOOF SHITS In Great Demand. CLOTHING. Largs Stoct Prices to suit-yon! & III GOOD SOLID I.E.T1IER, EQUAL TO THE WANTS OF EYERY CUSTOMER.1 Under Wear For gents, ladies and children, From 25 cts. up to $2 white Also, Full stoci cf Scarlet KEEP'S SHIRTS, The most HONEST goods! made, and can fit any one in stock, or have made to order. . Collars, Cuffs, Collar anil Cuff Buttons, Scarf Fins, &cM &c, New, Beautiful, Clionp. I can fit and please almost any man or boy in the State in either SACK or FROCK SUITS, at prices'! .auiiMiKliiii v - t-j xuuit; uYtiiw.ua man ever oeiore in aansoury, trom fo to f20. laET'Kcep warm, and live comfortably. ) J. D. GASK1LL. SALISBURY MARKET. Apples Whdlesstle. " Retail. greea,perbus $ 75 (gflJiO 1.09 a $1.25 TUTTS PILLS A SUGAR PLUM Tutt's'Pills are now covered over with a vanilla sugar coating, making litem a? leaant to swallow as a little sugar plum, and under ing tbem agreeable to the most delicate stoui ach. They enre sick headache and billions colic. xiiey give appeme ana nesu 10 ine uouj. They cure dyppeia and nourish the ays; tem. They cure fever and ague, costiveness, ect. Sold everywhere. 2o cents a box. . 4&bm Malaria, chills and Fever, and BUlious attacks Dosltively cured with Emory's Sundard Cure Pills aa imauiDie remedy : never iaiis 10 cure ine most obstinate, long standing cases where Quinine and all other remedies had tailed. "They are .prepared expressly lor malarious sections. In double boxes, two kinds of Fills, containing a strong-cathartic and a chill breaker, sujrar-coated; containing no Qolnlne or Mercury, causing no griping r purging; they are nana and emcient, certain in ineir acuon and harm less in all cases : they effectually cleanse the system and give new lile and tone to the body. As a house hold remedy they are unequal ed. For liver Com plaint their equal Is not known ; one box will have a wonderful effect on the worse Case." They are used i and prescribed by physicians, and sold .by aruggisis every wnere, or Bent vy man, za ana &o cent boxes. Emory's Little CaUiartlc Pius, best ever made, only 15 cents. Standard Cure Co. in Nassau Street, New York. fciy FOR SALE.BY J. H.ENNISS. dried, per lb. Bacon Country, hog. round, Butter Beeswax Blackberries, Beef, COTTON Good Middling,.. Midllng, - Low Midllng, Stained, Corn new..... Meal, Coffee, Chickens....... ... Eggs Flour, Hay Lard Pork Potatoes Irish,. . . do sweet Wheat 4 a 6 a 12X 14 a 15 20 (5 15 25 20 (g 21 6 S 4 O 6 12 11 10 - 8 . 9 85 (s H 1.15. a 1.S0 110 5) ' 1.2C a 1.25 14 a 16 14 ? 1 15 a 20 12 ($15 15 a 20 2.10 O 2.25 a 3.50 30 50 13 (4 .14 15 a 16 8 (4 io 11 a 12 40 60 1.00 a 1.20 so (41.00 i oo a l.io: 85 l 90 EXHIBIT Of the Clerk of the Commissioners of the County of Rowan, to Iie first Mon day in September, "A. D.ld82. ' Amounts and items audited by the Hoard to the members thereof : G. A. Bingham, per diem, $28.00 " 5 days ext. service 10.00 Andrew Murphy, per diem, 2.00 D. A. Davis, per diem, 18.00 " " 4 days extra service 8.00 W. M. Kincaid, per diem, 28.00 " 1 day extra service 2.00 7.C0 28.00 18.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 mileage- J. G. Fleming, per diem, " " mileage D. C. Reid, per diem, 3 v ' mileage H, N. Woodson, per diem, $2:34.40 1882. FOR THE 1882. WHEAT CROP! 000- WE HAVE A LARGE LOT OF ACIDS FOR COMPOSTING. 1882. Wfc have also a full supply of 33 Ancnor Distances trayeled by the '! members of j the Board iu atteuding the sessions of the same : , J. G. Fleming, 378 miles. W. M. Kincaid, 150 D. C. Reid, J ' q560 Horatio . Woomox, Clerk. Sept. 1st. 1882. 29t4t, , y . I will mail f free) the recioa for simple Vro- table Balm that will retnore Tas, Feeckles Pim pt v sdH RrTriiEa. lipivin? the skin Soft. clear and beautiful; also idrtruction for produ cing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head Or smooth face. Addresp, inclosing 3 c. stamp, BEN. VANDELF & Co., 12 KarclayKt., W. X. lbS2 ! . 20:ly IVOTICE ! Th a finhsrrilter lmn retnrned to Salis bury and offers his professional services to the public. M. Whitehead, M.D. 2t: Sept. 27th '82. : . SALE VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. ON Monday the 6th day of November next, at the Courtbouse door in Salisbury, I will sell that valuable property known as the RITZ nrooertv. situated on Main street in the town of Salisbury, i Terms of sale : The purchaser will pay one-third of the .purchase money as soon as tlw Kalfr is confirmed, and he will liave a credit of three and six months for the other two-thirds, with interest from, date of sale at 8 per cent. ' Tliddinca. will be onencd at $1,653 10. Title will be reserved until all the purchase money has been paid. JOHN S. HENDERSON, ConTr. Sept. 28tb. Till sale. id Fertilizer, SPECIAL FOR WHEAT. Ours are Standard Goods. WE CAN OFFER YOU ' SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Dont Buy Till You See TTs mm 1882. 1 jjrjjg M. S. BROWN'S LOOK OUT FOR PUR NEW ADVERTISEMENT OF FALL GOODS IN A FEW DAYS. . RESPECTFULLY, &C, J. F. ROSS. IE BO" IP 'IE II W MU I am now prepared to offer to the public, one of tlie FINEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCKS OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET; EMBRACIKG - ' : i . Ready-Made Clothing, ! Shoes, Hats, Caps, 1 Trunks, "Valices, A.nd GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Special Bargainsln Suits Dress, Walking and Bajues3 Suits. Ladie. aud Gent's Fine Shows. - Call and see that. $5.00 Over- coat. Warranted Ikjot tor oniy-ci.oo. m j mcae uuuus before yon I buy. I am determined to SELL CHEAPER than any one in town. mVs, brown, if 5 ! 1 4- ; il 1 i r : i i I il 4;! l; ,. i 11 - i Is J ' if ' (. ! ii f 4 ." I i j iV. : m 1 i A i m if ' .-44 . '.I 'il :! 1 f A Si I.