f - I r "I? Hi' Fu -I,- -( f: fu It :;; f ! r. l if. ' t H; it I ; ff" ft 1 ! i mi Carolina Watchman. Z7 ,f THURSDAY, OCT. 12, leS2. Pefiiocratic State Ticket Ti Uiwp f?TT!f!TIONS. - r crat, was ejected by froniM majority, The state is wi'yj icans H TOUfiRErBESESTATITK AT LAKOE; RiSDEN TYLER BENNETT, of Ansop. It-- ' CfTuuL- - '. ' ' . " rpn SUPREME COURT JUDGE : THOMAS RIJFFIN,.pf Orange. Better Still. OHIO DEMOCRATIC shonld'do what they tf&W they will doat the approaching f-Jectjou. timt. j,carrj (he Legislature, what kind of Uws will they passT ,Wnat tacts wm ug)v Hownsettled will the law urame What vexations, what complication., what uncertainties will arise irom iiay- log the legislature w i-v- heretofore put on me bwiiuo uw j - Democrats, with wlncu every oouv i.uu ....-1,'... f nrnhnaa that the cou vices shall not work, bat shall be upported.iiL mey propoae .a f p :! . ' ' . rpn judges ; Ut Dis. JAMES E SHEPHERD. 0d d!s.-frederickpiiiups. 3d Dis.- ALLMAND A. McKOY. tb D,ia.JAMK9 Ct MacRAE. 5th Dis. JOHN A. GILMER. iBtb WILLIAM M. SniPP. j loB C05GRESS-47TII DI8TRICT : 1 f WILLiAJf M. ROBBINS. J 1 FOR SOLICITOR : ! 1 JOSEPH DOBSON. 4 - . . r I 1 mm m Mnitlft. By a large majority, estimated j- taxation," ojwinn to 35.000. A -larM, democratic I ""jj-.fc . , l)flnfire, for evcry evil L-. Ll rAimroumcn is 1 also claimed.! fllrt, 0ffl;,.tfttl.H State. I When they had Thisirfcrioni victory is Suore elieeritti: the Legislatnre before, they proposed to T ?"?f 4, ul. riataad build railroads all over the Sute.and tuan iiose 01 au , - Jnrtri,ir th Usue of taCeJ in connection with the Jgn, of tue - ,eViuff 8peiilll timeaib New York, inspire the "Mt taxes to pay the une. : ' . ' , I l JT fit ifvnnmin hope teat ratiicaiisro wm ui u I ioas dcath in igsa. a thonsanfl deutii. So be it: it deserves Itob.bins and York at Winston, RjiltpoAD News. it is reponeo, iimi. thp iRichmpnd; Dan v rile system has I chanced hand to a Nw York company, holdiiiu a majority of the stock and tnai it will' lu.n:ifttr be run in the interest of Baltmiore and owners of tip Baltimore aud Ohio R. R. I its DON'T I$E DECEIVED. The Winston irtMi6co conclades remarks xm their speeches -thns: ' - Id his rejoinder IRobbins showed more spirit thau in his oneuiii" BDttcli : his de fended liis Centennial vote,' prenonncing I Soithern Home snd Democst. it thef uest vote o recirqd a dqllarVi and apologizing All these bouds were not issneu. in iftfiO ther collected 94eeuts tax ou every $100 worth of property, anu pi. m U Bute ww It will be recall wiiat tne iepuuuw Tiltnr dill silica Dr. Molt & V-OUJ- . . . 7M S liii anv claim - tuat tuey are B ansrlir oiia thin winter. The KepODll- can Legislature paid themselves K per dav and sat 803 days. Their rr and .mileage amonqteii to fou,p.vw tiiv At tiftT-fivft davs ia tlie.nrat pat of thejr session witjioat a single act being rotih'.i -Tii til hint eijrht davs of their sessions 808 acts 'were ratified. What kind of wv is that to leirislatet In addi Itimi ttliir mm hiirh iter diem, they em Attomitt. nt I)oceitloti by a Itadi-1 ti.lrfv-Kix clerks and paces at t cal Coalltfon rawer. cost to the State-of 8II,U7U.oo ior me session of J.868-'C9, and forty clerks ana na n their llPTt MMintl ftl & COS! O -r - i t- f hirlifo: denied that hej - ,nl iSti,r-.Tonrnai " hnb- t21.294. besides paying tor stationery ior f,fhe back salary irrab, I 1 J . . V one committee the sum of $4,250. , 100, for the paturo of the dis- sneu Hl " 7.v. V These are some of the things we waut 135, that iu Cotiiriess there Kiiicai Uauiion-Aoii .ituuiuiuuu j , ,i neoDie f North Carolina to rememuer i ' . . i. e l ... . .4i cassion. stated wererouly two parties the Democratic ant Republican. Tlie one sut on the one side Of he Jlall and the other on the op rr. agricultural implemcqts in wonderful vanetyanu uuiuucr, fPM"?4 nrprisinff ingenuity ? nntl euterpnse in these things. U woum no r m-j to try to picture to tne reauer uie wouaer ful display, for after I IiaA-doue uiy best the half would not be told. Of the ani mals on exhibition I thought the Clides dale borees excelledof which there were many, though j the Normans were gooay some weighing 2X00 lbs.' TlieT displayof cattle was fibe. STiort-liorus "belug most attractivesomeof them weighing 2,700 lbs., and were so fat that tuey couia scarcely walk, - .Other - varieties showed -i r 4.1 rrl. t fine points as ueei caiiio. uo inuo ci seys were noted for their milk and butter, otherwise least attractive,' The" Devou and Ayershirea ! showed good milking qualities ahoJ The hogs. were fine. It would be nara w ay wmcn were oesu Everv man said his breed was the beJt, and uesb snitea to ino wwr muu, which made up our country. But wjheu asked the price I did not think any r of them suited his parse,! 'The fiuest seemed to be the Berkshire, Chester, and Jersey Red, Borne of which weighed about 1,000 . - . L : m.w i - 1 l 41-x lbs. IMext came no sueept seiecs nu Hue, The Merino! showed their qualities well, though very small. The Southdowns were beautiful, of good size ajfid weight. The bijj, long-legged Uotswolu, thongli not so very nice, excelled all others in wool and carcass. But time Would fail me to tell of the fon ts, the Floral depart ment, the mineral department, which re minded me of T. K. B's laudable effort to bring forwardythe mineral interests of my native State,. must pass oyer the fruits, grains, the cakes, canned fruits, the art gallery, the household department, &c. The fair groquds are situated iu a beau tiful park, capable of acconuupdating over 000 people. I here were, said to be I 000 iu attendance on i lutrsday. . C. P. S. lilil UJI-suUIIIjI) lilSiD liliS ! ! North Carolina at Iloston. - ....... At length the ice is bnken, and thanks to the Richmond panville Railroad and tlie energy orCol. Andrews, Captain C. CJMcPhail and the otla-r pfiicer ,of that company, North Carolina presents a bright aud shining- place among her sisters at the Boston Exposition; It is with Ileal satisfaction that we cen template the! idea that hereafter we are not to be known We have now received our) FALL AND WINTER STOCK of Good. merely as the tar, pitch and turpentine Our patrons and the public know that we, have 'always kept a first-elass Mate, as tue oia geograpnersnseq to nave i:nA r : Antn ti,;0 .AV v JaiJ tti but that onrriebnd varied, resources wm " '' 0 M. w Vucr un attract attention and challenge the admi-1 oest and prettiest line ot Dress Uooas, lritnmings. Ulotning, lient s f ur SSyEffiaSEn lue nihiog Good9( &o., ever bought to thi, market. keeps standing in iu coluuius a pipce of j because the Republicans claim that they mijtter headed "The Original Prphibition have another Republican the wo are coiug to STySS "'C" " rak",;,,er dr? We m;.,,n, U, this BubjtaSaiU. - on winch side reaueisui usmouj- 7 Aeir and Observer. rt I 1.. . l. i. . rni, ' I posite side. IIo desired idietice if elected on which Ride readers ot newspapers hp "o he vote and sit. Calls beiuir made well informed iu such mutters. -..The i bill Mr. Bruner: Please inform your rea- fromthe audience. Bobbins stepped aside puiblished by the State Journal Sevier it :... .I... oMl.n.irfixi a Totft nf the tieonle of the the oost ffice has uot been moved. Suf- of tlik Bourbot Democrat- in rt? h,t. n.l therefore i uoL under consid- fient time has elapsed to detonniue the V gej. "'" luio a nat-iooted Kepublicau pmtinn in anv resnect ' and never has been, That bill, which is now published matter. endotse'nicut was futile. This evident lost fiim votes by the score. . Among the f t?e purpose of deception, has the fol- itepauiicans the results of the discussions, lowing section? Respectfully, A Citizen. The suggestion made before' he Tariff Fraud Commission at Wilmington that chalk should be protected, coupled with the admission that it is now 4rourht in as ballast, free of duty, and is given away, has put the country in a broad-grin, and has done more perhaps, to bring the whole question of protection iu to r.dicnle', than tlie most powerful argument in behalf of free trade could have accomplished, We would like to have been present at the Una long article the . Boston Journal of North Carolina and makes kind comment upou the rich specimens of copper, the silver ores, the cold aud the irouJ that contribute so large a part of oar uudo veloped resources. Our stones, so varied as to be almost countless, next are made to pass in re view, and finally, of our woods the Jour- Hal of Commerce says: i "In wood a very extensive and varied display is made iu finished and unfinished woods of all kiuds, each specimen being neatly labelled aud : easy of relereuce. Oak, pine, walnut, poplar, maple, willow, elm, locus, plum, hickory, gum, j birch, cherry, dogwod, hwtulock, grapevine, holly, persimmon, chestnut, red cedar, aud many other varieties and represented by specimens of a number of species ot each, bectious of curly popular aud wal nut trees are shown very uearlr five feet in diameter. " "A large exhibit of persimmon, dox wood and sourwood,-for shuttle blocks aud bobbins, and oak aud hickory, foiv spokes etc., is furnished by William H. Suow Hiah Point, N. C. Mr. Snow sougl South on account of his health, and with but little money, aud is now the propue tor of an immense and growing business. which is increasing; almost beyond his producing capacity. : Thomas McMahon, of Greensboro, N, C exhibits 'spokes. handles and rims, which are of splendid material aud commendable workmanship. NEW GOODS, CORRECT STYLES, CLOSEST PRIGESi Before you buy see our Embroidered Cashmeres and Ladies CIot in patterns. f, Ladies Kid Gloves undressed and 'finished. . Hamburgh all new patterns. Boys' Suits, from 5 to 10 years of age. CARPETS and RUGS of Select Patterns. Li Cobden Club when the intelligence of this w.siiinifrnn ra-. event ai ti veil from America, "A Piece We learn that a counter petition was not duly at this nlace. but in other sec- . , . ----- . nrot the counryi were unsatisfactory, 'I hey recognize the fact that, as between .the jpast ioHtical : records of York apd itobbius; so fur as their Democracy is pon cerned, they are called jiMn to vote for iSec. 7 (in wart). That thisact shall have no force nor effect until the 1st day oj May. A, D, 18dl ; and on aud aitertuai dy it shall have full force anu effect: That if at an election to be held Provided-. l Mrof Tl.iii-wiluv- in- Aturfiat. A. D. tlie bitterer man of the two. and from the ia9 iini-irv f thn s. votes so cast be besfc Hroi wation .we can gam the great Ueaiust nrohibitiou. thetl and iu that case the city, ana was got up nwJ9"ty ' the. Kepublicau iu this couu- Herson shall be prosecuted or punishl the sly Those in favor of the removal r7 I !. 7 w.w 1VI 4-i Vlf l ins that the once be allowed to remain where it is, and that being larger than the one-asking the removal, the Post of fice officials declined to make the order. This latter petition does not represent the larger portion of the business meu of trot ud somewhat on PfiicsntEKTi a l Interference.- We are greatly mistaken if the people of North Carolina do not giTe unqualified sentence of jfoudemnati n -against the republican, ph pcou?it of (io interference of Mr. Airrjior in , the jiolitica.l affairs of this fctate. ot satisfied with theresults of his juteifei-ence in the State pf New York, he lias turned his attention especially to Jlie'lMHitest now going on in the 7th Con- gres.sional District of North Carolina. Ilejias instigated one of his nnderstrap- per, ueo. u. Uormnn, to write a letter to Mr. C, L. Cook, for the purpose of in- T riiitt tk rr lit rl Vl," ,,", yu-' u, cauvass in oruer. to secure, if possible, the election of Dr.! Gorman tells Mr. Cook that the President wants York elected, and that "fi j;wok' 8,,0ld not only get out of the v way but help to secure York?s success. J for anv violation of the provisions ot this Act committed pi io'r to the meeting of the next General Assembly, As has been said above, the bill con taining the above section never passed the Legislature, and it is now published by the opponents of the; Democratic par ty for the purpose of deluding voters, and making people believe that they are lia ble to indictmeut for selling liqnor until what i called the "original bill" is re pealed. j The Prohibition bill which did pass the legislature of 1881, and which was sub mitted to a vote of tho; people, contained tie "following provision,: Sec. 7. That an election shall be held by the qualified electors in the State on the first ThursdiTy-iu August next (1881), to take the sense of the electors of this State upon the question of prohibition : those desiring prohibition shall vote a printed or writteu ticket with the words 4jFor Prohibition" oh it, those opposed to prolnbitiou shall vote a written or print- mnst try again, and we trust when the Department know all the facts iu the case there will be no hesitation to com ply with the reasonable request of the business community. ; V e are coming to pretty pass when I'inVs chief public servant so far forirets his dntv ami ruinM W i. bition" on it. l he election herein p wiA, ,.4 j , ... " ff. - fi. . ;.. ; n ded for in this sect'on shall be held under wlw puthim inofficens to prostitute his the same rules and regulations and thei e high position to the wicked purpose of turns to bemiade as are now provided for atti.npting to coutriil the elections in by law lor the election of judges of the fh States. He was elected to executa SuPe,ior Court, and the Board of Coiiwty laws of the Countrv. f.irhfnirV Counmssioners of the several counties of . . "'' " uie oiare suau, iu me manuer tnerein nllfl II A lino ni miiM 4- I :i 1 .a. L; Flaggtown, N. C, Oct. 8th, '82. Friend Bruner : There is a dearth of news just now and the only good thing I can write you is that J. M. Browo, of Troy, a promising young lawyer, has been put forward as the Democratic candidate to represent this senatorial district in the next legis lature in opposition to George A. Gra ham, liberal Republican. A negro is al so in the field which gives us very good hope of a Democratic success. Some gold is being found by the "gou gers" but not much by Northern capital ists. 1 he cotton crop will be much bet ter than was first anticipated and a late frost will ensure an average crop. Prof. Hamilton's school is growing both in popularity and number, and is worthy the patronage of all classes, j Cabarrus, Union, Richmond, Montgomery and pa vidson, are well represented. A Teacher's lustitute, under the direr-, tion of Superintendent ving is iu ses sion at Troy. erir interest ing essay by Mjr. Huxley (w believe) several years ago, in which the geological formation of England was explained, but the woudert therein described are eclipsed by this new idea of laying a tariff on the siib-stratuin of Great Britain . Chuilotte Journal. An Anecdote with a Moral. Tom Hardemon, Democratic Candidate for Congressman -at-Iarge in Georgia, says: "A man who. professes to be a Demo crat has no right to refuse to supjjort his party just because he may bo diaapm Lit- eu iu uis cuoice, fe would bo like the man who got tired of living, or thought he was, aud went into his stable, took a bridle as a halter and hung himself to a latter. He was .discovered by a neighbor just before life was extinct, and cut down. On being restored he said: 'Oh why did you cut me down f In a few minutes I would have been, walking the gulden streets of the Nw-Jerusalem !' Yesre-i plied the neighbor, 'and a of a figure you would have-cut in the streets of the VT 1. a. m rvew Jerusalem witu a blind bridle on your neck,'" IP Thanh for past Patronage, j -. v ! ; j JONES, McCUBBIlIS & CO,;.. . s HEW f AtL 4 &DnTB)iL RENDLEMAN, BUSINESS LOCALS KLUTTZ & LEADING DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES! '"f" ai,u "as no more right to prescribed, appoint registrars and judges interfere in the political affairs of this or .of aid election : Provided, That il at the - anr other Shite ' Mmn i. f,n r i:.. ssiid election a inaioritv of the votes so cast Our people all know that. Mr. C oJ k J6 "A8t PH'ibitiop," fidi tAaf ,. !.! I. - u J 1 i " tf V 7 He" an cnaidate m the Med for amj violation of this Act ; AM it hehj, and we are greatly mistaken if Ire further provided, That upou the count- doja't rebuke, this attempt to rule him off in8 of t,ie ballots as aforesaid, the asit deserves. Governor of the State shall issue his pro- ilmmo i.iio i4 4, . elamation and declare the i-esult thereof. MTST:mmk i Kl.t.tt.U! U-t lb. Pmi.iW- pwpieof the 7th District turn out to a ! i lf , ' . V In nd vote theiix whole stren- bW T C,ntd Stiu. M. Bobbins. ifHeU the onlvVunl r ? declarat,oni t,,at ,f a maJor1 VS .. tl m"J cftn- of the votes was "Aiiinst Pr.vl.ii.il i.,.," . 3 I f V t:M -rm ; fMJ' limit Cou1d 00 o atsS service to as iu Con . grss, and therefore the one especially uescrviug the pupport i the people, a he Presidential parrv are i the Carl Schnrz (and if you don't know how to pronounce his name- we will tell you it is pronounced "shirts") is almost ready to tear his garment of similar nomencla ture when he thiuks about the Stalwarts in New York. : Schurz affects a sort of Miss Nancyism in iolitics, a la George William Curtis and in his paper, the Evening Pott, he says, with a mild digf nity eminently becoming iu a man with out a party, that in view of what the Stalwarts have already done "it would be rash to fax a limit to their defiance ot pub lic opinion." You are right Carl, very right, aud if you will ouly wait a little while you will see.thu result of this reck less defiance of public opinion in the big- irest evelime tli liua ever sfrupL the Mr. Editor : W ill you accent a few lines ILulicnl mu.-hinp Pi.rii.f t .7nr C. .LI- llf - .. . I -, ww. ...... iioui hub eieru cuj. i leit, on the xu of October, Witt, 111., for Butler, where I speut Uie night with Dr. M. L. Mover, Republican politicians had a speakiug formerly 'of Rowan, who is practicing there here last Satunlav. The meetintr broke successfully, We walked out to look at up in a ueueral row. It seems that Bob the town nt night, and topk occaRiou to Eleui was occupving the stand wheu call at the hotel, where I was introduced Charles Cole, a man with straiirht hair to a number of citizens, anion ir them sev- mid r n hiti aL-in utrtm.iii t ninnnt tK jen lovely girls, but I cbuld not remember box alwi. At this Elaui obiected and their names longer than I heard them, pushed Cole dewn. From that a scuffle Nevertheless, I picketl out one (the pret- for the possession of the box followed, ucbij anu lound her quite interestiiur. aud the tiieruls of ar.h imrtv rallvinir iu the support of their man, the frolic be- For Sale Cheap A First Class Railroad Ticket, from Asheville. N. C. to ban Antonio. Texas, Via Morristown, Knoxviile, Atlanta, Montgom ery, New Orleans and Houstsn. Good till October illst. Enquire at Watchman Uf ricE. 52;lt STRAYED OK STOLEN, From my pasture last Monday night, a large black Mare Mule, with a kuot on her right hind leg. Information in regard -to same may be seut to my address at V ilhi t ran- ca, Rowau county. o. V Caix, It. . Refined Cotton Seed Oil, far Cooking purposes, at J. I). McNEELY'S. Olive Butter; A valuable substitute for Lard, at J. D. McNeelt's. TUTT'S PILL . A SUGAR PLUM Terr's Pills are now covered over with a vanilU Migar coaling, making theoa a pleuant lofwallow ana liule Kiigar lum, and under ing llieui agreeable lo the aioi drlic;ite etoai ath. They cure sick headache and LSIIiou colic They give appetite and fle.h to ihe iJy. They cure dyspepsia and nouiish the pys tem. They cure fever and ague, cosdveness, ect. Isold everywhere, 'id cents a box. - 43:6m Large Stock of Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls, : Ladies' Hats and Trimmings. Men's Hats and Caps.' Full Stock of Glass andiv Table Ware. New supply of 5 Cents Tin W are. Agents for Coat's Spool Cottsn. BEST SHOES AND BOOTS TO BE HAD IN ANY HABSET. J BEST FLOTJR, MEATS, SyGARS TEAS, COFFEES, 8YRUPS, POTATOES, CHEESE AND CRACKERS IN TOWN. - i Full Assortment of Family Medicines. Buy and Sell all kinds of - r COUNTRY PRODUCE. j Come, Look and Buy at the One-Price Store to All! Tlie people, our patrons Their interests, Our stndy Their success, our reward. Fair Dealing Our maxim. OctbLer 5th, 1882. Al For the Wstchman. A Week in St. Louis. SUCCESS AT LAST, 0. Malaria, Chills and Fever, and Bllllous attacks positively cared wlta Emory's Standard Cure Pills an lnfaluble remedy : never frails to cure the most obstinate, long standing cases where quinine and all other remedlts had failed. Tliejr are prepared expressly for malarious sections. In double boxes, two kinds ot PlUs, containing: a strong cathartic and a chill breaker sugar-coated; containing no oulnlne or Mercury, causing no griping or purging; they are mild and efficient, certain in jthelr action and harm less In all cases ; they effectually cleanse the system nd rive new Ute and tone to the body. As a house hold remedy they are unequaled. For Liver com plaint their equal Is not known ; one box will have a wonderful effect on 'the worse case. They arc used and prescribed by physicians, and sold by druggists everywhere, or sent -by mall, 25 and so cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic mis, dcst, ever made, only 13 cents. Standard Cure Co. 114 Nassau street, ew lorii. vkij FOR SALE Y J. H, ENNISS. GOOD mm MACHINE. llale for flnn-TPM In Klo' rv:: 4 ... . i It- - . 1.4.' . . wo person should be nroseaited for riolatia Sext murn'me I hniirriW the. Main fr LU4renrejunE i rno tumniu 1 i - j i - . - " a$- .. . ? L - r T """f-v "iiheAeL ' i uvuw. it was crowded to overflow ni-. i.rtr .m,.UP,.i Ti,Um.,r i.rifr r -;, 1 nl A , . - . O- I w K' -w -k f kVIIVI MB A MV UIWJ wa J And the Supreme Coart of North Caro- t .n-.'4 1 -facuon w me at. and constable Were present and arrested lina has decided that th Prohibition hill L; ors in the aftair, when . iUamMS UCl,-VUrK OI 1FOU. 1 IOOK A voted on in Ann8t, i881t is not now a I stroll over a part of tho city; and wonld iau ana.never has been. . : u to i ii .fin fliwn j;blt of hacking up, their schemes by a plentiful supply of money, but under the ovei rnling wisdom aud power of God and ail eabest peopje tjie macliiuations of the wicked are uverf.hnirn Let the miserable attempt at deception be exposed by the Democratic Press of tlie state, find the tricks of tho Republi can- Radical-Liquor-f Anti- Prohibitiou- Liberal-Conglomeintpd-Me&it be denoun ced. ! ' Col. Ike Young, the '-kiug-"bW of the Rads, mounted the box aud commanded tho peace. Henderson Gold Leaf. NOTICE ! i . The regular Auuual meeting of the Stockholders of the Dutch Creek Mining Coinpauy, (which has been postponed) will be held in Salisbury, N. C. on Thursday, Oct. 19th, 1882. J. J. MSWMAX, 5221. Secretary. OPERA 3SEALL 2 FRIDAY Even's, OCT. 13, Armstrong Bros.' Minstrels aiOrass Bail 'INVENTED AXD PATENTED BY T. J. MERONEY, SALISBURY, N. C. THIS MACHINE is a plain wooden tank lined with copper or galvanized iron, with perforated pipes in the bottom for the admission of . steam, with, corrugated Roler, made of same metal, and of suflioient weight. This Roller gathers the air.hile pass ing back and forth over the clothes, forcing air and water through the fabric. Atanje tinie the steam is throw u up through tlie perforated pipes Underneath from the bottom of tlie tank. There are wooden strips betweeu the iipea so as to protect them audMorni t a cmhnl li linttMivt. ?ii tl,. tunlr' Tlie process is simple : anv one can operate the machine-. First, soap the clothes and listribute them. evenly about four or five inches thick in the tank. Turn on enough er to cover themturn on steam, and move the Roller back and forth until the w ater is colored. Turn the valve and let the water pass off. Add fresh water, and repeat this hree or four times, and you 'find 'the clothes are thoroughly washed without the slight- tt lajury, for there is no rubbing process employed, tlie Holler having rounded eages u us t prevent any wear or cutting. A lace handkerchief ran be washed as well as a oeu quilt. JSTThis Machine is in operation at Mtroney ii Bros. Machine1 Shop, where they will be manufactured at as small a cost as possible. Any one having a steam boiler la operation can use one of my machines at small cost and with satislactory results. lerson can do the work of ten wash-women in one day and oo tne work oeiter. ARTISTS 20 UHK Lrjftvs.--About the 8th or 9th off ,,e Prohibition bill is not now before 0t. 1841, Col. Samuel Lemlt, for many the-oople, aud ;ihe man.who saya it is, V fears nrecedinsr a iti7n '-t 1 is trviDif' to deri rni vntn' .L,:. i..,T : " v 1cp, r this nlace.V nn ita wfnrft..- I "ie Premises now nni.j ki : m m m h.. 1 Mm hB goods iu tiro or three four-rmrtA dividual soldiers in Egypt seeuiV prove teuse to dfiv'e out abunda nt mniaf n rt. ojiS and moved his family and fortnueto ht England has still some manhood, to pro e Uad a bird's eye view of tho city fe West. He never returned to re-visit 8how Iu a haa to hand encounter be- !" ali "f m,?(k 6 f irregularity, Next ween an Aral, trooper and an Engljs?, where thejr would ?3 in i big biockof Life Guardsman, the latter 'did a feat Hou attine end'of the piill aud passing t which ia often shown on the bodies of iu- through the rollers it came ont the other offensive sheep at au ussault-at-arms, and eud f m a1 1,oaome nfty feet long. Then cuthia.aiitair.iuiak eln i. t -r,""' M" mr notei, several Including Billy Armstrong, the popular Favorite Aged Negro Impersonation, bena )ls old home, though members of hi fntn . Jly have occasionly called in to spend a J? --th l,,eir Bistfr' Mrs. h Shavca-. Col. Lemly was an enei "et- v uuaiuess mau, and an exemnlarv al.l we started back for eau in two atoue .'.!. nff an. 1. r" " j pf tlie Presbyterian Church. He passed torke' The 'gunnel, Hk., wjio worked way we had to foot it 60108 ; to his reward years aco. Wa o. i. their two euns in ihe burninir KntiRliinpl 'Tuesday nilit I w1tnaMi ti,A i(v:i.- ;i -t . t - - ' w vi cvi ui I o in , . . " . - ; - - , CilCU 1 1 1? . .. . . jrioiiivi, b -raraoe,! Which proved to bel uwiuiucbs ui u-ericnii iiier - y they had to lie down aud -have wa- a grand affair. lite stret'ta wrn Ko.m; fully eliminated with gas for three milna. one light evcrv fon.t.itinM.-.i.: the kind I ever saw. The cost of th-dis- M..jr ivportea to oe fJ2U,000. Tlie strecU were cmwded for miles iwith peo- r T ouci i iio paraue was : ijake these remarks more in houor of the uutiV i; Jiving than the dead, though they are iui ter. Uonr?d -n tiwir headswhjle the, dri :ri vy.lvl -auacason, miss., paper makes CIB worseu me pieces, deserve some jihe following' pottee of a sou of Col. LemJ creU- A creditable piece of woik, too, lj j, doing uusinessin that city. There ar( another kind, was the shot j fired by I ii fewItl iieoplof t living here who will Lieut. Carysfort, of the Orion, wiio, fore- i--- ru uhs notice of one of me-enemy-wooiu bring up over there was a general stamoede twZ j fic family , , t . j tro by traib at Nefiche, laid hii twen-J pie trying to go in very direptlcrowd- Attention is directed to tlie advcrii1 IJ-nv-Mn gun on a point of the railroad ua8,-,u omen and children in . wuiuumiru. X WUS IOOl enough tp fry to move with th inmint and came very neir losing my "Minnie out; we aetertniued tbaf "oothing but uvoiuuum -wisr oo atter a deal of worry we cot to bur hot-1 sound. I was civen arntinn i.i i say that the part which lies next the riv er is a filthy, ugly looking place, without any shane or form ; ulm an.r. ... narrow that one could hardly net throuch I Col, Tom Long, of the postal service, them without giug edgeways. Up in '8 credited with having seut a message to the business part it is some hvtrr. hnr. Dr. Mott and Mr. Cornier, a few davs ano. not handsome by any means. Every other I Ut the effect f hat unless they take Dr. OA llOUSe is a Kalimn nv ntt.n mnt- ..Tl ..li r I PrwL- ilnwn Ui. will r.. f Onn ;., D..ur. I 'v T v.s.m. c.u t, . i J V4 mi l I v-"" . .. B.v ...ii 4, v M ,vr . VI i 4.V v. mem seem to nave a large patronage. I an jcouuty. Iu the main the Colonel's idea took a street car for the St. Loni Vatr. that tbn'revMjim office in this ulaco outs tower, and drew nav irivl irh rsi mo t m. I RiiHillirAi4 riiliiiAritiii. nnri rnkpa thi I tor Frank. Bell, the Modern Cicero and at Butler, she ha, vine accomuauied tun to down at nlea.sure. is entirelv correct, but most comical Burlesque Orator in America, a I. Si-.-..! ? m. . 1 1 -v i . . .-i -a ttr a l i ur.. UooIl, Hmiars. ia.not at the beck aieatey, tne musical uonuer, piajing aud call of Messis. Mott and Cooner. Usuble uornet boios at me same nme on Statesville Landmark. two Cornets, a marvel. The Powers Broth ers, Andy and James, bkatonai Rings in their Artistic Soncrs and Dances on Skates. W 4 . 4 1 . .. 4 . . in its rambles over tne country durintr I fiihhnna and Davennort thfr Australian the past five weeks the tariff commission I Monarch. The World Renowned Monu has traveled 5,QQ miles, has visited twen mental Quartette, in Glees, Hvmns, etc.. ty States and twenty-two cities and has these gentlemen possess most remarkable heard arguments froai one hundred and voices. PettingiU and Frazef, who play up nitv perrKins- . W hether the con-mission-j on every conceivable musical instrument, ers hare lost what little knowledge they Albert Brand. Zylophone Soloist. George did have on the tariff Question is not Tlavennort in his Aristic Wooden Shoe known t but. iudirtnz from the drift of I Exercises, and Favorite Harmonica Solos their meetings it is safe to infer that their The above, together with a magnificent Brass Band and urcnestra, nonrs anetit ox a. Lemly ?. Svn,- faucy grocel tL out of ght, tlie elevation aud direction pu .iiHiu strecr. AOtinnff th.it. tr iifiiitr tnVtn Hr , . I - -,:" "w vi.mWi" tllP. nTimnth rnmnaet an1 fia v or the Senior of tlii fi 4. T-..4M'V V? uu ovtr "ie train. ivnucis, rur luiri v-eiirikt of the -fears he lias iKtu'ii cifixep and merchant The steamer or Jackson. Duiing all that'tlme; tl.eV fiutifiK Iuta Lium'n 4--1 , He-, OOatS OU : VV'i F'N yesterday muu cm) aim lair oi'unuir.- i h. vniimr Mr. I Robt.E. Lee. one the Missis'sioi)i.,was burn- fifteen' in ilea bloirl Vicba nlv has livtl ten all IS. lit, umi ir !'?mue!P! tne passengers and 1 ::4 "r,vlTO i is fobiiety, industry aud capacity, has J-iaue Uinieil an en via h! a rnnrAtt(ia on, which was about as h,ard as rocks.JI Next morning waited two hours after we Poor Arab! it nA fn i,J -.i.-i..i Their establishment 18 one of the best In review of Biitish troops froirt behind his I we saw thinxra gestae.- f - ) .prison bars at Cairo. ' 'lauimaUofe i:- . ' -O4 !: - 1 ' " ' -' " '-'f- ; - -i . :; 6U- v v? ior our oreakfast. which we sent back and had I cooked dinner. We next went to th hi .h.. . , w -a aj-wa v too numeroas to mentinn every description, machine ' chants and manufacturers has been shak en irom the top downward. One difference betweeu the two Darties in this country and it is a characteristic one i$ that the Democrats rely un faith anq me uadicals ou works. 1 he Aihs- tolic warning, it should be remembered, is as 9 and, if the Democrats do" not heed it', thev will discover wlieii tC W too late that faith without works is dead.-- Charlotte Jour pa!. Ono t is a splendid thing for boiling rain and vegetables for stock. fjT"It is also a good wool-washer. rStatfc and County rights for sale by the Inventor. 19:tf NEW ADVERTISEM ENTS, EXHIBIT ' Of the Clerk of the Cnumiisionera of the County of Rowan, to the lust Mon day in September, A. D. 1882. .Amounts and items auaiteti oy tne Board to the members tbereot : G. !A. Biugham, per diem, $28.00 f 4 5 davs ext. service 10.00 Andrew Murphy, per diem, 2.00 D.'A. Davis, per diem, 18.00 m - .4 days extra, service tJ.UO W. M. Kincaid, per diem, 1 day extra service ' mileage J. G. Fleming, per diem, : " mileage Di C. Beid, per diem, M mileage Hi N, Woodson, per diem, 28.00 2,00 7.C0 28.00 18.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 solid fun. Reserve seats! at Kluttzs Drug Store. General Admission 50 and 75 cents. Doors open at 7. Perfonnanc at 8. BILLLUHD TABLE FOR SALE! A No. 1 Second Hand Billiard Table e to politics as to religion', I (Phelau make)i for sale chfeap. Apply at th lio j den House. C. S. liKUW.Nj. Oct. 12th, 1882. 3t. j $21.40 -Distances traveled by tlie members of tlie Board in attending the sessions of the same: Ji G.Fleming, 378 miles. W. M. Kincaid, . 150 " Li C.Reid, 5G0 Horatio N. Woodson, Clerk. Sept. 1st 1882. 29:4t. It is estimated' that reduction of the public debt, for September wll reach ib,qou,uuo. A.Inrn aTrlti fll liftor Pinna Attn Ne'w Mexico, last weekl'crushihg sef efal trees. A Mexican who saw it reliorted to 1.1.1 1 .. v. . uim locai paper mat a pan 01 uie moon had fall eu. ' "a - NOTICE A meeting of the Stockholders of tlie Vestern North Carolina Rail Road Com- any is caiieu xo meet in oausuary u- un i iiuibust, autciuurr iriu, iom, By order of the Board of Directors. ' GEO. P. ERWIN, Oct. 5th 1882. Sec & Treks. 51:4t, .' ' " 'Read This! ) FINE BUGGIES! I A Car-load of Buggies, Phcetons and Spring-Waggons just received and for sale I BY JOniV A. BOYDEiV, kt prices so far below any heretofore made n this market as to cause one to take a short breath when he hears them. Buggy buy ers, I mean what I say 1 Come and see il I don't ? Open Buggies, f 39 and up. TopBug jgies, $55 and up. Every body can afford to uy abuggy now. - JOHN A. BOYDEN, At Bbyden House Salisbury, N. C, ) 50tt ' ' V : Wnrth faPflliTia ) Before the Boards of X 11 Ui 111 UllM, K Commissioners sad Jos-. RowaU County. )uces of said County. Mokpat, 8i-rr. 4th, 1882. i - 1 i 1 Ordered by said Board, That anew Town- j ship be created by the name of "Chisa Grove," with metes and boundaries as fol lows ; t : Beginning at a point on the Nortfy Caro- i Una RaiUoad, at C. H. Bruner's, and runs t thence to and including the residence of .; George Plott,lhence to and including th,e. : residence of John D. Kluttz, thence, to and 1 including the lands of H"V Ketchfc, A C j Cressand Eli Hornbarrier, striking the Gold , Hill road at the head of Buffalo Creek, , thence down said cieek to the New Concord road, including the Rcndleman placej thepce ; with said rbad to the Cabaims County line, ; m 4 m 9 . f 4l Y) mW HP so as to include tne isnas oi me wt i Gladsden, thence west with the Cabarrus j county line to Irish Buffalo Creek,: tbence . up said creek ta tne mcxaseegc Road, thence northward so as to inclnde j the landand residences of P L Penny, O Sloop, J 51 Baker, J E Deaton E R Black- ? welder. Calvin Blsckwelder. John ;Menius, i Jpri f!rps and Valentine Proost. thence id clnd Bruner till M TT ,7SJ47 V -"j j Litater. J Also ordered by the Board of Commis- ( sioncrs oflaid county, that the voting pre- -j cinct of said new township be estabiwaea , at Chin Grove. . . .. , I Also ordered, that there shall ne ( tirely new registration of the voters oi p?- ... -A . ... Ut Also ordered, that John C Cr"be',S ! appointed tlie Registrar of toters for w township for the next general electi-.j which will be held on Thursdsyvtbe i. s day of November, 1882. All qualified to- j ters are hereby notified to register tMi j names with said Registrar, at Chios Grove, on and after the 6th day of October w No persoi will be entitled to vote ua registered and no registration will oes., lowed onlthe day of election. ' j By order of the Board of County to" HORATIO II. WOODSON, Ckrk 4Mt ing the lands and residence pi to the beginning : Being p)rtions mit . Atwell. Lockeand i 3 11 'f- ' if--': ' , Liu- - M Mi;- f- e - - - ; kU: :: , K;;-; ,U !;,-: i. : . ' jU i , !- . . v;-;--;i ;u ' j k. ! uu -. - .. ...; - - j - , ;-:.;.; ;.. l l f . ;) ji - ..... 1 1 . 1 -

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