; ; vi i s ' ' - ; I ' ' ' i . . . . . i ' f . - , J J 1 f. ffraioiiLnt iM;S-i i n nim .... :T:-m mm nnnnfTTinn n-n t T--vi- TTTTnTnrnnn rn sn -inn.,,- TIIufesDAY. OCT. J2. 188-2. . 'Li. Vat fuonrittH . it(xt M nndnv The pec ted. V Mr Smlthlea! aid J ones, McC obbina & ' in neW adTertisements read them. J r I & ' - Tl,e Into! Lib-al ia "croapy." A re nblican, DH Kan&aj. ia .aent for and is jU ?. no no fail to tegUter i time to otr, wlieu rou fo vote, yoio lur cmeu .1... infill WIIWaUC- WBiruirit. l iriU, cui , - . I ..ii true I to cue connuence nou irasti 'mMsedia tlem.1 11 I. j o . 1ft the pc!ple remember that the lib- i: u t,f thia cointy endorse revenuer Jii tir:... ... anil rovonn.r I geor re everesi, .-finfBr nii uecioes auu six wimesi - 1 , S if- I !a I I ia'efery JAirbb iu this State. Iwuil was killed on Tuesday f this week'byl Tom rKeUy aid- John f - i ' '-WW 1 1 V 1 . ... tii. Vi.aforn raiirnail I H II M UI tll IV Wf 1 j nfar Mad C so" 9t. iPheasantSi are reported I 5 ulfiitifal u t ie mountains...; i Do not. stay away rrora tne poua oe- r-iuae you kuo'w Jliat the Demicrat8 have votes . cWufili i Jo apare, but go and 'help" swell tji victory, to J audi figures as ! I ;i..r:ilirilll. iiiiii!'iu:ikM the lee) id f it a I (...vi lnrs ami wliitiei-8 iii, iso ludicrous as to torce a lock fuce to smile. .. ! p o V. utr- L .1, - , , .iDer.tlitt official organ of St Luke's apc, v , , . W . . - . av.ni llin liAniA iF A ll mil I 1'iiris. aailsuoryi iv in- cuueu uy xvev. un8' . J2 ... , FJ -Murdoch arid Mr. John S. Heuder- r.j. m. Bui, nuu s 1 . i T ...ill I 1 b . J I x . ' I tn be a welcomes visitor to a good many homes outside tile Palish. A paitj- of ad?es and gentleiuent went "outtotlie resfilece of 'Mr. J. J. Newman 1 Sic. Dutch CreekS Miniug Co., on lastTuea- day evening, viShere they were handsomely j entertained by lhat gentleman and his r two accomplished sisters, who are visting . ii in. Their home is in Richmond, Va., and the hospitality extended was of that v undisguised, opeh handed kind for which ' tbe "Old Dominion" is so noted. -Or Do not throw your vote away by voting the mongrel:! Liberal so-called radical ... i -iu-trnth-ticket-S-look over tho list. An aggregation Ifotks wli.iv hiive been trying, in.. oiirf' garty or another, to get into office, au!d f have failed. They are now in a state! of nsrsreiierution. nnl will soon, be founcj attached to the defunct c;ucas of radicj filisni. democratic voters, jilo yonr duty ana ait opposition is as nothing. John N. Staples will address the "Ben nett and RubbtU8 Club" in the Opera House Monday evening next. For purity and grace of-sCyie, elegance of execution t - , - i and vivid coiicfcptiou Mr. Staples has scarcely an equal among tne young men of North Caret) na. The ladies are par ticularly invited to j be present to take a petp iito;th political arena. We ven- tare to predict that Mr. Staples will f prove both interesting, and instructive to them. Mr.J.F.Rokh as just returned from th northern markets with aii unnually fiue -stock of gopdli He has arranged them in -various departments for the convenincc of -liia ipaUona; In the large storeroom, fronting oirtlhl corner of Main and Iuniw streets he haa) his stock of !-. !- ft:: GENEKAL MERCHANDISE for the retai Itrade. This, department If js filled with! all the latest notions and novelties ii) ladies goods and gents nn derwear. Id t ijfe large cellar, just beneath tne storeroom! he keeps a liuo of i c'TipfANP BAGGING Ibr.cotton flw ia one ef the largest cot ton buyers j iu Salisbury and keeps this line to accoiptaodate hi large trside. Going up stjdrs, the first department contains a large liue' of '.' - . j- ... - REAbrf IMAJDE CLOTttINO - the room ii especially arranged and de , voteldtiiiailinetpaking a convenient ana private place for fitting the garment w irew, large. uepartmeut, re- ceatly built and contains an extra line of . , BOOTSllSUOES AND HATS. This department ia made especially at- vacuve-every- thing being new. The Srcuii foepartmenc to winch your attention; is ciriltd, is I on the 2ud floor and was formerly known as the "Phoenix Hall," in whicti;Mri Roas has alius of laDie's cl6aks. cahpets, trunks, valices, mattiiig, crumb clotha, and etc l uia is a new departure and ., makea very attractive room. Underneath thi on the first floor, may be found a full hneof HEAVY GROCERIES, C -ts, . uuo"""" wuumj 1 produce has crown so larce that he has I j wen compelled to get more room : and " j, - . lor tins purpose he has aeenred tho store- Kmm' in.Hu. . 1 1 1 00m just beynd-A Parker's, fornieilv I ' ' i ! wcupiea by , Mr. Swicegood. In thUUnd in no case waa a oetition used. It - - 1 ' 1 , - COUSTRT PRODUCE DKPARTMEST I ne mil place i competeut man to do the basii iaess, " 6 I Mr. Rosa is wine of onr mnt enfm-nnvl log merchantaaUhe;ibregoing demou- 1 ; ? r ' rratea, aud ia- worthy the large patron ge 1 which soataina thia establishment. Sacceas to, Mr. Ross, and all nthr nr. go-ahead bu&icsa tueii in our city. lor linvo AbsMubel the entirft Imrdrrin. tmat i SjilUburjr " having : bought oot air Sinitbctott -and Pronf.mi TnvWfc i Blacluuer.; , The new firm are makinir I arrangements to build a laree brick honae on the corner directlv onDoaite their nre. ent stand and will not ouijrhave theJarc- wui wiu carry one 01 uie i$rceat I Unea of hardware in theBtate; Theyarel enterprising, 'energetic young men and! win uraw a wrung good trade. C'mr. uoKrver I .The Observer ia very often inaccurate inita attemnt8, in tbe above case ita inaccnracy does injustice to one of our "J"0" "U1 finicun, wneu is aay ?sir. waiter liUCKiner and Mr. Sam Tnrlnr have absorbed tbe entire Hardware in terct iu Salisbury .-n They first bought out R. R. Crawford & Co., and then VVm. Sniitluleal's establishment. Tliev S have ... . ..f .... i k.ii, umiiid il lillliri . . ... . - . - v - umuir t-iaiMisiuuenr, equal to line re quiiementa of a very extensive trade. But they have nt "absorded the entire Hard ware interest in Salisbury ; 4hey have not "absorbed" the store of Mr. David A. AtWe.ll. OflM ftF tllH oliloa uml luat aiifiiti - . 1 .1. W.J LJ ' ,.. . W i .!.. .11 iu uie ciry. Air. Atweu is not . a very demonstrative t merchant, I does not carry what may be called a f Marge stock" but there are few better,' moi el accommodating AiUIVM S 1 : or successful business men in the Sfflt Messrs. Blackuier & Taylor 7 " T " w themselves would be very far from saying pr doing anything, toiiujure Air. a., lor whom as a merciiaut, tliey doubtless cherish due regard. The pouiity Canvuss. ; last Monday, most all the candi- On dates for the various county and Legisla tive othces repaired to Frankliu, but the sovereigns reiuained iu the cotton and tobacco fields ; however,'they had a jli-i'Ba t'K-il g( O.'iiinimiooiiii'iif d ti Overmau, Democratic, and Mr. Biugham ' . . r , , , Liberal nominee for tho lower house, had . , . a aet to which only served to show how ..' , .s 8- .i. ., lively the can vaas would be further-on. T in rcaiiltfil tlmf tnllr iliil IwiK pnfiiimni. Mr. Binffliaai. His outlok is very poor. j i USITX 1UTH. ; A gentleman who was present, hays 4tThe joint discussion at this (toint resul ted in a decided success for the Demo cratic speakers. Biugham led oft' in Iran- tic denunciation of prohibition, fighting in true quixotic style a foe which j had no existence except in the subtlety of his Own imagination. To epitomize, it was a fight betweerr a gas foundry and a ghostly snook. Lee'S. Overman held the floor in a 45 minutes speech, in which he set forth a the live issues of the day at length. Only noticing prohibition in order to state u,at hU aciioni. before were inuividual . . iinn m-iwuiifiiHt' 'P i iu. urant. w will quote, f then 1 repraentcd uo one on God's earth but myself. If you sec fit to j seud nie to Raleigli, I shall represent you. Tom are antinrohitiou and as a couse- ! i pquence, l " shall be antiprointiou uu utu voice and vote." Dr. Ramsay made hi usual sueech. Theo. F. Kluttz followed in his baDPT strle. fixinc in the minds of his hearers by dint of his glowing tribute to Democracy's part, his .fearless exposi- tion of Republican misrule, forgotton vows and brokeu promises, his eloquent appeal to the white men of our State, trutjJg that will live even though their if lfc:c&L W L 1 1 v 1. iu&u j &n w, I orator be forgotten. The Post Office. Postmaster Ram aay, it is alarmed, has been notified from Washington that "it does not seem to be the vialVofjtlie majority of the citizens to bayb the otSce removeU" or woras to that . ; . .. ... i I Some counter petitiou has been circula- I . i I ted and forwarded to the department stating that the people do not wish to ,.i..r ;ti,u u-.tm,, f i, office. The idea that has induced the Watchmaic to have anything to say con- . . j. . i I cerninir tne removal or me omce, uas beeu that a maioritv of the 6tife men and most bromiuent citizens desired to Imve the office located in someplace more accessible, hud to have it kept in such manner us not to reflect on the business, cleanliness! arid taste of our people. If J this was an erronious idea, then the course of the Watchman has been wrong. What the other petition is, who instigated ita circulation and who feigned it, seems to t n ,i-eM.v tm tlm Kiiaiiipnu niVhli. Tt J " i I . y . . .l 1 sigued it, which, it true, was done against their interests, lhey have bought a l.irge property in the West Ward of the . .A ...iA office to the business centre would facilitate them as atso the large majority of whites luterestedl Besides the colored folks as 1 s " . ' a class aretnore uesirou&or pomp ana show in public affairs than the whites The truth of the matter seems to be faa tenednu ;in the fact that Special Mail A..t t.. ..o nA t, &ttt nn ri. I . - - .i I wwu w lic as a post office, and haa put into it a stock of groceries with the determination 1 Bringle, and it waa the hope of j having it j hmnirht tn the rentra of town and kent in .rood atvie that led manv to endorse the prtsent i cumbent. Mr. X Brown, woo nas cierKea ror years in rue cans- hnrr iwMf 'nffiiw- ! that vchtt nmixt-A t - ""j " . with the office iu the aforesaid cauacitv. it waa moved seven times, and tnat it waa . . ftlwva done at the oution of the P. M.. ,2 I 1 trill remembered that Hi nfflrA wm I once kent1 in the National Hotel buildin? thn nint pAtitml nkce in tliA riirrwir. I .. .. . .. . i .. jtion. oof u seems mas k is opuouary I with the P. M; never-the-less tliere are petitions j going the rounds and those in terested may have an opportunity to en roll tticinsvntiwents. to run them tnwther in Knit nf thu wish- Attorney at Law, of HllUboio: Judge Tt w..thLvi.fff P"1" of New York; Wm. Oveiaker, I y . i " . .1 iiaicott x. Jones, ana tr. joues. an oi the office that led to the ousting of David I 1 TT.wl 1. i " O I UIUOUVI V Vf I ft ti KJ uuci aijc , r;iJ,T.K.BBm,BM0KBj, , iiy v :rj Ml ' ; l7i)-lll,; Pl- n H 1:1." VOTl 1 III UK ' V HUK -K1 j i i . . i . . - . r H "1 " ; New York, Oct. 6tb 1882. fYori are f nii'tled to cretlit for the en ternrise. and fine manner that! von con- dact I your paper, w)iteh i u a tredit to your coaimnnity. very trpiy yoars, ; -'I f i : : 2- F. Mobet, Manager Morey & Bperry miuing Machinery Co. Tlie above Mtraet is from ale ten by a prominent miuiog machinist, in N4wJYork.. Such-aentimenta ixpreased by people in the great diatance are pleas ant to the quill drivers ear. jMining atocka have taken a small rise Ithey have been very bad daring the aumnter. See i notice to at ock holders of Dutch ('rwk'OiiiJe. in another column. v Silver Valley'ia going with usual force and they continue the shipment pf their buddled ores. ! Conrad Hill. They are still pushing their work, witli the usual force. The smeltera have not been charged as yet Thia proierty is expected to crowd to- ward the bead of the list In this State. Mr1. Smith, of the Sam Christian mine, waa here on Monday last and ahipped S50 pnuvweights of flue rough Inngceta Theae were picked up from the washings as they were thrown in sight they have not made the regular clean up, as yet. Charlotte Notes, j I i ; Prof. Hauua, of the U. S. Branch mint, or Juarlotle. ia in Salisbury, lie is making a tour of some of the Rowim ua i ues, and we may expect to hear some tiling from him at au early day.i The Rudisill mine, near Charlotte is ad vertised for aale on the 9th of November. There will probably be an injunction to prevent sale. - Arlington Gdauantee. Supt. Wis- well has given out a contract for two new mills. I Fkaziek. Reliable information to the effect that tt uew compauy has been orgai ized nnder the laws of New York for J ! working this pioperty. Kings Mountain. The Superinten dent will le-arraiice the mill with the Tisw of working another j.art of the pro- l,ety. Hoover Hill. This property, which for some time has been prospected by the Englishmen who succeeded what is commonly called the ''fraudulent management,"! is repor ted going ahead with a force of seme 80 hands. What they are going a head on is a question that some milling men won der at. It is to be hoped that they nie doing legitimate work, in a legitimate way and that we will not have to chroni cle at an early day the suspension of work. k Jt mm ine loriner management uid ; mining in this State great harm so far as English 4""" wuuctiuu, uuu it musi ue confessed that rt w eakened capitalists in this countrv. Honest: fair work, will - . ; rnake North Caroliua a name, but the concoction and execution of snch schemes as the "fraudulent management" put up on Hoover Hill, will effectually kill the industry. Every honest man should de nounce any enterprise, known not to be legitimate, which is the only hope of this Stated ever takiug the stand it should occunT iu the miuln? world. . -1 . mi f it ia a. ? t. l. a i i ne ioiioing imeresuiig siteicn oi uie copper mines of Granville j county, is taken froin the Asheville Citizen. Blue Wiug is very near the Virginia and Caro Hn nd veins spoken of must be iii Krkli ftfntfia rTltn liirinni Mr v..u..., ... heavy apar, carrying, gaienite, gray pop per and copper glance must; be a hand ore wa wouia thauK "t,oth" tor specimens. The Copper Mines of ! Granville County. I Blue Wing, TC. C., Sept. 23th, '82. The first property purchased by the Copper Mining Compute v, w hich as stated tin myr letter to the Uwsen, was organized in Asheville, was tiiat or ;vorneiiU8 A. i. r. j ono - r.. 1 UCH. 9t., UUU Vl'UI 111 ISCU Gil iSil CO. VII DSt Granville county. The property has upwards of bu veins or lodes of cop- per ores, borne or these UKiea carry native copper in surprising prolusion. One ve in ty feet on the old Gillis xoiic proper has a width of four feet of - barte sputtered with galenite, gray coppeij and copper glance. The galeuite of the lode carries silver up to 75 ounces to the ton. 1 he gray copper (tetrahedrite) runs up into the hundreds of ounces per ton. 1 he vein has a N. M. and S. W. trend and outcrops on the purchase made from the estate of Dr. viiuiva iviu;. into uao uu;u iuui uiitvs on the company 's grounds ami a few hun- j,e yards N.-E. of this town crosses the 200 acres purchase made by , W. Graham superintendence of Mr. Overaker, wbrk was conimeuced on tne syndicates, Mo. J 8,1 aft the atterpart of lastMarch. Tfie Haffl of copper sparand black oxide of copper with occasional Riirns of cnurite or red otiMh copper tn quartz, t our uunared ixunds 0 Z?SThMvlX before a deptli of tnirty lncnea from the AnM M-i.r AitttA m erable attention in Philadelphia and Bal timore amOUC CXDCrtS and dealers IU COD per mines. At a depth of 21 feet the vein has widened to six teet of ores both bean tiful and rich. This ; tract of 200 acres was purchased from the estate of James A. Sanfordr M 6., and the! remainder of tbe estate 1,050 acres waa bought by the larger compauy. The Messrs. Graham Pratt, Jones, Overaker syndicate also purchased interest iu the mountain field copper arid gold mines from W. $ Hol- I now haye my stock of Fall and Winteij I am pleaded. te.s;8Ute -that jtHe .selection was made in peraon and with the as it respects; ej son). ESFieas-e- npte Salisbury, and the. prices IN ? . VARIETY of STYLE AND Can suit Can -please every fancy. ' l Nice acd Mmplee Line ofaJl Hew ml AI30, a large variety of PROOF WATER SILK OLMANS, VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS, i ; . J i CORD$, BUTTONS, &c, &c. All NEW, KID GLO YES, Also, CLOTH for Ladies Children and Gents. HOSIERY 5 Byvthc wagon load. If you look at it IS I can fit and "please almost ahy man or bov in the 8tate in either SACK or FROCK SfJITS, at prices) ranginsf from 5 to $30. Mojre OVERCOATS than ever before in Salisbury, from 5 tb 20. "Keep warm and live comfortably. J Z2g loway'nnd William Gillis. One shaft in the mountain field at a depth of eight feet frm the surface showed, beside other ores. hI three inch streak of si tetrahedrite hgray topper) which assayed 77 ounces or 90 iu inn iuii 111 Binci. tticj nave i six acre tract detached fronrthe Roaster estate 1 which has a lode measuring four feet of copper glance in qnartzite gaugues or matrix. Each and, all of these lodes have considerable length on the Asheville Copper Company's lands particularly on the Hill 600 acres Tuckv 893 acres Barrett, Jones, Holloway, Hurly and va-. rious other tracts. The close proximity of the veins on these copperiands and the invariable increase in their width as depth increases can but lead to the deduction that.it no great depth all veins of the bell unite In oue great ore body. Goth. At a regular meeting of the Salisbury Riflesjheld iu their Armory Oct. 10th, '82, Ihefotlowingrcsignation wasteudered and resolution a passed : : To th Members, Salisbury Jtites Comrades: My business necessitating my removal from your city, I hereby ten der my resignation as your Lientenaut. With many thauka for your soldierly courtesy, and the kindest wishes for your nrosueiitv honiuir von nvav ei?fr be an honor to tlie Old North Slate I remain as ever, Your Friend,, Wallace F. Gkay, Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 10th, '82, Resolved, that we regret exceedingly the resignation of Lieutenant Gray, and in appreciation of , his friendship for onr course, that he be unanimously elected as au honorary member of ou.r:company. Lieut. GrayV resignation; causing change of officers, Sarg't. Jojin Ii. Browii was unanimously elected is ?d Lleuteu ant. The Rifles are jipjv "officered Capt. Theo. Parker, 1st LienfiK J.JrV Rumple 2d Lieut. J0I111L. Bivwo R..B. Clowe, i Secretary'. r1 ; , SALISBURY MARKET, Oct. 12th. Cotton, Corn, new.. ... 1010 5u 65 $2.25 2.50 .85 ( 1.00 .40 .70 .IS .60 .65 .25 3 .35 .40 .45 .60 .65 .04 .06 .CSX .06 18 Meal, Flour WUeat, Oats, Kye, .... ..... ... Ha, per 10O ibsl . . Potatoes, sweet, - Irish, Apples, dried, Peaches, 44 snpealed, pealed, . I will mail (free) the recipe for a simple Veg table Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles Pimply and Blotches, leaying the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruction for produ cing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald heVi or smooth face. AddresPjinclosingScstamp, BEN. VAN DEL F & Co., 12 Barclay St., N. Y. b82 S0:ly L A'OTICE! The snbscril)er has returned toSalis bnrv and offers his mfessjooal services to tlie public. M. Whitehead, M.D. 2t: Sept. 27tli '82. i Wew terms. From andWter tbe 1st day of January, 1882, the subscription price of the IFafcA miu will bo as follows :! One vear. oaid in advance, - . .$1.50 " iiiirmeut delaved 3. moutha,2,00 ' ! paymeut delayed VZ montha 2.50 seasohib rea- that I have more Goods of all grades in any department exceeding reasonable CABPETS. iiiiK&S' grUat i PRICES. r i i i i i i i -w i Oil Cloths evemj Taste La0SmTA&!3,'A&' Table Damst, wMte & coloral i Table Napkins;-. j 1 Towels, Towelings, Counterpanes. st EOODS. Full Assortment in NICE and PRETTY. In Great youlcan't, help buying. . FALL STOCK, 1 8 8 2. IT is with pleasure that we announce. tb oor many friends and customers, that we have just received the most; complete and desirable stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE tkat itj has ever been our pleasure to exhib it. Beginning in our basement you will find Two Car Loads of of tlie best brauds, and at reasonable I V prices. DON'T BUY TILL YOU SEE US! j In onr MAIN ROOM will be found the largest and, by far, the most desirable ! stock of ! DRY GOODS, bomestic Goodst Piece Goods, Notions j Trimmings and many other goods you want and need, that is to be foqnd in this part of North Carolina. In our Clothing Department, up stairs, you will find 1,000 iiifs of Clothing, all sizes, and prices. Also a large line of OVERCOATS. In our Boot and Shoes department, which is our boss department np stairs, will be found a very large line of Goods, all stamped with our name and warrant ed. If they rip bring back the pieces and we will refund your money. Our Hand-made Boss - Boot at $2.50 is the best Boot for the price hat Is be fotind. In this department will be found a j j large lot of 1 nATS ind CAPS, : ALL DESIRABLE AND CHEAPJ We have repainted and fitted up our for mer grain room over our warehouse and opened in it A Large Stock of Carpets, Hatting, Stigs, Crumb Cloths, Carpet Linings, Also in this ROOM will be found a large and handsome stock of Sadies's Cloaks Dolmans, Jackets, Bilk Circles, tftc.i Ac. In our Warehouse will be found THREE Car Loads of Salt Bacon by the BOX. Sheetings, ' Yarns and Plaids by the Bale, and many other goods. We have reuted the store room adjoining J. D. McNeely and will buy your GRAIN, FLOUR, COTTOX or other PRODUCE, or Store It for you. With thanks fer your many favors and an earnest intention to meet your continued confidence, we beg you tb call and see us before you buy your OR SELL YOUR PEODUOE! J. ?l ROSS, T. P. YOUNG. A. M. Youjto, W. L. Johssok, W. W. Gat es, -. William H. Rice, N. Bi McCaxlecs, Clerks. BMiKETt HOOF CLOTHll 1882 4 Goods opened and ready by several thousand dollars, than any St OF Large Stock GOOD EQUAL TO THE j 1 - Under Wear " For gents, ladies and children, ! From 25 cts. up to 2 white. Also, Fall itoci tf Scarlet KEEP'S SHIBTS, : The most HONEST goods made,, and can fit any one in stock, or have made to order. Collars, Cuffs, Collar aiCf Buttons, Scarf Pins, &c, &c, Now, Uaxitilil, Cheap. prices and sites. Demand. 4- 1881 SKIRTS ! - roin n VrrorE 1 : - I M. S. BROWN'S IE M Puffin II MIX ijam now prepared to offer FINEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCKS OF 1 1 BROUGHT TO THIS Ready-Made Clothing, Shoes, And GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Special Bargains in Suits Press, Walking and Basinet Suits.. Ladies and Gent's Fine Shoes. . Warranted Boot for only i . coat. I. .. . before you j buy. one in tywti. ! 1 am detertuiueu for inspection and saloii; closest attention both : rc in 4 GOOD JIATEnULS, Prices to suit yon ! & -SHOES'! SOLID LEATHER, WAHTS OF EVERY CTTSTOHEB. - 1 -i- f . ... , t - -Hi J. D. GASKILL. n ! 1882. rMi n rr JJUUJ to the public, one of the GOODS EVER MARKET; EMBRACING Hats, Caps, Trunks "Valices . Call and see hat $5,00 Over $1.85. Be sure tp see these Goods t - 1. - cn T rT-I"C A TT7T than m 10 DLai(vMiAi M. S. BROWN, j

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