y , p j "li as 8 ! li- T &; Si' I- I V - . .. ; : i - x-ir.fr in in Li. . j ' mi POL XIVTHIRD SERIES ' -' SALISBUEy. II. ,C, OCTOBER .r), 1882. . . . i f . w J I .... 111 LI I I U v-, i - i I The CarplinaWatchman, ! PRjdk,lt-HIN ADVANCE.. i to Thetroe Miiidotc to the effects bf miasma U Hostettetis Stomach liitters. This meU irine U oneidf the most opulyf remedies of .a of idecesaful proprieUry pecittc, n? is in anmense flemand wherever oa this Contiifint fever and age exists. A wiheelassfat three times a day is the. best powihle iliepariitive for fiicounterinK malarious atmobimere, i-rf;u';n-6 - v..r asklolbv ull DriitfsrUti and Dealers w JL f geiii-ruijy. 29; ly. I i. : . ; j.UHoiEsCROvjE,Prest. VM.C.clt)AliT,Sec'y. i AHomq C oinp any, Seeking Home Patronage. fiSt,- ReliaMs, Litel! Term noli if b Written on Dwellings, livable One-half casli and bal inontli9. . ALLEN BROWN, Am., x Premiums ancc in tsvel 21. Cm VBOI OF Theol SCOOIi BpOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOVEIiS AND STATIOIJEPwY. 600 .A$ res OF LAXP 'for Sale, near.Mt. "yeron Rowan County. If rot soldb; tliej-t.h of-Octolier, it will le'or rent. Aiivloi wantiinsr to buy' rood land I woqld hI tluni o p sto this land. I would refer to Sheriff C. C. Kfiper and J. 8. McCubUnsl of Salisbury, N. C. I AV. F. HALL, 47:5t j Statesville, N. C. ERlicfus YOUTH. A OKNTiE!iAN wlici 8uflered for years from Neryofs IteBiu'rjY, Premati;he Decay, and all thepflct8 of y)uthliil indifcrttion, will for themkl of8ufleriiig hiinianitjr.peiid free to all who ned t ths recipe and idirection for making : ihfe niiii pie remedy by whiclfche wax acred. SulTer wislin to profit ly the ad yertiner elpelteqce can do so bv uddreningin perfect coi iidfhce. JOHN B. OGDEN, . 2(hjy k. I . Cedar St New Yo rk EEHB THE l!AD! HOtrUMBKTS TOMBS, GEE REDUCTION XniE PIIIGKS OF Marble Monuments! ancLGraye-Stones of ..Every Description. .... . I cordially Invite the public generally to an iiispctmn bf iny Stock and Work. I feel jnstifieil in asserting that mv past cxperienccj nHder first-jL-lass workmen in nil the nevet and modern styles, and that i the Ayprkftnaushjip is equal to any of t re best w tie country 1 do-not sav that 111$ wiik is superior to all others. 1 ani reasoublfe, will Juot exaggerate iu or der to aeeitt jflish a iale. M y endeavor is to please' :(mt;ivc each enstonier the val ue of cyer- dollar tljey leave with me. PRICB3 35 lo 50 ?er Cent CHEAPEN .than evr ctren d u this town before. Call "-at one &v seiid for price (list and de signs. Satisfaction guaraut'd or no charge. 'l ife ei-eetfdu of marble is the last work of respect fwhach we pay to tjie nienioiy uf departtU fiends. ! I JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. Salibbuifyv C Nov. 1S81. i The aijvertsehaying been permanently cure i" 'fthat d reap disease, Conumptioh,-by asimp'e " remedjy,ia anxious to make kn!wn to his fellow ; 8uflerer8thte faiiansof cure. ' o all 'who dwire f (6, he will sent! a copy of the preccripdon used, b 'free of chrgef),wiih the directions for prepar- "g anu usjng jne same, winch they will and a 8.e CURK foChrnus: (ir.Tis.fVKiTf prtnv Phmv. HitoirHiTis .to? i I. . 3 k J ( ' artua Wishing the Prencrinlion, wjll please ulrlimnhrs8, N. Y. 'J0:ly 8TOMCH J (p. HEM' S 1 ?'ri.3;'4 'iiierbiuni Ml t Th Presideut of a Faction Arthur a Failures v- 1 Arthnr h.i ln Pr.!,W i:tu thau oujer, aud in that time he has pucceeil in! doiitff mnch harm.! He has t bone sjstetnaticallv to work tot debauch the fwilth as jfar as in him lies. IHe tried first hi hand on Viririuia. aiAl we nil know (the result, lie h is now endeavoriui; , carKui t Aortb 'Carolina . ahd other la. -i outlijsrii States by eqhallj dlpatable uietiiodH. J He has so conducted himself tovrai l bwri party' tliatM i"enfe 1 in tnaiuin two wf moro Kutes.1 Da fdlind iiiuieei ia; oVtQber,,, 18d2f peitfaecbe President bf a party 110V of the coun try, but of the meanest, most! corrupt, most dangerous fact iou now 'known to American history. The best men in the Republican party are either at war with him or are regarding him with but HttleH favor. -He has Grant, Uonkling, Came ronradjf, Dorsey, 'the old Giant set" and the dependent office-holders to back him. The pnrest and most useful ele ments are hostile or iudifferenti This is what Arthur has accomplished ; during a little more than one year of official life. I We must not overlook another impor tant fucloif in making Arthur distasteful to t lie best men in his party. For a twelvemonth he has been steadily engag ed in turning out Republicans to make loom for "either the "3067 bi ass medal fellows, wjbp wanted Giant and the Em pire, third! term aud all in 1880, or for some of tlieir henchmen. No In an who wanted Grant, iu view of his f detestable civil record! and the traditions of the country as to a third term, to be again at the head of the Government, dught ever to be trusted by the 'people. Whenever you know, there is a man in the commu nity that was for a third term for "the in a iron horseback,1' spot him, for he will never do to trust in matters ; connected with the liberties-oX the jieople and the government of the country. It is the factTthat Arthur is the Presi dent of a faction. His views are narrow and his patriotism iu keep with the char acter of the set he bosses. After the un timely aud damnable taking oft' of Presi dent Garfield and Arthur had drawn the "highest pi ize iu the lottery of assasina tion," to quote the saving of -Stalwart Edmunds he had it in his power to have made himself acceptable to the whole country, unless we except the ";J06." Hot he preferred to pleasu. Gratify Conkling, Cameron and Logan, and to be the Pres ident of a mere faction rather than to be the honored and revered and trusted Chief Executive of a great Confederation numbering more than fifty million people. He lias chosen evil companions and he must abide the consequences. The Amer can people have no confidence in Chester A. Arthur. He is simply a smart politi lician of the New York type. That is enough j Iu one. year Arthur has disgusted his own partj-; has alienated its best ele ments; has debauched most thoroughly the civil service by appointing to office men of the lowest stamp ; has dishonored Iris party and the true sentiment of the country by Upholdiug and advancing re pudiation ; has given countenance to the most corrupt system of blackmailing; has 8!iown a n illinguess to abuse the powers of the Federal Government for mean par tisan -purposes, aud has antagonized the duties and powers of the Supremo Court. He has shown himself a political shyster elevated o a great office by accident and without the proper qualifications to ena ble him to avail himself of grand oppor tunities, j He went iuto office by the bullet of ja murderer ; he will go out of office as a mere ignoble partisan, who prostituted his great office to subserve the low and selfish ends of aj dangerous partisan. f"nnwep4y unhouoretl and un sung." II'. Star. Kailroad Ceiumission. One of the measures to come before the -next meeting of the Legislature of North Carolina will be the pass age of a bill, to regulate railroad freight 1 rates, and passenger fares througheut -the State, and the ap pointment of a railroad commission to enforce the law, through the courts of the Stale, if need be. Action on this question has been staved 6ft for various xeasons, for several year, but it cannot be longer postponed, because the people demand it. Such a com- mission has done good work in Geo gia y uii v 111 vjyuvu Vrii iui ilia. cAiAvt n iii find niuch to do in North Carolina, its rulings will be effective be- aud cause the power of the people will be behind it. Charlotte Observer. The Boss was AT HilLsboro.- Dr. J. JL Mott, the boss of the Repub lican party in North Carol in, spent several days iir Hillsborol the past week looJsing alter the boys. He goes rouud over the State aud says who must run for the Jegislaturexand who must not. It vasam using to see how the little fellows, who waut to run and getf the Republican vote, were hanging around him. Those who run in opposition to the Democratic ticket will be Jjossed 'by Dr. Mottand don't you lorgct it. lobacco vlant. HIgU. llceLj; 3Icdically Considered. Medical News. - II- -. - , s. ; ,i; il l e heel is made too small - ana top '"S1 " displaced forward Its par nwn-V--akes women unsteady ire, their -'AlW ihe Chinese. -Their quilibri um !s -"stable. Its height is still worse It pnte the sole on an incliued plane, aji i r110 nearer were consranHy.going aowi a moauiaiu anu now iaugmng inat is lei n oneway 4after if triHI ( t predis poses to alls.' 'The foot sliding forward on their upper sttrXac,It throws the J eight on the.oea, doubles them up, pro! dcing painful corns oa their upper sur face. It throws the weight n the fore foot instead of 'the heel. Onimus shows by the graphical method, to which we lately alluded, that this ' twists, the axis of the footuCoEward'mnd often v.t produces Painful contractures of the calf muscles, the anterior tibials, and even the muscles of the thigh due to extra work required by the abnormal posture to maintain the body iu equilibrium, and prevent it from falling forward.- Especially is the pero nens lougii8 muscle put on the strain by these two defects. Let any one stand bare-legged on one foot, and watch the tendons of these muscles iu a looking glass as his equilibrium is disturbed. Every slight want of balance causes one or another to spring into strong; relief, showing their vigorous contraction. Imag ine this goiug on all day in both feet, Aud one can readily believe that walking and especially running (well-nigh a lost are among corset-bound aud Chinese shod women) will be rarely indulged in except wheu necessity admits of no excuse Dr. Talmage drew a fearful pic ture of the degradation of modern pol itics, in his sermon last Sunday. He likened it unto Gehenna, the place from which the fires ascended unceas ingly, but he said this Gehenna, witl which we have to do, is not in the suburbs as was the first, but in the hearts of our towns and cities, f'lts carcasses rot on the steps of the city halls, and its fires sis aud simmer ami crackle through the long night of po litical corruption, and the minds and souls of meu go down under its pest iferous influence. The present degre datiou of State and National politics is appalling. As instances he poiut ed out the drunken revels of the York town celebration and the; dis graceful orgies of the Garfield funeral party. While the whole nation was sick with sorrow, after the worst dis aster that ever befell a countrv. there were public men, who, at i public ex pense, -guzzled aud swilled and stag gered on the way to Cleveland, after they got to Cleveland, and on then way home from Cleveland. Cleveland, lie said, never had so much drunk en n ess and debauchery as on the night before the burial, when the mayors and common councils, Congressmen of cities and States, were there waiting for the obsequies. j He looks for a great change i n the com position of the great parties by 1884 The splits in the existing parlies give warning of this. A new party or new parties will be formed. There must a be and there will be more. of God in politics. Something must be wrong, he thinks, when it costs $200,000 to hang one Presidential assassin. A flight of parrots showed Columbus the diraction of the land. We will come to new and regenerate America by a flight ot prayers. I Outraged Republicans. The long and the short of this thing is that the 12,000 Republican voters of this district have for many years fought for honest money and the ' principles of the Republican party were ycster-4 iay surrenuereti.sDiarastney couiu ue, by the machine, to a man who received ibout GOO votes ; for Congress two years ago. Was there ever a greater outrage perpetrated on a confiding people? reenbacker! Just think of it! Reflect on this honest, you brave Re publicans of the Fifth District who have for ten years manfully walked to the ballot box, without hope of vic tory, and deposited your vote i in op position to the crazy doctrines and is sues advocated by Winston The Re pulicans who brought aboift this re sult should be remembered by the people. The effrontery off the men Who thus seek to override all deceucy in our conventions is byoiid expres sion. They seem to be crazy. The bosses 'declared that no Repblican should be nominated in this district. JLet them have their way, and allow them tli e privilege of getting their greenback, coalition-liberal-arti-pro-hibition votes. Let them sail in. North State. j A company of Iowa capitalists with three hundred thousand dollars capital tire in Biriuington, Ala., for the purpose of building another iron blast furnace. This makes a total of three million dol lars invested iu the manufacture of pig iron in Birmingham district. ; The sting of a bee is only one-thirty-second of an ich long. It is only. your imagination that makes it seem as lung as a hoe handle. JbYict. for i Farmer. t -fj ..I The Agricultural Experiment Station at Hit. Stale Fair. Cor. Newa-Observer. i ; - - ' The Station will at tempt to Improve the occasion to impart; some instruc tion which a large number of intelli gent farmers in the State have been seeking for iiic lime. t. Of late years a iargc.JiuuitHT oi , lariuers jn ionn Carolina have become scientific farm ers. AH who use chemical manures anitearlyvery eastern fanner doesare ii.teresled in the teachings oi agricuuunii cuciuistry. 11 is .111 ibis matter that the greatest progress has been made." '1 housands of farm ers, scattered all over , the State, have become in a measure sludeuts of agri cultural chemistry aud are advancing their know Iedre of tfie subiect bv w ar J reading the reports of the Station, ag ricultraJ papers, tfec, and by experi menting upon their lands. Sueh farm ers tell us that tha greatest difficulty in the way of obtaining clear ideas on these subjects arises out of the fact that the elements and compounds most talked of, and the process most dis cussed, arc entirely beyond their per sonal observation. Thev are familiar with the term "phosphoric acid," for example, but have no idea in the world what it looks like, what its col or, &c, are, and a very imperfect no tion ot some of its properties. They have continually; heard of analysis, but have no idea what the process is. They need to see things and handle them in order to get clear ideas on the subjects. For the benefit of such inquiring minds and iu order to incite others to study a subject of the greatest impor tance to them ana our great agricul tural community, the Station will set forth at this fair a small exhibit in tended to be 4 . j ! AN OBJECT LESSON in agricultural science. It will be made tip of specimens, materials, apparatus, etc., arranged so as to illustrate the composition and growth of plants, the composition of the atmosphere, the composition of farm and chemical manures, the crude materials from which they are prepared and the meth ods for testing them. Some of the specinieus will be'classified as follows: 1. The fourteen chemical elements important in agricultural chemistry. Seven of them metals and seven iion metals. 2. Mineral compounds of these ele ments commonly occurring in agricul ture. This will include a large num ber of most important aud interesting specimens. 3. The rocks formings soils. The character of soils is eutirely determin ed by the rocks from which they are made by disintegration. The compo sition of these rooks will be given so that every one can understand , the sources of the soil's mineral wealth 4. The chief varieties of soils, the products of the rocks. 5. The composition of the atmos phere ; illustrated by, volumes of the gases entering into it, corresponding in size to their relatite proportions in the' atmosphere. :,vo. i.ne more; important organic compounds from which plants are made up. 7. The chemical ingredients most important iu fertilizers. Examples: Phosphoric acid in its several forms, as . soluble, reverted: and insoluble ; potash in its salts ; nitrogen and am monia, and their compounds, &c. 8. I he crude materials of fertili zers and the more common chemicals used in composting. It is all impor onjethi ibout ; th tant that the fanner should know ie appearance, the properties of these materials, and the simple means of testing them, in order that they may protect themselves from fraud in buying them. Under this head we have the commercial sources of phosphate the sources of potash, soda, lime, nitrogen, &c, ar ranged in groups together for com parison and study. 9. We have the fertilizers them selves, the mixtures of these materials iu two classes. First. The commercial fertilizers, represented by those sold iuthis-State accompanied by analyses made at the Station. Second. Home-made manures and composts made in our own Stale on farms. A number of North Carolina fanners have sent samples of fine ma nures they have made, to the Station. 10. We have some illustrations of frauds in chemicals and fertilizers which have been detected at the Sta tion. These are very interesting aud there is a story connected with each one of them which will interest every fanner who deals in these things. 11. The products of cotton. "Cot ton. is King and-dispenses his bless ings with a bountiful baud. Few pet -pie know, or if they know, have ever enumerated all the valuable products derived from this valuable plant. A single group will present a large number of these; the fibre, the seed, the stalk, from which a food for stock is made, the roots, from which a val uable medicine is prepared; the ker- neisjot the seed, used for food for cat- tie; the cottonseed oil, used for il- lumtnating in cooking instead of lard, in canning ana lor a Hundred other nurnoses! th hull fUw1 fm. Grv.t . Z ! Y4 i WllSraSK, iiuiu me reiusc oi me on iniiis, anu sfdertheoHcSu . i: ' - - ' ' - '. l i - . t In fpprllnrr etrwdr httle known valuable products ofthe'Ua average soils, no Fertilizer broduces better restiltRV 1 ia!' A few uncommon ngriciilturat 'dn -4:. Ltt-ii.e." BOll, , 14. The methods of preparing home made manures illustrated, -methods of dissolving bones, miking chemicals J and building-couaposi lieajts. A niodel i Am rftcf Vkal m nl AivitAcf ah n ! 1 : v,viiifvb vvU (IUU WUJJAKV IICal via I small scale. 15. The Soil and ensilage, illustra - ted by model, materials and products, Apparatus, re agents and other ob jects illustrating the analysis of ferti- lizer of drinking waters &r Rot wp iizer., or uri Dicing waters, jlc. ba we have no space to enumerate the Mher features, all of which will interest progressive, reading farmers. All of the first part of this collec- lion will be lound in floral hall; the I am also prepared to furnish cotton ginners composts and coarser things in the with Baggiug, Ties and Twine, at verj low machinery and implement building, jatcs,' A gentleman will be in attendance) JCjE$tt jZ& all the time to explain the objects to as I buy more COTTON than any one man all those who may desire to know here, it maybe a double benefit to make more about them. Ciias. W. DAbney, Jr., Director. The Next House. Not only are Democratic papers of j us taking a hopeful view of Demo- i cratic prospects in the next House of 1 Representatives, but some of the Re- j publican papers are candid enough to admit that there is real danger that! their party will be in the minority. I It is admitted by some of them that there is danger of losing several mem bers in Ohio because of the revolt of the German?. In New York it is be l.evcd that at least two or three nlem bers will be lost. Even a seat each in Wisconsin and Minnesota may be lost. It is conceded also that the j probability is that one each will be j lost in Massachusetts and New Jer-j seyi In Pennsylvania we may count on at least one or two Democratic , t n .t r-i . ill ... ' gains, it me oouin noius its own there is good prospect for the Demo crats. What will North Carolina do about it? Shall the boasts of Radical politicians and letter wri e s be ful filled? Are North . Cariliniana bv their apalhy going to hand over four. or five Districts to the Radicals ? We do' not believe it. But to prevent it there must be harmony enthusiasm an t zeal. ; . The above was written and inten ded for a previous issue. Ohio has probably met the Republican appre hensions. It looks now as if the Democrats would control the next House. So be it. Let the Third Dis trict have n hand in it. Democrats, what do you say Wil. Star. Flie Colored Fair. Addressed by Commissioner MoOeheet Gov. JarvU and Gen. Cox. Raleigh, Oct 11. The annual fair of colored people was opened here yesterday by the State Commis sioner of Agriculture McGehee. To day Gov, Jarvis delivered the annual address which was well received by the large crowd of blacks in atten dance. Congressman W. R. fJox also spoke. The fair grounds are better each year, the exhibits are m re nu merous and better. The display of stock, products, &c., is excellent. Notwithstanding the weather is in clement the attendance is good. Professor Sharpless, of Haverford, Pa., College, says that "the nearest distance the coraest, which is now speeding away from us at the rate of about two and a half million of miles a day, approached to tlie sun was 100,000 miles. It is made up of sodium, carbon and a number of oth er elements. It may be one solid mass or a collection of solid lumps like stones attracted to one centre. It is not known if it re voles on an axis like the earth. The lightness of the tail is not conclusively accounted for. The tail, however, is a sort of atmos phere on which the light probably shines. Those who have been feeding the surplus fruit to hogs say that their stock are in excellent and healthy condition. Fruit makes fine sweet pork. Gail Hamilton says a woman may hae been originally one step in ad vance of man iu evil doing, hut he very soon caught up with her, never aiiin to labor under a similar disad-vantage. 1882. V I 1 1 1 I K I SK P Af wvmvmuju x nun ivi uunnVi "PlTR AI 14 TT1 A rn ' ruft WXXJ1j.J,. manufactured by the Pacific Guano Co. Capital 1,000,000., u xtiigeo uuauu vu., iu iuu v. ! 1 ' ' ! ' - i ; t ;fi The friost popular Fertiliuer. its I i8C5 fine drillingcondition ano! L. . " A ." iui The sfime planters continue to use For 50:2m. ' lYAr7 j V i j JJ 1 have on hand t,ie MfcEA FOWL GU- ano" " Buadlkt's Supkb Phospuatk," and the EqurrABLE n which j wilI Kll for wheat on term f,r nntmn. your purchases or engagements of me early. Prices are as low ns any one here will sell Will not he undersold. " WOItK YOUR HEADS," and see that this is to your intei est. r J. D. GAS KILL. Oct. 5th, '82. lm v BL AGKMEB & TAYLOR TTA VTTJn. "DTTTJ rTT A QTPTfc 1A V AJNU UKUHASED THE Efil Rv OP WM. SMITH-DEAL; AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF j R. R. Crawford, of the firm ' of R. R. CRAWFORD & CO., We are now prepared to supply our customers with all Kinda.of AGRICULTURAL 1HPLEIIEHTS, In addition to the , T Jfest Selecfid Stock yf ii Jl ji p vr jit it jd iujilo STATE, r- We alao handle Rifleand Blasting Powder FUSE and a full line of Mining Supplies. We will Duplicate Any Prices in the State. CALL AND SEE US. w.S. BLACK HER, . Oct. 5, 1882. SUTL TAYLOR. i t 50:ly NOTICE! The firm of R, R. Crawjord & Co. 19 this day dissolved by mutual consent. I return my sincere thanks to a generous public for the liberal patronago bestowed j upon me during the last 17 J years, and re spectfully ask all persons indebted to the firm to call at once and make settlealent. j The business will be continued' by my former oartners. Samuel Taylor and W. S. Blackmer, and I sak for them the same lib- eral patronage bestowed upon the old firm. offer my splendid Brick Store, Dwelling House and Four building lot for sale, privately. ,f R. R. CRAWFpRD. Sept. 23, 1882. -50:tf 1882. ! FIT Til I A l1 I o. . sold. ; .. i ; j r 1 ' ! sales bcincr the lariro.t. prepared for immediate use. it year after year. Sale By ' J. ALLEN BROWN. ELECTIONl 1 -4 Notice is hereby given that an elcctioa will be held at the several election precinct in Howan county, on Tueslay, the 7th da of November, A D. 1882, for the following named officers : 1. For on. Associate Justice of the Su preme Court ; Six Judges of the Superior Court, ahd a Solicitor for the Sixth Ju dicial District. I 2. For a Representative in the Congress of the United States fmr the State at large. 3. For a Representative in the Gongresn of the United States , for the Seventh Con gressional District. , 4. For Senator of the 30th District anc one memberof the House f Reprchcntatives 5. For Sheriff, Clerk of Superior Court Register of Deeds, Surveyor, Treasurer auc Coroner. I 0. For Township Constaldc $3?The pd!s will be ojenrl from sever, o'clock in the niorning until sun-set, ant' no longer. t fSFThe Judges tf Election must.noi, count out the ballots until after the polln are closed. ' j"No person; shall he" allowed to vot unless he is registered ; and no elector shall be allowed to register or vote unless he shall have resided in the State twelve 4 months, and in the county xxketv days, : next preceding the election. " C.C K RIDER, Sheriff of IJe. van County. . Salisbury, N. C., Oct. 4, 18S2. 51:1m j i i , t ; SALE OP. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! i Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, I will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, at th Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on Monday,' the 30th day of October, 1882, the following valuable real estate, situated ia the town of Salisbury : One vacant lot on Main Street, adjoining the National Hotel and the lots of J. L. and J. A. Iledrick, fronting 25 feet on Main st., and running back 200 feet. This lot is in the very heart of the business centre bf thjo town. Also, one lot of land running 310 feet on Lee street, 200 feet on Council street, and fronting 310 feet on the Western N. C. Railroad, immediately fronting the Railroad ticket office, &c. ' This is valuable property for hotel or manufacturing purposes. - Terms: One-third of the1 purchase money to be paiad cash ; one-third in six months, remainder in twelvemonths. Title retain ed until purchase nionc iv all paid, t The undesigned will be glad to show the property upon application. b MOSE8 L. HOLMES, Cora'r. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 20, 1882. 50:5t FOR THE WHEAT CROP, ALLISON & ADDISONS "STAR- i BRAND" COMPLETE MANURE! Comblmet ike actitilij of Perurian Quan go tcitk the strong and tatting effects of An imal Bones. u It is prepared '.'under our pemonal super vision, ana is made of the best materials fnntninm on thruhhi itr nihpr inferior' an. moniates. It is Fine, Dry and in Excel lent Condition for Drilling. This Fertilizer luut been, in use twehe years, and has-aained a reputation for ex cellence setond to none.- VSSTANVAItD (JUAKANTEI). - IT CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Allison & Addison, Manufacturers, JiicJunond, Va, FOU SALE BY J.. ALLEN BROWN, Salisbury, N. C, R. M. Koseboko, Third- Creek Sta tion, N. C, and by Agents at all impor tant point- throughout the. wheat grow ing wet ion of Novth Carolina. 45: lOt JmI SULPIIURETED GOLD ORES. WE WILL RUV ANY QUANTITY OF SULPHTJRET ORES ITO CASH 4 AT FIXED SCHEDULE PRICES. Assays, Average Samples. - Price List "ion appii-, cation. Correspondence solicited. 1 ' 49.4t ' SOUTHERN ORE CO.. P. O. Uox o. 352, Wilmington, North, Carolina. 1 f ! . f - i . 5 f:4