5 j I. : J Rl-i r --, ; - . ! 'V " -. i r. J ir I.- I -. '.Hi. i . . t . ii -r . rr , . - I I," - - . t .J s ,. . .-'' I Carolina Watchman. J TUUKSDAV. 0CT. 1 U, 1 682.' - pdmocratic Stto Ticket. -s 4- - -l .- ,- B , Ht Lr-" 1 a V. - - t i - in Ins address More l the Tariff CVmnua- siciibntfie Cpitomtecd the jintuprot tion orgiiinent 'wlien li caid, "I do not object tn pajr a tax to the .j tf wtwl Stot Trdasary, bnt I do object to pay IX to tlie?Louliana Bdgar jowerv or me reiiu- 1 frOB REFHKSEXTATrVE AT LABOE ,..tob supreme coynT jcdoi I lit Dis.-JAMES J? SIIEPMERfl. Ill DU.-tEDmCKP"MP sk Du. ALLM AN D A, McKO. k Dls. JAMJES C MacRAR. - h.DU. JOHN A. GILMER, "Ft ''f 1. S f IWILI4AM M. BOBBIN3; for Boucrros; JOSEPH DOBSOU. liar?otte7owrnif. Tbo fire JSqitesin -runriiKKnicu liave leen elected this far are Maine, Vertuour Oregon Oliioi'W West Virginia. The deletions froiJVt-' Stnlei4u the present Congie&R fttaud 1fJ2 Radicals,-B DeiuocraU and 2 Gteenbackcrs. The Greeubaekers have .J illiicil out. and thy now-gtAn4 16 nkiria and 1G Democrats. Ohio has in the priseut Congress 14, BadM); an4 6 P&moerats. ShegaMeU one niepaucriu The Ohfo Election. or Injbody else." 8 J. W. Kucr j. 8. Robinson H J. W. MCCWUiic. Jt!-J. T. Updeffrafl 13. W. McKlnle?, Jr 19 Ezra B. Taylor SC. A- 8. JKcUifrc. . Proffraninie'of State S, S. Cou V jventiou. - - i Serious Accident at Ilainlet. Dist. Vrz. U J-F.Follet -rh. M. Jordan f 8. K. M. Murray 4. B. F. Le Fevre 6. Geo, F. Sney D. HU1 w - , ,1 T. JE. Campbell t FranK n. Hurd ; sylvan hi iron man, or the Ohio wool man, 1 13.Jeo. l. conrerse iSu A. J. Warner , at u . Vnr.n Richmond & Danville Railiioad.- l T Eighteenth ,afid" Tentcth dis- ff i .lnJl that iliis roatf ilias wiu ouv, i trit are close ami in oonoi. ItS Blaltru il M o j, Alio BC.;v --- are very common in tliit!edontry, so that trict, will be contested and the prooaun- we jkiton- not what a day niay bring torui iteg &re very strong ot Ins deiear. in respect to tliem, bat this denial is, no sarnrise for we did believe In the re-1 -VlDhIV;. ?tate Fair; We are indebt- ported aale, Tlie Ricliiidftd & t)an vjlKj tej SecretaryV Mr. Geo. W. Mayo, is likely to receive considerable attention fi - COHfpitmei,tary -ticket to the Vlrgin fotlmm time t come i'n (relation to the 'i tobe field at Richmond, oji freight rales, aaa ne5e)i,uicriiiiiM-1 jatr'2d - and 3d or:pvemocr.. 4;ne t tlie daejaige vf Charleaton 3wd Chafcl m-Ml are making aBOiirfror:(b' protesUiig -m v wedoubt not "the ocdasion will be of great interest net nly tj the people of j tjje Se bat U alVwhoWay ait4;it p damage lotto. Both these citjea are aminst the wrolff done tthem in ttf earnest terms. Tbe bnsiuesa men if Charleston are appealiagfo the VclAia- tare of the State for redss. .It is prb able that n Railroad CoaiUsioa will j 1 tii ifiv iMeial attention to railroad matters tlM proteiirlKU igMf ojthe jwopl if r. Dowd. in hi Mneech at Chariot Satarday night, "Uiucluwl the revenue bukiuess and was for boring tho. List rel ic of this iufauipus systeiii We are fight ing them, and -tf?afe fighting us with inuu wlio are liired to gi' about he cojin? Presbyterian CUurck, H7to, A. C, lKfeJay, favember Ut, 1882. : ? I - li i ' ' I session. 91 o'clock, a. ' ii,.:5 ' HtW - L - ? . V".' nMninc Exercises Address, pf Wei-1 Capo Fear section sin coins down come and responses ; Enrollment; of Del-1 steps at the end of the platform, in a bar- - t-a. f-1?riiiitiwa I 'nmmtftiMi Ir monnor ! lm Imil n varp launwi fill Raleigh Neva-Observer. We renrrt to. learn of a. very painful and probably serious injury, which j oc curred on Monday night Lost,' af. Hamlet, mi ino iict. tvanuer Jidiair, u. if., a distingnished. Presbyterian diidne of jthe the Report of Statistical Secretary ; Report of breaking his arm Very V badly, f crashing Treasurer ; Report from Counties ; Elec- bis cheek bone, knocking out several of tinn nf Officers Miscellaneous. Buhiness : His front teeth, and receiving other inter- II session, 2 o'clock, p. m ual Injuries. He was knocked isenseless. and was conveyed to Laurinsbnrg jn j the .-! t ffJ" t.'nf nfo l TntrA-1 sJeepert wbere medical assistance was so Model .Tiers' Sirlv1 cureU. The steps aiid nlatforniat Ham, nrtniv Auarcss on "ti ... " JS tioii and badlv licbted.! Col. F. H. Cam eron, of this city, narrowly escaped injii- ductoiy Address on 1'rincip Instruction. 2. Model Class 3.. Gciieral XJobfrJjnce. 1 Recitatiou III gESSI01;T O'CLOCK, P. M. Moravian Church, Salem. Sunday "School Mass Meeting. Illus trative Sunday School Lesson con. 'raTCS&Tv ilMsul1 r Wa church. We hopeHiis 4e! (1 '"fghiiiuries wifi not imive fatal, but tbVr be ry there, a moment before Dr. McNair fell, and was the first to reach the injured gentleman. Dr. McNair is quite an i old man, between 76 and 80 years eld, and is I held in bigh esteem generally, aud par fut exhibition jr 1 Adjonrumeut of Stole Cottreatioiuf Persons attending the State Con vention are invited W spend November 2d. with ua, to.wiUeas the gatherw :of the 4phil- i4:. I-7", i may -soon recover, .ftm - . ; . . , I f - Sugestlver Figures. A gun or a pistliia a dangerous thin with clbie reference to wpoini at any wuo " e. the Jligh Point School was kiuea last webk. by his room mate and friend, who nninftxl ii nistof ab him in fun. In the - . same town near the same time, a negro boy hadau eye shot out in fun.by-one of his associates O TI1URSDAT, NOVEMBKSl 2ND; 1882. CJpXdreii's Sunday School Felival. Gatlieriiig of all the SuudaySchools in The New Orleans Democrat makes this curious calculation : i . f There arb 17,000,000 woikcrs in United States who bear all the burdens and contribute all the wealtlu Thi Court-House I gives anaverage income of $546 - to each Forsyth county. iPriicesRion .from Square; Winston, to Saleni Square; tit 10 prinlucer ; and, as therb are only about o'clock, A. M. I Addresses'and Sougn, 11 three producers to each tv families, o'clock. A. M. i ! . $928 to each family. Of this $540, how- Lovo-Feust, 2i o'clock, P. 1. dresses and songs. ' , ; Ad- The -.IVasfilns'tbn IPost savs that since 4i.Lw orwmrHniimeiit and tlia recent I wJt " Mi' " ' "- t ie recent election un vnio ue luuiiau election reversed the proportions by mak- soldoing, and this, too, wftU money wrung h befo that event spoke of iogths delegation stand H . Democrats I " t Vf"' vr ' it Uermans as-'ueer gnz?:iers anu uesecm and 7 Jiiidicals v.I' f'n-.,,rnnn tilfill ill WiPOIlsill. I IUelJ- Mlanaiata.J New Jersey and Massachu- W. H. Bailey, Esq., also niade a speech Gennau m liii HSa t in Siith Carolina in i.lace the same night. Speaking of prohibition The Value bf a Vote. eret, tlie producer is left only a small portion after he has paid the various charges against: him. The government must first secure $41 for taxes, '.of .which $8 goes to pay iuterrst on onr public 'debt: the-railroads again secure $42.60 There were exceedingly close contests I for the cost of are and freight mini every in some of the Congressional districts of producer: $104 is paid tor each producer -! i l II ,r..1 I l... . i 3. f !.!.. i r . . . i uuiuimiiq . . . - iiiifi tr i Mrn mhv!1 it I ail I nil kiii-k-i-hki 11 i i-jiii lui liih iimm ill iiiiui mtii . imiiiih - - - " IC.I.l ... av-.--V.I-B. aVaI.il.- tllO Hlt'll If) I - - . . .. . . .. . '. I .! T . 1 .. .... I ... ' ..T The Radicals expect to "&" i'wi" ,u. .v tor8 of the uiirisman Saooatn," now gently Ididates have a iHauaty of not more than I amount of ins whiskey tax. 'Hieaverage alludes to tlrein s 'our low citizens. liberty-loving iiiif oii w ii ill We have now received, our FALL 'AND WINTER STOCK of Goods. Our patrons and tlie public know that we have always kept a first-class line of goods in every department. ! This season wo are able to offer t!.e best and prettiest line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Clothing, Gent's Fur nishing Goods, &c!, ever brought to this market. . ' NEW GOODS, -. : ': , I CORRECT STYLES, . : - . . .v.--l - . . .;-' - : '. CLOSEST PRICES; 'i Before yon buy sec our Embroidered Cashmeres and Ladies Clot li ia Ladies ;Kitl GJoves untlrcsscd and finislred. , Hamburg, all new patterns. Soys Sttsfroffl to 10 years of age. . - CARPETS and RLGS of Select Pallcrns. - - VUh Tluinks for past Patronage, .- JONES, McCUBBINS & CO. NEW FULL I - . :o-: s4fl, arid two in South Carolina in place f i-M'S i o the two they forced into the present as a dead and buried issuer-not a Taw and I llbusdbv unseating two Democrats. This "ever can be-he said it was oiriy raised yvjll p&ke a gain of 14 for the Democrats, now "to ride bad men into iiowerand, to .uldalossofiwelve for the Kadjcals in hatuk the State back to radicalism." x ti L. it tr i., .i;a. r o pros, actlv so : We have toldi our readers this Railroads and th5 Dear Iiblic" In an interview between Mr. Vander- bilt and a newspaper reporter in Chicago, i touching railroad matters, wtiicli was a dozen or so of votes, in some instances J producer, therefore, has only ; $418 left less. Some of ihes distnctn are very J after ho has paid theso various' costs, or populous "-and thousands of votes are cast I an average of a month lor the sup ami not even the snrewuest auu oest in- port oi tumseit and nis family. : 1 lie man formed ciilculators had any idea before who is doing better than this, who is the election that the vote would run so making his $10 a w eek ought to congrat- close. 11 " ulate. himself on the fact that, lie is better We call attention to this fact to urge off than the average American worker. npou our II ieuds tlio imMirtJiuce ol not oniy voiiuS- ineniseives, oin Winter Life in the RrfretnV. Xortli. KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN, LEADING DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES! ew Stock 0? Clothing AND lis . . r.i il... II. 11... I. ..J ..Hmrl . 1 .1 i i.l. T T rm.n..Ta.- I ' - i. I It .1 1 ........ Ilnn.n - I lUf I1IUULI1H. all. UlUlCti IIIIU CICIJ Uluvt I Illl III IKIIr.1 1 111 lilt! tl UUI II 1 1 1 1I 1 IIUIMUII I -.l.-. . ........ ..... I . ...,11. ..I -. Itf-nreSentatives as some anticipate, a observant man, must reach that as tho last, and upon which yre had intended to p0ned. It is uot impossible, and it some n Tl.n!,-1 i. boimd to hi elected for the only reasonable conclusion. MrJi's speech "jake some comments, Mr. Vauderbilt, tiluus ,,aplKMl8 tbat ,he election of a can- Sergeant Mm d ck has sent tb the Wis Ifcinoeiat ta.bouud tQ bp elepted, for the i after veiy freely expressing his opinions di(iato imiy depend ujMin one vote, in a cousin State Journal from the Km, t Bar KUtu&aMt one-vote each f to be determtn- is spoken oi. as a uiasieiijr tuuii, uuu ,ww against State railroad commissions, aud i.i. ...V.r .i...V!.a.. I.....L. i-1. . ... . . . . . I, i. . iii .. who have known him long are I ne I sued t,Tnniitiiiir tli. flimmntm.nt nf wipIi ".m, u ..u , row signal station a description or winter " el by. the iiunonhr of each delegation), wiio nave known mm iouj, e ihjhm u pionouucmg tlie appointment ot sucii iIuportai,t, especially at a time like this , .. . ett. . , apdOtiM) is 'already 'in the Democratic toj believe it, for he is well known tube commissions to be t'nousense," uttered wLu t' finfe8 &ve 80luewhat li at the northermost point of the United Jinmi, i . a Irian of ability. j h H iwo sentences that are signihcant and ioosenel, that every klemocmt slionld de States. He writes thay be aurora is 'ranch ffIumh - i - J i chamcteristic oLe view which irai . road it lol aiM trust nothing td a literally evorv da v wcurrenbe as to add f ' . .1 .1 IUUUllUtCS IHMI lt UIO UUUilC illlll VlltSIl IV L rr .ltii i ma mt il ,. 1 I -vr"k lt n M?Mt Mt I. .1 . 1 . m . h KVnt 6.rr;r draws from the latins to it. One sentence, and it was a . ?UT"V w .T" " 10 rauiea-roau uroaK tlio monotony or the , - 1 - - - - , i 7 - - 1 iiTrii-fz Tii sifii im vf inn vu'i iirv wmrii iik 3 . i - . "L 1 1 . . mi m 1 ..n...r ni.;.. !...;.... Umnn xviiioh 1 verv snort one. was. " 1 no nuoiic nea u"i .1 uiuiyiMii aiji uca.ciBLictii.ig.ui iin; viini tionmu 11 ivoouii miivu . v 1 iimi V ' 1 uesires. i .- . . aaraaa III.. .11 llI1 11 ! I aw a III. I-l'l 1 1 U aa a-U II I.I a . the noiut. and when on is easvto read : "It is a rebuke adm nis- "w "T " . ' , "V,," ieruiit . . i .j . . ..r . . ), i run ioi i ue oenenc or me -aear duu c " l ...... ' ...I .... I ...aw..l ... !.- 1J.....1.I..... W F.a. if. I . ... . ' Ul II L(MI wuiiiy wifimcu' wito tu iuo in jnnMiv.iM " ,w that crv is all nonsense." I lie leonardizes tltnt victory t.v ins inac tion aud overtoil lidencc. Cluirlotte Ob- server. .-I ;. Bcecl(e ers Ketort. Bn.(. Aki-i os Political DuTiES.-j-rThs ' '-y - . I . - - . . - r. - . . f .i... i r : 1 1 a ... (sagac)us writer always siKaikstt ji - - it : - tlulitics saj-s something ijflu, Read the following sensible talk I abominable mctliiods jii fiolitics, fur its J Cnsidering the terrible disaster in the ti the! duty f the citizen and the en- want of politicid jirinciple, for entrusting Harlem tunnel on. Mr. VanderbiltV road fWKmeiits of the Federal government iti leadership to uuscrulmlous men, for its 8t Mm tJiis con versation, and Ithefur- 7 t ' . . . .i ' . . . ii? ii -if . , 4, . f ther fact the Grand Jury in that matter rin tliA M.lit. ..f Hi, li.n.na . I ...a n rvf Illl IllkOlIlam mill a till- l-itll to tlllAVorv fill' i . .. ..... . . . mi v. ;. "w. r. rff I remiereu a verdict 'which makes Mr. Van- Ue toiUdte yet for the poplc to avert a its jebbery and for its oppressive taxa- derbilt and others responsible for that struggle-wifh the general "governaient on tioii. . We are aware that' these things bis 'subject ; but unless the present ten- hive not been so much in issue in Ohio fcncy?is arrested the time trill come when as tlie liquor question jjbtit wliile the; Be lt will be too late: pablicaus exiKjeted to oSef somewhat rind I 'Utbeccjneslevetyjaatot- the. Democrats . expected 1 to gain some- interest in politics. It don't matter how what because the Republican party there busy he is, or how poor he is or how rnT'eSlionsed prohibition,: yet all accounts . . , ... . A J I i.1 . .1 . . I,, ' . i I Nil. mllllO rill-(Nlll Cil-MIIIMOU io- l.n in .In sli-lilil Iri-r- rxtin ava nnan tn S.m I nirnMul rliiir tllAf laftnn : villlil II t.i I II lw I , , . ... - . : . r ,if. V-p -J "I'V -.V. , .-a. ......... .j-.w..-..., a. yV a..ar J J. TSl 1 1'IUlll lifllTlDall V ' mtlk ftiri.rs5rf (fovprnm.-nt and (riviRnmf th-iaa-TiC I Elieh result Ail j baa Iwen nfcomnlislied. I fruk tlivomrli i.i-ii-.fr T......1 n,.lwrote: !' O O V-f3 ' J I 1 1 7 . . ...... . . . . . . . . . a iiaiiii.v glirmiuO) IIIIU t ... . O-' .ttM'J. X 1 1 . 1 o what is going on. don't meaatha6& HiiH the Kepublican party is the prohibi- condemns toils own use private projierty. . r 5" , , saveu yon the hould go cavorting around blowings hoS tiob party is no new thii It has been Tim-Legislature, exercising- the right of x ,,e ,f makiuS a "te.of y"1"4 l nou u go cavorting around b!oww0 a horff won party u uo new tiling, it lias been e1!lleut fl(n d d 8ole,in consfdcrai making you an ass at the begiuuing-aud ike the world! was coining to an end.Jbut committed to prohibition in Ohio and in r.1.1 .-. i .. . . .M hi. work stumla snrnL. . -p- ....!. aw r r . i hib m n , wn a a. i. a q shouldn't sjnit his eyes and gqfl'blihd the Western States for ears. The ex- Unblie from the establishment of railroads Hsin?t-WAKD Beechkr. ernment Wouldi p'ianatian of its route is . then to be fouud gives these extraordinnry privileges to I J tiif iH nitrltfa (!iwn 4f m il a - He should not trust to luck nor . . T ' '! himself to tie lulled into inaction: iwuignt oegius to iaue out in tlie west, a coufidentfeelingof victory, when I low luniinious arch appears iufthe north- butchery, these -: eonteniptnous. , remarks exhibit about as fully as language could, the auuuus of the railroad Kings in this country towards the masses of what Mr, east, shining with a soft, steady, white light, and occasionally sending i up, espe cially from the northern end., a. few pale transitory streamers. By 10 o'clock usu ally the arch has reached the zenith aud cue uisoiav is as us neiguc. . r rum tne Large Stock of Ladies' Cloaks and SHawlsf Ladies' ITats and Trimmings. Men's Hats and Caps.- Full Stock of Glass and Table Ware. New supply f 5 Cents Tib Ware. Agents for Coat's Spool Cetten. BEST SHOES AND BOOTS TO BE HAD UT ANY MAEEET. , BEST FLOUR, MEATS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, POTATOES. CHEESE AND CRACKERS IN TOWN. j Full Assortment of Family Medicines. Buy and Sell all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Come, Look and Buy at the One-Price Store to. All ! The people, our patrons Their interests, Our study ; Their success, our reward. Fair Dealing Our maxim. I OctoLer 5th, 1882. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. One of tlie -300 tout Stalwarts, who , streaks of brilliant light endorses Folger and Fraud, was so en- . . . ,r raged at Mr. .BeechrV deunnciatiou of eln whirling, twisting and wreathing SSeJbi that iie wrote like the smoke of a great fire. As they public." - . w me flwtj ii W!icwB h loiiowu : streak near the zenith tney spread .and irthe publie bavc no share irihe ben- -- -Dear Ste.-lkHyharr- mi madgjip asAof 8,lift low fovlV,illg ; tt fiery whirpHl over efits derived from railroads we would ym f yesterday. JAmos K Lausd. . . M1i t.i.ift .i4u Air. iiettciier lOHi aia -ranie in reiiiviiiir lo i . " f 1 1 4 '7- . .1 like for some railroad eliainpfou to toll us this Ciindid if uncorleous epistle. Ho passing troin tlie north to the south wnn 0om, Trua8C8t La,npS Cigars and tho rapfdity of lightning. The colors are Co. Also a beautiful lot ol fai inteusitied. the rose becomes crimson or even blooo-reu, ana . the green a clear, transparent emerald, while occasionally care of itself.' Ooyprnmentshav been by lookbg elsewhere. Wo think : that k 8Uch . ew"Poraluiu. j lliere is no other ed by ambitious and deigning men, it willlM found iu the fact thaf the ietP " ' V" ""V up u.o :ng oi - 1. I SlIllkWlllfltllllKr lliilli'a niuituifii .... i . . 1 r . -. . ' . I f'"'rl'. ..-, "iiw lilt. II o l uiri I iu au shave riMen n'h And nnrffniwi. I ni f Voi-tlioi-n S.Lfa li.ivo l.wf f liuii-1 ii ' .. .. . : i. 1 . V nated witb Mr. Beecber's reply. Judge Black's Simile. pon the idea tliat the Government fake destroy And tvrunt j - r -w - -rrr r - t ih v v " " i oi hit injurs use. iswt rauroau mauagers the people, ijnd the people would nab and I con tt deuce1, in the leaders of the llepubli- now-a-datseem bW ntteilv ignore this: frebel when it was too late, for'theifchainsleaia nariiv aW'bavltuie faith in tliftir iinr.1 tkey look upon their railroad nronertv Judge Jere Black lKjing in Pittsburg nrom lnpirtal Vnr lha mlrk nf nnH y.,5i.i 1 jJ.,i .1.-1V-4.1- .:n. ....t.i.-. ainl corporate franchises as solelv and ex-1 Tuesday, was asked whether he intended f " . 'ef j. . w, vjuiuiu. w ni iuii uuu iuiiucis ui iiuuiic l .. 1 n..:. ..... ...-U ... ..... .1 lu. l. ...: ..,i .t.-:. i :i i . . . I L , i wiiBiuM tiirii tin u, jusi as auv Oilier Iin- I iaiw u .nuiiuiciib uviiii c tiiu inin ndtheir cul4ren we ought to e lo it locerfi. - v ! rate iH.iession.. which thLUZ commission, tlten invasion there, to s - - y ...a a-- a ... . . a a - ' : ... J 'Pi. . ' . t-' . I I .:..l. l. ; ilr - .li . flashes of a delicate pea color chase one 1 ho crrespndence, it is ud, ternii- another across the sky. The aurora has now reached its bight aud will soon fade possible to be renewed again later in the night. The vibratory motion gradually ceases, the colors fade and the aurora as- i somes the form of pale bands . stretching across the sky from north to southeast, Which may subside slowly toward the W. R.MASON, DRUGGIST, Hiiu Street, Salistoy, N. C. DEALER III PURE DRUGS, Medicine, Oils, Soaps, Perfumeries, Brushes, ntl lobac-fancy VASES AND TOILET SETS. "PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY, Cheaper than ever known before. Nipht calls promptly answered vitliout extra charge. Give him a call. l:lm ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF Personal Puoperty I North Carolina, Rowan County. MoSpAY, Septi 4th. 1882. Ilefore the Boards f Conuui.s-ioHfrs and ixxi- ticcs of said Countj. Wlat is the Republican party t.o-dsiytj are. They are inclined to regard any which he responded : "No, I will not J eastern horizon or break up into detached At the residence of John Graham, dee'd, near Third Creek Station, in Scotch Xrislt lhat good men arc put in office I was "akng specially about government and It is an organization under the control of accommodations which they furnish the argue before the tsirfff c)m mission. I do patches which gradually fade away. Such township I will offer tor sale at public auc the great olitieal questions that agitate Ungs abd cliques, dominated by Uisses, MMublicf9 although well paid for, as not know any of tbe memliers and would ti,e course of the most bnlliant dis- tion, on Tuesday, the 21st day of Novein- - - - i . . . i : i - k. iri"i ia i iiii av . n. iiiir mc ii t niivri-iT . w & w n rv mtm m i ' . . . . . :r:TY.T':? niavs of am ora. which are. however, ber, 1882, theJ lol lowing jK-rsonal property, . "i... I l , ... i - . .. . i """ u trgui ouiignuoBB. il lie nrst I "rlWD' j iici4niTr mwiu b mr insure ' ' i ... . cn., anct mnlp ami thru; horses, h be peqalc foe&cr or later. There &K three of decencv. iu deHuum; f nub r i ii. .!... ...r v..f- ,..i i - ...;.u -..-:r....- j -.iM......r,tii-..lv , !. -..mm ri,r. to w it . tuc good muie aim inree norscs, a j. . . . t, ,1 ' j, -.v-ii-Tu w. men iiusiitKc which '"" iiiijjii i "(U iiiguu (i tipiioviiumui i vvni'i.i.in . ..... , .... ... 1-"'-- i numljcr of hours a lot of wheat corn blu hings lhat disturb my cogitations, when I and with a tyranny aud desMtisiu never they hare experienced of late vears w8al law U-fore Ulysses S. Grant, or present all v losses its strencth before reachinc obi.', ; o. -Jlji I . -- .. .. . .5 - I .rl.a... !. O...- XI . a-1 i .. . I - -.1 . . ... . .1 i . ' . Z 11 . . " I"," VVlU'll, UUI. lU -......-.,-...-. 0,j t ami see niy nos-t oetore oracticfMl iu Anif.rii u n . oiiiirruio vourc oi iiie united M P'.uriu wxi 10 xuocrc ur. incersoii .!... .. -s-i. w l ... , . nf- - . l - : - : - l rsrsiri.a iljk.ii-i.l .rli.r -... A !......... .1... I u ri. v ... mMiiui !' II.. k. .. n . . . i I ' . .. u .... , , iltu nmc n II Ita UIBl"" " iuiiikd kihii ICIIIVOCUIU" I - I t ..li,,,-. ta nf mvrv .1 . i ... m ..II. mi . p I .-...--- - J t uwwHiif spneiat-iuieressw wnicu-i .n..-.ir- .wiini nrHl- and Kitchen .Furniture, and other. tUimrs i Also ordered, that there shall he an ea T limi 111 M -TK-l -W Flfl B. . . .1 H & m. I . Siteechea ever made' iu Congress was i not mentioned. . tirely new registration! of the voters of isid - . . . . . I . i rri 1 . 1 no 1 .!. - XT.. ! . i; . . i Also, on Aiiursuay, iua ou ubj mi : new townsaii). I . .. . !?. I a a. II.. .1 . . .. . i r. r. .l. 1 aiwun i aiso oraereti, mat jonn j. uomncr v sale a annointed the Reristrar f voters for tsU ruminate over the future te Ordered by said Board, That a new Town- ' ship be created by the name of "ChihA" Grove,! with ..metet and. boundaries as Uit- u lows : ., J , Beginning stJi point on the North Csrd lina Raiijoad, st C. 11. Bruner's, and' runs ttience to snd including the residence of George Plott, thence to and including the residence of John p. Kluttz, thence to and . including the lands of II V Keteliie, A C Cress and Eli llornuarrier, striking the Gold Hill road at ; the head of Buffalo Creek, thence down said deck to flie New Concord road., including the Rendleman placed thence with said road to the Cabarrus County lipc, , so as to include the lands of the Rev. Mr. Gladsden, thence west! with the Cabarrus county line to Irish Buffalo Creek, tkeoce up said creek to the Tucksseege Ford Road, thence northward so as to inclad the lands and residences of F L Peony, O Sloop, J M Baker. J E Deaton, E R BIscl. welder, Calvin Blackwcldcr, John" Meniui, Jefe Cress and Valentine Projist. thence ia eluding the lands and-rtsidepce of C li Bruner to the beginning: Being portions of three townships, to wit : Atwell, Locke sntj Litaker. ' ! : Als'i ordered by the Board of CemiaU- sioncrs of snid county,: that the voting pre- acriiT iTuw--.r uu arouuu me so careless di inw .li.m inHi.ii 1... .. ... r .i -i JP - . . . -r, .va.a... w.v. wj uri ui allien- I Hflinnoui. r'-..... M . J." 1 1 n MmX mm wm eiTIi & I ." M -.(-M I I n n M IITS P - IWK -. M . . B. ... .- Z . 1 I .. r . ..., , . i viuot, ouh wihm opiv auu uwir mnonai ..no nm races i - transportation Hjst f r. fepnen ssyi n pow ini- advancement. In imrticular States ! we r0ltJ8 within its borders. Thcv w ernment ffTUlniltnrr .la ti. trim iliK-k m '141 livu.iiiii, ii.kih fura ivi WIMCi Tl.. IcL.i .i . . I izo It 111 ( ire. fill It- nlian .-... Q--- - . i uiiu iiiiBt.Tue iteanMni iiaih mv Y.ru i . - ( --- -v , i.."v um w h if- Btstei have. been gradually weskeninand and Pena.vlvania bare abilteW rh. !",8n 'osed, not of the cAV " S , Z aim mt V rdral power, and we tead diated tliimiiieitin ...J Ki.. k.U hot f i,...a --rl . -ui. meetine Fridav Wd tnlr Rtrotifr ronnd. 1 to a svndicato of politician, when Mr. ' 1 I j . . f w. - ' o I . . - wKv.w ivim.ui mi oia" i - v .1 t !ki. - - . - f I n A 3 uu. . t. l k - ' . . - 5- e- . aa . . t -' m mm rwrnrnM wmm w -W am ved the to regn- the commission in composed." on rail ill real- wagous, one mower and itaite, farming .cinct ol said new township oe estsbusneu ry description, Househohl at China Grove. . . tiiniliA Kv Htm. .fitliii II. Star. ii. uf New More Dissatiskactios. Leading color-j York, some years ago. A bill was under I vemder, 1882, at his plantation in Atwell i eil men of this StoiL in ntti-ndm. on tb discussioti for the SjiIs of a nortion of the townsnip, i wm expose o puonc at. Raleigh held a Brooklyn 'navy yard for about $200,000 tta fUm IM-.lrl-lM-1.-. 4..M.I--I .... f... wMiui, iu a jf, jooarnesx to dethrone the bosses. Taking tne raiiroaas . within its borders, our Usctloas this-fall snperiateaded by moraemled view, we find the Re- 5d Ltlnrtn. ahall UniStst ,mlw party advocating repudiaiion fm4iFS $hnnt Virgeia,! aWied ith !f tioHndJ.ldshed befprtjw tBt. 1 10 boitdholders whole.4aiid the 'und t & imik IS tedWves deputy marshal ca nrarder a of tfe.h in Tennesfe firf.l t n Ln2 ovcr the question wl&stmlt. coveVn this against the 'L'vbrtiPtiovement. George Stario arose and said : Mr. Speaker, I WPrice. of VVjlnriugton, and Rev. J. C. am not familiar witli all of your rules Price, Mie. most ditjinitqished colored vo- ,s ' -' '', ..' " V' ttrin tb5tat ,yramong;tbespaakers. here, andl do noHinoWTvltether or net Tfie'y 8rHke? vefytferry I am in order j but yon have a property hartv; -'anff ):rTimrnvnn,Mi.i bere whieli, veio: aie-ein2 to sell for two large let of Corn, Wheat,. Cotton and per haps other articles. TERMS of both sales Uaso. . J. G. FLEMING, Adm'r. of John Graham, dee'd. ' Oct 17, 1882.-l:6w s- . . z n . -L ? . : i . ; . .... e.. r iiioition party rn Ohio, at; the North and pi ,anu oe Kept in efucesna protected by the Northwest, while claiming to be hWi . prohibition in -Worth, Caroliu'a. Wo find rrnor Treup would avdon a,ou tbej ndvAting election of Greenbacters -like fif that. I only mention this to show ; . m.-...:.....: .j ... . -l ... i.. , . . ' . uibbibiihi, iiutj even in tne out jlms- oow we arc 8iiuinr aionir into Ilie iriant's i. , s .r- " . ' .IT ' "Klv "I,u repuuiaung ureenuackism po&r, igw unconcerned ,w. are; about it; U U&fa anitxMlissachusetts; and -else- -"" toashingtn hcre at the Nol tlj Welfind it all tLjlHrs I ansrii wpuia seem thst tt,ey ,ad enongh to all llt.n : coolintkm.Ur.l1rf interest in the State thcv go from to stand Jn a.. . r . i . . , 7, , : , .. . T . fyT all sorts olL political mmciole. confralled with'iti The thomdit -andtfiouirlit corr- rectly r tliat ciljtion,-wvud destroy the Rndieal rrty iiistead ofsti.ngtheuing it, aud as they are uot willutg to see that I happen they protest against the new con cern with vri.ifc atoiriu.attiiA.u iir .. fill Vl .1 . -T -. , I O - - -r-'.'" ...aa vv... TlieOMest Newspaper! n tlie World. . . o :h V j country, tlie people or tlio railroads 1" and then the business Will be settled once ior an. ciar. Journal no iiiniior m.H... t . . ..v. "'iirni, lic.8lil Nr IU I lift ' V lioli. I Kirnlkfil1o a.. Tip ..'-.- . n. . TA....:;i :,!,. .......1,1 :. .i r - - iiwiiKiwrcf .- VillPl. JLilVKI Sheet, published iu Pekm, and, since full blast. 1 the, 4th of last June, issued in a new forui There is a "oiid deal of sicWsa nrni- prescribed lorspeckd edict of the reign- ttiiiiS ..l'JI , . .. .. i . I j'"..iivi iniuuinr, vuilliviltu I in r.iiHU'riii' lhi.ii.wc-.... T. c '... I . . . r up ami eay.uius iar snait thou go and po tiv ,r - d ... ....... , , r i n V i . " "' Iiear- not innch of a dKngerous character. . . ... i tj v. iiid oi U.IUL re i ill it; 31 M i du -TV. i . ii i i . uui. I'niim nnt- ..Mia ...:i f... i, . n - . - junner: uut somehow else it ain't, lion. .il I . . .. . '. 1 :.i ."....:' : ,T .i.'u . . . 7 1 oevious methods. They carried Indiana """ w!rvais. since the i V":;-- --1 Ut election with i - Wyg omcholders can't perptuatekublic t,.easjrv money j stolen from the isury by the star-route thieves, ! tfc'ifrlres in office except by 0rce ind vor- O 7, 1 , f. " ' "Jes, rupliona.idbMJiiv . J fVtl',s 3 ear they rely on carrying Xorth Carolina and other Stated with legally extorted, after the maimer of the highway robWr, from the clerks and at ir-1 Mr. Mallet. tti inrntor of tlm VPsir HVit I nrningi nfiA..n.t.-i...i :.i . 1. 1 hnvuvnr it 1.,.,. !.' 7. '"T"? Vl l UllOUI, BlUOke anV7.FiiMift.. tt . weeKiy, or cinders, or'tije use of chimneys, is the uuui us ie-organi- zatioii. by inneiirtl decree it coutainvd notning out orders in Council ntiri rnm-t news; was published about middav and costs twq kesh, or aonielhius less than a halt penny. Now, luyeyer, it appears in three edi- son-of Gen. Edward Mallet, a former citi- zeu oi ayettevTHe. hundred tliousiiud dollars, and I will at this moment 'draw my check for it for five hundred thousand dollars." I lie bill was killed. Charlotte Observer, j .) 1 . BUSINESS LOCALS Apples, Crauberries and Cabbage at J. D. McNEELY'S. Tai bell Cream Cheese. Best Lot Sugar Cured Meats. Mott'a Cider. i Bananas. G rapes and Oranges next week, A. PARKER'S. 1ST iOOF SEED WHEAT Nowon - hand. COME QUICK! Everybody wants it! J.'D. McHEELY. I BILLLIARD TABLE FOR SALE! A No. 1 Second Hand ..Billiard Table (Phelan make), for sale cheap. Apply at the Bovdeii House. U?i. UKUtt A. Oct. 12th, 1882. 3t. NOTICE. The result iuX)hio will be far- reach iin The effects of so great a victory will be ,rupion aiKt-briliery,- and what Jay Hub- bells money cau't do the power of the gov ernment must da, and J dji't !erinuch . uli.liniv .1. Iin ... ll.. -" . . . ... HVIIl IU1UIC. X UDIl LI . i I i.k'L'ill B in U Rfl fill I I til ... ... n a IP . . vt . .... . I 3 . .. ' " oiner L'ovf riiim-nt j.n.i.i,..... ti i i;,.,.c Tn. , ------ . ,u cvrrv ouiu. oi rue union, with carwno mis the 100,000 offices,- bt Ido 7 ' . .i""v ' , f T "''f issued early m the Onio leadiii" the Democntiprnlnmn with fconcenied aUMittJie wayin-whLthey Pf U f that cXi'l" 25,000 "SZS fillW aiid about thdr imjidence and d f ',t enough wbney 78 4 i'Sr10 ?d .OCIO and Pennsylvania the fliftl.nn.;.i-.h, .L-iK.--i!r h can buy enough votes to govern the S wi ! iTO" J1.1"! a" e. These three in-eat States cast 8D . -V --0,-..,. ,cj , tl... ! L r 7, .. . TV,. " . .hw wt vouiuaerciai in- electoral vt..- Ti. .sn i " ndStati. nfficfal w- .i Y. . ; mu ui iUe uiincs teiiigeiice.- its circulation ia a little i. .- . ,o3. "". -"-" ieni 1 ii v ukm ,v ,. . , ftn. ,. .m.,,.1 ,. I... . ii ... j nu. M-i I . .. . V I III loO- HO InilfTPr Illlll. ft nf n Hi.nh . . 2 l .'. " . . . J. - II j-iuiiim ut 11(11 o ll VU lllfir I D.tAJlJ. 1 Ilf Kl'Ikllll Olllti.ai. ...l.I.l. I O"" v. u uvruui. ,i. ?pv ua iuc tiiu luuepjenupflt and iepudiatton. TUTT'S PILLS A SUGAR PLUM Tutt's Pills are now covered over with a vanilU suaar coatins. raakim; theni a?( pleasant to swallow as a little sugar plum, anti render ing them agreeable to the roost drlicale stom ach. They cure sick headache and billibus colic. Thev aive annetite and Uecn 10 tne noay. They cure dyspepsia and nourisb the pys- ii forsStatc laws a lUU-rmeilt. liMrn lull r l-li-iii I m Dial T ...Uj ... The tob, of 6 h r:irf : 'L " w.-lcu ud Obemr. overugn States "and thought ihe gpvern- bas heretofore been reliable j Re- Uiwn fellow paiierV is devote d tn' niept at Washington was their agent, but J okw, i ave mteriy ' reimd,mted announcements fashionable intelligent - A PWar and frightful disease has .we tlont now. The sgent is now the mas-U 'l. V , . 1 w snow auu general news. Besides its ancient aPPared m Northampton and other .tcraud the States are his humble and obe- 7. if TtZ'Z VJ" ulV-" ',5"K"iB 01 desiff . . ... , -f . . irt : viiic. jLr.11 ii" ui 1 uaiioii. uuu WiV.li-ii. Hriu -.. .rkR..r.i 1IOW iar IS thin? rnn t I hl-i-ntinrr T , A-vi, '..tl. 1" :.i.i: I oi n M ' ' " vyuicuu . ,, . . o p"."-o 1, . . - i-mii uim" Avt-iiuuiiciiu 1 oueei. They cure fever apd ague, costivenens, ect. Sold everywhere. 2o cents a oox 43:6m A meeting of the Stockholders of the Western North Carolina Rail Road Com pany is called to meet in Salisbury-N. C on Thursday, November i)th, 18)52. By order ot the Board ot .Directors. GEO. P. ERWIN, Oct. 5th 1882. Sec. & Treas. 51:4t. liefit servants. a SSftdtll latk ntl 4 1. 1.. -i! ? . I ma . i . - 7:Za "fr"T. 8 ' P ,Ae w addition appearste in the ''!' ' r m - mi . 1 , ""rf ' f"S u m tlie CltrlllUI I HLeiUOi'Il. Is IM'lllted Oil nl nmuir .....1 .ltEm:ct:u Monet Ta u iff. Th& South. I iniiw..i.t.fl r ni,L.S...- .1 .: u . J.lLr" .IC.1 Pler aud i. i t l . m "vuivvuni ia iiaiuu j uier i wais uio nanre fit i itnm. t's,,, n 11... .i:... . I Ml. . t .. . s - j . i. t .i . IViOUIlirV , -.f f , i I T a. j iu JOIIIJ 111 CI , Express Co., aiiad the Texas Express M.e distant hills. iWe bail tbe com in ' -1 ft: . y. . .-. : . . - ' f 'llflK Tl... . ..S. L.1.!J I i . Co, have Wade siiccial rates for small ida! v!,e era whicU we have sp long i.iirVaiiev.::.reiniancra between nit 4mit i " ' "r ) . Prosperity , the tor in the provinces. All these issna nf ' . - " - , - - - . 5uiirriu;iev fir iiia niiiririiti.in n n ... .. .jj . . - - -itt. .ir!.......i .i -t' .. "! ""wu, uuuaiu I me iiroiwn l CUHCd UV K1I rfiomh. Iwtito nf 7.l,..i.t. J..11 ?ri i "tTc" -,e mnese state. 1 aersagned on or before the 20th day of Oc 1 he total number of copies nrint...! ,i.,Ui ltoher iSfia r i.;a r4ii k i . - Mart v. . " tij I " mvwvv u til IllCaUhU uetweeu 1 1,UU0 and 1 4,0)0 Xoh- I in bar of their recovery. wirtiin the tirntory of their companies. Imelh-d freedom of the-iHiople a Union of Tilf reduced rate is the same as the P. 0 Mcfiey order-rate, eicept that it swes ;postago,-and is absolutely safe. ' hands and a Union of hearts: these1 hl.Rs, ingsofa constitutional; government aie! now iiuoui to tie realized. We are grate- iiu. ' counties m the. northeastern part of the State. It is called vellow chills or hein- orrhagic fever and is generally fatal iu im resuus. Persons atzected turu yellow and vomit blood. . . ! .-, g Sheets It waists of extracte from th' g earner editions,: and is largely subscribed ! Notice to Creditors. 1 i t - i All Persons having claims aninst the varies Zoa Telegraph. JOHN VVADSVVQRTH'S ' CELEBRATED -RUST PROOF SEED WHEAT. We are Arents for JonH Wadswouth's Celebrated RUST PROOF Seed Wheat. We can supply it in any quantity requir ed. J. M. KNOX & CO. Salisburv. Oct. 19th.'8 4t. f Head This! FINE BUGGIES! A Car-load of Buggies. Phojtons and Spring-Waggons just received and for sale BY JOnX A. BOYDEN, at prices so far below any heretofore made in this market as to cause one i ia.c a soon breath when he hears them. Buggy buy ers. I mean what I say ! Come and see if I don't ? Open Buggies, $39 and up. Top Bug gies, too sd up. .verjoooy can anora io buy a buggy now. JOHN A. BOYDEN, At Boydcn House, Salisbury, N, C. 50:tt township for the next general election, which will be held on Thurtday, tbt 7tk day of November, 1883. All qualified vo ters are hereby notified to reeistcr' tUIr names witlrsaid' Registrsrst Chiss Grove, dn andrafter the 6th. day of Orteiier asst. No person will be entitled to vets aajets registered, and no registration will b av owed on the day of election, i , By order of the Board of County Com missioner. HORATIO N. WOODSON, Clerk. I 40:4t - EX1IIBIT - i Of the Clerk of the Commissioners bf the County of Rowan, to the first Mon day in September, A. D. 1882. a . . . .. 1 . 1 1 .1.- Ainounts and items auuneu ut mw Board to t he members thereof : G. A. Bingham, per diem, $28.00 5 days ext. service i"." Andrew Murphy, per diem, 1. A. Davis tier diem. - IB.w. " " 4 days extra service W. M. Kiucaid, per diem, 1 day extra service " " mileage J. G, Fleming, per diem, " " mileage D, C. Reid, per diem, " i mileage H. N. Woodson, per diem, $2.'4.40 Distances traveled by the members of the Board iuiitteuding the sessions of the Kline: j .J 378 rail" 150 " 5G0 Horatio N. WoODSOX, Clert. Sept. 1st 1882. 29:4t. 8.00 28.00 J 2.00 7.VQ I 28.00 A 18.00 i -28HfK 28.00 I 28.00 ! J. G. Fleming, W. M. Kincaid, D. C. Reid, NOTICE ! The regular A urinal meeting of Stockholders of the Diitcb Creek MiaiM Comnnny. (which has Ueen piisiiiouw will be held in Salisbury, N. Thursdav, Oct. lUth, 1882. ' . J. J. Xewjiak, C. a LO.O t. Secretary. j 1 i !! 4, 1 i f. l:4t-pd. TOBIAS LYERLY, Exr.

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