I f : " 1 t- Li i I i i t m 'HAVER. & AR'SY" - - . . .1.. - 1.1: Tfrelent their coiubuwhw io.uw r-f, rnw Ko'HVtriAt if their Es- Sjit. It is complete m all the re- Horses, uiiggios, A5D ABK COXFIDjiSST Or UiyiA3 I 8ATISVACTIOS. fiDecial nrovision anil favorable rates for B4rding and keeping horses. . ' rovers will quJ ooa Mails anj pueus lit lur place. " " " i . , 1 ineckl accommodations for the benefit dfiiomniercial Travelers. j i. a C:tf . - i v ..7 4, j. ,5 J S(ip PRIZE. TDRHIPJEED. -I i ; - . he best Market variety in the World. joints of e?ccellcncej;s Z " t ias no eual fr root or Salad. I$ioJiices Sittad two weeks earlier -than itMVt - ,oy tjer iina. , , oleets do not injure this as thoy do other -1 " i aricties. ! fl 14 " rf :" L- ..... ;'. .V... .. trodacc3 - wore tiiaa iinan any onier 1 l 4 . i - Turnip. j m'u the best Turnip for Wnteruse,in the i , if I anarkpt. - I inonlyat j lavj J. .If. EXNISS' Drug Store. j Otlici Varieties' 01 UUilP SEED at , J. H. ENNISS; IT STANDS AT THE HEAD. f" THE LICHT-RUMKINO That it is the acknowledged leader In Itie Trndl-' j a faet that cannot be disputed f . MANY IMITATE IT, r KOE EQUAL IT! ; pie Largest. Armed, . i li' ' .The" Lightest Running I The Moiit 'Beautiful Wood-work..1 AND IS WARRANTED To he made of the best material, f . " o do any and all kindnHf work. si' 'To be complete in every reci,' " g for sale hv 1 I f- PERNHARDT.BROS., . -J Saltliiry,.j Agnt?, wanted in unoccupied territory, t ..- AddreM, j . - . ' Domestic Sewing Machine Co, '4ily . I KlCIlMOXD VA. MP 'CYWPTOM3 OF A 4 TORPID LIVER. Xioea of A: Uovrou coeltva.f&in in the Hea -with a dull sensation Id the Dart,-.rain rata or mo onouiaer to 8b bld, fallnea after eating, with a dlsin rrnatlonta cxortioiV- of -body or. mind, , - T m1.kilt r.f tflmnri 'Tjm aniinftf. wif.H T Pe feeiruc of havin?t nejclectecUfiome duty, LWeariness, Uinsloest, luuenng at mo, , , f Heart, DeU before tho eyesw Yellow Skin, i. Jidach generally over tJie right eye, . I EcBtlessnesa, with tXul dreams, highly 1 colored Urine, and - CONSTIPATION. I ii L such eaaca, one doae effats puch a change f of fecline as to MfiiiaU the surlerer. Ther IxrrrmH th Appt-Mte. and cause th body to Take nenli. ttiua the syU-m is atkrialMt. and by their TMtl Aetloai on the DI-cMiT Onrans. Brrnlvr Mm1 sra pro array Ml- X.Y. I'M S t Obay Hatsor WnrsKKRS changed tosQtorar . t i iiLACK oy a nngienpiiuciuuu i iaia uii. mm- pvrti natural color, acts instantaneously, Bold Ly Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of tU OFFICE. S3 IfCRRAY ST- KEW XOBB. KEW fOBS. I ! ttr. Mil 8 KASCAS T Valwihl WhnnUaa u4 j I I lEMfkl Imli vUtSs ailM .EX aa iHlwltaJ I SEEDS SEEDS Forth MERC ri 5T n. . TIC 4 - S " " If railfiff MgrPEDlGBEESEEDS: For tne market GARDENER For the PRIVATE FAMILY CrOVVn by OUrSQlvftg on our own Farms CTIlandsoine lUastraXed Catalogae and Uaral Register FRfil TO AT.T. axEECtlANTS, SEND CS YOClt BVS1XE8S CARDS FOU TRADE MST. V ) DAVID LANBRETft&SOJjS.SSED QROWERS.PKSLADELPHIA I , 16:1 jr .. ' t : : I l ! : - " 1 ' 6 HSfUcMKSt l naye usea jiiuiumittn mm lojiic in niy practice, sndla sn cxncricnce of iBfiv TrtVlH 1wv. In flLinv IVLM' Cf MirVOUS l'TOKlntlnii. Vomsla ftli IvhTm..!. . itrenir-BTe years in mauKm. iuiw iuhou snytaiDX u inve Ui rusiirts that Da. IL -' v - - v - - r . povcTl3hel comilUon of the blooU, this rerle - -case tliat nave na.: jci aonieoi vurmwiwu'i 1 rtrpscrlrtc it In nreference ST. Ini 11 fp flnr t tth ItUxxl. natural hraWt fill tone to lite tlirftip orffnn-t ami nerrott vf,timfci7 r" arr!ltit.!&to GpnTal J)ettill!0i Los A rtjtr titc, I'rwitratinn of Vital J ouff-r ami JmnotMe. tiAKUFACTURED-BYThE DR. HARTER Professinal Cards. ,1 t McCOHKLB ATTOBKPYS A KDtCU MXLC JiF, -. - . Salisbarv, .N. ci j 0O(&c oa Coooril Slrele opposite the j BlactHE!Hat'EfiiiteODi attorneys, Oouuselof s I - ii knd Sollcitorp, I 4"? ft SALISBURY, N' C jaony22!S7t4tf.r 'if8 KJSllBCBAlOg, . j t. rt rri.EMEXT. li CRAIGE & eiEMIflT, 4 V4 Z B. Vaxce. II. HilUCY i VANCE & BAlt'lYf ATTOltNtyS AND COl " !-'' f- I SEIZORS, j CH A BLOTTER Ki 1 Pr-iciife in fini.rtme (lourl of the United 4.ieu Snnr.mp Coiirl ;6f North .CroHna, federal Court, and Conntiwojf Mecklenburg, Cabnrrue, Union, Gant'on. Kowfn and J)avid bn. - g0u.Oflfce,,"two doors at ollndepen- Iff DISPEHSflRY. Zitilllshoi 1847 at 12 M.ti Street ST. tOOTi ICO. THE rbrnicians in charge of tW old and wU known institution re regular graduatfi in medicm u4 JiAmlo iae brid their akUl nd abdity o much uperior to that of $h ordinary practitioner, that they bar acquire a national reputation Uirougn tbeir treatment of rom pi icatrt ca w. ' r INDISCRETIONorEXPOSUREod ii ' nvTi y - amfa J.5 f: focuuua of lue bluttU, akiu oe bouea, U eatea wits ano csss, without nMii? Mrctiryor Poionou Medicine. YQUNfi MEM tboie of middle wh are tjjt" suffering from the etfecta of a SZold "iiat uuiiu iu icti:nt (or buainess or marriage, rmancntlT rnrpn. nt-mo.jrare ezpenoe. A Liit of qoettion. to be uswered ty ptlwitt deuring traauaeat MsiUJ Itm tn r kMkm m aiibticatioaJ 4 Ora acVrriae froa Rnpturt tAoaMteei tbclr lMrM,V BtBdlrarakarthietotlM'iramtagn. Ith Mta trmt.ff r rftimi irti-wlncl)r eotiMentiar, 4 ihoold be addrenei BUTTS. Vi North Mh Rlt. L Loala. Me. 7W ! FROBT PBESEBV1HG (25 Gts. Per Bo.t.) This is the most econoiiiica and the purest Jt saves j ' powder on the in ar ket TIME AIID LABOR. For sale" at J0IIN II ENNISS'. FruitJafs! Fruit Jars! JUST RECEIVED and ilust be Bold ! - . i . . One-lttlf Gullons and Quarts at and ;fl.25 per dozen, tvhieh I w ill sell 'cheaper than any one in town. Also XLuer Higns and 8631111; Wax, for Jars. Call and see at ENNISS'. I) On Draught, L On Ice, 1 . V I(i Bottles, And by the Gallon, at DRUG STORE ' Next to BinghaiuV LAflPS AND I CHIMNEYS REDUCED AT The Drug Store Next fa Bipgbam'. J Sweet Oil,f anner a Oil, Eiu4r4 Oil; At Drug Store uet q BinghamV. NO TIC E J JOHN FU EAGLE. fashion Able - A BOOTi and i SHOE Invites vour attention to 'his shrp, opposite t 'imk... ' l ;; ! .i. .. .tiayur d vuu r. Awrpuii tug iieany anci uiompi ly doner All grades f gepds made to order Oct. lst:'81:tf. '! " - I. ESTABLISHED t -Ci NINETYeiCHT VEisSiWl H ANT eLLiU,w.lt!a'! SEEDS JL Combination of '. toxid e of.Jro, Peruvian l pfUtUHtIS fornK 2 nlri vrroamtion of iron that will not blacken tho torthfOo charmcteristlenf ninrr trim preparations. )Ui1il inVthin hi irtvA .jU. ),. tm llaisrt ufd r s.mvw J "In I rrt is i. Mill Ml mi" rentctly. Its In my naix!s, maiie some wosTierful cures. 5 a w u POWDER IateI OK ISilWL LAMP EB1CE8 MAGffIHE OIL .loetwiinent lliy&iriaiu. ha.v a teldt-,1 to ii rfi innmn... 1 ny iron rtreDsrsiion made, in rn-t- pa. EOULKT 8AM Ul Mo.. Nov. 86th. 1S?1 1 1 S1(M Wash AvraM. MEDICIUC C&ZU N. it AIM $TM ST. LOUIS. a --. i : .j...- .. r . .1 ! i . Doming in every day at NEW FURNITURE STORE. i Maih Sir. Next Door lo J. .fe Btis& 1 ' . ; ; j COMlii TO THE , i i And pt eyerytliini you M. the 1. WEST Fsraoei ALL MY Were inspected in person at prices, and warranted tb be of the latest low as any House in the A llice Cflttap Chamber set for only Fine sets for - Fine faliiit sets, Marlle Tops, only ri i 1. 1 Handsome -Parlor sets for - Cheap Beds Snecial terms made with country merchants who want cheap Beds in one dozen ant mlf dozen W. I3F"! will also have on hand Undertakers' goods all at the-lowest prices at 40:3m War in Hoitfe (Oairolma ! i FIVE THOUSAND CUSTOMERS W. SMITHDEAL IS NOW BATTLING with all the surrounding Towns and Cities in North Carolina against high prices on Engines, Boilers and Mining Machinery. Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Wheat Drills, Buggies, Phfetons, Carriages, Spring Wagons, Double, and Single Harness, Atlas and Giant Powder, Blasting Caps, Double Tojiped Fuse, Electric Blasting Machines, Blasting and Rifle Powder. I wilt sell vehicles for cash, nntil manu facturers' prices ad vanoe, at the following low prices, to wit : Open Buggies with Har ness complete front $50 to $140. Top Buggies with Harness complete from $65 to $200. I keep in rtk vehicles manufactured by the following well known firms: Columbus Buggy Co., Columbus, Ohio Whitney Wagon Co., Syracus, N. Y. : Emerson Fisher; Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; Scchlcr & Co., Cincinnati, ; ;i i : MACHIHEEY HANUPACTUEED BY I Beckett A MoDowL, New York. Glbb & gterrett Manufacturing C, Titusville, Pa. Jsaes Leffet 4 Co., 8prlng-fleld, Ohio. Skinner A Wood, Erie, Pa. , GeUs Mau2aclurlQC Co,, Waynesboro, Pa., Btcktord M. Hoffman, Macedooe, If. T. ' , i D4TI9 Skwiko MjlCUIs COMrMNT, WaWtown,New Yortu RepauM Caenlcaico Philadelphia, Ta. , Hazard Powder - "OFFICE UNDER MERPNEY'S "WAKE ItOOMS UKDER MEKOKEY's OPERA t - ! . i f ! A SI Q aiSS A GOOD WASH IXVENTED T. J. MERONEY, . TTTTQ II 1 nnnm .... "Jr i - - ..s a. P,am woolen ! .-A J r P,PW-,n " UHtom for the admission of steam, with corrugate4 Roler, ini wl JnTrDleia1' anl' 8,acient wight. This Roller gathers the air? while pass Szl ?: yd frth over the clothes, forcing air and water through the fabric. At same nf thnl nl ia ron UP the ?&t2fc? tint- 8tnPS Tim .a. i A .i5.trfT.-iT MUTie:J "e can operate the machine. First, soap the clotjies and distribute them cenly about four or five im-lins ti,5,.ir .1.- i, . ter to coTcr themtarn on steam, ami thn i nr tl, r ""1 lbe dihe tcr pass ofil Add fresh water, and repeat thia iSw. L -Rp4 JOU, ?"d the lothc8 are thoroughly washed without tM lt m t:!X ,S n0 rUbbl.DS Procesa emPloycd, the Roller living rounded so 2 pr5layJCa,r- t,ng- A ,ace hindkenrfcief can be washed aa well sa bed 5 uE'!111?! 19 ,n operation at Meroney & Bros. Machine Shop, wbire they " "L:"rlUI!U A1 3 Smal! a cSt lZ -j j ?r Huc J macnines at w.c -ut ut jicu wasn women in oue day and do the work betteri is a splendid thing for boiling S3E7 xi. is s gpoa woot-washer. Sjfi3tatt and County NEW STORE : ' want in tie Faraitnre line GOODS the Manufactories, and lought for cash at the lowest- "styles and best quality, and . will be sold as country. Come and get $25.00 $30, $35, anil $40 --$55 $40, $50 and $75 at 83.50 a full line of COFFINS, CASKETS and R. E9. DAVIS' New Store. WANTED TO JOIN THE ARMY! 11 Ohio; Davis, Gould & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Atlantic Giant Powder Co., N. T. ! Company, New York. OPERA HALL. j HALL ASD BOYDEN nOUSE STORE, MAJN 8T., SALISBURY, C. i ,W. SMITHDEAL. AT B.AS. AND PATENTED BY SALISBURY, Nl C. tank lined with copper or galvanized iron, perforated pipes underneath from the bottom tbC Pipt8 8 ltf "P,ect. them a1d fora ' : mm - u ua rn. rJTi. .1. ...... as possible. Any one haying a steam bpiler in small cost; and with satisfactory results. One grain and vegetables for stock. Dr. Ilevrson " asserts that ihe com-r - as - s ' y sa I mon gpnrrow is li:Ule to nave snmll l i ..,.., pox and is capable ot communicating hat disease. The transit of Venus will occur on the 6th of December, J882. It will not occur a train "before A. D.. 2005. It has' not occurred but four times in the last two hundred and fifty years. It occurred in 1631, 176i; 1769, and 1874. There were but eight years be tween the occurrence in 1761 and 1769, and there are but leight years between iU iM.-currence in! 1874 and 1882. It will be visible all albnir the a .t?- .1 ... ' Ti III I.!-?.. i I Auaiiuo siope. ai. wiiiwgui ai quw- ter bast 9 o'clock. A Mi and con-: tinue until Z o'clock, P. M. It will fookTike a small spot on the face. of ine sun. - l ne event excites great in terest in the astronomical iwofld. if alarta. Chills and f FeTeri and Bullous attac: poHltlTely eared with Emory's Standard Cure Pills an uuauiDie remeay : neTrr iaus to cure ine moei obstinate, Ion? standing cases where Quinine and an outer remeaits uaa laueu. , 1 ney are preparea expressly for malarious sections. In double boxes, two kinds of Pills, containing a st rong cathartic and chill breaker, sugar-coated; containing no Quinine or Mercury, causing noiplptng or purging; they are mua ana emcienu certain in tneir action ana n arm less in all cases ; they effectually cleanse the system and give new life and tone to the body. As a house hold remedy they are inequaled. For Llrer -complaint their equal is not known ; one box win have a wonaenui enecton tne worse ease, xney are druggists everywhere, or st-nt by mall, 25 and M Cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 cents, standard Cure Co. ill Nassau Street, New York. :iy FOR SALE BY J. H. ENNISS, THE NORTH STATE LIFE AND NUPTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SALISBURY NORTH CAROLINA. Chartered under the Laws of JCorth Carolina. Sill axxcl TVrAPAT. $1,000 TO $5,000. Ii J. D. McNEELY, : President. SV.T. LINTON ...Vlce-i'ies'tand Gcnl Manager. JAMES M. OKAY Secretary. 4. SAMUEL McCUBBINS, Treasurer. Dr. JOHN WHITEHEAD Medical Director. Hon. J. S. HENDERSON ...Legal Adviser. Refer to the Bank ami business men of Salisbury. Reliable, energetic hical and traveling agents wsuitctl everywhere. For plans, terms to agents, blanks, and any information whatever, ADDlSbhS JAMES M. GRAY Secretary. :):tf SUBSCKIDE FOR THE CI? AC LIXA WATCHMAN, ONLT 81.50 PER YEAR. L CW. Y. Pakkir, ate of Warrenton, N. C. W. C. Kark. Late of Elecambj C PAR KER & CARR, Cotton Con. lercftants Coknkk Fayette and Water Streets NORFOLK, VA. Business and Correspondence solicited. 43:4m:pd HARDWARE Agent for the GAUDWELIj THESHER, D. A. ATWELIi. n iicn YOU WAST I II A 11 D W A li E At Low Figures Call on the undersigned a,l!io- 2, Oranii Ron, 9 ! D.A.ATWELL Salisbury ,N. 0., Jooe8 tl. .! n C QT baslness now before the public D LO I make money faster at work for Toucan t work for us than at anything else. Capital not needed. Ws will start you. six a day ana upwards made at home oy tne miustnous. Men,; women, ooys ana tans wantea everywhere to work tor us. Now Is the time.- You ean work in spare lime only or eive your wnoie Ume to the business. Y'ou can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay Iby engaging at oncei. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made last, easily ana nonoraDiy. Aaaress 6 tbik & uoc, Augusta, Maine. Hohnbr School Y Oxford, 1S C. The next session of this sthcol will begin the second Monday in January. j For circular piving terms ui.d other partic ulars, apply to the principsda i J. H. & J. C. IIORNEBi. 10:ly . j Pfl! fl Oreat chance to make money. Tliose who uULUi always take ad vantage of the good chan ces tor inakiue money that are offerei. generally become wealthy. hlle these who do not Improve sucn cnances remain in poverty, we want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work pro perly from the flrst start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wattes. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You ean devote you whole time to the work, or only yourspare moments. Fall information and all that is neeoea sent rre. ; Address Stinson Co., PQrTiand, Maine. Anna week in your own town. $5 Outfit free FROM -.-30?&3- itQUNo risk. Everything new. Capital norrre- qulred. We will furnish you everything-. Many ma Kiiij? fortunes. i.aaiesmase as mucn aa men. and boys and girls make great pay. Header, If you want a business at which you can make great pay all tne time you work, write ror particulars to 1 (3 li. Uaixktt at uo.. roruana. sunft it I A miirrly New ul pautivcly Scett. h fnr ftas Hiecd mat wnim w. of Seminal Kmiaaioua and 1m potency by Uw only ra ni, lHr 1 Apxrc t ) o m t iwiiim. tw mm tl Ubc HMi m imiiii f um-.ii iMaffcn wiik Um ninury fti -t Mr. in I . mm im kt, w, M H ii mt .luii mm W tkia fxiH& trrmam mow, emmtmm r ic mj U. IMnl Ii W WHtf I' I I 1 1 I ni l na M la. MM 1 1 Ii). ft !T hf al. mrtM rW mm .111 , gmm fc.P r-iil m in" .in. ! nmmm mm mm mmmmmk mm mmf mmm mm w mwmi t fmmm Hi ill. mmm mm Vtnli mt mm. mmmm mm il. aMWkiaw HARRIS REMEDY CO. CHEMISTS, Msrtrt al WtS Str-t. T. LOCI. MO. nfPnTTnill aB-n--aaaiaaaM IUIII fJfOIJf.S a (i rM. Fnr PamphlaU sod Pries TIA0CMMK Nsvwv w nriTTriii:-iiiir uui lUiiibiMiiuiriiin The Color and Lustre of Youth arcrcstor ... Y a ... i sj- ..m I. m I.m Atn'k . t? .. r " "3 u . kera Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing htgh ... ul i ly esteemed forits perfume and purity Printinq Office JF'or aSIaZc o a bargain, - C. IL BRUNER, - China Grove. N.C. 33tf Iltff.ft ,-nsi ! n nan nnn WtSTERII II. b. RAIL ROAD. office gkx. passkxgji agent. - ' ' 1 - ' 0v.. . vr n a,U.10l, lOOO j, xi. y, v,wuw aui, auu. . SCHEDULE. jF.,Sfln l : STATIONS. Arrive s.45 r m ....Salisbury Leave 10 a x " 4.SS BUtesvUl.... Airlv7.t f 8.09 ....Newton " 8. . ....niekory . , - t.r5 i " ....Morganton.... ; ".10.4S 11.5 A KT...:MarTon "; 11.49 I lt.w - Black Mountain.. - l.ss cm t M .M ....A&bevUle s " . Leave cm m Warm springs.; . .-.44 s " .oo " ....Pigeon River..! Mi " ' - - . ,' ' .'k Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with R. & D. R. R. from all points North and South and from Raleigh. Connects at StatesylUe with A. T. & O. Dlv. ol C. C c A. it. R. Connects at Warm Springs wlth.E. Tcnn., Ta. k Ga. R. R. tor Morrtstown and points South-West". Train No. 2 Connects at Warm Springs with E. T.Va. & Ga.ILR. from Morrlstown & the South-West. Connects at StalesvUle with A. T. O. Utv. of C C. A. R, B. and at Salisbury with R. D. R R. for aU points North and East and for Raleigh: Through Tickets on sale at Salisbury, StatesvUle, Ashevllle and the Warm Springs to all principal cities. J. B. Macmurdoj Audr. G. F. & P. Agt. a North Carolina Railroad. CONDEN SED SCHEDULE. TRAINS (iOINQ EAST. Date, Air.- 30, ls82 No.: 51 s Ko. 63, Daily. Daily. 4.00 a.m. '4.40 . m. 5.53 " 6.24 7.20 " 7.3a " 8.00 S.Oti " 930 " . 11.47 " 12 26 1.40 .m 405 6.30 - - Leave Charlotte.... Salisbury s I f ;rl Vmnl . 'e." - - 'Greensboro.... Leave Greensboro . Arr. HillsUro...... ' Durham " Raleigh. Lv. " Arr. Goldshoro Ho. 17 Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro 5 00 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 1.51 a. m. . ArriveatUohlRlwro 7.0 " No. 51 Connects at Greensboro with R. fc D R. R. flr all points North, East ami West, . . m -s s t . 1 1 via. Danville At uoituiniro whii n.os R. R. for Wilmington. Nr.. 5.1 Connects at Saliabnry with W. C, It. R. for all points in Western N.Carolina; daily at Greensboro with K. L. lv. rv. lor ai Kint North, East and West! TRAINS GOING WEST. Date. Feb. 19, 1S82. No. 50. Di.ily. No. 52. Daily. LeaveCJoldsburo . Arrive Raleigh Leave " ' Arrive Dnrharp ... " HilUboi Greens! ro.. Leave 10.00 a. m. 12.20 pm 3.55 " 5.0G " 5.46 " 8 05 " 9.15 9.50 " 0.40 a. m. 10.10 " 11.21 " 1.00 Arrive High Piont ' Salisbury.... Charlotte.... -11.12 . l.lOi.m No. 18, Daily ex. Sunday-Ly . Goldsb'o 2.50 pm Ar. Kaleigli V.iu pm Lv. ' 6.00 am A r. Greensboro 3.15 pm No. 50-Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points in the South and South west, and with C. C. & A. II. R. for all points South and Southeast. ' No. 52 Connects nt Charlotte with A. &C. Air Line for all point Smh and Southwest; at Charlotte with C. C. & A. R. R. with all point South and Southeast. N. W. N. C RAILROAD. No. 52 DaiJy, ex.Sudav. Going West. No 50 Daily. Lv. Greensboro 9 25 p 1041 " 1125 " 9 50 a m 1041 " 1135 u Ar. Kernersville " Salem No. 51. Daily, ex. Sun. Goiko West. No. 53. Daily. Leave Salem 515am 5 60i M 7 00 " 6 00 m 6 40 " 8 00 " Ar. TvernersTille " Greensboro STATE UNIYERSIfY RAILROAD. No. 1. Daily ex. Sun. Going North. Leave Chapel Hill .. Arrive Universitv.... 10.40 a m 11.40 a m No. 2. Daily ex. Sun. Goisg SoUTn. ArriveUniversitv 12.10 p m 1.00 p m Arrive Chapel II ill ... Pullman Sleeping Cars without Change On Train No. 50, New Ybek and Atlanta via. Washington & Danville, and between Greens boro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Clarlotte Washington and Charlotte via Danville. BgThrongh Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, Southwest, West, North and .bast, tor immigrants rates Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest, address A- POPE. - Gen. Passengei Agt. 21jly Richmond, Va. History of Kownn County" BY KET J. KCMPLK Copi-R f this interesting book may Le lutd of T. F- KLLTTjr, TllKO. UUERBAUM or at the Watoumak Oflice. SALE-VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. are ON Monday the 6th day of November at the Courthouse door -in Salisbury, I sell that valuable property known as RITZ propertysituated on 31ain street the town of Salisbury. Terms of sale : Thepurchaser will one-third of the purch&fNnoney as soon the pale is con fanned, and he will have credit of three and six months for the other t wo-thirds, with interest from date of sale at 8 per cent. , ! i Biddings will be opened at $1,653 10. Title win jereservea until all the purchase money has been paid. ; , JOHN U IIENDERSON, Com'r. Sept. 28th Till sale. ; 1 ':-:-,"rf.'q p IP8" -'--sjviil' orden AL Work First Class SevenieeuV ars vl perience. AU Material of the best grade, and woiV done in the latest styles. i Ready made worJ always on hand Rairlmr neatJy and promTTtly done. Orner tv maHnromiiu VALUABLE LA ND FOE MILE! j I will sell upen the pn mi.es, at public aoje tion, on the JOth day of O. tober, 1882, (hit valuable tract of land heretofore known ai ijie John McConnaughy Place, I Nine miles we6l of Salisbury on the Lincoli - ton road, in si;lii of the Thyatira churches miles north of C'ct't ord and witliinj miles the West N. C H;ii'ro;td and llie ji ie die tame from the liu i:ni;inl and Dtrjvi.ie Rail- road, lias tract ui. tains 610 acres; 85 acres of which is first rate boltom in cultivation. There is on the tce a good dwelling houce ham and all other iucess:iry ont buildlnjrn, i, in a good neizhlMuJiHd,i-onveni nil tochurcli.- es, mills, Ac. It isdiviihd into four part follows : The Home! place, containing lS7i acre?, ;38 of which is bottom. Lot No. 2 i-ontains 92i acres, S3 of which U bottom. I No. 3 contains CO acres, 15 of which in lot- ' torn. All tnese lots have houses and v el In of good water on-lhem, U . Io. 4 contaurs ou acres. ' IV rsons.wixhing to examine--the rronehv will call on me on the premises. TERMS: One-third cash dawn, one third in 12 months -and the remaining one third in 18 months, with interest at the rate of 8 ier cent payable semi-annually. j. u.-.ict;uMSALiJin, ; Aug. 25, 1882? 'Mill Bridge, N.Cj. 40:Gt . ; wppiil The Representative Industrial Paper; of : North Carolina is a 28 column Illustrated j weekly. Every JSIineOwner, Farmer, Jinn- ! tifacturcr, Merchant and Inthistrial man' in ! the South should have it. Pays especial attention to North CJnrtdina's Mineral Re- sources and does full justice to every jde-j partment of our State's handicraft. Pkh e : $1.50 per year, j POSITIVELY IN. ADVANCE, i ADDRESS at once, EDWARD A. OLDHAM. I . - Editor and Projector. Wilmington, N. C. ex. i T 5 -. CD I 3 CD P o ' - CD OS 2 3 S -S-s a m o S r ? ? 3 - o ? ? g: 2 5 2 r - O (a 3 t-l 2 S. . o o x v. c r r " r ft S m i- rr. . m ft- - 55 ft s.r C0 ft - SB t OB C i; p 3 2.; p - , . ft - 3 '; X ft ft -t so V. it so? 2 :? li P d 3. ft 2 Sr S C ft o - . -5 " - 3 ft J J Oi bS 5 C S c o S 2. K S. 89 ft 3 p a.2 - 2 2.15 i SftO C LT. X ; o R.J o SB ft CB P B O P 2 a -1 r c ft 8 1 -H K o D O S m BOLAND CHILLED PLOWS; THESE rLW Inivc funine chilW iifiiiiii Imnrrl. n.lr On. Y? r- hard.f ! Having the jtt- revitrslMe lir reiintn. thry are ihe bl rsssisf and ttui et'ouutuical, to lit farnn-r, of any rK ittsdv. j' ' 6IIAMPI0N I to GRAIN DRI ThU IriH fon- ft--d dl'trt1 tors for txitli ! aMdsr"1 M--d,M Iih hf only fw ti iz-r aiiai hei 1, mi tt iiiiio-rttckr pllOrplUlf. Ill tin implci, ligliiit ruiinftig and t Orin im British' mixture. V This ce ibrateu Fertilise if .1-.. 20L LBS.l gained iu gn at lpularii) r-' BR,T,SHJ on sccouiU of the frier, but '.IIXTUREI caue its effect, are urn- next, feB.WrrM!ll and it has been found to p SAXTiMonri . ,. will ..a.. VmrHlimrX f'T the M. 5"- - o a s. s 2 c ft 5 m. QC " - LL paid than can be prfxrured,ro " ; B. B. WHITMAN, '- Hffice sim! Salesroom, ; No. 104 S. Charles Street, .BALTIMORE, MP. ! MAKUFACTUBER Of i i A griciil tuT af Spccialtie ' " 4 i:ini in nav as a t r ! j! it If il rights for sale by the Iuyeiitor. 9:tt i - 'I f 111 i ' ' TUft . : t

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