'- -i ' - ! - --- - ; ' - . - ' - - - . i . ;-- .! ".' - 1 - ' . i -: - - i j- . . .- ; . t - . - i . - . : - - 1 . i " . f f - . : . . - - I . J f fii - t 1 1 5 i 1 THURAY. NOV. 2. 1882 NEW TKK3IS. Prom and ate the 1st flay of January, the sabfelSptiou price of the Watch- 0 year .tmtit ilelaved 12 months 2.50 ... . ftLiiis fnnlaof 2 fool i wood AViViSTT- --s .rt Valchman Office. REGISXtR ! Register 1 !. iwnhratsl Bhould I make ;sure "that their! jiames are duly reg- istered. ' Agistor for the State election orfllse you may. ndt be Allowed to kote next1 week. f the oetitions to : Y Dal una ,ju?""'' b&Te the Post1 office moved to a more onitable nlace l 0.H. Dockfry aivd Dr. Mot t passed tlirpugh this Ji ace Monday ight or Tues- brug East. o . j j The innorfcditoroi mis i-apci junDrfcditorof.tIns paper nas becu sick ajaj week wliicb will account for sbort-conuf gs in lus depai tuicut. o ! I I Receipts fp 1882, from Sept 1st to r..f lc J.it) I)ilIC.. nil lo me nauro ii"" . i a . 1 a I last year wai ;p50f over two huudred be 'i Jand, but the irron will: be lamer tins year than last 1 - f -o- The State&Villo Democracy are going a D-rjiMl rallv on the 3d to-nior- isi. . c ti v...,i thn - Railroal, apd I those spirited Democrats iwn -r- j . i I. Ivrtlinil :LI1II litiU 13 U-" wv i of Iredell wanf every body to come and hear Vance afefl Bennett. 1 ' ' -i?S 1 I - Wlien yon Mrite to an 'editor -"Please k( vnnr n.aoer " don't write ou a postal, biit send a j letter witli six cents in stampB enclosed-! His pajier, or dinarily, is worth five cents and the post age oue cen t, m say notliing of the trouble of packiug anil mailing. -o- E. Ji. McLaughlin and Pink Hall, both well known piattels in) the republican party, have apceutly been converted to liberalism, anu were'ont together at Chi na Grovewon alpolitical mission, Monday even last. Ia there a negro in that town- ilnn.fiiol enolfch to be jfooled by 6nch i j t , ageuts. ' It is now Absolutely certain that the colored votersiof , Rowan will split their - tickets between York anij Cook. We be lieve Mr. CooW will win at this boxrand probably in; the county; but Robbins will net more votes than both of them put together, by several hundred. : . iH-0 h" ' The vacautjpt ; next to National Hotel was sold las(; Monday at public sale W. Sioithdeal beijpg the pnrchasher at $1,675. He also bought the lot at! the depot from Traylor's Eating house to HuflTs black smith shop for $1,750. Glail to see it in the hands tof n enterprising man. o i- J)r. Juli Last week us Ifrang, Dr. Her- I niann Kobold and, their assistants, Adolf Marca8e nndJ,riederick Karl passed our town ou their! way to Aiken, S. C. These gentlemen are sent there by tho German government Mo 'Observe tho transit ot Venus on the, 6th of December next. o Mott's tcTeirams to Mr. Foil of Cabar rus Countyf have created quite a pro found sensation and uncovered some of vthe dark wajs employed by the Revenue Boss to gain iiseuds. Couipetent authori ty says thoe telegrams for , the Denjocratici par more telegrams Doctor. made 300 votes I stwi knuu I Help the d and feeble men who find it hard to get about, to reach the polls I next Tuesday. The young" men of the county" shoald go to the jpolls with bug gies, ready iq assist any such old persons who may desire to vote but cannot con veniently. rebh the polls. ! ine -reiivous meetings mentioned in our last as and Metho'i i going ou in the Presbvteiiau list chinches at this place, have lermpited for Rev. Mr 1'dnick occumed the niilnit f u,w xirsoyrnan church from Thursday , - as. unui Joesday nightJ We have sel -.u.tuViV i.uwfiuu preseTHations of cosnel Idths tl lau yrcie administered by him.' No Frost -The in on of October, ..ffent out jtenderest 4'fthout -ft. froH to .kill the lants: no time during . the inAiwnr. fallen bflow Atl T -leaves of trees are falling .ncruised by frost. Flower . j wcgrces. but it is - bu. uens ar still beautiful, the roses es pecially . mdijp perfect ami more delicate ,than at aul f lime during snrinc or sum mer. 6eo. Mooft'l a colored -o- jfel low -citizen o -vvuuiy.M uaston, was the man who wie Mf. J. H. Howard's horse aud bnrr. gy, as adviltsed in this haner last wmi i4 llp fled ;f6 f tlby, N. C and was there jested and pat in jail. . He tried to sell uugg and harness for $30:1aud in order 4fA fo;i:- ii.. " , - . if me Baie lorgeu a -y clumeaicertiiicate to prove that he fa the liglitful owner of tlm nm.rf. . ttRinr. l..JiJ.Jr.J: - i . . 1 t s. " luo "?es oi several citizens of Sal isbury t.;.i) i . i, ' , ...v.. ntiuiu ue nau some acqoain - r, ,u,e 'i18 -Property; nor in safelv vuwuuctiqg She tllipF .n r. :... . x. . p r.! . " ion quuners in M KM a l T I I Trvv W ... AT . will conic Bxt Court TTJRN OUT AND I7EAR ! rri ii " r ' ... lis The following Democratic speakers Willi address the citizens of Rowan at the fol-1 lowing times and places: ! LUKE BLACKMER, ESQ At Gold Hill, Friday, November 3d. At Morgan's, Saturday, November 4th. At Leazeri& Lipe'e, Monday. Novem- berctiu XHEO. F, KLUTTZ, ESQJ At Hatter Siiops, Saturday night, No- Tember4tli7 At Rich'd Cowan's. Monday night, No- Tember A EF'Repnblican and Liberal speakers j are invited to a joint discussion. Let everybody come and hear them, i; . . . j J. W. Mauhety Ch'a Ex. Com. I -o ' m Ella Lee . infant danirhter of J. -W. naiumm Qr thiscit y, died on Tuesday List. i x I j o . ' ? J WoP Tt i. rtii tkt tf if Mr ti10f Cre n grandee Oyster supper at the Mondav niciit lasL , - I 1 1,6 Houngiii8iieu perauuugvB panicipa-i r ting were, Pink Hall, E. H. McLaughlin, D. L. Bi ingle, J. J. Mott, Dr. LW, Jones, Oliver II, Dockery and Dr. Howertpn. They were omi after -oysters. i i nnf PinV Hall and E. H. McLaughlin, (former! rads)t who at first took strong ground with the "sliaighout" republicans, are rcrr tecent coumrs to coaiinon. uon i -- r " : . know tD.it tuere was any trading aone on . ... t"s occasion, ana can't say mere was not- lr. Mott is said to be trying what virtue mere is in money to ruie ine At . A A 1 . voters ot tbe State. It is greatjy to be desired thati the people will show him that it cannot be done. Everett, Ithe republican orator who spoke in the coalition meeting in this plac3 on the 30th day of September, de clared that! he wanted to see the dav when there ihould be six negroes and six white men in every jury box of the State. Mr. Bingham, who was chairman of the meeting, and was nominated by it as the coalition candidate for the lower house of the General Assembly, no doubt ra members the Everett speech, for Lee Overman never fails to tell the people all about it Wo advert to it iiist now for the purpose of warning democrats in the far out comers of the county, that the rads have reversed the tlwng exactly: 1 liey have got it reported thatntlie demo- crats are ir favor of that unequal and I unjust composition of juries. Let those have the honor of the sentiment who are entitled to it. It is not democratic doc- 8 - o trine nor practice, that's all. S peaking at Franklin. Some of he County candidates, and Dr. C. L. Cook, the straichtout republi can candidate for. Congress, met about 200 of tho Jroters at Franklin Academy last Fridays; night, and addressed them. Mr- Overman made the first speech, and stated that he had given a special invita tion to his) opponent, Mr. Bingham, to 1 meet him there, but he had not; seen fit! to do so. He would make no new state-1 . j . men t in what lie had to say nothing I that he had not already said to his oppo- neutm former speeches. He then pro- ceeded to undress his opponent in hand-1 sme 8tJ,e-1 He wa8 followed by Theo. F. Kluttz, whom Dr. Ramsay, the coali tionists had also failed to meet. Mr. Kluttz does his work thoroughly, and his finish- ed iobs show for themselves. His effort " . ..- ... i-i ; the old man was fairly ready to burst, he I was so full a speech ; and he ; poured 1 it on York, jand nd the liberals, to the great - j ,., of the crowd, which was nmusemenij oi ui crowu, wnicu was thoroughly! democratic He made many I admirers at Franklin and it is believed I the colored republicans there will vote Courts, which are held once every , . - - throe months, we have not a siugle color tor him. 3 - ; .t ' i tt i Dcatli of Charley Gordon. The fuucral services - of Mr. Charles j Gordon took place from the Presbyterian church, of which he wes a member, Sou- day mormiig at 11 o clock. The Occasion was one for the general out-pom iug of tli'o people. The church, although !$ seats about 600 Hsreons, could not contain the . i m i i 1 x assemblage. Tlja services by the pastor were simple and brief, after a ; regular jsermou, by Rev. Mr. Penick, but Unusual- lv solemn arid impressive. ' Tho decoaied was a m..mW of tb T. ... -S was a member of the Frutcrnity. jfiIi8 hwy tho members ot the 1, ttuigma ui muuui, auU iuso 01 um wasouic was interred by latter Order, which turned out in large numbers iii regalia . ; to ; aud procession. -; Few events have happened which threw a deeper gloom over this comma- nity than the sudden death of Mr. Charles r , . Jy. ... . Gordon, engineer on the West. N. C. R. R., last Friday evening. He was high- ly esteemed; by our citizens for his unos- teutatious but solid virtues. But those who knew him most intimately are first . wti.ucij io iilov in sorrow and regrets at his sudden taking off, nnd most unqualified in speak- ing of his worth. In evidence of which we give the following from a friend of his iu Washington city : ? . ' i 'P.limnB Plinrf .!,,. I. ill 1 11 ...b.vi vuaii-o VJH1U..U kincMi i I win we imve in ine jury oox ueiore ceior and this is all the meution the brief d is- ed people can get justice t ti paicnes give imii. Jiut nis inends have more to say !" Among all the heroes whose names the genius of - History has traced upon: tho pages of Fame, no knight ot olden time e'er rode into the lists ciples of the glorious old Republican par wherc love Or honor called with braver I ty aided bg the nolle hearted liberals, who I of God." His fablU were few(j-hia ivirtiies nooii-day gnn the writer of this ias fol lowed fu&t and far where Gordon's engine knew. him well'. aim , since the great Condactor has tapped: the signal bell and Death has grasped the throttle of Lis life, may he find the j-j main track clear to the station up ' above,; .no dan ger signals flying on his laatij borne ran, the prayer of one who loved'liMn. , , J,; Oct; 30th '82. MINING INTELLIGENCE. T. K. BHUNZR MANAGES. It PAVIDSOX COUNTY MINES. What Prof. Hannah Reports of tome of the Largest Mining Property in the State. Prof. Hannah, of the assay office, has just returned from a rlsit to the mines of Davidson county. He gave the following reports to the Journal man yesterday : cokrad hill. ! i At this mine, bearing gold an4 copper fore, there are now 130 men at Work The shaft has reached a depth of ;2l)3 feet Five stamp 'batteries are constantly at work with necessary concentrating ma climory. Tho mine is also i fnrmshed chinery. 'Tho mine is also with a copper matte smelting furnace with a capacity of 10 tons per day; a cop- ner i reflnin?? fnrnao.fi. tnrnintr: nnf. tli ; , o( " 6i, firaaes oi copper mgoisj a roast- 1DS nea Wilu n capacity oi iuu tons, anu u,u wire-,,curH1 reveroeiaiory mrnaces. mi . i i '-i.i . a luereis hi so a pia.ni iur ine cnemicai treatment of copper ores, with eight so- tion tanks and leaching and precipita ting vats. This mine is operated by the Messrs. Clayton & Co., who also operate the Ore Knob Copper Mine in Asliecoun- , THE ORE KNOB. At this mine the managers report an output daring October of two tons of fine copper ingots per day. The dttpth of the shaft is now 400 feet and 3001 men are employed. This is probably the richest mine in the State. In 1870 it paid its stockholders $200,000 in dividends. The vein at points reaches a widthof 22 feet and, the cost of raising ere there during the years of 79, '80 aud '81 ranged from sixty to sixty-five cents. SILVER HILL. This mine is also in Davidson County. It has been worked to a depth of 650 feet, the second deepest mine in the State, Gold Hill in Rowan having been worked to the depth of 750 feet. Nothing i be- mg aone at tins mine now, as various .! lii ji mi .. uimcuiues are in ine way. i hp title is in some dispute, and although Prof. Han nah thinks that the north end of the prop erty may develop some good bodies of ore. the old vein is ninchinr out. It is owned by a Baltimore company. , SILVER VALLET. At this mine also in Davidson; County, the; usual force of about sixty men is at work. . The vertical depth is about 110 feet. Its operators have recently made a contract with Richardson & Co., of Swan sea, the great smeltjng point in Wales for: tho eutire output of the mine for three years, including what ore is already on the surface. THE EUREKA AND LALOR. At the former of these nothing is being done, at the latter a force of 68 men is at work and a depth of 148 feet has been reached. Prof. Hannah exhibits some beautiful nutrcrets from the mines of Montgomery - - - ; C7 V county which have been purchased by Prof. Hidden of the Alexander connty Emerald Mines for his valuable mineral collection. 'Char. Journal For tbe Watchman. Mr. Editor: I would like to call the attention of the citizens of Rowan to some extracts from a letter in the Wilmington Pogt, of recent date, written by a colored man oi aowan couuiy oy lue name oi . . 1 - nESDiKso?i. j.uiB letter cieariy snows, T 4- Y I V 1 t'llA aMUtyiVtTMAAtt AW IkA llVkf -- nublican-coalition. and should make ev- ery white man who is proud of his Anglo- Saxon ancestry, pause are we drifting T Hnd.r.n Sits "the iuiu aa) wiiiuier Henderson says "the colored people of the West," (North Carolina), "cannot get justice in our Courts. In the Inferior Itr liia . npmips r.n virtfil. nml nlrunva sent to the State prison. We have a lit tle showing in the Superior Courts, and a very little at that j we never have more than oue colored man on tho jury at a "i J T a J have gerved a8 jaror8; what thjnk you t)f this charge T Is it true that you perjured yourselves when you swore to try such causes as might come before yon and true verdicts render according"-to' the evidence ftnd the l&xff and appeal to high heaven to witness your promise! Henderson savs in effect, that you did, because you weit? enemies of the colored man, and not fat fcit in jadSnient on his St. And ye worshipfulJustices composing the i Court, wliat think ve of this asser- I tion t The golden scales of Justice have I been placed in your hands that you might wefgU out to every man white and wlor- edia just reward for his deeds. Have you done it t Hendersou says you have not. He says "the colored man cannot get justice in our Courts, and if this is true you are chargeable with innocent blood ; and are not worthy to occupy t!ie responsible position to which you have been assigned by your fellow Magistrates, It is a grave charge against you, and also reflects on every other Magistrate, and tht rvin?;n Tur Conrt8- ro jjut fnrther, Henderson says "Wo have a little showing in the Superior Courts, and very little at that," &c. Have the people of Rowan forgotten what TOWnie coiou juror aui in me cause jusuco nuu luuraiiiy ut n uiiu iiiu oi our Snnarinr Pnnt f 1 i rxvtr ni o rt ir c ti rli w. v l uui.i-. vyun tiwn ,u.t umvii J UI Ul a I il l ' ... . 1 . l r.L.-. Aut now comes the most; important part of this letter. Henderson says : "1 appeal to the colored men of the Old North State to rally one time more to the priri- Cr i I oww u&t ana lar wnere lioroone engine i r ; s? t ; i r i i i - p ' -- . . .. ; Jl I leli T IrtiAw him tiriA ! nine thm I " i'' ! ': 1 I '': I - '' " - I - ? -' ' ' 3":. J .-t iwu. 1 liuu uuuuu 1 uil muu AX WillU 1 Xili, i IliMl UA my I am pleased as it respects the Staple, son). tSPleaae note Ci . 1 ? i .: j ji. oaiisuury,:auu ine prices 1 now uave mm VARIETY op STYLE i AND PRICES Can suit every Taste Can please every fancy. Nice ana complete Line of all ?IIlTTn. UUlllIVUl., New Also, a large variety OOF SILK DOJLMAjNS, VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS, j CORDS, BUTTONS, &c, &c. All NEW, NICE land PRETTY. KID GLOVES, Also, CLOTH for Ladies, Children and Gents. HOSIERY By the wagon load. If you look at it you can't help buying, I cau fit and please almst any man or boy in the State in either SACK or FROCK SUITS, at prices ranging from $5 to $30 More OVERCOATS than ever before in Salisbury, from $5 to $30. J3gTKcep warm and live comfortably. are willing to come icith VS, and assist in giving back to the people the right to govern themselves," &c. ' "The noble hearted liberals" are thus re lied on to aid the party who slanders our Courts. Henderson appeals directly to the colored men and tells them that "the noble hearted liberals' are villing to help us. Help who t Why, the colored men of whom he is speaking. Help us do what t Why, get control of the gov ernment of North Carolina, both County and State. Ye "noble hearted liberals" what say you to the proposition ? Are you willing take "this man and brother" into full fellowship in tho affairs of a gov ernment founded and perpetuated by the best and brightest intellects the world ever saw T If you are he has marked out the way for you to accomplish that end, by assenting to his slander of oar Courts, and by puttiug him in power to meteing out justico to you and jour children. White "liberals" of Rowan, are you going to help Henderson to rob yourselves of the right to govern jour own County and State t If you are, vote the liberal ticket. It will be a revolution which no Democrat can take a hand, except to prevent it. They have struggled for years to establish wise and good govern ment. The widespread peace and pros perity of all our citizens, white and col ored, proclaims the success of their efforts from one end of the State to the other. The democrats of Rowan can have no hand in pulling down the work of years, that a few bad men many win office. ; H. SALISBURY Iff ARHT.T. Oct. 12th. Cotton, X10 Corn, new. so Meal Flour , Wheat Oats, 5 f2.5 2.50 .86 1.00 .40 .70 -T5 , .80 .65 . .25 .35 . .40 $ .45 .60 (4 .65 .04 s .06 ' ; .06 ax Kye Peas, ... Haj, ner loo ids Potatoes, sweet, insa Apples, dried, Peaches, " unpealed, pealed, . BUSINESS LOCALS REWARD! A package marked, plainly Mrs. II. T. Traiitham, containing 8 pieces purple brocaded and black silk nnd 10 watered silk, supposed to have been handed out with other packages by mistake. If re turned to Jones, McCubbins 6c Co., a suitable reward will be paid. SPECIAL NOTICE! We must ask our friends, to whom we have furnished cither, Fertilizers or sup plies,to note the fact that their accountsand notes are due on November the first and we shall expec6 prompt payment. If you expect future credit with us you will heed this notice. J. F. Ross. Oct. 25th, 1882. Apples, Cranberries and Cabbage at J. D. McXEELY'S. TUTT'S PILLS A SUGAR PLUM Tun's Pills are now covered over with a vanilla .uear coating, making them M pleasant to swallow as a little Husar plum, and render ine them agreeable to the most delicate atom ach They cure sick headache and billious colic. . a .ll They give appetite and seen to me uoaj. They cur dyepepeia and nourish the sys tem. ' They cure fever and ague, costiveneas, ect. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a box. 43:6m stoctc: ot h all and WintQr j- '. - i .'!.. ..:':!':-." i.i j . o state that the selection was made in person and with the Fancy and Notion departments, having due regard for! the season (in real that I have more Goods by several thousand dollars, than any Store in n ' it t i- J" I ': oi an graaes m any department exceeding reasonable. XD JJ t " VwB OP GOOD MATERIALS, GBEAT UU.UUU - 1 " -T Oil Cloths Tahle Damasi, Table Napkins, Towels, Towelings, i Counterpanes. and Staple colorings. of i I GOODS. Full Assortment in In Great .FALL STOCK, 1 IT is with pleasure that we announce to our many friends and customers, that we have just received the most complete and desirable Stock of. GENERAL MERCHANDISE i that it has over been our pleasure to exhib it. Beginning iu our basement you will find Two Car Loads of Bagging and Ties of the best brands, and at reasonable prices. DON'T BUY TILL jYOU SEE US! In our MAIN ROOM will be found the' largest and. bv far. the most desirable stock of DRY GOODS, Domestic Goods, Piece Goods, Notions Trimmings and many other goods you want and need, that is to be found in this part of North Carolina. In our Clothing Department, up stairs, you will find 1,000 Suits of Clothing, all sizes, and prices. Also a large line of 1 OVERCOATS. I In oar Boot and Shoes Department, , which is our boss department up stairs. will bei found a very large line of Goods, all stamed with our name and warrant ed. If they rip bring back the pieces and we will refund your money. Our Hand-made Boss Boot at &20 is the best Boot for tho price that is be found. In this department will be found a j; large lot of HATS and C APS, i ALL DESniABLE AND CHEAP. We have repainted and fitted up our for- m.r crrain rrwim over our wareuouse ana t- - opened in it A Large Stock of Carpets, Hatting, Biigsr;;Criimb Cloths, Carpet Linings, &c., &c i Also in this ROOM will be found a large and handsome stock of tadies's Cloaks Dolmans, Jackets, Silk Circles, tftc, c&c. In ouj? Warehouse will be found THREE Car Loads of Salt Bacon by the BOX. Sheetings, Yams and PUIds by tfce Bale, and many other goods. We have rented the store room adjoining J. D. McNeely and will buy your GRAIN, FLOUR, C0TT0X or other! PRODUCE, or Store It for you. With thanks far your many favors and an earnest intention to meet your continued confidence, we beg you to all and see us before you buy your OR SELL YOUR PRQDXJOE! J. F. EOSS, ; T. F. 70U1TG. A. M. Youxo, W. L Joicksoi., W. W. Gaijb, William II. Rice, N. B. McCakless, Cljcrxs. BLANKETS, HOOF SKITS ! 882 2 Goods opened land readv IPl.. I HI YiW ! - Large Stock-Prices to suit yott ! mm :3, &Q, wMte& colored. EQUAL TO THE Under Wear For gents, ladies and children, From 25 cts. up to $2 white. Also, Fell itoci cf Scarlet prices and size?. II. KEEPS HffiT The most HONEST goods made, and can fit any one in stock, or have made to order. Collars, Cuffs, Collar ail Col Buttons, Scarf Fins, &c, &c, New, SeautlfY&l, Olicap. Demand. THUG 1882. FIMJL vJyLr L M. S. BROWN'S EMiiPcDmniirMi? I am now prepared to offer to the public, one of the FINEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCKS OF GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET; EMBRACING Ready-Made Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, "Valices, A-iicl GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Special Bargains in Suits Dress, Walking and Business Suits. Ladies and Gent's Fine Shoes. Call and see that $5.00 Over coat. Warranted Boot for only $1.85. Be sure to see. these Gotd before you buy. I am determined to SELL CHEAPER than zmj one in town. for insnfp.t.inn nnrl snln! 1 " " . closest attention, both & MIS ! GOOD SOLID LEATHER,- WANTS OF EVERY CUSTOMER. 9 ) J. D. GASKILL. 1882. n rn uuuuu Via. M. S. BROWN. - i

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