r1 ho - iLiL w .1 VOL XI."-THISD SERIES . -A SALISBURY. H. Co! NOVEMBER 9, 1882. f i Tlie Carolina Watchman, ESTABLISHED IX THE YEAH 1832. fit . ,A tv . Tur . 5 ' remedies are rapidly! coliquenng s specific, and old fashioned j iilliia in regard to depletion as a means oil Ictfe, havefbeen quite exploded by thj excess of the great renovant which tones J th 8T8temj tranquilizes-the nefves, neu-i trllizts malaria, depurates aftd enriches i thl blood,- fsouses the liver when dormant, aril promotes a regular habit of bbdy. ; j !"!lf or sale 6y all TJrugeists and Dealer :L: hofnra th advance Of UL1 3 i geuciaujr. J. RirojiEs BKOW'E, TreS't. Wm. C. CO ART, SeCy. i I ; . 1 ,. AHoihe Company,Soeking Hoi&e Patronage. 1 Tcrn pojicifs written on Due iVcfiviums 4VyM)le Qne-Ualf calsh and bal nee hi twclvf months. J. ALLEN BEOWN, A?t., SCOQL BOOKS, SCHOOIi SUPPLIES ! K 3 F . novels And STATIONERY. llilllX OF TOUT EI. A (FTLKM ANi who su Hered for1. years frosii hb Decay. Ik.XetvouH DjKUirnTY. Prematie snaauiheetlectfjol youthlul imlisbretion, will for the fake of guttering: hunianitvJ send Ireejto i rect ion ftr ill wholneed It, the recipe and d making! t!ie siTnpie remedy bv m ticli he was ucred. ibuttertfrsjwisliiiic'fo nmfii l the ad . -v j " miiiii 10 jjioul uj lite au ertiserl expeHeitoe c:n do ho bv atdreRin;;n erfect tonlidehi-p. -JOHN 1). 00 DEN,! veruse 1 Cedar St New York .IffiEIfiER Til: DEAD ! -1 MOKUMENTS TOMBS, 61 EAT; REDUCTION TN lIK PKIOKH OF MarHs Monim3!its and Grave-Stones cf .Eety Description. tally :fnjvitq the public generally I edi t toljn in js'peetSjn of1 niv Stock and Work. I feel jiWtitiWi hi aWrting that iny past expei io all the ii v. . 'c u ruler ljvst-class wbrkmeu ih pewest and modern HtyU-s, and mat uie! yorki;tnsiip is cquaf to any ol itrte country. I di) not say korkis superior to allj others. 1 liable.1 will not i'nciri'hil in nr. the ugst that lliy nm rea( w tacfcoinvdish a sale. My endeavor is to pleiseand give each customer the val-' -ne of yty dollar they leave with me. lPEIC35 fo 50 Per Cent CHEAPER. tll'U eerovied in this town before. Je tfrsend for price list and do-. . wgii8.f S;iisiatiou guarant'd or no charge. : The-eictioliof nrarlde is thilast work f respeci whfch we pay to the meinory OiieparledJIiendsi- .. f -. t v John s. nuTcninsoK. SaliAiliVSrc., Nov. 1, 1881. 1 E! -Tliqfiru, of H. It. CiMWFomi & Co. is tins day tssolvcd by mutul co nsent. I retont myincere thanks to a generous public ibrjthc' liberal patronage) bestowed "P" Hie purine tlie last 171 years, and rc jpectrullyaskiall persons indebted to the -Jum to cal at once and make settlement. Hie DujTmcsslwill be continued by my lormcr paftneftj Samuel Taylor and W. S. .iackanert and I sak for them the same lib- pauopage bestowed upon the old firm. eiier my 1 splendid linck Store. UwdUn r. l sale, nrivafi'Iv; ' :t - - - . MUM J. UUK --- l T 1 I K. K. CRAWFORD. r:tf 1 5 HI CELEBRATED J !:1 ' ' i; $1J x I & i i hid fashionable i .5: ! . . ! i - -"J -Si:'- - 'Ir-.. -- i " 1 r 7 t! v fj Strop, Prompt, Reliaole, Lioera I t . -1 s '1 .. vf of Til' If: ' f&k ' a- i tieoiiBiierpiyip 1 r-i r - s I The icril of the Hour." Judge Jere a. islaek on the Monopolies ana i tare 19 scarcely better on. 1 ue iarnicr cf nil I road knew j engineer Charlie the lHty of Citizens. ? j i j viho tills bis own acres can make bat the Gordon, and everybody Jikcd him. J ; f barest living. The carrying trade of the Jt is a universal regret with his many ""Uon .Jere S. Mack has addressed a long I world lias passed away from ,04 into tho friends to learn that he is no more nntl limrly letter to the editor of JustiesY bands of onr great rival, simply because . Friday morning yliile on duty his on certain, aspects of the political situa-i oar preposterous legislation will not per- ; engine broke through a trestles near tiou. JJe wiitcs: j 1 n8 to snPa abroad or bnild them j AlexanderVand!hej was caught in the The monopoly dragon has tnany heads at home without paying a tax on tlie ma- machinery am! fse!iro he could be re and a power of multiplied re-production. tcrial which enhances their cost; and by J llevcd w; r Im.llyjbmlsed and scald Every wiero and at all times the rights f j reason of this that is to say, from sheer ed ; that leatli iusnel abut 7 P. M. juopertf have suflticd from its frightful f inability to carry it or get it carried by He has tn-fu on the road for many depicdakions. In this country the de vices are innumerable by which it appro priates t!o itself ther earnings 0f labor, the products of land and the profits of legiti mate commerce, without right or title, except vptat it gets by coiTupt legislation and the favor of a vicious govfernment. ! Whatjmakes it most formidable , is tho high cliaracterof the men who support it and tho j good faith in wliich they act. Monopolists never feel a doubt about tho righteousness of the system which bnilds up theii' colossal .fortunes. How they manage jlheir conciences I do jjnot "knov, and they themselves aie not able to tell ; but they do it 6uccesssfnlljr. 1 have kiiown hundreds of large manufacturers wlio got-their labor at starvation wages and sok the products in a monopolized market, it double price; and all of them with onlb single exception, blessed tho tnriir wjhich protected them i-the prac tice of t ford, of leir double extortion. Gov. Stan California, is a perfectly honest man, but he believes that the pile of un counted! millions which ho has won by desolatijig the land and scourging the industry of the country with his railroad monopoly is as justly acquireJd as if he had eariied it by the sweat Of his face. iMoreover, he has imblicly iftvowtd his conviction that the great highway be tween t ie oceans, built and equipped at the public expense by public authority forthe tublic use, benefit aut behoof, is the privjate property of himself and asso ciates, 5j-lio are appointed to j lnanage-lt as agens of the public ; and lie will ac knowledge no right of tho public which may ojifliet witli his proprietary doininuii. And to this doctrine other good men with similar inter ests de outedly sayr Amen ! They do not see what is -palpably plaui-to- impar tial persons that an Admiral of tho mi vy might as well claim to be the owner of the fleet he com ma'nds am ne it to levy foil Ids private chest "its much as tho traffic will bear" upon all- the com merce of the seas. j This ness of faith in the moral and' legal good- their cause makes monopolists active aind gives them a powerful influ- ence. fhey are veiy sincere respectful, Imports can get their toddy ma btate greedyJiicli, strong and unscrupulous iul where there is no prohibition but strict the usq of their strength. They have modes of operation which you can neither adopt nor counteract. The popular in snrrection which threatens to defeat them at the coining elections may cripple but will not kill tlem. They vhll reassert their control over your representatives as boldly as ever ; and how Successfully you ma jjudge from what hah happeuejd in Pennsylvania. Our Constitution d clares tlat railroads and canals are pub lic highway, devotes them to I the use of .... 1 . . t nil tlie people upon equal terms, forbids all iminier of fraud and favoriteisni, all extortiop, all oppressive exac'tiousaud all discriminations between persons or places, p then expressly coiulmanda that the Geujeral Assembly shall carry these provisiojna into effect by appropriate lepj islation We elect our legislators, and regularly swear them not merely to sup port bu to obeytho Constitution. Nev ertheless, arguments which monopoly oii ly know& to use have convinced them that this pai of the Constitution Ought to be treated jjwith silent disregard; and tlie abuses rf railroad power not only go on, but get worse- and worse. ! Tho actual consequences resulting to the country from the measures of tlie monopolists have not, I think, been truljy represented or properly considered, for many yfars past all legislation has been partial o large capitalists and correspon dingly ijnjurious to land and labor. To what pernicious extent this system has been ca jricd I need not say, for it is seen and knoiwii of -all men. It jcauliotr and will not come to good. Artificial regu lations f that character haveiiever, since the begjnning of the world, nad any ef fect but; a bad one oh the general condi tion of the society that tried them. Botl the monopolists insist tlratfthey have changet the nature of thingsaud enrich ed tho niasses of tlie people by the sinj lle process of filching froni them the fruits o their toil. They loudly cry out that the whole country is in a boundless prosperity.- They get the brag inserted in political platforms wherevtr they can and thunder it from, every sump on which they are permitted to speak. But it is false, piey themselves are, indeed, su- peraburidautly rich; nud, invested as they arf with the privilege of) plundering their fellow-citizens, why Should they not be rich t But for every j millionaire they hajve made a ihousan'd paupers; The relations between workmen and em- pbyprsay neverbeeu so uhsatisfactc- ' tV lift UniV. ' T .1 1 mvul'O tA MkwkirYtiii4t i " . VI O . 4iA V VVU1 'IUIUAUq -everywhere of inadeouate wares. and the finiiil-Miif ia ri... wu. V . O 11 UU 111L11UUL ttllllllL. 1111? law ought to secure them a living rate of compcnibliouj but capital has got labor ! not suffer any relief. Agvicnl- the nearest way we ha.ve lost w hat was and what should be now, the richest por tion of onr foreign commerce. Is all this loss and suffering of the industrious class es to be ignored t j - If we estimate the prosperity of a coun try only by the o yergrown ' fortunes of individuals specially favored by the law, then Ireland is prosperous as well as America j for there, asJiere, the legal machinery is in perfect, order, which makes the rich richer, while it grinds the poor down idto deeper poverty. But there, as here, the lines of Goldsmith are ever true and ever wise Hard fares the State, to hastening ills a prey, Wbere wealtlaccumulates and men decay. Rev. Howard Crosby says be has voted the Republicans ticket because he be lieved it represents virtue and political wisdom, am a democrat, with senti ineiits of unspeakable reverence for tho founders of that party aud strong attachment to the true aud good men who, in later years, struggled 60 faithfully, against fearful odds, for .personal-liberty aud the right of local self government. But I am a Democrat ac cording to my own definition of Democ racy, which is this : The common sense and common honesty of" a. free people ap plied within constitutional limits to the making and administration of the laws. I trust I am as ready as Mr. Crosby to denounce any political organization, whether it be his oi" mine, which goes in ojr mine, wl lip with tl to open partnership: with the nnprinci- pled firm called by him "Monopoly, Greed, Trickery & Co." -Yours very truly, ; J. S. Black. York, Pa., Oct. '21, 1862. Kansas City is a peculiar place, afford ing facilities for gambling and drinking that are unsurpassed in any other com munity. The State line between Mis souri and Kansas passes through it, and quite a slice of the city lis in Kansas, where, there being no gambling law, nine faro banks are flourishing, but no liquor can bo bought there. .Inst the re verse iu the Missoti section ; so that the gambliug laws, while a short walk will take them into Kansas, where there are no gambling laws but strict prohibition laws. A4Vienua paper states that it has re cently been discovered that an excellent substitute for mecrshaum has been found iu the common potato. It also answers many of the purposes for wliich ivory has been, employed. The potato must bo peeled, the eyes extracted and boiled iu sulphuric acid aud ; water without inter mission for 30 hours, and then put in a powerful press aud every particle of j wa ter forced out. It is then ready to be used for a great variety of ornamental pur poses. Among the schemes on foot to defeat Robbins there is one to hare it announ ced at every polling place on election day that Dr. Cook, the iudeiicndent Radical candidate, has withdrawn. This is to be done with the hope, of courss, that Cook's vote will, go to York, but the trick has been- exposed, and unless Cook should change his mind, antTreally withdraw. Dr. York will be badly defeated. Char. Journal. Typhoon in India (10,000 families homeless. A Kentucky woman sues for divorce on the ground that her husband lacks "Impressibility of soul affinity." j Who blesses others in his daily deeds, f Will find the healing that his spirit needs; For every flower; iu others pathway thrown, j. Confers its; fragrant beauty on our own. "Never sacrifice a right principle to r obtain a favor. The cost is too great. If you can not secure what is right aud needful for you by square and manly con duct, better do without it by all odds. A littleself-deuial is better than dishon or. n Quite a discovery has been made by some miners digging for gold up in Brit ish Columbia. They found a Chinese coin three thousand years old, stowed away suugly, where doubtless it had been left by Chinese mariners wrecked on the coast there before the historic period. t The rumor that ' the Princess Louise aud her husband are to visit New York on their return from the Pacific coast has thrown New York society into a pleasing commotion. It is said: that some ladies have resumed dancing lessons in order to learn, the principles aud drill! of presentation at court according to the English ceremonial. s by the throat and will thing to be done for its Killed at His !Posr,For many years past everybody along this line years, and lius lccn!ij several severe accidents,; but wyjs aiUvaysjregarded as a very salo and earelul engineer. He leaves a tni, wim lis engineer on a material train, a wife and several daughters to nioiuiilhisjujtimely and sad death. CaptiGurdjin Was a mem ber of the Ktiiht. of Honor and had his life iiiMirei I for 2,000 iif an Ac cident IuMiraiiie Gonijmiiy.-PtecfwionJ Press. It see in f flint railroad accidents never oohie singly, j Early the same morniiig that Mr. Chales Gordon was killed Mr. Antiier ran Ms engine into the sdtaiMy ear of conductor James Moore's iitiglil train tore the ca boose into splinters: and bursted up the entire front eiut of the. engine. The accident was caused on account of thtrdense log which; prevailed along tlie Swaiuianoa river. Capt. Moore narrowly escaped behig killed. Just about the time the engine struck the shanty he jumped out thus saving his life. Piedyiont Press. Biggest Things on Karlh. The highest range of mountains is the Himalayas, the mean elevation; being estimated at from 1G,000 to 18,000 feet. The loftiest mountain is Mount; Everest; or Guarisauker, of the Hi malaya range,, having an elevation of 20,002 feet above the level. ;j The largest city in the world is London. Its population numbers 3,020,771 souls. New York, with a population of about 1,200,000, comes fifth in the list of great cities. The largest theatre is the new Opera House in Paris. It covers nearly three acres of ground. Its cubic mass is 4,287,000 feef. It cost about 1000,0000,000 francs. The largest suspension bridge will be the one now building between New York city and Brooklyn. The length of the main span is 1,595 feet six inches; the entire length of the bridge 5,989 feet. x The loftiest active volcano is Popo catepetl "smoking mountain1' thirty-five miles southwest of Puebla, Mexico. It is 17,784 feet above the sea level, and has; a crater three miles in circumference and 1,000 feet deep. ; The largest island in the world, which is also regarded as a continent, is Australia. It is 2,500 miles in length from east to west, and meas ures 1,950 miles from north to south. Its aera is 2,984,287 square miles. . The longest span of wire in the world is used for a telegraph in In dia over the river Kislnah, between Bezorah and Sectanugrum.It is more than G,000 feet long, and is stretch ed bet ween two hills, each of which is 1,200 feet high. The largest ship iu the world is the Great Eastern.;, She is 680 feet long, 83 feet broad and 60 feet deep, being 22,627 tons builder's, 18,915 gross and 13,344 nfet register. She was built at Mill wall, on the Thames, and was launched January 31, 1857, The largest university is Oxford in England, iu the city of the same name, fifty-five miles from London, It consists of twenty-oil colleges and five halls. Oxford was a seatjof learn ing as early as the time of Edward the Confessor. ! University college claims to have been founded by Alfred. The largest body of fresh water ou the globe is Lake superior, 400 miles long, 160 miles wide at its greatest breadth, and having an aj-ea of 32,000 square miles. Its mean depth is about 900 feet, and its greatest depth about 200fathoms. Its isurfaee is about 635 feet above the level of the sea. j The biggest cavern is the Mam moth cave, in Edmondson county, Ky. It is near Green river, sijc miles from Cave city, and about twenty-eight miles; from Bowling Green. The cave consists of a suc cession of irregular chambers, some of which are large, situated on differ ent levels. Some of these are travers ed by navigable branches of the sub terranean Echo fiver. Blind fish are found in its waters, j The highest monolith is the obelisk at Kuraak, in Egypt. Kanark is ou the east bank of the Nile, near Luuor aud occupies a part of the site of an cient Thebes. The obelisk is ascribed to Hatasu, sister of Pharoah Thothmes III J. who reigned about luUU is. Ks. The i whole length , is its iecr, is weight 400 tons. Its height without pedestal is 108 feet ten inches. The height of the obelisk in Central Park without pedestal is jsixty-eiguV feet eleven inches, its weight about 168 tous. . " The longest tunnel! in the world is that of St. Gothard,! on the line of railroad between Lucerne and lilan. The summit of the tunnel is 990 feet below the surface at A ndermhltt, and 6f600 feet beneath the peak of Castle horn, of tho St. Gothard grou pi The tunnel is twenty-six j feet wid and njnetecn feet 10 inches from tlie floor to the crown of the arched rooft It is nine and one-third miles lomrnnd five-eighths mile longerthau Mt. Cenis tunnel. . i j v- jThe biggest trees in thevorld are the mammoth trees, of California. One of a groytr inJTulare Ouinty according to measurement niade fy members of the State Geological Sur vey, was shown to be 276 feet pn cir cijnference at base, and 76 feet at a pdint 12 feet above tlie ground.j Some of the trees are376 feet high nd 34 feet in diameter. Some of the largest that have been felled, indicate an age of from 2,000 to 2,500 years, j The largest inland! sea is the Cas pian, lying between Europe and Asia. Its greatest length is 760 miles, Its greatest breadth 270 miles, and its area 180,000 square miles. Great Salt Lake, in Utah, which may prpperly be termed an inland sea, is iabont nijnety miles long, and has a varying broad th of from twenty to thirty-five miles. Its surface is 4.200 feet jabove the level of the sea, whereas tlie' sur face of the Caspian is eighty-foUr leit below the ocean level. ! Every person s lould know how to ascertain the state of the pdlse in health, and then by comparing it when ailing they. may frm some idea of the urgency of their case. Au in fant's pulse is one hundred and forty; alchild of seven, about eighty ; and from the ages of twenty to sixty years about seventy, declining to sixty at fourscore. A healthy person 'si pulse beats seventy times a minute, and there mpay be good health when the pulse beats as slow as sixty ; but if the pulse always exceeds seventy there ti some disease iu the system, and the machin ery of the body is wearing itself out, as in consumption, when the pulse is quick, gradually increasing with de creased chances oi'cure, until it teach es one hundred apd teii or one hund red and twenty, which is certain death. When the pulse is , over seveirty for months ami there! is a slight C'ugh, the lungs are affected. There are, however, peculiar constitutions iu which the pulse may be over seventy and yet the person be iu excellent health. ' Sunshine. Many a child! goes astray, not because there is a want of prayer or virtue at home, but simply because home lacks sunshine. 4- child needs smiles as much as flowers need sunbeams. Children look little be yong the present moment. If thing please they are apt to seek it ; if it displease they are prone to avoid it. If home is the place where faces are sour and words harsh, and fault-finding is ever in the ascendant, they will spend as manj hours as possible. else where. Let every father and mother, then, try to be happy. Let theni look happy. Let them talk to their chil dren, especially the little ones, in such aiway as to make them happy. j ! Dr. Cook is still on the trade as an independent candidate for Congress. He kpoke here on Thursday knight, andjpoured hot shot into the revenue bosses. I Fin, sentinel. j We must not only loveiour children in their childishness and in spite it, but we must show that we love them, or their tender hearts, weary of being hurt, will close to us and open else where. I ! Bacon that used to sell iu the South for from five to eight'ceiils pr pound is now worth from fourteen to seven teW-cents per pound. Cotton has de preciated largely, and it does rot pay to raise cotton to bin' pork with. The Southern fanners are beginning to find this out. ' It is said that bunches of violets laid awny when fresh iu the pockets of- si eaves of dresses impart a mom pleasing perfume than auy liquid pre naration from the flowers. They need to be gathered when externally dry, and removed when themselves scent less. The Empress Josephine's bou doir is impregnated to this day with tle odor from the quantities ojf these favorite blossoms supptieu constantly while she occupied it. I Prof. Boss, of the Dudley Observa tory, at Albany, says the comet was 16 000,000 miles from the sun Sep tember 17, and 20,000,000 on the 21st. (jn the former date it was 103,000,000 niile from the earth, and on the lat ter 107,000,000. It is thus: going way both from the sun and the earth. It is plainly visible ih the early mor rrin" iu the Eastern sky, and is, beau tifully brilliant. s . I II iltlfln ff i Un r AN 1 ; Js iLwv rJUijiui- iciunui it n i i ni : KLUTTZ k MDLE1I: . h LEADING DEALERS IX, DRY Large Assortment of Ladies' Cloaks and 8hwi , h LADIES' HATS AND TRIHBIIN6S BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY. AVc keep tho best made. ! AGENTS FOR COATS' SPOOCOTTON. New .apply of 5 cent Tin Ware, 1 Pull stock of Glass and Table Ware. CTiBUffi' ?iCc?' PotatCd Fruits. Pure Ird. 7 Corn, Dran, Meal, New Orleans ; Molasses and Svrups, &c. Full assortment of Familj Jlcdicines Including Quinine. ' One and three-fourth lbs. Cotton Sacking at 9 Cents, new Ties l 1-75 Per bundle. Three lb. Cans Tomatoes nt 15 cents -OVER-COATS t $2.GO. 33ct 16 ot7j3Bx.. f S veryfop T W" W -IWS. I SALESMEN. 1882. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, FOR WHEAT. Manufactured by the Pacific Guano The largest Guano Co., in the U. S. The oldest and most reliable brand : The most popular Fertilizer, its sales! being theianicst On aVerage soils no Fertilizer produces better results. It is in fine drillingcondition and The same planters continue' to use For t 50:2m, DT A PVMim o ;m a vt nn t DbnuKMMODlMhufi t HAVING PURCHASED THE BTO OF WM. SMITHDEAL, AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF R. R. Crawford, of the firm of R. R. CRAWFORD & GO., Wo are nowpreparcd to supply our customers with all kiuds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In add i tiou to the Best Selected Stock of II A It D W A HE in the STATE. i We also handle JRifle and Blasting Powder FUSE and a full line of Mining Supplies. We will Duplicate Any Prices in the State. CALL AND SEE US. W.S.BLICOEB, Oct. 5, 1832. SAS'L TAYLOR. 50:ly Notice to Creditors. All Persons having claims against the estate of Zacbariah Lyerly, dee'd, are here by notified to exhibit the same to the un dersigned on or lefore the 20th day of Oe totieA883, or this notice will be pleaded in -bar of their recovery. l:4t pU TOBIAS LYERLY, Exr. GOODS AND GROCERIES-! 1 HEN'S HATS MD CAPS. 1882. Co. Capital $1,000,000. sold. ' i ' prepared for immediate use. it year after year. - . Sale By J. ALLEN BROWN. the north state LIFE AM) NUPTIAL Association of ! SALISBURY NORTH CAROLINA. Chartered under the Laws of North azxc3 2NTATAT FROM $1,000 TO $5,000, 1 J. D. McKEELY : 1'ilesldent. W'. T. LIXTUN,.-.Vtcc-:,res,taad Geu 1 Manager. JAMES M. OKAY f. .Sijcreiiirr. i. SAMUEL McCUBKlNS, ...Treasurer. Dr. JOHN WHITEHEAD. McUul Director. lion. J. 8. 1IE.NDEKSOS , ...Wl Adviser. Refer to the Bank and business men of Salisbury. Reliable, energetic local and traveling agents wjuntcd everywhere. ! For plnus, tcrijis to ageirts, blanksnd any information Whatever, ADDRESS JAMES M. GRAY f Secretary. td$ Wc are Agents for all the bent companies iu the United Stated, and will be glad to take applications in any that we can recommend, and will will not recom mend of a wild-cat character. Apply &t our office, or to the! Secretary. Ml THE WHEAT CIlE ALLISON & ADDISON'S "STAR BHAND" COMPLETE MANURE! Combines the tictiritif of Pcrnr'um Gntin wo irith the utrouy and lasting effects of Ah imal JUones. 1 ' It is prewired under our personal, super-' r rixion, ami is made of the best materials ' contains no shoddy or other inferior an-. moniates. It is Fine, Dry and in Excel-" lent Condition for Drilling. L This Fertilizer fias Veen in use ttcelrfi years, and has qaiikcd a reputation for ex cellence second to none. NDA 1LD . UUAUASTE1K II CAMOT BE SURPASSED! Allison & Addison, x Manufacturers, I lihhinoudt Va. , "'"j rOK SALE VY J. ALLEN BROVII, J SalUbury, N. C.f hv . - - i - li. M.. RosRBOtro, Third Creek Bh lion, X. C, anil by Agents ut all impo? J' taint )MinM throughout tlie whe.it gro injj M'tb'ui'f Xoi It Curolina, ; 4.10t-pd 1 Carolina. - .it -1 1:4 - 4 - I fl t 4 i t - 1 1 1' n H ilk i1 ?! f 'ifi. p - ?i i! ; el t. ! '4' l t J -, r- a ' h. f i. i I i 4-' ! V 1 r ... -