w ; I u, f f . i -- N-: i 70L X2V-HTaiaD SERIES SALISBURY. N. ' C.i HOVEHBER 16, 1882. ! ' i HvO 1 T(A 1 in O ! 7 nvir-ra: Knvnv 6 Tn 7 , !, -. . - - ... ... ..- ' , I'i - ! t The Carolina Watchman, j l u.lflSIIKI)'lN-THK YEAIt 1832. jjCP CELEBRATED remediefl rapidly - Wonnd -faetbra the advance of this . nn nave, uctu r . . ' i a 1 Vs .rTi nMt which tones irfli??! malaria, rdepurates and enriches tf bSMTwnS thePlivertWhendormant. nwSnotea a regular habit of body. l i generally. v r r r, o-l A. i- J. Rhodes BROWNE, ?rest. w if. u. uuakt, ecx- AHolne Cbxnpany,Seeking pome Patronage. Prompt, MiaWe, Literal!:' Term jiolicles written on Dwellings. Prcniilims nnvftble One-iuilf cash and bal ancc u iweive mqnin.,: g ; " .' I V . 1 I J. ALLEN BROWN. Aet.. 21;Cjh ? fl balmbory, N. O. mmmm SCOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIE3 5 -.. VI t . HOVELS AND fl STATIONERY. 45:tr. I ! ERIIOUS OF YOUTH,. AIGektlemas 1io snilcred for years from Nervous Dfij.iTY. Premature Decay. - anall : for the he efftjetiof voullifnl Lndiscrtlion, will ake.ofBii fieri liuryanity, send Ireeto j f. ji i i . i .- i . . all .who! need v tnalirrj: :v tiered. the p i, wie recipe ana aireciion ior inij'le remedy by which lie was Safleptrs iwisliiiig. to profit hi the ad- ter iei5 expefinice cm doiso bv addressingm coiifkltnie. JOHN li. Op DEN, Cedar St.. New York 201 TOMBS, GEEAffi j REDUCTION IN TJIE PRIONS OF I MonirEtots ands0ravc-Stbnes of Efcry Description. i cofdirillvlirtvite the oublic irenerallv i. to : an fiisnectiiurt)!' mv Stock and Work. I fepl justified Sii asserting that iny past exiHPi.sicc ''under first-class workmen in all ihef newdst Kiul modern styles, and that tie Worfcrfiiinship is equal to any of ieiiKt in the icoutitry. 1 do not say that ijy work is; superior to all others, I aw jesbnabe i ill not exaggerate m or ier (tojaccoinpUsji a saTe. My endeavor is to please and give each customer the val . Delivery dohir they leave with me. nffJES 35 t 50.Per Cent CHEAPER I tla ever oeled in this town before. Val nft once of? send for in ice list and de- 4SnsJSatisfii(-t iAii mfiinrjint'd or no charce. Th4 erect io'tt if marble is the last work f res! ect which wo navi to the - memory of de tented friehdsi I JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. ;bury, N; p., Nov, 1, 1881. riOE! lldMoljeiI by mutual consent. mm of li U.; Crawford & Co. is A .return mv 5Appi thnnlra tn n (roni.mna P"llv for the liberal patronage bestowed "pwUme during the last !l7 years, and re Wtfully ask ji pCrs()p8 indebted to the ti f ?aU at OUco and make settlement. -M'f business !will be continued by my lormw partners, Samuel Taylor and W. S. J'wUmer, and ! sak for them the same lib- rT. 8 l:wrae bfcstdwed noon the ld firm. j ! oficr'mv snlendid P,riV Rtnro Dwell ns Iloue and Four Uuiluinji lots for ile Tivatclv. II. Ii. CRAWFORD. ineo.ii iREMSMBER 1 THE : 1,1 ! .. ' ! Tlil Iu a Sunbeam. In a Rnnb am eyelids wLitef? Hiding inerr.vi 8imrkliiiff eyes Cm la half bwrti half tnrned gold at aie tlw! labv lies, i ! t Bnt a little gurgling langh, f From w uii ted lips steal out j What jh babies, fast Asleep I- . In a sunbeam, dream about Tf Jul$ and flowers i lainlMv8. showerR.f Hutteillies and honey-bees j Peaches, cherries, 'i ni'I'iM', ucti ice, . : " ii J s I. trees. jiiiich suii;iur in t no ringing in xn li ras till q ver.: 5 - Fr aidant clover, Da'iidelions golden bri CMiicken peeping, . , Squirrels leaping, ' r IVvs e.vetl cows in daisy jneadows, SweetTrarui milk and yellow cream Of all these, when hi a sunbeani - llabies lall afleep, they dre.mi.i . ; Madge EUiot,Mi Balthcins Monthly. A COAT POOSET.' I Aslley Cowper, hat i hand, was just turning the handle of the Street door, when a soft call from the stair top made hini -pause. I I Are you 'goingto the postoffice. Astley?" 1 j I 'No, not exactly, but near jiti X! there anything you want done? 1 'Only this letter to post and a girl ish shape flitted down the stairs, Ast-f ley watched her as she descended, and with suddenly sharpened recognition of the faef, said to himself, 'what a pretty gir Rosamond is !' j ! ' Brothers are not always so alive to their sister's charms, but the fact was that rarely iu her life had .Rosamond Cowper been so near to a perfect beauty as that moment when she came down the stairs case, letter in hand ; her cheeks flushed wi til the deepest pink ; her jeyes shining, and her red lips parted with I know, not what happy stir of emotion and expectancy. Two long braids of pale brown hair, thick and glossy as those of German Gielchen, jhmig down her back.!" On the fair forehead clustered a fringe of light waving rings, not cut and train ed after the manner of the convention al bang, but a happy freak of; nature and accident. The slender figure in its white dress had all the, rounded grace of veitth and ptrfect health. Over all was an air oi virginal iresnness. inuescrioauu hut ciiariiHng. it waa one ot hiosh bel momemt which comes at times to most youiig creatures. But Rosamond was too much pre occupied to be conscious of her looks as she handed the letter to her broth er, wiflrti Hirers that trembled a little, and said anxiously, 'you won't lose it. will yoiiAstley ? r 'Certaiuly wot; with a superior .smile. He stuffed it carelessly into a side-pocket of his coat, a coat made like the rest of his suit, of that im maculate White duck in which young swells delisrht to array themselves in hot July weather. . Forth lie went, clean, a1er, hand .some the very picture of a luxurious young fellow enjoying a summer hoi iday. No thought of betraying Rosa mood's trust was in his mind,'and his steps had j already turned toNvapl the postoffice jwhen a jdog-cart drejW up suddenly ami a cheery hail roused his attention, jT , ;: .. 'Well met, old fellow. Invas jus going round to ask if you felt like a game of tennis. AhelJorrers seutjM note earlyj in the moruiug, to; as me to come dowirtothe Croft to luncheon and a game, and to bring you.' j All right, I will.' Astley jumped, into the cart and in another moment was bowling down the road toward the Croft-f-a pretty country place some1 three miles distant. Rosamond's com mission w?s clean forgotten, j Tennis jwas followed by luncheon, then by more'terinis" and a conversa tion undef the shade of the branching cedars, wliich flanked the ground. Then pretty Mabel Torter proposed a walk, a tid led the way through a, grassy valley to the gorge beyond, where a littfe brook tore its will wayi from higher levels to the water mea-j ddws below. 1 I i The rocks- over which the party climbed were very slippery here and! there, and saving Mabel from a fall,j Astley himself had a tumblej trifling in Uself, liut damaging to tlie duck suit; so damaging in fact that the! suit went to the laundress next day. Before jfs return the weather had changed to that odd, almost autumnal coolness which checkers aud Jtempersi the heat of our American summers. j It was some time before Astley had occasion to wear them again.! ( When; it was taken for use, by mere iccideutj he was searching for something in the pocket, when his astonished fingers encountered and drew forth ja rather thick, flat hard square of paper for which he could in no way account. V Mb. Dv Edgab, i I P. Box 5-4 S y New-Y - . - i 'Dwight Edgar., Whv. wnat does ;. . '... I still iuteni on the disorganized frag-1 iuehtst 'Put stay this isn ta letter this mean? I have had no letter rom J what l otignt to cioaooui mm. ixoin hlm rnflpkwl the astonished Astley. ing I can say makes any difference.' n T ' . II' : fT 1 1 rom mm out to mm. now comu - it get mto my pocket? -1 t ifejccursion to IJamptou jUoart, hntl his i there a entence could ber.frienu busily engage! in craming Ins made outtor parts at Bentence'?. ..; x. am: so very. verv liapPT. out l can t ell lyou about that- until'-'Queht to. lave got Your letter fourftlays ago.' 'So you needn't go to Europe, you see,1 f for,tand then aJblrrecli signature 'Ubme soon to you own Ros . : Ut flashed across , him .tnen. J his fas! the letter which i Rosamond had given )iim to post: foiir weeks ago. It' lad lain in his pocket all tins time, and had gone through tbe waslv be-J side&T Here wasa pretty kettle ot fish! Quickly his mind nuTover the dis jointed phrases, reading lhe" half ob literated meaning-'bet ween the lines.' The letter1 was 'iii Veply Uo an offer from Edgar, there routd" be no doubt of that. v ' lAstley had alvrayV suspected that tlijere'was a tendenicss in that quarter. And Rosamond had said 'yes. What must she have been thinking and feeling all these weeks? . , , And then a groan escaped from Astley as it flashed upon his mind that it was only a fortnight since lie had read Dwight Edgar 8 name in the list of 'sailed for Europe;' read it aloud wiiti some careless comment. Rosamond was in, the room, he re collected. What had she said ? Had she said anything? He seemed to re member that she got; up quietly and left the room. ; How should he ever tell her? And what use to tell,: when Dwight was gone, gone for years likely as noli? T)h, what had his carelessness done?; .'I suppose he went because he thought she had nothing to say to Kim he said to himself, miserably. Ihe sound of the dinner bell inter rupted his unpleasant meditations, and he went down feeling as though he ought to be hanged. Rosamond was in her usual place, neat, graceful, smiling even : but stu dying her face closely he noticed an cnort in the smile aud cheerfulness. The sweet face was a little thinner; the wild rose bloom, which was its characteristic, had paled to a fainter pink, and Astley heard his mother ask, 'headache again, my child ?' And caught little.' the patient answer, 'just a With increased remorse he execrat ed his carelessness. What ought lie to do? iLong and deeply did he study over the question. At last he took a half maul v, half-cowardly resolution. Con- Jess his delinguincy ; to his sister he absolutely dared not, but that night he wrote to Dwight Edgar, made a full exposition of his fault, and in closed the faintly blotted scrap which said so little aud meant so much. : Hits done, he set himself to wait for the moment when he could pro duce eyidence that, so far as in him lay. he had made amends for his mis doings, and till theu he resolved to be silent. i Astley was right in his guess Dwight Edgar had gone to Europe a deeply disappointed man. In the let ter, to which Kosa s was an answer he had written : 'Don't say no. I could not bear that, nor could 1 give your gentleness the pain of. uttering the word. I will wait two weeks and if at their end you have said nothing ; I shall go abroad and travel till I can bear to come home again.' ! ! Not a wise arrahgment this, consid ering what chance's and changes, in cluding postoffice laxities, are involv ed in this mortal life; but lovers are not always wise. The two weeks passed without word or token, each slow day deepening his hopelessness, and at their end he sail' ed. His final arrangements were made in a hurry, and he had been glad to accept a friend's benevolent offer of half a stateroom on tire overcrowded steamer. It was benevolence very poorly rewarded, for John Blajrden found him very dull company. I For the first few hours he made some little effort at conversation, then he dropped all pretenses sat in moody silence, staring at the dim backward horizon from which each stroke of the paddies carried them farther and far ther. It was no better after they reached London. The two men took a set of rooms together at the Langham, but to all plans for pleasuring Dwight turned a deaf car. i 'Go by yourself, that's a good fel low, he said.; 'I won t bore you with my d ul 1 ness. I '1 1 j ust si t here ti 1 1 postlime and read the American news papers. 1 'And that is what I left him at', explained John Blagden to a mutual acquaintance encountered in the cof fee-room. 'Pouring over an old Her aid. '"'twelve days out what an occu pation for a man to take up in Lou don I . Poor Dwight, I never saw a fellow so changed in my lite. He sail cut up about something, and I wish I knew what, for really, I have no potion ' . T . . A.nd nothing did make . any differ - ence tin, a ween auer.inis conversa- '? " C- T ' ' .' . ' '.1 P. " -i - r uon, aut. liiaguen reiurney ironi an Deiongtngs ; into a tortmauteau, with a Jigut " in nis eves; and a Cfiior in his cheeks which made him seem a difP erent man ' nmi, i ''v-n and .catch hi iMJi(Miit:i. 7 ' . 'llonic " ThuiStates ! kV hy, what ttocs It moan ? You werp going to Paris wit li' iuy o i ; TtjesVhjiyyou said.' iiitcnu, out 1 vc had letters and :nu.5t t;et back as soon as possible.' : ij t 1 . t 'Nothing wr.ingI hope ;, ; ; lNot at ;d, ; Mirie lh41 contrary; t Marvel in 'gre'atlyTJolin Blagden fi.. turned to tJio table, Svhere, amid torn wrappers nod tnher debris of a just arrived mail, Hy'a sln-et of closely written pnpt-r vvitli ?v little heap on it of something old and blotted. 'What's that ?' he asked, with a natural curi osity, toppiur to examine it. l).v.gh: rM:ir fiiatohe l it up. 'It's It's nothing,' hu explained 'only a letter I've had.' Then breaking into a laugh at his friend's discomfited countenance, the first real laugh which John had heard hi ni give since they left America, Iiq added : 'Never mind, old i boy, I'll explain someday. It's all right, at least I been a hope it , is, and I know I've dull, unsocial dog) all this time. You've been awfully goodTto put up with me, and I'll try to make amends next time we meet.' Meanwhile the days were passing heavily enough iu far-away America, where Rosamond bore her secret pain She had kept a knowledge of her plighted faith a chtice secret, not to be revealed until Dwitrht should come. When he failed to come, pride kept her silent still. The news of this departure struck in her heart like a biow. ; What did it mean ? 'I will not be base, or little, or suspicious,' she told herself; 'there is some blunder. He will come back. he will explain.' ; j, But weeks of Fuspense and uncer tainty passed. "She could school her words and her manner, but not her face, and that; fair face began to look piteous and wan. I! . Astley, watohinc t her with com punctious anxiety, felt an ever-deep ening heartache. Three weeks had passed since his letter of explanation was posted. , Any hour might bring a response, and he haunted the post office with a pertinacity inexplicable to his father. 'I can't stand it much longer,' he told himself. 'If that fellow isn't heard from by to-niorrow night I shall make a clean breast of it to Rosa, and confess the whole thing. And the next evening, 'that fellow' still not being heard from, he did it. Rosamond, spirit-fair and fragile in her white uress, was sitting on tne moonlight, and sitting at her feet he plunged into media rps. 'Rosa, do you recollect a letter you gave me to post more than a month ago?' 'Yes,' with a little gasp. Well, I forgot it.' 'Oh, Astley!' j 'Yes; it was in my pocket, you know. I was going straight to the office, but something internirpted me lawn tennis at the Portf ra, I believe and then I sent my ooat to the wash with the letter still in it. I nev er found it out till the confounded tiling came back some days after. As I put it on I happened to feel in the pocket, and there it was what was left of it.' Rosamond sat perfectly still. Not a sound came from tier 'lips. Astley wailed an instant, a if hope of an answer, and then went on : ''llosa, darling, you mustn't mind, but I couldn't help seeing who the letter was for, and that that it was something of consequence. : It was all blotted and blurred, but a word or two could be made out here and there. I was awfully cut up about it. 1 couldn't bear to tell you, and I didn't know what to do. At hst I wrote a full explanation to Dwight, and I put the scraps in ray letter.' 'Astley!' There was a riiig of hope and of dismay in the exclamation. So ab sorbed were both that neither noticed that someone swung the gate just then. ! 'Yes, I did. It went three weeks ago yesterday, and by to-morrow you ought to hear from him, that is if he happened to be in London when the mail got in. I didn't ineaii to tell you till his letter came, but I could wait no longer. Just say you forg Why what is it ?' as Kosamond sprang to her feet with a cry, 'Dwight! Dwight!' 'She's fainted !' exclaimed Astley, in an awe-struck tone, as hi sister's Ifead dropped heavily on his arm. But happiness is a better restorative than burnt feathers, and in a; little j time Rosa m ond was able to assu re ; Astley of her forgiveness, to smile i r t r.- i f- 'Halloa ! I'm glad you ve come, old XeHowV'I IU."!)':lt nic.f 3 V " ''. mmii, train at and ask questions, and finally be left on Uie door steo for a lono talk, with her truant correspondent. When I saw "Mrs. Dwieht Edar at " Newport last venr.' r!i her i wrist a slender Vlmin to K71, - - aaVM was attached a loc?lrits nUi i;7l wB big moonstone. 5 1 ? Within was a simrular little wad nf what1 looked Mike paper Wliich had be n wet and pressed together. When askttt what it could i be. she an swered; evasively; 'Oh, papier machc: a ou oi. an old letter Uwio-hi. mfit.a me wear. There's quite a Ktorv aUnit? it, but it's two long to tell.' " 1 . 1 W r . . . r ' - t lPf llllGhllwl A inn .11 -...1 I Jf seeifig that I was curious, he told me ..uucu, vuiii iicu, uiiii inter. the 5tory that I have told to you. her voice." 'He's the most fuirfumlnr creature you ever saw, always fideet- nig auu lussnig ior icar ne may have forgotten something. -If ho lives tnf be hundred, you may depend upon it he will never again forget another letter in his coat pocket.' Youih' Uompamon. ! i . ! Cotton Stalk iforaffe. The Scientific American savs that Edward Atkinson has; found a iew element in the cotton crop of impor tance to Southern farmers, which is that for each bale of cotton there are fifteen hundred nonncls of stoma which are very rich in' nhosrth.nf nf lime and potash. When Ground and mixed with ensilage or cottonseed meal (which is too rich 'for use as fod der In large quantities,)! the stem mix ture makes a superior cattle food, rich in an tne elements needed for fh production of milk, meat and bone. It is believed that this utilization of the cotton stems, hitherto a nuisance, will) prove to cotton growers a new source of wealth, and in many parts greuuy lacnuaie me raising or stock, by furnishing a substitute for gram. :; ) ! i Wixdmilts have not gone out of use yet by any means. Two of large pumping capacity were shipped re cently from New York city for Guau- tanamo, Uuba. 1 he iron work of one of these mills weighs oyer 9,000 lbs., and the outfit was intended for pump ing from a well 150 feet deep. Each of the windmills was complete in,: all its parts, having a large tower made of Georgia pine to support it, and pumps, pijies, connections, etc. The turntable of the larger mill, wh'ich supports the crank shaft, weighs 2, 250 pounds. It is surprising that more windmills are not used in this country. Qirutian at Work. ' A Washington correspondent .'has discovered iu the basement of the Cap itol an old man, acting as substitute for an engineer, who formerly was a member of the House, and subse quently lieutenant governor of his State. The love of rum has degrad ed him from the halls ofCongress down into the cellar, and instead of $5,000 a year he is paid $18 a month to manage the elevator for other peo ple. ! mm i o - i BRIEFS. Floods prevail in England. ; A famine threatens Western Ireland. : One. hundred and thirty one failures last jveek. : Mrs. Seoviue lias been ueciareu insane but cannot be found. ' ! In Great Britiau there m a sheep on every aero and one-third of cultivated land. In this country there is an aver age of but one sheep on thirty-four acres. ' The agricultural and mechanical; ex hibits this rear, in North Carolina and Virginia, have been the best ever known in all respects. When the farmers iand mechanics prosper, peace, pleuty ,and hanDine8S prevail. Thank Heaven for it all! It is rumored in Virginia that Mahone, the wrecker of railroads and of the char acterof his State, istoilie President of Mm Richmond and Danville Road. That suggestion gives us a contempt for the English language for its dearth of words to eipress our horror at such a calamity. : 1 - ' i i Greensboro Typhoid fever is prevailing in the settlements between Keedy Fork and Haw river. . We, had bnr second crop of Irish potatoes dug to day and found mauy as fine as the first crop. We regret to learn that Clias. Lewis got hia left arm broken from hav ing bis buggy upset Saturday night laat. 1 A prominent French scientist haa made a careful investigation of the sources of possible danger in tho use of coal gaa. Iu unburnt gas the injurious element is found to be carbonic oxide. Where a tit mini of escaping gaa passes over ground nt alrpAdv saturated, the earth absorbs the 6dor of the gas, after which it; tnay permeate dwelliugs.or other buiufiugs Wif limit lK-iiir? detected, but still retain- and bciuir no - r Icas explosive. f Ana you never saw any one sote-! mnutru as Disney is,.evcr fince then, i added Rosa'moiid, with hiut?htr in'i r LEADING DEALERS IN DRY Slew S'iOGk t AND I.argo Assortment of Ladles' Cloaks and Shawls LADIES' HATS AMD TRIMMGS-HEirS HATS AND CAPS.1 BoaiaraND shoesa specialty. vo keep tiicHsa AUM1B K UUATS OTCOTTON. Ncw gnnnlT officentTHi Full stock of Glass Bt Flour Meats, Snsar, Coffee TEAS. Rice, Potat.es, Canned Fruits, Pure Lard; 4 Corn, Bran, Meal, New Orleans Molasses and 8jrups, &c. Full assortment of Family i j t Mediciues including Quinine. , VUB ana xnree-iourm ids. cotton Sacking- at 9 Cents. Wew Ties ak l-75 Ier bundle. Three lb. Cans Tomatoes at 15 cents. a OMKJOATS nt $2.00. 33 est lO cts. Stieor, xry u. ijc sure to see our Goods before you - w v uuj mm mjji Nov. 1, 1882. w. n. 1882. . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. FOR WHEAT. ranufactured by the Pacific Guano Co. Capital 1,000,000. The largest Guano Co., in tho U. S. The oldest and most reliable brand sold. The most popular Fertilizer, its sales being the largest. On average soils no Fertilizer produces better results. It is in fine drill ingcondition and prepared for immediate' use. The same planters continue to use For 50:2m, HAVING PURCHASED THE OF ' WM. SMITHDEAL, AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF R. R Crawford, of tlae firm of R. R. CRAWFORD & CO., - A We are no t prepared to supply our customers with all kinds of AGRICULTURAL 1FLEMEHTS, In addition to the Best' Selected Stock of II A UJ D W A It E in the i STATE. r We also handle Rifle and Blasting Powder I FUSE and a full line ofMiniug Supplies. f !We will j i Duplicate Any Prices in the State. CALL AND SEE US. W.S.BL1CUEK, Oct. 5, 1882. SASLTlYLOt. 50:1 Notice to Creditors. ""I - - All Persona having claims against the estate of Zachariah Lyerlr, decM, are here by notified to exhibit the same to the un dersigned on or liefore the 20th day of Oc tober 1883, o this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. 1;ltlMl. ; TOBIAS LYERLY, Exr. j GOODS AND GROCERIES! . M oiMni ill- . r-r and Table Wiie. ; : ,: buy. We mean to sell you jrood Goods at i an Kiaus oi uountrj l'rouuce,- lAXiAJii, ii. f. ATKINS.) and D. J. BOSTIAN. ) . 1882. it year after year. Sale By J. ALLSN BROWN. . ,,. WIMP. ALLISON & ADDISON'S "STAR BKAND" COMPLETE MANURE 1 Combines the activity oj rt Peruvian Gvan-: wo tct7i the ttroug ana tasting effects of Ah- . imal Hones. It is prepared under our personal uper- rhion, and is made 6 Ihe best material contains no shoddy or other inferior am monia tes. It is Fine, Dry and in Excel lent Condition for Drilling. This Fertilizer has been in use twelve years, ami has yawed a reputation for ex cellence second Ui none. VESTAS PA 111) GUAltAKTElh IT CANNOT Br-SURPASSED! Allison & Addison, Manufacturers, Richmond, la.- FOtt SALE BY ' J. ALLEN BROVH, SaliMbury, X. C.t R. M. Roseuoko, Third Cnek St t ion, X. C, and by Agents at all inipor taut poinU throughout the wheat grow ing sectioir-of North -Carolina. 4.r,:I()t pd The Representative Industrial Paper of North Carolina is a 28 -column Illustrated weekly. Every .Mine Owner, Farmer, Man-, ufucturer, Merchant and Industrial man tin the South .should have it. Pars especial attention to North Carolina's Mineral Re sources and does full justice to every de partment of our State's handicraft. Pbicr f 1.50 per year, POSITIVELY IN ADVANCE. ' - J' ADDRESS at onee, 1 - EDWARD A. OLDHAM, Editor and Propretor. Wilmington, N. C. , , ex. SHERIFF'S SALE HOUSE & LOT III SALISBURY! By virtue of a Vcn&itur Exponas and ex ecution issued out of the Superior Court of Rowan County, in favor of Meroney & Bro. against Obe Atwell and Chal. Atwcll, in iny hands for collection, I will sell at pub lie anction, at the Court louse door in tho , town of Salisbury, on the 27lh day of No- -vcmber, 1882, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Obe Atwell and Chal. Atwcll, in and to the following real proper t p, viz : A house and lot in the North Ward of the town of Salisbury, adjoining the lot-ofD- A. Atwell and others, where the said O. M. Atwcll now re ides. Terms, Cash. Dated at Salisbury, Jim 18th day of Octolier. 1882. C. C. K RIDER, Sh'tfr 3:4w TI NEW SOUTH i it i i u i X 'i 9 L t 'I !