u v- t 4 : '' i1 t i I: i 1. M I- -4. t a i .Si -f 4 3 Mi ' 1 - ' t F - ' ' ' - ,uWiimi in i iwi i t,. r - - i r Carolina Watchman. i V TlIE ELECTIQN. 14. .n.n,,,npnt of the results 'lira H'8' -f r. . Of the election o the 7tb, was subject, of cwine. to liberal allowances; Tor it was lri ui almost every reader that tliel results pf such a politest eould not be j lltXj. itli accuracy in one or twp fun ... - . ... i ...... i,t thn days after tUe uatue k4,,ka U clearing away and we begin 10 .iLl.or tht real condition, tjio first an-1 'tacementuittst Iks modified to. cpRfpiH npuaccmvu" r to the facts. . . ; ' fThe result in Rowp conufy jsnptpear (THURSDAY. NOV. 16, m A satUfactory as tp pepiocrats au Knanct, it will render Kepublicau ft -.1 : .i.f I.. I Tiieo. F. KLUTTzJcess jp the Presidential election a . IHHICU ll -t . tie callaut candidate for the Senate, has impossiuimy. au act revising ana mv we gauaut cuu. f . 1.:... iproTiog the tariff. iu Itarmouvi with the been defeated 7...tlt lUllfMI' III I' 1 I U Ullll I i mnioritv he was entitled to Ho went out the county wjth! only 204, when he 1 .d.ould have had at least 500 migonty. T lie was met by his Republican opponent, f-r - . i r n...: .;tl a I Til liamsav. coiiuim '" '"'"' "i ' f majority of 315. Hi's '04 could uot 6tand -?.,;: that! and so llamsay rode over4 T,r . , ! m " . ', i lt.:t.- i.i 'i 41 hjm with a clear majo, 1 I Uowail Was agiiju Ut Uiultin ltspcuu jlobbins, our .camfidate tor Congress, 1. . I ii. om ..ii rt itn tne sum lnjijuiiij i Irnnv Hi7 iusread dt the tive'or six huu- of only. 10 IU8W.UI i'"- I ilrciTtq which lie wis entitled by every consideration of selfi interest to the voter. I Had Rowau polled lu-i full Democratic i :Ll.i. ..i.i.;La w. hl have been elect-Jbe ffP' A. i. . .. 1... i iioiu'i tft fed. but lainng - - --- I .-jl'Uis is only part t the pnee tue f?eui-j prjve tjie V1Tty Qf freedom u represent vicrats of llowau have to pay for failing tej ing the will of the people, can: no longer " (t 1, Xi pretty 4hejrvv, and will uoj 00 sateiy tolerated. JJut the dimcult task fl i .:. . ...i ... .Jii... .!..i.L .,eialh:IofframinS 8ch measures,' fiuaucial and ;:10ubt.siing "vhi, H. v7 : " J as it was the year Jor ft gioiionj cuiu- cratic victory in almost eerj ouuo ? t -' . T I ' . I. .. .. 1 .1 .k tint- fin the Union. I'tiunps uitj " Itc next time. It is due probably iu part Ito prohibition jj and (when people come 10 f pee that there uothiug 111 the prow- Ibition noise except tho noise iucii, mey twill sober down under the defeat to which fthev have submitted. H l T - J ! r.. 1 A. 1 The regult in tne taie nj, arg though it may require the official vote ot Jibe counties to determine me que&uou. P In regard to the Judges, tue ivaieigu fCTW-OertcrJ of the 14th gives the fol- flowing: ,Ve have added u 1 the pfficial fignrcs ie!t-,':.VO'rT?a front fifty-two poit imliriP T . Rae i.UU majority indicates that" McKea's wtiyority will be ' ' ... . int !t (MM). " The other candidates pu the judicial ticket ruul along with Judge nirtUA: there beinc but slignt umerence among them. ilii same nancr the fol- the Legislature: ! . tluofficial returns nud a close estimate liudicatp "that the Heuate will staud 34 Democrats and 16 Republicans, and the House 2 Democrats and 48 Republicans. i i it-tilt f l. ilK.f iIih T.pirislature will stand m : ivini o Democrats and (54 llepublicans. The last Ljegjshituje fitoinl, Senate iemo- Aisiiatitl llttnublieaus. and tho House 74 Democrats, 2 ludypwndeuls and 44 llefmblicaus. fhe result of -the election iu New York 1 1 . . . . . - . i gave occasion to at least one piece 01 wn. lr, the Cole, who was appointed Captain of Port of New York Vy fjov. Cornell, telegraphed to an Elmira paper as fol- lpws,: We have beaten the Prohibit iou lists and Greeubackers out of sight, and f - n m.., .. rw t t Tint Veky Last.--TIic following to the Charlotte Journal ; j j I , 4KALEiiii, Nov. 15, 9 P. M, j ! '(Grnham county giyea Reunptt 153 I "m lioiity, and he now has 117 majoiity lwilh' lldei and Watauga counties t4 ilhtjar from,' Two jpports from Watauga fMhave been riceivjeu one from States? "iile, giving lWnnett 125 majority, and IVo ije fio 11 Charlotte, giving him i t 'H)de is repoited close by'oiio dispatch : from Washington, but a disnatch front t'btizabeth City says Ityde gives Jieunetjb H150. W e are cleat out of tlie' woh1s. ! S. A. Ashe. Atlanta, November 15. Pope liar row lias beeu elected U. i. benator to fill the. unexpired term of 4he late Benjii MiiiQ 11. Hill. Allietl 11. colnuittWtts I electeil the first ballot to the U. S. Sen ; atd for the full terhi commen'cinffUlarc! I the. fourth. . i ! f Atlanta, Nov. 15,-The vote on the r Senatorial electiou was : Short term fRjirrow 116, Hill ffluttt 122, Jackson DD; loiig term Col 40, Black 33, Audef- tVJ. Best's pf tlie Midland Rati I read from ilorehead to Goldsboro, has been J declared forfeited by a stockholders meet fing, W. W.Carrnth for himself, Best and 1 pthers, entered a protests to the action. An- I other resolution autholzed a new lease at s I sum not less than $40,000 and for a terra of 1 3Q years, was adopted, by which it is hoped I a satisfactory arrangement will be clfrcteu. ! i i 3Iow js it Doxk ? There is one or two I newspapers in the State whoe Ipase on life l gencrauy qegros a lew monins oeiore, saa s eoas a wecx or two alter, eacn btate eloc ttipn. win some one please explain the m vs- f, :r 1 - . ; - - .... -1 I fijrj Of su.li a newspaper existence? Cpngressinens six Ueniocmtsouioi nine, at ouceand do the fery things the Dem IBcuue s electea oA cr focivcij u qcrats nave bpen trying to get then to do Isniall mniorityV it isjbelieved at this time,j sitlC(1 J870. Perhaps they imasiue this QWAKISO UKPUMI-ICANS.'; j , The Republicans have taken the alnrfa at last. They. see the handwriting on the wall, nod re wisely getting their house ill order. The New York Tribune, the; lead4 iiig Republican paper; of New York, in view of the recent Democratic vjctorjej thus tak of the situation, and of-what ilits party ought to do. We will dot be 4ui prised -if tho present Cppgress shall attempt by liberal and j list legislation this winter to break tlie force of t fie rep fent overthrow of the Jlcpubjjcaiis. J'erhaps they will repeal the odions Inter- pal Ke venue system ana i noc leave u w be done by the Peiuoprats. perhaps they may revisn tlie tariff and reduce it. They would agree to nothing before. jWe think jt quite pertain that they -will make some sort fif demonstration to unload" the i'sivty pf tle adnrjnistration. Tfte Tribune says ( The pjijff necessity for the Republicans uov? is p unload the administration, its in strnments hnd its methods, and to frame measures which will meet the public ue- j,iaud for better government. If the pr: y does uot.sqceeed in framing land phic- ticaUy nnitiug upon such measures as do ti,e paonc demand, it will render ReDul.lican success in! the next iPresiden- tial election very much more dijtficult ad Joubtfnl If it fails to clear ijself comht pletely,- in the public estimation, frpja responsibility for Che coudgctof thepres- ent administiatioii brsyrapal with f that I. . . .... . . . , i. . " . . . . ' i - . needs ofjudustry and trades would be of much service. Therjeglect of Congress to make any adequate provisions for these needs -has been one of fhe causes of public dissatisfaction. Auyl effort in that direc tion will undoubtedly put the bulk of the uuiivuukuij iiui. uemocraiic lini-rv mtn riiiwhinmiinnon opposition to the will and intefestf the people and will tend to wfden khe breach that already exists between the two Wings of the party. Tho question of internal ulatioi will necessaiilv be considered. lMr fcly declares that he will strive; to .. ,a 1- u. i mm uui mc lULcruui taxes euxireiv. ana the Democrat who act Vfith the liquor ntM-esta will n 1 t oftY.rt Ti ia fA.. fl. Rt.publican8 to j(U,ge whueI. th(Jy cau stieugthen their party byl this policy. The Republicans onght by this ttte, to convinced that the enip I appointing power to control conventions 1 to extort money front officials and to de- reformatory, is now placed i eg8 w,icl ja8 nofc thug far 8own creat 1 ntness lor tne work. ; I mi . t' . rnm' L . . . i ,1 iueiew xoik tutM, witu otliers o; the Kepublicau press, sounds the alarni .u,a quake with fear as they , behold the signs of au ultimate disruption of thei party, are loudly citlhiis for a halt : de I jnauding that their Representatives iu J Cougress, as well as iu the executive de . I I ? "i. 1 partnieuts of the govei-ument, feo te work w,u fouif m Q 6ome measure appease, the people, and tlins enable them to still re tain a longer lease ot power! For cheek it surpasses anything evejM before heard 'f. If they repeal all the odious laws which hpy have in (lie nas$ for tho country and do this winter ced appn 1 l-...,ruu. ..iulu ntt tuey all 1 It! dmr f Ik.it a a . 4 A . I . . X I 1 v Peopie wn understand that the Democrats forced them tp it, and will po doubt award the honors where they properly bejpngi ' 1 ; " 1 f Ex Senator Joseph E. McDonaJd, o Indiana, telegraphs us follows to the ed tor of the New York World : "The result of the late elections all over I , - .... . the JSorth places the Democratic party iu cciiueuey ior tne next ttto years. " this ascendency is to become executive in 1834, it must bo on the record the party - - - iiutiiiii. t? isc eouuseiB uuksi prevail, retorms most be real. The tariff m ust be reduced to tho iircniiM standard. Taxes must be levinil nK- f.u- the support o,f t!jp gpverqateut. All ex penditures autliorized by Congress mi ba f0r national purposes and fur nu fttljer purposes, audecouomv must bo eiifnipprl in all departments of ie government. xue luierierence o the federal adrais tration in State elections and State afflui. so overwhelmingly rebuked iu New York, must cease. As soon as possible all laws authorizinjr Federal art i fin liArnnrl ' rlio limits ofthe constitution nuistU rrw.nl. ed. Political aud officiAl linnAatv ,.,ot be made the test of eliiribilitv In short, we must merit as Demne.rAtA Hi confidence which has beeu reposed in us by the people." 1 i " ' . v! Wre hope that every Democrat, North and Soth, will solemnlj sabscribe his name to the above broirraimme. and that those iu position to carry it out, will re ligiously work for it. The politics of this country for the last few years have b.ceu tearfully bad. The party in power have trampled under foot time honored cousti- vuuons, laws, precedents and jusages. and have run the machine contraty. to every wen huow Siife-gnard. The alarmed peo ple jiave looked on aghast, aufl called on At 1 - - i me orates. And now is the time for the Democrats Not to make money- or win "uuu' Uf inemseiyes, but to serve Uip icliu uouesuy to regaiu what they have lost by recklessness; jand ito re establish the general government upon the original principle inarmed oot by the almost inspired men who labored in its formation. If this grand popular uphea val meaus anything, it nieaLsU thorouirl reformatiou in the political uwxjes of the country, and the people stiijid ready to applaud every laudable efford on the part f Congress and the Legislatures to ac complish it. They jiave chosen the Dem ocraf ;e party as their agent to perform the work. Let its houored members de vote to t all the wfsddm and' energy in aim 100 k doc ior a reward on earth. i 1 Cotton Seed Oil jjilla are to be establish ed both at CharlQttp ind Greenville, S. C. and will be ready for ivbrk durin the win ier, EQor,r Hk ""S- 1 Raleigli, election in Virgin i has The . r -. ... - . . shorn Mafipne r.r twn-tlnrds or nis a, w v - ' I strength. The cotton erpp of this year is estima ted by some of the papers as mgii as 7JOt),0OQ bales. S. T. Miekey of Salem, tf, C, i 8a4 1 otho1 for load have invenieu bi'j -- 1 . ing and unloading Cars, and will be pateuted. It is iu demand A frain of freight cars on the R. & D. R. R., were wrecaeu as week, by some evil disposed person, as 11 waa supposed. Chicago. Kov. J5.-The Bricklayers in the emnlov of the Bosses Association, struck thi$ morning agsins tip? system of the pay ment by the bpur and for an increase in wages. It ia a hopeful sign of the times that the newsDaners irenerally concede that tne eiec .... tiops p,n the 7tn prqke up nng m lobby, business which have run iot a$ Wasbioston since the war, and by wfiicp. collossal fortunes were mad,e by plqnder ing the government the people's treasury, Will Arthur reward Col. Johnston, nn T,nch and Hon. Chas. Price ior their arduous labors duriug the late can vass, or were they paid in advance, is the question. Neither of them have a renntation for cratuitous services that " - w ' any body knows of. The English newspapers in comment ing on the late elections iu the United States, see but ope prominent cause for overthrow of tlie Republicans, and that is their failure to institute thorough re form in the civil service and give to the people an upright aud permanent civi and judicial service. . GyrsiES. The Washington (D. C. Star, speaks of a grand encampment o gypsies near that city, who are preparing to move down to North Carolina to spend tlie wiuter. There will be nearly a thou sand of them, of which six hundred are women and children. Branches will go to other States, South. The Star says further : ('The branches of the baud that unite in North Carolina are governed by Qneen zciua, who was cnosen ior mis nigu posi tion on the death of Zanos, "the child o the stars," near Columbus, Ohio, two years ago. Zanos had ruled as queen for eleven years, and one of her commands was that this annual gathering should take place. The principal husfuess of the gypsies appears to be horse trad ing and fortune telling. 1 hey appear to be harm less, though many persons fear them' i.. . 11 Fraud to be Investigated. Hon. A. M. Kelley, chairma'n of the Virginia Democratic Executive Commit tee, has issued the following letter, under date of Richmond, November 8th : "Democratic judges of election, super visors and challengers are earnestly re quested to report to me at once all cases ofLiIIegality and informality, and espe cially the number of votes cast at their respective precincts by parties presenting tax receipts signed by appointees of the auditor, Ajl of these are believed to be illegal, and the bulk of them fraudulent The outrages and open violations of law which distinguished the election in this city were doubtless repeat every where. Tlie evidence of snch practices must be valuable, and may, in certain casca be de cisive. We confidently believe that we have carried the State, and that Mr. Mas aey is elected, and llat an honest vote will demonstrated it. Virginia will not iil to answer when the veil made np by the magnificent victories of yesterday is UIIIVU The Meaning of It. Ifew York Sun. Would yon know the meaning of the political revolution wh.icli struck its first blow iu Uhio in Qctnnpr, and swept through Pennsylvania. Xaw York. Mass- achnsetts and Colorado n Tupsd,ay last? mcaus inese iour Tilings: 1. fled ace the expenses of everv brancli of the Federal goyerninent to a basis u simplicity, cnnpmy and jonesty I i Aooiisn tne internal revenue abomi nation! I 3. Make the tariff simnla and rational. and just sufficient to provide for the wants ot an nonest and economii auniinistra- tiuu iu iiiue 01 peaco; t 4. 2iO. subsidies, no jobs, and above all. no stealing, either by the administration and its agents, or by Concress and it employes! j 1 Ins i tlie meauins and the nnrnoKe hf tlUs mighty overturn. Is the Democracy wise eunuch and hiirli- mindd enough to execute this reieiuitn- ry mandate wth fidelity and courage! We shall see. The occasion ia creat. Aud we are happy to add, the future is A Very Good Platform. Hon. Siyft . RandalT, of Pennsylvania, constructs the foljowiu brief but com- piesenstve platform for the Democratic party ; !1. A radical reduction in the emen- sea 01 rue govern inent. i : l . - "2. lieturn every sunerfluous office holder to private usefulness. I "3- Abolition of the internal revenue system. "4. Radical retorm and simplification ot the tariff. j "5. Ko subsidies; no jobbery; no steal- Now, if Mr. Riindall jjnd" hs prctc tive tariff friends will recognize th situation, and get down to busiuess, we can all pull on harmoniously and trot pur candidate right, into the White House next ejection. Char. Observer. . m The latest estimate of the New York 7ti, Republican, gives the Democrat 201, and the Radicals 124 members of the House. yhe Thing: Bi,lst!,e )Vlped Outi Charlotte Observer, If the nextiCongfess dot ' abolish the internal revenue yiu wy wb" to abolish the Democratic party. The people depiand if, the good of the coun try demand it, and Congress must not turn it daef ear tol the demand. ( There was a time when its abolition would have been impossible because the revenues derived from it were considered necessary o meet the current demands and debt obligation of the government. Bat that time has passed. t is no longer necessa ry, and it can be abolished without oppo sition worthy of the name. Many'Repub- icans hare pronounced in favor of it already and raany jmore will since they tare seen the drift of the popular enrrebt 11 the past election. It is more than likely that aome Republican like Kelly, .of Pennsylvania, will steal Democratic thun der and introduce a bill for its repeal next wiuter, hare it passed and thus rob the Democrats of the honor and prestige of its mm''' v j . 1., . passage rue jjemocren snoniu tun ins anticipated iii thi move nor wait until the 48th Congress Imeets to agitate it. It should be done at the very first opiMrtu- uity, and no rest should be takeu nutil it ia entirely wiped out. ; olita! ilaiueluatiou, ' How a Ndrtktrn Man Becomes Crazy from Morbid ' Fears of Southern ralitictil Methods as Conceived from a 2Cew England Education. Frotf) Charlotte Journal. T . t 1 I l f O last inuajiB wi jicw, air. su. o, Hawks, a gentleman of Ashfield, Mass.. reached Fort Mills, with three elegant bird dogs, which he proposed fo truiu for the approach iug field trials at High Point. He was thoroughly well equipped as a sportsman and trainer, and devoted him self to his busiuess with much assiduity. But he soon began to exhibit peculiar symptoms of mental derangement which took the form of excessive feaT, that, being a Northern man and a kepublicau, I he would be killed. The excitement at tendant upon and following the election so wrought up the fears suggested by his evidently disordered braiu that he pro- .;n : ij ,.1 .1 I rort iuiu, sajs ue woiiiu iretjueuiiy e- press the apprehension that he was to be- come a political victim, aud when citi- Sens of the village would enter the honse aud refer to Hilitics he would hasten to his room and lock himself iu, from whence he Bould be induced to come out come out only after much persuasion aud that no harm should be done liihi. These npprehensious were the only exhibitions of derangement I he made, and as he appeared rational in lU his other action's aud utterances, no, interruption was1 offered to his training of . . . L .... the twgs, vrnicii ne cenunueu witn qui- ireuco aud interest. He' seemed ex treniely fond of tlie dogX, ttiid took much pride in the excellence of r their pedigree and tlie progress' of thetr training. lie valued them at $50 each. Saturday morning last, with his guq and cue of the (Iocs, he took the fields. IIo lt.1 lint rotnU tr innti- a . I.?. I . , " wont, but u negro came with the story that while working iu a cotton field that morning, he had heard a shet and a yelp and a moment after hail seen Mrt Hawks flying like a madman through the cotton field, entering the woods again on the apposite &de. In a momeut he hd heard another shot from the woods. It yras feared that the poor fellow, in a freak pf insanity, had killed himself, and party of citizens w-as farmed to search for him or his corpse. Proceeding to the spat from whence thje first shot heard by the negro had sounded, the dead body of the dog was found rjith a piatoj ept through Us head, following the trial of th.e )uanne man, his pistol was found in the woods Ueypud the cotton field; bnt nothing could he seen of the fugitive, although the search was cpn.ttnu.ed, tUrougkont tbe ifternpon and Suuday, ' Yesterday morning Mr, Hawks entered the hardware . store of Messrs, B rem & McDowell in this city. His appearance was wild and disorded in the extreme. He was dressed in a cauvass hunting suit covefed. with mud and dirt, his hat was torn and the hair of his head protruded through the lipieg. His heavy hunting boptb were wet t as though he had been wadjng in the wter j his hands were torn nud bleeding, and his j eyes had the wild and unmistakable cleant of i . I m II m 1 m.Z , . . A : 1 n the store whep e entered, bnt Mr. Brem, wh 4net him , when he passe through Pharlotteon hia way toort f:il .... : a i.j i - I I'W "tum'V" He had ed, he said, because he ws Con- Vuvcu u,c ?u?piraCyo ma life because he was a Northern man and a Republican, bnt strangely enough he thought the necroes were to be the agents nf lii. ti.. 1 1 I... ua mi. a ucuiu, lie iiou uccu iiurMiieii ii v . - them since Saturday morning; had shot his dog because he feared it would be the means of his discovery aud capture. He had not had a i mouthful to esit since he left Fort Mill, ud had been hiding in ditchea for 2 davs and nichts. He was 9W 11 taken to the Central Hotel by Mr. Brem, who telegraphed to Fort Mjl for his dogs aud baggage. He was well supplied for Fftpney, and leaves for his home is ijaes chnsett8 to-day. RjpHMOXD & Danvilxe. Thcj road has earned its divjdend, u fact was never doing better, bnt being iu need of money, aud being unable p borrow, on aeconut of the wide fluctuations in the stock, was compelled to pas it. This stock is good for n considerable advuee within the next thirty days pr sooner. A Y. Slock Report. State Tote in IStSO and 1832. By Cpngressfrnal Disiricii, - FIRS? DISTRICT Jar vis. 1,717 1.188 631 ! 627 883 1,000 U50 7S 1,386 584 573 ,749 2,223 410 621 Bux ton, j 1,743 1.721; 523 854 2$ 265 518 1,131 593 1,293 386 1,052 979 1,771 353 950 Ben nett. i 264 Dock cry, Beanfoit Bertie . Camden Chowan Currituck Pare Gates Hertford Hyde Martin Pamlico Pasquotank ' Perquimans Pitt Tyrrell Washington m 163 104 180 403 233 25 356 Totals 14,753 14,459 ; SCCOyP DISTRICT. Craven 1,190 2,816 1506 1846 137 2700 283 2 1057 1233 96 Edgecombe 1,723 3,470 950 2,426 796 2,370 2,041 2,690 233 1,389 Greene 863 Halifax 1,775 Jones 575 Lenoir 1,088 Northampton 1,512 Warren 1,354 Wayne Wilson Totals 2,330 173 412 13,983 20,181 THIRD DISTRICT. Bluden 1,278 Brunswick 702 Carteret 982 Columbus 1,577 Cumberluud 2,079 Duplin 1,963 Harnett 995 Moo to 1,452 Newr Hanover 1,359 1,530 896 268 175 705 - 922 2,162 1,214 724 1,397 2,349 530 1,246 1,638 200 479 6X7 43 68 1150 194 Qn-QW 1,035 543 434 Pender 998 Sampson 2,108 1 Totals , 16,528 15,313 FOURTH DISTRICT. 2,129 1,888 Chatham Durham Franklin 300 237 2,034 2,831 8,073 1,556 2,225 4,280 1,998 3,142 1,707 1,367 1,914 4,648 50 150 50 41Q 325 Qranville Johnston Nash 265 100 173 Orange Wake Vance Totals 17,148 16,650 rirrn DisTnicr, Alamance 1, 1,277 1,790 187 : 248. 1,103 219 50 241 459 833 713 Ciswell 1448 Davidson 1.745 Guilford 2,251 jr? 16 Rockingham 2361 Stokes 1,181 1,834 1,502 966 Totals 13,714 13,537 SIXTU DISTRICT' 1.307 975 Anson 677 661 1064 190 131 532 Cabarrus Catawba 9?to? Jiucoin 1,465 1,867 1,097 992 1,357 619 1,127 763 3,20a 898 1,739 1,934 606 880 Mecklenburg 3,289 Montgomery 695 Richmond 1,340 25,1 873 1,481 610 141 ltobesou Stanly 600 723 union Totals 16,898 13,824 SEVKNTII DISTRICT, . . Alexander 772 514 1,027 913 1,765 2,346 1,979 1,370 672 1.48Q 920 375; 247 1,032 898 1,796 1,603 1,355 959 555; 1,548 1,153 f 30 Alleghany Ashe J,6 1,11 Rowan 300 500 550 200 Surry Watanga Wilkes Yadkin Totals 500 13,778 11523 EIQHTH DISTRICT. 1,925 1,566 1,074 816 971 419 748 643 ' 356 181 1,691 544 Rlltlcnmbe 400 300 482 Burke Caldwell Cherokee QiJJean Graham Haywood Henderson J11 MSiSwi Mitchell McDowell rf swaQ TranajlvanU Yancey 75.2 959 m 656 789 Ki 497 771 330 1,204 404 39Q 680 50 150 100 U6 Totals 15,029 10,980 'Counted with Cherokee, Congressman John Paul, of Virginia, a Readjustee is on the Election Committee of the present House of Representatives, I f M niihl" of Santh CarolinA. On nn- p.anl wa. re-elected by a bare maioritr. ,,d Dibble waa re-elected br about 5,000 majority, whereupon Dibble Mm ilarrimrg. Fff ; j have bJ abp 5,0QU maioritv. Hone to meet von in Wash- ington this winter and. return compli- n,ePt f'IBBLEt I ' Time is Out I All NOTES, ACCOUNTS and MORTGAG- ES were due on November 1st ; but as this is a late season, I will extend the time to the 20th, and will not put out for collection until after the 23d. I must urge the impor tance that payments be, made at once. Please do aot cause me tor add costs to you. I have no desire to do so, but must have the amounts due at once. Ul'l Very truly, J. I). GASKILL. r a "Lopk 1 I " 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CRAO T ivti r a rnnil t xr nwrv . . . 1 -. t . ' .... 81.50 pR TEAR, IIS We have now received our FALL Oar patrons and the public know ! . ' 1 ! J .. A. line 01 goous in ev?ry uepanmenu xuis season we are aoie to offer the best and prettiest line of Dress Goods) Trimmiugsi Clotbino;, Gent's Ftir. nbhing Goods, fco., ever brought to this market, V NEW GOODS. CORRECT STYLES, CLOSEST PRICES. Before you buy see our Embroidered Cashmeres and Ladies Cloth patterns. - Ladies Kid Gloves undressed and finished. Hamburgs, all new patterns. Boys' Suits, from 5 to 10 years of age. CARPETS and RUGS of Select Patterns. With Thank for past Patronage, JONES, McCUBBIlTS & CO. SALE of LflWB! Will be sold on the premises on the 23d day of December next, the land ef George A. Locke, aecessea, comainmg; asiu acrcB. Rftirl land will he divided and sold in two separate lots the Anderson place, contain- injr 120 acres, on which is a good Dwelling, liarn, ana necessary ouiDUiinings. ine VanEaton place, containing 150 acres and no uqiuungs, is wen umuereu iim suiuc ..wj ji". good Creek and Branch bottom-lands on it, I Iu my absence call on John S. Hender and some fair i specimens of Gold. Said j son or M. L. Holmes, Esq. lands lie on Fourth Creek in Scotch Inh township, Rowan county, adjoining the lands of A. A. jHart, JoHn Campbell and others; is well watered, and produces corn, wheat, oats and cotton, freely. Lies in a good neighborhood. Arty one wishing to examine the property can do so by calling on Mr. nenry G. Lippard, who resides on the place, and will point it out. Terms at sale CA&H, J. D. JOHNSTON, Nov. 13, 1882. 5;-H ! 600 BUSHELS OF CORN FOR SALE I A No. 1 Westinghouse Wheat Thresher 39 inch cyjipder sol d on time. Two Wag ons, and two fine large Mules, two elegant' Milch Cows, ten head of hogs, Household and Kitchen furniture. SALE, WEDNESDAY 22d Nov'r, 1832, at Plantation near Thyatira Church. t3fRenieinlcr the date. J. G. McCONN AUG HEY". Nov. 7th, 1882. 4:2t. i ' ADMINISTRATOSR'S SALE! Having taken out letters of Administra tion on the estate of the late Wm. M. Kin caid, deceased, I will proceed to fell at rmb- Uc sale, on the premises, 3 mi lei west ot Salisbury, on Tuesday, December the; 5th, 1882, the following personal property, nz: Wheat, oats, corn, horses, cattle, two milch oows, hogs, leaf tobacco, two 3-horse wagons, one buggy and harness, a turning lathe, farming implements, household and kitchen furniture, and other articles not enumerated. Terms, Cash. Further Notice 1 All havim claims against said Wm. M. Kmcaid, dec d, are hereby notified to present the same to me on or before the 7th day of Nvemberr 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar ol their recovery. And all persons indebted to the said deceased are requested to make immediate payment. - A. L. HALL, Adm r. Nov. 6th, 1882. 4:0 w j 1 ADUItllSTRATO'S SALE O F PERSONAL PROPETY! Notice is hereby given -that I will ofler for sale at public auction, at the late resi dence of Elizabeth Lyerly, dee'd, in Frank lin township, on the 27th dav of November, 1882, the following personal property, to wit: One horse and buggy, three head of cattle, 8 or 10 hogs and pigs, about 50 bush els of corn, about 20 bushels of wheat, far ming utensils, household aud kitchen fur niture, and perhaps others articles. Terms ol eAlevasU, 4:3w Ef"AL persons having claims against the estate of the said Elizabeth Lyerly, decd, ate hereby noticed to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of November, 1,863, and all persons indebt ed to saw estate are requested to make prompt payment. Ato;sojB juaroe Adm. r at Elizabeth Lyerly, Nov. 6, 1882. 4 w- SHERIFF'S SALE LAND! Bv virtue of Venditio Exponas and ex ecu tipn, issued put pf thef Superior Court HQWftn Cpnnty in favpr of P. fi. IleiUg & Spn against onn L. Cruse, in my uands lor collection, I will sell at public auction, at iqe VPh" xiouse popr if np ipwo, pi nana- raw. real Droperty. vu ; A tract flf land RW pn tie?7tn pay oi xfovemner, ioo, all the ngft1! "HP Pvere5t anq estate oi tne said John it. PTv$e, W ffnd to tbe fpllpwipg an county, adjoining tne laflda pt John y. Rimer, Henry Klutts, and others, d npn as the unancey jcoung pi ace. Terms, Cash. Datecr at Salisbury, 18th day of September, 1882. 3:4w NOTICE, A meeting pf the Stockholders of tit . i' J v lu n l : t..:i n.li'n yyesieru iurm varuiiua iuxii xvuaq wpiu pany is called to meet in bausbnry N. pii Thursday, November 9th, 1882. 15y order ot the Hoard or Directors. - GEO. P. ERWIN, ct. 5th 1882. Sec. & Treas. 051 :4t. ' " - IIIIIIIIISIIIIillM AND WINTER STOCK of Good s. that we have always kept a first-class mL . 1 1 ;H A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: Valuable bumig lots ! FOR SALE. I will sell privately, two building Ut 1 adjoining my residence, frontiug ou FaU J ton street aud running througli to rUtti einxu jus is ui uhwi, uetsirauie prop. I efty that lias been oflfered-for sale ; ln;re A. J. MOCK, 2:1m. Salisbury, Oct. 25, 1882. W. R.MASON, ..DRUGGIST, Main Street, Salisbury, K. C. DEALER III PURE DRUGS, Medicine, Oils, Soaps, Perfumeries, BrWhe, Combs, Trusses, Lamps, Cigars and TobaV co. Also a beautiful lot ol fancy- VASES AND TOILET SETS, "PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY, Cheaper than ever known before, i Night calls promptly answered without! extra, charge. Give him a call, lilm JOHN WADSVORTirS CELEBRATED i RUST PROOF SEED WHEAT, j We are Agents for John Waoswprth's Celebrated J ' RUST PROOF Seed Wheat, Vc can supply it in any quantity requit ed. J. M.KNOX CO. Salisbury, Oct. 19th, '82. 4 1. ! ADMINISTRATORS SALE OP Personal Property ! At the residence of John Graham, decMr near Third Creek Station, in Scotch Irwh township, I will offer tor sale at public suc tion, on Tuesday, the 21st day of Norem- ber, 1882, the following personal property, to wit : One good mule and three horse, a number of hogs, a lot of wheat, corn id cotton, one 2-horse carriage, one buggy, 8 wagons, one Mower and Rake, Farming Implements xf every description, Household !. and Kitchen Furniture, and other things not mentioned. Also, on Thursday, the 23d day of No vemder, 1882, at his plantation in AtveU township, I will expose to public-sals large lot of Corn, Wheat, Cotton and per hans other articles. TER31S of both sales Cash. ! J. G. FLEMING, Adm'r of John Graham, dee'd. Oct. 17, 1882. lw North Carolina. 1 111 the Smn- ROWAN COUNTY, S or Court. James Hillard, Adm'r of Sarah Green, Pi". Against f Wilfor.l Dent and others, Deft. Petition to sell land for assets. ; It appearing to the satisfaction of the. Court that John Dent, if HtUUJT, nd1.1l bews, if he be dead, and Hatck Dent, If br ing, and his heirs, if he be dead, defendsaU in the above named case, are non-residents of the State: It is ordered by the Cow that publication be made is the CaroUaa Watchman" for six successive weektjaw" fying the said defendants to ; appear at the ,offi. of th nifrV nf the Sunener Courtw I Ravfan County, on Monday the 18th day of tv v. too.) . 1 n0i-ar th romnl&illl XrvviuuvHy ioo, atiu uonvi - i wbwn will be filed in the above enuii z tion, within ten days from the date hereon and if they fail to answer tne compiai plaintiff will apply to the Court for the i Hef demanded in the complaint. !i J.M, HOHAII.U. Bi.v---pf Rowan County. Oct. 27, 1882. of Horth Carolina, 1 ROWAN COUNTY. S Li TV 8cw onCocir. Tobias Kesler, PVff, Against . j John F. Reed and others, Deft. Petition for partition of land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Oourtnat John F. Reed, John C. Cwn and. wile Sally J. Connor, John 8. Uenara Wq wtfeMargaret-E. Leonard, B J and wjfe A.lice C. Jones, W. W. Beid.W; Reed, and LnUa Mason, defendants jin wj above entitled case, ftre non-iesld.f,,:hji this State and are necessary parties o w action Tit is ordered by the Cwrt tWJ F"JT lica,tipd be made in th.p "Paxolifi JL man" for six successive weeks, PWJf said defendents to appear at the'g: the Clerk of the Superior Court f WJm Cpunty, ojOIonday the 18th dayof PjgJ, ber. 882, and answer the complaint, will be filed therein, and if they h !JJg swer said complaint the plaintiff VH to the Court for the relief demanded i.;nf t x tinTiAIL C. Si v the the - C. of Rowan County nf ai irsi ' v 3:w

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