f-t ! J V ; y J ' J :. "V ' TP - JBUNING INTELLIGENCE, in the work are sanguine as to results. jGa - (Q) (2 tti i tiiaS 1 " r"" ' 1 1$ext week all the machinery win 1e . I 1J " - " ! T.K. BRU3TEK MANAGER. , going, j ' ' THt&SDAY, NOV 1671882. I SSTlTW TERMS. ' prom and after the 1st day elf Jan nary, J 1832, the subscription price of the H'acA- a will jtiuw s $1.50 1 One year paid lu advance,! payment delayed 3 months, 2,00 payment delayed 12 months 2 50 ' m - i t n ' 4. .1 1 WAMr" T I ,,, wu apply Watchman Office Oats. Mr. W.;G. Chandler, at . Chap I flier's Groe,;Montgomery county, sowed oats in Jaly lLat. Strange to say the crop . matnnid-saniple left in odr office." v . j G McCossACGnEY's sale of corn, &cn will take place' on Wednesday Me 22d of NoTeriitXJr iastead or the 4it as Inlsstiweekjs paper. See new nient.i - .:! v o advertised advertise-1 i . :. L . i ii.i I n!.-. rJ froht of tue season visuea vuis r- place on tlfc morning of the 6th inst. We """-"' i j - . .!. w,. : .orprani-'lit frosts since, but )4VC tin-' ' r o . there are still many things in dens notoriously danunged. u. .'t io' - " wen owIPraterI The Ye the -gar- ijing Men's1 i Cbristain AlpsociatUu of ibis place is obser ving this weyjK, me regular annum icrm iw r. .oecisl relisioos icrviccs. "They will have meeting evlry night this week except Sat- roecun c j I j urdST nlsbtl The meetings arc well at- urdaj tended. The nert Tobacco Warehouse is now fully ceropjeted, and ready for the new tobacco croi It is a substaujial build ing 50xl00iud it is expected. that at an early day it will b4 full. The first salesday will attract many buyers from a dis- tance. ' , j i L-o Mr. Buttsf exhibited his panorama of .aceues iu the old .testament to a very large audience last' night. The Hall is seldom filld as on this occasion ; and tliey were well pleased with the artistic work. With de tot ion to his art studies there is no Reason iwhy this vonog Caro-1 i Jinian cannot attain posiiym as an arwsu Dedication" Services. The Catholic church, recently rftctetl in this place, ixt Sabbath J the Right t nop ofiBciating, assis- will be dedicated Jlev. Bishop, Northrop officiating, assis- ted hy serefal other clergymen. The services will commence at 91 in the morn-j inc. and asJn at 7 in the evening, t I Jib I w I I Tp Cheap r:ate Washington. The ! Kichmoud Danville railroad lines have iBRuedi a reduced rate to Washinc-1 ton City an return ; tickets wfll be sold on 23d, 24tb and 25th of November at the depot in Salisbury1, for $140 round trip, good BBtil )ecenibcr 5th. The occasion ia the National Bazar Industiial and art exposition Mr theJbenefit of the Garfield MOMmnentFuud. I I - There are seveial sporting I men here with a number of trained dogs ; among them are MB T. E. Smith, of New Jersey, Mr. aud Mrs! Charles Heath, of Newark, N. J., aud Mi-. J, Heron Crusinau of New York Mr. A. Hltry Cijaige, of Philadelphia, srn red here tb-daVL He is well known among the young people; and by-the-way, is a fine stint, lid ex pects to try l,is hand oihonhe birds' this fall. IN MEMORIAK. I, TrRrrti,iWe have received! Hews of theldntimeiy death of Bro. Chs. I bprdoD, by j lUilroitJ, w an accident on the W. N. C. illo in the, faithful discharge jofftU datynd Hereas, we desire to express ourf sympathy with the bereaved familj, anJ nlso leave on record some Itestinionialfof the bharacter of this devot- ed'Knight 4f Uonjr. L?prf,'K!lat Lode has lo8t hy frMfeJ5h1 simple and sincero in manner, true in Character, farise ii council, and always rrv w ju ao nauui greuiw Bg.uusi, k.Q K Um for hisimanlvl character and honestv of purpesejahd wb will ever cherish his memory. and meet him in the Great lifesoIredlThat his Lodge attend the i in a - Vwxlv. find rea r fnaeral cerrnibni the nsual badge of mourning thirty days completed the setting of a new one hun impectoisnjempry. j . dred horse boiler, made by j Babcox & jmmuai tuis preamoie ana reso IJtions be kpreadl upon the minutes of tmv- vu.4mgetanu that a copy be sent to lnij'hmstU,A TL If r 7 """"" tuu juimitcr itir iiuuiicauou. t 4 a . L. S " IV; A. VlLBORN, .F. Rioss, Committee. D. McN S I' tEELT, - ..ctt. ui waiojir. air. Haiumolid, editor of the Forest StJ-eaai, one of the best sortin iniiriiaU e I I' r ingro wtrllarrieil in this cit yester daynd registered it the Central. Two of the dogaftat Mri Hawks, the, unfortu nate crazy Ink u, had uuder , his trail tport,MiyWl6ge4to.- Mr, Iarniu and le has gone dowip to see about th nuder . hiSj traiuing them. iue dog killed by Hawks belonged to Wni.M;5Vill ams, of New York who 6ow her f ith Mr. llAinmnud. 'Rnfh ee gentfemen ale greatly interested in we spprobjng lleld trials at High Point evlr? T11 lt VU 56 Lei latest tin ll lfeQrtveT,,eld in theSoath- on BTp , Veria hnndred dfi8 wiU blolili mI T 8Te of t,,em the fine8t tbe w ? ericaTina vaiuea. ail i - )e revpltttioiujted the First! District, lt jour speed, U Wilmington! seems to "ave little &i,h. iX:ll ; Mpta(hi bfcati hg Canaday. What 0 von PTtUa your 1- . r- services J-Lcach 4.. mi. Star. Mixiko M eh. Last Saturday a god many men in teres tea in mining were in the city, among them were: Dr. M. r. Rogers, of Beaver Beaverdam, Mont Someryj county Mr. Hambley,! assay er, Gold H jll, Rowan county ; Mr. .8 and Mrf C. Armstrong of the Sam Hhervin Chris- tian. Montiromerv eonntv:; Mr. J. D. r ' r . . " Stewart, Dunn's Mountain, Rowan conn ty j Mrl C. G. Veile and Mr. A. D. Potts, Crowell mine, Stanly county ; Mr. J.J. Newman, Dutch Creek, Rowan! county j Judge plagues, of Fenn interested in mining j property ' near herej Mr. John Deweese, of Cabarrus county, interested in Rocky Eiver gold property 6 WAV Mixe. Tlie assignment of Mr. L. Graf spoken of as a failure of $200,000 in last'week's paoer. will not. so Supt. Menninger ears, affect the development, of the Bo wan mine. Hesays hey will go tfirlir em ami nv atli Inr I orottliinrv I ... . ti ... 9 r ( Il..ir nnn.1 TI- l.v. f- fi.fl nisi uvku iuov sail uiut mi uiai i will pull th rough his present troubles paying one hundred cents ou Uhe dollar for all his liabilities. CoKCpso, N, C, Novll5, 82,. Editor Watchman : . 'I The Kocky River Gold win was told this week to 'Judge Hnchesfof Pa. Tor $40,000. The Reed & Allison was sold to aPbiladelphia company, for about $5,000. Both companies will erect ma- .lllri(.Lt. alt ,inwft airAnii j menceu taking out Ore. Kesp't, j W. M. Smith. i- Sam Christian Mike. Between two and three hundred penny weights of rough nuggets were shipped to the com pany in Philadelphia, last Saturday. Mr. Shervin tlia Supt., has returned to Philadelphia, leaviug MrJ W. B Smith in cliarge as Supt, find Mr. C Armst roug as assistant. We are glad to know the property is still producing in pay iug J quantities. The largest piece sentiu lot mentioned weighed '84 penny-1 weights, and came from what is known as "Moore8 Dry Hollow" one of the richest gnlchea ou the property. 5Ir w B gmith ef tbe gam Christian mine is here to-day. He tells ns that he is looking for Mr. Haslett, C E., ttho is coming to rnn experimental lines from the viev Uwharrie River to iiiine, with the view of kleterminiug the practicability of briuging water from this source to supply the works. Should this be done placer washings would be a great deal more ex- IBUOI V W U UIIO lUI IJ GotD Hill, They are dropping pumps at Randolph sliaft as quickly las tMwxiblc. and will commence pumping Water this weeK. . . f f OLD field vein, j- Pumpe dropied into Old Field shaft to drain water they expect to work this vein vigorously. An engine for this i?baft is on tuo way ami is expected every day. They are' sinking a new shaft on lode 8 inches; wide. Having only been work ed to w;atcr level, the chances for sue- cess are ;very good. 1 he presence of Col. W. Cochrane, of London, seems to have invigorated movements at tiro Hill this! new shaft was stai ted since his arrival.! We expect to see Gold Hill running all works soon : the Randolph,; Bern heart, Old Field, the full battery 20 strong and the umalgating works. llciincr Mine. This TrfnAff-.' im'iiwl lv- tlia Vri-1 rtm- iiuu uoiu iuiiuug anu ivetiucnon tuni Pan3 Ims been under suspension for 1 several weeks. A visit there last Tnes- day fouiid Mr. J. Jacobs, the' Supt., and i01. A A i t of hands busily engaged in P"ttnfi Mllng to "glits, with the expec- tation of starting everything 'full blast first of next week. The tiaie dnriug this suspension hasn taken n build- wgandto setting new machinery whicli will greatly facilitate operations, ai snait o, i iiiey nave put in a new 3 plunger pump, made Ferre11 & Muckle, of Philadelphia, with a capacity of hoisting 200 gallons of bnilt a new boiler house, and have Just tv:i..w r XT rri.l- ' vi bw tvrk. his i pruuauiy the best boiler in this, section and is so I I ' - i " are arranging to concentrate boiler power. Shaft No. 1 is all their down 143 fet they, have let contract Ifor sinking SO feeHteeper. JShaft No.JJ, 400 feet dis taut. is down 165 feet. These' shafts are o.icomiftieq wj urm on vein, ana aireu oy iCONCENTRATINO HOUSE. The concentrating house aiid niachin- ery is located near shaft NO. 2. They have large 60 horse boiler and 50 hose engiue to rnn the works. The ore first passes through a Forster crusher, (capa- city 50 tons in 24 hours, V froui which the ore drops Into an elevator, which lifts it to the third floor, and dnmns it into I :, c', ; rni.L ' a. turns pass through land into the next gieve, No. 8 inesh ; while tlie coarser particles are sent to a Bradfords rolls, where ill ia crushed and falls j again into elevator and is again lifted! to sieves, There are five of these sieves orscruns from which the ore falls to as many jigs, where the sulphnrets are separated from tue grauplated vein stone. To this coucentratinir lionse.fthev are Vnildiug add tab1 ft fip.ninKi addition for sixth jig and slime orking slime whicli carries off salPret ?,loagH to be worth work- li 2 - 1 ;7 Airogeiuer prospects ar the niiytf are flattering and those engaged ; They say that the Clerks in Washing ton who were made to stand and deliver to J. Hubbell'a highway robbers are going to "have an investigation into tho ques tion "what became of , the money r and that some of Hubbells committee are quite willing for ( it perhaps because they don't have the handling of It; ; : 1 We have no doubt that the most inter- ! esting witnesses w1k could be summoned would be Boss Mahone and Boss Mott. ton seed oil mill, leave this morning, but They certainly know where some of it will return in a few weeks, as it Is under went, and ought to j be politely invited to stood they have' positively' determined "give in their experience." Cltarlotte I upon the mill. ; Several of our own capi JournaU I talists will be interested in the enterprise. CAXJEJSTA.TZ OF j , YOB TKIAL AT Tmll Term of Rovsa Superior Court. uoMxxxcnro juoxdat, the zvth or TKXBXB, 1882, IIIS UOXOB, J. U. Jj. U UD-1 obb, judge, niEsiDixo. : Monday and Tuesday of Tint WeetTri- J ah on State Docket. ( Wkdsesdat, Nov. 29th. No, 5 A. H. Boyden vs. Geo. Achenbach. J fi E Mauhey vs.T J Crowell. JO EH Marsh vs T J Meroney. 12 Tobias Kestler vs Tsaac S Linker's Ad ministrator. 13 ML Holmes vs W L Kestler and others 14 -AV A Pnafnn v Jnhn Hm 16 C B Hotchkiss vs Ann McNeely and I otners. 19 FD Koontz vs Jemima Pinksten. 21 J J Mott vs John A Ramsay. 24 R A Caldwell vs W. N. C. Railroad Co, 25 R Pearson and others vs A H Boyden and otners. f 28 John P. Park vs Elizabeth Park." Thxjrsdat, Nov. 30tb, Thanksgiving day no uourt. Friday, December 1st. 29 J N B Johnson and wife vs Tobias Kes- i ler. . ; f: r - 31 J W Mauney vs J B Lanier and L G Gaither. 34 Margaret Keifnick vs Tobias Keslcr. 36 ML Bean vs M A Allison and others. Saturday, Dec. 2d. 83 Fanny Clement vs James Clement. 39 Alman Patterson- and wife vs J Wadsworth. 40 T D Roseman vs Tobias Kesler. W 42 J.N B Johnson! and wife vs Tobias Kesler and others. 43 John A Christy vs Wm Neal and others. 44 R R Crawford & Co. vs Geiscr Manfg Company. 45 A H Boyden vs T M Kerns. 46 A T Powe vs Jack EHer. ! 47 Edwin Shaver vs Town of Salisbury, i 48 John C Bringle vs Sallie mil. , Mokdat, Dec. 4th State Docket. Tuesday, Dec. 5tb. 49 J D Johnson vs ComrVof Rowan Co.' 50 W A Lingle, ExV, vs J K Graham, j 51 Mary C Earn hart vs J F A Earn hart. 1 53 Jacob L Beaver vs John H Verble. 53 P 8 Torrence vs Richard Correl. j 54 R J Holmes vs. J B Trexler. 55 Tobias Kesler sod others vs D L Brin gh?. , 07 Thomas Knox vs Fanny Knbx. ! ! Wednesday, Dec. 6th. 58 John Cauble vs J F Beatty. 60 Simeon Kluttz vs Paul Holshouscr.- 61 Simeon Kluttz vs Henry Peeler. 62 Moses A Fultz vs W. N. C. Railroad Co. 63 Tobia Kesler vs Margaret Keifnick. 64 J M Gray vs And. Sumner and J C Wilholni. 65 ilary F Williams and others vs Luke I Blackmer. 67 Overcash & Co. vs Charles Groner and others. 68 P A Frercks vs W G McNeely and wife 73 Jonn bpeer vs Alfred Peeler. 73 James Smith & Son vs Tobias Keslcr and others. i i ' Tiiubsday, Dec. 7tb. 75 Jane C Yokely and others vs W F Hen derson, Ext. 76 Meroney & Rogers vs J C Foard. 77 8 M 81oop vs S F Ludwick. 79 J M Parks vs M L Arey. 80 J B Hartman vs Martha Ilartman. 81 Mary J Watson vs W N C Railroad Co. 83 P J Willis and i others' vs R A Bur- ronghs and others. 84 J A Clodfelter vs John H Verble. 85 Wm II Kestler vs Sarah C Kestler. 86 Anthony Gibson vs W N C Railraod Co. ; Friday, Dec. 8th. 87 C T Bernhardt and others vs R. & D. Rail read Co. 88 Bingham & Co. vs R & D Railraod Co. 89 Norman Kyle and others vs R N Carter 90 James Caddie vs A L Hall, Adm'r. 91 P ITHeilig & Son vs John L Cruse. MOTION DOCKET. No. 1 Clarissa Julian and others, ex parte. 2 J H Newsnm and others, ex parte 3 John Hughes, adm'r of John W Ellis vs J G & D Flemingr, Ex'rs. 4 U.'A Caldwell vs J V & T Svmons. 7 E Mauney & Son vs. Joseph Marshall. 8 Moses L Holmes vs R A Caldwell and i others. ' 9 Joseph Dobsoa vs S McD Tate. 11 Johnson, Clark & Co. vs C M Bernheim 13 Com'rs of Guilford vs W B ilarch and ! others. 17 John Graham vs Com'rs of Rowan Co. 18 D A Goodman and wife vs John C Mjl- ; lcrand others. 20 State ex rel F H Mauney vs Isaac Earn , hart and others. 22 J P Hanna, admVvs R & D It It Co. 23 Potter & Hoffman vs N. C. G. A: Co. 38 T J. & P P Meroney vs M L Bean. 27 Columbia Boyden vs N A Boyden and I -others. ! . 30 Louis V Brown vs Williams Brown. 32 I W Jones vs Henry McCoy. 33 A H Ncwsom and wifelvsS A Eamhart. 35 M L Holmes vsR A Caldwell and others 37 W J Best vs W P Clyde and others. 41 People and Atty General vs C C Krider. 56 Edwin Shaver and others vs L H Clem ent and others. 59 M A Bencini vs Com'rs of Rowan. 66 3Iichael Goodman and others vs John T Goodman and others. 69 A J Owen, adm'r vs It & D R R Co. 70 Hugh A Dobbin and others ex parte. 1 Tdomas-Ni block vs JJ A Fink. 74 Eph Mauney and others vs ML Holmes Adm'r. 78 State ex rel J A Eller and I A Rosemen and others. 89 T J & P P Meroney vs A others vs R : 1 W Walker ! and others.' j :. . , 92 R R Crawford vs W P Pra ther. T n. Mn nfth Calendar r not w - . j reached and deposed of on the appointed wiU called on pext day in prece. dcnce of cases set for that day, : ; , Witnesses will not be required to attend until the day appointed for the casein which they are subpeenaed. Noa Jnry Cases will be heard according to the convenience of the Court. . jj m. noKAn, c. s. c. Tlio Cotton Seed Oil Mill.' Messrs. Merrick! & Applet the Brad ford I couutr. " Pennsvlvnuia. centlemen who i have been here for the last week, looking after the establishment of a cot- It is 1 learned that -the: idant ibr the mill will cost $40,000 or "f 5O,0O6V and that the' entire euterjrise will represent about tioo,boo.; - ' ; ' i P ;-:,,; - - It i shown by reasonabte'calcculations XMO-fthat ithe absence of such a mill from Charliutte has been costing' the cotton planters in our tributary territory eonaid- erably oyer 100,000 perj'year, in the single item of the waste pi t he oil in the cotton seed is not of the slightest value in enriching the soil and its extraction from the seed does not fni value in this respect of the oil cake. .Tiier removal of the staple adherbigo the jmd, winch is done in the process for extracting the oil also adds much to the, value of the cake aa provender, as the linton the seed com- ine from the cin helps to form an indi gestible mass in tle , sltomah of cattle, while) no such result follows with the cake.-Char. Journal J Too j Early. As usual, after a Congressional election the friends of prominent men of the win ning party have begun to nominate can didates for Speaker of! the House, and even i of Clerk. Sercreant-at-Arms and Door-j-keeper. If the newly elected mem bers had to assemble immediately, or even pn the 4th of next March, when their term of office will begin, there might be some propriety in this, but when it is le- mcmbered that the new Congress will not meet until the 1st Monday iu Decem ber, 1883 more than a year hence and that the contingencies which may happen iu tue; meantime are beyond mortal fore- sight jand may change the . whole faee of politics, it seems early io be setting forth the claims of this, or that man for this, or that office. ."' It is still more early to 'nomiuate can didates for President, and other offices which cannot be filled for more than two years hence and, what is more, it is very often unwise in the fneudsof a particular candidate to enter him for the race so soon. ! Two years 1s,a long time, and events rush over, eaclother with wonT derfnt rupidityriiow-a-daya. Something may he , pardoped toenUinsiasm in the first flush of.' victory, Tveu a ; successful candidate's friends - demand Ids further elevation, but the; wise aBd cool political calculator does not seize that moment to proclaim his future tacticts. Reversing the script nal maxim, he says "sufficient unto i the day is thecood thereof." and then proceeds to watch and . wait. Char. Journal' Chattanooga, Texn., Nov. 14. The first killing frost of the season visited this locality this morning. ' Thermometer fell to35 degrees. Knoxville, Nov. 14. The heavy frost1 of this mocning extended all over the val-i ley of j East Tennessee. It was the first frost of the season in the vicinity of Knoxyille, the weather up to the present time having been unusually mild. The weather remains clear and favorable to gathering of late crops which are more abundant than they have been for sever- al years, com being 50 per cent above the average. The acreage of wheat just sowed is greater than it was ever before known to be in East Tennessee. Charleston IkpustriaL Exhibition. Greatly reduced rates have been offer ed on all the roads leading to Charleston for the grand Industrial Exhibition which begins on the 21st inst.. and continnes to December' 16th. The most prominent and attractive event of the Exhibition is I to be a mnsic festival oif November 27, 28 aud 2& Delegations' of the best musi cal talent of the citiesT6f Savaunah, At lanta and Columbia will bo present to augmeut the grand clibrus'of 'i140 voices and orchestra of 50 : perfoviners. Char. Journal. .t '.WV l M- Thei stockholders of tlrir Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad company have declared forfeited the lease of their road to the Midlaud (N.'C.) Railroad repre sented by W.J. Best of New York. K. Y. Stock Report. OFFICIAL VOTE OF CO i a 3 I- Bennett - 447 152 .93, 72l 97, 150 135 67, 126 82 1 Dockery S2l! 425, 304 .19 4ol 322! 45 1 ; 312j 460 73 72 73 166J 205 Bobbins York I 154 101 . j 157 j 99 140, 112 158 193 163 j 9i; 99! 144 100 ' I 96 179i 208 147 208 Cook J Kluttz . 141 711 121 83 134 79 145 68 162 54 155 59 155 Ramsay - 73 , 7:t 83 Overman 98 ! 141 Til rt rvli m 174 213 I KrWe? 152 129 116 157, 124, 150 125 149 120 153 136 Lackey : mft! 63: 76! 72 79 m 70? 76 i 7i. ; 482 276 452 310 456 306 449 303 Boyden Woodson Murphy 207 ! 89, 167s 1 92 166 87, 194! 1531 203 M'Cubbius Wiley Atwel .149 207 1 ----- Miller 59 " DwuotsT1 bair tlue Greensboro Patriot: Joseph" CI King,! of this place, charged ! with robbing the mails, was convictedat Asheville yester- " ' !';.: . k The Red river is frozen over at Winn I peg, Manitoba, and there is fair sleighing in that locality. i - I 'jA' colored man was fouud walking along Howard street, Baltimore, Monday, with the small-pox. I j - t-- v:--'..--.''- .... ,(Mr. Beecher, notwithstanding the ve hemence with, -which he advised bis fellow-citizens to register and Tote against Folger, did not , himself deposit any bal lojfc on election day 2Te Tort Herald, Kansas City, Mo.t Not. 15. A con struction train oii the Alton road; while backing up from Grain Vialley to Oak Grove, last evening, collided with a band caK , The train wa ditched, six men killed, and eight or ten wounded, i 'r Frost and Demockact. Wilmington, November 15. There was a killing frost here last night, the first this' season. The Democrats have elected their en tire ticket for Judges of the Supreme and Superior courts. r The sharpest rebuke administered, to ''Liberalism in North Carolina is the vigor and pertinacity with which- the old-line Radicals have scratched George NjFolk, the Liberal' candidate for Associate-1 Justice of the Supreme fconrt. The scratching also extended to the other canditlates on the Judicial ticket, apd the result is that not a mother's son of them is elected. Wil.S tar. Wilmington Star; The receipts from November 1st to date foot up 10,067 bales of cotton, as against 8,365 bales for the corresponding period last year.' The re ceipts for the year up to date foot up 46,179 bales as against 47,167 bales up to the same time last year, showing a de crease of 983 bales. ! ' '.. Wilmington Review: Mr. ! James M. Hewlett and his crew, with the Hewlett seine, can glit yesterday at Wrigliisville ueacii x,uou bunches of mullets. Montooxert, Ala., Nov. 14 Legisla tare met to-day. Nei ther House organ ii edrand both branches adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow. Election for U. S. Senator to succeed Gen. Morgan will ! a . . . m come on on me zstn, msu i nere was heavy frost here this morning first of the season. i : The las t frazzled fragment of the bloody sliirt has disappeared--the lingering ech oes of the old rebel yell have faded away ainia tue mils or new j Jungiaud, ana a peaceful calm now rests upon the wooded heights around Skowhcgan, and tbe pleas ant valleys of Oshkosh. ! Let all tbe peo ple rejoice while North Carolina, like the poet' description of man. swiugs a pendulam betwixt a smile and tear. VJtar. Journal. V The Westphalia Disaster. Ports- month, Eng., Nov. 14. Now tliSt the Westphalia has been docked here the Captain says the collision between his vessel and another steamer was caused by tlve latter improperly starboarding. He remained on the spot two hours, burning lights, but the other steamer disappeared There is no tidings of the Westphalia's missing boat. ! It is now the general belief that the steamer which collided with the West phalia made off so as to avoid giving her name. Hickory Pr: Niueteeu young In- dians passed down the road a few days ago for Triuity College where they wil be educated at tbe expense of the govcrn- ment. They were from the Cherokee ' districts of this State. There are about ' one hundred students attending Catawba ; High School at Newton. While; every . brauch of the school is well managed it is aid that the kindergarten department ia charge of Miss Lmdsay of Greensboro is specially attractue Sunk with all on Board. London, Nov. 15. A dispatch from New Haven states that the third officer, two quarter masters aud three seamen, constituting the crew of the boat sent from the steam ship Westphalia in search of steamer which collided with the Westphalia have been landed there by a Belgian pilot boat. They report having seen the other steam er sink with all hands. ti The first nine months of 1882 the ex ports as compared with imports exceeded by $54,909,644 the figures of 1881. Iu 1881 the exports were in excess by $121, 171,904. This makes an actual differ of il75.000.000. That does not look favorable. It shows a most extraordinary chance acainst the United States in less than one year. This is owing to two things, namely : the failure of the crops in 1881, and the increasing extravagance of the people -in 1882. -HO WAN COUNTY. 1 o 9 3 n o II' IS" jS ! I :S It ; i i Totals 50, 29 78 j 83; 77 85 85'j 64; 60 ; . I ti; 67l 84 63 90 4 92 61, 90 59, 90 60 91 GO 70, 42 67i 42 ! 41 66; 39; 821 a 1 35, 34 34 33 li 35: 30i 35 70 37 69 ?! 71! 38 59 36 71 36 CO 40 69 33 G9 39 69 . 21 1 89 20 102' 12911591 7211374 48! "! 49; 30. 125 1541 83' 1411 74' f 22 39 88 19 107 33 92 38 89 53 73 40 82 a) m 129! 1617 82! .711 83 93 57 92 57 82 1413 119 1520 82' 1442 128 1719 83 1315 49 i 30 48 30 48 41! 25 30 31! 42 27 35; 3! 31 81! 30! 83 3l 82 31; 92! 31 12diil713 30J 801 1289 U, ! 31 j. 49 30! 43j 31 ! 95 131 I 1761 56 80 1262 laii 1729 96 93 58 75 5 1278 121 IG02 39, 01 ! tana rssa:.-K..v:; i i - 1882. : Pi M. S. iBHOWH'S ; IE M IP dD! I am now prepared to oner FINEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE BROUGHT TohIS MARKET; Ready-Made Clothing, Shoes, Hats, And "GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Special Bargains in Suits Dress, Ladies and Gent's Fine Shoes. coat. Warranted Boot for only before you buy. one in town. I anr determined The upsetting of Mr. Arthur's machine in New York didn't hurt the price Of stocks ninth after all, Mr. Folger. PkUa. Press, Jtep. MARRIED. At the residence of J. M. Haden, EsVj., near Salisbury, Nov. 8th, 1882, by Rev. J. Rumple, D. D., Mr. Thomas C. Plnni mer, of Salisbury, and Miss Jennie L. Haden, daughter of Mr. John X. Haden, of Virginia. SALISBURY MARKET, Oct. 12th. Cotton, Corn, new.. w 63 $2.85 8.50 .85 1.00 .35 .40 Meal. Flour Wheat, Oats, Rye, Peas, Hay, per 100 lbs. Potatoes, sweet, TO . .60 (4 . .859 .75 .65 M .45 ." .OS . insu, , Apples, dried, .SO .04 (4 . .0C readies, unpeaieu. - peaiea, . 18 BUSHTESS LOCALS Oraiifrctt, Lemons. Bananas, Raisins. Cocoauuts and the largest stock of Christ mas Goods ever iu Salisbury, jnst re ceived at A. I'akkeu's. BEWABD! A package marked plainly Mrs. II. T. Traiitliaui, containing 8 pieces purple brocaded and black silk and H watereu silk, supposed to have been handed out with other packages by mistake, it re turned to Jones, McCubbins & Co., a suitable reward will be paid. SPECIAL NOTICE I We must ask our friends, to whom we have furnished either, Fertilizers or sup plies, to note tbe fact that their accounts aud notes are due on November the first and we shall expect prompt payment. If yon expect futnre credit with us you will heed this notice. J. F. Koss. Oct. 25th, 1882. Apples, Cranberries and Cabbage at J. D. McNEELY'S. TUTT'S PILLS A SUGAR PLUM Terr's Film are now covered over with a vanilla sugar coating, making them a pleasant toffwallow an a little rttgar plum, and render ing them agreeable to the most delicate stom ach. They cart nick headache and billion colic. They give appetite and flefh to the body. They cure dyopepeia and nourish the ays tern. j They cure fever and ague, costirenesp, ect. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a box. I - ' 1 vaiftrfA. chilis and Fever, and Bullous attacks. DOKttlvely cured itu Emory HUttHara c"re tsu an tntaUlble remedy : never taua to cure me masi obstinate, long standing eases where famine and all other remedim had tolled. They are prepared oOu or Mercurr, caasUig dq erUw or rvuc?uie; they are mild and efficient; rtafa h tuer action and harm lets in aU cases ; Uey eUeMvUj cleanse the system as a uuuse- Iiver com- plaint doz will hare wooaenui euocv un vav "oo wwj. mci o nnt and nrfettilllfad DhYHiclaDS. and SOld by i initrTis vprTirhkrf. or ts-nt by mall, ti and 60 cent boxes. Emory UUJe CatMrtlc Pills, best vr mjide. onur la cvaut.. etaoaara vurv u. 114 exoressly ior-maanoua hbcuodh, in imuud uuxes, two kinds of PlUA eoataUUnz a strong ca,Uarllc and rhiu breaker, sarar-coated; coaWlEVwi no Oulnlne and glre new uin ana tone 10 yue ouuy. nnii Hmdi the are oneaualeu. For their eaoai is not Known : one ...1, Nassau street, rw York. ,. 43:ly ' IrnnMICDr i U CNMISf run mubi 1882. ! -: -I H- f c . - )' r ; L r ; ' : J ft' r - : ; - - 1 I ' mm. IE n HJ Mil to the public, one of the - M M STOCKS OF GOODS EVER EMBRACING r Gaps, Trunks, "Valices, 3 ,1 4 Walking and Business Suits - Call and see that $5.00 Over- v i $1.85. Be sure to see these Good -1 - . i to SELL CHEAPER than atj ; M. S; BROWN. 1882. FALLSTOCK, 1 IT is with plcasnre that we announce to our, many friends and customers, that we have just received thei most complete and desirable-stock of j GENERAL MERCHANDISE that it has ever been our pleasure to exhib it. Beginning in our1 basement you will find Two Car Loads of Bagging and Ties of the best brands, and at reasonable prices. DOIITBUYTILL.YOUSEE US! Ia our MAIN BOOM will be fonnd the . largest and, by far, the most desirable tock of DRY GOODS, : Domestic Goods, Pieqe Goods, Notion Trimming and many other good you want and need, that is to be found iu this part of North Carolina. In onr Clothing Department, np stairs. you will find , 1,000 Stiffs of Clothing, all sizes, and prices. Also a large line of overcoats: . r In onr Boot and Shoes Department, which is onr boss department np stairs will be found a very large Hue of Goods all stamped with our name and warrant ed, j If they rip bring back the pieces and we will refund your money. - Our Hand-made Ross Boot at $2.50 is the best Boot for the ? price that Is be found. In this department will Iks found 4 . large lot of HATS and CAPS, ALL DESIRABLE AND CHEAP. We have repainted and fitted np onr for mer grain room over our warehouse anil opened in it A Large Stock of Carpets, Hatting, BtLgs, Cramb ClothSi Carpet Linings, . Also in this R00H will be fonnd a Urge and handsome stock of Ladies' Cloaks Dolmans, Jackets, Silk Cirties, etc., etc. In onr Warehouse will be found THREE Car Loads of Salt Baton by the BOX. Sheetings, Yarns sad Plaids by the Bale, and many other goods. We have rented the store room adjoining J. D. McNeely and will buy your GRAIN, FLOUR, COTTON or other PRODUCE or Store It for JOU. With thanks for your many favors and an earnest intention to meet your continued confidence, we beg y w to call and see us before you buy your Oil SELL YOUR iPEODUOEl J.P. ROSS, T. Fi YOUNG, ; A. M. Yomco, W. L. Jonssojr, W. W. Oalks, WnxiAM II. Rice, N. B. BIcCasless, Clekks. ! 1 'I. .:41-4-ff-, f A i j - 4 4 i 4 ' 1- i - ' ' is i - .i t i 'I 1 -I i i 4 -' t .1 I i r m -i it I 1; i u; 1 A i t V . 1 i .i 1,1 1 . r I t V"

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