mm-'- A ' u it--, v- I I - 1 aaaaaa ! it! t '.? r r V IX 1 l U Id at W6JW- , .. I. 1 t1 frC? - ' (Ll2- X ' YLveon hand the "bA FOWL GC-j JX X I s Itcuiarkablc Surgical Operation. '& AREY,- ftreafnti thiir compliments to the public and Respectfully solicit a trial of their Es tliMiiicntJ It U complete in all the rc .iirlmfenta of first class business. i .uursea, iiugbiCOv f ifhsetons, j Wagdns, t&c. -llSiAtD.iBM IK M: 1 CONFIDENT SATISFACTION a1" a I have on hand the " SEA FOWL 01- ANO," Bradley' Sirktt PiioftftiAtrV anil the Equitable.'" which Twill sell for Wheat on terms as tor Cojon. ! ; j 1 m also prepared to furnish cotton ginincrs with .Bagging, Ties and Irvine, at veryiow raies. it OF " GIVING-3j n- i- ' .Special torovision ami favorable rates lor Jo aldfnir n4 keeping hnm. - 4 1 Dhversjvill find good Stall and 1 Sheds li Special iacfoinmod.itions for the lcncDt Lice Street, Salisbury. ;n. ' - - - L -4 It Produ : If," SoiftMPRIZE TUMIP best Market variety in the World; 1 I'---; I- I Pbints 0f excellence: t hjai io equal for root ori Salad. t Hro&uccs Salad two weeks earlier ns I Tjnv moreCGTTON tiian any one roan fcfre, it piay be a double;! benefit tQ make Vilnr miiY-liaBcK or enyliireinent of nc early. Pflees are as low n any ne here will sell Vkill not he vjidernold. i " WORK YOUR jIIEADS" - ; d see that th:s is to voti mjeiest. I Oct. -5th. -82. F UnV - : it i 1 1 WANTED.; Sets, at T t j- bnniss' Dmi'Stora than lMscti d4 not injure this as they do other Ithlcf Tsind. S varieties, j ' 1 " !Jt produces more S;ilad than any Mi1ttrlp , J. It ii the best Turnip for Wiutcr useMn arkec Tr sale e other SCHOOL BOOKS: at COST, at i V ENNISS' i-tf. ! Dnj-. Store. nlyat J. II. ENNISS' Drug Store. T -i- fAlso Other Varieties 01 IRIVIP at J. H. ENNISS 11- Jp f IT STANDS AT THE HEAD. J l THE LIGHT-RUNNING 'woM'EkTm:9 - th That-it isjthe--acknowledged leader in Traclc in a jfact that e innot. be disputed IMITATE IT, M A N Y ENONE EQUAL IT! Thf JLnrjrpst Armed, j , i The Lightest liMrimnsr, 3-If The ilohl Deftutitul Wootl-work, IS WA1 RANTED i To be 4ade of the bcPt material. Toj do ajjy and all jilixl of work. To be ej-iniiuele rn even" respect. For sile bvi BERNHARDT BROS., ! Salisbiiir, N. AgeiiiM wantyJ in unoccupied territory AuJreiHl 4 2 fine if ot n of Iciu COMING IN EVERY DAT AT FUJURE STORK OOME TOHE NEW STORE And m mwm. ysawcmi in m 11 A Pans letlcr nay that the young man on whom annperatin was per- lormed for (he extraction: af; a, poou plier is often nidi "id to report nt the nt'o f 10 words per minute, mid sometimes it falls In v ns nlnely-lite which is meie plrij Strange n it may tseeni, 11ii latler rule is vxnneratiug to nn cxnevi reportfii and his notes-are not as irinlilv acli j was cleansed operalion, which ti. A incision . . - - - . inc eiMsastric region from his siomacli' lias complete) v re- ditiplitd. As most of the. peaking in covered from the i effects oi" the; : haz "" ""Pf8, onf, 'r i" "Y artlotis andis nw . enjoy- niinnte8tc, deUate an s pending, it will mg his usual health. Interesting par- I readily lioeen that the reporterV art is ticulars are given of this .operation, J often taxed to its utmost capacity. A which was performed hv Dr. Felizet. t atnuut of matter h piinted in the jtecora, nowever, wincii is ueverueiivereii hv the inembers. uiider the convenient yet elastic rule of Jeave to prfnt.M Fivje ininntes'; debate olten cover fcolamns of the Keootil tinder the above license. Tliie majority! of j the members are! good, aver age talkers j yet there are. many who never nse in ineir seius, not possessmjg By the use of the Faticher tube intro- tuceu through the mouth the, gtom- prior to sue novel prevented: peritoni was theti made in In' 'order., to i'ESTERH orricjE GEN Salisbury, N. Ci ALL MY GOODS t flirt Manufactories, and were inspect - r f , " " . r i. -la .nH W hnlitv. and will be sold ns tea p uu i mc mvv oij . - - - i t prices, and wiimint , low as any House in the country. honffht for cash nt the lowest ?st quality, an Come and get ..4:.$25.0G htted a pphencai vessel containing lllienibei. This method of lecishitioii er of tixty deffrete''tciVer-"1 importaf t measurea are thus legislated ature.' SALE OF HOUSES I ail LOTSTN J SALISBURY. On Jlonday the 4th d:iy of December, next, at the Court - llousb in Salisbury. I A Ice Cottsce CWer set lor oily lie sets fori "f Fine aMt sets, MaiWe Tops, only Hanilsose Parlor sets for f. -H- Cheap Beds at S3. 50 social ternii mU Willi' courtrv merchants who want clicnp Beds is one doipn anil JnL mS BTI will ! Iiave on hand a full line of COFriKS, CASKETS anil Unilertaliers' gooda all at tlie mni nricra si. $40 --.-.$55 ,$50 and $75 I render the coat of the stomach easily I the facnlty of extempoi-Mneonspeakiuff. accessible. M. Felizet' ennilm-ed the Most of Ihis class are silent workers, aud f.. . ta i bo mwH wnaiuiev lose in ueuttie urey gaiu . oy - . - - .s,..ii. Kloiiciing niu upuu ujf iiiMira x which pnling from the mat. smout!rhe tUey aJJ intm'6te1. from their felloW the ether Kinn'in wafpr nf ftitv dpoTefes 'tomi)er . o.a l I 11 njlimiiti null lliuvil IUIISI through the tubej hllea ino SHmacii, left t thet infelligemH f the stenof- whicli, becoming;uistenuetl,;wjis nrou t J rapher to make a sensible l-epoit. AH forward to the wound entcted bv the mistahc, eiroiaiincontruc- ....OMt'nr'a i Tlio ennnn, u'-ia llmslttOU ailu. tilllt U lgU'iU expressions, which . . i. I urn liv iiiii mi-: to the national cupitol to people of their section. must ue.t hmiiuucu ly lum. ; The duet of the ieputonal staff iu each Hohsc examines the lleconl every morning, inai Kiiig me errors or rue com positor, jtuid paragraphs and puntnates it for" tits final appeafanee in ' 'book form. One copy iir pamphlet foim is placed r the deslc or' each - I.presenta Arrive 5.45 r ).. ..Salisbury-... . .r....Matesvme tt. " "U.litnUonr, ' '....linnnintoo. a ji .Maiion 10.08 ; Black Mountain !' t.M !....Afebvnn. . ii . . . nmju rinagH; Leave s.oo 1... . .'. J-.a-... i . .1 ... .. . " . I 21 Its IIV IMI 1111-SlliH IIIIIt llllt'liL m 1 1 II Tllfra. dnrt 6411 cl,aM"v I ale tlemen , QilU tP'iU I ured over nine inches. ltihad been accidentally swallowed by the man,;. waiter at a cafe, in the attempt to imi tate the feats of a famou- sword- swallo.ver, "I . Death of) Dr. Craven. i w 1 .,.. I tive ami Senator for the day's session. edeqly regret to announce the Congissional reporting is gieatly fa- 40:3m RBfl nnifie' Iotit Qtnro ' ath of Dr. Braxton Cruveji,L.L.D., cilitatSlby the use ol . Efl. UHVIO ilDW ULUIG. Presideut of Trinity College, who which often meim wl. f arbitrary sign, 1 . Connects at SaUsburj- with R, D. R. n rmm A points North and South and from Raleljh. Connects a ouiifsvuie W1U, Al T. O. DlV. Of C. C . M . Connects at Warjn Springs with E. Tenn Val Oa. R. R. tor MoiTltown and points South-WcsU Train No. 2 j Connects at Warm Springs with E. T. Va. A Ga.R.R. from Morrlstown tiie South-WebU Connects dt Statesvllle with A. T.jat O. J)lv. of C t AR.1.. and at Salisbury wldi IU & D. R R. for aU points North and East and fT Kalelgh.. I , Throiigli Tickets ' on sale at Salisbury, tatesvllle, AstoevlUe and the w arm hpnngs to all trtmlpal clUes. ; Ji B MacmrjrdQ, I Audr. G. K. & p. A(rt. IS Was: isa Hosreh Crarolina, ! will sell five Houses and Lots in the East Ward of SiiH-hiirv near the S:i!i!)iirv i . J . .l i ... r- I : ... wMaaa-nn in mi-rrn -rn imii tiip atiKeiit efvry, iKiownn"; to me csuue oi viuo r ire Tun Ifinilll l!IIK I F,lK?l If DM I Pll 111111111 I M E. Jin IH 1 I HI, va-(a mm www.w... . ' : ' T ; , 1 tueii - suacieniv at ms resuieiice on Tuesday nit;ht of heart disease. Dr. Craven was borii in Randolph coun ty about 1823, and was licensed 1 to preach in 1840. He joined the North r. ole sentences ; 'Mr Speaker I rise to n nitration of pri1 ilece." is represented bv one charactc III the House, reportoi ial wt k needs pu cnliar di-xterity, niinntrst pm-crplion a ltd excessive care!" It Is singularly difficult in the ueat or debate to reeoirnize one iawink dee'd. 1 . TEEMS OF GALE. The purchasers will Iks required to pay one third of the purchase money down and will be granted a credit jof three and six months for the other two-thirds with inter-j est, at eight,pef cent. Titles reserved until all the purchase money. i paid. J: S. aicCUlsiMXa, Com. of Court. 2:7t. ! L. j ' '. ; ! Carolina Conference iu 1857 havine meinbeii from anothej ; the eye aud hand hnpn nnlolnod ,W,.n onrl eMAr I I'.UH Mk in Ullll., as 111 dlSCUSSlOHS His the repfirter is olten obi iged Professinal Cards. 4. M. MCCOKKLE. - - j 13IEO. F. K1.CTTZ. a'1'ilk;i;yh axda u t u c , Sal tabu ry, M C. iOtuee on Coum-ii fei me, However, was uevqtcu to Uvithout: looking at his oaner. "Duriuc i unity Louegej oi which Jie was, the the delivery of long speeches the report founder and hai grown from infancy occupy seats adjoining or very near under his care to be one of the lead- tuc $ l. l ,.r i. 111 L1IUt:.ILIIIIJI II 111 llill til Lilt I 1 Smiih- Ti,I U b:tt i;? enrk-nnd A report oi me iiriiiMii Association j, ii . t coin mi ii ee on unuergiouou lenipeitiiuie here were passed all of ls days ex- atates that the result of fourteen years' cept two years during the; war when observation shows that tire .increase kf he was pastor of the First! Methodist heat under the surface of the eartb varies I I ft .4 a, a . J An A I ft ark It w WrMas V MA 1 -tf-t r , T;u-.n Mintn Mnr-Limrv Saw Mills. Grist- Mi la. T ireshinif Mach ncs. J lUiCh ot this citv. Dr. C.'niven was ,u MO 8nj...v" M"""'""'' " -iZ, ' w "rA..i.i : . J . taken, and as near sis iioKibao the main inie Harness, Atia unu uiau. muei, '"k f a. ue .w.-. uinvfeiraiM. nmnrL-n I. p. n ntc pp. .1.. r... ;.U Blastinir Machines. Blasting and Kifle Powder. I will sell vehicles for cash, until manu-1 " trrt j."""" TI T . . "uo .. "j lacturers' prices advance, at the following low prices, to wit : OpenBurgies with liar W. SMITHDEAL IS NOW BATTLING with all the surrounding Towns and Cities in North Carolina against high prices on (Jouit House. reel, o po lie Ihe I Blacker aii Mersoo, attorney s, Counselors and Solicitors. ; SALISBURY, N. C Januay22 1879-tt. j ncss complete from $30 to $140. Top Buggies with Harness complete from fGo to $200. I keep in stuck vehicles m,anutactureu oy tnc ionowing wen Known nrms: uoiumDus Ilugy Co., Columbus, Ohio; Whitney Wagon Co., byracus, is. 1. ; l.inr?on l-isiicr Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; Sechler & Co., Cincinnati, uino; mvis, uouia cc Co., Cincinnati, uiuo. MACHINERY MANUTACTUEED BY Ileckett & McDowcr., New York. Gihb.-: & gterrett Alnnuructurtng Co, TllusvlUe, Ta. Jiimea Leiel a Co., Sprlnefleld, Ohio. Skinner & Wood, Erie, la. GetserJlanuIactUriDg Co,. Waynesboro. Pa., BickiorJ & iioninan, M nee lone, a. y. UAVI3BEWIKU machine uwrxiii, nait-rvuwo, iew luia. -i - v t L.1I. CLEMENT. KEItUCRAIGE, CRA1GE & CLEMENT, i i ! ttovncMi at 3?aut, Fkb.3, SALISBURY, X. G. 1SS1. Repauns Chemical Co., rhlladelphla. Pa. Atlantic lUant Powder Co., N. Y. "OFFrCE UNDER MERONEV'S OPERA HALL. ' WAKE KOOitS UNDER MKRONET's OPERA IIAIX AND BOTDEN IIOL'SE; STORK, MAIN ST., ! t. SALISBURY, N. C. W. SMITHDEAL. A SUCCESS AT LAST. tual characteristics. He made his mi- I four feet. press on society and has left an eudu- rt ring monument to his wisdom, energy and devotion toj the cause 01 Christ- O ianity and tlioj cause of ; education.! North Carolina has sustained a great loss 111 his sudden demise and thou sands of North Carolinians will grieve at his untimely etid. He had ahvavs been a great work er and, it is thought that be had tax ed his energies to am extreme aud 111. . "! overworuea niinscit (itiriiiff recent veare. It was this, perhaps, that oc casioned the disease that, led. to his death. Truly a useful man has fallen with Ins harness on, and the btate will feel the loss. News a?id Obs. DncHbk Svwhi.-f Machine Co. IIichsionp, Va. 4- II. Vasce. i W.ll. laiiiiy "VANCE &;pAILEYj ATTORNEYS AN D COUNSELLORS, ; chabi.ottb, i. a ; Pr.lPtlCP in' Riinn-lnp fmirt nf'ttia TTnJfol States", Supreme Court of ! Norlh Carolina. jhederal Conrln, smd Coimlicf of Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Limod, (i;ilon, liownn and David ton. SjOnice, two door eat of Indenen- . : Thc Coiigrressional itecord." loir in n SYWPTOMS OF A ' 1TORPID L5VER. Eobs cf Appetit, Bowclm costi-ye. Pain in tha Head. iwitU a dull Pdnsation in tho tjsck pnrtj Pairt undor the Shoulder bjada. foliaess after eatinp. with a disin clination to erortioa cf body or mind, liTitabilittf of temper, Ijow spirits, with t feeimR cf having neglected seme duty, , VV earie-s; IJiraiaesn, FlnMeriag at the Heart, Duia beXore tho eyes, jfollow Skin, Headache generally over the right oye, Beatlessnets, with tiUul dreams, higly coiorea urine, ana CONSTIPATION. I I III I II I I PLISar enpocially adapted to tick en, ti-e dose rirccta unrh a change of feelinjr nn to nstoitlHli tlie aun'crer. . .Thiey InrrmiM tb Anprtlte, and cans? tb body to Tke en FlrH. thus tn system ta nl by lUr Toole Art loo on tho JHfiiT Ornan. Itrculnr are pro. tlticod. Pric ;ii ci-nut OS Murray Kt. M. Y. DISPENSARY. . fctatHshel 1S47 t 18 ftttk Strkt, ST. LOTH 1. mHE r hyuicBim in ehargo of this bid and wall knvwa JL invtitDtton re mrQlr grtdnales ia mfdkHoa) aad nrffprr. Ypara of EintrianMi in tho traalmant Chronic Diseasao )iae mado thair ekill and ability v ujMi.11 nup,-iim ig ma. iik orui Dai j practitioner, that they have aoouired a national reputation through their treatment w .ompltc'ci IKDlSCRETIOMorEXPOSURE PnA f""-' ---7" Tl 'ITTSiirniTMr-1 ing af. fuuiiou. 01 me bttkxl, k.u r Unen, Wealed with SOO eew, withnni niinj Mercury or Poisonona Medicines. YOUNG MEN anri,hw of middle acawhoar iWat r"ly.:aTT3aa i;floriii!j frora the eirecta of a disease l lint uunta iis virtinM fhr business or marriaae? rermanentlT enrert. nt rfinriorate expeiwe. ' PATrjENTS TREATED r ad Ezpnu tm&idbe2& -ZSdbLijm but where DMtibl peraouil couauluitoc it ftUrrfl, which k TREB wduTitW. .list -of ouotmii 10 be au.en4 by pUwua deamn. treattarat naileil free to any 4lre cm at-ptfeatiaaa. j 6 rrM. nffrrir tnm Unbare haM Mm their aMreaa. laaalearaMtaM-tliliiclvUielradtntaa. Ilk aeta InmlaT LTIfytmZ? ,UKtlr mnMeauial, and iheul4 be aMneaea DK. BVTTS, 1 North KthV. St. - I rorpsH AIR DYE. 0ay ITajb Vmrewii chsntred to a Glossy Black by a Mnarle appiiraUon of thia Dyx. It 1m paxu a natural eclor, acta Instantaneously. Bold by DrugpUts, or tent by express on receipt of ti. OFFICE. 3S If CBR.4T KX SETT TORE. S n llll'S BiVCiV af TJaale UajraatJna aadX I VTWml Beialate wlU be sniWd tUI aa araUcatieal I 2ST O TI p JE ! UOHiy F. i EAGLE. i -FASHIONABLE -1 BOOT ANli SHOE! 3X It liii, Invite" your attention to hi shop. onrosii. playor'8 Office. Kf pairing neatly and uronipt- lv dnni All r - .1 ... l. i . .... ui gvVUB UiHUt lO OrUer suci. m.siar. -INVENTED AND rATEXTEU BV T.J. MERONEY, SALISBURY, N. G. THIS MACHIN K Is a nJain wooden tank lined witli coiinir or srnlvrmirrfd iron. witli perforntcd pines in tlie lKttni for tho admission ot Bteam, with corrugated Roler, nde of same metal, and ot fufficient weight. This Rdler gathers tlie air while pass ing hack and forth over the clothes, foreinir air and water throuuh: the fuhric. At same time the steam is thrown up through the perforated pipes umlerneath from the bottom of the tank. There are wooden strips between the pipes so as to protect them and fonn a smooth lottom in the tank. j The shuttle : ailV one Cart onerntp tlin m'nrhino Virat. unmi fhn rdnthpa And tlistrihute them evenly about four or five inches thick in the tank.'; Turn on enough wa ter to cover tlein-.turn on steam, and move the Roller back and forth until the water t 1 Hrn tl-' valve and let the water pass off. Add fresh water, and repeat this three or four times, and you find the clothes nre thoroughly whrIip.1 without th slirrlit- est injury, for there is no rubbing process employed, the Roller having rounded edgesiso as to prevent any wear or cutting. A lace handkerchief can be washed as well as a bed I quilt. 5gPThis Machine is in operation at Meronev & T?ros. Mac hine Slum. wln tliev will be manufactured at ns small a cost as possible. Anv one having n steam Iwiilcr in operation can use one of my machines at small cost and with satislat torv results. One person can do the work ot ten wash women in one day and do the work better. B?It is a splendid" thing for boiling grain and vegetables for stock. i t. is aiso a gooa wool-washer. How the Voluminous Xaiioual Daily i Prepared. A Washington corifspondeut gives an interesting account of the Cotiatessional Record, the aicr issued dm hig the ses sion of Congress and winch coutnius the the report of the daily proceedings of the national legislature. Says the writer .Since the foundation of the government tho name of this publication, has under tone several changes. From 171)3 to 1824 it was known as the Annals of Congress ; from 1824 to 1837 as Conqressionul De bates : from 1837 to 1871 it was called the Connressional Globe ; '.since the latttr date it has becu known us the Congress ional Record. v There is no daily- imblieation in tlie world so vast as the Record. Topograph BOOTS- SHOtS A. CA1TERS. made' to order: Ala work: First Class Seventeeu ifars p.x perlence.-All Material or the hesl grade, ana work none in intiatesi sr vies. Readv made wor 1 always on nanl impairing neatly and prompt lv done. Orders by niatl prompt ly tilled, j "7U"xxx. Xaaglo, 51:ly. i pai-usbl kv, xs. v. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! ! Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court off Rowan County, I will expose; ti public sale, to the highest bidder, nt th Court Hoysc door in the town of Salisbury 1lhr tlw. 'A(th taw nf Ditliir 1 HHO. .. 1 a' 1- .. UU UIVWI.. u.l . , icaiiy it is u nuiicioi iiimc.iiuu uccu..,. thQ MMn valuable real estate, situated ins priutcu io ?n tl te to wn of Sal sburv : s One vacant lot on Mam Street, adioimn tlie Mati(nal Hotel and the lots ot J. 1j. am J. A. Ifctlrick, fronting 23 feet on Main st and running back 200 feet. Tins lot is in the vert heart of the business centre of the town. iAlso, one lot of land running 310 s testate and County rights for sale by the Inventor. 19:tt PIltlPI.ES. i I will mail (freeVthe recipe for a HimoleVro. TO tOi SDlfl PTI V ES. table Baxm that will remove Tan, Freckles ' Tllo Pimply and Dutches, leaving the akin soft, ; ;f 1 ,,7 clear and beautiful; also instruction" for produ-1 , , t ing a luxuriant jtrowih of l.air on a bald head! 1r b ' . or ntnooth face.. Addres?, inclosins 3c. stamp, i BEN. VAKDELF & Co., 12 Barclay St., H. Yj I e advertiser having been permanently cure read ilieae. Consumption, by apimple i anxious to make known to his fellow Biiflerers the means of cure. To all who desire by-ten-iirch sheet, tho columns running . . . a 1 a in a three-ineli stick j-ts easy to iiauuic mid of irood uiailiitir size. It contains an average of from seventy to 120 pages. Ia the house a. corns of five steuogra pliers perforin the entire work of report- - a ing the pnicceaings, acii reeennig 4 fottonLee strctt, 200 feet oi? Council street salary oi ;jo,tjuu per .uiuuui. uu nn,, f,.,,:,,,, sin fpt on w,,..- x-J - a . : a 1 - . I I iivih.i.ii- v m. - - - - - - - nate in what are caiieu "taKes," eacn es- n;irr..ii ;.T..,iit,dv fmntinfrthn T?niironr timated to hll a column of tthe Record, ticket &c Thjg ig YBjvLfilAi propt.rry vnrying in nuie. uu.u iu. i. u.lCfu ....... for hotH or manufacturing purposes utes ajterwaiti reiiiing successively to Tl.pnj. nno-third of the nurchnse monev . . :n ix a-. . .i r ... .1...:.. : I - . . a room specialty uncti 101 men uc, ... t b wi d cash one-tliird in six months, which there are ten amanuenses in atten- rnmanie.r i t.dv. months. Title, retain. dance, two lor eaeli stenographer, botn d tij DUrci,ase money is all paid. ra I w 1 Ml 1 1 .1 a . CD lb82 4 j- I 1 20j1v - .- I' SI EDIGREESEEDS on our New Planl QPtSr5iEor tho MERCHANT vbaaa-v ?or tho MARKET GARDENER SEDSte0 PRIVATE FaSiILY 7 VaMiWiCrOWn OVOUrSA vnaonour own rm. Ilaitdom8i:iautratal Catalo.K and Unral Cetrister FUEE TO AJXJ HoRwkR School! Oxford, N. C, The next "ession of lids acliool will bpoiri the second Monday in Januarv. ror circular giving terms and other partic ulars, apply to the principal J J. II. & J. C. HORNER. lOrly (o, he will eiid a copy of the prescription used, rfree of chare),wiih ll.edirectionsfor prepar ntig and using the same, which they will find a 8. e CURE for Coughs, Colm, Coksukpho v, Phma, Bronchitis, Ac. i ad i a r ties wishing the Prescription, will please WxesH, Rev. E. A. WILSOV, 194, PennlSt. dlrliamsburah, N. Y. 20:ly i .VpCHAXTS. SEND USYOUU BpSIXESS CARDS FOU TRAPE IJST, w w ,. W ' CAfeAPS0H?'f'aG30s' HARDW ARE ': j -" h -..'-- j S. I ' - - - 1 -.-a . TTTtv... ... " Ill'V 111 11W. I ,J ii 11 . . J . f i IJvMKN : 1 iiavo usait liiL. IIartcu'si iiv , : ' .1."'- ... r , " uu" iToatratJon, Female iMm Tinrt I st ifia !',:, -41 waine f otruioit emiaent tihvairi.n. kTiLi i!f ... AtombtnmHonifPim tHcid Iron, I'mrwUt Bark aawf P&Mpfcorat in m rxxlatabU forms Th0 yprepmrmttomoirmm that iriU Ma teettuso cUaruerlH. . 2 . ia aa cxpricB of vu MJfU JLAKTEK'S 1 'V7 i) pepU, and an lta. Bume wottdernu ca erfiileBrcav .:. . - ... - - "-iiit- r j nrvioraUioD mar. in v ..Aa " . - Sr. f ri. MA.j Not. 2TUl.iyt. .!3TwaSa J L CW. Y. Pakeib, ate oi Warrenton, H. C. W. C. Karr j Late ot Edgecon.ta Co AveBtM. r:.i..VT'-ig3'"- aaaia...a ,W 1 ti -Wi-pittr, Hi ina UTt. oAKTEK fit iD: ClhS CO., 2 13 MaViTsT. ST. LOUIS. Agent for the CAHDWELIj THESHEB, . D. A. ATWELLr. WI1EIV YOU WA'it'T Hardware ! : At iIiqw Figures Call on the undersigned atKo. 2, Granit IkO'.. t 'IS A. AT WELL 'Saliblur N.C., Junt S tl. PARKER & CARR, -j Cotton Com. Merciants Corner Fayette anu Water Streets NORFOLK, VA. I Ruginess and CorreiKndence solicited. 4aJ:4niipo: i ;" - ! . : ' I 'J i.. 1 jit1! A. rntirrl; New aa4 aoaiti'el; effeetn I Rr4r n for the ana. It and rcrmaacut wa of Beminal Xmusiona and Itni TT n " aaaaniar w atawoi1 a, af Ik. aai, a aun.W nh an a,- m I niaiaaia ana aaatari ami ?tor.. A. aea iai wmj aaa.n i. a i at m lan m i Una aavaMra hvt I f laiuniy nanaiM ihaa m -u w arrfaa aarnfMii a la at a Mr4aaal ratvM a t lur mmi rana.a. i aaai an a aaa at nawatax aa aamf aUa r. i, aar-alrM amabla. 1. Bcawit b) tetener uc aai; aal akaa ml tat fcM Tb. araaaiaii aia III a. a. I. ta Kl. . aalkBfEra Hl . Sr. I ia.i. IWtkH ac al i mill m m akaa A-i a a. avta - " - - - M . HARRIS REMEDY CO. Mf'B CHEMIST8V ' Market a. Mia MtrraHa, ajf. ixit'l!, MO. laa. X niaa. 1 takintr from Insdictation at the same time. While thxis em ployed, the stcnog- rapher corrects and trims the manuscript already handed iu by the amanuenses. After this careful revision i( is: sent at once by speeial messenger to the foreman of the Record at the governnient punting tillice, who distributes the matter, tech nically called "copy," among compost a I a A 1 j 1 .1 ' tors. A gaiiey-prooi is taweii ana, seni to the proof readers, of whom there are g three. It is then corrected and returned cS for a second proof, and, afrer being re- o T1i!.ll fill Hll ill m int, in the Record. To Ix I CD . ao .... ..... i 7 a rr. a . " ....-I :i ICQ ISSUeO to lOI)greBUJt-ii jinu, ouujh:i iiicib. Iu tlie Senate the work is in charge of one stenographer, who receives a aalary of $25,000 a year. He usually employs two assistants and a corps ot examiners The mode of dictation is similar to that emuloved in the Houre, save that the chief reporter is individually responsible for errors of his assistants. In the House each stenographer is personally responsi Mr for tlie errors he may commit. V. .1.; 1 IA 11 .l I fO ! XaVery meuiiKT aim Beuitut unuueu 5" twenty-fqur popies of the Record, and it gi? is ootional whether he takes them every 2S day in pamphlet form, or a; the end of 5 3 the sessiop in their yellow jackets, thof- . oughly iudeeu. A majonty, however, prefer the latter forpi, tlistributing them among the libraries and uewspajiers in their districts, or endin tUeui direct to favorite constituents. , ' That the stenographer's task U nneasv oue can readily! imagined, owiug to the complex character of public speaking. He must adapt himself to ejyery form of articulation, from the clear resonant tones of the scholai Ij orator to the utterances of the insipid ti ro. Conpled with this is the vast, difference 111 the riite of sivenk insr. The average rapidity of ! ordinary conversation is 125 words per minute, tr about two per second ; hnt this P hy no means au unquiditied rule. $ A sleuogra- glad to show the property upon application. MOSES Li. litALMtb, com'r. Salisbury. N. C, Sept. 26, 1882. 50:5t 2 St? 31 n b no A Printing Office S3tf For Said at a Lai g rin. 1 P. H.IHJUNer ,i . y ciuna urove. q C RAIL ROAO. PASSENGER AG EXT, October 12tb, 1882, SCHEDULE. Pass Train No. a West, j STATIONS. 6.00 eon River., j Tass. TralB i.eave .ieAai Arrtve, 7j8 , S.49 10.45 " 11.49 " 1.M T li " 3.00 ' 6.44 6.4f J Trkin No. 1 T North Carolina Railroad.! CCf.'DlKSED SCHEDULE. I TRAINS (JOINO EAST. Date, Apr. 30, ls$2 51. Leave Charlotte " Salisbury .. High Point i. A rr. U reensboro ..i Leave O reennboror. Arr. Hillsloro....i. Durham '..... Kaleigh.......!. LaV. Arr. Goldshoro. I- No. 4)aily. 4.66 a.m. 5.53 7.20 u 8.00 9.30 J1 11.47 M 12 26 " 140 p.m. 4.05 " 6.30 -f No. 53, Daily. 4.40 p. nH 7.35 " 8.06 " a aj ' i- i .....a,. ' ... ........... 44 No, 17 Daily except Saturday, Leave Qreennboro 5.00 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 1.51 a. ui. t Arriveattiobli.boro7.20 No. 51 Connects at Greenxhoro with Rj4 D. R. R. for all points North, Eat and Wet, via. uaqviue. ai uoiutDoro aim .& w. R. R. for Wilininflon , ; No. 53 Conneetii at aSalisbtirr with W.jN. J, It. R. for a 1 1 pont in Vealrn N. Carolina; dnily at (Jreenffjoro with It. & D. II. R. for ill points North, lvisj and ext. j TRAINS GOING WEST. i Date, Feb. 19, 1S$2. No. 50. Daily. No. 52.1 Daily. Leave (iold. bo ro Arrive Raleigh Leave Arrive Dnrharr i " Hillsboi .J.. ' Greenwl t to., Leave " j Arrive Ilijjli Pionf " SaikburvJ.. Charlolle.i.. 10.00 a. in il2.2Hpm 3.66 5.06 5.46 8 05 9.15 9.50 11.12 1.10 a.m. at i IC II "iu a., m. 1010 " ! 11.21 " I 1.00 t No. 18, Daily ex. $unday-Lv. GoldVb'o 2.50 pm Ar. Raleih - T.W .ra Lv. . 6.00 pun Ar. Greensboro 3.15 pm No. 50 t onnertR at Charlolte with A. SC', Air Line for all pbinte in the South and South west, and with C. p. & A. R. R. for all point South and Southeast. No. 52 Conheetn at Charlotte with A. AC. Air Line for alt po'mU South and SouthwM;' at Charlotte with p. C. & A. R. R. with jail points houth and Southeast. j N. W.N. C. RAILROAD. j No 52 I Goixo West, j No 50 Dilr, j Daily. ex.Suiidr. Lv. Greenaboro 9 25 p ni I 9 50ani Ar. Kernejville 1041" 1041 Mj " Salem 1125 j 1135 " i No. 51. Going West. Daily. No.53J i ex. aSun. Daily. Leave fcaltin i 515am fi60iaj Ar. Kcrnersville 5 50 " 6 40 "j 'V Greensboro i 7 00 " 8 00 "j STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. Going Noeth. No. 1. Daily ex. Snnj. Leave Chapel Hill . Arrive University... 10.40 a m 11.40 a m Goino S?octh. No. 2. I Daily ex. Sun. ArriveUniA-ersity.... Arrive Chapel Hill . 12.10 pm 1.00 p ra 3 5- . g 9 O P a 2 a OS 3 2 " ? a r- ST 2" - ft " s8 r SSCaSXS. 3 a r 2 2.3 5,2 od rt. -? S JT C -3 m m o 2. aa . 3 :S s - e : ft o 2. j T-n m lAJ b p 3 2- r !! -s 3 O S ro ba S( "2 1 a SS v.. o r r SO m CO m CO r-O Pullman Sleeping Cars without Chajige On Train No. 50; New YojIc and Atlanta via. Washington & Danville, and between Grefm boro and Cliarltnton. . 1 On Traiu No. 52, Richmond and CI.aroU Washinglon and Charlotte via)anville. ! j6-Through TicLetibn MleatGreenaboro, Raleigh, GoldKboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all nrrncipal points South, Soolhvert, Wmi Knrili and East. For Emigrants ratft to Louisiana, Texas. Arkansan and the Soathweat, addrea A-POPE, ! , Gen. Paengei Ajtr, 21:ly Richmond, Vs. IlUitory of Rowan County BY REV J. aCMPLX j I Cojiies of thiinteresting book may; h had of T. F. Kluttz, Tiieo.-Kceubcii or at the Watchman Office. o s ta 5" 3 aa -15 OB o ft O S S p 5 - W w 2 O B p n.d p rj , g' fi SALE- TOWn PROPERTY ON 3Iondav the 6th day of November t at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, L"' sell that valuable property known a tne RITZ property, situated on Main street in the town of Salisbury. A Terms of sale : Tlw purchaser willjJ one-third of the purchase money as soon !, cU ia ...Armail nnrl he Will S luv oaaat aa nuui hivm, w - , credit of three and six months for the tner two-thirds, with interest from date of at 8 per cent. Mrn iA . Biddings will be opened at $1,&o3 W Title will be reserved until all the purcusw. money has been paid. - JOHN S. HENDERSON, Cnr. Sept. 28th. Till sale. SUBSCRIBE FOR Til CRAO LINA W'ATCnMAN,OKI $1.00 WAX YEAR.

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