., 1 - - J , t . , - i . ' . - - - s ,'-" - - - - - ' - ! ' y T : - : ' f -'- ' ' -li ' . ''' ! "' " " ' - j- - -ii-ri--. - 1 - i -; -.U- 4i;- z- i'Ki;;-"" , The Carolina Watchman j I ,puiceJ$i in advance Oli fWoaWe remeaies we "pmyr -f ,rrottn before the advance of th fSerlng pelflc, and iold fashioned KgalaV deetloasa mean, of rW- nave feeen quite exploded by the Mcess of tae great renovant which tone SeMStem, IraaquiUxea the nerves, neo- rtlUrmalaria,H depurates and enncbes. be blood, raise the liver whendonnant, ProrooteartguUr habit of body. I -or8alebaUT5rug?UtsndHalers I v ; generally. j . 29:1 y j. Rhodes BHNpEPrest. Wx. C. CO ART, Sec'y. AHome Pdxnp any, Seeking HoiflcjFatronage. Stroi, PfPJl. ReliaWe. Literal ! fTenn iolicL'8 writton on Dwellings. Premium giiv&Ule Oue-lmlf cash and ba. aiice in twelve months. ; ALLEN BOWN, Afi., i palinbury, ri.fL. urn SCOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOVELS AND, STATIONERY. ERHOKS OPIYOUTII. A Uenti.emaS who sufl'ertd for vea.ru from XervoiiKDtuiHTY, Pkematcke Decay, and all ' the efiecl'or vouthful inditcretion, will .for tlie sake (If siUloring luinranitv, pei.nl freeto all who neeJ itAlie recipe and direction for making the infIe remwiyiiy which he wa - ii i'R u I - i a a ucren. nunarer wishing in prom ij me mi vertisers exjiriice can l'o hv jlilresiniit perfect coufulHife. JOffX - . DGDEX, - 2(hly I Cedar St.. New York s- ! : l - T THE -DEAD ! . MONUMENTS TOMBS, QtMm REDUCTION In the pricks of MarUe Hnuieiits and ; jEvsJy D2scri Grave-Stones of ption. I cordially iifvite the jpnblic generally to an iispfctioh of my Stock and Work. I feel just itied In assert i ig that my past expetienea under litst-elaRS workineu in all tke nejwestt and modern styles, and that the nforkmaiighip ig equal to any of the best iiij the country1. I do not say tliatuiy ykyrk v& suerior o all other. I am reason!ible,will not exaggerate- in or der to nccmpl&h a salei My endeavor is to please and give each qujstomer the val of every dollar they leave with inc. PKICES 35 tor 50 Per Cent CHE APE H ! I than ever offered in this town liefore. 11 at oisce or scud fbr'nHce list and de- &12HR Satisfactjon cruarant'd or nocharee. The erticlionlof marble is the last work 01 rcniect whleji we pay to the inemory "iari ed friend. i JntTW S TTTTnPrTTTNSnW- SalUbaly; Xi C. NovL 1. 1681. N Tl The fit ifi of h It. CiiiwrouD & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. return, itiy ginccre thtnks to a generous public fbthe -liberal patronage bestowed ipon me during the last; 1H years, and re Meptfullaskall persoqs indebted to the iui 10 cwi at pnee and make settlement. ...ne btisinpgs WiU , be continued by my -"iiuer partners, Samuel Blackmet and I eak for Tkjlor. and W. S. Sthm the same lib- eral 1atrnag(s bestowed upon the old firm, offeif my .Rileidiiil Brick Store, "VlUnl ilnilAn anil Kif1r KmlHinrr iita for privltelyl I j R. R. CRAWFORD. re:tf . - : i i i i -i I 1 " 1 ' i i A r;; -J. TheollBuerba Mil i 1 i ' : - 4 CE Funeral. There van arnttng man named Price And the HadicaU thought him nice, " lint Itiftden Tyler 1 H8ted hUbiler. ( ! ivnu uui in hi oat cold as ice. ' - There was ah old man named Dockerv. Who was going to smash all the crockery . juu uemietc appeared, And the ihero trot scared. Which made: him a subject of mockery. There was n young man named Mott, Who thought heM fixed things to a d dot, But Octavma Coke Took a Hand ia the Mike, j And everlastingly raked in the iwit. Char. Journal. Tiiere was a young man named Moore. Who tlionght he'd get somebody's gore, uuc ciiere came along r red, Who laid him i out dead, Anrjohunyiis exccUngly sore1. I Tarboro Southerner. I ' i There was an old statesman named Leach ho made n full thre hours feech About Mott and him crew, 1 I And the; whole revenue, I I But since luesday lie's not Bcreedu given a i i A'eir d: Obserrer, For the Watchman. Shall I Again Meet My Little Boy. Written by x. d. a. J We will meet again ; how sweet the word How soothing is its sound ! Like strains of far off music heard On Some enchanted grouud. We will meet agaiu thus friendship speaks. When those most dear depart. : And in the iriea&ing prospect seeks A balm for the bleeding heart. We will meet again ; the lover cries, Ami, oil ! what thought but this Can ever soothe the agonies, Of the last parting kiss. S. M We will meet again j are accents heard, ISefiuu the dying bei. When all the houI b$ grief is stirred j And bitter tears are tnied. r - -t We will meet again; are words that cheer V liile bending oVr the tomb: j f Fr oh ! that hojte so bright and dear, Can pierce its deepest gloom. ; 1 We will meet again ; then, cease to Weep. w imtever may us divide : Nor time nor death can always keep 1 lie loved ones from our sale. ; H For in the nut unions of the blest, Secure from caie and pain, In heaven's serene and endh-KR rent We. will iM'Curely meet naiu, f BY SATURDAY MORNING'S MAIL. Charlotte Journal. Bennett's Majority P-ALkh;ii, Nov. 17. The official re- tums from Jlyde county gire Bennett a mnjority of one huudred and tweutj- eiglit. - Octavius COKR. 1 Chairman. This gives Bennett a majority of 347 votes with returns from all the counties, En.J i l ; There was much inqniry on the Rtreets yesterday for coulirmation of the tele- that insidious and dangerous ele gramfromNewK.il in yestenlays Journal ment wKich, having been introduced 1 3 T- !. - which gavd some hope of Robbing elec tion to Congress from the Seventh dis- i trict. Nothing, however, was heard to confirm it and a telegram from States- villc says that nothing had been heard froui'Ashe which would warrant! the as sertion that Robbins was elected by sev enteen. It is learned, however that Maj. Robbins will probably contest .the seat ven if Yorlk is returned as elected j One of the charges is irregularity iu register- iug in Davie county. HOKE SECRESTS WHERE A pOUTS. ; The Monroe Enquirer and Erprc$ says thatSheriff Price went down to Lauesboio on Tuesday, to compare the vote of Anson and Union for State Senator, and while there learned that a man who. from the description given of him. he is satisfied is none other thauriloke Sec rest, the iescap ed insane wife -murderer, was in that sec tion, and had been seen aud talked with bv a number of nersous both white aud colored. The tnan was described as be ins linht eomnlexioned. withiuid hair thick set, and to have a very wild look out of the eyes. lie told some: persons he was a peddler, others that he jwas a preacher aud still others that he jwas a niachiuest.I Keep a look out for him and arrest him. as it is dangerous for him to be at large j 1 i s RETURN OF THE BICYCLISTS. The bicycle dab returned yesterday afternoon; Tbev lind a nival HiiipL tlii-v say, aud wfere treated magnificently by v ... r. , 2tVi , s it. ... " iiic iiusjiuiuiv VUiuiuuiitus. air, 4001111 Mr 11 -. -1 L.t 1 1 ' : i.'.ii. ncii tinnier, inn i:iiiiiibiiiii u 1111 Willi kmilii i er, the champion jnip won both greeted with cordial cWgratu- .r.i -i-.. i.Ji l7s .. i, luces, was lation yestf rday afternooou by; his friends ;.. I ti. fri....i.J.. the bii event of the da v and aroused event of the day more excitement than a horse race.! Bets were freely made upon it aud much mon ey changed hands. The track was very heavy for bicycle tiding and the time made was Hy no tueaus extraordinary foj that reasonl In tlie first race Uetween the ColumlLbi and Charlotte elnbL Ril- BMr ,ll!Mii, 'iinrtei nf mil!in ano . 1 . .1 a,,u iu tu? ecoud race for which the crunu KimiMirra. ucinccu uie luur uesi men in the Charlotte club, Gilmer again won in with J. C, Weaver close be hind. The boys are enthusiastic over Columbia and the fair. I ' . New York, Nov. Ifi.Application was yesterday made to the Attorney General for the commencement of an action by the people of the Stale of. New York against the Mutual Uuiou Telegraph Company to vacate its charter and dis solve the corporation tipen the grounds : first, the, company has unlawfully issued $10,000,000 of capital stock, when bylaw it was only authorized to issae $1,200,- 000; second, that about ?o,000,000of bond of the company have been issued inpayment for construction and equip-. ineut of lines of telegraph worth about; $3,500,000 and substantially the whole of the $10,000,004 of stock has been fraudu lently issued in couuectioti therewith, without any paymeut or adequate con sideration to the com pauy. The appli cation is made by Win. t Hendrey Canie-j rou, stockholder in the company, and with it is filed a further application, made by Jay Gould, statiug that he is informed of these proceedings, and he. desires to be joiued" as relator in such ac tion as may be brought. The Attorney General hits issued a citation, directing the company to show cause on Tuesday next why the application should not be granted and proceedings commenced. Char. Journal. Opinions of the New York Press. Tlie N. Y. HeraldMy that if th. President will be a good boy he shall have a nice rocking horse. The N. Y. Tribune says the peo ple voted the Democratic ticket in New York to show their devotion to the Republican party. The New . York Times says the President's main fault is in being ac 3uainted with anybody besides George ones. The N. Y. Sun and World exult like good square Democrats. A white Congressman. A black Congressman. A brindle-tail Congressman, makes up tne uepuuiican representation the from North Carolina in the 48th Congress. Winston Sentinel. Dr. York was a Democrat, and is elected by Democratic votes, and he cannot a fiord when he sets to Con gress to go back 011 his life long Democratic record, and the Democrats who supported him.--Sentinel. Defeat of Kobbins. We are sincerely sorry to record the defeat of Hon. Win. M. Kobbins for Congress iii the seventh District. Boss Mott expended all his energies and a liber- at supply of "soap" to effect this re- suit, and the people of North Caro- una are thus deprived ot the services of an able experienced, and laithlul Representative bv the baleful influ- enCe of t)ie Internal Revenue machine into our political system, threatnes to poison it. .Each case of this kind fur nishes an additional argument for the abolition of the Internal Revenue system. Let it be wiped out. Char. Journal. I The Demoracy of Forsyth protes ted vigorously against the nomination of -Maj. Robbins for Congress in this district, and used all honorable means to defeat him in the district con ven tidn, but unsuccessfully. After his nomination they cameup to the full measure of their duty, and gave their best enorts to secure his election, and the majority he. received in Forsyth of 209 over all, and of 916 over York abundantly testifies that there is no truer democrats in the State than that of Forsvlh, and whether fighting for the man oi their preference or not, if he is the nominee of their party, he can rest assured mat, ne nas ineir zealous support and will poll their full strength. Winston Sentinel. j A bulletin .recently issued by the Commissioner of the Census gives the relative value as fuel of fifty-five" varieties of wood. The results which are presented were arrived at, it is said, by the most carefully conduc ted experiments, the calculations be? '""V? u" ?r,cu V "mul 9I .....w6V- i i . I. i:.t . l :. .., i u y iieuua me list; aim ib is uuic worthy that this is the only tree . . , TT . 10 . .1 KrowiiiE iu me ummi uiaico uic . & . - , . . . gravity of which is greater than that of water, becond in fue value is the Southern pine, a very light wood, having only a little more than half, the weight of mountain mahogany. Hickory is third on the list. Cedar ranks before white oak', and while elm outranks sugar maple. The secret of the remarkably high rank given to Southern pine is the large amouut of hydrogen it con taius. 1 jThe cotton crop of this year is estima teu OV noiue 01 iuu iiuiitib iiixiit us 7,000,000 bales. North Carolina as a Fruit State. North Carolina ought to be the greatest fruit State iu the Union. There is no State. that possesses the! same remarkable combination of : ad- j vantages. vvnen nature proviues, it - is a good rule to follow nature.! The j early settlers of North Carolina found mat and ltevoliitionary period, and the "best grapes in the world; growing that Alexander P. Stewart, of Missts luxuriantly iu the Albemarle region! sippi had been elected Provost-Gen - The lest known American grapes are'eral of it, several leading papers, and Catawba, tlie Isabella, :the Scupper hongaud other famous gnipes all be long to North Carolina as their natal t soil. The iear can be grown to per- fection equal to thpse orFrance. ye have known one fruit grower in Cas well county not sevenj miles from the Northern border, to.usive two hun dred varieties of .-pear. More than twenty years ago 1 we knew a distin guished physician of Granville coun ty to have twenty-five varieties of the same fruit, and some of them were positively more delicious than any ! we have ever eaten. It is well known that when the World's Fair met in New York some quarter of a century ago, that the two . condemnatory of the Aryan Order of highest premiums for apples Were America, of which Gen. A. P. Stew awarded to two North Carolina po- art president of the Universiiy jof mologists. We think that seine of , Mississippi, is provost-general, and our fruiters made a very favorable ; which has just been in session iu Bijd showing at the Philadelphia Cent en- , timore. Permit me to say through nial, but we have forgotten the par- your columns that I did .not know ticulars. We cite these instances of. anything of this session iu Baltimore, success to justify the remark made at' was not present, and never authorised the outset that North Carolina ought anyone to announce me as "provost to be the greatest fruit State in the general." I am not responsible for Union. j the existence of the order, nor havQ I It will be remembered that Col. i11 a,iy public announcement of pts Wharton J. Green and the vineyard aims, except that which is contained near Kittrell's, Vance county, boreoff. la Vour editorial. Let me assure you " . . . . 7 - III..! T X ' . 1 . the ureraiums at the Atlanta Indus- trial Exposition of last year, fur the finest native wines. There are some half dozen or possibly a dozen vine yards of some considerable extent in the State now, but there ought to be thousand. Why shall there not be? , Surely, iu a State where tlie cranes .- - grow in the utmost perfection and lux uriance there should be no limitation to the production of that exquisite j.. :.!- i. !!.! iruit ii iiie peopie so win it, v e are reminded of these things by the dispatch from Greensboro of the 9th inst., giving au becount of the j very successful Fruit Growers Fair. We hail this as the beginning of a i positive revival in the (ruit producing industry. We hope that this Fair will so stimulate the production of fruits ... . - . , of all kinds that Worth Carolina will become actually, and not a decade hence the greatest Stale iu the sister- hood fr nrodii.tinn ftf th finnat sweetest, largest, most perfect fruit, including the pear, the grape, the peach, the apple, the apricot, the cher ry, the raspberry, and so on. Wil ming Star. The Richmond State thus speaks of the manner in which Billy Mahone's men illustrated their idea of a free ballot and a fair count in Virginia : Mahone attempted to catch the North with the crv of "a free ballot and a fair count." The Mahoneiles made a mockerv of the sentiment Tues - day. Colored men were herded to- gethcr like cattle, and with worthless sliusof nancr. renresentimr nothimr a j o saveperjury and fraud, were allowed to stuff ballot boxes in the black dis tricts, while in precincts where the white majority was overwhelming, paid agents of Mahone, by arresting judges, succeeded in barring hundreds of white men from the exercise of their suffrage rights. This is 'a free ballot and a fair count.' But there is to be a general tribu nal of examination. Mahone's alleg ed returns are to le read by the rep resentatives of the people of the whole United Suites. 'J he methods, the agents used to get certificates of elec tion for certain men are to haven searching investigation. They will see that at last there is a free ballot and a fair count. There is genuine chalk in North Carolina. Very nice seciinens have been found in Moore and Chatham counties. In Moore as good a speci men of ('slate') chalk has been found as England can produce. There is plenty of dial kv the result of sediment, for the sea evidently covered vast sec tions of North Carolina at one time. If not, how do you account for the vast marl-pits? IC not, how do yon account for the Fisiiin? Creek (Hali fax county) backbone of a whakynow exposed for ninety feet and supposed by Professor Kerr to be 110 feet long? It is at least 120 miles from the ocean. In the same county there was an under jawbone of a whale, how in the State Geological Cabinet. This was taken from a ravine less than a mile from Halifax town, and some seventy feet below the ordinary sur rounding surface, i In I'euder there is good chalk that may be seen at the Produce Exchange. Star. Owing to a spilt among the Demo crats in Maryland, it is said that five Republican Judges ivere elected in that State on the 7t!. The Aryan Order of America. . It having been reporleti that an or-' . .... i ganizaiion caned the Aryan Order. of t m ' .... ' American had been established for the purpose of founding an aristocra- y ni ,ni coumry, uasea npon descent from" distinguished .men of the Coio- ry pro)erIy criticised the movetuent We were particularly struck with the ! latter journal's essav. set tin or forth the reason why no recognized aris- w j p 0 tocracy was possible here. It treated the subject, not with the usual ridi cule and abuse, but philosophically. Unfortunately, boWerfor the pa-4 rs Utat have been commenting u pers the nioveajent,Geti. Stewart has writ ten a letter to the Memphis Appeal, in which he knocks the bottom out of the whole business, so far as his con- nected wih it is concerned. His let- is as follows: "My attention has just been called to an editorial in your issue of the 5th, u,ai A Bl" an aristocrat, out a Democrat; that I have no wealth Uo transmit to my descendents ; am not in sympathy with monojtolies, and should po more serious danger ever threaten the republic than may grow out of any course of action or teach- - - . n mm. ,ng F miue 11 WIU slaua lorever: A lleniiuder. The death of Geo. V. Burgess, at Norristowu, Pa., last Sunday, has re minded older persons of the tremend ous strides which have been made in the art.8 of civilization Within theplast ous strides which have been nity years, wr. iiurgess was tlie first I raan m America who made friction maiciiea. ne cjmmenceu uieir raan- ufacture in ldl in tlie city of XSew I r i i i i i. ! orK hna "oiy aiterwara iaireti. lic subsequrntly engaged in various pursuits iif other cities, and at the ! time of his death was i 78 years old. lT'l. 1 xi ii last invention was . au improved form of match for setting of! rockets, which hag since been adopted by the U. S. Signal Service. Flint aud steel are to us now in the same, catagory with powdered hair, knee-breeches and other appliances oi an age which seems long past, and Vet the death of this man reminds us (hat it has not been so very long after jail, since the traveler who would light his pipe had to carry flint aud steel, and I the house-keeper who would cook an ! early breakfast had toj keep the coals smother! with ashes all night, or ! borrow "a chunk of fire" from a ueh- 1 "p-; Itishardto realize the prog- ress of the age. Charlotte Journal. Extensive Feet. - ' . . i r. .TCx-Congressman ism oiemmons tells of a pair of feet that must have beeiv objects of great regard in their day. One day a party of men, inclu ding Jackson, the man of big teet, were preparing to attend a political barbecue. It was soon discovered that there was nu way of conveying Jackson, as all the vehicles were full. "Let me ride that mule over there?" asked Jackson. "There isn't a man in the world that can ride that animal. He'll work to a buggy or plow but no man ican stay on his back." "I'll try him anyway," and theide termiued man instructed several .ne groes to catch the mule and hold him. Theiimal plunged and kicked, but finally Jackson secured a seat in the saddle. Every one expected to I see him dashed against the ground, ibut the mule looked around, saw the man's feet,; and walked peacefully aWay. He thought he was between a pair of shafts. Arhansato Traveler. The United States have taken care of Jthemselves during the last four months. The accidental President and his Cabinet of third rate politi cians liave been devoting their time and energy to State politics. Arthur has got back to Washington wlere he is almost a stranger. WW. Star. A scIkwI ma'am, who was "recently kissed in the dark by mistake, ex plained her omission to use any light for nearly two weeks afteiwarJs ou the grounds of hard times. j The Winston Leader: The editor of the Stardy Gleaner tasn't been married a raoi.th,yet he sa) s : 4 1 oung men, uon i $10. ay the ! minister over . LEADING DEALERS IN DRY AND 9TP3 crBv TKSjrajra s?ara Large Assortment of Ladies' Cloaks and ShatwlaJ LAimBP rTATS Aim TRlTtTlTTnTflQ L.- " wuu mail U liniO HIW UAl DOOTQ AIID SHOES A SPECIALTY. We Tcecp the Host made auio run WATS' SPtXJr-COTTON. New sapplj of 5 cent Tin War,,-, ' Full stock of Glass and Table Ware. Best Flour, Meats Srnrar, Coffee, TEAS. Rice, Potatoes, Canned Fruits, Pure Lsrd ' Corn, Bran, Meal, New Orleans Molasses and Syrup, &c. Full assortment of Family Medicines including Quiuine. One and three -fourth lbs . Cotton flacking- at 9 Cents. Hew SMea at $1.75 per bundle. Three lb. Cans Tomatoes at 15 cents. i OVER-COATS at OQ.OO. Scat IO ots, SufiAT, try it. Be sure to see our Goods before you buy. We mean to sell yon Rood Goods at lum-Bi. prices. jer h uuv ana sen v 1 iOM W' W- TAYLOR. II. F. ATKINS, ) ' Nov. 1, 1882. and D. J. BOSTIAN. f SALESMEN. BLACKHER &TAYL0R HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK OF WM. SMITHDEAL, AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF R. B, Crawford, of the firm of R. R, CRAWFORD & CO., We are nowprepared to supply our customers with all kinds of ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In addition to the Ilest Selected Stock of HARD W A It E in the S T A T E. We also handle Rifle and Blasting Powder FUSE and a full line of Mining Supplies. We will Duplicate Any Prices in the State. CALL AND SEE US. W.S.BUCKVER, Oct. 5, 1892. SAS'L TAYLOR. 50: ly BOOTS. SHOcS tL CAITERS. made to perlence. Ail iiaiwiui oi me am done In tbe iatrsi n .. 0L,-4 Refidy m te wo 1 Uway on hand -R-mli1ng nffcitiv and uroinnt -lone. Oilers by malhiroiupt- 51:1T. S.VLlHKL u I , -N . C. B i?3) Mil 9 I m as K ' . - ?i nnnm Avn'mftrmiMi -LlTPlPQ Hiiro Aim nico 4 : an Kinds 01 Country Produce. FOR THE WHEAT CROP. .ir! ALLISON & ADDISON'S STAR BHAND" COMPLETE MANURE 1 Combines the activity of Peru nam Guan wo with the ttrong ami lotting effects of An itual Bones. It is prepared under onr personal super rittioit, ami is wade of the best materials contains no shoddy or other Tnferier ata moniatcs. It is Fine, Dry and in Excel lent Condition for Drilling. This Fertilizer has been in use twclrc years, and has gained a repulatum for er eeUenee sccoumI to none. VSTSTAiihA HV GUARANTEE. IT CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Allison & Addison, Manufacturers, ffichmvmd, Va. FOU SALE BY J. ALLEN BROVII, Salisbury, N. C, It. M. Roskbouo, Third Creek Sta tion, N. C, and by Agents at all ioipor tant points throughout the wheat grow ing section of North Carolina. 45:10t pd The Representative Industrial! Paper of North Carolina is a 28 column Illustmted weekly. Every Mine Owner, Farmer, Man ufacturer, Merchant and Industrial man in the South should have it. "Pays especial attention-to North Carolina Mineral Re sources and does full justice to every de- artment of our State's handicraft. Pkick 1.50 cr year, . " POSITIVELY IN ADVANCE. ADDRESS at once. EDWARD A. OLDHA2I. Editor aud Propretor. Wilmington, N. C. ex. SHERIFF'S SALE 'of -' j HOUSE & LOT III SALISBURY! By virtue of a Venditio Exponas and ex 1 ecu tion issued out of the Sucrior Court of Ituwan County, in faynr of Meroney & Bro. against Obc At well and dial. Atwtrll, in my hands for eollcction, I will sell at pub lic auction, at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on the 27lh day of No vember, 1882, all the rijht title, interest and estate of the said'Obe Atwell ami Chal. Atwcll, in and to th followinjr real proper" tp, viz: A house and lot in the North Ward of the town of Salisbury, adjoining the lota of I). A. Atwell and others, where the said O. M. Atwell now recides. Terms, Cash. Dated at Salisbury, the 1 8t h day of Octoher.' 1 882. CM'. KRIDER, 8hff. 3:4w SALE OF VALUABLE jlEAL ESTATE ! Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, I will expose ti, public sale, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the town of Salisbury, on Monday, the 30th day of October, 1682, the following valuable real estate, situated in the town of Salisbury : One vacant lot on Main Street, adjoining the National Hotel and the lots of J. L. and J. A. Hedrick, fronting 25 feet on Main it.t and running back 200 feet. This lot is in the very heart of the business centre of the town. Also, one lot of land running 310 feet on Lee street, 200 feet on Council street, and fronting 310 feet on the Western N. C, Railroad, immediately fronting the Railroad ticket office. &c. This i valuable property for hotel or manufactir ing purpojttn. Terms: One third of the purchase inbncy to be paiad cash; one-third in wx months, remainder in twelve months. Title retain ed until purchase money is all paid. The undersigned will lie glad to show the property njn applied i.n. MOSES 1J HOLMES, Com'r. Salisbury, N. C, Scpi. 20, 1882. 5C:5t THE NEW ODTfl ' i 1 : 4 0 t ; i i i-. r 1 b ; 1 : I ' i t I t. f ! :!!