v - - , ' j. . - i j , . - ... - - - . r ; v I . ? i - 4 1 i ii.0 1 4 TOil kVcthied seeies SALISBURY. H. C, HOVEUBER SO, 1882. no 7 r r: : 'Mi - ; lie WW SVP ll ; v , :' ' V The'GaolitiaWatcliman, I ESTABUSHEI) THE TEAK 1832. ni4nbcr that stamina, Tital energyv th lifeprinciplet or whatever yw iiit Soo W call the reaiatant power which tzrXZ i6t the causea of disease and deiShlb the prand safeguard of health, it U Ihe KarrTaon of the human fortress, iad bea it waxes weak, the true policy U to! throw in relnforcemenrs. Inother word! when such an emergency occurs jSenw a course of Boatetter's Bitten. FoTbTU by DrnggiaU and tZl?om pplgfor liosieifcer'a aimuiw v m BlOWX E, Prest. Wm. C. CO ART, Sccy. AHoole Company,Seeking V jaime Patronage, Stroud hoijt, BeMle, Literal! Term pdicics written on Dwellings. Prcmfuis payable One-Inilf cash ami ba. nce inf wtlve numths. .": ? - f J. ALLEN BROWN, A?t., 21: ut-" Salisbury, N. C OF SCOdll BOOKS, r SfJHOOIi SUPPLIES NO VBLS AND - ! STATIONERY. ERRORS F YpUTH. Ai Gfck'fi.EMAN wlo siiffertd for yf.ir from Netvius DfiuiLfTy, Puematckk Decay, ami all hi effects ol'uutlirul iiulincrt tioit, will for the lake of autteimg liiimauity, pcimI ire to all lioiied it, (lie! recipe and direction for making! t!le ii tuple remedy by whicli lie w.is ucretli Sifrercr.s wiliiog to profit lj the ad Tertiserl experience can Io no bv aldrfssrftiii perfect roll fide nee. JOHN B. OGDKX, Cedar Stl. New York i 120: IREMEMBER THE DEAD ! i MONUMENTS TOMBS, tso. GREAT REDUCTION TN THE PRICES OF Harbla Monuments and Grave-Stones of i 1 i ' -I Every description. I corfliSlly invite the public generally to an ill s Section of hit Stock and Work. I feel jisiftied in asserting that my past exietiii under' firsti-class workmen in all the hijevvest aiiu mmlei 11 Btyle, and that th? ?voik man ship is equal to auy of the uesj; 1p the cojuury. I do not say that nit ork, is superior to all others. 1 ant reaiotiable, will not exaggerate iu or der to .Iccoinplish ii sale. My endeavor is to pleaeJIand give ac)i customer the val ue, of elvy dollar thej- leave with me.N PEICE35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER thaAierer offeredj in! tliis town before. Call atldnce or send fjir price list and de signs, ifatisfactiou iiiiraut'd or no charge. The lection of inaible is the last work of respeet which we pny to the memory of departed friends. - i JOHN IS. HUTCHINSON. SalUMry, X-C, Nov. 1, 1881. I i ft I I I Ml I ' H -JL LL JLJ. The f m of It. It Ckawfokd & Co. is thiaj dadissolved by mutual consent. I retffn my sincere thanks to a geeerous puuiic joT me iioorjil patronage bgstowed upon lis lu ring thfe last 17 years; and re spectfu yask all persons indebtid to the arm to call at onceland make settlement t the jtousmess will be continued b? my former llartnera, Saknuel Taylor and W. S. uiacknif r, and I sak fo'r them the same lib eral; pa ffpnage bestbwed upon the old firmr offer my splcndxl Brick Store. Dwelling House auft Fiur building lots for uue, privately. " K.1L- CIUWFOUD. i s- 1 r I ! ' J. RllOUEa s 3813 iuemaum 9 mm) AN EASTERN JUCtGLEB. i VIiiIe traveling through India, be tweert Sorat ' and Nagnore. my bod iervafit one day informed: me' that d great j juggler aud snake charmer wished to have the honor jof showing me sqmetrfing of his skillj 'Wliat can he do?' I asked myjBerj vant.j y : " ' . m x-tW- 'Almost every tiling that is marvel ous, I've been told was the answer receiried'f? -U: 1 .M'f ! (A(mit him.' i , I ' -. . ''i f Myj servant withdrew and present ly turned with a snial, witln.Hrc old man, about whom,. I Saw nothing remarkable ' except his eyes, whicu were Ismail, black and piercing, and seemed to have lightningtim'prtsonetj iu themr I do uot know fvhetherth man could see itf the darti1ike ficafj but there was at times, that peculiar fiery apparance of the balls which 1 so oftn observable in night prowling animals. ' 'A. 1 ' - He wore a while vest, Turkish trousers, a kind of crimson petticoat workeil with st ran ere devices, a tur- iian "of many colors and red morocco sliocs, pointed and turned up at the toes. His arms and neck' were bare, laud, with the exception of a couple of heavy gold ifings jn hi ears, lie displayed no extraneous or namenls. His age 1 judged to be six ty, antl his short mustache was al-. most white. Ho made a low salaam,' and then appeared to wai to be ad-; dresseti. 'Ydiir.name?' said I, n Hindo- staneei "'Paunjar. your excellency.' 'I am told that you wish to show me some wonders ? 'If vour excellency wilj.f 'Well, what can you do HeMuldonly product- from where! I did ;not see and cannot tell a large ball of twine, which he Appeared U toss into my lap. keepifig hold of one end, so that it unrolled the whole distanee between him attd me at least ten (eet, saying as he Id id so : 'Will your excelleucy please exam- .me wjiat you see? Now, 1 honestly aver that ball of twine when that I saw te threw it as plainly as I ever saw anything iu my life- saw it come toward me. saw it unroll and apparently drop into my lap, so that 1 brought my knees quickly together to catch5 it, and yet when I put my hand down to get it and looked down for lhere-t-iiothing was there, ami, at thej same instant, perceived the juggler balancing it on the end of his hnger. rIiaw ! saitl I ; you deceived inej by making me belifvc you threw it toward me. 'Doe your excellency think I have it 7 he asked. And, before I could answer I saw in plape of the ball, a beautiful, large rose, which was balancing by the sleinj-and yet he had not altereil his position in the least, and scarcely tirf rel a inger. j I began to be astonished. While yet I looked I saw in his right hand a cup, and in -his left the rose, file stepped forward a few feetj laid the rose down on the ground, and placed, the cup over it. Here, it will be observed, there was no machinery to assist him no table jwith its false ton,! concealed compaHments and confederate, per naps, to cnect a ciiange a we sec similar tricks performed, in a place fitted py a magician for the purjoe but 'only my own quarters, in the lull bright light ot day, with mysel cjoseiy . watctiing every movement witliitt five feet of him, and my at-j tendauts grouped around almost as1 near. 1 I Having covered the rose with the; cup, a I would be willing to make1 oath, for I saw the rose distinctly as the hollow vessel, held b the topj went jslowly lown over it the con jurer resumed his former place and said : 'Will vour excellency i be kind enough to lift the cup and sec what is unuer ur Of course I would have wagered a was still heavy sum that the rose: there for one thinsr. because exivect ing .some trick, 1 had kept! my eye on it to the last moment, and was cer tain there was no possibility of its being Removed after the hand had jet oof tpe cup at the top.:"' j i , ; i I complied with the n qjuest, step ped, forward, and raised tho cup : but instantly , dropped it, anil bounded back with a cry of terror-f-for there, instead of the rose, was one of the lit tle, green, deadly serjents of India, coiled J up and ready for a spring, with us small glistening! 'eyes fixed iutentljr on mine. Snakes ut any kind are myl horror ; and this only horri fied me but all my; attendants, who, with cries of alarm, enlarged the cir cle very rapidly, for they! kucw its bite to be fatal. : I ; ; -i ll ' lTo..M I ..(...(.. ;J .ri- 1...-. perfectly lariuless your ex- cellenc a a - , Eu iuv wiu. iiiaii. wai li irriitiiiiil 4 I . . ..1.1 J . II. m&r iiii! to it. Iiftimr it. hv tU ..n,.l.- pulling us lieail into hisViiioulJi, and allowing it to rbii down his throat. I shuddered, and half-belreved the nggler iwssesscd of a'devil, if not a devil himself.- y ; He next produced a tube t! .at look ed like"brisp, about two feet long and nan an incn in tuanieir, ami m-xijuie ball of twine agaiiiy? Where theserthings came trom, or went toTI'could hot tell. Xhey seem- etHo beio' his hands' when he wan ted t heni; V butYIi never observed Ills tandsi passing near his dress, either wheti they, t appeared or, disappeared. When I looked for the cuptuat 1. had lifieil from the snake it was gone; and yet neither myself iior any" of my attendants ; had seen , this wonderful- man pick ..it tip t .It was indeed jug glery, if, not magic, of Mie most un questionable kind I iVil 7 kTI i lh rough the brass lube k the Con urer now passed ione end of the twine, which he put between his tcetfi. He hen placed the tube between his lips, hrew back his head, and held it per pendicularly, with the ball of twine on tue upper end. men suddenly this ball began to turn, and turn rapidly, and gradually , grow smaller, till it entirely disappeared, as if the twine had been run off on a .reel. What turned it, tfr Where it went to, no one could 6e. l lie purgler tnen set the other end tip, and a new ball began to form on the top but appa rently ribbon, of half an inch in width, and of different cblors. , These rolled up, as if on a bobbin, till it formed a wheel of two or three inches in diam eter, when the crfornicr seemed to toss ribbon and the tube over his shoulder, and that, was the last I saw of either. He next produced what appearded to be the sime cup I had lifted from the snake. showinr smcthiiig that looketl like an egg, advanced the same as before, and placed the latter on the Lgrouud and the former over it, and agtin requested me to raise it, which I declined to do, fearing 1 should see another serpent, or something equally horrifying. "Will any one lift the cup?" he said, turning to the others. No one vouhteered to do so, but all rather drew back. At this he took up the cup himself and appeared to throw It into the air, and there sat in its place a beautiful dove, which flew up aud alighted on his shoulder, lie took it in his hand, muttering over some unintelligible words, seemed to cram it into his mouth, aud that was the last I saw of that also. y He performed ;' some other tricks similar to these, and concluded with the mysterious bag. This bag which somehow came into his hands, as did all the other things he used, in a man ner unknown to as was from two to three feet long, and about a foot wide. It looked as if it had been used to hold some kiud of flour; and I cer tainly saw something like the dust of flour ny ironi it when he turned i. in side out and beat it across hi hands. He turned it back again, aud tied it at the mouth with a siring, muttering a low incantation. This done, he threw it on the ground and stamped on it, treading it all out flat with his feet j He then stepped baek a few paces' and requested us all to fix our eyes on it. We did s ; and after the lapse of perhaps thirty sec onds, saw it begin to swell up, like a bladder when being expanded with wind. It continued to swell till eve ry part became distended, and it ap peared as round and solid as if filled ; with sand. Its solidity, however, was only apparent for when the. juggler went up and placed his foot on it, it yielded to the pressure, but immedi ately sprung back, or rounded out, as soon as that was removed. He then jumped on it with both feet, and flat tened it all out as -at first. He then went away again ; and the bag being left to itself as before, again began to rise, or inflate, but tin's time as if some auiiiKil like a cat were were inside of it. In fact, I could see where there ap'peared to be legs ; aud then to my utter amazement, I may almosjL say horror, it began to move toward me, as if impelled by the unknown some thing in it ! I do not think I am a coward -my wost enemy has never accused me of being one, at least but I confess that ou this occasion niy nerves would uot let me remain passive; and I retreat ed from the advanciu iu formed the magician that I had seen euougji to satisfy ine of his wonderful occult powers. At this he smiled grimly, walked up to the bag, trod it down again, picked it up and beat it with his right hand across his left, caused it to unaccountably disappear from my sight, and theu made his concluding salaam. How these wonders were performed by what art, jio'wer, or magic 1 do not and never, expect to know. 1 have conversed with many jpersous who have seen quite as strange unnat ural things, but never, heard any one givCany explauatioirthat I cousider cd at all satisfactory. , "If your excellency will?, I shall now have the honor of showing you how I charm serpents," said the nec rbmancer , '---s I had heard something of this sin gular power, and desirous of seeiqgjt displayed. Accordingly myself ..and attendants all "repaired to an open field, at no great distance, where, af ter some search,1 Paunjar discovered a hole, in -which he saidVhe doubted not tlicre was a snake." ' ' " " "' (R lv(..m T mII InmHVivilr " l. - S . r,'it, A Vttll lJ..j. IVU 11, r IIV proceeded, "I must be assured that some one of sufficient courage will stand ready to cut him down when I give ine signal -otnerwise, snonid ne proved tos be a cobra cape! la, my lite 1uv be sacrificed." "I will myself undertake the busi- ness, "said 1, drawing my sword.. The man hesitatcd,evidcntly fearing to insult me bv a doubt, aud yet not eagerto risk his liTe on the strength ot my nerves, after the display of tim idity I had already made. I thought I read all this in the man's face, and I said, very possitively, "Never fear, good sir 1 I "will cut down whatever you bring up this time, be it suake or devil 1" "My life is at your excellency's mercy," bowed the man with a show of humility. "Kemember tha signat ! When I raise my hand above my head, may the blow be swift, sure and dead- yr , - " He then gave his whole attention to the business before him. Putting an instrument, not unlike a flageolet, to his lips, he began to play a shrill, monotonous, disagreeable sort of a tune, keeping his eyes riveted upon the hole in the ground ; and soon af ter, to my utter astonishment, though I had been prepared for anything, I saw the ugly head of the hooded snake, the dreaded cobra capelhi, the most poisonous of all deadly reptiles, come slowly forth, with its spectacled eyesJ fixed steadily upon the strange musi cian, who begau to retrat backward slowly, a step at a time, the snake following him. When at length, in this manner, he had drawn the hideous creature some ten or fifteen feet from its ltole, he suddenly squatted down and began to play more loudly and shrilly. At this the serpent raised itself on its tail, as when about to make his deadly spring, and actually commenced a dancing motion, in time with the music, when the charmer gave me the signal to strike. Guardedly aud stealthily I advanced near enough for the blow, anil then struck, cutting the reptile in two, aud sending its head flying to some distance. I never took life with better satisfaction. Whatever deception there might be- about the juggler s tricks, there was certainly none about the suake, for I have its skin still in my possession. I gave the man a couple of gold mo ll urs, and he went away perleetly sat sa aa lsneil, wishing my excellency any quantity of good luck. I was per fectly satisfied, too, and would not have missed seeing what I did for ten times fie at: o ut I paid. The Wilmington Star says, let Southern men be on their guard. Let North Carolina members be vry care ful to do nothing rash. Grant that the internal revenue system is a mon strosity, an offense, a stench,an oppres sion, an outrage, wliat then ? Will you wipe out the 145 millions raised by this badly abused system when you know that it will fasten upon the cou u try for a decade the oppressive war tariff' that absolutely taxes fifty millions of people for the benefit of one :it:,... 9 tv. ...... ship? Do you consider that wise leg - islation ? Giv the country free cigars, ir ee plugs of tobacco, tree snlokinjj to- bacco, free whisky aud tax m htty million peop.e u,,u. ... UimM..a Such legislation as that would be absurd, uuwisc, unprofitable, and would be sure to prove a o wjineranjj iu the end. The limes says edito rially : "The chances of tax reduction at the coining session of Congress are being already discussed iu Washing ton. The protectionist policy is easy to predict. It will, as heretofore, be directed toward a sweeping reduction of internal revenue taxes by way of warding off' any reduction of duties on imports. The Republicans will hardly improve their position by lend ing themselves to this programme.- Chaotic as public opinion may be on ihe subject of the tariff, the majority of the Ainericau people arc certainly not iu favor of making whisky and tobacco cheap that all the necessaries of life may continue dear." Making FencPosts Last. -A Western farmer says that he has dis covered a modefby which the part of feucc-posts buried iu the ground can he made to last longer than iron. Time and weather seem not to affect it. Posls can be prepared for less than two cents apiece. The recipe n to take boiled. Unseed oil and stir iu it pulverized charcoal to the consis tency of cream, and apply a coat of it to the lower half j of the post a lew days before setting. Some Short PrQTerbsL j -T :-,.V, t j , j - ?, 1 Russian. Pray to God,- but eontinne to row to tlie'iltord. tn r p-1 V H'r i Sanskrit. Silence Is the ornament of lie'fenorant. 1 :t -1 ' !! fa-"! Cli!nee.Tlierc lare two goil men. )ne dead, tlie other nnboru. Ta ninl .The handle of the axe Is the sneniy of its Itind. ! ' '' ' J " ' Persian.-One pound of learning re quires teu pounds of common sense to ipily it. -' "j "" . 1 j;. Arabian. -It is liard to chase two liares.' - Modern O reek.Two watermelons can not be carried under One arm. 1 Sound Advice. i ; Wall Street Beporter. r J A stranger who had made a narcliase of i a second-hand dealer on Chatham street grew confidential and said he, would Uke some advice. f ! "Vhell, go aheadt." "If you were in my place aud wanted to go iuto business here would you lend your money and live on the interest, or would you go into the second hand cloth ing bn8iuessfn '.. I ' j "My frent," replied the other with a serious look on his face "let me fcole yon shnst like a fadder. Doan go Into de second-hand peesness yourself, bat lend me your money and pecome a silent part ner." "Are the profits large V j "Large! How much you thinks I made on dollars t dot west I sold vou for two J made shust twelve sliuliiiffs."- Not by a blamed sight, for I haven't paid for it and won't take it!" exclaimed tne Pwer8 of the Government to par tite stranger as he dropped thebuudle tisan purposes,, the countenance and aid and walked out. "Vhell, vhell" sighed Moses, as he looked after him, "efery time I tell der truth I loose money, and efery time I tell a he I lose a customer. How can an hon est man make a living in New York tn Are You a Man ? I One day a young man was teasing a little girl, when she, becoming tired of him, exclaimed impatiently, "If I wore as big cloths as you do, I'd be a man." Her mother overhearing the remark called her away, and chided her for be ing so satisy, but soou the tears ; caused by the rebuke were brushed away, and the cause forgotten by the little girl. A few years later the same girl, then a young lady, was returning home from school, aud m makiug some changes of the train was obliged to stop at a hotel over night. A rising aud popular-lawyer of the place chanced to sec her name up on the register, aud at once called upon her. As soon as he greeted her hesaid,- i calico to titanic you tor what you have done for me." She replied, ''You must be mistaken about my help j' v.t aw, lor aiinotign l uo remember vou as a clerk in my father's store, when I was a child, I cannot recall one single favor I ever did you, or in fact remember that I had seen yon since then." ; He theu referred to the impatient re mark before quoted, and said tliat day he resolved to be a man, and from that time had honestly tried to make some- thing of his life. He also said he had never beeii tempted to do a uiaii thing without Hearing tlie warning. "I'd be a man." . t 1 You aro the architect of your own for- , and soul. Select some specialty for jour 1 life' work, aud adhere to St. Paul's pre - cept, "This one thing I do." Let your J motto be industry, self-reliance, faith and .w., ,rau . H,,fnu"' est effort iu one direction i road to wealth and high position.' Dwu't take too muchndvice ; keep at the helm, steer your ship, and, rcuiemler tfpit the great art of commanding is to take upon ypmrself a share of the work. J Don't practice too much humility. Think well of yourself. Strike at; as- i ... 1 sume your position. i It is the jostlings of life that bring great men to the surface. Put iwtatoes into a cart over a fough road aiid the siuall ones will go to the bottom. 1 Fire above the mark that you intend to hit. Energy, iuviticible determluatiou With a right motive are the levers that move the world. I Touch uot the wine cup ; don't chew or smoke, nor use profane language j don't deceive ; don't read hovels. i ! De earnest j be geuerous; be cUil ; be a gentleman. Superintend yonr own business; use tlie printer's iukj keep your own! coun sels. Love God and your fellow men; love truth aud virtne; love your couusels and obey its laws. Aye. Thurlow Weed died on the 22d. i : f. GovrStepliens is Jdaying havoc i with the laws of Georgia. He ha Already pardoued twenty-Hye criminals, ; The courts would do well to close up. Vhat' title use with sach a willing oucjmau power. Wit. Star. IMI iui - ii u ji ,ir loi icu nr I "ifni .M15 JLQ&LILWIL IllTTZ LEADING DEALERS IN DRY ETew 8ft0& 1 - I x AND Large Assortment of Xadies Cloaks and Shawls LMS'IATSiHD TRIMfflGS.-HEM'S HATS A1ID CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES A-SPECIALTY. Wkecp the best ma:dc. AGENTS FOR COATS' SPOOTCOTTON. New supply of 5 cent Tin Ware. Full stock of Glass Best Flour. Meats. Susrar. Coffee. TEAS Hi vurii. uran. jsieai. iew unmans niniaaaAa ani n t i ' - One and three-fourth lbs. Cotton Sacking at 9 Cents, new Tie i at $ 1.73 ier bundle. Three lb. Cans Tomatoes at 15 cents. '. OVER-COATS . 02.QO. Boat Q rm n iry u. ue sure to see our Goods before you .-..v., .rcjdm-s. u ouyvnu sen Nov. 1, 1883. The Safety of the Republic, The recent elections show an enlight ened and virtuous public opinion, which is cue snfty of our free institutions. The llVer aM(1 harbor bill swindle, theshame ,cos i,ss,l,eniR l raise money to cor runfc 1,10 Sections, the base prostitution given to repudiation of State indebted- ,,e88 and even to al conclusive awarus ft,ul judgments of international tribunals, destructive of all confidence in the public faith, the bribery and cor ruption of the trial by jury by the De partment of Justice itself ; in short the general demoralization and extravagance in the administration of the General Gov ernment alarmed and roused the people aud they have rebuked the raiikliiii: cor ruption of party ism in high places. In telligcuce and public virtne among the people constitute the only safe reliance for the public welfare and liberties of the country. Our political system, truly said to be thevfaircst fabric of civil govern incut that ever rose to animate the hopes of civiliz ed man, is yet liable to be corrupted and destroyed by the wrangling aud commo tions of partisan leaders. The history of popular government in other ages and countries has shown the dangers arising from the partisan struggles and devices of ambition and cupidity. Forewarued by the examples iu other countries, our people will be found forearmed against the dangers which beset their republic. American lley inter. Fifty contests iu the next House is the number estimated. Let the Democrats resolve runt no contestant shall receive Py who is unsuccessful. 117. Star. i... :.. ......... ,r..i r FOR Till! WHEAT MP, ALLISON & ADDISON'S "STAR 'S?. "V:? T1 A VTV nnMPT.T7.rpT3! M A "MTT'DTi! I I Combines the aetiritu of Perurian Ouan no vrith the ttrony and tastiufj effects of An 1 contains no shoddy or other inferior am wontates. Ijf ig ri.np DfV OTld 111 Excel lent Condition for DrUliiiff. This Fertilizer has been in use Orel re years, and has gained a reputation for ex cellence second to none. IxTSTAS DAltl) G UA HASTED. IT CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Allison & Addison, Manufacturers, llichmond, Va. FOU SALE BT J. ALLEN BROWN, Salisbury, X. C, R. M. Roseroko, Third Crnk Sta tion, X. C., and by Agents at all irapor taut Miut throughout the wheat grow ing secthnvof Xoith Carolina. 4."..;()t pd lilt? sora. The Representative Industrial Paper of iorill VillllllllA 11. n u vi'iliiiiii iiiujiiiiihi 1 weekly. " Every Mine Ow ner, Fanner. Man- ' ufacturer, Merchant and Industrial man in the South should . have it. Pays epec-Jal attention to North Carolina's Mineral Re-1 1 1 r..n i.....t . .l I sources anu uoen inn justice i cur; uc partnient of ittr Slate's handicraft. Price flloO cr year, POSITIVELY HI ADYNCI. ADDRESS at or.ee, ' " EDWARD A. OLDHAM, Editor and Propretor. Wilmington, XjC ex. GOODS AND GRQCERH2SI: log1 lotiSisni :;- rz,. ana Table Ware. Pnt.t. nA t?-:- t. r .... ' "-"".vbiiiiw luiut i ure Mni. Rrmn. v..m . - . .." WJIUt ul, x uu wKwriuicDi oi r amiiy buy. We mean to sell you good Goods at an Kinds ot uountrv Produce. i i W. W. TAYLOR, II. P... ATKINS. ) . j and D. J. BOSTIAN. ( oaus.MJvN. HAVING PURCHASED THE - OF - WM. SMITHDEAL, AS WELL AS THE IOTEIiEST OF R. E. Crawford, of the firm of R. R. CRAWFORD & CO., ! We are nowpreparcd. to suply our customers with all kiuds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMTS7 In addition to tho Best Selected Stock of H A R D V A R E m the STATE. - We also handle Rifle and Blasting Powder FUSE and a full line of Miuing Supplies ." i i WZe will Duplicate Any Prices in the State. CALL AND SEE US. tf.S. BLACKS EE, Oct. 5, 1832. Sin TIROL 00:iy ; BOOTS, SHOtS & GAITERS, mu iq ord r: Au work HretvlasH sevenif u ars Kx. puience. All Material oi the best ;rade, and work dote In Uie latest srvleH. n Beadrmade wor 1 always on hired- Ufwtlrtntf neatly and proninfiy done. Order' hr ini nmnipv 17 tilled. 'yffVxa.rk.- Hioclo, 1 fitly. Aiosntr. -J. J, BLACHEB &TAYL0R - ; t i ;- i- i 4 " " . -4 Hi ' .-1 i i- r f T ! 4 -:hi,!-"-: ; 1 : , :.;---r-l

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