r PI P'-i" . - POL ?! f.- TataB" SERIES I : J SAnSBUEY.II- C.. DECEMBER i 28, 1882: : Wiim&rmn V f i Card i nk Watchman. ; Ti:sMVDRC.j'2iSli Tli Siiool Ex 1 1 niTiox. T1ii uliicuciiiiicou la i o (i-CitslOll, i l.i! v?.i!t a rl trjit to the Tcnr ,ire smflieiu-e which hoporcd it witli H!ane. the pupils -m-re ailmirablj JrilM sl. ul ix'Vfiiriufd their several parti mii-kible lu-etmMcy,. reflecting lit nil tin t each in jsuitl tirmiascrK. iM.liiuinlK-r 21, taking lit 'ft The liirj; r nmU of pupils Hwii were ever ic.n- iif m M J at ,M "mY 1,1 im Iee. V v evif ntlybiiij; tt.sreatpiMl gmnl work tor tli i siii"eiieraiin, ami. fttioulU be lv liisti'ml by erefy citir.cn Iihv- n of the ccftiinjnuityiit Jieart NVxt 'for.lioW on tl' inatli' v; Touthtv iHMitis'the itpimiii'tcrf r r . i ... . . i the election to ,1111 the place Ucinl oi County LoinniiSHioiu'ls ant lv the flea th if the late VV. ' M. Kiiii'. vr-mention the most proiui n nt ltll !irt:n iH'ni tie have heard :IS pi''''ai!e en ml mates tor the ).,. vll: J.js. rh-Hi:iyJof S-ut h Irish, i ; c ' i - Win. l.i Wat.-Moi, of l'nit, and 4orupu r . Jh-!.r:iiiof AIau 11 tiwi tip. All uoithy, Cinj" t.clf III 1 1 1 1 1 the Watch ran. 'or COuutj Commissioner: Mr lllitor :f Ar the finie for the election of aCointv CoiuunnMiinicr is anhroachiiir. and it It well to lMk around for the nnwt niiitablgi person for, the iMmijion, jierniit tnc it fugtHU nit; name m i . j. nmuini, of Fralklin. lie- i a yoUng man of inark- mil iliibticu Sti wliattn n-itiirM tin rtililliill l .t . 1 ... i a i.;:. r.. u..r.... 1 . and ujfriiit and praclicdl in all hi biisi ties tiiinsactioiiM; j S. Fraiiklin Township, Dec. 27, Itfsi. 4- I - ! Fo the Wrchhmaii. The Knights oC Honor. 'k - 1 'At ho last : meeting of this order, in leccn her. the following uainbrs were rWti I itliccis for JHrf:i:f ' Did a tor, Vkelo." -As. do. UrfHirU-r, Dr. WIA. Wilborn. II. M. Une,. j 1j. L. Liiii ii. W. L. Kluttz. T. li. Heal I, Charles 1'iice. 1. 31. iJei)ihahlt. G. A. Klutts. Alex, llarker. Jy Fh.1. (juaii lian, Henlliel, ' - It. L. Mtillxaiiiiiif r. Dr. II. laver. T. Tian.thain. C T lharuhardt, Tru4ia: K'ft Ctawford and ft II Miusli. Keilt;. L.t W II Overninti. AlfJilo. do. : C T llerniianlti Tfe.oi nlcr in In lino condition, having ci'liiti Hf (l. Pu!i iiig an cxisti-nre a Hifiiiiciiiip of iire than .five years, thev have lost liiitj'in' riH'tiit-r by death the lamented eiiBicrr, Jiw;. A. uniou. i W L. K LpTTK, Lqtorlcr. For the Watchman. Concert nt ThomnHville. T ie irf7jMfi is sfuuetiiues represenfc- il a it ; com iiicnceiuetits of the 1 homasville Fi'i Is Colletre. vet n remirter can hard ly It esecteU nt "the CiiristinaH Concert. Aeicrtlivk'ssKo chai nnhg was the enter taifimeiit i:ivru at this instilutiou on the evtLinj,'!! the 21st, mjder tbe' training auttrrctioi f Miss .Marion, assisted by MiltAyaiicni teachers jn the department of oiJ'ie ihai:a fiilj report would interest -inlart iirtjjrit.v of icailci a. Tins previ fiiii iiiidrnct ions had been so thoroughly Hi laitlifull) giTeu, that there was no Mitatiou in ibriiiging forward, before a lii&e aHlien, eveu t;he youirg bulics five inoijih ago, (had never takeu lolmns in niu-oic. while, the accoinpani- r miitsly Jtiis Maiioni vocal solos aud lifts ly sucU singers fas Mioses ILitlie Maggie Askew, Frances Eatiu and Mjmie- liobhius, won,! mast deserved- bpi6longtMitpphiuse.! Among, tlie er- tujna-rs ,on tlit pianos, from sdos to sex tijio. while it w as all inosl creditable to WiJ'owng Iatlies and the teachers, secial ! nieinlatioti is dne to Misses Maggie As- w, Lrdia Wiley, Alnia Kkhardon, lfo- oetiuUTC, Lizzie Swift and Laura Sum- pViaWMiring towns and the surroundiuff caiiiitry .wt'i-e well reiH'Miiitil in th I Jitnicp. Visitors f row Salisbury are nfwavi welcouu. 1 . .JJora., MARRIED. this county, Dec i4th. at the .real- ajnee of (u bride's wSother, by-Ker. S. httlinick, Mr Jas, M, Filer and Miss El- f' daughter of the late Jesso Heaiver. -)u Dec. 21st, iu ihii county, by the kwe,ift,e residence of the bri.le'sfath- Mr.Ciiaies E.IBostjiuid Miss Martini H U, daughter of Mr. Joseph Heaver. J'-hwu ciiurcli, this ciiuntv, on te 2j)th,Dec.l8d2, by fltev. W. A. Lutz, Jiuper Ii Cniher hud Miss Isabella j "glass.Loiig)ie the happy pair. DIED. In Charlotte. f"'hW Mrs. -Sta'rgaret MMre, retic ol the it Jr MMe, fomk-rly, of thfs city. ity "s-u iKf-veara j)u tho OT.i? nf ,t. residence of &un'l v; S"t!i.. of piieumonia Miss i '"birrison, aged about Ot) yeai-a." Uairistui was a sister to Mrs. MvbrW at(i "..""p ws veiy. niticH attacheti, f snrviyedjuity oiieiweeluifter her ais deHnse. iThe iculains of these devor fin.n , .uo riH side by side in the "l.v burial ground, ht Christ's Church, J1 county. .V &l7?? n,lty. ?! Anna E., wife Jl ; j- m- EddlviHaij, hi the 41st year tint ,ge -T"aal.a very cousis- "r!Cr?,f KbenHer Ev. Lutheran SdT! i 8' left Hon owing husband 4,1 1 dulJrcu t Buourn. over their I' heieayemeut. j , S. U. Gt V! M!:J township, on yearn 1 lUoii Turuer, aged In Ut. LMla, Mrs. Elikabeth Menus, iel- I.'' ! i . . i: - ' 3 " ; ic f the late Fredrick Menus, aged 80 Ir we ,wer called upon to express an opinion as to Sahat sort ot a hound) Logan is, we should say, that, judging by jib con duct towards Fitz John Porter, i he is a sleuth bound At any rate he is a p. dJ Charlotte Journal. ,- 1 , - 4 BUSINESS LOCALS TUH'S PILL3 A 3UGAS PLUfJ t Tctt's Pltp are pew CQTered orer with a vsnitUHear eoartin?, makins the m pleanainl lofiwallow asi little ugar plum, and rendei intf them agreeable to the most uVIicate slom- acli. : ; ; , . . The cure tack headache and tillimix colic. They gire appelitf aitd f.t-h to the I km j. ..The cum dyH?ejwis-il .uourUh ihe' ptw- tern. F " r "-""' ' ;' i - : They cure fever and ague, costiveneB, ect. Sold ererrwhure. "25 cents a br. ( j 43c6m Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Bullous attacks positively cure with Emory's Standurd Cure Pilis an lufsUlhle ireiuedy : never tails to cure the caost obsttuate.iongfstjmllng cases where iulnlne and all other reiaeUKs h'ad tailed; They arei prepared expressly for malarious sections, in double boxes, two kinds ot fills, containing a stronjr cathartic anl a chill breakert suirar-coatea; containing no oulnlne or Mercurr, causing no griping ormrsinff: they are mild and elllcient, certain In their action ana Harm less i n all cases ; t hey effectually clea nse the system and give new ttn and tone to the orxly. As a house hold remedy they are unequaled. For Liver Com plaint their equal Ls not known ; one box will have a wonderful eject on the worse case. They are used and prescribed by physicians, and sold by dnigelsts even-where, or sent by mall, i5 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 cents. Standard cure Co. 114 Nassau streeti New York. 4ly FOR SALEBTJ. H.IENHISS. HIGHLAND SCHOOL! -i - ' i - Classical, Mathematical anaADM SALE IIICK0Kir, X. c. Spring session ocns January 8th, 1883. Tuition, icr month, $3 00 to4 00. Board do do $10.00 to4l?.00 For particulars apply to ll:6w-pdj t II. C. DIXON, Principal. i Rowan Coanty-In the Snperior Coiirt, i J. W. Mauney, Adin'r de lKnis nou ot Davault Lentz, PTff. ) Summons jnint - . , ,. ; for Mrs. M. A. Lentz, E. D. Lentz ) Relief, and others j DefiTt. ;. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County. It apnea rang t the ssitisfactifin f the Court that J. C. Intz, John J. Oooilnian and Sarah SGoodman art non-residents of this State, and arc necessary parties to this suit. It is ofilered by the Court tliat publi cation be mjuleiu the "Carolina Watchman' for six successive weeks, requiring the said defendants fro appear at the office of lhe Clerk of th Superior Court forsaid county, within ten days from the date of this sum mons, and let them take notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint within that time tjie plaintiff will apply to the Court for tile relief demanded in the com plaint L - Given unfler my hand, this 27th day of December, 882. . - J. M. Hon ait, C. 8. c: , ll:Cw of Rowan County, i ! : The highest grade Acid Phosphate, containing Potash, sold in North Carolina; ! . last Send to Drr 0. W. DABNEY, Jr., at Ralegh, for analysss of the.diffarent Brands. , OF DIRECT IMPORTATION; j , FOR SALE BY THE i WA5ID0 PHOSPHATE COHPAHY, I ' CHARLESTON, S. C. Fuancis B. Hackeu, President.! Josiah J. Bnowx, Treasurer. y:5m ' WILCOX, GIBBS & COVS HAHIPULATED GUAHO, WILCOX GIBBS AKLacknowledred by everybody to be the Best Fekttuzkks la use, and are sold low for Cash, and on rcawiuuuic urriua uu vivual -ttnu vwa vpwvu, rf WTXCOX, GIBBS & CO., And their Agents throughous the Country. mm OUR EHTIRE STOCK OF READY-HADE CL0TH1HG! LADIeI' ANDi)HIIJ)Ute,S FINE SHOES. JUADIES'SHAAVLS AND CIaOAKS. tirT,tI f LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR. WHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS. WATER PROOFING, CLOAKINGS AND BEAVElt CLOTHS. We have tbc i In tlws town which must be A splendid Hue of . PRINTS AT Sets. PERjYAEiD. We intend making a clean sweep of NOW IS AN OPPORTUNITY U LOW. Dec.7t im TTAC unniuiiitao Fartbftlie loaa by the lat e fire iu Salisbury by whlcb J. M.' Knox & C4., were auffer- er;frw wiped out yeatewt.iy,E by h the payment of : one thoossiml dollars;' total aniouu oplicyf by J.fAllen'Browu, in whose agency they wero insnrwr. ' h - SALISBTJRY MARKET, " r t9n,...iJ.i............ Corn, new...........; .... ; 4iU5 , Meai. i wtoM Wheat, Oats, j, Rye, .03 19 l.uu 3 .40 TO .5 .G04 .65 .25 5 ,45 At .04 4 .OS mi reas, ... Oar. per wo lbs. I'buuoesi sweet, i : Irish, MM APDies. dried. Peaches, . anpealed, .... I.'- VICE'S FLORAL GUIDIE " For -1883 ia ui Elegant Book of tTpaCs, a colored : plates of fiower-anrt' vegetables, and more than 1000 illustrations of the choicest flowefs, plants and Teeta bles. and directions for growing. It is hand some euoughjor the center table or a holi day present. Send on your name and post office addrc6s,:wjt.li 10 cents, and I will send you a copy," postage paid. 7'his is not a quarter of its cost. It. is printed in both English and German. If you afterwards or der seeds deduct the 10 cents. Tick's Seeds are the Best ia the World! The Floral Guide will tell how to get and grow them. Vice's' Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 pages, 6 colored plates, 50 engravings. For 50 cts. in paper coVers; $1 in elegant crotb. In German or English. .-Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 32 pa?ea, a colored plate in every number anil many fine engravings. Priee:$l.25 a year; Five copies fnr $5. Specimen numbers sent for 10 cts. ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES TICK, (IS) KOCnEEK, N. T. RAIL ROAD STOCK.- On Saturday January, tit h 1883, I will ' sell three shares of NC. U. It. Stock for I casli. Sale to tako place at 12 o'clock M. ' at the Court House in Salisbury. 11. C. BOST, Admr. do bonis non of 1 Bnrrage Deathman. Dec. Gth, 'd2. 8:1m. Commissioner' i Sale or - . . ESTATE! REAL In pursuance of an order of Superior Court of Rowan Conhtv. I will selj at pul lic outcry to the bin best bidder, at the Court House door in Salisbury, on Monday, 5th day of February, 1883, a tract of land Vituated in Rowan. County, lying on the Miller Ferry Road, adjoining the lands of Dr. I W. Jones, Mrs. Haekett. Thomas M. Kerns and others, containing about three hundred (:I00) acres and lcing the tract ot land which was devised to J. N. B. Johnston by John I. Shaver as the "Powe Place n Tekms ok Sale: One third cash, one third in : months and the balance in 6 months-title retained liutll purcliase mon ey is paid. CHARLES PRICE, ' Com'r. N B. This is a valuable tract of land lying 5 miles from Salibury and one. mile from N. C R. R., and is well watered and timbered. t season. & G0:S SUPERPKOSPKATc, CHARLESTON, S. C, AND SAVANNAH, CA.V s AT cost 1 WiTn' a view of changing our business we will at once com mencc selling the following goods at cost beat stock of . . ,. . sold regardless ot LUa l . ; - , . - our J? A.NUl uuyu liUilAU J0NE3, McCUB?12sS--$ CO. Ml 882 v. IJJs with pleasnfe tliat wo announce to our many friends aqd ' custiHueraf that we hate just rcSeivefl the most complete and desirably stock of V J 4 ." GENERAL MERCHANDISE thatat lias over been oar pleasure to exhib it. Beginning In our basement' yott will una I wo Car Loads of j Bagging and Tia. s of the best brands, and At reasonable1 ? ' prices.-" 7" '" DOHT GUY TILLjYOU SEE US ! , our M A I N ltOOM will bo fun nd the largest and by far, the most' desirable atock of ' ' . . bfiY GOODS, JmeftiMpqtf8fPJee Govts, Sol ion TrimmhTg arid many otlier goal. you want and need, that is to be found . ; in this part of North Carolina. i In our Clothing Department, up stairs, 3"4u will find 1,000 Suits or Clolliingv all sizes, and prices. Also a large line of OVERCOATS, In 6nr Boot and Shoes Department, which is our boss department up stairs, will be found a very Urge lihe of Goods. Lall stamped with our name and warrant ed. If tbey rip bring back the pieces and we wil refund your money. A r Our Hand-made Boss Boot-at $2.5Q is the best Boot for thef : price that Is be founds In this department will he found largo lot of : HATS and CAPS, ALL DESIRABLE AND CHEAP. We have repainted and fitted up our for mer grain room over our warehouse and opened in it A Large Stock of ; Carpets, Matting, Rugs, Crumb Cloths, Carpet Linings, Also in this K00X will Ic found a large and handsome stock of&adies's Cloaks Dolmans, Jackets, Silk Circles, &c.,&c. In our Warehouse will be found THREE Car Loads of Salt Bacon by lhe BOX. Sheetings, Yarns and Plaids by tke Bale, and many other goods. We have rented the store room adjoining J. D. McNeelv and will buy your GBAO, FL0UK, COTTOX or other PRODUCE, or Store it for you. With thanks for your many favors and an earnest intention to meet your continued confidence, wc beg you to call and sec us before you buy youi OR SELL YOUR PRODUCE J.F.ROSS, T. P. YOUWG A. M. Vouxc, W. L. Joiinsox, W. W. G A I.KS, William II. Rick, N. B. McCaxlkss, Clerks ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ! Having administered on' tbc estate of Aaron Rainey, dee'd, I will sell at public auction on the late premises of the deceased, on the 28th Decern ler, 1882, two Horses, two Milch Cows, one Yearling, seven Ho'jjs. Farming Tools, Corn, Wheat, Oats, Hay. Fodder, Are., together with Household and Kitchen Furniture. SPECIAL X0TICE.- Those having claims against the said Aaron Rainey, dee'd, are required to exhibit them on of before the 13th day of December, 188U, or this notice will Ikj plead in bar of recovery; and those indebted to the estate of said dee'd, must pay without dclav. J. L." CATJBLE, Admr. Rowan Co., Dec. 13th, 1882. 3t.pd LAND AND. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE I offer mv Plantation and 'Mill Property for sale, situated on Crane Creek 5 miles South of Salisbury, containing 230 acres 75 to 100 is Bottom. There is a good dwelling house with all necessary out buildings. The Mill property consists of a Grist, Mill with an excellent pair of Burrs and Corn Mill with the FarrKr Put. Turbine water wheels, a new Eureka.' Smut machine and a new Bolting Clot b. The Cotton-Gin house is 24x36, two sfory building, right new with a Hall Gin. Condensor and self- feeder, with a LiddM Boss Press. There is an Engine and Huilerof 85 horso power situated letweef the two arranged so as to run either orall at the same time. The above nroiVrtv is in srood renait at this time. " Any person wishing to buy such property will dowell to call on nffe at Salisbuiy N. C. P. N. HEILIG. Nri'v. 28th '82. 7:6t. 7 A 5 lb. box CAKDT,ydeliTre4 free at any express - office ibr H5a v jlUboxfor.ttJi :yi Standard -for Pvtitf n4 reaae. Address, r. A. D. ROYSTEt 4 BS0 Baiehjh, X. (X CANDY. Beit in the World, 8:1m FOR RENT- 7 SHOP & DWELLING ! ProiKirtr silnateii on MiP Street, op poaite MeroDej'. Hall. To eiamino prop .rty .nd lea. " . "I'r.tz, The CaMiia Watcliman, ESTABLISHED INTnE YEAB1832 i ' Remember that ttamtaa, Tttal eaergrj the life-principle, or whatever you may ebooM to call the resistant power which battles against the cause or disease and death, la the crmnd safeguard of health. It la the garnooa-of the hmnaa fortreae. and when it waxes i weak, the trne policy rls to throw in relnforeemeats.- la tocbea ;wonlf ,whea mch an etneryeney oeemr,v eommenee a coarse of Boetetter' Bitters -For sale by Dmggists and Dealers, to whom apply for Hoatetter'a Alraaaaa tot iSSX j J. RbopbsBROWXE, Prest. Wa. C. COAKT. Sec'y. , .j . i ; i i ; . , . . . i; . ..... . A Home Company, Seeking Home Patronage, .. .. ; : Stroig, Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! Terni policies written on Dwelling. ! Premiums 'payable One-half cash aiid.ba. ancc in twelve months. J. ALLEN BR0WH, A?rU 21:6m ? SalUbury, N. C. mm STOEE' - of - r Theo. iusrbaum SCOOIi BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOVELS AND STATIONERY. 45:tf. yii ' 1 ' 1 ERRORS OF YOUTH A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous-Debility I'kematVre Decay, aad all the efleets of youthful indiecretiotr, will for the ttake of sutlVring humanity, nend Ireeto all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he wan ucred. Sufferers wishing to profit hj the ad vertiser experience can do o bv addreiwingin perfect eonlidence. JOHN B. OGDEX. 20:)y Cedar St.. New Y&k .1- m REMEMBER THE DEAD! MONUMENTS TOMBS, GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICKS OF .; Usshh Monuments and Grave-Stones of Every Description. 1 I cordially invite the public generally to an inspection of my Stock and VVork. I feel justified in asserting that my past exiMfiience under first-class workitieii in all Uie newest and modern styles, and that the workmanship is equal to any of the best in tho country, 1 do not say that my work is superior to all others. 1 am reasonable, will not exaggerate iu or der jto accomplish a Mile. My endenvor is to please and givo each customei tine val ue of every dollar tliey leave with toie. PRICES 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER tlian ever offered in this town befoie. fail .if mi, nr wnd for mice list and de signs. Satisfsictioii guarant'dor nocmirge. The erection of marble is the last worlr of respect which we pay to the mvinory of departed friends. L -.li'w JOHN S. HUTCHINSOIT. Salisbury, N. C. Nov. 1, ItWl. NOTICE TO DEDTOHS. - I- T ' -I PERSONS indebted to the , late firm of i -it R. CRAWFORD tfc CO.," arc ! Lcreby notified to come forward and make settle ment on or before December ls,t, and save - - i rost of collection, as the busiutss of that ' ' , I firm must be closed. , . ;j ' - ' ii E. B. Crawford & Co. i! G: it if TS w otosiach lilSlBIlEBlSl U J-EADIXU DEALERS IN DUYqobbs AND GROCERIES Zi,' ' J- - ,t t j.: Q JMBo AssoitraeiitrQt Iiadics' Cloaks and Sha-wls ; M! 4 .ipiIS' HATS AND TRIffllDIGS -HEH'S HATS MD CAPS - B00T8;A8D 3HOE87A SPEGIAtTY Wo kcentliabest mil i uu stocit ox U-iass and Table Ware. f, Floury Meat Suaar, Coftec TEAS. Rice; Potatoes, Canned Fruits, Pure Lard. ti.rn, Bran, Meal, New Orleans Molasses and 8yru, Jtc. Full assortment of Fawflv' ; 1 . Medtt-lOea ineln.li'n.r ,.t,A- ""J.-.. One and threcfonrth lbs. Cottoa at $1.75 cr bundle.' Three l-OOATS at OS.QO. Z3 10 i- trv It. Re sure In u our Gnnrls Uftrv vnn ... ... ....., . in vil ll n sell MHI "ool UOOOS at the very lowest prices. $TWe buy and Sell all kinds of Country I'mduce V. W. TAYLOR. H, F. ATKINS ) ' r Xov. 1. 1882. j and D. J. BOSTtAN. ' i SALESMEN. Executor's Sale OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. HAVING qualified as Executor of the es tate of Mary Hall, decM.; I will sell at public sale, at her late residence, On Thursday, the 21st of December, "Wlaeat Corn,- two head. of -Cattle, . i Household & Kitchen Furniture, and other articles not mentioned. Terms of sale Cash. 3rAll persons having claims against the said Mary Hall, dee'd., are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or lieforc the 30th of November, 1883, or this notice will lc plead in bar of recovery and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make prompt pavment. A. L. HALL, Ex'r. Nov, 30, 1882. 7:ts THE HI SOUTH. The Representative Industrial Paper of .North Carolina i a coinmn illustrated weekly. Every Mine Owner, Farmer, Man ufacturer, Merchant and Industrial man in the South should have it. Pays especial attention to North Carolina's Mineral Re sources and docs full justice to every de partment of our State's handicraft. Piiick f 1.50 per. year,. . POSITIVELY IN ADVANCE. ADDRESS lit onee. EDWARD A. OLDHAM, Editor and I'roprctor. Wilmington, N. C. ex. 9 o Cash is hj Motto. Having, determined to adopt the Cash System from the 1st of December,! would respect futly" request all those who are in debted to me on account orornerwise ana for Guano 'to tall iu and tettle as I am greatly inuad of money and Must Have It. I shall iri future sell strictly for C'Asn or Baktkk, as by this means I will Ijc better able to give my friends and customers More Goois For Tteir Honey I I am now receiving a nice and fresh lot of Country Produce fuir the Christmas Holidays. 3fCall and sec my stock before you make your purchascs.a . - 1 have a Due lot oi ; COCOANUTS AND APPLES OX IIAXD. All Kindtt of Country Prodire Taken in Kxchnnge. for , (lood. WAITED, FURS. SKINS. WAX. RAGS. BEEF HIDES. SHEEP SKINS, BUTTER. EGGS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS. GEESE, AND DUCK S, ETC., ETC. J. D. MCIIEELY. 7:1m H ffUlSE; MB LOT ' FOR SALK1 ,-..-.i.,- iw .l..i.iwiu i.k italr mr ixtnip in j Winston, N. C, we liave eoncfiMled tojsell our llouSC-and Lot in the greaf West W ard of Salisbury, N. C House .has 8 roonvs,.a ' good kitcben with ..3 looms; well of gofnl water iii the yard. A"good garden and sta ble on thelo " In ;thu ,let nvluUl'orhobd in the r?fy;'on "the- corner of" MonrieJ and Church t"rctt.'aljoinShg J. ' 1.'. Horali and others. TF6'r furtaer particulars icn Messrs. D A. G.Kdman,S. .'CoVor B- F. Fraley. R. F. k l. C. URAIIAM. l0-.:5m. .... w . 1 ,v Sacklor at 9 Cents. Hew Ties lb. Cans Tomatoes at 15 cents. l.uv U'n .... .. ... n , . BEAGXMER & TAYLOR HAVING PURCHASED . THE "L "" . of . I : WM. SMITHDEAL,. AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF R. E. Crawford, cf tte ilrn of R. R CRAWFORD & CO., Wc are riowjprepared to supply our customers with all kinds of A6EICULTURAL IMEMIHTS, In ndditioii to the Best Selected StiHk of II R D W A R E in the STATE. We also handle f Rifle and Blasting Powd, FUSE i I and a full line of Mining Supplies. We will Duplicate Any Pricey ;n the State. CALL A XI) SEE US, W.S.BLACS1EB, Oct. 5, 1882. BOOTS. SHOcS A CAITES,Mrrd, ItnSenATi W.i-s lints lsw--evu-.-u t?s pertenee All y&tert.tl ot UiSUst gra-ie, vena t - r done ItiTfie litest stj le He,wlv m. de wor I Always on Lanl- KepHn. ;:itu":iua i;ro;nT tly ione. Ord rir man cruip lvfire.l. 'XftJ'xxx. A. X2V5;lc. 5l:iy. aum . In. l ejli'L TjAYL r.. 51 1:1 v i 1 f'.-5 J - '3 , -i I; - J li 4i. 'I i- i -i i : j - -t: "J- -Hi! i i s a : li If -If-