i I I ' ' ' : - - . ! - . - " ' ' 01 XIV'.-BTHIRB SERIES SALISBURY. F. C, JA1IUAEY11. 1883. NO he CaroliBa Watchman, VsTABLISHEDP THE YEAR 1832. . 3 - 1 . . . . " PRICE, $lISAUVa.tJ. L ITostettpr'a Stomach Bitters fires stesdW lDea to the nerrete lauaees telttor, nut hiMl flnvr of bilel s erevents eonaunatina fwitbout unduly parking tbe bowels, gew ctimnlntel the ifcolutinn anil hv urn. motinff a vigorotucondition of tha pbrs jcl 8vtem,i promotes, also, that cheerful- wu which is the tttiest indicAtioa of a well- balanced condition of all the animal powers. for Mue uy an vnigriau ana ucaiers 7' RHOBks BIOWXEJPest. ' Wa. C. CO ART, SeCy. ':-' I t " kHome Cdmpany,Seeking HomelPatronage. trai, Prom ReliaWe, Literal ! Term policies witten on Dwellings. Premiums nYlc One-half cash and ba. nee in, twelve nfofitlis. J. AIIEN BHOWW, Aft.. ij, Salisbury, N. U- 21:6in BOO: OF iTheo. uerbiusn scooirBops, ; SCHDC ti&TJPPIiIr ifOVELS AND I STATIONERY. 4504 ft mil ions OF YOUTH. hi (itSTi.E.MAS ijJio Bufl'trtd for. year- from ervoiiM L tiw Pdfimipiiiiv HfilV J a!Lthe ett'ec of voulhfnl indincrrtion, will w J J A . A ncja a A una s , or the Kake of HflriiiK huniai.ity.8end free to 111 who need Ujthe recipe and direction for mkiiig t!e fimiilfe remetlr h which he wan tiered. Suflererji ixiinsr to profit h the ad frtir exjieriint'i; can do ao bv addrewninain 2Wr r i I Cedar St.. Kew York RllIBER THE DEAD! MOlitfMENTS TOk'BS, S Ct90. GREAT I REDUCTION: IX.iliE PRICES OF UaxW Monupisnts and Grave-Stones of ;; j S7 Description. I cordially invite the public generally oan ifi8jetifnof my Stock nnd Work, feel justitietiiij asserting that iny past pxperivnee ';u inlet- first-class workmen in rr the Uiewetjt iind niotlcru styles, and ' liat the workiiinship ia "equal to any of. lie best in tecouutry. 1 do not say! uat my worK U gnpenor to all others. 1. kin reasonabtf, jvill not exaggerate in or- letto ac-conialifli a sale. My endeavor is o please andljffiye'each customer the val ue of every dLlhir they leave with me. SICES 35 io!50 Per Cent CHE APE XL than ever riffarfd in ihia. ftjicrn lieforr. JCall at once for Wnd for inice list and de- 6. Buusii&tmu guarant'uor no charge. v.. ne erectidn jot marble is the last work K rPect wliii4i v tiiiv to the meniorv P departed frilmhi. ' JOHN S. HUTCHINSON.' Niluburr,XiC Nov. 1, 1881. -TUB' - HINIHG! STOCK REGISTER j AND - y : of FINANCE piyesac vafuJ and correct ratings of over 8,000 idniaff Companies and the LATEST tMlNING INFORMATION, hd llhhet kuU U ft.r ,;,.h ek .. I "v-iMiinir lMvttieniia. .Assessments. UHtesi wi Oii n, 24luoW of publication, &c. owe pyiii news Dealers. ! SuBSGitiPTiois, (J eryear. nsle Copy u cents. -Special .detailed qxms uponf any mine furnished. See pa- '' for ttnni. I Address. The Financial and Mining I r 27 C road war, New V 12;tf ! f ' ' Pub. Co., ork City. I I seuerau Ajrr i i i The Oountersl! Ala! the weary lioars paw glow - The night is very dark and still, AimI id the marahtts far below t I hear the bearded whiit.rwior.u in . I scarce can see a yard ahead, j j " . My ears are straiued to catch each sonnU; ' ! I hear the leaves abont me l7dt -Aud the spriugs bubbliug th rough the gruuuu. Along the beaten ftath I rmce. WherewlUte rays mark my etitiy,a irncK j j . j Iii formless shrubs I seem to trace lhe foeiuau form with bending Iwcki k iiiiDK i saw nun crouching low i' I stop and list, I Mtoop and et Until the neighboring hillocks grow au groups 9i warriors lar ana near. - ' i With leady pace I wait and watch, Until nij eves, familiar crown.! Detect each hariutese earthen notch J .... . r; Ana tarn ornernlaa iatu fnna r - i And then, among the lenely gloom, Beneath the weird old tnliu treesJ My silent marches, I resume, - j j Aud think ou other times than these. ' j J . L. - Sweet visions through the silent night. The deep bsiy window friuged 1 with vine; j The room within in softened lislit. The tender milk-white hand in miue, hm. i . . ' aiiw ivuuer pressure aim HO- pause f That ofttinu's overcame our hikm-cIi That time when, ty myateiioas Ltws, We each felt all in all to each, j ! S And then t hat bitter, bitter day j When came the final hour to part, When, clad in soldier's houest gray, I pressed her wtepinir to uiv heart : i oo- proud or me to bid me stay, Too fond of me jto let roe go, j l nnu to tear myself away, 1 left her statued in her woe. So rose the dream, so passed the1 nicht, - ii iicn, uisiaui in in uarasome glen, Approaching up the awful height, i 1 heard the solid march of men, j Till over stubble,! over sward, j, j ' And fields where lay the golden sheaf, I saw the lantern ;f the guard i Ad vauciug with the uight relief, 1 : .! i - ! T! ' "Halt,! Who goes thetefn my challenge cry, i ' It rings along the watchful Hue. ! "Kelief !" I hrar a voice reply. ! 'Advance, and give the countersign !" With bayonet at Uie charge, I wait; The corporal gives the mystic pell ; With arms at port I charge iny mate, Aud onward pass, and all is well. But in the teut that night, awake,! " 1 think, if in the fray I fall, Can I ths mystic answer make Where the angelic sentries ca 1 ! And pray the heavens may so ordain That when 1 aear the campdl-tfiie, Whetjher in travail or in pain, j I too may have the countersign.! j-Fritz-Jemct (fBrietu ; KUliiiff Kats hy Electricity. Ilalph Carbit, an ingenioas 12-year old loy of Hons j brook, Chester county Pa., has deYiitel a novel plan of getting rid of the rats which infest his father's i cellar. He has constructed out of old Trait jars a battery of Leyden jars, which he connects and places nponja large iron plate whirh touches the tinfoil on the outside. The bait is so arranged that when j the rat steps npon the plate and seizes the bait he at once makes the connection between the ontside and; Inside -of the jars, aud they are discharged through his body, killing liira literally as quick as lightning. He charges the jars by means of an elec trical machine, jalao ceustrocted by him self. He ran a couple of wires through the floor to the cellar from the nonr above, and as soon as he wonld hear a rat squeak he would immediately recharge tho bat tery. The first'; time he put the machiue in operation' he flanghtcred jtwehry five rats in a space of three hours, aiut in two days the cellar was entirely cleared of the pests. ! Chtster Local, j "iTonisy. He was just a little colored hoy, but lhe announcement of his death will make many hearts sad. J j For si x years his bright black face had beeu familiar to all callers at Trinity Rectory, and to all friends of the family. He was a courteous, geutlemanlike little fellow, and looked on himself, aft indeed everybody did, as one of the family. He believed his great mission in life was to "take care of the Doctor." j . A short, sharp attack of tetanus, fol lowing the most trifling hurt from one of those murderous toy pistols, carried him off iu three days, notwithstanding the ut most of power of science and skill. ' We know here, as none can know but those who live with them, how close those dark faced servants weave themselves in to our lives. And when one is fo blight and truthful, so honest and faithful aud trusty as this poor boy was, tlie family attachment is" very strong. . j There is great grief atjho Rectory and among the large eircle who have knewn Torosyw for so long. j j He was "only! a little colored boy," but he had the qualities that "make the true gentleman, and he did his day's work . , i nv-. well, and many mveu uim.-. t,. i., Jfemoerat. The Medical Uok mal wants to know What is life without health ft Pshaw, 1 man, that's nothing. What is health without life! head. 'Answer that and go up r. i 1 i Modern SihtIuI Life. The Change of a CtntnryConrtrmtUm a Ia)1 Art.' In the rush of modern life the old elab orate, forms of social etiqnete are rapidly dying out says an Euclish writer. .Visit ing is carried on through the penny post, correspondence by telegraph, and conver sation by the telephone. Science is kill ing all the stately grace of life, and flings so many treasures to society that the beautiful, like Tarpeia, is crushed to death under the weight of j tha offerings. Machinery, railroads, telegraphs " and cheai literature have destroyed beauty, graced style, diguity and the art of con versation. Aristotles high-bred gentle man, with his stately manners, slew movements aud measured speech would soon be Ii us tied aeide at a railway sta tion, aud probably lose his place and his ticket. Neither has society any longer the time to listen, as it did half a ceutu W to the learned disquisition of Maeauhty, the inspired monologues of Coleridge, or the fierce-rolling iconoclas tic thtluders of Carlyle. The art of con versation lias been gradually falliug into decadence, nnd now barely exists; tho' manner, or the mode of say iug things well, still helps to keep it alive and even to give te commonplaces the semblauce of gold. In Shakesieare's time conver sation was perhaps at its best in England. The court set tho example ; Queen Eliza beth had wit and learning, aud round her circled some of. the most remarkable mcu that Englaud ever produced. Cul ture had reached a high level and every one aimed at being clever and brilliant, aud, above all, learned. It was the gol den age of Englaud when the national in tellect reached the supeme height in phil osophy, poetry, the drama and the splen dor and depth of thought in social life. ! Queen Aune, though the dullest of goed women herself, was fortunate also in hav ing her reign illustrated by a great race of intellectual celebrities, all of them em inently distinguished for conversational power, as Swift, Pope, Boliugbroke, Lady Mary Wortley Montague aud others. And there were great aud brilliaut talk ers eveu in the heavy Georgian era, whose wit aud wisdom are )eserred to us in the bright pages of Horace, Wal pole, like dried rose leaves with the per fume still fragrant as in life. Dr. John sou is the high priest of the-last century aud we fliug a wreath to the memory of the fascinating Thrnle and "little Bur ney" and the wonderful Delaney aud the stately Hannah More, and others who proved a woman's right to be a social queen. Alter them comes, a winrlvtiud of intellect, male aud, female, rushing down the dark nnknown of the opening nineteenth century. Immortal uames of immortal men illustrate this great .era, and a whole host of brilliant women light it with the radiance of their intel lect, their wit. their beaut v aud tho sparkling splondorof thir conversational . bJ which the ptoffices will be made re gifts. Maria Edgeworth held the sceptre ceiving and delivering statious for the of intellect, Lady Morgan ruled Loudon I8tal telegraph but will bring it to the by her wit, and Lady Blessingtou reign- j company's office, place j it with his own ed at tho Gore IIou by her grace and j ,,and 1,1 tue "Achiue, and send it hom brilliancy, while Lady Duffciiu and Mrs. niing io a momcut to its destination. Norton (of that wondrous Sheridan race) claimed and gained the world's homage by the right of wit, beauty and genius all Combined. Mrs. Jameson, also, and the Brtmtcs held their place right sover- " nxcu l -iTerpooi in great parr, js.ui eignly, and Mrs. S. C. Hall was a social ; sou tbe eo,tn broker at Liverpool, says power 'both in Irelaud aild Euglaud. l,at r,,e prevailing opinion at Liverpool Here was a splendid band of gifted wo- ! 18 been that the crop will turn out 7, meu (all Irish, by the war) who were as ( 000,000 to 7,100,000. The price at Liver brilliant aud interesting iu conversation I1 has heretofore been fixed ou the ba as they were powerful with the en. La- j f this expected yield. Ellison him-. tr .. find the female intellect su- lf now coiffesses that the erop will not Inremely illustrated only by the uame of one woman, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. n " oeiweon 0,000,000 uu o,o..tWu. She stands alone without a riral in the 1 As soon as the English cotton boyers un r.,.tnrv. but then she stands alone amid ' dsrstand that they have overestimated the women of all centuries. After the death of the irreat poetess of V...liw1 tltA rnml nwm mf women who ! . . ... i-4 .1:..: Luii-fj!.. reign oy iuo rigui. uimo vi mwiiw,. Ti.. r.,fMio,,al Uenutv seized the vacated throne asaWial pow- er. The women of genius retreated into ..iw.- ,,er beard f bnt "",MUVi ou a title page. They no longer cast tlioip iiiHniwH on MM'ietv as brilliant .1 ..iw - tif,.r. riMnWrl.vM.msd.Uilii.Bansenof iu- llu.t uinm aitliiiliil nriitneti tif wit nnd , . ' . . 7 . . . 17 . , lriuiifT cxistA in London no nioro s for. nf lif. U to.wlinrr tn 'il.' ... - r i i ' . - , . , j ' nearest to the actual fact. If. T. Stock lie- difiusiou of knowledge is sapping the ; n10 lw foundations, of the conversational ( art, Prt- ' MJ which former generation, almost raised Mott has given his ideas touch to. the perfection of a science. . , .. . . i . There is nothing now left iu the outer g the result vt the recent e.ect ion in world to talk about. Penny newspapers North Carolina to the W ashington and shiUiugcrani satiate all curiosity, I Republican. He says the State was ami tho professional reviewers kiu:ly j jwt to t,e Uberal'1 party in couse cruuible upforusallthe current poems nne IM?e 0f the lukewarmness of the nri.tn tn siivn. Kiviatv the trouble of ,w . ;. ,r jo d-time Itepublicans, particularly selection or mastication. ... A i i- . v - t We are all frd on the km ftKd, and thyse iu the Greensboro district, and have u new and strange' isterests to im- ' professes to believe that the liepubli- part to" each other, mvsteries left. The whole wirrld lies ou our breakfast bible, wiui a , .o,.k Z ZZ: fi-tiui the hit simt on the suu to the i last scamiiL aiid lliruuuuvui iuv " . . . . .. . the latent crime. And then we glance over the society papers, where the whole Tbeieiareo more t cans will carry tle otate in thing is turned into a i jest, and life is made to seem but one immense burlesque. But, as conversation dies oat, .the si lent pleasures of society t re gaining strength and importance, j Brilliant pro fessional genius is summoned to do ail the singing, playing, talking, reciting, while society merely sits still and listens. There is music, when none dare even whisper to his neighbor a casual remark ; recitations, when the reom mast be hash ed to perfect silence ; while at the thea ters, society sits patiently cramped and silent, for four hours or so, and is happy that no detuauds is made on it fur talk. - The whole mental activity of life has become vicarious. We lay our weariness on the head of some substitute, and so all personal responsibility ends for tho exer cise of intellect. We leave all that to professional talent, and, except that we eat and drink, we might as well be gods of stone, ranged, with rigid feotores round the walls of n drawing room or massed in the center like pins in a plucushion. There is no place anymore fur brilliaut individuality or he small ametear ac complishments. Trained taleut has seiz ed the commerce and transmuted all they touch to gold. . Society is frozen iuto a mere aggregate of passive recipients and listeners, much depressed by the consciousness of their own insignificance and inferiority ; while the professionals receive the plaudits and pay aud exult with justifiable pride, in triumphs fairly wou by genius, talent aud earliest study. A Wonderful Invention. The Patent Otenetl by the Krw Pottal Tele graph Company. The Legge patent sends as many words over a single wire in a; minute as the ruo&t skillful Morse operator can send in an honr, delivers at the receiving station a fac simile of the copy ! furnished, and does it all without the help of a skillful operator. Anybody who can turn a crank can send a message, in j his own hand writing with any private marks or other devices ho plcarfes, simply by first writ ing his message on a chemically prepared piece of paper furnished by the company. Practical trials of this apparatus have shown a speed of 2,500 words a minute, but it can be enlarged so as to do even better. 'A Morse operator- who can send or receive 20X) or 2500 words an hour can command the highest salary, and even then there is nothing to guarantee him against making a mistake a thing which by the Legge process is impossible. Pic tures can be transmitted in this way, and an enterprising reporter can send not only ( the words, but the music of the new opera by wire ; but the .great advantage the company claims for it is the transmission of correspondence. It is expected that the energetic business man who has an important letter to send to a distance will iro longer drop it in the postofiice unless, indeed, an arrangement can be effected rntaOetpnia limet. It is not nulikely that thei price of cot ton will advance somewhat. The price 9 9'- m. - VSS be so large, and tho American estimates croP il ls very lnUble thaMhe price . will go a p. A'eirt d Observer. Tnic Great Gold Field. California is 1 ... ,. , ... the best V yet discoverd in this country t is expected ttah. yWd this ' Jr will be a t'- Jnce reached as lugh as $40,000 to 50,000-, o .1 uj j per annum, owuv ; buiiiwiiiics tuu that the gold protluct in this State from 1851 to 1857 was from $55,000,000 to f CO, O0.000 r annum, and that in 1863 it Since 1843 the gold yidd of this State has probably been 1,455-, . J . v ' 000,000. Some claim 1100,000,000 more but I the inside figure is supposed to be the 18S4. n, sr.... I1P,,;809 fx,',, Charles Price ftnd cdorses! hbu for United - - ., ,S.a. DU .rict Altorney for .... West- em District. . . , ' n i i i T .1.!. l(l'iu." ('liuMou ia fit nh. 119 mis iwc iw j v. im tuiu for beconiing a j Liberal ? Ciar lottc Home-Uemocixii. I Bcc ax Weapons. A small privateer, manned by fifty men, but haviug on board some hives of bees, was pursued by a Turkish galley; manned by five hundred sea men and soldiers. When the latter came alongside, the crew of the pri vateer mounted the rigging with their hives, and. threw them upou their foe, who, astonished at this novel mode of warfare, hastened to escaje from the fury of the en t aired bees. Another instance occurred, when a rabble in llohiistein, in Thungaria, attempted to pillage the house of the parish min ister. He caused some bee- h i ves to be thrown among the mob, who in con sequence yu dispersed. Vauhati re lates how bees played an important part at the Beige of Chatre, . in Lor raine. After a siege the town was being stormed, and during the assault the besieged threw a few hives of bee upon the head of the storming party. The little creatures stung the besieg ers so dreadfully that they had t re tire; and, the historian tclU that "the bees were! not tlie least cause of the siege being abandoned." Gen. SjUerniau's Hell ou Earth. -: ' From Gsth's Report of a Chat. "Now, about that' said Gen. Sher man, 'you see X cannot be fool enough to decline what is not offered to me ; but what do I want to turn from the prospect of rest and peace? at last for a period of years, to the del uiuou of four years iu an office that is just hell? That's what it is continued the gen eral emphatically $ 'it is hell; 'What did Gen; Harrison get out of it ? No- thing but a month of misery. What uiu uenerai xayior get out pi it j Twelve months of miserv. What did Grant get out of it? Do I want to re sign this competence Congress has be stowed on me for four-.years of hell ? What did Hayes get out of the Pres idency? What did Garfield get? Take them all within your memory. Nothing but worry, trouble, misun derstanding." ! A Boy's Prayer. Little Willie L aged three years, had the misfortune to Jose his father a few weeks agof The other evening about twilight, he saw his widowed mother j weeping over her great be reavement. Little Willie rati out in to the front yard and climed up on the gate pojd, and turned his cherub face up to the stars, iusCbeeiuninzlo peep out: "God ! God !" he cried, all his lit tle earnest-soul in his words ami in his eyes, "send my papa back from heaven ! Send him right away 1 (Ve want him now ! Send him right quick, for mania is crving I" But, alas 1 for that widow and thai cherub boy, although lhe prayer came from as sinless a heart as ever beat oq earth, it can never be answered. Memphis Weekly. The leading iaers are agree that the condition of the drama in the United States and in England is at a very low ebb. The plays, with but few exceptions, are said to be despi cable, i Dramatic writers have no ca pabilities for strong original work, so they arc prone to fall back on French plays and it is acknowledged that the Parissian dramatic genius is not of a high order at this time although there are wit and invention enough to give constant surprises and to feed an ap petite that craves the emotional and the intense. The plays that are pul on the boards in New York aud thence radiata the country are toocentempti ble for serious criticism. Rev. Dr. Mai lory, owner of the Madison Square Theatre, New York, has done some thing for play gers in "Hazel Kirke,' "Esmeralda," and "Young Mrs. Wiu- throp.T These plays are free from tlie vicious taint of the French dramas and are strong and original enough tn furnish some intellectual eutei euter talumelat. Wil. Star. We ! think very likely, althougl Vprniout is not a case in ioiut. No Southern State of 350,000 inhabitants can show an annual record of crinie as black and monstrous as that of VrrinonL The Messenger devotes col - ....... -.!... U HI II iftfWr IVIHiMH w sw fv ivwuvca the South." It had better look near er home. Boston Post, j . mm ; LEADING DEALERS IN DRT AND Xarge Aasortment of Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls. LADIES' HATS AllD TRIUinNGS. HEH'S HATS AND CAPS. D00TO A!ID 8II0E8 A SPECIALTY. Wi kii the best made: AGENTS FOIl COATS' SPOOL-COTTON. New supply of 5 cent Tin Ware. Full stock of Glass and TaWa Wt- - - M Best Flour, Meats, Susrar, Coffee, TEAS. Corn, Bran, Meal, New Orleans Molasses and f asvsaauvv luviuuilljj; VUliilltC One and three -fourth lbs. Cotton Sacking at 0 Cents.' XZew dies ' j at $ 1.75 per bundle. Three IU Cans Tomatoes at 15 cents. - V32R-OOATa atfia.BO. Seat IO ote try it. Be sure to see our Goods before you the very lowest prices. S3T"We buy and sell ' W. W. Nv. 1, 1882. Executor's Sale OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. HAVING qualified as Executor of the es tate of Mary Hall, dccM., I will sell at public sale, at her. late residence, un inursaay, me zist 01 jecemDer, "Wheat, Corn, two head of Cattle,. Honsehold & Kitchen Furniture, and other articles not mentioned. Terms of sale Cash. ' ISAll persons having claims against the r-nid Mary Hall, tlecM., are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before the 30th of November, 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make prompt payment. A. Li. LI ALL, EXT. Nov, 80, 1882. 7rts f. "T The Reprcseatative Industrial Paper of North Carolina is a 28 col a inn Illustrated weekly. Every Mine Owner, Farmer, Man ufacturer, Merchant and Indaxtnal man in the South should have it,. Pays especUl attention to North Carolina's 'Mineral Re sources and does full justice f to evcrv de partment of our State's handicraft. Prick $1.50 per year, . . , POSITIYELY IN AD7MCE. ADDRESS at once! EDWARD A. OLDHA2L Editor and Propretor. Wilmington, ri. U. ex. Cash is my Having determined to adopt the Cash 8 vst km from the 1st of December,! would respectfully request all those who are in debted to me on account or otherwise and for Guano to eatt in and settle, as I am greatly in ned of money and ' , Must Have It. - I fthall in future sell strictly for Cash or BAirxKn, as by this mesne I will be better able to give my friends and customers More Goods For, Their Honey ! I am now receiving a' nice and fresh lot of Country Produce for the Cgiristmas Holidays. 3P"Call and see my stock before you make yonr nun liases. I have a tine lot of COCOANUTS AXD APPLES OX HAND. AU Kind of Country Produce Taken, in Exchange fir Good. WAN TE D, FURS, SKINS. WAX. RAGS, BEEF HIDES. SHEEP SKINS, BUTTER. EGGS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS. GEESE, AND DUCKS, ETC., ETC. J. D. MCIIEELY. 7:1m HOUSE A ID LOT FOR SALE! I Having tletennined to make our home in Winston, N. C, we hare concluded to sell our House and Lot in the great West Ward of Salisbury, N. C House has 8 rooms, a good kitchen with 3 looms ; well of good water in the yard. A good garden and sta ble n the lot. In tlie best nefahliorhood in the city, on the corner of Monroe and ! Church streets, adjoining J. M. Horah and I otliers. For furl tier particulars see Messrs. D. A. Godroan, S. W. Cleor B. F. Fraley. S R.F.JC M. C. GRAHAM. !10;;mi. I GOODS AND GROCERIES I Rice, Potatoes. Canned Fruit a! P Syrups, &c. Full assortment of Familr " buy. We mean to sell yon cood Goods af all kinds of Count r T'rodnr. TAYLOR, H. F. ATKINS, ) . , t and D. J. BOSTIAN. SALESM. f l d Pil f3i EiVa csfc; BLAGXMEB &TAYL0R- . HAVING PUROHASED " THE wm. smithdeal: AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF K. E. Crawford,'of th firm ci n. n. CRAWFORD & CO., We are nowprepnred to supply cu: customers with all kinds of AGRICULTURAL" BIPLEMEIJTS. In addition to tho Best Selected Stock of IT A It D W A IUS iuUie STATED We also handle Rifle and Blasting Powd? " - FUSE ! and a full line of Mining Supplies. We will Duplicate Any Prices the State. ; CALL AND SEE US. ! W.S.BIACK4EC, Cct. 5, 1832. r 50;lv jit w .... r u if : BOOTS, SHOcS & GAITERS, n a-. lKliei CP. AU Maieilal of the b(st srrai. and n car done In the Utest style - I'eaUy mude woi v slwaj-s n hand---Ppi'-. nftttlr and prooT't'jr flone. Orders roallnr. lr nve-t "Waoa.. u . I3a,s- - t mm of - "" " -SCO m s i ,