4.THIRB SERIES SAUSBUEY, II. C.r JAHITAEY 18. 1883. : i. J ill V-i t 'lJ-Mfc't '-fl 't, ! 1ie"CarblmaWatcfimanfT ESTABPl 1 A Vu ate Aetallr i Tlie folIovfiiJg w-UiTuIr fext of ritiGfit'io PVAyig.- f-ify i Diligeut'yj u aowiu New York, oa Ma 0e Bill which jaseflt theSenate of i . " . " way bsick to StJjletei6ui' "t w us sent United Sttitc? biTaeJMUyj(ast tN-uW p7" -ja pnKft h '? 1 to o0" hurcU a San Finucisco,w he taid TBrtJt tdprovidefor.tlie effdrtof ' lJllJJ II Ou H It, l.vf """ .overthe AUaiiftcrrNruteast-br- way of I ly-ejwdenl in case of rcnioyali dealli, IV. ! STOMACH Odessa and Nagasaki to San Fraticico. I came from that city by way' of t$e Isth- resigiialiou or inability both of the PresidetilialuJ iVjctf-PresldeiiU joaa.-; Now, after two' yeara: serf ice ,nt ; JSe a enacted by the &enale'ana the ISan Francisco, fl am fioiiij lionie, and ; House of Reprcscatati ves of the Untt thns completing my "journey1 around the jJ Slates of Atnerica in Coiigress as world." Jsembted, That in case of removal, Wlmiiiaa rtrnck too most durhYs leall resiguatioii or iqability of both Tonr trin r1 ! i resiueni anu v ice-rresiuent oi ine 'A?l Ji "The lead" that EBlllApcakiit)- peo- United States, the Secretary of State irabil- ple have takeq eyery wlicre. English has become the interuatioTtal lansuage. With my limited knowledge of English daring ?rana57'-"eH bit trin I have been far better. Jflf than ll i . S'l : 8i any of my occasional Gn man and1 French '';remoyal, death, resignation or in- friend. English has a glorionsj! fntnre. ,"tituVrt,-1.""rt Ii,boaadJt l on ill trnAttter'B StoniAch Bitter tires ateaav sees to the nertres, indaces belthy, nat ural flow of ilc, prevent constipation without unduly the bowels, gen tly stimnlatea twjclrculation and by pro motinir a vigorous condition of the phys ical 8ystm, promotes, also, that cheerful neTa which s the truest indication of a well balanced condition of all the animal powers. 5 juciiuijr . pubecpise , . t ' . , .n. , iiiiivui. ucuiii. resignation ii iiiauiuiv. of aciencc, trade and inuostry.j ... ,, v.. J been , three great epochs y 1 . . nn, jrf-fAr t-hwV,v1 guager There hare which all the educated men talked Greek Latin and French respectively, i Raxr we Uah. The are entering the epcn oi iig I: -i 4 ,; :: death, resignation or inability, then the Postmaster-Generalor if thenrbe none, or in case of his removal, death, rpsitriinl (ir iiiftmlitv. tlipn the Sec . . : i a - j w - - ana age. ine j.juauu worm was larger ry fVtIie iivy or if tJcre be thanlthe Xfreek? bqrtr field-poljtics-. .Qf leat, was too narrow., the trencu epocu was ..aHon or inabilitv. then the Sec- Greek world Was too l iniiteil in both area was larjrer diplomatic. Now" the Euglish, or rather Anglo-Anicricau, epoch, will embrace the whole world. The Engli&h-sicaking na tions lead the! world in the higher Hlitics and in indnstrv and trade, and they are ..... ( . . ' i . ' unsurpaHsed by any nation in fecieutific, religious, or philosophical thought. Our German friends obiect to Endiah on the ground that it is not an orignali language being rather a mixture i of German and Latin. - lu my opiuiou this is rather an ail vantage, for Euglish is not qjyite a for eiini tougue to Germatis Vnd to the na- tlous of Latin origin, and so j much the more easily can be adopted j by all of them." j- . ! j. umovis B KOtXE, PreaX. - Wic. C. COABT, Secr. AHomeOoxnp9.n3T,Seek5 ! Home Patronage. The rrallcy of Death, A valley surpassing in reality of hor- retarv of' the Xuterior shall act as President until' the disability is re- moved or until the. vacancy is other wise lawfully filled ; such officer being eligible to the office of President un der the. Constitution, and not under articles of impeachment by Ihe House of Representatives tf the United States at the time the tMjwcrs aud duties of the office shall devolve upon him. j Provided, That whenever the pow ersund duties of President of the United States shall devolve upon any of t he porsous "tiamoil:hcrein if iColi gress be not then in session, or if it would not meet regularly within twenty days thrreafter, it shall be the duty of the person, upon whom the said powers and duties shall devolve, to issue a proclamation convening f Pofcoiica ly-Trlclilna UOTft-f .'JsfeiM 'in-, j.ffcjj V" Two Person (Bead and -Several Oth I ie-fli&: er9ilUliinvI)artger.iii.t m y,t l t-'ii ' hit ii"'i 4 f JA CrescOjsIowadisjialcliifayss! J moHtxiunressinecase.oij poison, uy uuj- easedpork dias Moccurretl ,ou n farm, pprtii oi uus cuy hi, ims rcsutieu iu the? death .tor, iwoiJersonsaiul , the lives of-several others are u5l,ilLiti danger. t r . Oue nimith aga the family of Mr Au cust w Nast , hal n nor k for , d inner, There were-present at . the .table 5Mr. Nast. his wile and three children and a German girl nacied.Bclty. Gerhanl. AVilhin a lew days all became ill, and the t wo doctor, wliuL were calletl iq Were uuable to do anything for them. They , grew ra pid y .worse, , ami DiKJ- torsddy and Jb.elkner were summon-; ed. and they, after.a jjcareful diagno sis of the case, pronounced lliem sul- feting? trom tne euects pi iricninaj. They procured some of the pork which I lie lamiiy uau eaieu, nuu uu piauiug it under, a microscope it appeared to be one mass of living Darasites. - , - !' .Three weeks after being taken ill, tiroes a day, auU get your uioou in ajid after suffering terrible agonies, circulation. . ; Mr. Nast died. Betty Gerhard linger- :. ratient 1 tlo walk, J-Mitor. i ceretl on for a week longer, and then Doctor Ureourso you do walk. 4. ehe also died., Mrs.!!JNast, who was know tnat; uui waiK more. ill at the time of the dinner, ate very ten times, as much as you do now. little of tho pork, and will pirobahly That will cure you., s " ( recover. ThcutbreelfcuIJdren; a Uy Patient But my business 4 1 1 years old, a girl 8 years, aud a boy ' Doctor Of course, your business are situ suuen tcrtainetl of thei . The Iowa Plain tnl lotfprt from nil the symptoms of ! trichincsis. Dr. Doctor (paralyzed)-My friend, per- Weld suggests that the hogs get trt- mit me to ouce more examine your chiuffi irpm eating dead rats, Drs: Ed- tongue. ,, , . vf . dv aud Felkiier say! that our corapar- , -i o ' alive inimilliuy iroiu nic uiscuae i 1 xew uwiw o v-r .Wanted ntia . to Take, ISxerclScHf rnnM "if ' -i t rA to ii ti . ldu a , . I .t U II U 1 "j jf k. . I I -rneOffieefPorapouadoctoHu 111 Ml f 1 J U IGL ,11101 ' .itii tin tul frr -if i"1 i' in r T jyi J who knows it liU. Enter jf tired man J ; who drop' into a.scat and .saya-,lliat j ; oti )iisieye-gtasses, looks at hU tongueJ ieeis liis puise, souutuiaiia;cuci, iHi- then draws up to his full height, andy : . f 'Same old story, my lriend.i Menij nn i cau't live without fresh ir 5i ifo usel; iryiugw 11 X? COUIU. uianc 5UiyBci ;i corpse, like you are doing by degrees j ifil sat down in my, office and tlidu't . . 1 i .a"a ? stir,s yu inust have tresli air jiyou, must take long, walks, aud brace up by stay ing out -doors. Kow,. L could make a drug store , out of s you, audi yoa-would think, that I. was a smart manj but my adv-jce toyou is to walkjj walk,-jwalk?' i Patjeutrr-But Doctor , . JtoVThat's right. Argue question. t: Thai's my reward. Of coursej you. know all about my busij nessn Now will you take my dvityf Take lonv walks every day several mm iliis RliDill LEADING .DEALERS IN, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES I, IiarlgV'ABSortment of Ijadles Cloaks and Sliavla.s .' ' " BOOTS Mb ;SH0E8 A SPECIAL Jwpe) the best iuade AGENTS FOR COATS' "81H)OICOTTON' New supply of 5 cemVTin Ware.';,i i Full stock of Glass and Table Ware. ' ; - Best Flour, 3Ieats, Susrar, Coffee, TEAS, Rice, Potatoes, Canned JYuits, Pure Lard, Corn Bran, Meal, New Orleans Molasses and Syrups, .&c. Full assortment of Family' ' j , ' "Medicines including Quinine. ' ' ' One and three-fourth lbs. Cotton Sacking- at 9 Cents. Hew Tics . ' at tl!75 per bundle;' Thrcetb.' Cans Tomatoes'at 15'ccnts.' ! i i S". OVEH"COATS At' Q2.80. Best lO eta. Sugar, try it. Be suro to see our Goods before you buy." ' We mean to sell you good Goodi ui the verr lowest prices. FWWo bur and sell all kinds or Country Produce; i! - ' J T T DftQTIiW , - t W-mJiX x QX, It 1083. . , auu , , wimn, , y v . E kecutorsSale OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. BLACKIERtt AM troaji Pfapt, Eelislile. Life Termfpolif if written on Dwellings. ", Premium; juice inltwd J mi rors tlw'iablea region of thefuistir has Cmgrcss in extraorj.lj nary session, giyr leen dised 1-ed iii the' Isbtnd! of Java, ing twenty days" notice of the time bf The Mantt volcanic and in onef Rpot meeting.. ?. ; . , ;fvallc Oiic-half cash and ba. ieininjhsv iLLES BROWN, Acrt., baltKUurr, j. 21.-6 r '-r -I ', ' i- ' i " I ' . '" the emanativus from the: interior of the -Section 3. liiai tne preceoing sec- tl. r ko deadlv that the idace is call- tion shall only be held to describe and ed the Valley of Death. As the traveler apply to those oflicers who shall have iproaches ft he" ia attacked .ly nausea been appointed by the advice and ..jr5jijii.,L Ha niH tinticea a suffiica. consent of the Senate.' to the offices tin" smell. ! As he advances ! these, sym- therein named. , ..;a.- .itn'' m h. WitVr .tiaMintrl. S?ction 3. 'lhatseotion one hun thronglt 'tho belt of fetid air wiuch;guaiddred and forty-six of 'the Revised the valley. the visitor is able to examine otavutes is "srey '" with less risk tho spectacle before him sun never On Thursday, ! "Wheat, Corn, two head of Cattle, .jSfcP-- a" - 3LO 2SOC3raS Household & Kitchen Furniture, and other HAVING PURCHASED lue to the lnirk bemg generally cook-1 boast of the Englishman that the thoroughly before it is eaten, pro- 1 sets en the British empire is equal appli-1 articlcs not mentioned ifiirni AYimsiire fo nitru Lcmoerniure i acauie to me uuucu oiatta. iumwu vi , icimi wi w.v v... t'v- r & Killing me iricuiiiK. i neing mc wcawu uiu v w ' ,m m m Francisc Is only about mm way oeiween ne ''!Ua!otiic8a, I furthest Atlettian isle acquired by our pur I chase of Alaska, and Eastport,Me. Our fer- All persons having claims against the said Mary Hall, decM., are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or bcrore th 80th of November. 1833, or this notice will, be plead in bar of recoyeryl; f . I. - 1 . "2...1 In I Ij L ..i...' f.'.nnlii 1QT l.mM nf Inner. iuane a ru.e, .m p.ay torf cfcWu, ..u5.. ... q8 ,nae)tfd t( pa!d estate are IipIii von to keen it. never, if possible. I itndd -or sevnteen decrees more than halt I r . r. . f ,vin - y - j w to lie dowu at night withont being way round the globe. The lively Mountain able to say: "I have made one ,1m- PredyterianAncnmmentingoothfofacli?: mair beiug.atejist a Jittle wiser, or a When the sun is giving its good-night kiss little happier, or.a little better, .this 1 to onr westernmost isle, en the confines of day " jYpu will tiling it !easier llian I Behring's sea, it is already flooding the fields renuirod to make prompt payment. - - A. L. HALL, Ex'r. i Nov, 30, 1882. - 7:ts vou ' tfiink. land Jpleasantcri 1 1 Easier, J mnd forests of Maine with its morning light because ll you wish to uu uou a worn, i and in tneeastern pan oi m oiaiu i God will surely find you work to do; than an hour high. At the very moment THE W SOM. Titw Rmrescntative Industrial Paper of North Carolina is a 28 . colnmn Illustrated A recent traveler describes the valley n SCOOLiBOOKS, Mr. Stiuimorfield. f .... . . , iMiii" nral. alxiuc otie Ullie ia ; circiuuici-i oiuce ouiiiwy iuii iiint, . i ui ; r.. I . 1 .. I- . . i.ui.o I North Cai ami pieasauicr, uecauae iu .reiuru ir when me Aieuuannsucra.au "i-iv Everv Mine Owner. Farmer, Man the little trouble ll may cost you, or I approaching shades of night, is pulling his .uflCturer Merchant and Industrial man in tlie Utile 'CilORing oi luuiisn, vuigai i canoe towania ine snrc, mo iwunii)ni I the Soutn snouni iiavo ik trnyo rK't will have Uf Maine is bee aninr to make the forest attention to JNortn uarouna s aunerai e pride it may cost you, you wi st a peace of luiiul, a quiet of te and hopefulness alout nier, a j echo with the stirring music of his ax eDceuuawun I , . ..V.'- r o..i vourse f ami all around vou, such as .1 1 a f a. I : .am Milin, Ialt4l IUWI1 M IIIXI If T 111 llllliniiai IjU 1 a UOI- I ' t r m lui'ai ni i tmm met I nil a v iaiiu. . iiua arv a a u jmm aw ----- . m a ja I ALCMiHiCM'is the coming metal. But sources and does full justice . to every? de partment of our State's handicraft. PitiCB fl.50 per yea f, S . . 1 j. 1 a.1. : ...mm aj.lM lanl ' ' I II4Q lYtTMaia a III 71 1 IHf III 11 II I1AIIZ1 1 UU I lUOl" I J l . ! I jk. M fWTf1T TT TAT TITT 1 IT n II T U j-..m.v w-a .. t- ? 1 Iirft mVPI til Ilie MUIUUUUIIIZ lAUU. - siuo mwa - - - a a t , M.l 4 - , a. .1 al. ..n.iill 1 1 II 111 1 111 I II li I U I al I 1 1 u i ni I IT : SCJROpL.SU LixJli v. ThVfloof of ''the valler Isat, dry' ami ty attracting the commonwealth of you never icu oe pre ; ami over,,uu Ior,Iie greater cos, o pu-u.u ' rUorilf Mil 1 V hVl Mib. ' I wnVFLS AND winii tl,;etw,, .n.. that morniny an offi- above that, if yotl look for. a reward long since have driven iron out of the A V4 1 , . T 4 T2r,W With get, -.fi1. rohia armLl wi fu oder5 iu the 1 to ime, recdlel:t this';- maHcet'lt ' is Reported from across the .ADDRESS at ... . - i3 I I ( 43TATIOKERY. over it are the skeletons . of men,; tigers, ?U Wliat w, have tol.Jpe for HT the life wkier that a process has been discoverd by EDWAW OlR 4tCj& J -W . 4 n wUd boarbirdS and stags lf.ng among G0V;-Jarv lo coie! is to enter into the joy of our ins of which it can be separated from the WUmintonT1CC: P - i - - large block, of tone- No steam or smoke Lord. And how did He fulfilahat maWof common clay, in which it exists, in Y? c-- ' - i: I . - ' ,L pLmmrmU l't itZmTHD joy, bui by humbling Himself, and uimmitel quantity at a very slight expense. ! - BRUks OFYbJTB. iftlteearU -which appears bea?rd associate trt 1 lr, 1 .iif aive'ln.d Bn- tf this fetruc; it will no doubt be rapHly . jgg A fililillll: etdo laacedlt C AAffl I amla!iniitS-ci,ufyouihiul i..flireiion,will Pe WTf T, ! of ivrotnise of m?rriae t with a-Missi minister,and to give Hs whole 1 lie; greaf changes in industrial methods. It. is JL hZy Ad hi for Uie coring hrimanhyifend ireeto to summit diealthyj trees ul oi niro 1. rUq of obl eveu mbTdealfi flii;ihe cross, a. ran- Ugluerand freer from rust, and is a pinch . - lTft i aa . a . 1, i m- ... " t Till 11 CLCHViVv V a - - ia a 1 1 -Toirurim in zi. iinui uuu ; di i m wi a - vertir i'xtjIriKnetfeiin doao by addrewingin . ; a i miiw i ffin"P;-: ! nerlect coiinionce. 20:4y . j - -JOHN JJ. OGDEVi j Cedar St-, New York abuiiglftpg fvet botto ami he standi. rv a.lnitt tl CARfl 'll " . 7 ... . .. 1 jTI ' I j. . 1 . rU. 1 i.i ... I 1 I . JiaTHIK .UWii'v ... -v. w-- -- We did i)t publish, the af4 1 lliscrowii; be sureiiiat unicss you 101- w,rcS) Ule battery -power coum u iwuu Svi.TEM from the 1st of December, l wouia imtom I lOW irr itis nuiisiei juu ' j inoue-scTKuiu ui n'" " rcsui-viiun j injuio. -- WM. SMITHDEAL A&WELL AS THE INTEREST OF E. R., Crawford of thoflrm ' R. R. GRflWFCRD CO., We are now prepared I to supply ou eusiomers with all kinds of 1 ' ' " AGRICULTDRAIr IMPLEIML. ' In addition to the ' " . Best Selected SUK-k-of, , t H A U D W A R E - in the . ' ' STATE. ' : J- I a t . . Z A Z . . . . nil a jTaSt -. . f . I tut n Itlafr UTa3a3 LTiiau ia iiiil IIU1 a a .a. ..lu. I Iia iltliti ldOl VV a a - I i . a w eompeueua uog o e l" i"?'"? ....i.i:..:.. ., ;.!.. Jr. r then ace where tie is. -i r M 11m .1 v&Sijr 'iEESS MilSMBERlTHEjEAD! MONUMENTS TOMBS, In five 8eeoUflSHeciumHai .wu 1 " p - . ? r . 1 - ,t..TVI.I 1 pniur into j ... ...i ...... 1 , . . I A.Minct ti nmn. n-iihoiit beiiiff assured 1 cuter iuio hHtim.!es although jt; ; conttuueu- to "..-rrT ' . ',. - mm' .i?.,...bVia U.ire that ? -r ' : 2 l ..,inl, avorv mniimpr that is com I avers-tnat. tne-promisaxo 'wr,yrHV" 7 :, " m w. v. - - - . a If Vmi wi&h td ii value ns a coudutUr of electric currents debted tomeim account or otherwise ana 1 . We alo handlo breathe.for eiihteeu ndiintes. ihe joy of your 'Lord, be fa. -purposes of niuminatlon appears. It fr G" His joy is now, as it was in wtn aid greatly in the solution of the prob- rca J Anothe dog dicd fn teri IninuteV, and Ohio, JW nwl resisted the deadly nir for- "n- Ooldsiandt reSudVairamWfawf rry i I made on the 14throf Sep-t tenibeVr and that tbe niarnajre was a lite reached tlHUtont. is ueneve u. - ; 5th, 1882, thaf the those pf ? dSnt failed to keep . W promise; wliohughtrefejieje. ignorant of . , ad auxiull8 to .. . . 1 jj r i. m , tii.D worn in rue ratai muntnee mo , j ".r . 1 . f,i.l ovprv In ntrrv mouth that IS I iNUTMKGS.-rUllg Krww "u fed every poor soul, sick or in pris4 I trees which look like litttje pear tree,nnd on, who is visited. n 1 l -corutaiiv eruptiona.j GKET REDUCTION . '. I X THE TRICKS OF" HaxbleI&mineiits and Cravs-Stoacs of sry Dsscnption. nvite tho tmblic generally of recent to sin iiferwi tion of mv Stock and Work. 1 feel jrfstftied in aserting that my past TnMipiSue mwli.r firRt-class workhieii 1M 1. Li , il I . .1 .rU iniiil f ttr'rtC'ui'easnres canm . that th4 xloikmariship'is? equal to any of 8top tiMha wholesale destruction at Ueer . ine'uesc in tne couuiry. " now going on iu iuc jun-oio Mhk m4ork is superior to all otherC 1 Alllj.l.icrtu Xprt'sa Company have f H! l1 ! xJff!b; .hii.pedl.oiu .tirn M4i,o to, Bosun. iici n Hfconiimsii u sail-. j v ' - i --.to pleajie give each customer tlte vat- ..'..at . - I . I l . i " , i r.iihii 1 1 m 1 .1 rr gw t iip fiiirMuiiiitii be. Tlieneighboiiirgjuoumaiuaji.o .wwi.d . wlm. b.,w Hurrah 1 Hurrah ! Hurrah" breathe. I I lie neigimori..uuu,...- hirtler slates that people who know "Sound the glad volcaufc.! the iiarties take noik in the alleg- Aunt Narcy !" 'Ca odoiViior do.?aey.show.,any.,indica.tions 1 0btainin2 money under Mary that the" N01 j a. : ; w n - - . y . pretences. Mr. Summerfield's lawyer, bacco Fair is a bxed tact, ami is m C. Lowenstein, Esq., says tluit Sum- a firm fading; 'AlUhonqr to t merlield is a cousin of Miss Gold- faithftiP Workers who have rais rtAk it (Inwniiiiht shame thatsometn. t be taken to put a .'Sound the glad .tidings, go tell rry tlte uews to rth Carolina To 1 fact, aud is now the sed are srenerally not over twenty feet hi Tlie flowers ai-e very mnch like the lily of the Galley. They are pale and very fragrant. Tho nutmeg is the seed ( the fruit; and mace is Ihe thiu covering over the seed. The fruit ibout a large as a peach. When ripe it breaks open, and shows a little nut iuside. The trees grow ou the island of Asia and tropical Amer ica. They bear fruit for seventy or eigh th veara. bavins iiix fruit upon them all v . - . . . 1 A fine tree in Jamaica uu every riixfin to enlL in and settle, as. 1 am in ned of money and Must Have It. I shall in future sell strictly for CAsn or R ahtkr.' as bv this means I will be better able to give my friends and customers - Hore Goods Far Tteir Money ! - little Rifle and Blasting Powdc FUSE ,.f;,'f" and a full line of Minicg -Suppliiv- -i ! a and New York markets no less than sev en hundred carcasses or deer thus far the present season, while, those sen t the State byV freight and other express 1: ft...idiii- fmni the const towhs be- lltjra vrjw:!"..,; ...... tweeu the Penobscot and' fet. Croix, tie of tifretv dollar they leave with ine. PEIc43 k5 te 50jper Cent CHEAPER 1 thanieler offered fn this town before. 'Call ntf olice or send fpr price list and dc- silMia. K:if isf.i t5nti ril:ir:llltV Of UO charge. ! u, Theleifction of inaible is the last yvprk p.Wy equal If not exceed thhuiumber. tu l-cspjeci wincli Ave pay u;i"j"v,)",Yv 1 rlege : of lll'lllf pi I fri.wli- 1 I 1 JH?IS.HUTCHINSOW. portion 1 Si;lll.Hiv v it 1831. Isfateand ; - I . . . i - - . .!:.. ...1 i 1. I . . . 1 , .1 l-lVi!. ... l !.. tl.w rI.i 11 "liter is acconiuiisueui ui i,.i,.ir,.A ,a .icmeil uv me ueieuuaui " I 0 . : ..... 1 I fa". " - ,vr - , . . . A.rtAA lawful meaiis. And yet m apatneuc are bummerheld was Jieui 1091 w the public aud the State authorities in Our latest information is a lel- Velation to the matter that there seems to cgrain stating that he is released.-j- bo uo remedy. Close time for deer begius Mr; Sumnierfield s has done buisinejs ' ij..i r i.,nnpv and atill the 1. 1. ... kmisoiis. and Stands on tho'msi ui 1 ; 1 iicic mc ,.v j-""- j. .1 ? f I I 1. ..... 1... ..l!in.t 1 ftlMI lnnd.S ....... if 1 iiniiiirn tnn inviiriiiuii ui i ci- 1 hiiiiiii. iiiuiicv " t o- , " .?!:li.,.:.i rci-mhSa InJr Antriist. Kiiij irrniinils and erexl a mutable the seasons. V 34Jf--i..i.iJ'.w1f VwWtirSi.r.i, 1 KSMit,- N'nw wo call uDn our sis-1 over four thousand uutuiegs on it SaW XVLI53 uuiu.iiuui r wui.."b. - 1 1 I bv her appearanee, proposetl marriage I ter tobacw 16s to lena usa ueipiug year. ' Mi and was accepted. Mr. Sumineiiield hand 111 making the lair a grami but- , thg ,. ,t k lJih piece found that an elder stster.ot Iim be- cess. Uuriian u:is piacwi c , ,Mtato cut through the middle, a ' I . I .4 I a T ... .1 a (L iA uCL'fl 1C, .ffff tll IPIil 1 : E t . . - - " a a- z A. ll.MM V AJ trtl,Pfl vas the wife ot a Cbiuamart, I mot ion i and 411 biie sks . fJjr,Ir 1 1 ..mi tl,. "roots" of the . t . ft r -. r 1 :i 1 1 ; v iauu .......- - . t iul and beintr inceusetl that the lamiiy tion, and ueip 10 : Keep 11. roi.u.g. . 1- i:ttu .'arker than the snr- should recognizee low connectioji 1 Uve are detenu ined to place a oru .. fle8f,-exlending towartU declarcil the match between himself Carolina tobacco where it y !e' "f P lhe potato, iftw. if you w L.wi m; nldstandt off.,heuct5 the loners, and all we ask is, Honor 10 tr:!nmulal. or ,)V- - a .... a , . - ' ; a aa a. - - ajaAfl aaiaaa a.aaw ui j anit for breach ofpromise. ihe grantfl whom honor M due. jjurnnm mm. , mt.ces. one eye to a eve figni-es represent only a small pro- j found an in Jictment agaiust Mr. der. 11 of the deer actually killed Ju the mmerfield, for obtaining 1200 . and no oiie for a Wuieut j imagines a-rn Miss Goldstandt's annt, whicli ' ;-Toke a imklen hU slaugiitef is; accomplished .by charge' is denietl. by the defendant. faf2eM,Tn simjil all the ' I- THE " ifcG STOCK. RF-SiSTEH . I AND JOTJRNAlTSf FINANCE v. r-m r . TI . Jiame juia-t 1 iT iV-- St i aa r-.; ;t!n f over walk of destruction will be carried on, iu we as tt merchant-and a ciUzeu r.rW " .uW.utv,..Tr! - . . itii twaudvr dis. fi fY!h TTi?T n flrwnaTiiea and tad Wa-WJT aaaa4aav w . 1 - LATEST MINING INFORMATION, - appear the AUWIUl IIIII. jLIVIUL"IHIf, APa""-",t ' 7 I - . ... .'.. Jul and mjgteti Stock-Sales for each' week, up te wijldn 24 hours of publicationc $Fo gale by all JTewrrelfrs, . if fvuscnilTiox, fO ieryear. Sindt Cnnir 15 cents. --Special detailed 1 . is s , d j-..: .!.. vl. o ra. ri-poins-upoii any-mice iunuu, i'r terror ins.! Address, , v-. , Tlijsl'inauclal.and Miuii Pub. C ., r.-, Jiuri7vTa- savs that i one 1 ue cw'v, " " of the sorest destructive agents for car petigs ts benzine tlieronghly appbetl. Tvohoid feverh Paris seems to bi4r a Jriie new Dmocjalic 3ovcnorot Petra aylvania has'discovered a three million dol lar steal. This amount paid by the general crovcrnment in satisfaction of Pennsylvania war daims; "not one 'dollar ?ever reached the State Treasury.1 When a Democratic President and administration reachesfth capitol a erate sized potato, nither than smlll, and boil itlu on. quart of water. Foment me part auecveu neuralgia with the water iu. which the txitatd has been boiled as hot as can be borne "at iiigfit befoits going to bed j then crnsh the potato aud pnt it on the aflect etl part as a jHiultice. Wear this all uight amf in theriiiiufl tfi wi,,Vrh ghoald hav been preserved, vev again, and again fopieat the part with it a hot aacau be borne. fThis treatment must bl pereevercd f several days. It occastoually rqnireW to be contiuued for in jj.'r...!. na t-ii or three weeks, but mm mm mm m a ll aaa - tlujuimon time it has never yet tail to be successful. English Officer. shapetl pieces that vou get with it. and drop these piece singly about a fot apart in the fur- row, you have pianteii pouna way to get the best possible resuu according to Df'.'Sturteyant or the vi Vrk exneriment station. Jus! remember this and try it next spring There i a uiatUu New Jersey sa mean .1... ..iir thrmifh his uose to aave the wear and tear of his false teeth. Our irood deeds rarly canse wo-liffl- ' .nr f..lluw-citizens. but! our Sip WW VU j. ! - - I, evil ones immediately leap iuto ootoriety . . . j : .t. I am now receiving a nice and fresh lot of Gauntry- Produce for the Christmas Holidays. 2T-Call and see my stock bclore you make your purehases. . , . , 1 liave a tino lot of - COCOANUTS AND APPLES OX HAND. ; AU Kini$ of Country ' Produce Talen in 1 " Exchange for uooa.' WANTED, FURS, -' ' ' ' FKINS. WAX, RACS, BEEF HIDES. , , SHEEP SKINS, BUTTER, , EGGS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS. 0EE8E, AND'DUCKS, ETC., ETC J. D. HCKEEIX 7:1m - - HOUSE AND LOT . " . - FOR SAL E I .-. . 'Having determined, to make our home in Winston, N.C., we have concluded to sell our Ha-&ntl L,,t in ih Kreat We8t of Salwbnrv, N. C. ' House has 8 roms, a ood kitchen with 3 looms f welt of gfaI "vater in the yard.' A g6d garden and stp l.'e un the lot! In the best uci:ih!orhood or litnroe ana We will - t Dnplicate Any Prices CALL AND SEE US. ; Oct. 5. 1832. . , .50;ly . . s.-i : .. ..r.ft.l n auaneiider in the citv. on the corner to .. htfta uu jour anuioacii limb W ,r... . - - i 1 water that the momeut you cume to a . .. t:t vftti nrer and droPSi VOU 1 nmin H 1L ll.v J on the opposite side. Church at'rccts, adjuining J. M. Horah and others."' For flirt lu-r jan iculara see MeUrs. D A. GKdman,ti: W. C!e or BJ F. Frab-y. K. F.& M. C. GRAHAM. 10:3m. HI W ; Wrrir-7 , Hb4-r i era i SOOTS. SHOcS . CAIT ERS, ma' - :nlin-Ai wcrk Kinst ciaws seve&iteu. Jfears ix-rlea;:'.- A:l .v a. e laxn tLe Ust grade, ana yl "loae In tbe latest Mjle.- . J , n iiny 'ui-do woi I alwaj-s on band- Kpa:i; -.et'v btl piarr.f'y cne. OrdfrsbT nnallMt ;. ; K!l 237 liiQi-dway, New xih J r ' . v j CwHolie jjemvQi w.. 12 the jiinicteu. c