- - . It ' . .: . " . WAV il Till Til - V V' (L(L ILJLJLjLJLiLOJLJLo 'Ik ana i: ! 1!- -Jl V- R-i- t :--a?i ' sra 1 . Is, I," ol xnr.-THiRir; semes J. i T .i' Y 25, 1883. i 0 15 - y t . ; Ik. JADUAB t?"' " ''.'M:,r ,-,,...,,:BP., j , : , Si s 1 m r IB I M c I 1 he Caro ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAH 1832. I ii'-. -T ft TX- VOIP . i'i - i- . t i . - 5 5x , - c.iz - n " xx n it T7T7. t- ;. 7-7 " - ; . n linaWatCHlIiail, r TXLE IUSS JEHS. with you urQiih a manrwiro1e menaehVirtolengdf I I- . ' " 1 ? I she coMtiiiiiPf! riu.f a n-fr!fh!iiei-i " inetatlw1 therein nnA wIawmI ar1 anil ! in the Senate the other dar.'Mr. Beck sa!d 1 lie death of little MlM Jettlft'mrw !mt ( ft . 11 l:.JLtU-l tZliU-Si h t4. nkvi' 'nf' III tiriff hmmixMn. u wun lemo -sa : )ti.. ther (she died Rdenlv' one' day fu wllr;' WilnwrthJed heVHlk,Wot,lc early November) revealed the hither?! solemnity to a chair, and Seated hi hi- Jlosiettn't BtMMth Bitten Itm tteadW est to tb nerrw, lodacea belthT, Bt- ur&I flow, or bue, prevenU eoBsuptk) without andulyf purging the bowel, gen tly tixnntes we. elreulatioa ud by pro moting YigorcKii conditio -of tb pan leal ayttera. prpnoUt also, that eheerfal neu which u tbi truest indication of a well balueed condit(ph of all the animal power. For Sale by ( Oraggiu and Dealer v nneriiiT. - i i , , , . - . ... ; 1 . t . u unsusneciea laci inai ner income supposed to have been derived front an estate of her late husband's, but now -proved to have been the liberal yearly al Id wance of a weal thy u nele or his-d ted 'with her; and little Miss Jems, after the funeral expenses were paid, found herself and , her maternal grandmother (a dear old lady, with 'a bee in her head it must be confessed, but a bee that never stung) left to be gin thd world anew, witb ' hiAjn, hun dred odd dollars laud a mall house lal 'f rnitdreV: i I 0 M f i f I fl i ft ) Airs. Jems Jjad been an, easy-goipg, 'secreUe,T.thSlo:aaireV' fo&y1n implicitly the oonimalML 'Take no thought for to-morrow,' and strange AT lrMayppea7a4wever- given even the slightest hint otlUy real stale of aiEfairs4 toy he daugliter, whbwas but three years of age, when her fath er departed this life, and who, bythe by, resembled her ;, mother iujio re spect; and so. as may well be imag ined, when tlie disclosure came, little M iss Jems waiTuiucli 1 surprld and confounded.- She had been looked upoiV in her ueighborhootl quite in tle light of an heiress, and had been wooed by 'the batcher, the baker atid the candlestick maker, to speak Jwtlcillv, and last, uut pov teas, uy a, great ueai, oy ute liandsome youug builder just admit nity to a ciiair. and seated hi ta self beside her;riI 'am all attentitth. .Proceed, Pigeon tu,:!V , v " ; Pigeon, indeed ! Thats a fine wav to begiaAlfliauV srf yeord until you ienavre,ybortelf f iiiid 'little Miss Jems turned away and, gazed steadily out of tlie window. nt-md , : 'Miss Jems sald her lover, I am eliavTugaiKitf my word I am.' And as you refuse to U gibflie.jttinveiia tion, I talking asamau to wpoiao -asscre you that there ' is not the slightest necessity ' for' making 'nuV house is mine, there fore it is vouvsland Hi sobn'as'yob tantnakeOv-yotr-oiiBd thrwedarnrringwni beredy; j 'And tTat8 yoinr Wea of a man's talk to a woman I' said- little Jiiss Jems, with feoocnfiil empy$is;JJ call ;t al man's talk to a child a good-for-nothing, helpless, silly child. A od I will, not live in your house; Mr Alex- Sparkling glass jars filW . while plausibly' professing to reduce dntie drop, gum dro)j,. elove : drops, anil realljiocreaed thcin upon many important all kinds of dnwt and ep)ermint sicc; JsXff t1 m pty t &e sticks, cream . slicks,, birch sticks, ana P, howera ( money out of thebasi- all sorts of sticks, were ranged on tut BeM-VjtaptKehedocsfor theaise1rcs,and ; 8t0r?:5eKxS-tLnd-tl-cuiUer was al Ihad handed that la lhyir own worfc.whea rf&r t:6rwit1i1ilBmnew tin! Dans coniaininffi .Deaiuir. cocoanur. unieiuirent worx ai.au. woum ticin&r cli biir rei -carefunr to tee mep apron, ueiuna the money drawer, it 1 who would proQt or tne' increae,ana would have bee tl hard to have foortd 1 who perh&ps, ih T maay Initftttces, deceiired a more ai tract fve small establishment I even (the members of the comm'.sjion iid cjnnajnon tay, and ren fore.Wtho duty of 'Senaton whrt' reaiijr unckVof 'oW-fashioned So- dw'amtuctioofeiistln 7ai$esl!aiitlT7 M&tnm- tliercejlini I examine tlus hung son.e wreaths.of iristffia HhasjtdldnbtreaMjr .riemse 1ISems greeny Ua tdkert laltogetbci'ita J means of cuniiingchanesors-heauTw,,ti tlttteMwaiaeV finwywuiite I positions inu. proflsions devised toy" 1 1 r ' ! -i ! U " .' ' ' H tJI t f : . f-,t,t tV shall play it as. long asr She wants to, wires. There are about 50 'miles of the tfcr dearie? MB '.HI lielp-lier f stretctied, over the dty "and tho job But just as little j Miss Jems was pot be Nropleted f r 'ttirworfour v'"6 "v iiiflTB. j lie wires anu liiMnimtuis Am ander WUmartin,-whiclr is not mine, small boyj ooa be shipped to Richmond. aiid Yrom there And wu shall never jnt a wedding HVPi'S'l11' will I sent W some other rUwllse nugJodths, finger Uf aixBggar. So f Caf rUe stqipwl beforcjtlie Jdo the piivlt- lP!?&-5f?-?'- . ' - Aiii21fi4re8Sf!iWX HfTn eieoiwhUnDj io each' other throng ;Ji 'W'i upon; my word, you have got from it andenferedlfit stbrerlu1 great th0plne3 (mrtt)b.a ttJ ' a temper of your own, Pigeou Miss Hasf V filfj& f l"lf f 1 ' "tW m . 4ffUd terror; to the ottef eud yl I .IJpJMp'-W . f. .VwU if: iSWiSto'S the rooo). t UJ.-ao instant. Vin glad to hear it, for a owe time v, .7L,3' hii'r.Vi V.n mm bb. e eeeM 1 lillSpIllI .... .Sadd dealers in d hi goods akd groceries irs i " inymM. MMii ai till AM UiUUt B00T& -Jl!!lll6E& SPECIALTY!'. tWekeep theljtimgde. . i . Full Btoclr cf aitissmtf Table Best Flour, Meats, Suyar, Coffee, JEAS Jtice, Potatoes, Canned.Frwts, Tut Urd Corn, Brtn, Meal, New.Qrleans Morasses' and 'Sri upg, ; &c. Fall assortment of Fami'T L Cue and three -fonrtli lbs. Cotton backing at 0 Ce1ita. tTewUies l.i .. ... hi at $ . per bundrc-n Three Ibl Cans Tomatoes aceWsT4 " Jii.-t. -7-.-xE At QS.OO. Seat lO ota. Sugai, flJ?ef?'.ft.i PfOMore: tou buy. We mean to sell Jou poodGoou' at r" !Ai i r.l.f'w;'. i ".-! uu fa" BC" nn "",a" oT-vouBtry rrnaaee. " Vf'llDiM UUf lit!" ... - ..,. J himsejf a few days! ago at Erie, Pa-, cot fesaed before his ueath that his .false ttU timoriy eddvicted Cllailes Stafford eight I jears ago oi ,ui ouuiMpr wniea,, nepi ted teW-rf.rBul.1f it be-n6t too ur - Uve hud looking for : you. Your ft.- 2:31' 'ii ISS sumpuous on f .my pari. , may x .pe tners uticic tne gentleman ' irom . J. V ':i iiVJ Kt . . ', L I new aervin twenty vfin W f a i ... . i. . i i i i . - ii - i , ... . . . . iimn iireeiMureuusiuii uo uiwiiwi mi- ' - - u io parvnersnip wiui nis lauier your moysnm 10 leu me - wnat.you wnom yourmotner iisea to receive mmpUjte w About 10 o'efo prisonme . " w. .... . 4 - . U'J , ' M . V. I . -11- In ! ITiiH I t4 M I 4 wishes tonee vou immediately: as he fff1'"" ' - 7 ' nMrely oew i, At .an.anction.aa e w ;y 4uiuiwi; j w Tlw. Am ftnrtmMtt waa than I i i - a i . ' ir ui,;n store. - - if, a store, sir i of which the Jemses lived. 1 don't mean to say that it was en tirely on account of the fortuuc which j . 'And eat up all the-profits, to say ti. as iiiuugiii, sue nuiu imicrii. iiiui i iiui'iuig ui nico.-rvi, juuiecia i so many came a-wool my story, f Qh, no, face was a fortuue one of tlwse pretty, child-like faces, las Pigeon rather thau fiSQ homeM hour a candy one longed to kiss as soon as one saw slore.l. IjfoiiN them, sud which everybody who could I thing else,, ioearpr .money, aud that's troi, Pfifnipt, WMt, LiIisieI! lu$& - Motrlnl ng the heron. cot I ; Ale-amlerjjlm;irttu1om.,e for all. ludeed, for. her J if you w:ll not talk sens, go houie. tu itself. ; It was 1 'Violetta Jems, familiarly known Rhoi.e BROW li, fteS'Ci WV. (CcdiKT, Sec'". Homeompauiyeeking Honb Patronage. S!-i Jerm pol icil wjritten on Dwellings. PremiuniA livable One-half cash and ba. ance in twelvq inoaths , . '. .., ' ' J; ALLEH BROWN, AgU for a five-dollar bill with a little stu- 's 4 -. j ust as -tuout;! i t were a said little Miss Jems tone d intimate friend Miss Serena 'And I' hate it, arid l've'aluic np my mind to strike who atU-mpti it.' . And she stain ied her small foot and shf k her small NijeghJrhotjliitliffjcjclf fist in. such'a cunuin& Svav that Missl body'd tease so ; and there's IfeMhe sake ofirifierina hmnaniiy. rend ffeelo 1 Sloo, who vas several years older than I childreu thf re; and X fait who need M the recipe and idirertion for she. immetliatelv , crushed the pink l it to-morrow; and cheeks' between tier hands and kissed t lew nays. will-be obliged to leave again to-night. iTrirs JKTfrn,nenl meuieut supptiep. lam hi. 4 daughter. Please cLefe atouce. kYoh will not be detained Tj:. 10J8 iHlls for 30 cents. i.t : 7 S.I A .1 .u-nn. : '1 '- w 1 ' ' I . fnr nu.ro thftn n hour' . I WWJj.wefW Wfttrnr ...yu ; . . iA 0Cai paper Says; -le: DOOk SI a I.tltlo fiea Jmi atnnwl hoi lnt I -v j ; i...t.---j - ip -ivt... I instrument sold have been used be-4 her vUitTa m6meiit, then" .he staral coun toIaj Itwas1 resolvW-to' brtug th! f1)1! fSf?1? ' helplessly arouad her, Ibea slie col I firvrn.rd & bill la the chambei of deputies I n leeted her scattered senses, and called, 1anti;orfiDg' the gbve'rnnient to takeprpJ "Grandmamma I'- The old lady came er' measures .u the event ' of f publication ERnOleS OP YOUTH. A GKNTLtMa who suffered for ytara from wk a wi s m f VtviV I alt the 0H-tof joiithfnl indicrvtHtn. will ' . fc. . a- X I a . , babv !' Idyinr and,ft8 for irrandruaihtiia.'slie' ar to her lawfuramart'at figures.; aud.l'vejfound 1.1 l. ?: --. aioo. H lire, .very siore. , 4ta iwp miu8,away stJnade I from here' catching hiiu by the -la p- the next, person I e or his coat," and siamJiug oq tip- Uo L wouldn't start busl nessTu this ...4 f w laW - I wiAl. lUftM ' (4 T a.. I . 1 . VWa v aAva a vw aaaa ju u v a v away." granny dearfor a little while,1 she said. 'IXPyoo- thitik you can take care of the store until I comeback?'- 'I am sure I can said grandmam ma, proudly. , j M And. dropping the white apron and donniug her eloak and hat, away. went Imakinz the Wiple remedy by wlilrh. he waa tiered.' Sufferfrfl wutliine to profit 1 the ad- vertixern experience can do so b adureiwlnin . CetUrSU&ew xork very- there's lots.of ui going to take we 11- move in a 20-.it II SOUTH The Rcprelcntattve Industrial Paper of the pbtitirg Pps ieitrtHy,'u.ni ,; , ; ; '-Hnkou for asking my advice 'Serena Sloo,' saia little iss Jems,lou luesuicci, u iss jeins, . 11 was exr indigtianUy, 'you ought to be asham- ceedingly kind of you," said the lover, cd . of yourself And then imagine, in with -assumed . sterness. "And your addition to tlie pretty facl a wee fi&- grandmother, from whom Vou are so u re, not jVery slehdefo'the'crtntrlauxioUs to conceal your change of ci yy, detightful)yiiplunipTnwith No. 1 1 cumstanccs, nd who cpmes fm a feet ami No. 5 hands,, and i'm.uf wlilesalefamilyas sire has . frequently iMftment dfniir State hiudicraft. Fuicii Aleck VVilnkrliuth4tvttonLMiilder Ifectionery on a very limited scale for t.50 peryea, - f . v i meftiorfer 5bSri andoleoerosseiamuimeutT ' . , ywnrepkd little Miss Jems, oddiug her. head cheerfully and smil the steak-fwic u. thick as the ditl the I iiigt. .brightly. 'Grandmamma has ADDRESS al once. EDWARD A. OLDHAH. Editof and Projretor V ilmingtoji, N. C. c. 1 tenderrornJraud aVtiif'haifdedtto hist heard me say over and over again I'd I customer he winked slvK amL said.lilke to" keeb ' a 1 candy shop'. ' And I rasVshe tiZZrd"' I&m oou couviuce her tbat my happi- HOUSE AND LOT f -Aleclp frowned ipon him and left uess depends on starting one at once, llbe It would never do her head- being I won ti nrrifo t n 1 t. m T lwru i ti a flrisn niimirnt rimp:n ipi iiPr Enow 1 X lea tliere wiuiilin oe'duLiyiM that am obligtd tS!doso--"f " p ,e ia Vicihityr'r I 'fT' ;" ' 1 wWliichjror;are rtot Interpolated sell little 'Mjilwejilikr mo- Mr. WiImarUn.il ZC - rtt I i niHiAfraild nim-ei Ihtursr fr. io tell I 41 For if 1 d id. she'd beirin. dear old FOR SAIiEt Having detennined to make our lion Winston, X.fc., we hare concluded to our Home aid Lot in the great West Wn ot Saha)uryN. a . House Jias 8 rooms, a I tj honest truth, their affection for soul, t prepare fur the pooihonse im than mediately', I - . "wi iiiucjmu. a &uvii luucu nuu on- V. -, ' ----- - - , 1 1 . hte.nthelol In the best nei2hlrhiKd usually exists uetweeivpareiil anal "Ana wnen are you going u marry meT asired Aleck. ' wAs soon as I have Droved . . i I o i I - luers. roiunner panicuiars see Jicssrs D. A. Goodiaau, S. W. Colror B. F. Fratej, wxb r ami uiruiia a u a liic iiiiui c icwaaw a a w em Oninflmanima wis there too.iu her I last week should be able to do.71 n.iltinl o.a iMI twnL-in.r-ylltfiif Iv i ' A ttfl lltfUil BllOflUl fkllT. io;noi. . I TUB' ;' " - --'--r MIHIild STOCK REGISTER 'I ' - AND .;: .. JOURNAL of FINANCE Gives the rllue and correct ratings of over 1 8,000 Miring Companies and tne IfATESlf MINING INFORMATION, Including tiridcnds. Assescmenis, "Lottai and lfivht$ Stock Sales for each week, np tvWithfn 2 hours of publication, &c. f For Sale by all News Dealers. -tiPTioN, 16 per year. humming softly . to , herself, jin the whitest of white caps, adorned with the flu ted est of fluted, ruffles, with a ball of yarn and half-Snished stmjk- ing, which sue was rapiuiy uuismng, in uer oiacK anuica cap. aiiu wnne little Miss Jems was thinking so hanl 'lu tlie bright - lexicon of youth there's, no such word'as fall-n quoted litUe'MJss'Jeras. . '17 ' , ' .' .Jxeu are mistaken ; 2KicJieliue was mistaken ; there is' persisteil the lov- -"on the iat pageot tne boot;." JWe!fthen, it i iail, Vlt Wryjyorf that three wrinkles were plainly dis-1 all the same. And nowjou may-kiss rpmkblti on her fair brow: kamebodv I me once, and then run awavrfor since came whistliucr up tlie front steps. 1 weliayeidecfdidl what Is liest to be Miss Jems sprang from her seat, ran I done, ! must sot about. doipg it with to the door, opened it,' seized the I out delay.- AiiUXIKi3 Single Cop 45 cents. Special detailed I whistler by the hand and drew IrihiT ul hve dliderfnechoed MrrWjl- -.a," I1 urm,"-:u-, T-: into the dining-room. s .imartuf jaml maitipvyNag one oytaix, The Flalaelal and Mlalogr P. Co., ? r'-l Pfoadway,5Nw Yoik Ciiyi WANTED. Oniori : enniss' Dnij Store. Grandmamuin is in the parlor,' -he I lie kissed littkMiaJeuis accorili ugly said, 'and she knows nothing about ami rushed around thelcorner to i anu, uou UJJ1J HoWff6SH CvklR by MiiCii-'Tlie fol pUultCnttOu I '""."b ra '"winm uj 11 'Vii iutw cu ?? l..rof ttttfrtt of French pretc, rmtHX ui. . . ' roi wooii a i:it ia 1 iar?er intn rue niece i 01 4., '.! - : .1.1 cm I I ' 'r t j n "-:iney you desire to send.' ' Aficr iiMert imr KCHM0VD,.y Jan. .lo.-Campgtoi, lhe 2ciyhuit ore seeutera thi piece ot' liastervin, , cuuimuwuui . iucituuuib i of boaru over the hole and you have .safe and lanro dealers of tobacco, of this cltyi I envelope to send in tbelnail.- A one and atfprcf: will make a hole lae silyerdolh-rr a oneand a uuaner at f I5,uw, asseu noi siaieo, oui, it h . ,f -A A nnfi . ; f(ir . ittle Miss. Jems, with the step-daugh- dd they .wiUaxJcents on the dollar. quaterf a d9lfar; ( By lring Jhefehs ter of her fathers uncle. aewe - fCWb tmti: befoWlTit f to theoiiultien .rtneir , atrairs,, except rir" iTm" jackandwhenhe stepped from die dwUy to creditors. , f) , M , J Qr paic'-.cnougU'o keep them from moving. carriage a crowiLof children; evijenl- . ?r ... . ".-P ........ AT er addressing the Tx, put jour address y in the very-lmjhest glee, laughing When the devil issick " etc J!" ;r u: " and singyig snd slmuting, their jiands fore Gambetta s death France spit up-1 found, it carf be i returned to the sender ii . i f I . i t i i ,i.; I trivia Jxl V. Lifc .- ull ot tiaiier parcels, came pourini; I ohthe churclu row the cliurcn is out of the little1 shop. She glanced in 1 begged to pray Tor Frauce. Arao the. window, as sue opened tne uoor-; j Observer. not oneauimal of the ?rhoie menager- ie remained.rBUo looked at tbeshefves when she entered the glass jars, lessl suarklinsr than wneYi she leftt werei a empty. Her eyes fell oil the counter; not a bit of ta3y or.oidffasuioiieU mo lasses candy clung to the pans. . i Whv, grandmamma, sheened, her i. . i . i- i . : i. :r. : w 1 1 u i c laeu ueaiiiiiig wiim Bii.iaitt;hiiii A youpg man while out searching for hU father pig, accosUd an Irishniap ak folfsws; "Have vou seen a stray 'pig about here'rrPai respond: how could I tell .a strawy ( pijr fro SATE MOM! SAYE HOHEY ! from any, Ha vine, withdrawn4 all agencies and placed our busineisa on a strictly cash ba sis, tfiereby -saviHg Agent's Cmiuisslons and losses by -bod debta, we are enabled tu sell oarwejl known FertU users, vlx i . L uiinuciiiui. .-..r . t v . .. --r l fin - ha. in Congress give uo hope of considerate f TOeox; Gibbs ft Go's Saper ihoapb&e. about the tat redue-1 diicct to Men hants and Fanners at rry peratively demanded by the I price, by the stable Ton, Car-Load, or ntorpata if the wtiole Tjer qmmnijj W mw u. ever sold anything in all your life be- LAIintl- ir aBTthinff la done it is likely m f9r Pf0- fore,' n i sIaa in with hauhazard IV Vwr mm- j A rashness with which boggier, in legists tia always indulge in uuder the spar of a popular uemauu A man- named Sowers, of Clarks conn . . . a M N:iy.. ntired the National lan. ot what a business you have done, to be ttcdon In bringing -sure! The money drawer must be impemtlvt nearly full, Aud; I don't believe you wl0ie business in ftr- wmvsMIthdeSl, AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OP R. H. Crawf ord'of the firm of , R. n: cnA7FdRn;a, cp0 , fiVe. are now prepared to supply our' customers with all kinds' of : AGRICULTURAL WllENTS 1 'Sold ?' repealed the dear old lady. her smiles of welcome fading. Vere the things to be sold on Christmas idjfyeji weVe pnly keep ing store fur tun 7 I had at it in my heart to take the little ones7 pennies. Wilcox, Glbbs 1 Co. Charleston,' S. C-i or Savannah, Ga. ' II ltoiy of Itowan County uiir j.nraru " iristma. says they, so preti Commerce, tn IMiiladelphla, on Satan ay. Copies f this ttia may be n -i?- hi: id ' ' 5- I .w - -.ir-ft ft.r .aiJ-Otk While he I had of T. F. Klcttz, Theo. liEun.t;ji .eip yorive, aayo a. i - - -- mt er at the Watwimaw Office. . h i MJ I - . Ai4li. mnnov A. trail "PT I (DAS Merry Ch tilv : and . . J . . .T . I . . .. .1 .l..llTI.F And I never see such a lot of children was counung ui u j ow.... in did helii tl.emlv ia all iw life I called his attention to BOta laying on before.' , V i I the floor, and as Mr. Sowers stooped to Goodness gracious sakes alive T pick it np another man appeared at ms exclaimed .little Miss Jems; 'what other elbow? giiiOiea a Pne o. u .UI f dn nn? T hnrpn'i Another 1 anieuntiuc to $998, and disappeared ft9Mft). . k W 0W W , a w w ; t dollar in all the wide world I' I arouud the comer. .-m.-r ii . - 1 . I . ' lou II nnve to marry me rigni on, r . t- WAtef iu .he pUi,a reservoirs has boon impure and offensive to tlie taste. Uu duturuay n . .1 Ark. tA tuirl' m:H report P"" - grwt, j. of mooej .ad niio., tribonn, ib. 1 lust Have It. of ' tne water oi iiw . ocwuj to Ut gaa wovfc at Manauynk, No- listown, ami to the paper ; milta at various points, and to tlie , sewage ih.t (Iihm int. the river from all tlie hadteachintiramlmamma the prices I u . . ." ,, , " of things this niortiim: ! And papa's r : Ignorance is bliss ; A couutry cous- unclc such an old 1 gruSy" as he' is lt found- himself seated "al'one of our -wnntfHi me to send her to somechar- I hotel tables, prooauiy lor tne nrst itabirfnstitution to bo taken care of; time, atid the table' girli desirobs of Raid he'd take care of me if I would. I ascertaining the extent to' whidi he XOU II II1VC IU IIIUVIT UJ iigmuu, ig?omo femfrabe' !r promise' e idamanlv voice; and a pair of . ' " nfrimAl vi anl v arms encircled her. ' I lie wed ding ring is in mv pocket.' " . I aUtlOla Jfemfiitcwsing cherhat in one comer and her cloak in an other; burst 4-tto a wild fit of laughter. 'Oh, dear ! I shall die--I kftbw'I shall L i lt's tiio-T-too too, fumiy ?' she Grasped. . A der ail the trouble I .--. 1 . Cash is jy Mb. TTuvlntr determined to sdont the CaSU tstem from the lst of Decemoer,I would respectfully request all those who are In debted to me on account, or mnerwia anu for Guano to call in and tUU, as I am I shall in future sell strictly for Cash or Barter, atby thirmeans I will be better able to give my mends ana customers sa the mouey. cl.ll Of nmirse not. mv dear.' said Aleck 'a-waiU:i.for the uojs I Wilmartin, liTUug . lier Jightly t aad 44hetorewas IlLreCatock- willing. she! half fimshetl bnilding, lietore which 'j iii.irAdnW tvfi.-iciiiM ivpr ion not nor. seating Jier iijwn the dkiiBgabIe to jed, and thermtuwiwuriiisue4 exation. v -s-.l WJJ'? her ereat vexation Take me down. I won't be treat- cotta ed this way, you great rude thing until a uew tenant took possession she cried, crimson with rage. Take! and every thing was in apple-pie f- Uer when it waspe'leuollulsllIla, '-i3.:,ori: S Mnni. Tfinirc04 me down this instant ' And the wav der when it was ope she stampeu ner toot sne was always 1 eve.. 11 uauv"- ,wimm, MBooJiiftr-JMf.'Jntj.': l.m pow ieceifing,a. nVeaud fiesh JoW : r.tn frthe.. Christmas Holidays. myself, and so I 'told preferred his .teak cooked, propound- lTCall and-see mystock befimr yeu thousand imes rath'er ed the question of "how do you like VTiot ot , r!;oMrlo!i, dear! itr Of course there wasn't any smil- nn A AKAnAn : - COCOAHUTS In addition to. the-- ' i t. Heat Selected Stock of S H A "T ilili'W .1 (tl 4VNilstHtnTidle FUSE and a full line or Mfnihg SnnfiTies. 0 We will t-ar Duplicate Any Prices in T . tKa State. -CALL AND SEE US.' W.8.BLlCUaV, Oct. 5, 1882. SirLTAYLf. J n i' . 50: ly tr.il I'd like to see him. 'I'd led t.jt t k- -J-a store said Aleck why dai!t you stop laughing, and whjr -don'l-j-ybu--raake-irae-r6top laughing ? (Was lliere ever any ihing soridiculoua,? Did Vou ever. $inceyott were bbrn hear of a business begun anreudett iu three tioursi TwasSliort and sweet, like little tfierot was to remafiHhlre'Hliss Jemsslud Alcclrf BrGeorge! litre's three epermint drops leit : Oueforyou, one for grand mot hef and o.e-for iiie. ; Keep your mouth oen and shut your eyes, rigeou. liar- . tir w 9 y mm . ..n.. h -.Aa at . & . k v aoi a a. n o u iii'aun icawu an bimib 1 w - 1111c . n iniiiin biivi r h v 1 OU If. at 1 ' stampiuing'her fK)t about ometiiing not a very large one at that, but little W' Wceh VVtCicn l rti or other) when ouce inoreiHi the flor Miss Jems hadmaue ,.thc ra'it ot. it. 1 1 " iwfejWor ililX iNlOO UrEff OlOrO. I it" a "wonder that the heel didu't fly Cats, dogs, r;onkey, elephants, horses, 1 1earlv GfiMQ l:tf;t 'off the 'dainty slipcr. 1 waut to talk '-juwsf lambs, lion, tigers in fact, a nati.HiaUtjei 1-" '" ' ,- " - --'..'.'.--:".r - I ; ?. - . ing AroiiiMUluit .Jhoard mCthe an- an nie ,iiu- fus- nwer .was returneir wun rateillOft . UuililJ II ! or otherV when oucb more iHi the flKr Miss Jems haunaue tne moi oi. 11. 1 pIMfeHWtr vivchow. of Beilin. uwna - . ..-ft -.a ' - Cats, dogs, r;uukey,elepltanl8, norses, ' nearly 0,000 hmuau skulls of all ages aud ) ciavs, lambs, lion!, tigers intact, a nau.iuiUtes j Raleigh Aevt-OUervefi : Charlotte has done a handsome thing in requir ing alirgatetb )pp.in wards and not outwards towards the sidewalks. Thus one nuisance will be removed. I 3y-thc-uay, a very large number of the yards at Charlotte have no fences, as they are npt needed owing to tlie ad mirable ' law keeping ? up cattle. The sight of the- prctty yanls thus uiieiiclosed 'impresses a visitor greatly. r 1 A5D' 1PPLES" 03f nA5D. All Kind of Country Produce Taken U Exchange for Good. 1 ; WAN T E D, FCRS, SKINS. WAX, RAGS, BEEF HIDES. SHEEP SKINS, BUTTER, ECJGS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS. GEESE, AND DUCKS, ETtr. ETC. J J. U. uGIIEELY. 1 7:1m I -hj iff' m avBI B m .. r mm . . ..j w : R t -t Lf04 P. f?ffl)& booi ore rS. SHOcS A CilTFDR 1 ri.:irt r; fen All H ort Hit-t t ii vnn i,-v a . peileDce. All Mateilal ot tiic Usl tiuueJau ivc i done In the lateta mv len x lfendy ninde wori nlwas oa l and'-Tlensl ir neatly and protmrfty flow. ov hv miillit i. ly mied. "Wxm.. X. TSaSxc, 5Wy. Ai.WtlV..N.tf 1 -