ThefcaroIinaWatcknan, i j -rim TOUTED IN Tllli -1JSAH 1832. "a jji' r If irice fi.&o i IN ADVANCE., i La Invalids, br&ten down in health and spir its b ehronC dyspepsia, or Buffering from the Serriblif exhaustion that follows the ftttao"k of aiiute disease, the testimony of thouitinds ; ho Bave beeu ' raised a by.-mti-acle : from a similar state of pros-j tratiap by Ulostctter 'a Stomach Bitters,! : '' ijg aTsnre jrnaranlee that by the same, mean you, fo, may be strengthened and : salelby ail Pnitrgista and- Dealer' ' f generally. U ii 4 i.r ROOTS.: SHOS A GAITERS, made U OfJerAUTiv ort first JlaSH iieventeen Years F.x ' nertence. ill M:c: i il of the best grade, and wort donetnthelatestrKtylea -c Keidy ni Blevdrk always on hand Repairing niiiiy au.l Jiouipiiyjione. ona. rs nv maijurompf L ELiOIIittAUOE HAVfr& PURCHASED 1 I THE WM SMITHDEAL, AS Wi,iaS THE INTEREST OF R. Grajvvford, . of tlie firm of R-r (Irawforb a co., 1 n,fnlAV 'prepared to Supply our eutoineiwh all kiaids of t la addition to the lies Selected Stock f W ABE in the S T A T p. - g"Ve alao handle Rifle ate Blasting Powder FUSE - and a f'f1! !ne of Mining Supplies. "9 We will Uaplic&te Any Prices in ! - . . l tho State. 0ALL nd SKE,US. . In 03 ' jy9iie; I : s ; t - -s. . . 1 ' ' flL It. OF " "' iGRICi SA3L'ITAYLfR. -00;ly Senate and House. Tittth . V"" in Tariff.. j Haskell, of" Kausas, moved; to strike on tithe word el oven, and in all cases of j doubt as to the classification for the duty jof flao imported article, audi article shall i be classified at tho hiahest raite of dnrr. I - j ' Agreed to. v..:, T": j'tljhii provision was put in the bill thro' a clerical error. , . j - i - Uu motion of Morrison, of Illinois, the tcwiuBo icpcauiiz sec i ion 3 w una zjus 1- ... sod statutes, was inserted in this part he bill instead of iu the concluding sectioiis as proposed, by the com iu it tee. (Tljese aro the sections for tin tiesiu com missions and oliarges.) . "j.V'M J1 W hiteyof Keutuckj, offered aaaoieiid tueot providiug that tipon , tlie re -importation of, articles, the growth, product or majinfacture of the United States, upon whjch no internal tax has been assessed or taid, there shidl be levied collected and paid a duty double instead of equal as provided by the bill to the tax i an pos ed, jj internal revenue Jawa upoia such artCcles. Ho said that the provision of the bill vras an attempt which jr en t far to conrinee hi an of the truth mi tho state-? mept made tu- tlia floor, last j year ;that there seemed to be an understanditag be tween some special tariff men'aud aoane Rpecial wJaiskey mou, which tras doing udjbehefit to. this Country and a good deal less to tlae Republican party, j He clial- lenjgcd a cfcnial of his- assertion that iu was an attempt to do by indirection what J could not be done in a straight forward way. The bonded extension bill had beeu slipped through tho Iloase iu j a f method Mruicla was infamous. Then the' discus sion braucljedoft' from the question of the i-Jiip - ' , 1 i " - ' " - laiiu. ana was auuresseu io raie question of pe whiskey tax. ;f VrhittiJa-aniendineutwas los 15 to 130, paragraph and tho consideration of thia WjB passed from - Cox of 'New Y prk , effered an a mend - mdrat for; tlie importation of strips Under a tluty f J20 per cenj adyalorem, pend- bi; which the committee rose, and .the llouso'thcivat 5.20'ty. in. adjwruod. ) : T j ; - tt, TllREIf RUXAWAV, HtSBANDS.-j The Stel CnkttlmeiithisuiiV, has been exercised the past few days orcr the unaccountable disappearance of three men of that towuship, all of "whonl left fami lies Inhind them, besides a lot of unpaid de!bt. Messrs. E1 Crowell, Samuel Citowell and Anderson Brown are the men aud thev all left last week without givingJi wordluf wamiug or stating thfh intentions. The first named wrote a let ter honiH from Pulaski, Florida, but since then nothing lr known of his movements The other two hieti have not been laeaid from at all All three were most respect ably connected aud yere iu good stan'd- ing with their fellowmen. What motive they could have had for thus decamping is not known. Their wives and families are in great distress about them, and in the meantime their property has been levied upou to secure their debts. Char. Observer. .-Long visits, long stories, long essays, long exhortations and long prayer sel dom profit those who have to do with them. Life is short. Momeuts arc pro cious. Learn to condense, abridge" and intensify, f We cau bear things that are dull if they are only short. Wo can en dure many an ache and ill if it is over soon, while eveu pleasures grow insipid and pain intolerable if they are-protract- ed beyond the limits of reason and con venience. Learn to be short. Lop off branches ; stick to the main facts in your case. If j'on pray ask for what you would receive and get through. If yon speak, tell vour message and hold your peace boil dowu two words into one, and three into two. '' Always learn to be short. A little incident. Illustrative of the attachment that formerly I existed and still exists between the old Southern ser vant and his master, was witnessed on tlm Iavm THstflNliir. On the arrival of ono of the packets from Baton Kouge Gov. S. D. McEnery was seen descending tho stago-plank leading an! aged negTO with one hand and carrying bis carpet sack in tho other. The incident attrac ted the attention of a reporter, who dis covered that the old man had formerly belonged tothe McEnery family and vras blind. Thji Governor was! leading the faithful old servitor, who had probably directed his young master's footsteps fin early childhood. New Democrat. Orleans Timta- The T6t Pistol. The toy pistol kill ed fonr6y8 in Tenuessee. It' generally costs froin$800 to $3,1000 to raise a bly to tlae toy-pistol age, and the chances are that if this infernal plaything is continu ed in hse the investment) will turn out a dead loss, to say nothing of the undertaker's bill. One of j them ough not to be allowed iu the country and evf ery man who sells one of thpm should be indicted for.assault witbjnteut - to mur der and made to answer before the court. In several States bil, have; been Jutro-. duced excluding beth the manufacture and the sale. It wonld be wise If such ft law waVeuforced throughout every state iu the Union. . ' - s j Tho Coiuagc of SiUcr. Tint tnf r c..' r..i I.-.;,? t.A. 2 uw iviivi vi uciiciui J. uiri mill uo". fore tho House of Representatives yester day, in reference to the immense accu-" tuulation of silver coin, winch th gov-" ernmcnt is helpless to put in circulation ought to lie' sufficient to I conyhace ! the most obdurate that it is time to discon tinue the coinage of silver. In the last ; four yeara it has cost the government ' over $105,000 merely to. build vaults to store its surplus silver; $8,203 of this amount was expended to build a vault in the sub-treasury at Baltimore,! and this vault, and the .others which have been built at New York; San Franci&co and aud PhiladetnTiia are filled to their ut most capacity. Thirty-five handled tons of silver, lhorfe than $120,000,000 is uow pit hand, ami it) doe& not scetu that any method caiiibef devised to ccf rid of it, unless the plan imitated out iu a petition which was presented iu tho Senate some years siuce by Mr. Howe, now the post master General, be followed. The peti tion, which' came from Iowa, asked that there be paid out from the treasury a dol- ar a week to every man wman and Child iii the country. The adoption of this plan would empty the treasury of all its silver in about three weeks, aiad it would be just as sensible as to continue silver coinage. Wash. Cor. J3altiniore tfMtt. The New .York Sun of day before jes- terday very. plainly intimates that some f the Northern Senators got drunk du ring tlae tarilf debate on Monday evening. The &um, in a doubld-leaded paragraph, says : If night sessions of the Scunto are to be adapted at "Wash inert on for the re inaiaider of this Congress, they ishould be ojH-aied with a proper exhortation on tlae Maine law. I ho nm experiment on Monday evening last hud at least one cheerful sign iu proving that sectional ism hud goue out from this body, nud. that chivalry was national. If auvthiug our Southern brethren were quite out shone on that occasion by Northern pro fessors of temperance aud reform. legislation on whiskey is apt to mix things at tunes,' but", it is . not f usual lor the duties on wire fencing and rods to upset brains' in the lanilto? steady ha Wis. Salisbury Cor. Charlotte Journal.'' Everybody get rnady to grossly in sult every body else. Valeutiue's clay is close at hand, and those vulgar, wit less, idiotic libels that give evidence of vour own skulkiiiir. skuukv disno- anion may oe nan. xaowever, inose oi us wlio desire to conduct -ourselves with becoming decency, and preserve ourseli-resiiect, and who wish to send graceful eoiunliiucnts to friends, can 6ml them ranging in price, from those that would forever ruin a ten-dollar kill, to easy Teach of the impecunious copper cent, at the usual places. ' Three times three, audi oue time more for our Mayor and the Patras Consc'ipti. for they have takeu the charier fully in haml and our bonds will Joe placed on the market. Hence- 'as a forth the blue crane will pass over on his way to llaleigh, and the mourn ful cry of the lonely bittern will no longer swell in dolorous echoes thro our streets. And that old Dodo, the water works, will possibly have a re cumbent JNeptune in bronze placed oyer its cavernous mouth. ' Iu other Words, the spirit of public improve ment has struck us. instead of the dog-fenuel, and we are goiug in for a spriug clean. j Richard Skahan, sometime answer ing to the sobriquet of John Kelly, has moved his family to Asheyille, where he will take charge of the bus iucss establishment of Hallyburtou & Co. ' VVe will miss Dick j at the ap proaching Mayor's election,as he knew more about the registration books than any other living man, and at the polls if there was a weak spot 'about the ballot, his challenge was a certainty. We can recommend him to the Dem ocrats in his new home as the best worker we ever saw. . ----- 1 A woman" named Catherine Bcrner soii, shot and killed a littlo girl nam ed Maggie Carlette, aged 12 years, in Philadelphia, on Wetlncsday evening, because she aunoyed her by plajiug in the street near her house. Accor ding to Stalwart logic this- makes all the .people of Philadelphia lawless serai-barbarians, whose Wives and daughters use the pistol upon any poor little child A who"; happens to annoy them by u u pleasanjtnoiscs. Charlotte Journal. i - J JWasiiingtox, Feb. 1. The secretsiry of the treasury; to-dayfissned a call for the redemption bonds of. tho live percent, funded loan of 1881 coutihued at 3f per cent. Tlie call" is for $I5J000,000 and notice is given that the principal and ac cruediuterest will be paid .'at! the treasu ry on the first of Hay next" aud interest cease that day. 1 - A snow-storm prevailed in Minnesota Titcsday wiaWi at? the latest advices, had not abated., .All, 5 rain on? t,,e Northwestern linea were b1ocked.No passenger, trains arrived at St. Paul jea teiday, and but a "fcw sent out. 1 Bride For a Sight. A dispatch from Halifax. Court House Va uatea January, T M Ant in. j nmanmna vnnnrr Jir. JameS.UUinne,! prwspcrwua young W .1 farmer, was married o Miss Hulda Martin. A Urtrc company was present at the wed-: - j - - amg, wnicn wns Boiemmw-u v iuc u-mucuw . . 1 1 ""V A 1 J 4. 1 er the guests remained at .the mansion all niuht. This morning; when they had ; as- e T . C? ; rT w ;i - semuicu at ine uruniwiuai. tauiu. ii wav ic- t marked that the bride and groom . were late in Coming. Suddenly the shrieks of a Woman were heard, and the startled guests.. hastened into the hall, where they met the bride "of a night, who cried: My husband! or tup trial but that Is only a small pcrcen Oh, my hnsbandl When she awoke this taSeof w-bai they got out of the Treasury, moming.she found her husband tlead by her side. ! She is almost insane from grief. A . Sklectino a Wifk.- Who marries for j uyc I a iv ca a nnu turn i iw v ivuuuv takes a mistress; who marries for position;. . . . t w. .. - . . , , , , r ; tariff reform in the abstract. When it takes a lady, You are loved by your wife ICUIUU T J VIA UIIOIIL9A IVIVldbVM VJ JVUS ady. You have a wife for yourself, a mis- tress for your house and friends, a lady for it , , , . . tt t .,, the world and society. Your wife will . . , (in with vmi vntir misfrnw will rnl( vnn " , 4 . L -v 1 .,, your lauy win manage jou. . lourwuc hiu take care of your household, ypur mistress of your house, your lady of appearances. If you are sick your wife will nurse you, j your mistress will visit you, your lady will nquire after yeur health. Yontakc a walk with your wife, a ride with your mistress, and go to a party with your lady. Your wife will share your grief, your mistress your money, your lady your debts. If your are dead your wife will weep, your mistress will lament, and your lady wear mourning. Which will you have. about the tariff The latest we have seen . .. . . i . 1 a reduction not reported in our telegraphic cnlumns, is the following from the Kich- mondfe' letter from Washington. It says: r - J "Mr. Beck and the other opponents ! of the Finance Comniittee'a Tarilf bill, were jubilant yesterday over the action of the Senate pu the metals schedule. AiUeU by j Ingalls. Van Wyck and McDill they beat the extreme protectionists on the general result of the struglcv . Vance tried, but faie- eu, to reduce tue uuiy on railway oars. ,xie tion on steel rails from $17,92 U $15,68 per wu T l,tt,fcr. 1U u?''u r 1 tne Morrill bill, the iron and steel men are discouraged attire turn things have taken, and unless they can restore the situ- ation, say they will try to beat the bill," The Democrats are making a good re cord at Washington. They are standing together admirably for a lower tariff and vote ri-'ht -centre shot every time. Nci- ther of the two tariff bills now undergoing discussion can give satisfaction to thecoun- try. They are in some paticularsmuch worses than the existing law which has -been absurd from a to lizard" as the most vil- lianous compound ever prepared for the lips of a free people. We cannot credit that the Republican leaders arc in earnest in their protestations of reform when they offer such unacceptable measures for Con - grcssional action. Neves and Obserwer. Six years ago the Empress of Germany announced that she would thenceforth de- coratc with a coldcn cniss every temale servant who had passed foity years of her life in the same family. An official list, pub- liahedSwith the beirinninz of the present year, shows that the receipts of this royal favor number far 893. This is a result 1- n Atltat nmint rw in tliol world could show.- In the United States iastancs of such relations existing for ten years Ure almost phenomenal. - Thi ,!, Ohserver makes the following sensible suggestion: "The drug gists, we think, ought to move on the Leg is ature to require ti'aw i-ciiuui umigwuua islature to require th and poisonous drugs should be kept only to be i AVe in triangular bottles. If anythig is nnno in this matter, now is tne tioie. iibi . ,i j, . i. mi M1i-4M: are sure i iai any itch uin um nni .. .u i ; r u a 1 subiect, mectmi; the approbation of the I ' J . ' , i r -iki. , t si tf-t-t era irnnin i i i iih ui.viijn.LJic u,urS,i"D' "w- consiuerauoii ui me ijcs,,-uc- some excitement on the stock-law question in ailjoining counties. They have-failed ou some of their hobbies in the past, ana as a last resort the attempt to prejuaice . a 1 . people against a decisive step ot progress is made simplo for political effect. Daily Journal. . t:1i i f-f . Ktrv Fnirer de- , i.i!. M..r . tw w wt M. mi a. il. i 1 1 i. i . . J . . r - tu.ivnu will know much more about it niCKie. li s so near ine Bii wi 4""" and looks so bright and silvery, that the iI.srf Ammm An n,l thpv are trenerallv i . . : , , .. . , ..t-i r..i near-signieu, iai tu ucicvu. r ' . . ly pliced in the collection plate. 3 v t r. A dispatch from Matamoras, Mex says party of bandits,! lea ny jesus uanacar, were attacked Sunday near Juan,"1 Jalisco, by rural sddiers i under Captain Lemon. The bandits were defeated, losing eleven killed.; Six soldiers were killed, including a brother of Captain Lemon. , , ; - Sdnset Cox made some very smooth remarks in aronniugdebate on the castor oil tariff a day or two ago, which seemed to operate well on the House. Charlotte Journal. It, is hoicd that jtlrc workr'of the Tariff Commison isveweI with pride by the honorable iomtoissimierV themselves. No body else has a good word for it. Wash. Pvst, Dem. 1 ? j A snow-slide started from the summit or Kuby, Peak, Colorado, on Monday ru,Lea down wl'tl UmM oc tQ rf , in ,. ... l - , R . fi. . f . a HjiW1m1 TT..i t... W -mmm-mr " M S- lirlUU n ijumjb u uio uurangD mines, iign mines. Elcht . , Mr,- . Anirt ! One Was dead1 when' taken but. - ana two others are not PTtrarml tn iWnt-. " is annouccu as though it was a Rrent j uarasuip, mat tne btar ltoute rtctentlnts, Brady, Dorsey and Vaile have had to pay oat more than $75,000 each in the course . wuinj; i,i nie present ouuook iney I woutd be glad to refund it all to keep out of the penitentiary. -Wil Star. i Piladelpkia Record; Senator Vest, of mt i 1 comes to zinc, which isau infaut"indus- g . - - ; . . t , f . s , ; . . J. . , . full of his kiud of? tariff reformers, 'and t, . it ... ? tliat is the reason why the prospect of a i . 14 T 'sub&tautial reduction of duties in the! in terejt of taxpayers is so small, i j The failures in the United States; are steadily increasing. For the week ending November 11, 1882, the number of failures was 149. They had even fallen to some 118 in another week. Last M eek they; had risen to 274. If something Of these 73 were in the South i i then) .failures are no sign. WiL Star. " , That a very large Asbestos mini; has bten opened in Burke county by a North ern company. -That another com pa- J f Northern men have opensd Svipro- uutuic uiiusiai uiiuv. muui 111111 i.mcy . ,. , , ? i - . , , . T T U4 buc" "i" f boom. Dailv Journal. , , , .... - 1 . : P ' A number of persons in this countyihave tried the eineriment this season ffdiinrWMt . -U-itrf frnm f5nAnci..kmr,-rt-SStofint & . . . , . In eyerycaseithaS proved an anfortunatstep j for the debtor and a feodd,heforthe creditor, as all their projpertjFleftlwhiita has . . eintiori8in .ttwdimenL' The Wilmington StarAa a well consider-1 d Article on the rcclamat on of our n - swamp lands, concludes thus: "In no other State but North Carolina would 296.000 acres of the richest lands on ine comment nave reinniocu ; long unreclaimed.11 The committee en agriculture of the Massachusetts Legislature has under con sideration the offer of a bounty for the desjt ruction of the English sparrow. It is asserted that nearly half of last year's apple crop iu Massachusetts was destroy J ed by sparrows. J Greensboro Patriot: An Iredell firmer, assisted by two mules and one hand made last year 21 bales of cotton, averaging 450 pounds to the bale, 375 bushels of corn, a j fine crop of oats and a plenty of wheat to 1 Jo him Advice to a Young Man, ' I think my boy, that just about your age is tlie time lor you to icarn I what you are good for. And when you have found oute what it is, go at it. I want to see you at work. "I have no secret," said Turner, the I great painter, but hard work Vir liinr ' eu!d T t mi I tai ti is nn- j-possible to nan who can will. This I isjthe only law of success. j'There is but one method,! isays SSY Smith, "and that wi hard 1"The dilference between one man and another.' said Uf. Arnold, "is - a v a It . . it not so much in talent as in energ "VbA" . , " w ' . Ani ya 'rect yur enefgy m one channel.. Don't be diffusive in . .... . . , your work. 1 here is power in coucen- - . . . ... , tration. A handful of powder scatter- , . . , , r . A , ed on the groaud make a great smoke I niliaii Kmut lwi iwitliincr liwird I t ia " . I r. : , i. blast of a gun-barrel that counts for I gomethintr when it goes oil. It you I are a lawyer, a physician, or a' car- peuter, and make up . yonr 'rnind a j w . . . T i yOU w,u know as much abput 1 0Iie particular line or branch or spe- j Ca1ty of your profession or trade, you do well. Because, if ytu know as much on auy point as any other man I ftiiroW m the heavens are above -us. . .u...w.t - ' . , i . i i . than thousands, ana mmcaurau.y more tnail millious wi uuier u.,nuv. Itlua makes vou an authority. - - . . . i I , T- .n.l.::na na vmi will hilt llO . . V ' i i- 1 I '.i.::. : -rtmo HinMlir flirwtion. a I y make any sphere of labor I liouorable. A good honest, earnest mm rin slmvel sand with credit to himself and profit to his employer, and honor to his country. Many a trood blacksmith and harness maker p -ii i i i r i... have been spoil eti oy ecooi ui ww and medical colleges; and let me tell yon, Telemachus, right j here, that so ciety, your country, humanity and God need good carpenters, and shoe makers and stone cutters aud j farm liAnilfl. more than poor doctors and nLp nrAardipra and uoor editors. If yau have to choose between a poor lawyer aud a good deck-l a id be a good deck-hand every time. 'TCTtV ForDrspepsla, Co.tlv.n.,.. Sick lleadaclM, Chroaic Dluw i-ltnca. Jaundice, - Ittiari(y of. tb CIimmI, Fever aad : Airae. Malaria. antl a.U Dlaeaaes rangement of liver, UuweU aud IOdher. " STJTPTOMS OF A DISKASm X.TTER." j Bad Creath; Paia in tlx Side, sometimes the . poia is iclt under the Sbnulder-Uadc, mistakes for Kncumausia ; rawral Iks of appetite; Bowels SaterailT cosavc. sMatiincs ahenuuinc with Ui the head is trw.Uol wilh pran, H dull sad heaTy, - wiih coiKKlcraUc loss of mcnuwy, accompanied "7? ? painful sensati. n oflcavia, uuilone tomethinc f T Of ?5hJt a 113 rc bee a riglt. dry cough 4 and flushed (ace is sometimes an attendant, often ; mistakes for consumption; the patient complains oT wearims and debility: nervous. easily startled; leet cold or, sometimes a prickly sgnsntioa of the slua exists; spirits are low and despoadcat, and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene- ' fictal, yet one can hardly suaimoa up fortitude to ' try fc-iaJact, distrusts every remoiy. Several . of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but tew of them existed, yet examination after death havihowu the Liver to . have beea cxteosively deranged. It should b used by aU persons, old anA yoang, whenever any of Uio above I syinptomu appear. Person Traveling: or livlnir In TJn bealthy Localitlen, by takiit a d uccasioa. ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid , all Malaria, IUUous attacks, Dixtiness. Nau sea. Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but la no ! toxieatlns; beverage. If Ton have eaten anything hard of , digestion, or fed heavy after meals, or aleep. -leas at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and Doctors Bills will be saved by always keeping the Regulator f In tlie House! , For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly Sale purgaUve, alterative and tonic can -never be out of place. The remedy is harmless and does not Interfere with business or pleasure. IT IS PURELY VEOETABIX And has all the power ami efficacy of Calomel or . Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. . - A Governor's Testimony. - Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my X family for some time, and I m satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Sijortkk, Governor of Ala. lion. Alexander If. Stephens, of Ga.. says : Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. - , "The only Thing that never falls to Kelieve.M I have used many remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to Georgia for it. and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim- ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only thing that never tails to rebcte. P- M. Janmbv, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. TV. Mason aayst From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons liver Regulator ia . my practice I have been and am satified to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. BTake only the Genuine, which always .r has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark t and Signature of J. II. ZEILTJi A CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LEADING DEALERS IN DRY w Block vrLi --. rrrJ I II- li ll ir- II mm II I"" II lit I li i U W ;I is 1 1 il l I" V. U U I III U 11 1 1 V B'A B III I M il II I III I I I I1 IfJI Kl lil AND Large Assortment of Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls- LADIES' HATS MD TRIMMINGS. MEN'S HATS ANDiAPS. BOOTS ARD SHOES A SPECIALTY. We keep tho best made. AGENTS FOR COATS' SPOOT -COTTON. New supply of 5 cent Tin Ware. Full stock of Glass and Table Warer Best Flour. Mrnts, Snirar, ColTce, TEAS. Rice, Potatoes, Canned Fruits, Pure Lard, j Corn, Bran, Meal, New Orleans Molasses and Syrups, &c. Full assortment of Family, Medicines including Quinine. j Occ and three-fourth lbs. Cotton Sacking- at 9 Cents. Wow Tios at. $1.75 ner bundle. Three lb. Cans Tomatoes at 15 cents. I j ' OVEIV-OOATS At $8.60. Boat lO cts. Sucar, try it. Be sure to see our Goods before you buy. We mean to sell you good Good the very lowest prices. !3FVc buy and sell all kinds of Country Produce.! - . 4 W. W. TAYLOR, II. F. ATKINS, 7 KA fPcV Nov. 1,1883. . and D. J. BOSTIAN. . JbAbfll. .. HOOSE AND LOT FOR SALE! Having determined to make our home in Winston, N. C, we have concluded to sell our House and Lot in the great West Ward of Salisbury, N. C. House has 8 rooms, a good kitchen with 3 rooms; well of good water in the yard. A good garden and sta ble n the lot. In the best neighborhood in the city, on the corner of Monroe and Church streets, adjoining J. M. Horah and others. For further oarticulars see Messrs. D. A. Goodman; STAV. Cole or B. F. Fraley. R. F. & M. C. GRAHAM. 10:3m. tiik MINING STOCK REGISTER AND JOURNAL of FINANCE Gives the value and correct ratings of over . 8,000 Hilling Companies and the LATEST MINING INFORMATION, Including Dividends, Assessments, Lowest and Highest Stock Sales for each week, up to within 24 hours of publication, &c. For Sale by all News Dealers. SuBSCHiPTioN, $0 per year. Single Copy 15 cents. Special detailed reports upon any mine furnished. See pa per for terms. Address, The Financial and Mining Pnb. Co., 237 Broadway, New York City. J12:tf WANTED. Onion Sets, at enniss' Dm - sure. SCHOOL BOOKS at COST, at - - 'enniss' Dim Store. Mtil Wanted ! ! The- attention ..fP,. i 1 1- V .. V "- i t u gener al public is called to the fact that ; LIen,,, aFirst e?ass PA311I.Y GRCw - ... , ,u umiMiicr Ci Taylors Hardware, where he will krep a " can jiuiiun sur.HJt r lour, ileal. - Bacon, Salt, Sugar, Coffee. Tea, &c, . Also a fresh and complete stocl: of " C O IV FE C T I p X E R I E S,7 , IP-aad Pancy-CfTCccrics. j ' -Will pay the highest cash prices for But- 1 ter, EgfisChickens, and all saleable coun try products. ' January 18. 1883. ;U:Sm. KATSOfJAL HOTELS SALISBURY, IT. C. - - MllS. ull. REEVES, I ' ''..I Ftarnierly proprietress of this well known House, has again leased it,- and will bo pleased to see her many patrons when ' they visit SalUhury. Jan'y 15, 1883. 14:3m. -1 GEO. A. EAGLE, W. A. MORGAN. 3n 9 oman vs BLAOKSMITHING! AND' Wagon-Making. We are prepared to do any kind of : work at our Shops on Lee Street, (W. M. Barker's Old Stand.) ' - .".r - SALISBURY, K. C. HORSE SHOEING and all .kindsu of. Blacksmithing done promptly and with ex pedition. Repairing of Carriages, Buggies and Wagons done promptly and in first- class style. Painting and finishing of fine work will be done ly W. 31. Barker. All we ask is a trial. Jan. 10, 1883. .' I 13:tf E5ii:oKN or voum ; AOestlemax who willi-ml for yearn from Nervous Debility, Pkkuature Decay, and all the effect of yonthrul ami accretion, will for the sake of suffering hnmaiiily,send free to ' all who neetl -it, the recipand Ureclin for, making the simple remedy bv which he wax ucred. Sufferers wilting to profit lj the nJ TertaHCM exjwraence can ilo so bv addreaingin -perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDES, 20-.Jy - Cedar St-IJew York- GOODS AND GROCERIES I ok Clothing Cash ioj Motto. I: ti. Having determined to adopt' the Ciyr " System from the 1st of December,! wou;) respectfully request, all those who are iiir debted to me on account or otherwise, and ' for Guano .to call in and settle, as 1. am greatly in ned of money and I ( Must Have It. I shall in future sell strictly jfor Casn Barter, as by 'this means I will be belUr '' able to give my friends and customers More Goois For Their- Meney I am now receiving a nice anq fresh lot - Country Produdc . ,: for the - - Christmas Holidays i - Cufl and we icy stock befori yau make your pur hases..FJ --i 1 have a tine lot of C0C0A1TUTS ' e AND APPLES OX JiASIJ. AU K'md of Country Prod-ke Taken if, t, Excliange for Goods. FURS, - 1 SKINS, WAX. I RAGS, BEEF HIDB. S1IEEP SKINS, 13L ITER, EGG 4, CHICKENS, TURK EYS. GEESE AND D U a S, EfC, 1 TO J. D. MOHEELi.. . . - i .... ' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CRAO I UNA WATCHMAN ONLY S1.50PER YEAll. . (DAMffiB -1 n

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