fl(R I IFO TITD W Ql'fe flTO "tfVlrV OL klV.T-THIRDSSRIS SALISBURY. If. C., FEBRUABY 15, 1883. 1 - j . HOlo He (jarolina Watchman, FSTAIlISIIEI) IN THE YEAR 1832. - I frmcK, f 1-00 IN ADVANCE. ."J Invalids, br6ki down in health and spir iU oV ehronie dvspepsis, or suffering from thT ternbl exhaustion that follows the att&ks of acute disease, the testimony of tbotssands who have been raised as by miracle from a similar state of proa trafion by Jfostctter's . Stomach Bitten, is p sure 'guarantee that by the same mpfns von. too, may be strengthened rand restored. . f. : t - ror saie P JSSf8 and , I 1 1 BOOTS. SHaS Sl GAITERS, made to orJr?5-All iV,r Fiistt lass seventeen iars Kx- iM?rl''iGt. tAil Haieii.u 01 the Dt-st graUe, and work do e the lat,rt .tvres KfiiVsfy n ul wx always on hind- Kepalrinc ne.iili nil proiilftT'y me ora- r nv man nromp lyTllim . Sl:li. in. j3l Ii.la tl.!. C a fERft-TATLOB Vim PURCHASED WM. ijSMITHDE AL, AS WELL AS THE INTEREST OF RJR. CravpDrr? nf fA Arm of R. R. GRAWFORD & CO., !e aie-ntiwj'prcpared to supply our tomeis witli all kinds of A iffilCULTORAI) IMPLEMENTS, flu addition to the Nest Selected Stock of 11 A K D V AJU'E in the - . STATE. ' We also handle ' Hifl2 and Biasting Powderl F USE line of Mining Supplies. f"l a lull We will Implicate Any Prices in the State. CUAND SEE US.S SAStllUCB. r H):lv !-;f.!. - ! : '?S. men Ha ; 1 n : -j - - .1 of . -A Battle with KEEPER MARVIN'S STRUGGLE FOR LIFE, - . , ! ! ' I A olous of Vie Attention Shown Three Cuba, Juno Attach an Attendant and Breaks Out of Her Qtre. Philadelphia Time; ' v Ai monster I ioricss belong! B.-DorlsMuter-Oceaiifcircus g to j; created the sensation of the yiar in the win ter quarters of the show in Fmnkfbrd on Monday evening. Peter Marvin. an aniital trainer, was fright ally in- j u rea uy t he en raged j beast, African, blauw Ix)k. one of a andean air Mr. Doris paid Si. 000 forJd ietl "o friglit durinethe Pundamonium. NLimoronM ddditions hae4)eeu lately mail e to the menagerie of the Inter-Ocean show and the' animals occupy several build ings on Harrison street. Tile tropi cal animals are kept by themselves. This apartment is fiftv-feet; touare. j and; three of the walls are masked in by heavy oak and iron cagoej There are three tiers of these massive dens, and behind the bars of each ;are from one to three specimens of fare wild animals. The lions, timers,; leopards. panthers and hyenas are imprisoned in the lower dens, while th4 smaller animals and-tropica birds occupy the upper tiers, iu uie center 01 ttie room is an immense stove, which red hot night a fid day. is kejnV ! THE I.IOXXXE BABIES. A tame pelican, a flamingo,1 three crested cockatoos, half a doien mon keys and a family of perforrningdog3 formed a drowsy circle around the glowing stove yesterday afternoon. A row ofelqhantsalong tlieieast wall btood up to their -knees in! fragrant hay, and in stalls near by we're a score of" j other herbivorous animals from isoutli Afriai. High abovej the tiers f cages are the sleeping bunks of the attendants of the auimals. The doz en lions in the collectiou are , as fine specimens as have evef been seen in captivity, and they Turin tne if jhe most notable features of ti.e Inter Ocean menagerie. Juno, the largest Months of the lot, is live years old. Until last summer she was1 regarded its one of the best dispositioiicd beasts of her sptH;ies. Jn June, 1882, anoth er lioness in the menagerie became the mother of three cubs. Juuo, who oc cupied an adjoining cage during the travels of the Inter-Ocean 6how, be came greatly interested in tlie cubs and was in the habit of watching them for noursatatiuie. Last fall the mother of lie cubs died and they were raised by hand. Juno's interest in the lio nine babies; increased aAer the death of their mother, and fiiialjy she be came so jealous that when any one ap- I t i i a . !-; . . proacneti tlie cubs sue would become furious with rage. I I IN THE CLAWS OF A LtOXESS. i. Iu -the animal houst Juiio occupies a cane in tlie .lower tier against t he iiurth wall. Tlie cubs, wliieli now weigh about HfUen iiouuds each, arc ill 1. . i. loagcu in 1 ne lower tier at the east wall. This enables "Juno (to have an unobstructed-view of their: cage. Jut biefore dark on Monday eiening Mr. Alavin was,feeding the animals. He gave the cubs their share OfJiver aud paused a nronient to foildle them. This put Juuo in a frightful rave Marvin turned to-quiet her, and as he advanced toward tlie cagf he stum bled a iid fell against the bars. .In au instant she seized his right arm above the elbow: In ordcrto protect his head and body the man full, and with his left jrasped the bottom of the cagej Juno held his right arm with one paw and struck through the bars at his head with the other. A 1 lad named Donahue crabbed an-i!on bar, and tried to make Juno drop Marvin. The boy s efforts only increased the rage of the .beast. By this tinie every an- imal in the placewas wi f t . 1 F dly excited, and thtir roars and cries were heard squares away. To inorease the din. the animals of O Brieii s circus 111 an aiijoiuing UU1IU1112 added tlicir voices to the chorus. Douahue ran out of the building, shouting for help. j - THE BEAS'X AT LA ROE. As there is a small army of work men about the place, thfe" lion house vv'ici cnmi kii rrmi tifl tviflv man Tn the meantime Juno had torn the flesh from Marvin's arm, struck him sever al wicked blows oiv the shoulder, and then allowed him to drop to the ground and crawl la way, j. Just as tlie resetters reached the doors they heard a soundof crushing timbers, accompa nit d by a series of blood freezing roars. Juuohad thrown her body against the bars and broken through. The approach of night made the interior of the building dark and no one cared to venture in. They heard Juuo charging around the place and they hesitated.. -1 hey supposed that M r. Marvin was dead. He, however, mauaged to f each the rack i n which the heavy iron bars tised to clean the cages are kept, and snatching "one boldly: advanced on Juno, ; who crouched in a corner. All this time tlie oilier , animals weref making the most frightful noise. AIhjvc the din Jhe men at the doors, to their aston ishment, heard Marvin ordering the lioness back to her cage. This reas sured them, and they started to enter. anI .they started to enter., s opened, Juno sprang as me uoors over Marvin's head and to k refuge in 8 stall near the blauw boks; Marvin shonted t.i close the door and, following t he now partial ly cowed li -onesM, struck her twice with the Iron bar. 1 hen lie poked her out, and - with an angry roar she vaulted back 1 into her cage and the danger was over, i New bars were quickly fitted in and . the casre was made doublv secure liv the addition of new iron braces. Mar vin's in juries were attended to by a physician, who says he will not lose the use of his arm. After Juno was caged it was noticed that one of the blauw boks was trembling like a leaf, and tears trickled down the frightened beast's face. Ten minutes later it was dead. 1 A Free Fight Against Chills. There was loud applause in the ITuuse when the item in the tariff bill placing a du ty of ten per cent, on "sulphate and salts of quinia and cinchonida" was struck out by a vote of 108 to 57, and the applause out side ; of the House, all over the United StMes, will doubtless be greater when the action of the Ilouae is heard of. The estir mated consumption of quinine in the United States is 2,000,000 ounces, and the vote of j-esterdaj.ifthe Senate concur will savelhe siek of the country, poor and rich the hand some sum of $1,500,000. Mr McKenzic's joke that a tax on quinine was doubt'eas intended "to encourage the manufacture of bonedust in graveyards" was rather raw at still not far from the truth. The dis gust with which the people begin to regard the doings of high protectionists "for pro tection only" is, in view of this effort to tux drugs like quinine, not so difficult to un derstand. - r f JTiie value of the report of the Secretary of the Nor: hCarolina Board of Health,just issti ednnotbc too highly rated. It touches up on topics of vital importance to every coin unity he Adulteration of Food-substances the Hclatlon of Nostrums to tho Public Health; Yacci"ation; the Disjosal of Gar bage and the Water Supply fur Towns and Cities, for instance. These subjects have been studied deeply by the officer who makes the report, Dr. Thos F. Wood, of Wilmington, and the board ha given them that consideration which their importance demands. The frequency of the adultera tion of foo l substances and of drugs, and the utter worthlessness or harm fulness of most of the patent medicines ofl'erd to the public, are pointed out, together with the value, of vaccination and the manner in which best to perform it. The duties of county superintendents of health about pub lic vaccination arc prescribed and caution in the management of the vaccinated arm is suggested. The sulyect 'of preventive! medicine is treated with some fullness, while these of the disposal of garbage and the watersupp'y of towns and cities, than which nojte can be of great moment to our growing towns, are discussed at length. We repeat that the document is one of great value and should be as widely as possible distributed through the State. Wadesbore Intelligencer: Thursday even ing Hast, Alf Caten, a. bi iDockcry man from Davie county, who drives a whiskey wagon, came to Wadesboro, swaggered around town for a while as usual, and final j wound up by curssing out" a big two hundred and twenty pound Bennett man. The result of it was the Dockery man got knocked down and kicked about like a foot-ball and pulled around by the hair. Congress. Military petitions continue to pour in by score and huudreds. Blair has charge of the business." A. W. Calvin and fifty citizens of Charlotte; Alfred C. Davis and 46 citizens of Greensboro ; J. C. Price and 75 other citizens of Salisbury ; aud Duke Davis and 26 citizens of Wilming ton are among the large number present ed on Thursday. - - Were I asked the hardest worikns? mem ber in the legislature the answer would be S.'Mc Dowell Tate, of Burke. As a public servant he appears to think none of his time is hisown, that it all belongs to the peo ple, for he is ever at work; and this has been the case every session I've known him. A friend fresh from ajvisit to Burke county says that the officers of the new Western Insane- Asylum are at their posts ready for duty, but the patients will not arrive till the 1st of February. Some men cannot stand prosperity. Otheis never.get a chance to try. The devil always comes himself or sends some one when you tall for him. These days arc lost in which we do no good. ' Those Worse than lost in which we do evil. ! A Ge rgfa couple waited over four years for a good opportunity t elope, and jfist as it cuma the gir's -father took the young mau by the hand and sa'ul: "Speak up fcto l.er fhoinss! I know she loves you and 1 d le tichlexl to death to have you f r a ton-in- law r A HIEITIGHT DBAJCA. What ft si-lit was that! not noisy, bat . r . ' ' ' ' a : profoand uud eloquent; at otico of an old grief and afresh perplexity, Bob Willi- ' r the: gentle lfai-fl li. minnr lmdi linvA1 Hmt 5,riV 1 before the lii :.i. i. s i! t r - . tllfl find 1immf ti1T trliioli nminnnl wiiii mc iiu 01 jx-iuoviii" irom , 111s neau . . , , ... .. . . aimost coinpieiea uesucaiion 01 tne nata- ral covering The eiief is therefore an old one, but an element of perplexity has mingled with this niahtly sicli latelr namely, since having Swooed and won An- cio McLaue in his wii. ho has been Rcrew- imr nn his ronrnim. tn t hi rwi'int f ivh1. lug to her that that if is a wig, as he feels : r ' t . .' " v. . in. uurness ne oajni to ao. 110 lias put it off. and tint .t t.fT. !r.v,r finclln. i n.f the rM.t nnrrUv!fnn rim tZJ until now the wedding is but a month off ww j a v aa VI1I VCOI If U ' - y and tint fnak ntn- l,rW ,r-;miL . , 1 .uw.w iiii.uooi- ble, than ever.; He i at preseut spend- iug n couple of days ht the house of the 't w-wj Vil t 1V1I VI getting acqnaiuted with the Aunily. For tllM BlL'A Af All ?TT 1 tl H m rt 1 lavr as! 1. - are of Angle's stwiety for the short time he has compromised with his conscience by resolving at ou leaving to write to her :iim tii rim rvitrn nnn t.w tm n.nna . i . 11 ii . .. . - - - uuv. .J uv U1VHUO .VF procrastinate further. Meantime the process of getting .ac quainted with the family does not get on very prosperously. Bob is a poor match .1... ' a-1 k' m .- - irom me pareuiai point or view, ana a bitter disappointment to the McLanes. Nothing but Anjrie's resolute character could have extorted the grudging consent which their engagement had at length received. The faniilv consisted, beside Ahgie, of her father ami mother, and two brothers, John and George. Mr.MeLane kept his room, being a confirmed invalid. T John, strong-willed iand arrogant intern- ler, ruled the family with a rod of iron George bei ii" kinder tempered, but of much less strength of character. Aucie was tlie onl V member of the faniilv wlioui . I . ! . John could not rule, and she carried the ifoiut of her eiiLMiremeut ainiinst Ida bit- ter opposition. Mrs. McLano was a mere shuttlecock between John and Angie, re- ceiving an impulse from one which last- ed till the other got! hold of her. John had accepted the engagement with an exceedingly bad grace, and made scarce ly a decent pretense of concealing from Hob his contempt and hostility, aud his desire to find any pretext for forcing a quarrel. This was particularly unpleas ant and demoralizing to Dob, because the injury to his owu self-mspcct by the sense of the tacit deceit he was guilty of as to his wig, left him unable to meet John's overlearing insolence with the quiet dignity ho would have liked to as sume. After going to bed he lay awake a cou ple of hours, thinking over these embar rassing circumstances, and the delightful f a i a ' . a . laer- oi Angle s love io wincii tliey were offsets. In the course of his tossiugs he .became aware that his seal ring was not ou his finger, and instantly lemeiuUred that, after using it for a foifeit in a par lor gahie that eveiiihg, he lffcd forgotten to replace it. Vexation at his careless ness instantly inane in in wide awake The ling must be on the library table. If not, then he knew not where; and, if there, it might be filched by a servant in the morning. Associations made it in valuable, aud he found himself so uneasy about its safety that he could not sleep. Perhaps the best thing he could do was .to quietly step dowu stairs iii hisv stock ings without disturbing anybody, and make sure about it. He knew that he could even iu the dark, steer his way straight to tho library. Iu this sleepless excited state of his mind the slight tinge of adventure iu his plan had an attrac tion. t Jumping cut of bed ho put on a part of his clothes, and softly opening the ' door of the room, went 'across the hall and down the steps to the ground floor. It was quite dark, but he found his way ea sily having a good topographic instinct. From the lower hull he entered the din ing room, and from that the library. The. sea-coal fire iu the grate was still flicker ing brightly, illuminating the sumptuous ly furnished room with a faint, soft glow of peculiarly rich' effect There oil the table his ring glittered in tho fitful firelight, and, as he slipped it on his finger, li6 felicitated, himself on his successful eutefmiso. Tho room was so charmingly cozy that he felt it would be a 6iu not to linger awhile. So, throw ing himself on a sofa before the grate, he fell into a delightful reverie. Just there, iu that chair, Angie had sjit during the' evening, and there he pic tured her agaiufiually going and leaning over it in a enressiug attitude, fondly rtliMtiriir himself. Over there had sat o Mrs. McLane, and the chair back at onco trausfixed him with two critical eyes, till he was faiu to look away' Tho brothers were there, and there. Bob chuckled with a cozy sense of snr rcptitiousuess as he thought how tin y would start could they see him now. Ti e subtile I pleasure of clandestine things fs doubtless partly : the exaggeration, of the personality wn.cn uikts jm. pressure of other uiinds is withdrawn. To persons of Bob's sensitive mental at mosphere that pressure is painful when such minds arc hostile, and often iiksome even when they were friendly, if not $n perfect accord. R ti..f . -s.i. FT ITely volnptnoua sensation that his .ij . ... ' iin ) personality expanded till it filled and felt tho whoI room. I' bnmed and bnsily flew; the ! shuttle of his faucr. vrenviiiir Ati nrrot iTfio Kl.ntH- i.-.i- i;i 1-: : . I 1 i t' ti 1 - I UflVSi lor All tlie tri-ll llintt lut nniMit-.I.J 1 - 7-"".- .rewum 110 wa- n.i ,,rnr. . .. ... I wvijt ui, tmuugu n nu mignt rnu golden thread of An&ies lute. j rw rare,y did it li-lit np the fabric, lio- I0re 80 da, a - - t I . 1 l,e uronze niautei-lock aounded wth a !llTf r tluk, the ,,oar ot two, but U 1 sonud fell apparently unheeded 011 tli fthe dreamer. It was a fall niinito . - I tuf.-ci tlm imtiMia.lni. 1.. ' 1 """"T ",v "r'oa' mo niniu. There are times wueu the thou shta thrJ so that ttcb new sensation Inu.totaUlita - i.i. Pla the cue and wait iU turn to get attention. Then he stirred. and arbniuMl i I,"usSlf "e"giug reluctantly from the voluptuous atmosphere of imagi- nation, as one leaves au enervating h-etii. I f O 3 Uo ,lsfa beeu win t,m a ful1 "onr aH it I WAS hiirll time to retnrti to Iwd. TU ift tl,e Hbraty and started across the dining- roo,nwith a hasty step. ; f I Pehapa long gazing at theflra had biz- i vii.il itu ..I. . . . I.:, I . !. is eyes, or perhaps his hastej to- w m getherwith an undue contidenee in! bis ,i.;it i , , , .1 skill in uavigatiouby dead-reckoning, rendered him less careful than when lie had c;ome down. However that may be, a light-stand which he had eaaily avokled theu J he now blundered fully upon, j Everybody knows that when one stubs the dark, instead of delivering the blow when the totit is moving slowest, at fcu oeginuing or the end of the stei. it -always -happens bo that the toe tnkes ith! tl,e maximum momentum." So it Wtt'f" time. If Bob had been kickiug ltf.a-a IWtrl,V 116 u,a Uot ,,ave made a4iiicer Crt-cf.ation of force, aud the shock eut 1110 8"luU completely over. ( I Itjwouhl have made noise enough any- I list if' l.n. it- ......, 1.... .1. .i ill V""t ,v uuo,' ".ppe" mat on inis "auu t,,e ,ani,,y 8ilver was ,aid out fur la . aktast, and the clangor was similar to that wf APyH0,- silver bow, that tiw? ho 1et 4 at the Grecian host before Troy. stooa l'aialyzed with horror. Even the inguish of a terrible-stubbed toe was forgotten in an overpowering seuseof the awttil nfess he had made, aud the uu im aginable cousequeuce that would at vuce ensue. As tlie hideous clan cor and clat ter iailT til roil L'h the Iiuiika. Rlinr.rAriti.r It f " -o I made himself small, as if he could impart a . sympathetic shrinkage to the noise. - - - " 1 .aw M. ..... IW.V.HVI .UU The racket to his own ears was splitting enough, but he felt, iu addition, as jf he heard it with the ears of all the family, and he waited' bcfoie the conception of the feelings that were at that moment starting up in their minds towurd tlie uu- kuown civHse of it. His first rational idea was, to bolt for his; room, and gain it before any one was lairty rouseu. uu. me suock naa so seat- tarnd hia ti'its thaf Ii a swmi 1 I Tif uf anA w a vvt u 19 at a wo inuv ai vuuivi uwi Ckii tiv9 A : call his bearing and he realized, with in- describable sensations, that he was lost. J He consumed nrecious moments bumnhi!? himself all about the room before he found the right door. ; As he reached the foot of the staircase, voices were andible above, and lights were gleaming down. His retreat was cut off; he; could not get back to his rxm without being discovered. . He now distinguished the voice of Mrs. McLane in an agitated tpe entreating somebody tt be careful aad not get shot, the gruff voices of the bro thers responding, and then their steps rap idly descending the stairs. Should lie go up and take tke risk of a volley while an nouncing himself? It would make a pretty tableau. Presenting himself in such aguise and under such circumstances, what sort of1 a reception could he expect from John who treated him with nudisguiseu eon- tempt might have hesitated longer, but at a disadvantage? He mi "lit have hes itated lonfrer. but at this monieut the voice of Angie, crying down to her broth ers to be careful, decided him. lie could not face her under such terribly: false circumstances, without his wig. j All this took place far quicker i than I can write it. The glimmer ot tlie descend iiig lamp already shone dimly in the hall and Bob frantically looked about him for a hiding place. But all the furniture stood up too high from the floor, and the jeorners were distressingly bare. He spraag into the dinning-room, but in the dark he could not see how the land lay, aad hurried into the library. j The dying fire still shed a dim. light abound, and he eagerly canvassed the va rios possibilities of concealment which the room offered. Youthful experience in the "am of hide-and-seek now stood ; him in ood stead, and showed at a glance the inu tility as refuges of half a dozen places would hv r1i.1nih?d one less practised 'by the specious but too-easily-guessed shejtcrthey afforded. - Vainly seeking a safe refuge,! he ran aj-ound the apartmsnt like a rat in j a trap. He already heard the brothers in t hf dining- room picking up the silver and wondering to find it all there, when, obeying a; sudden j . . . . , i - f ti. iiiionirfliian. he clambered upon a lotry kca3(J tjat ran across one ena! ef the wm, arching above the diningLrodm door, and reaching within a few feet of the f ..." v.. 1.1 I.Tn.l l,a nar-orra aid have Ceiling, i ii uim iiwv v, scaled it. Lying at full lenghth upon the top of the bookcase with hi, barlr trTTl .. . . e wun " uack to the ! a wan. tn im m r . the further part of the rlm V T ... pari, 01 me room, in case it should .occur to l.i ' hi-h. P rsuers to look so The latter now entered the in.! . - . . "wrary, anu, Lr. . ' enSe or!he 'kcase. Bob .? . Dguiar sensatiens the two gcniiemen with hnm h wi iv,. nuvu ne uau oet'n QiiietlT " ... .. I -ov- ...BJL.iiiVr io me ercninz (Concluded next wcel.) Gkrman Kaixit asd Acid Phos phate, F or these two articles apply to tlie What, do PliM!,ate Cm .. ok ,e le8tn S. C. Sec advertiseinM.t. 4 mecta tn Ttki.,i , , ???Bg in RIe,8-h n T,,Qy the 15th "f matters aflVc iiuu iiicir irrs in I nr inr rnnii...i r . . ttmrm ...: C. 1 . . . . tobebrontto.h Jl L i Z iZ l ' . . " . " V .uenerai ASKtcmoiy. i pQ QQ lWTpAq TMTsJT V-XTA 1 A 11N J" U SE ACID PHOSPHATE. 1 - . I Jaie a full supply on hand and will bvii lur liimer rnnn ir onttn fll1 tfor it,,,e.r. c&tU ' cottn now or paya- " Wl" W J011 than J 'us juu tuu use. Feb. 1st, '83. J. D. GASKIIX. y ' ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE! All persons having claims against the t tate of John L. Morriwm, deceased, are here- V101'? ? Vrscnt the same to me on or thU ce will be'Lad In tarreeSr' ' Also, persons indebted to said estate are advised to make immediate payment. Daniel Pxaikoek, Ex'r. Feb'y 7, 1883. 17:Gt-pd VW In the matter of the estate of K. Sloan, dee'd. Notice to CREDITORS! All persons having claims against the es tate oi it. j. bioan, dee'd, are herehy noti ...! . .. ' --u io present tne same to the iimleraiimprl u" "r OCItre me 27th day of January, A. D. I fA I thla nniA.. ....II I. ..I 1 a 'L : " " "tc P 1L oar oi their recovery. W. F. LACKEY, m Adm'r of It. J. Sloan, decd. This 24th January, 1883. 15:Cm. The One-Price Store! BOTH I M LEADING DEALERS IX DKV GOODS, CLOTHING AND GROCER FULL STOCK OF MlWK DUUl u mm imuiiu a uiriumiii LARGE STOCK OP RUBBER COATS & SHOES. Agtnts for Coats' Spool Cotton. Full Assortment of 150 T! ATTjV TJflTiTTTT'P.TT RTST'Tl-WYP A rTWTei T4 " t I av- v Th Tt -v t pCxyRAcf iTlrinff- If! f f fMd1 Tt,U " I I T. ... I n T V J , e a x ure i.aru, uorn, wats, uricans .noiasses, dsc. Coflec if oast 3 lb Cans Tomatoes at 16 cts. We mean to sell you Good Goods as cheap as anyone in town. We buy and sell all kinds of Country Produce. Give us a trial. I W. W. Tatlor, , D. J. Bostiabt, ; ' - . Salnmen. ' FAIR. NOTICE. - r, ;.. ' All persons indebted to us before Jan. 1, 1883, by note or account, are herehy notified that they must call at once and settle. We do not want to add cost on oar customers, but we must have our money. . ' i j j.j reo. 14, ita. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! Having determined to make our home in Winston, N. C, we have concluded to sell our House and Lot in the great West Ward of Salisbury, N. C. House has 8 rooms, a goed kitchen with 3 xeeuis; well of good water in the yard. A good garden and sta ble en the lot. In the best neighborhood in the city, on the corner of Monroe and Church streets, adjoining J. 21. Horah and others. For further particulars see Messrs. D. At Goodman, S. W. Cole or B. F. Fraley. U. F. & M. C. GRAHAM. 10:3m. THK MIKING STOCK REGISTER AND JOURNAL of FINANCE Gives the value and correct ratings of over 8,000 Mining Companies and the LATEST MINING INFORMATION, Including Dividends, Assessments, Lowest and Highest Stock Sales for each week, up to within 24 hours of publication, &c. . For Sale by all He ws Dealers. ScBsciurriox, $0 "per year. Single Copy l- cents. Special detailed reports upon any mine iurnisned. oee pa per for terms. Address, The Financial and Mining Pub. Co., 287 Broadway, New York City. 12:tf I WA V rV U n Omnn A IN I JL!iU. U II lOU Sets, at ENNiss' Mi Store. CinriAAT DAATT-O a SUllUOL liUUllo at I . . POT if. ' 1 ENNiss Dm Store. T:tf. DAE3YS PROPHYLACTIC fluid. : A' Household Article for Cnlreraal For Soar let and TPbold fovora. Diphtheria, Sail, ration. TJleeratod. Sor Throat, SoaaU Pox. Ueaalea. and : 1IAI AfSTA. v VfWSK0 Dlaeaaea. Persom waiting on the Sick should im it fredy. Scarlet FcWaa aCTwr beta knova to spread where the Fluid waa wed. Yellow Few has beca cured with it after Ma omit had taken place. Th worn ease, of Diphtheria yield to fe. Fevered and Sick rr ESIAXIVPOX and : ' FrrrrNo of sman Fox PRKVKNTED A member of tny fanv By was taken with . Small pox. I used the Fkud ; the patient waa apt delirious, waa sot i pitted, and waa about ' the house agala la three i weeks, end no others had U.-J. W, PAa ' : aona refreshed and Bed Sorea prevent ed by bathing with Darbrs Fluid. Impmro Atr made harmless and purified. For Sore Throat it is a - sure cure. Coatarton destroyed. For Fronted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, CUaSug-, etc. Khenuiailam cured. Soft White Complex- Ions secured hr its me. inaow, inuaoeiprita. . Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Itrcath, Cleanse the Teeth; ' It caa't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved aad - cured.- Eryslpelaa cured, llurnsrclievcditutantly. Scars preveated. Iryseatery etued. Wound healed rapidly. Seurry cured. Aa AaUdote for AauasJ .or Vegetable Poisons, M, Stings, etc : I used the Fluid during . eur present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It Is indispensable to the sick - room. Wat. F. Samd VOKD, Eyrie, Ala. . The physicians here use Darbya Fluid my successfully in the treat ment of Di phtheria. A. StOAxaMwaacK, Greesbore,Ala. Tetter dried ap. . Cholera preveated. Ulcere purified aad healed. In esses of Death k should be used about -the corpse- it will prevent any unpleaa ant smell. - . - The eminent Fhy. aiclan, J. MARIOX SIMS, M. New Fork, says: "I aai convinced Prof. Darbyi Prophylactic Fluid is a valuaLle disiniecunt, VsnderhUt UciversltT, KathvlUo, Tenn. I testify to- the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is bo;h theoretically and practically super.or to any preparation with which I am ac quamud. N. T. Urros.Prof. Chemistry, -parhya Fluid la Kocommended hy Jion. Albx as dbn 1 1.' Strch kns, oi Georgia ' Rev. Chas. F. Daatss, CD., Church Sf Strangers, N. Y.t y Jos. IfCoNra. Columbia. Prof., University ,S.C Rev. A. J. BATTLa, iW., Mercer Universityi Rev. Cao. F. Piekcc, Bishop Id. E. Church, DfUISPENSABLIS TO EV'EKF HOME. Perfectly harmless.! Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoreushly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, -tw J.U. Z EI LIN A CO., H- ' ManufcctanngChetnirts. PHILADELPHIA. IIMI 5 E3I FURNISHING GOODS. i . tTKMA4 X1A,. r..i. O. ntT J m . Tf-. w -ww 1 . voueea, aeas, iuce, -r ei . . . uran, oyrups, and lour Kinoror x,ew cd or Green at 10 cents per-pound. Best 10 ct. Sugar. Try It. ;; dOiphtheria : Prereatcfl Scarlet Perer CurecL. I - , KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN. Wei ! Failed !! The attention of Farmers and the gener al public is culled to the fact that - T. J, MORGrAN nas opened a First Class FAMILY GRO CERY STORE, next door toBl&ckrW -& Taylor's Hardware, where he will keep a' full lineal fresh goods, such as Flour, Meal, Bacon, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, fcc. ; Also a fresh and complete stock of ' "T COIVFE CTIO X ERJLE S9 and Fancy Groceriss. . 'C t Will pay the highest cash priccsfor But ter, Eggs, Chickens, and all saleable coun try products. , -V . s January 18, 1883 1 14:3m. GEO. A. KAQLE, W. lfOBOAV. BLAOKSMITHINGAND Wa gon-M aklng. We are prepared to do any kind of work at our Shop on Lee" Street, (W, jl. if .. L-. M.i i 7.V i t i a vim .iaxiti. SALISBURY, HVC. HORSE SHOEING- and all kinda Blacksniithing donc promptlv and with ex pedition. Repairing of Carrites. Butfiea and Wagons done nromntlr and in fimt. cIass 8tJr,p- Tainting and finUhingf fine work will he done by W. M. Barker. ' All wc-isk is a triah Jan. 10, 1883. is.tr URKons OF voutii. A ENTi.KMAx who suffrrt-d U'rjvnt fr.mr Nervw:K Df.ntL.irr. Pbiiatck 1,'n iv 1 ?nd f 11 'K 4 J? -f '05,,.hfMl "M,,r '. will 'foftheMkeofu&m 1I ho need il, the recu and direction for roakinS ih-iwpl'e'r4bsly br width he was ucred. SuSVrcr wiil.tng la nrofit by the ad- vertiMentexuericnctr cuii doau tv addreiBatnein ; ' Itrfwl tt.iiUJence. j'OIf R. OGDEX, ...... iisly.; . Cedar Kl-New York - ! i f ; I II T y i