i - . , I E . ! " : . i -: j ; ; ; I i I : ' ' : t j' t ; i ; ' 1 ' "-!!' J'"-a. I J ' -1' 1 i! - : t- .' '. : '-t -is i.-.a i .5-. lib ,1, -i 4 I i. r ! if 4 -.1 J J -4 I. f. 1 1 1 jif f I 1- I'd' t I' n v4 t.- i. 11 ! I - 3 ft History of Itownu Count y BT KIT 3. BCJITL Copie of this interesting Inmk nmy le liail of T. F. Kllttz, Tiieo. Bleiibaum or fit the Watchman Ofliee. J ust Received A FRESH LOT OF ASSORTED - GARDEN SEED ;i ; At .ENNISS' Drug Store. A Good SLATE- Given AWAY 1 ! Any person purchasing 50 Onts worth of HOOKS or Medicines, Ac., ; at ENNISS' Dru Store will bex presented with a jjaod slate, "'-J. v LAMPS jAKD i ... GGGOSy ' AT REDUCED PRICES, ; .At ENNISS' Drug Store. January 18, 1883. fl'A;-; IT. YEBIIQ11 LIYIRY STABLES 'SHAVER ARE Y v Preaent their compliments to the public mad respectfully solicit a trial of their Es tabiimnent. It is-complete in all thei-e-quirements of first class business. 4 v. Horses, Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Wagons, &c. AMD AUE COSFIDGNT OF GlVfJCO 'mSi SATISFACTIOS. 8iMjci.il provision and iiivorabio rates for Boarding and keeping horses.) -Drovers will find ood Stalls and Sheds at our nlace. tieiMsil M-commotl it ions for the benefit I.Comniercial IruveleM. Leo Street, SalisburVj NX. , . i . 8C:tf v"-;'"' ' 0 ( IT-STANDS AT TIIEIIEAD. r ,K1the liqht-ruxniSiqI ' DOMESTIC' That it is the acknowledged leader in tbp Trade U n fact that cannot be disputed a AA1ASY IMITATE IT, KOKE EQUAL IT! The Largest Armed, The Lightest Runnine, The Most Dt ioitiiut Wood-work. AND IS WARRANTED : - To he mrfde of the heRt mntorif!; To:d :uiy iund ail kind of work, x To he complete in eTery reiet't. For Bale lv X : BERNHARDT DR0S J,: ' balinburr, .N.C "Agents wailtel in unoccupied territory. . AdJrr-, , . ; ; -Domestic Seirhfi Mnehiu Co. ' 42:ly 4 Riohmono. Va. XPEOTORAMT oiTinjxwm ox Aerixu bob jm u u buiou proa y c(a, wJucu pejruieolc lUe auM-laoa ox to jLiOUa, cxjetoata U)3 crM matter ttk&t.aoUeew :a U: iirotciiiiii 'Xobo, Mia tot m VitatlOU that CkiU'ja in Onf h, Jt .L&m tbl&i5or(til l'j;.M tfr , trnstlt StM ctrcuiAaa of l ti.otrfl, juiil tior t:i, tKrrq'w ,mt. 6!1f-H clrt of h1 In roaaamptictt. ?ti tiuiK-rw tw Mplct.-t "tUaru. Ati.'- tv Kcutrt ) . vijii!. A Ptm'J-l:4rtf bcon fwtai'i tfeat AM U v-t em. utxiu Inn tianiauo'i.uul it, r.j ur ti:3 no. VJtnM owl rfw. A TteKAt rorrtlal, rhl! d-tt tk it rfRdUy. l"..r CrM:u It la IVs a..nd fit T!n-i'li4. 7 8-'25" rt rA 11,nlUVr wnUtlm. Vi!a. tai,iii.si tmnt Vi ilit,tim.aa.TorpW JUver,J-.: , tUnla rrre j;litUj It Jem ot -fa WTa-ll,"ainflat.inat bol.tuia auir.Mwtba atautAoh, fv,f ,s ; ;?rt: t, !ar t - W -j m f .. J. T .". tia f nrra t .C.T.r -.vV4 . . fell T1 I 3 v!--f "rlor -thai MARKET GARDENER P&l V : ; S?EDlSor the! PRIVATE FAMILY ! 55 : -f t 1 tw-na,BUaa&:i;straAed Catalo ' After a tftcrourti trial of tho ' ia suuoa' uat x cava oeen V - t"l IQQ i Kreauy neneutea by lta r - bm. im rasters and Pabr iao opsavsers win una it of tno createst value , wnero a Tonie is neces .; eary. .1 recommend it aa a reliable remedial ; Rirent, puasessin? nn douttea nutritive and xsstorative properties, Mmimile, A Oct. t, JoSi. : nsrjiia Dra.HAr.TEa 2wicmn co., tn v, xua tx, si. una. i f SAYE MONEY! SAYI MOSEY! II Having withdrawn all agencies and ; placed our business on a strictly cash ba sis, thereby saving Ageut'a Commissions and losses by bad debts, we are enabled to wl I our well known Fertilizers, viz : Wilcox, Gibbsi & Com Manipulated Wilcox, Gibb&Co Saperphophate, direct to Merchants and Farmers at very lno prices, by h$ single Tont Car-Load, or larger quantity, for the cash. , Write for prices. V i - ' Wilcox, GIbbs & Co. Charleston, S.I C, or Savannah, Oa. I 9:3m XA j ;j j '.l1, i'h ; ; ..- , ,-; Administrators-s Sale PERSOHflL PROPERTY! We will sell !at public auction, at the late residence of DJ Af Miller, dee'd, about two miles from Salisburyon tleB JJringle's Fer ry road, on Tuesday 20tb February, 1883. all the personal! property i uciongmg io his estate, consisimg oi uouscnom snw Kitchen Furniture, Farming! Tools and Jm plemnts of husbandry, ' - - 250 Bushels of Corn, Some Wheat. Horses, Cows, Wagons Bug gy, a set of Blacksmith's tools, and other articles too numerous to mention. - r - J. P, TREXLER, ) Adm'rs of ; C.W.STEWART, j D. A- Miller. Jan'y SO, 1883. 16:1m TO tJOiSUlTlPTIVES; The adverliser having been permanently cure it' tht dread disease, Consumption, by asimplt reniedy.w anxious to make known to his teliow offerers the means of cure. To all who desire (o, lie will send a copy of the prescription used, r free. of cbarge)ilh tie directions for prepsr nng and wring the same, which they will find a sA e CU RE for Couoks, Colps, Coksumptiow, , Puma, Bronchitis, Ac. j -adi:irties wishing the Prescription, will please WTev Rev. E. A . WILSON, 194, Pen n;SU dlrliamsburgh, N. Y. 20:ly SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CRA.Q , UlNA WATCHMAN, ON NY Si. 50 PER YEAR. s Professinal Cards. - J. it. 5ICCO;iKLE. 1IIFO. F. KI.UTT; McCOEKLB & KLUTTZ, A1 TCR5ETS AM) ( 17 ill C 1 K,j Salisbury, K. C. - : fS?"OfSee on Coiim il Street, oj r-ocite the Couil IJoiiKe. - i onvm Blateri and Henderson, Attorneys,; C ouns elor s and Solicitors r SALISBURY, N.C i I: KCirK CHAICK, L. H.CI.EMKKT. CRAlQi& CLEKEHT, (U crtiejjss at SAtlSBCRY. 5.CJ FXB. 3, 1SS1. Z II. Vavce. i W. H. FAiiiY VANCE & EAILE Y, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, CIlirRtOTTE, 2 cj- 'Practice' inSitjrme Court of the United tatcfi, Supreme it "ourl of North Carolina, jeUral Court, ahd Count iff of Meeklenburjr, TaL:irrtiK, Union, Gaalon, Kowan and David- o:i. 0Oflice, two doom east of Indenen tience Square : i- 33:tf 1 DISPENSARY. ZttaUlAsl 18i7 st 12 . 8ti Strut, 81. LCTOL X0. rrHI PhTsieisns in cbaree cf tbia old nd wall kaw A iaatitutioa ar reeulax gradontaa in nadiein aad urfaf r. Tears or Sxperianoa tn tb traaUnenl af Chnmlo Diaaaaea baa mada tbair aKlll aad ability aa much auDerior to lau of tna ordiDarT ntae tbat lb7 ha, amnirad a national tapntauoai taraagb iQrfwsxppauR! mDiieami casaa. ' Prodva. imm a aaaa, wUkast n!n U.rrury or Foiaonoaa MadiabMa, 'YOUKQ flM ndtktM of B&kHla aa who ara CXiSyMftiinbria front tea tffecaa Of iUeu IUjU uabta ita far baalnttsa a luniua. fteiioaa at lua bitl. mn At boot. Litl aitk aaa rmnottT rnT4, nnd,rta earwaia. . anu CvwalU4UA m fnitnti, wiuih t rEZfl mmt mTiaaat lit of aoniioB n b uim4 b Wn aMuiaa awiaaaat auiill froc la oy ad-lroM oa apalicaWoa. Cratwaa oaaVriaa trmm Ka4anoaoaMaia4 aaairaaaMtfa a4 WaraMaMai(talalr4Taatato. Itbaota traaaJP CmtiBiK ir't". rifi'F eaaaaaial, a4 (aaula aa aMroawa aitt. UCTTS IS Moras Sta Sfc. St. Lamia. Mo. " " " - I . - K -- - i O TT C E ! aOHN F. EAGLE, FASHIOIIABLE- . BOOT Intitr your attention, to hi shep, oj ponite jM T.r' Ofliee. llepairing neat It nnl Diornpt Jy ftone..- AH grades of tods made to order Oct. iM. 'Sl:tf. ! . i. . EBIGREESE KIMEtV-EICHT YEARS and Uarai RegUter TO AT T . eT3 -ai SHOE EDS SEV.J.Ia.Tff55aZa, Industry, HL, ayK-- i uIcoaaid r - i "Iconaiderlt a moat excellent Mznaxiv vn tho debilitated vital forces. I PURIFIES!, Fa y liD " ' ' mmun "jr fine f ot COMING IN EVERY DAY AT ' NEW FURNITURE STORE, Nain'Stn-NeXtJoorto iJ..F. COME TO THE NEW STOEE ' M pt eTeryttoi yon waat in tie Furniture -lie 1 1 'ZTi Hi ALL MY Wert inspected in person at the Manufactories, and bought for cash at the lowest prices, and warranted to be. of the latest styles and best quality, and will j be sold as low as any House in the A' Kice Cottage Ckaier set for only -----Fiie sets for - fine lalMt sets, Mle Tops, only : Eaitae'Parlor sets for Special terms made with country merchants who want cheap Beds in ohcdnxi-n and half dozen lots. BfI will a!so ,iaTe on hantl a ful Hnef -COFFIK8, CAbKETS and Undertakers7 goods all at the lowest prices 52:ly. .TO FIVETHOUSAHu-CUSTOWERS W. SMITHDEAL IS with all the surrounding Towns and Cities Engines, Boilers and 'Mining Machinery. Horse Powers, Wheat Drills, Buggies, Pwetons, Carnages, Spnnr Vagons; Double and Single Harness, Atlas and Giant Powder, Blasting Caps, Doable Topped Fuse. Elect rit lilasting Machines, masting and nine fowder. i will sell velncles tor cah, until nisnu tact urcrs prices adrance, at the following ncss complete from $50 to $140. Top Buggies with Harness complete from $6$ to $200 I keep in sto-k vehicles manufactured by Buggy Co., Columbus, Ohio; Whitney Wagon Cincinnati, Ohio; Scchler & Co., Cincinnati, HACHINHRY 1IAHUPJLCTU3ED BY Beekett McDowet, New York, uelser Jaanuracturlag; Vo,. Wai-uesboro, Pa., unities l.cufi o -o., fiinngueioviiio. j I?OW I t'llt. Kepanno Chemical CQ., PhlladelpLlaV Tn. Atlantic iHi.t row dtr Co., H. T. j lluzard Powder Comp.iuy, New York. . r "OFFICE 'UNDER MEHONEY'S OPERA HA I.L, "WAKE KOOilS L'SDKK MKKOKEY's Ol'IJlA nl.I, AKD BOYDEK IIOCfE STOKE, XI AIM ST.. SALISBURY, N. C. ' - . W. SMITHDEAL. NATlOflAL HOTEL, SALISBURY, H. C. MRS. DR. REEVES, Formerly proprietress of this well known House, has again leased it, and will lie pleased to sec her many patrons when thev visit Salisbury. Jan'y 15, 1863. 1-tm. fi'IMPlaLS. I will mail (free) the recipe for a Mmple Vkg- Table BALM that will remove Tan, FitKCKLEs PiMPl.sand Plotciies, leafinjr thf akin tuift. cle ir and beautiful; al.o uiMrnciion for produ cing n luxuriant growth of hair rn a ha hi head or smooth face. Addrew. iiu Io-;iii" 3c.tanu. BEN. VA N DELF & Co., its Barclay St., N. Y. U83 20:1 'HA'RDW AR Agrent for the CARDWELL THE3HER, D. A. AT WELL. WllEiX VO U WAXT At Iiow Ficurea Call on the uuderngntd a Ho. 2, Granb to.. D A. AT WELL Salisbury .N O..June8 if. W&8TERH t!. C. RAILROAD. OFFICE GKN. PASSENQEK AGENT, Salisbury, ir. C, October 12th, 1332 SCHEDULE. Pass. Train i No. U . STATIONS Pass. Train Arrlre 5.45 " 4.S8 S.09 : " t.io " 1I.S4 " "".- 11.R0 AX ' 10.03 - " .0i Leave s.h) ;...Sat-ibtiry .'...states vi lie ....Newton . ...lilckory ....5orpranton... ....Marlon ...... Black Monntaln . ....AsSievme....; Leave .10am Airire sj .25 " " 10. !3 " " 11.40 " " l.M r M " 8.01 ' " ?.44 6.4 " ....AVarm Spring's " e.tKi h ....ngeon inver Train No. 1 Connects at Salisbury with R, & P. n. E. from nil points North and South and from Raleigh. Connects ai SlAtestHle with A. T. &. o. Dlv. rl cf. c. A A. P.. R. Connects at Warm Springs with E. Tenn., Vp. t Ga. U. K. lor Morrjstown and points South-v. est. Train No. 2 Connects at Warm Springs with p. T. Va. A Ga.It.li. rrpm Morrtstown & the South-West. Cennects at Stalcsvllle wlih A. T t O. Dlv. ef C C. &. A. R. E. and at Salisbury with' K. D. It. R. lor all points North and East atd for Kalclgh. Through Tickets on sale atSaUsburj", Si:Uesvllle, Ashevllle and the Warm Springs to all principal clUei. J. B. Mccainrdo, Audr. G. F. & P. Agt. i FOR RENT. - SHOP & DWSLLIICGr ! Property siMiateil o:i Main Street, op poMic .MfionevV II;.1I To rxamiiie prop ei t and U at u eiin, npp'f to ; : '; -".' fc'RS. 1 ITZ, . f Owner wmxi i 3' -: ""'..." - 1 - OOODS country. Come and get I ...; -$25.0Q $30, $35, and $40 ................ ..-.j...-.. J $40, $50 Ei3 $75 at j B. i. ? DAVIS' M WANTED TO J01K TKEAF.KY! 3LJ. NOW BATTLING in North Carolina against hili ! prices on Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Threshing Machines, low prices, to wit : Open Buggies with liar the following well known firms: Columbus C o., Svr;n us, JC. Y. ; Emerson Fihcr Co, Ohio; Davis, Gould & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio Gli b & sif-m tt M?jmtacturlrg Co, TltasTllle, Ta Blcktonl & lloninaa,-Mce.1one, N. Y. s-kiemt : w too. tut, ra. . We continue to act as solicitors for patents. ; caveats. trade-marks, copyrights, etc., for the United States, and to obtain pat ents in Canada. England, France, Germany, and ail other countries. Thlrtylx yean practice. No charge for examination of models or draw ings. Advice by mail free. i Patents obtained through us are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AHKIUCABT, which has the largest circulation, and ia the most influ ential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of snch a notice everr patentee understands. this large ana splendidly illustrated news paper is published WEEKLY at 13.20 a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mecnamcs, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. aSold by all news dealers. Address, Munn & Co., publishers of Sdexw tifio American. 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patanta mailed free, 12:if ; 1 ! A ffffi'l A Btt'.lr Now aositival aaooiiva r , RfmHj for tko vaoMlT aa4 wrauadl oim of Sominal Bmiaaions no t Iiapatener r kt ul' arc . Pimt aapiMUM. t. it. uJWhM r tim Umtm. TW mm M ik. nn ty m . m tn..li.. 4 tma mm wtik la ntlny fr i i mt XV. tkat m i Ii t n nam mmm aMoiiiawniiwiiMm, m liM.t;r I rm T t a m m w Uuynt ixir.. Fri .wimi MMoa Mittnly IKTOW mm Oi mrrtt mm lftwu. It a aa y tlx afaaiMl I'll a KWi mm imohJ tt tim mm mt nrUM mti mxix taia m; ywlw aoaMa. n lUiMaj a tmi m D i. hU. ft ton ali.t riniMxOM t X fci imi w mhi. t.w i.ia.1 Ma.a.waa a.ni, T.i imi . J HARRIS REMEDY CO. MPS CHEMISTS Mara ana Sth 8twta, BT. LorjIS. MO. w w W S3 aa Q Sf -i 2 V r- r 2 X O -3 3 2 o iTO --s S3 SB CD U2 'il-s -52 -t r: z - s . X t A 5-. -tsr paM o ? at O O 3 s O w ra , - u 3 - j - ' S op : ? 2 P !! s W .8p 8 c - - s SO? I 2 jt; 1 r O C9 -T-l S " - z c a ?: Z- 5! f"?i E, e : 3 X - . ?2 5 (a s -J -s 00 :5i u , r;- a ? 1 o s ,3. O 'j a a 5 r 3 ft C -t r- . P " rsii Philadelphia Pre ; Jos. G. Wain will make a trip through some of the Soiithot n State-Jo; the sprin unless the 30(5 man afcercan pet out au injunction torcstiuiu him fit ui trampling dowp their ft incs, Cousin Sally Dillant. BY UAMIIyTON a"JONfES. Scene. A court of justice in North Carolina. . ' ! I; . A beardless disciple of mienus rises and thus addresses the court: "May it please your worship and i you geu- . S !'J i. .. 1 tiemen oi incjury, since it uus uceu mv fortune (itikhI or , bad.! I will not say), to exercise rtiyself-Sini legal dis quisition,, it has never befallen me to D6 ouugeu to prosecute so uireiuny marked an assault. A more wilful. violent and tfanveruus i battery, and fiually a more, diabolical breach of the peace, has seldom happened in a civilized country, and been1 your duty to pass upon upon one so shocking to benevolent - feelings, as Jhis which took place ; over at ; Captain Rice's in this county y but jou will wear irom the witnesses.' ' j L'-5 -.' The .witnesses, being sworn, two or three were examined and deposed. One said that he heard the noise, bit t did not see the fight ; another that he saw the row but did not know who struck first, and another! that he was very drunk and couldu l say much about the skrimmage. Lawyer Chops-I am sorrr, gen tlemen, to hae occupitd your time with the stupidity! oi the witncs&es exanuued. it arises, geiitlenu-n, al loijciiier iroui a iiiisaiiiirfucnsiuu on i . i i:."T..--.... my part;. Had I known us I do, that I had a wituess who was acquainted with all the circumstances of the case, and who was able to make himself clearly understood! to. the court and jury, I should not Jiave trespassed so long u your patience. Come for ward, Mr. Harris, ami be sworn. bo torwaru comes the witness, a fat ch u fly "old maw, a "leetle" corn ed, and took his oath with an air. Chops -Harris" we wi-diyou to tell about the riot that hnppctid the other day at Captain Rice's, and as a good deal oi tune has already been wasted in circumlocution, we wish you to be com pend nous, at the same time as ex phcit as possible. , Harris Adzackly giving. the law vera knowing wink, at the Kinie time clearing his throat.) Captain Kite, he gut a. treat, and cousin bally Di Haiti hhe come over to our house and axed me if niv wife she mouiiln't g? J told c u-iin Sally Di! lard my wife was poorly, betu as how she had a touch of rheumatics in the hip, and the big swamp was up in the road, there haviu beeu a great deal of rain lately, but howsoever, as it was she, cmisiti ballv Dillard, my wife she moot go. Well then cousin Sally Dillard then axed me if Mose he inoutn't go ? 1 told cousin Sally Dillard! that he was the foreman of the crap, and the crap was smartly m the grass, but howsoever, as it was she, cousin Sally Dillard, Alose he tnotit go. Chops In the name of common sense, Mr. Harris, what do you mean by tins rigu a rn i a m 1 witness Uat)tain;liice. he jrin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard, she come over to my house and axed nit if my wife she moutnV"go? and I toid c-nisin Sally Dillard Chops Stop, ir,;if you please; we don t want to nar about your Sally Dillard or your wilej tell u? about the hght at Rices. a a I V aaa a Wiines-s ell, 1 will sir, it you will let me. Chops Well, sir, go on. " Witpess Well, sir, Captain Rice he gin a treat ami cousin vally Dil lard, she come over to my house and axed me if my wife she moutn't go? Chops Here it is again. Witness, please to stop. j Wituess Well, sir, what do yon want? Chops We want !to know about the fight, and you must not proceed in this impertinent story. Do yon knsw anything about the matter be fore the court ? f Witness To be sure I do. Chops AVell, go ou then, and tell it, and nothing else. ; Witness Well, Captain Rice, he gin a treat Chops This is intolerable. May it phase the court, I move that th .witness be committed for contempt. Ho seems to be -trifling with the oiirt. L Court Witness, you are before the ourt of justice, and unless you be- i ave yourself in a more becoming ii anner you will be sent to jail ; so txgin and tell me what you knowj li e fight at Rice s. Witness Well, gentlcnier.,Captain Kice he gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard . 1 . Court (after delilerating),Mr. At torney, the court is of opinion that we may save time iyi letting the wit i e-s go on in his own: way. Proceed, Mr. Harris, with your ! story, but sii:k to the point. j - Witness Yes, gentlemen. Well, Captain Rice he gin a treat, and i ousin Sally Dillard 1 come over to our house and axed :me if my. wife she. moutn't go? I told cousin. Sally Dilfard that my wife phe was poorly, bein' as how she had the rheumatics in her hip, aud the big swamp was up, howsoever, as it was 1 she; cousin ally Dillard, my wife slie niout go. Well then cousin Sall Dfllaitl then axed me if Mose moutn't go ?N I old cousin Sally Dillard as how Mose was foreman of the crap and the crap it was smartly in the grass,, but how soever, as it was she, cousin Sally Dil-lard,-Mose he mout go do they goes on together, Mose, my iwile and cous in Sally Dillard, and they, comes tu the big swamp, and it was up, as I was WUio' you ; but! bein' as how hro wna n loo- ncToss the big swamp cousin Sally Dillard and Mose, like genteel folks, walke.1 the log, but my itnfi. .'liLaa n ilnrned lool huistcd nci coats and watleil through. aaa at p a a w mrm - . - g Chops Heaven and earth, this is oo bad ; but go on. Witness Well, that is all I" know about tho figlit. To Protect Tobacxx) f Plant . '. . - m a t " tl Beds. A writer in the Asiievuie Citizen gives the foil wing plan to protect tobacco plant beds from the fly-: ;' .... Enclose the beds, as soon as con venient after seedimr. with planks from twelve to fourteen inches wide, one inch thick, set up ou edge, and . . . . , . . ii T: . I held in place by small sucks uriveu into the ground on each side,'the ends latminsrl and the earth "from the inaiilP rirnwil UD to tne DOllOln OI tim ntnnlr ham tn leave no oueniu through wich the flea or fly ciu pass, aUU as lb UOPS Jioi nw mwc w twelve inches above the ground, it would be prevented from entering the patch." . . . , .' . - The Fraud" of "Pairs.' The rule ought to obtain that ' when a Senator or Representative leaves Jus hpost of duty to Iwk after his private business or to sees pleasure ins pay should cease, and the party to which he beloiigs should be made to stiller the loss or . disadvantages of his ab sence. This would tend more thati any thine to secure prompt attention to Dubliu busiuess. There are now fully one-third of the Senators absent. There has not been a day since Con gress convened that fully one-third of the tmfmbers of the Senate were iiot absent attending to their private af fairs. It shnn Id be stopped some way or other. Washington Critic. Washington Critic: The great floods that have inundated the Western State., destroyed an immense amount of property and causing a great loss or! lie, can bet raced almo.st directly to the felling of the forests with which that part of the country vas once so heavily covered. In spite of this obvious facl there is a lobby here working to hae t!ic tariif on liimlM.r contiuufd. '1 he greetl and utter sel fishne4 of these men will be silently rebuked if Conjness has any reuaid for the real interesl of the country. . iCii mm . , Na m In ST Streets. Coif anion Caused by Giving Ute Fuviil- uir 'iS'avws vf Iroaun. f'fexas .SUifiingi. ' Why.it was done .we cannot say, but (pine a number of the streets ol Austin have been named afier females. Such names as Kmuia, Laura, Isabel la, stare at you in large letters from almost every corner. 1 lie Austin Ktple, or some -of them at least, have become tolerably familiar with Maria, Julie, Sus in aud the rctt, but strau- sjersare liable to become bewildered by the singular nomenclature. A gentleman from Dallas, who had only a fe hours to spend iirour pity, wi?hed to take a look at the new cap- itol, aud not knowing where it was matle inquiry of the first man he met. "Can vn tell uie how 1 can iiud the new lemporary capitol ?" "Thai's easy enouu. Are you fa miliar with KiiMiia .street?" 'l am not. 1 have no actpiain: ame with any lady of thai name, l heie is a lamily ty that name in Dallas, but 1 am not actptaiutcd with them. D es Kmma Street live near thecapitol?" The Austin man stared at the stran ger fof a moment, and then, pointing down Mngm lia avenue, said ; 4 You s?e where Maria comes into the aveuue?' The Dailus man looked in the di rection (Miiuled out ami perceiving a fat old negro woman with a big bas ket ou her arm, nodded his head in assent. u ell, you intil take Maru until you to the corner of .Elizabeth, and until Peggy and Saiah come. to gether, and then you will beallright.' ''Look here, my friend, if you think I am that kind of a man because i come from Dallas you are m'ost con foundedly off. 1 want you to under stand that J am a gentleman. . 'You dog-gasted idiot retorted the Austin man, 'if 1 was-as bad . off for brains as you are 1 would bore a hole in my empty skull and hire a uiggerl a . I to pour in ten cents worth ol cheap oleomargarine." The Dallas man shook his fist at the native and said, 'I've, alway heard that the State Lunatic'Asylum was too small to accommodate all the lunatics but now I know it and he moved off toward Esmeralda, while the other party leaned up agaiust the corner of Ann aud Matilda aud glar ed after him as he disappeared iu the direction of Martha. Three hundred persons attending g circus iu Russian Poland ou Satnrla afternoon perished by the burning f the building. ' ,. :...." r . y Tota Hanis WanteJ! Three or fonr hands to work on a, Tobacco Plantation 7 miles from Ashe vi lie, N. C. Two married men with working hands pre ferred. One of them must be a good man ager of horses and able to take care of stock. Both should know something about tobac co farming. Apply to ' L J. D. McNEELY. Jan. 11, 18S3. Salishun-, N. C, mm mm- J Mil -awwwwiri I IU home office. iSr.vrov J Police Guaranteed for their fun ue, neenreu vy an ample fund. tsrfjfLi in U. k. Bonds, which h inertaitfr every year, from the thte Annual J ments of fcS.OQV ver fil.ooo .." -? .... . . , v-,vv Htnrttmm : -OPFICE.RS j Hon. Alex. II. H. Stuakt, President S Hon. Marshall Haxger, Vice I'n-jJ . Hiram.-. Cookkl 8 rrfn,. YtF ll. yi kout, i reasurer, William Forbes, General Aent a-k a v rtrm, . .m - Dr. Cabtkb Berkeley, Medical Exm , 1 DIRECTORS, A. H. II. Stuart, j LWitz, C h. Cooke, ! Wm. P,)rw r ti ' O. G. Go,K h, j W E. Crai i P. n. Trout,' O. P. Baker, A. Avers, -.1 TY. B. McCbcsnej; Thd Valley Mutual Life Associate presents tbe t olio wing pp to such Persons as desire to bee . HE2XBERS: . The payment of SS.00 for nu'mhcrsL; j.uv' Hunvii"j ", iiiiuc ears, common!;' one year from date of Policv.-flnd thereriri- An rt 1 1 .1 - i: r " ... T'T assessments' at thei death of end, meniLr will Entitle a iiiimher to a CcrtificaW nil .lt . . the legv I Jieirsori assigns, in ninety , irom approval oi aeain nonce. TABLE Oil ASSESSMENTS FOa A MKMBEKSHir Or CHS Tnoi8ND D0LU. ' f ; A axfcm w'a t r?l gg : Ajm mJJjjj!r: A Mn4a"a .Our Grtiarantco. As we h.tve before stated, the i-ollcles l!wi br tbe "Valley iluteal" are miarani Ml. We dn ai prt'.mlse ttp,iy '-as many dollars as any u!mcs4icbi will yield ; bat Bay the amount. Insured for vfllbt paid in lull. In onitn for us to do this a jjuarapttt fund lias been firovlded, wlilcb. as will be m tnm -our annual stut menu now amounts to ovir ra,j. This fund is lncreawd every year irom tbe Uiret annual payments or five dolUrs per i,tio insurance. It Is the intention ol our Board of Directors &l. crease this fund to an amount wulcb a ill hi any emergency be lully adequate to meet any poible deficiency arltlns noro a failure to rmlveeiiwrt from an a&sesinent to pay a loss. In this one respect the "Valley Mutnarclilmi greansupertority over all co-operative asBoj-latjoaa, Not one of theiu has this all important 'eature. Not. one of them provides a fund for the proteqUw of members, and not one of them guarauleetadpaT one cent more than they collect by an aissesKmriit DIt. JNO. F. FOARD, Agi 15:2m - ' j North Garoiina Railroad. CCKOEHS ED SCHEDULE, j TKAIXSGOINQ EAST. l Dsle.At.r. 3U, liWll No. 51. I o. i3, 1 1 Daily. Daily. (,eave L'lLarhitte.... " Salilurv " High Point .. A rr. (ireenxlloro .... Iea ve (1 rK"tiUi u . Arr. IliUnLoro ' Dtirli:uii " Kaleigh. Lv. 14 ........ Arr. GoMahoro..... 4.00 a.iu 5.53 7.20 M 8.00 ' 4.46 p. H. 6.24 i 7.35 " 8.06 M f . a a t S 9.30 11.47 1 26 1.40 p.m. 4.05 6.30 tt Ho. 17 lily eicej't Saturday, j . Leave Greensboro 5 00 p. m. ' ' Arrive st Raleigh 1.51 a. ni. Arrive at GohMboro 72ft " ' No. 51 Gonnectx at Greensboro with RA D. K. II. for all rini- North, Eat and WW via. Danville. Af GohUboro with W. & W. Ii. K. for 'Wilmington. j j N.. 5.t Connects at Salinbtirj with W.jK, C, l. II. furall porntsin Wenlern N.CaroIinj daily at Greeniloro with K. & J). K. K. for all ioints North, East aiid Weft. I "t1:ains'gi"n7j west. T Date, Feb. 19, 18S2. No. 50. Daily. No. 52, f Dailv. Leavefioldxboro ... Arrive Kaleigb .... Leave .... Arrivs Dnrhanr ..... " II illaboi, ...... Greena). ro.. 1 Leava Arrive Hix Piorst " Sali.T,urv ' ChtrlottV..... 10.00 a. n. i. - 12.20 psa 35 5.06 " 5.46 " 8.05 9.15 u 9.50 " 11.12 " 1.10 a.m. 0.40 a. ino M; 11.21 1.00 u No. 18, Daily ex.builday-Lv.GoldidYaJL&OlIsi 1 Ar.Kaleita 7,ff P , j Lt. 6.00 ssi i Ar.Greenboro4l5pai No. 50 Cormtcts st CLarlolte with 1. 4 A. Air Line for all point n in the South aad Sclfc west, and wilh C.U.A A. R. R. for all poUts South and Southeast.! , M is: 52 Connect al Charlotte with A. f Pr Air Line Tor all point booth and aoutbweni at Charlotte with C. p. A A. K. R. with! ill points South and Southeast. -- 1 FJ. W. ft. C. RAILROAD. VI JI m.Wm 1 4rii I arra .a a 1 - Wm rsl i :: 38 : IS : 53 j tZ l I 40 j 3 5 79 : 64 : i2 y : 41 84 : 65 u5 't 61 ; 41 85 5fi vs ST J 52 42 M '! s; tm ITS j 63 4t t ; M Z Sr9 j 64 44 'i 58 1 SW H 45 1 00 611 fij. tn I 61 " 48 1 05 ci to Zt I Ci -4X 1 10 6! tm Si j 6 4S 1 16 r.3 jr; 31 1 - " J 1S Ja 3 - : f-9 : oo : 1 : 65 .: 35 ' " No. 52 ' j" ' Goikg West. i No. 50 Daily, ( ? Daily. ex.Ssaday. Lv. Greensboro 9 25ptu 950am j Ar. Kernersvine 1041 u 1041 t - M Salem 1125 11 S5 u L No. 51. ' T" Got ko West. Daily. No. 53. h ex. Son. Daily. Leave Salem ) 5 15 am 600 pa Ar. Kernerville I 5 50 44 4 M j Greensboro 7 00 A 00 L STATE UHlVERSIfY RAILROAD. N. 1. f GoiKO NOKTH. Daily ex. Sm. Leave ChapelJIill Arrive L'nivemiv...;. ...... 10.40 a 11.40 a No. 2. Daily ex.iss. GOIKQ f m, iiitu iurrallT....t...... Arriva Chapel liilll.... 12.10 p m l.Of s Pullman Sleeping Cars without CliaBp On Train No. 50, Nsw York and Aiiaats viy Washington & Danvilie, and between urea-air Itoroand Charleston J t On Train Jfa. 52, Richmond and CharlslU Waohingion and Charlotte via Danville. f eSTThronsh Ticket on saleatGreenaboro, Raleieh. GoldKboro. Salinbarv and Charlotte, and at all principal points South; Southwest, West,No0h and Eat, For Emigrants rates tf Iuisiana, Texas, A r kansas and the Soathwet? vailrcMg - i. . A. JrUfJSs i. ;Gen. Paengei Afh ; i i -. i 2J:ly J - Richmond, a- 4 ",waaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaajaaaiaa . . - ., -. .- . - V.." i -aaaaa

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