1 i: I t DLXlV:.HfSlKB. SEEIES.;, j , , , - j 8AIISBUE7.IH.G.iUABCir 1883H -- .. v--- .TVBUSIIED M THE TEAR 1882. . S;' PRICE, 1.5jtN APVyCK. , Invalids wh ardi recoTing vitol Ftumina, ilrclare iu rfratfiful lerms thi'ir Uppn-cia-tiua of th"' nuTiiji aa Ionic, of Hosuuer'a Stoniach liitttrsi! irt ony Ih it imparl itretitftli thc'ftvftik, but ft uIbo corrects b irrvjflilarj afljl iiftute of the etoniach, nuki'StTie l)vifl8ct at proper intervals, riTMe to I th-0! who titiTer from Rlu u inticaiil kiInftrtfoiibli-, and conquera ad wril aa jircvntsvfeifer anil npne. h ! BpajS.SHG !8i GAITERS, made to oruen ail "i first Class SeveuU'en. Years Ex perience. All MaterHJ of the best grade, and wort done tn the latest Jaty.les t Rrady made wifrksalwaya on hand- Repairing tpiitly-sind prpmnjiv ?ione. uratrs ov man prompt l:li. . F U 1ii.ii.hi.v. 1. 0 BLACKMER &TAlf LOR HAVING PURCHASED THE StVO'G. 0 p WM. SMITHDEAL, AS WEliL 4S THE INTEREST OF avfford. of the firm of CRAYFORD & CO., R. R If- "f Wo are! nowfpreparetl to supply our 'eactomci'slwitli all kinds of " I U - AGRICULTURAL IBIPLEHEHTS, if - - lit addition to the ' If- Heat' Selected Stock of H Ik ilf D W A R E in the STATE. Ve also handlo Rifle as ting Powder P FUSE i . -. . and al full line oT'Mrninir Sunolies. We will Dupiclto Any Prices in the State, CM, AND SEE US. iTivif. " L TAUliU. OA.1. L fil . t Save Me From Myself.' " I . ' i 1 v ?T kkv. iu sc.- orroRD. Lord, Bare me from my sin. Nt from its cToonj alone, But h its giant power in me, By grace, be rerthrown. i ' f i " ' This evil heart within; Lord, tare me from myself, for then I shall be Bared from sin, ; It is the foe within : t That makes the fortress weak; i Myself, njiy greatest cneiny, ' , For self-control I seek. , , , . , 4 . f - " is God ofsalratlpiu grant. 1 - i ! i ill This liberty to me, Then shall my purer service yield f More glory unto Thee. From tbe Hand-Book. NOBTII CAItOLINA. I Population aI iymd area GottnV, owJ J.crs Improved and Unimproved. TIlA natural inrrnaiA in nnr nrvtutlut inn has been greater tlian from natural and foreign sources iu most other States, and now ranks it ns the fifteenth in the num ber of its inhabitants in tha Union. It increased from 1,071,301 iu 1870,to 1,39!),- 650 in I860, and can now be safely estima ted at 1 ,500,000, Classified by the census according to sex there were in 1880, 637,- 903 males, and 711,842 females: by race, 867,242 whites, 531,267 colored, people. 1,230 Indians and 1 Japanese. The ag gregate population consisted of -270,994 families living iu 264,305 dwelliugs. The number of pernons to a square mile was 28.81, the number of families 5.58; dwell ings 5.44. The number of acres of laud to a person 22.21, toa family 114.73. The number of persons to a dwelling 5.30 ; to a family 5.17. The per cent age of increase front 1870 to 1830 was 30.06 ; of density of popula tion 8 per cent. " " Distributed according to topography 421.157 of the popnlatiou livs on the South Atlantic coast, -743,739 on the Interior Plateaus and Table Lands ; and 233,U4 in the Mountain districts.. . According to the same distribution 203,771 colored peo ple live on the South Atlantic coast; 300,- 236 on the Interior Table Lands ; and 27,270 iu the Mountain districts.! TOTAL POPCLA TIOM. IM UXIM PI.OV. ED. COUNTIES. Sqcakx PROV MILKS. ED, Tbe State, Alamance,.. Alexander, . Allegheny. . Anaoo....... Aslie, Beaufort, ... Uertle Bladen, .... Brunswick, . Buncombe, . Burke....... Cabarrus,... Caldwell, M. Camden, ... Carteret,. CaswelL..... 1,399,750 14,1S 8,356 14.43T 4S,58P 43b 77,799 48,986 4.147 90,061 117.174 4487 8604 40.563 1989 99,602 lSt.,268 tI'tS aoo ' 800 45 iM,.7tn 169.988 928,534 17,474 1,3 14,158 72lH 72U 902,633 810.601 SO7.680 Jl SIA - 90) M8 950 11.909 IJ.W9 6W 400 44,496 90,614 r 1 4, ll u?4 9.7S4 '40W Hem!, 45o 47,4054 i , . !5I j!o 14193 69U ZZ,4S 89,885 78,080 126,940 30,668 11,82 14,946 23,453 sass 7,900 - Svll .401 Catawba S7C Chatham, .... 800 50C 240 1601 Cherokee, ... Chowan, Clay......... Cleveland,... Columbus,... Craven, Cumberland, Currituck. .. . Bare, Davidson,. .. Davie. lev rvJ 1 36,j2 17.691 87.691 89,031 5292 59,639 41,170 253 129.664 6,810 73,061 136,015 79rH50 9,I18 T0,67! 49,984 861 150,127 76,942 14392 147,143 42,927 62,132 49,180 71,954 176,248 863,443 199,199 814.948 18,571 42W 75QJ 14.439 19.719 9001 13,836 S.47C 900 . 200 00 too 5! 2,143 J0,S33 18,771 ' 85olJ 8o.',47j Duplin, Edgecombe 70 9S.1S1 soot la'??! Forayrn. . .-. Frankttn,.. 1,07 14,854 840 42H 8401 io7,7oi tlojss Gaston, "Gates, 8,397 3601 Graaam, tiranvule,... Greene, Guilford...... S,S35 1,8 KM7 850 750 800 SO sSmi W 385 80.300 lOSi Halifax, 680 640 T40 880 ! Harnett,...,... Haywood. Henderson,.... Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, jacksoo, Johnson, Jones, Lenoir Lincoln, McDowell...... Macon, .. .... MaMson, Martin 19.971 " . 10481 45,445; 114.816 130,261 42,772 211,716 140.413 11.843 7,765 82,675 7.343 J3,4l 7,481 15,344 U.01 9.836 8,964 - W.810 13,140 34,173 t,4S6 974 16,851 17,731 1M76 20,039 9,829 83,693 1 6,323 340 5&W 83,153 43i' 64MM 92d 112.365 32,853 670 .107,585 815,235 450 139,3241 ii2',832 53,605 85,809 429 27W 440 660 450 500 80! 240i S79i 800 57,523 $8,795 126,993 36,3.0 69,087 17K 7Q ISffl 67,030 Mecklenburg... 147,161 106,687 Mltcneu,. Montgomery,.. Moore, Nash Nw nanover,. Northampton .. Onslow, Orange,. ...... Pamlico Pasquotank,... Pender, Perquimans,... Person, Pitt...... p0l&Lk Randolph, lUchmond, 4S.117 70.922 192,952 fitm 620 83.C85 7,715 99,885 66,68 51 - 640 670 860! 240j 8001 220 ' 400 820 300 7i0 86! 950 ' 650l wee 86,401 17.526 61,779 38.699 10,3691 290654 19,468 9,4ti6 13,719 64,433 76,797 107,255 21,762 1OO.888 76,067 120,480 84,188 110,173 68,698 131,469 61.279 141 884 27',i5o 21.74 , 5.0G8 92!w6 20,836 18,245 23.SS0 21.744 SI!? Robeson Rockingham... Rowan...... Rutherford,.,.. Sampson,. Stanly,. Stokes, Surry. Swain...... .... Transylvania. . Tyrrell,... Unloa,.. Wake Warren, Washington, Wautauga, .... Wayne. Wilkes, Wilson... Yadkin,:.. Yancey......... 19.W5 H4,D3dl 15,198 22,894 840' 380 155:175 10,505 16.353 600! 500 57,393 81,690 14475 20,636 iM i 1I0.1UJ 15.302 - S.784 401 108,466 M40 "4J545 330 330: mi. nix o,293 320; 19,801 18,056! 86,428 m iWWi 31614 47.939 23.619 8,928 8,160 9R0 450! 161.97 87,183 81,695 69,999 123,629 swj HM5 I 4G01 50 700 350 24,951 292o5 tic aaK o'o 19,161 100,151 66.027 16,064 12,420 320 - (60,070 45,689 -T,4 ii3,i9oi Acres land. .... .iJCTROVBD. I 6,431,191 1 UNIJfPROVD. 15,882,367 1 xtx Pioni Tvi TiixriRR TjAND. i xiuniu s There are. 40,000 square miles of almost unbroken forests in NCrth Carolina, comprising pine, clustnut oak maple, beech and hickory tim ber in their finest growth It is es- timated that in ten years the timber alone in North Carolina will exceed in value the present total valuation of n !, nrmrtv in the State, inclu Idin laud. The State grows nineteen Ivarietiesof oak, and its pine nrests are f tjje 1,.1. IndianopUs $en- The-Washlngton Correspondent of the fHiftrliifto J111 rtil e-i v Tl.eM ; . .,-1 iM.n:LmIf January 17 : "Heavy snow storms mere is a general rebellion. among I - r i r . .1.-. -1 . tJl extending over a period of fiOeen ' . . t . fa 1 live f appropriation bill whieh adds one hr to their dar'. labor To hear 1. ... 1.1 .... silch outrage was ever Ufor7attemi- ted to be practiced upon an already overburdened class of people as thU ... .1 i i proposition requiring mem io worK eightLours a day! lei the half hour or hour recess' at noon:s It was the general topic of 'conversation about -irV n i - .- . Y"t""" " .w ",tlfts Klerks male and lemale, nau a louuy oi their jnenas on nana to deTet the measure: As it was pro- as . v v pro- iK)sed to pass the bill under a sospen- :j.a " . m ston ot the rules, many ot their friends discouraged the idea of mak ing any light iu the House, but said they: would assist iu getting the Sen ate to strike the provision from the bill. A handsome 'and elegantly dressed lady who sat near me for a while was so vehement in her denun- . . r .1 C,UVUU U1 we wiuumu ior uuiiig sacli a provision in the bill that 1 i'J the ventured to ask her if she ws hi employment of the Government. She rather disdainfully replied i that she was not, but that her husband was. When, at her request, I pointed out Mr; Ciaunon, who reported the bill, she 1 was pretty severe on him, and said the clerks would see that he is never elected to Congress again. Here we seeue of the great evils resulting from a long ascendency of ....i:... i ... n-i i ... one jHiiuiuai parcy. xuu employes of 'the Government come to regard themselves as a privileged class, and think they' have a personal right to the offices which they have held so loug. .If any effort is made to re form, the service, they look upon it as meddling with their personal affairs, aud resent it by organizing to defeat the representatives of the cople who have dared,. to . interfere with them. Now there are at least a million of X,UTT k miiiiwu people iu the United States just as r . . .i . ? competent , to perform the duties of I clerks in tha departments as those who are tiiere, -and they IwoulJ be gted to work eight, or even ten, hours a day, if they could secure those offices ; but the favored few who have held them for i so many years, seem to think they have a di vine right to live at the expense of the Government, and shirk ail the I work4hey can. While the office hours I in none of the departments are more than seven, m some they are only six, and all have an intermission at noon. 1 do uot think it is possible to find , r . , i . ' fl ii. r n fin.un nion uiiin pupr nil ri men wno ever themselves, meutally or- physically, by work. It is what they do outside ' m , .i . . i , : 8ov,3oioi omce nours inai is leiuug on iiieir I . ..... . CVISBlItUilUIlS. j 1 . I Kuow a Thing or Two. f uMv dear boy " said a father "My dear boy," said a father to ... 8 0n 80n, ' pany. The lads with whom you as- I sociate indulge in bad iiauus. 1 ney dnuk, 'smoke, swear, play cards, aud visit theatres. They are not safe com- pany for you. I beg you to quit their soeietv." "Yon needn't be afraid, of me, m rm . m it m m . . . The boy left house twirling , his cane in his fingers, laughing at the "old man's uoti and lions about him. A few years later and that lad, I I . . J . . I . grown up to mannoou, sioou at iue bar of a court, before a jury which I had just brought in a verdict of guiltyj nie bad been concerned. f Before lie was sentenced he ad- dressed the court, and said among other things, "My downward course I began in disobedience to my parents I thought I knew as much of the world as my father did, and I spurn ed his advice : but as soon as I turn- . . , ' i . HIT www vi ,w"., I . came upon me like a drove of hyenas t f I 11 1 . - 1 k. ....... ' I aim uurncu me w rum. ru, M:.7 r: .-uA marK s " w 1 are beginning to.be wiser thau your parents. Mark it, aud learn mat a . a . i . disobedience is tlie first step on the road to ruin. Don't" forget it, but I 11 ..,11 I iiouder it well. I . . me Mjinnese are a womienunv imitative race of people. Some weeks ago they commenced uy me po- - J nation of a newspaper in xsew l ork city, and now comes tlie report that a prize fight was fought by celestials in Philadelphia a week ago. It is the drst of the kind on rocord, but illus- t rates the facility with which forcign- ers alapt themselves to our peculiar civilization. We venture to suggest that it will be next in order lor a na- tive of the Flowery Kingdom to at- tempt to eat two rats a day fur thirty day5., and we Ure pref red to put up" that he can do it. Lhar. Jour- lamer, repnea me ooy, laugmng. ucrone ougiu to oe neara in a courc Church make it right? Would it be right! "I know a thing or two. I know how of justice except Upon the condition forme to steal money to putin tbe colectfontj far to go and when to stop of submitting both to do and receive nd if it'is'riht for the Church, is it tai 1- The Geneva correspondent of o the! tiomiou Times telegraphs, under date ! iim vu imvia iirniiiirwii an piLninniinirv rT' ... V aye ,,,c" lowcre " -"" of the same name. Hie scene ot them.ri f.ft - ... ' phenomenon is near the. villageof l su.r "J ?ask, ' t 1 ' lot the villaire were aiarmeu ov a ter-1 i , . . . , ., - n , ?lSPuchf k".ew Id w - Sw. i 91 es in ail haste, and takiht? onlv such I thinr tlv M,M lv tliPir l.n,l, J . . ' . tail, liii i m v ui a r. a. u ' m. a ; biic k i i v n r J ... n y 7 , t , r . boring villages of Geravel and Bouch- - ww iicn lis. wn rnf npxi mnrninir . ... .1 . . i . they ever beheld. A great mass of great earth, solid and compact, pushing be fore it heaps of mud and stones, drag-I ging after it rocks and trees, was ! rolling and irresistibly down the mountain side, straight toward the houses they had left only a few hours previously. Before noon the mud and K:i avalanche, followed by further earth ,. . ,J ... ,, blips iroui wie mou iwuu, r". ?:UU. its course, ana nooouy can ten now soon the disintegration of the moun tain will come to an end. What a Glass of Wine Did. writer, who wished to impress upon his hearers that small incidents often influence great events, recently i 1 called attention to an interesting bit oi iwsiorv. lue f UKe ot wrieaus , . .... was the sou ol Jving Juquis rhillippe, ! T.- .1 I ? . . I oi j: ra uce, aim was me neir- io uie throne. 1 he duke was in the habit of drinking just so many glasses of wine. One additional glass would a . : a make him tipsy. Un a certain occa sion when he was about to leave Paris to join his regiment he invited sever al of him. his friends to ! breakfast with Everything was so jolly tliat , , , c- . . nii - i.aoM V"'6 .V u K m and drank one more than he should have done. Biddin&r adieu to his com nau ions he entered his" carriage. He stumbled ou the step aud frighten ed the horses. Hie horses ran away.1 aud, though the duke was! insi4ejhe; coach he could not keep his seat, ;He loupeii irom . uw carnage. xu ior that one "glass of wine he would have alightwl on Ins feet. As it was, ins head struck the pavement and -he died shortly afterward. That extra glass of wiue overthrew the Orleans dy- nasty, confiscated tlieir property, $100,000,000, sent the whole family into exile, and changed the History oi 1 JJrancc lor the next quarter ot a ecu - i .1 v r "Tha crreatest obstflc'i in the wav O W nf tha nnMnsrit f tho Wnl i.mfp - - a "V .1 Illinois 'Bar Association7, "the most serious Hindrances to tlieir usciuiiiess, the sources of greatest iujury to their 1 ,. .. . . clients, the causes ot dec(et dissatis- factiou and prejudice, are the delays, I uncertainties and exoenses ot lecul proceed ings.riie losses aud the, anx- ieties arising from these causes are often more than the results which the suitor is fiually allowed to ' take out I of the scales of justice." He said that im - m j substantial justice, without regard to any technicality of matter of form. "Let the law provide," he added, . i . . .i . .1 ii i . ..i :.ilr "tnai no juagmeni snail ue e asiue or reversed in any case, civu or emu- I . ! 1 ! II mai, proviuea it suau appear iroui the whore record that substantial jus- tice has been doue I The chean crv of the Radical nro- hectionists that the Democratic party is ,ostile to the manufacturingiiiter- 0f tj,e country, has no foundation iu fact. As the Washington Post well Democrats are as deeply inter says ested as Republicans in the prosper! tv nf the neoole as a whole, and Dem- ,.eaaa w ..cfm.u. more likely than Repub- I 'J l- L ... . I OCrilLS U1C IIU UlVld lincw nit... '"-f"" I .. . . . . i jjng to . , I . I ma ,ake such violent c.ianges o .-i,,w hut hprfi ia sin w a rM' r:. 'I ..TA a .mmn. -v s inr v noro v 'in earnest determination on we pan i - I all overwhelming majority of the tieonle that the tantt taxes shall be reduced and made more equitable. It : thprefore. unwise on the part of the I : .1 n ..w n i..mnlra n i : 1 1 ' i r 1 1 v in liiis vjUh t;o it w w w.v resentment and hostility by.rcfiising i M1 ,. mu, -,,,, the demand of the reform. Charlotte I for tiriff itry Journal. A Spartanburg, S. C. correspondeut of tlie- Charlestan Seics and Courier says : (It i mmarnl here that means have been secured to complete, the Spartan burg and Ashevill railroad, and that the grading wilt be begun in a short time. This will bo a pitoeo of good news to the mountain tourists w ho hare had to stage HontlArattiiville to Aftheville dur ing past seasons, and will probably in- miae the number of travelers by this ! route.'" Many years ago at the time f rcat ceremon, Windsor Castle was honored ith the ptesence of three sorereinga. After breakfast the three potentates walked and . were,m eourse, in murt they were do- lighted with the grounds, and or-tlw who eyidently took them for aLrty of LA Al . . I uucman. gentleman- out for a stroll, After Hle aflable Ulk he could not : i $ ucirj. -w, wno may you gents bef -Well said the spokesman rthi9 Snan. here happens to be the King of Prussia; that one standing by your I s j i it: -i. ... I T T'-Tr 118 Jai. I am tne Emperor of RuPS,a This I wss cairjis tnejoice too tar, thought the Laraner. Vr m latof' aeer5fnrrin . . . - . . - " I v"" "'r 'jt wu mis iwau me; so ue on in' a rather rude guffaw.! Well. my friend jw laid the Emperor Nicholas, I Myoa seem amused: perhaps yoa will telll us who you are." Oh certainly;" so taking up the skirt of his coat with the action of a great eagle spreading out his wiucs and spiuuiug round on his heels, he said: ((If t ah r all nfli.tirAn .... 1 T nm fl n r . lam the Great MogulP The Majestic Sf' a returning t th CastJe, told the story at the luncheon story at the luncheon toble to the immense amusement' of the Queen and Prince Albert. London' SoA Alligator Business. The business of caicning alligators provides occupation for unit a a nnmKn. ..AHr.n 1H C3.. im. The hide of a Unrpn.Wtnr wJ. j $1 to $2. It is almost a day's task to skin I Iarge one A1gatr oil, which has at : .1 "TJeuB a1 l men omAtim. oaf rtt. h- I r " Kviwum ui tuc BUluiai 9 body. The flesh of the tail, when cooked I la iH Ink. .1 ! J is said to be like veal in appearance and like pork in taste. Young ones are bought by dealers at from $2 to $4 a dozen, if not over one foot in length. They fetch a much uiguer price wnen retailed, as tney are hard to keep alive. There is an increase in the selline brice of 50 cents tn 1 for ftrprv art! 8 ditionaf foot over a certain length. Alli--1 gators sixteen to eighteen inches Ion ir sr I often folund by dozens in shallow water, and Z be handled without trouble, pro- vweu e oia one aoes not i nvb va.Ke aiann. are nsaallv tnrtln iloBt fibers I hunters also, vtulibi- na hunters also, pullrng out the animals from holes with a booked poe.JaeltonviUe (Fla.) Timc$.- ? ,--. , -rtt v. r T)rJ Avnvnanv fiinrv rw,,.. Ty, Not the Murderer op Cox.- A friend frohi Couconl, infornis ns that a reliable gentleman from Stanly county, was. in that town yesterday and said that Dr. Richard Anderson. Jr, 0f Bin Lick, had a henrincr b4- foro a maeistrate at Albemarle. Mon- day. concerning the report oPhis I belntr the murderer of clutrlm f?r. He was acquitted of any connection Wltn the afiair. There seams to haw 1 been aio evidence against him what 1 ever, auu two nearinz ueiore iuo mag- is i rate was naa tor tne uuTDOse oi z a m . . . . m m . - - m stopping all rumors in regard to sus- I m -.9 . . 1 picious pointing to him. Uiarlotte I Alftanif A bov astonishe! his Christian mother bv a&kini? for a dolUr to buv a share in a 1 ----- rnffle fur a 8iiTer watch that was to be raf- 0ffn t beer saloon. " Hb mother was I hr,;si .ni kKmLmI him nnt M au h mother did jou not bake a cake with a rjnff in it, to be raffled off in tbe Sunday Schdof fairP uO. my sen.'IWd she. 'that was for the Churclu" uBut if it was wrong L-m the bov. "would doins it for the nsut for -me .to eet this watch if I can ' Tue g0O(j WOman was speechless, and no I neoj. c.n answer the bov's arffumcnt. Tne practiccs are both wrong or they are wh rirht. Tlie attention of the New York Nation is respectfully invited to the factlthat there were 730 murders re corded in the United States last year; also to ths fact that New York alone furnished 131 of them, while ,the whole South furnished only 212; also to the fact that half of the executions for. these murders took place in the South. Aud then the Nation, after - these facts, it is respect 1 ,, . ff , t . , , lfl aU(u ftf :f, I ,, I IU1IY II1VIICU IU IIVIVl JV " w. . I IllllV - rcgard to the murderous dis- I J i P , . j j w oosition of the Southern ieopIe, and Jhe anxiet of everyhoy down here to shield murderers. Charlotte Jour nal. Ttl, Tn Mrenll !a still drmulitllT atrHUlT Uw ..tov.. . . " dreams, his latest binfi this about iutom- If tha Mississippi and all its tributaries were filled with pore whisky, ii the bauks were loaf sugar, and all the low-grounds covered with wiut, there would be no more druukennessithan- theji-o is to-day. I believe in the restrain ing intiueiice of liberty." An explosion yesterday morning in Andrews' restaurant, NorfolkyVa.i Kijle! the cook, injured several per- a..n- . mid damaged pni)erty. ") It is thought the explosion was caused by over-heating the pipes of .a gasoline machine. jmodest, and sclf-l intrusting jverson, av nauy thin sIim:2The: latest pub lished fact in proof bfit is the state tnent tlial he role a letter in 1859 ;to his friend Ti X Picket of' Rock .Island, Illinois in which 1e said : "As to the other matter you kindly nieotion, I must, In candor, say I do ot think myself fit for the Presiden cy." 1 The " letter is now in the pos- session or a intlpman t Liincoln, iNebraska. 6o you hare got twins at yonrhousef said Mrs. Bezumbc to little Tommy Samuel- oa. Tes, ma'am, two of cm." What are jyoa going ta Call - themr -Thunder and Lightning." -Why, those are strand names i. . - - w to call children. uWell, that's what pa (called them as soon as he heard they 'were in the house." jo Sifting. NATIONAL HOTEL, SALISBURY, N. C. " MRS. DU. REEVES, Formerly proprietress of this well known louse, has again leased it, aud will be 1 eased to see her many patrons when they visit Salisbury." Citizens wanting the Omnibus mav leave orders for it at this JJouse: Jan'y 15,1883. 14m. M! Weil!! The attention of Farmers and the crenr. al public is called to the fact that T. J, MORGAN Has opened a First Class FAMILY GRO CERY STORE, next door to Blackmer & Taylor's Hardware, where he will keep a run line of fresh goods, such as Flour, Meal, Bacon, 8alt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, &c- Also a fresh and complete stock of CONFECTIONERIES. and Fancy Groceries. Will pay the highest cash prices for But ter, Eggs, Cliickens, and all saleable coun try products. January 18, 1883. 14:3m. Wan The One-Price Stonal mm 11 LEADING DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND GROCERIES! N FULL STOCK OF FURIIISHIIfG GOODS. I ;! BOOTS AND SHOES A' SPECIALITY ! L,ARGE STOCK OF RUBBEICCOATS &;rSHQES Agents for Coats's Spool Cotton. ittZt Assarfaiwtcfi n u '150 Bushels EAELT NOBTHESN SIimTOES.vjTist-Ic.- BF"Best FIour Meal, Oat Meal, Buck-Wheat Flour, Meats, 8ugar Coffees; Teas,atice Hominy, Grits, Pure Lard, Corn, Oats, Bran, Syrups, and four alndi of New . Orleans Molasses, &c. Coffee Roasted or Green at 10 cents, per 'pound. , 3 lb Cans Tomatoes at 15 cts. YVo mean to soil you Good Goods as ckeap as anyone in town. We bay and Ml all kinds of Ceuntry Produce. Give us a. trial. FAIR All nersons indebted to ns before Jan. that taey must call at once and settle. We t.,.,. KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN. - ' -Feb. 14, 1883. ' " ' - ' ' ' ' Tliflronfili'Brefl PLYMOUTH ROC K. They are the most popular fowl in-this cnuntry, being justly termed the "FARIETTS" UrTGGS for sale, at f 1.00 for thirteen. Address, ;' W. A. WILBOEN, s Salisbury, N. C. 16:tf V.r & H "W ?A s w trm. w The First ever made from the Sou tli Carolina- 3?hosphater .Its Excellence for All Field Crops is Unsurpassed, ' FOB SALE BY THE Fr.AKCii B. HACKE,!FTe.idcnt, Costtreneaa, l, ck Headachy Cnronlo llaw: t U ImiiurltT cf tb ! lilwow Fever awl T ' caused br D. J .. Of Uw, llowtl and Eldherfc ... 4, W e SWe, sometimes 1 tiaja fck mkr ths Sholder-bladj. ausukea tot, J y.1.""11 V Ws of upprtite ; Bowds' ' rf "siilulil Isw f ssemsty.' accowtpsaisa r" stues aa aitavlua. oft J. atistakea fcr coMamtkiBi the patieM con plains i twsarlscss Md debility; ncivowa.easil; stutiH- ieet cold or ttiirmiKr .tmn: . n' ; . - J u..uu..a m ytiml IM UCIB itm .nim. s I . I J Md.althouiA satisfied that exercise wMddVtS't Cdal, yes oe can hardly ntnimoa tip Jbrthafe ta Jfcai ' rttrHrsVrvesynrptom attend aase.VMeiim. H bars occurred when but few of them eii&ted. ret . examination after death has shown ihc-aUver J . have beeaexteosiTsly deranged. , , .w It ihooM W BHd ly 01 persona, old a4 s yooDg, whenever any oflbo aboTe . j , ' symptoms appear. ' PsrioBi TraTUne or IJvlnt; I t 1' nealUiy 1ocaUUes, by taking dost eccasfeft i any to keep the Liyer in healthy action, wiU avoid . I Malaria, Itlllons atlaeks. Dizziness, NaaJ ' se. Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc.. U ; wiU invigorate like a class of wine, bat la no la-' toxlcatlng beverage. It Tp hT aten anything; hard ot alcestlon, or fed heavy after meals; or sleep. latoigBl.akeUo&anayoiwaibeavd. J4 Tlm aad Doctors' Bills will ho sared - o by always keeping the Regulator . : - v In the nue! ' For, whatever the ailment may be. a thonmighhr ' i safe porjratlTe, alterative and tonle can never dc out of place. The remedy is harmless 4 and does not interfere w ith business or pleasmre. ; - - IT IS PUK1XY VF.OFT ATTI.E, 4 And has all the power and efficacy ut Calomel or - Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. " ' ' A (ktniniai'r TrnHmmi. 'i- ' I Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my -tnily for some time, and I am satisfied it Is a tillable addition to the medical science. -i . nun vali J. Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. lion. Alexander IT. Stephen s, of Gtw - savs: Have derived some ivriffir frnm tm ikm t Simmons Liver Regulator, and .wish to give it a h further trial. "The onl only Thing that , never falls to Bellewe.' " 1 1 have used man v remedies fcr Dva. - pepsia. Liver J mtct Auection ana ueutlitv. but never Simmons Liver Regulator has. 1 sent from Min. . j nesou to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and woul advise all who are siaw. - - -0 ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only thing that never fails to relieve. - i H t P. M. Jannkt, Minneapolis, Mina. Dr. T. W. Mason says t Prom actual ex- perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator ia .,u my practice- I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicux. 'ft fcU-Take only the Oenolnn, which ahvays has on tbe Wrapper ths red Z Trade-Hark., . and Signature of J. H. ZKILIN H CO. ' fORSALg BY ALtyPRtK3ClSTS;3 1 Best io ct. augax, xry xi. W. W. Tatlor, U. J. UosTiAN, Salesmen. . . . . NOTICE. ; II i 1, 1883, by note or account, are hereby notified. do not want to addcst on pur.cu-lsmerv J. R. KEEK, '. Salisbury, II. C. ! . Aral for PHEHIX IEOH'.f ORKS. Emibes. Boilers. SawHills; AST :. . ,t. l i , TURBINE WHEELS. i' , .. . . - ; -n- k ' Also, Contractor andj Builder. t ? t m i V. 71 I . ' - -" ! VAIIDO PHOSPHATE COMPAHY, CIIAHLESTON, S. C. Js 1 a 11 J . Ii conls, T urep -1 v 1 ' 1 ti 1 m 1 ' ; r ; Oct .... w .- f i