.mm H 'r -'Mil A ..-.. .-V- -i t-. v: .:.";.;. .i, ,; , - M -v ':'-rV r1V ;5 : - IJae i. : : -. ! IY (TTi J1 r ! XI?.THIRB SSSI3S SALISBURY. If. C, 1IAECE8, 1883. KO .51 r. The Garpll&a Watchman, ' PiniK.jEpO IX ADVANCE. THE STAREY FIRMAMENT. Tie E . H. f afaer -OBsemtory. at MsSa, Hew-YcrL .L invalida who are recovering vital stamina, declare in grateful terms tbeir apprecia tion of the merits as a tonic, of Ilostetter's Stomach BitterJ.. "Not only docs it impart strength to the weak, but it also corrects an irregular acid state of the stomach, makes the bowels act at proper intervals, gives ease to those 'who suffer from Rheu matic and kidney troubles, and conquers as well as prevents fever and ague. for Sate Dy an iruggiBw uuu xsesucra i generally. X L-M fii or M iM Mill ife ....u-.':-.;t -H'.V;1 rotm8ter Ueucrul; ns a .last resonrce, I Piedmont Prcm' Iter. HW;Ita8 wbo was nuoai 10 iniu-rf n periecteu lti two I ""vi io inoKnry laat Liil from Guilford 91 c AD AM ItOADS. The almost impa&blecoutIitiun which haa chamctM izml our streut for the laat thirty da.vs nr more, linaj made the qiira-r tiou of their improvement a pertinent ntul interesting one to many of oar peo ple. The article from, the Scientific . r i - :.. l l? 1 . ;n l . r I . .i American wnicn we pnoiisn, win oe oi n ..,,.. fWilt. Sm.....t nt.. interest to our citiccus generally, but ter) comsolulates foonest of all, but is nor more especially to our; city authoritiM. t,,e most lastin2 . ttlt. Debblcs of Shroiv- .:. w . - - " t fcliiie rand Stafford shire were also good month, in 1816, Tor 55 a milej Indeed, as to materials, they were to some extent a matter of indifference to him. provided they were stones, and stones only (Essex and Sussex), he said, made an excellent road, if only broken properly ' small ; J rtieroan from Hampton. Mr. Snth Car oiiaa. - connty, dml at hi residence Thursdar ereoing at 70 o'clock. - It i related thst Senator TnW, of Cl orado, rilncr to make his maiden speech. Fniu; -air.' rreoiuenr. I paired with the "John Loudon McAdam, nccordin; to his own account, came to Scotland front America iu 178:), when 5 the Scotch Turn pike' Acts had been about tweuty years in operution and roads were still being made everywhere. Hej got appoiuted a I Coinnns.siotier of Roads, and afterward removed to liristo), where he obtained a similar post and was made a magistrate. Gifted with a mania on the subject, hej bejjan nbont 1794 to' travel over the country at his own cost; and these la bors he continued from; Inverness to the Laud's End for 26 years, apparently to search for a well made road. and the beach pebbles of Essex, Kent and Snssex were some of the beat mate rials in the kingdom ; but the whinstone or grabite of the north and of Scotland he pronounced the most durable. Even iu the breaking of stones McAdam made !a revolution. He saw that able- bodied men standing up with heavy ham 'Pa. is it riclit to mil a man lmm in Poland, a Pol f ' "Of course, mr child. "Well, then, if a man is Wn in Holland, is he a Hole V "Tnt. tnt ! I'll answer no more of your sillv nnestion "-irbwriVr Journal, A n evidence of the fact thnt China is proeresRinir. it is riven ont that Mr.! Yonnjr Winsr who graduated Tears asro at TsTe i College, has been appointed taetsi of the eitv ofShmghai. Taotai is the ishort for Chief. Matrmrate. Mr. Wine, is aflhria- mers wasted the gmiter portion of their UinJT5tn hristain wife. though he preser- w ins iiirniiicu nnine. RtrengJ.li. He made his stone-breakers sit, so! that all the fore of the blows took direct effect on the stoue ; and the result was that he found small hammers did tlte work perfectly well, and thus was en is no less man men are in prison charged with being concerned in the mnrder of Cavendish and Secretary Burke in Phoenix Park. Scotland, and McAdam's plau .of road-making iif- abled to confine it to old men past harif developments seem not vet at an end. fered as much from the old way which he found in operation as a bridge does from a torn. lusteaa or going ueep tor a j "bottoming," he worked .solely on the top. instead of producing a peaked, roof-like mass of rough, soft rubbish, he get a flat, smooth and solid surface. In lieu of a road four feet and a half through, ! he made one of at most ten inches in : thickness, and for rocks and bowlders he ! substituted stones brokeu small. His : leading principle was that a road ought . to be consideretl an artificial flooring, so stroiifir and even as to let the heaviest labor,: women and boys, which reduced J The excitement incident to the unfolding the cost of tlio broken stone by oue-half. I of the great crime is great. The size to which the stone should be detenu i nod in a practical way by tine area oC contact of au ordiuarj wheel with a smooth road. This' he fouud to Ik; about an inch lengthwise, and therefore he laid it down that "a- stone winch ex- Norfelk Landmark sars: "To build forts require much time and large expenditures. Tarpedo boati cost little, and are our only hope. That they may be efficient, it is important tney snouia do at everyoint of attack on our coast. How shall they d of end us in time of need? Will it not 1m 1 ceeds au inch in any of its dimensions is channel, free from the danger of Hatteras mischievous," that is to say, that tho and the coast of North Carolina? If so should Congress not at once provide for the extension of our inland route from North Carolina to the South'. der of roads thirty and forty feet wide rirting only three inches iu the center, and he propounded ! the extraordinary heresy that a better and more Listing road could me made over the nakel sur- Within the past few years there has been a marked increase in the inter- vehicle pass over it without impediment. est taken tn the study of astronomy, and, as a consequence, more discoveries . ; Then people began to hear with won- have been made than ever before within the same period ot tune. Among the! number of independent workers may be noted the following; Mr. Burn ham, of Chicago, with only a six inch telescope, has discovered over one thousand double tstars wholly! new to science. -Air. Barnard, of Nashevllle, Tenn., with a five inch instrument.. has discovered two comets, both within ci t . i . k . k i at.. r i ri.i me pasi year, iror. ocnaeoerie, oi-auu iaroor ; air. nruoKs, 01 i ueips, faco of a mo,aMs than oversold rock. N. Y. and Mr. Wells, of Albany, have all made cometary discoveries of u Another of his easy first principles was important nature. Prof. Swft, of Rochester, has discovered two in trainer- that the native soil was more resistuut curial planets, several new neb ilae, and seven comets, for which ho has been vhen d thau wen and that aJ in awartleil three German medals and the L1el.f-11.de prize ot thd kronen AadJ- renlitv it had to carrv not alone the my of Sciences. Pnf. Hall, of W asiitnton, is the discoverer of both of the traffic but the road it ought to be moons of Mars, and Prof. Boud of the eighth satellite aud transparent ring kept in a co,,ditiou of the greatest re- f&kY" oioaiuui. sistance ; that the best way of keeping it Many fine private-observatories have been erected recently in various parts . to lmt 0vr it a coterin"- imner- BOOTS SHttks A. GAITERS, made to 0f America, among the number being Pnif. Draper s, at Hastings, N. 1. ; . . -uthe road in fact and order. AllNm Klfeirst Class Seventeen Years Ex- . ,.-, . , . i i r l r e t i p i xt v I. n . ,,n 10 rain me iuhu, in uici , nnu nce.Ati Maleriaiot the best grade, and wort Prof. Morrison's, at Glasglow, Mo., and Prof. Rutherford', New York. By t,i? thickneM of this covering wa8 wheel iu pressing on cue end of it tends to lift the other end out of the road. In practice Ire fouud it simplest to fix a weight of six ounces, and his surveyor)? The Philadelphia Times makes the fol- tlm inrwRi 4 very appropriate remarKs: "lhe ,. it ,.i ?urk of the Supreme C btouvo ... cucu neap, no ouiu uuuw uu fees amounted to $29,000 last i vcar, has largo stones even for the foundation of been put upon an annual salarv of $5,000 in his roads, for he found they constantly I lhe new appropriation bill. This would in-wui-lcml imwaril l.v thn nrPRaiiiii and Ci- icate that a comjuittee of one hundred has bratipn of the traffic. The whole road was i small broken stones, even over swampy ground." St. James Gazette ueea aoing some lng-needed woik in Washington. It seems scarcely proper to pay a Clerk of the Supreme Court almost iour iimes as mucn as a Judge Improved Papier Maciib Process'. A durable aud inexpensive method of PlIOTOGRAPIlIXO A. CofET's TAIL.-r Dr. Gill, at the Cape of Good Hope employing papier mache as a substitute I succeeded in photographing the comet's iimp in tin lAtestaJt vies I i .1 ; .-f Kn 1. I- l.n ,n tfUiv&y on hpairing wruie nnesi private msi ui U1, ui ' w.c w.,,u, nuuc.t-., to be regulated solely in relation to its . wii) "...v,. . . . " "r- i iv ariier vjoservaiorv. at xiwucMcr, j. ., i nmuu me uuutc mmu.uiuu . . WXXX. UX. iiagio. I , 11 r t i m, . . , mi tru ioukhcm, " c v - I . a. i 1. ... Im m nl inrv a ojmtd 1 itiot t n-i rt W il r t . y' ii. v i rCDreScniS lilt! IICW JllHi tviiaviiu lino iwotiuiucui io iuwiv, ly tilled. stay. 8UC1 i - I . ; -. i and not at all as to its v r r" ai rrl i f u c elt iili tin 1 1 1T a m uvn I tuu ui v ' v aj v-i s,nw umii than twenty-two leet m length, is ctxnpost-U ol stieet steel ami brass, is driven .. . , Tnmtf, nf AhttMniv fablespooufal of ground alum these being ... i :.i .1 I uiorouuuir mueu. vr iui tins unots uio A trench, theffore, to do away with the M uuJiforni,y coated and npon this a surface of tho native soil, he carefully I thickness of Manilla or hardware paper is respected it, and raised his road aufh- j placed, or if two layers are desired, a sec- for mattings, carpets, oil cloths, and oth er floor coverings has been introduced says the Providence Journal, the simplic ity of the process being also an additional advantage iu its favor. After the floor has been thoroughly cleansed the holes and cracks are then tilled with paper put tv. make bv soakini? newsnaner in anaste made of wheat flonr, water, and ground wner of Fauquier county, Va., says he has alum, that is, to one pound of such flour iQ his possession a natual curiosity in the are added three quarts of water aud a "hape of a mouse, that sings, chirps tail and with it fifty stars that were een through the tail. The plate was exposed 140 minnres, and was kept up to tho mo tion of the earth bj clock woi k. VinoijriA Mouse Story. Mr. Robert Beverly, a well known resident and land Eradicates MALARIA, ; DARBY3 PROPHYLACTIC fluid: XXovaahold Artlel for Ualvaraal Family Ua. For Scarlet mmd Typhoid V ever a, Diphtheria, 8all- vatlon. Ulcerated SorwTbroat, Small ' Pox, Meaalea, aad. ' A- Penoftt vraitin a ' th Skk should om it frcdy. Scarlet Fevwkas tvw beca kaowa to spread vkere lb Fluid was j used. Yellow Few has beca cored with it altar j ao taaao piaetv Tba ot i SStAXt-POX and ' A nnno or sman Fox PREVENTED A awnber of my &m Oy was takea wita SmaS-pox. , 1 aaedtaa Fluid: tha patient waa met delirious, waa us pitted, aad was aboat W ovored and Sick Fer- " boos rebesaed aad - Bfd Sores prevent ed by bathing with Darby Fluid. Isapare Atr nude harmless and. purified. For Sore Throat U is a sure cure. Conta-rloa destroyed. For Fronted - Feet, Ohllblalns, Files, Chafing, cte. Vk.nn..l. I Soft White ComDlc'x- Pbiladrrphia. 1 ii : . r 1 Ship Fever prerented. To purify the Breach Cleanse the Teeth it can't be surpassed. Catarrh rcUered aad cured. Erysipelas cured. Boras relicTcdiutaatly. Boara-prcrentea. the KouM anda ia thrae weeks, and no others had It. I. W. Paiut. ; Dipttieria t ! Provented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. Aa Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. Samo roau, Eyrie, Ala. "X r. Scarlet Fever (hired. The physicians acre use Darbvs Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. STOLLXHwaacK. ! Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. L vnoiera prevented. Ulcers purioad aad - healed. Ia eases of Death a) should be nsed about the corpse it wiU; prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent ihy. slcian, MARION 8LMaM. IX, New York, says: "I aai convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant. Tanderbllt University, Nashville, Term. I testify to the most excellent qualities of ProC Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lurrow, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid Is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. SnrHSNS, of Georgia; Rev. Chas. F. Dbbms, D.P Church of the Strangers, N. Y.: " Jos. LaCoirrs, Columbia, rVof.,Urdversit.S.C. Rev. A. J. Batth, Prof. Mercer University; Rev. Gbo. F. Pibhcs. Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY IIOMB. Perfectly harmless. Used internally Or externally for Man or Beast. -j. The Fluid has been thoroughly rested, aad we have abundant evidence thaeithns rtnos lihiee here claimed. For fuller infiarmaUoo cat af wtm Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. IirZEILIN CO.. : - Mamifactnnng Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. Fe. 3, 83. r-' Hi rnTI 0 ITli 177 fiTl c'oc wor toexactLv e(l"a' tlie eartls axial motion, and mounted in the flin 11 fiJ I A Y I lln mo8t modern and improved style. It is capable of magnifying 2,500diame LiUljlL U 1 11 1 JjUlL ters, thus bringing the moon within nine miles of tho earth. The entire cost HAVING PURCHASED ' ' ' 'f THE . 1 - f OF , ' WM.BMITHDEALi ' AS W R. R AS THE INTEREST OF of the telescope and observatory in which it 18 mounted exeeeus 1UU,UU0. The Warner Observatory was erected from the private purse of -Mr. H. H. Warner, proprietor of the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and other remedies, who has also endowed and furnUhed.it most libentllv. In addition thereto he has paid out several thousand dollars in prize 'for the discovery of comets and meteors, which has doubtle&j greatly stimulated the discoveries to which reference lias been made. -With the zeal shown in the exploration of the heavens, and the improve ments bein made in the means of observation, we are Learning new facts every day about tbe bodies moviug in the vast expanse of space, of which " J. 1 f 1 . . 1. .L! 1.1 IT..1 heretolore only proiessionai astronomers Kuew anymmg, anti iney uui nine. The time will come when we will know many things about them where we now have only conjecture. Tlie Itev. W. J. Maxwell ou Tal- tuagre aud lieecher. y - From the British JournaL As for Dr. Tal range, speaklnp: of him rilii8 official capacity, I regard him as a mere periormer on me iignt iopc u uitruo of vulgar theatrical sensatiohalism vrho never gets into the pulpit without out raging botli taste ana reverence. America, 1 hardly ever heard the name of Dr. Talniage mentioned; and when I did, always unfavorably, llisv readers there are very tew luaeeu. s Did I hear Beecher! Yes; and I would almost rather not give iny ppiuion. In one word, I was utterly, painfully disap pointed. Not to 6peak ot tlio uniitiing, which is a barn-like, uueomfortablo lok ing structure, both outside land iusidr, or of Uie congregation, which I can well of and has the other peculiarities of the bird kind, minus the feathers and conformation. It warbles similar to a mocking bird and its notes are of equal sweotness to either that or tne canary. ; We customer CRAYFORTja CO., arcj-uow nrenared- to sunnlv our AGE i all kinds of r CpTORAL IMPLEMENTS, Crawford, Of tlie firm Of believe has wholly changed fits jcrsojiei witlilU tlte last ten oriiueeu c.us , vi w the choir who look like "professionals," and sing like "professionals j" or of Mr. Ittxrlier'a nnnearance. which is rather unspirited let me sity that5 the service was exceedingly unsatisfactory. Tho opening prayer consisted of two parts, the first being au enlargement and repe tition of "may we strive after develop ment." In the second, tlio Hearer of Prayer was favored with a cento of scraps rather uninteresting, from the life of the reverend gentleman. The; prayer was long, and every-few seutence the Beech erisni would come up in thejforui of pass in " moraliziug8 or reflections and fautas tie'eouceits, iu which "he flew off, and into strange vagnries fell." ! In going to Plymouth clrurch, we had expected to hear some error" and more; eccentricity, but had hoped that this would be raeie alloy ,-iningling with the gold ; had taken it for granted that the gold of original Tn r ' s i i . i atiu true vuouijiit, ui hcou lillle aUd Blasting Powder illustration, of beautiful ' Knd inspiring sentiments wouiu iar ouiwtpigo w tt8Cl cientlv above it to let the water ran off. Impermeability he obtained by the prac tical discovery .that stones broken small and shaken and pressed together, as by the traffic on a mad, rapidly settled down face to face and angle to angle, and made as close a mass as a wall. Man kind iu general now believe is all that McAdam inveuted forgotteu. That important faction of his discoveries is what has given to us the verb to macadamize ("To pave a road with small broken stones. Skeat), and and to the French their nouns inacadam ' 'lNom tTun parage inrente jntr mm An glais." Littre), macadamising and the verb macadamiser. If a man is knocked ond covering of Miste is spread on ! the first layer of Manilla paper, aud then the second thickness of paper is put on, and the whole allowed to become perfectly dry ; on this being accomplised another surface of paste is added, sarceedod by a layer of wall paper of any style or pattern desired. Ou the work tecoming entirely dry, it is covered with two or more coats Farmers Wro. Observe. For the far mers the golden rule of protection is to sell their surplus products ia the cheapest mar kets and to bay whatever they want, such as farming toots, clothing, sugar, salt, lum ber, etc., etc., in the dearest market. Free trade makes the price of what they have to apll in 'Rnrrlnnrt unrl nmttvtirtn fir fa th that this lsist I of sizing, made by dissolving one-half price of what they buy in America. Jbcit ; tho rest is pound of white glue In two quarts of hot n (Mich.) Patriot. water, and wheu this has dried, a coat of "hard oil finish varnish," nothing more being required after the latter has had time to become thoroughly dry iu every part. The Great Wall of. China. An American engineer who, being engaged in the construction of a railway in China, lias liol unnAonllv favorable orrnortuui- imp IIUU mM"--j - t down by an omnibns, in the middle of ties of examining the famous Great Wall, the boulevard, a Parisian bvstander will built to obstruct the incursions of the rni -a,ri. iZTit macadam. mle8 long 18 feet wide, and 15 feet thick Snrnriae followed surmise. Roads at the ton. The foundation throughout IS Ol SOIIU granite, UIO rcuiwinuc. ui wm which were mere layers of broken stone, pact masonry. At intervals of between Ki ln addition to the Selected Stock of ARE iu the ST ATE. Best -I? i i Hf.vat.D-W We also handle an ti ll FUSE d a ful line otMining Supplies.- 3: Dtapl We wUl icate Any Prices in the State. " CALL iND SEE US SAli'L TAYLOB SOtly . - i . t a l 1 metal. Instead of tins we got leeuie uau bliug against the doctriues of justifica ti.m i, fuifli. flinniant dealincs with the . . i r 1 rfi.L- . .-am Ann majesty ol tno noiy tuuuj, obsolete sneers at the hell affirmed by Jesus Christ, and low cheap jokes lugged iir by the back door. ! But then the "house" must be amused at any cost. Yes, taste may b revolted, -..th mav be outraged, 'piety may be I . i i. t. i( ,nna.l m not. IkA nmns- SllOCKeu, UUfc mo iiwm - - ed : and then Mr. Beecher sfull hi humor and "infinite jest," and, ) besides, good tnr.illv nholisheJ everlasting punish ment teu years ago, as he ideclared from the pulpit the very Sabbath before I left I a morirfi. And. I am sorry to say. a nuni- i ber were amused and laughed. j . I Will the pastor of Plymouth church and the meu antLwomeu ne is uecetviug laugh a huudred years hence! , ; j Falsification of Brandy. A lnnicu table picture has been drawn in a recent report of the Americnn Consul at Rochelle of the falsification of brandy, which, it ap'pcars, ii the last three years has uudergoue'a complete transformation and is no longer brandy, the greater por tion being prepared from alcohol of grain, potatoes or lcet. The most unsatisfacto ry circumstance is that eveu merchants 8ix, four, and even as little as three tvro hundred and three hnudred yards who desire to purchase a pure cognac can- inches in thickness, passed through the towers rise up twenty -five to forty feet A 1 . An.fin 41 . ea 4- fllsttV tflfl tlC sVll i Ills a, !..4..M asi1sAtif IvvAAt'ilifff llTi hurh. and twentr-four feet in diameter. noi uv cci umu niciw t..j wonsb wiuurrB- niuniim wiwhviu6 "fl" :i . 11 nnA on lwtli airljs proprietor, of the vineyards, all of whom while, as the coachman used to say, th.y "Au"l ma8onrr ftrapets, to euaUe the are distillers, have become so clever in rau true; the wheel .ran hard upon defenders to pass unseen from one .tower : ..a 1 4 . tselt is carriea irom perfectly straight line srvl.sei-tn unit AVMrillllla - . i n -" iuii vMiiivMniitB it aiuo nuu w The mention of the years 1849 they saw new roads made lor mucii less -y the slightest regard to tho Con ines thonsand idg- bauks towers The Scotch Puke of Athol is probably tho most extensive tree planter iu the world. During his life the Duke has planted 27,000.000 sprouts, covering 15, 000 acres of his private estate. Philadel phia Press. We copy this for the lesson it contains. Here is an example set by a nobleman that all American farmers miuht follow with profit to themselves aud the coun try. Wil. SfVir. rami! Med!! "-T The attention of Farmers and the nener- le a a. m. t . . . tu puuuc is caueu io me iaci inat T. J. MORGAN Has opened a First Class 'FAMILY GRO CERY STORE, next door to Blackmer &' Taylor's Hardware, where he will keep a' full 1 ine of fresh goods, such as FlourMeal, Bacon, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, &c , ' , Also a fresh and complete stock of OIVFECTIOi EIHES and Faacy Groceries. li ?J Will pay the highest cash prices for But ter, Eggs, Chickens, and all saleable coun try products. P"-..., - January 18, 1883. : ""'Ia:3m. NATIONAL HOTEL, c SALISBURY, IT. C, . ' . MRS. DR. BEEVES, Formerly proprietress of this well known House, has again leased it,, and will be pleased to see her many patrons when they visit Salisbury. " Citizens wanting the Omnibus may leave orders for it at this House: ' Jau'y 15, 1883. 14in' The One-Price Store ! are distillers, have become so clever in rau true; the wheel .ran hard upon defenders to pass unset the manipulation of alcohols and I tire ac- tjicin it ran upon the nail." Commis- toanother. The wall it companying drugs that they deliberately , . . fc oiDl to point iu a perj make a brandy of any loquircd year or soneis couiu not, ueucve 3 1 valleys aud plai " ir .1... 1 o in . 1 . onn. nr mails iii(Ia Trr nincll lARA ......jw t quality. m - m a r a 1 . i av or 17U, lor instance, in au invoice or on than it liau cose i mem yen w topnu fi.nrflt nn Qr the erounu : somen a label, means simply that the article is tl o1j onej, when an old road was I nliinirinir down iuto abysaes a nresnmed to have tlie tast or color of the . . . ... x.jkAn,,a i,or(T. i1K Tin f,t deen. Brooks and rivers aro bi brandies of those years. The increased B' ,ulw v""' " eT over bv the wall, while on both importation of German potatoe and beet maue a new ouu tu i. . . flaukinff I aeawV I BE1LE11 LEADING DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND GROCERIES t FULL STOCK OF FURHISHIKG GOODS. BOOTS ADD SHOES A SPECIALITY I .i...i...io inrn tlio f!liare.uto norts is an ad- tvIiiIa round London the cost ot annual Ilitional proof that the less brandy that is repairs had been i470 a mile. Fir ho consumed, the better for the health aud "kiew that tho road such as had been iuSe'r!Lft .tom . 1 the ignorant waste-generally contained sell the brandy in 12 bottle cases, marked materials enongh for their nse for several are placed. 1 a m .... n n trw itix I S a a r t a" - I nrtliAl 1 nlIL'fl T II A I with one, two or inree uie years u projieriy ipinv.. w... I r:,if r fi , i : . i.,.. n v . v . . . . I rresitieuw oi u the presnmeu qu.unj, tu .vr.u.u UJ road was uopt(ies8, lie went to woik iu a i fc g compromising menuon , j, chcap way . fir8t cutting off the lformatitm piouuciion. . .. it ... t,t i:..ti t .nii in t!i AAtilAr ''fo a I Iia lrwA not in iuip6rt the small raisins irom me x.asr, s- - . ------ " " - ani mako what t hev call brandy Ii-om the level with the bottom 01 tue mrrows, Why Mr. Davis Send in His Resig nation. Washington, Feb. 27. It is IUlinvn(l that the announcement by Judge v ... . s Vnr nuria tli.it he will resiirn the omco or uiee, there being at least one such estab lishment in operation at Uognac. Apart from the unsatisfactory purchase of a brandy which ii not brandy, drinkers should seriously consider what the prop erties of the liquid which they aro so complacently imbibing. It is simply ail active poison, the imported alcohol, which is known to the trade as "trois tix," being of 90 strength, and sold at a little less thau three francs a gallon. Its character istic effect is to produce an intoxication in which the patient is especially inclined to rage anT physical violence, while in sanity, of .au obstinate aud almost hope less form, is the inevitable consequence of a prolouged use of it. It is said that of violence and brutish lliu glint .-- f j crimes iu France may be traced to tl drinking of IMS uranuy auu aoeiuui The slang term for a glass of cognac nn petrole, aud for coffee with cognac, k grand deuil. Not oulyin France, butjfr other conutries, and even iu the Unit States, these liquor are producing a coi dition ofjiatioiial alcoholism of the woif1 kind, far bevoud the ordinary diuukefet ness atising'from unadulterated yitoxiojat tiug drink. Scientific America. LARGE STOCK OF RUBBER COATS & SHOES. Agents for Coats' 's Spool Cotton. Full Assortment of. GZjASS A ivm TAHTiS TKTjL.TVX2m - 150 Bushels EARLY NORTHERN SEED-POTATOES, Just in. V. ie Senate pro tempore, at "Best Flour, Meal, Oat Meal, Buck-Wheat Flour, Meats, Sugar, Coffees, Teas, luce -. turdav. was prompted by TTm;n fln'fo Tii.a TorJ Pnrn Aoft Pr.n ftvnins tLWk foil T V iltM tit NV ; from President Arthur that ' ' r7. ,n tend to convene the Senate urieans jaoiasses, e. touec noasieu or unxu-sv i w i ivuu. session on the 5th of March. It 3 xb. Cans Tomatoes at 15 cts. Best 10 ct. Sugar, Try At. XAT k 11 . SI .1 tt.Aa .a ykoan no anvnnAin tnirn Wo KlIV Snrl AA all A" " "in nnnnsition to nromut ' M ""J " 3 funr inches, removiuit all the chalk, clay, I fi.Q ii.tinn of & Rennblican Seuator aa 1 kinds of Country Produce. Give us a trial. W. WTasXOB, - w I illV Vaw.v 1 - I or mud, breakiug the large stones small, President pro tern., altuougu 11 no caucas ,1 - ..r I IS UHUeiswwu then plCKIUg UlW ivau " J' w u uvjrvu v. ' I - ' . . ' , . - ii 1.: t. and simply puttihg them back again, and JW . r,r, nfl.ia direction to his workmen was "irLZV "ri..t i.r that "nothing is tobe laid on the clean stone on pretence of binding." But too often the road was so bad, as at Egham, that it had tP bo removed to its founda tions. chosen President, and that tho other officers of the Senate will uoiu meir po sitions until December. Unused Wateu Power or North Carolina.--Recently, in Cougress, Sena- D. J. Bostiax, Salesmen. F.lfK- NOTICE All persons indeMrtl to us liefore Jan. 1, 1883, by note or acconnt, are hereby notified that they must rail at once and settle. We do not want to add cost on our customers, but we must have our luonny. mmm-. KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN. FeU 14, 1883. For tho repairs of his road, when once tor Vance, of North Carolina read from a made, ho always chose wot weathor, and report of the late Professor Kerr, geoloj "loosened tho hardened surface with a gfgt cf that State, an estimate of the uu pick" before putting on the fresh broken agetl water power of North Carolina riy- ijitig--eiV-s-6iur.noneU to ns now, The mam streams uavt ttu wsK-uy Tho property has au old, establish j,r. eni, cf 3,300 miles, with an aver- putAtioni Upon it there are seven defife,e R fall of teu feet to the mile, giving ji veius, all of which have boen r4ar poWer of 3,300,000. Tho numerous or lesa explored. Of these Tetrd trjbatarie aro not included iu thia esti- threo run with! tho formation and ?r. ate The wasted water power of the called right running veins two cae I ctato rivals the estimated engine powers these in oblique lines, while tne reuwru- . . !!.. Mntif rnnninff fR. ingtwo crusa f"" wo"" 7io nt ri"ht amrles. This meeting anucn 6 skationary and locomotite of Great Bri- j FT taiu. J Salisbury, IT. C. ' . '. Aient for PHffilul TROH WORKS, Bliies,' Boilers, Saw'Uflb. - --":-. AND " ' ' ' I TURBINE WHEELS. Also. Contractor an i Builder. V a.5,,-ll V ! - s v t I hv - .JJ' ing of veius in one hill storeagrcai, -